diff --git a/smkridge/204/ariston.html b/smkridge/204/ariston.html
index 510c1d38e..d6bfa51e3 100644
--- a/smkridge/204/ariston.html
+++ b/smkridge/204/ariston.html
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ Dig</a>]. Not surveyed in 2000.</p>
 <div class="centre">
 <h3><a id="survey">Survey</a></h3>
-<img style="padding: 2pt; border: 2px solid #000" src="smallsurveys/ariston.png" alt="Survey" /></div>
+<img style="padding: 2pt; border: 2px solid #000" src="smallsurveys/ariston.png" alt="Survey of ariston area" /></div>
 <hr />
diff --git a/smkridge/204/razordance.html b/smkridge/204/razordance.html
index 9da59a915..d7defc221 100644
--- a/smkridge/204/razordance.html
+++ b/smkridge/204/razordance.html
@@ -94,20 +94,22 @@ to the previous south-westerly line of the passage.  After a few metres, a climb
 at a corner if followed by a squeeze to reach the head of <b><a id="holyhandgrenade">
 The Holy Hand Grenade</a></b> (p3), an irritating little pitch with an awkward pitch-head.
 8 metres further on are a pair of short, splashy pitches separated by a wet ledge: 
-<b><a id="unicum">Unicum</a></b> (p7) and <b><a id="zwack">Zwack</a></b> (p5).  The next 
+<b><a id="unicum">Unicum</a></b> (p7) and <a id="zwack"><b>Zwack</b></a> (p5).  The next 
 100m of passage is a ruler-straight muddy rift running to the south-west.  After some 
 narrow sections it is possible to climb up into a large roof tube, which gradually 
-descends to a balcony overlooking the final sump, <b><a id="nowbethankful">Now Be 
-Thankful</a></b>.  Here the wind from Razordance goes up a large aven above the sump 
+descends to a balcony overlooking the final sump, <a id="nowbethankful"><b>Now Be 
+Thankful</b></a>.  Here the wind from Razordance goes up a large aven above the sump 
 [C2007-204-?? X], while a long bolted traverse, mostly on the left-hand wall, gains 
-access to <a href="#silkroad"><b>The Silk Road</b></a>.</p>
+access to <a href="#silkroad"><b>The Far East</b></a>.</p>
+<h1>The Far East</h1>
 <h3><a id="silkroad">The Silk Road</a></h3>
 <p>A slippery climb down from the traverse over the sump (an extra bolt would be 
 a good idea) gains a keyhole-shaped inlet passage with an elliptical roof tube 
 and narrow floor trench.  Like Razordance, the passage draughts towards the 
-sump.  The passage runs south-east along the strike for about 30m before 
+sump.  The passage here is The Silk Road, and runs south-east along the strike for about 30m before 
 turning north-east and heading up-dip in a series of steep meanders for a 
 short distance.  An unpleasant 3m climb up marks a return to south-easterly 
 progress.  The passage briefly splits, with the stream flowing through a pool 
@@ -132,40 +134,70 @@ the foot of Carry-on up the Khyber</i>.  To the left, The Silk Road continues as
 left [C2007-204-?? A].  After 60m, a gap between boulders leads into a 30m-wide 
 chamber, <b><a id="forbidcity">The Forbidden City</a></b>.</p>
-<p>The Forbidden city is a fine boulder-strewn chamber of fine
+<p>The Forbidden city is a boulder-strewn chamber of fine
 dimensions, reminiscent of Knossos in Kaninchenh&ouml;hle, sloping
-upwards to the North west and the exit into the Gobi Desert. Near the
-lowest point, (below and to the right of the Carry-on up the Khyber
-entrance) is a rocky crawl which leads into a wide but choked space
+upwards to the North west and the exit into the Gobi Desert. Near, but below
+and to the right of the Carry-on up the Khyber
+entrance, is a rocky crawl which leads into a wide but choked space
 below the Carry-on up the Khyber passage. There is at least an aural
-connection up to that passage. In the Southern corner of The Forbidden
-City is [C2007-204-?? X].</p>
+connection up to that passage. This may be the closest point to Siberia in 
+Kaninchenh&ouml;hle, but is clearly a long-term dig. 
