This commit is contained in:
Philip Sargent 2019-12-16 15:02:47 +00:00
commit d5326668a3
4 changed files with 40 additions and 19 deletions

Binary file not shown.


(image error) Size: 158 KiB

@ -25,7 +25,11 @@ The <i>expo laptop</i> uses <a href="">Debian<
<h3>Software</h3><a href=""><img src="" hspace="20" align="right" width="300"></a>
<p></a>Long-standing Expo policy is to retain absolute control of all software and all data. So we use <a href="">FOSS software</a> and we store data in text files not in a database. You can use other software on your own machine if it is format-compatible and exports data in the formats we want, but all the recommended software here is open source and please don't install proprietary software on the '<em>expo laptop</em>'.</p>
<p></a>Long-standing Expo policy is to retain absolute control of all software and all data.
So we use <a href="">FOSS software</a>.
You can use other software on your own machine if it is format-compatible and exports data in the formats we want,
but all the recommended software here is open source (and please don't install proprietary software on the '<em>expo laptop</em>').</p>
<p>The list of software:
@ -35,11 +39,12 @@ The <i>expo laptop</i> uses <a href="">Debian<
<li><a href="">mercurial</a> - distributed version control system (to be deprecated during 2020)
<li><a href="../fzconfig.html">Filezilla</a> - ftp GUI software with a configuration file to get to the expo server
<li><a href="">Survex</a>, including the Aven visualisation tool.
<li><a href="">Tunnel</a>: a Java 2.5D cave drawing program surveys based on Survex-compatible data which can also read PocketTopo files. (Generally called 'tunnel' even though the project and executable is actually 'tunnelx'.)
<li><a href="">Tunnel</a>: 2.5D cave drawing program based on Survex-compatible data which can also read PocketTopo files. (Generally called 'tunnel' even though the project and executable is actually 'tunnelx'.)
<li><a href="">Therion</a> - Therion processes survey data and generates maps or 3D models of caves.
<li><a href="">TopParser</a> - to convert PocketTopo .top files from a DistoX into Therion.
<li><a href="">Footleg Cave Converter</a> - to convert PocketTopo .top files from a DistoX into survex (Java)
<li><a href="">QGIS</a> - A Free and Open Source Geographic Information System
<li><a href="">GPSprune</a> - to edit GPS tracks in GPX files. Just download the .jar file.
<li><a href="">GPSprune</a> - to edit GPS tracks in GPX files (Java).
<li><a href="">Viking</a> - an alternative to GPSprune. The <a href="">code</a> is on github.
<li>python, if you are extending troggle or the scripts in expoweb/noinfo/ - already installed on Linux <img src="" width=64 hspace="20" align="right">
<li>python packages you will want to install: [<em>not yet documented</em>]
@ -61,7 +66,7 @@ The <i>expo laptop</i> uses <a href="">Debian<
<li><a href="">TortoiseGit</a> - GUI interface to git
<li><a href="">python for windows</a>. We are using python 2.7 not 3.8.
<li><a href="">WinScp</a> can be used as an alternative to Filezilla if you like.
<li><a href="">java</a> - needed for GPSprune. Has to be installed separately on a Windows machine.
<li><a href="">java</a> - needed for GPSprune and CaveConverter. Has to be installed separately on a Windows machine.
<li><a href="">Notepad++</a> or any other syntax-highlighting code editor for HTML and python such as <a href="">Aptana Studio</a>. Configuring these to syntax-highlight .svx files has yet to be done.
<li><a href="">Cygwin rsync</a> - not installed as standard on Windows so you need to get Cygwin or <a href="">use WSL</a>. But getting WSL to work with ssh keys has been <a href="">tricky</a> and pagent-managed ssh keys are apparently not visible to ssh and rsync in WSL. If you find a good solution for Windows please edit this documentation.
@ -71,6 +76,7 @@ The <i>expo laptop</i> uses <a href="">Debian<
<li><a href="">Termius</a> - command line to create a key for your phone, to ssh (and mosh) login to the expo server. To get sftp you have to buy it.
<li><a href="">OsmAnd</a> - a GPS app. See also <a href="../essentials.html">the expo GPS configuration pages</a>
<li><a href="">GPSessentials</a> - another GPS app.
<li><a href="">Ape@Map</a> - another GPS app, compatible with Kompass commerical map sand used by Austrian cavers
<li><a href="../uploading.html#android">andftp</a> FTP app - needs an <a href="computing/keyexchange.html">ssh key</a> installed on your phone
<li><a href="ftpusage.html">FTP using Cx_File_Explorer</a> (this is probably out of date)
<li><a href="">TopoDroid</a> makes cave surveys with the DistoX.
@ -87,12 +93,16 @@ The <i>expo laptop</i> uses <a href="">Debian<
<li><a href="">Launchpad</a> - create an account to help develop survex.
<p>Bug lists and open issues are discussed on the github <a href="">CaveSurveying/CUCCexposurveyissues/issues</a> issue list so you will need to subscribe to the Cave Surveying Group on github to participate.
<p><a href=""></a> is a wiki on github discussing workflows to generate centerlines, GEOTIFF and QGIS integration.
<p><a href=""></a> - the main Survex development system.
<p>You should also have a look at, and keep up to date with:
<li><a href="">CUCC CaveSurveying Bug lists and open issues discussed on github</a> -
issue list so you will need to subscribe to the Cave Surveying Group on github to participate.
<li><a href="">Expo-tunnel-workflows</a> -
a wiki on github discussing workflows to generate centerlines, GEOTIFF and QGIS integration.
<li><a href=""></a> - the main Survex development system.
@ -139,6 +149,9 @@ to <a href="
<li><a href="">Xenu Link Sleuth</a> - on Windows
<li><a href="">Linkchecking with wget</a> - command line methods on Linux
<a href=""><img src="CaveConverterWorkflow.png" width=600 hspace="20"></a>
<hr />
<div id="menu">