+In the Southern corner of The Forbidden City is [C2007-204-?? X].</p>
+<h3><a id="gobitrail">The Gobi Trail</a></h3>
-<h3><a id="gobidesert">The Gobi Desert</a></h3>
 <p>A large (8m wide) bouldery passage leads off from the upper end of The Forbidden
 City heading steadily uphill and north-north-west. There is one
-notable climb up a large sloping rock which needs a little care. After 90m a passage leads off
-to the right ("Silkworm"), and then the passage drops to being a crawl
-to reach a complex T-junction after 110m. To the
-left is <a id="entertheflagon">Enter the Flagon</a>. To the right a
-rocky passage carrying a strong draught leads downhill and south to join up with
-Silkworm after 20m at a 90left corner. This</p>
+notable climb up a large sloping rock which needs a little care (handline). 
+Just after the climb a passage leads off
+to the right ("Silkworm"), which is the quickest way to <a href="#crouchingtiger"><b>Crouching Tiger</b></a>. The main passage drops to being a low crawl
+to reach a complex T-junction 110m from The Forbidden City. Down to the
+left is <a id="entertheflagon"><b>Enter the Flagon</b></a>. To the right a
+rocky passage carrying a strong draught leads downhill and south into the <a id="crouchingtiger">Crouching tiger</a>.
+Straight on is a small passage [C2007-204-37 B].</p>
+<h3><a id="silkworm">Silkworm</a></h3>
+<p>A short passage connecting the <a href="#gobitrail"><b>Gobi Trail</b></a> 
+to <a href="#crouchingtiger"><b>Crouching Tiger</b></a>, shortcutting the 
+crawling and complex junction at the end of the Gobi Trail. Halfway along is a 
+6m aven [C2007-204-34 X]. At the same point there is a tight connection to near 
+the start of <a href="#crouchingtiger"><b>Crouching Tiger</b></a>.</p>
+<h3><a id="crouchingtiger">Crouching tiger</a></h3>
+<p></p>A tight passage on the right apparently connects into silkworm (aural connection?).
+After 40m at a 90left corner is the junction with <a href="#silkworm"><b>Silkworm</b></a> (off to the right).
 <p>Beyond here the passage is full of unusally fine light-coloured
-sand, from which the area gets its Gobiu Desert name. It is
+sand, from which the area gets the Gobi Trail name. It is
 comfortable but not particularly large, with some crawling and
-stooping where the sand fills much of the passage. [C2007-204-?? C]
-and [C2007-204-?? B] are along here.</p>
+stooping where the sand fills much of the passage. [C2007-204-32 C]
+and [C2007-204-33 B] are along here.</p>
 <p>After 70m an aven 20m+ high is reached where water can be heard at
-the end of the rift [C2007-204-?? C]. The strong breeze continues down
-the passage ("Crouching Tiger") which now gets rather smaller being
+the end of the rift [C2007-204-35 C]. The strong breeze continues down
+the passage which now gets rather smaller being
 stooping and crawling all the way. It winds for 90m to a short 2m drop
 into a small chamber where there is a 4-way junction. A crawl leads off
-uphill to the left (East) with a strong outward draught[C2007-204-??
-A]. A keyhole passage comes in from the South [C2007-204-??
+uphill to the left (East) with a strong outward draught[C2007-204-42
+A]. A keyhole passage comes in from the South [C2007-204-43
 A], up which most (all?) of the draught goes. And a low passage heads down to
-the West [C2007-204-?? B]. </p>
+the West [C2007-204-44 B].</p>
+<h3><a id="entertheflagon">Enter the Flagon</a></h3>
+<p>Left at the end of the Gobi Trail is <a href="#crouchingtiger"><b>Enter the Flagon</b></a>. 50m of passage leads
+past a climb [C2007-204-37 B] on the right and [C2007-204-38 C] on the left]
+to a point where a vadose canyon intersects. 5m back from this junction is a
+short loop looking over the canyon passage. It contains [C2007-204-39 B] on
+the right. Right (up) along the canyon leads to a 6m aven,
+reasonably climbable with some gear [C2007-204-40-B]. Left leads, via a climb
+down, to a continuing rift which heads towards the left zipper/right zipper
+area in Razordance. The phreas clearly continues over the top of the vadose
+canyon [C2007-204-41-B] but it would require some effort to reach it.</p>
+<div class="centre">
+<h3><a id="survey">Survey</a></h3>
+<img style="padding: 2pt; border: 2px solid #000" src="smallsurveys/fareast.png" alt="Survey" /></div>
 <hr />
diff --git a/smkridge/204/smallsurveys/fareast.png b/smkridge/204/smallsurveys/fareast.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ad127f85
Binary files /dev/null and b/smkridge/204/smallsurveys/fareast.png differ