@ -116,6 +116,10 @@ looks like this:
Yes, this is <a href="">a programming format</a>
(standardised in 2013) and every comma is critical.
<p>When entering people's names it is important not to use any funny characters (such as "?") because
peoples names here are used by the software to construct filenames for the surveying to-do lists. And "?" (for instance) is illegal
in filenames on Windows computers.
<h3>"To do" lists for every caver</h3>
<p>The folder containing all the wallets for the year, e.g.

noinfo/ Executable file → Normal file

@ -12,23 +12,23 @@ if len(sys.argv) > 1 :
if sys.argv[1] != "":
loser_dir = sys.argv[1]
print loser_dir
print "Loser repo is assumed to be in: " + loser_dir
html_base = "<html><head><style>div { column-count:5;}</style></head><body>%(body)s</body></html>"
html_year_index = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(year)s surveys: wallets status</H1><H2>Persons</H2><UL>%(persons)s</UL><H2>Wallets</H2><table>%(wallets)s</table><H2>Needing Scanning</H2><div><ul>%(needing scanning)s</ul></div><H2>Website (Guidebook description) needing updating</H2><div><ul>%(website needing updating)s</ul></div>"}
html_year_person = "<li><a href='%(person)s.html'>%(person)s</a><ul>%(complaints)s</ul></li>"
html_year_wallet_entry = "<tr><td><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s %(cave)s %(name)s</a></td> <td>%(complaints)s</td></tr>"
html_person_wallet_entry = "<li><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s</a> <ul>%(complaints)s</ul></li>"
html_year_scanning_entry = "<li><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s %(cave)s %(name)s</a></li>"
html_wallet_file_entry = "<li><a href='%(fileurl)s'>%(filename)s</a></li>"
html_wallet_index = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(title)s : %(cave)s : %(name)s</H1><p>Date: %(date)s</p><p>People: %(people)s</p><p>Cave <a href='%(description)s'>Guidebook description</a> - %(description_needed)s <p>Survex file:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Local (Windows): <a href='%(loser_dirw)s%(survex)s'>%(loser_dirw)s%(survex)s</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Local (Linux): <a href='%(loser_dir)s%(survex)s' download>%(loser_dir)s%(survex)s</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Server: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=''>%(survex)s</a></p><a href='../index.html'>Wallet index for this year</a> </p><H2>Issues</H2>%(complaints)s<H2>Files</H2><UL>%(files)s</UL>"}
html_base = "<html><body>%(body)s</body></html>"
html_year_index = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(year)s surveys: wallets status</H1>\n<p>List of trips: <a href=\"\">expedition/2019</a> - data taken from.svx files and logbook entries on server</p>\n<H2>Persons</H2>\n<UL>\n%(persons)s</UL>\n<H2>Wallets</H2>\n<table>%(wallets)s</table>\n<H2>Needing Scanning</H2>\n<UL>\n%(needing scanning)s</ul>\n<H2>Website (Guidebook description) needing updating\n</H2>\n<UL>\n%(website needing updating)s</ul>\n"}
html_year_person = "<li><a href='%(person)s.html'>%(person)s</a><UL>\n%(complaints)s</ul></li>\n"
html_year_wallet_entry = "<tr><td><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s %(cave)s %(name)s</a></td> <td>%(complaints)s</td></tr>\n"
html_person_wallet_entry = "<li><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s</a> <UL>\n%(complaints)s</ul></li>\n"
html_year_scanning_entry = "<li><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s %(cave)s %(name)s</a></li>\n"
html_wallet_file_entry = "<li><a href='%(fileurl)s'>%(filename)s</a></li>\n"
html_wallet_index = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(title)s : %(cave)s : %(name)s</H1>\n<p>Date: %(date)s</p><p>People: %(people)s</p>\n<p>Cave <a href='%(description)s'>Guidebook description</a> - %(description_needed)s \n<p>Survex file:<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Local (Windows): <a href='%(loser_dirw)s%(survex)s' download>%(loser_dirw)s%(survex)s</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Local (Linux): <a href='%(loser_dir)s%(survex)s' download>%(loser_dir)s%(survex)s</a><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Server: &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='' download>%(survex)s</a></p><a href='../index.html'>Wallet index for this year</a> </p>\n<H2>Issues</H2>\n%(complaints)s\n<H2>Files</H2>\n<UL>\n%(files)s</UL>\n"}
html_survex_required = {True: "Survex ", False: ""}
html_plan_scanned = {True: "", False: "Plan "}
html_elev_scanned = {True: "", False: "Elev "}
html_description_written = {True: "", False: "Desc "}
html_qms_written = {True: "", False: "QMs "}
html_status = {True: "Issues: ", False: ""}
html_person = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(person)s</H1><H2>Outstanding Wallets</H2><UL>%(wallets)s</UL>"}
html_person = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(person)s</H1><H2>Outstanding Wallets</H2><UL>\n%(wallets)s</UL>"}
html_complaint_items = "<li>%(count)i %(complaint)s</li>"
html_items = "<li>%s</li>"
@ -77,6 +77,10 @@ for item in sorted(os.listdir(".")):
json_file = open(contents_path)
#print json_file
data = json.load(json_file)
if not data["people"]:
write_required = False