[svn r6773] Added a bit of description from Tony

This commit is contained in:
dave 2005-05-10 11:09:58 +02:00
parent 5396f02f8e
commit d4265e39c6
2 changed files with 2 additions and 2 deletions

@ -417,8 +417,8 @@
,"1/S/T +",,"2003-03",,"smkridge/2003-03/2003-03.html",,,"Kartoffelbreih&ouml;hle","Mashed Potato Cave",,"2b","CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L","A climb down/squeeze through boulders (awkward on the way out for fat bastards like me - Dave) leads to a small chamber ~4m across, with a loose hole in the floor at the far end. This was descended for perhaps 15 or 20m to a hopelessly choked floor of small pebbles. A window around a third of the way down the pitch leads to a parallel shaft, also choked at the bottom (from which there is another window back into the main shaft).","26m rope + some (4 or 5) hangers sufficient",,"Form prepared 06/03/2005, waiting to be sent.",,,"</p><img src=""2003-03elev.jpg"" /> <img src=""2003-03plan.jpg"" /> <p>(drawn up partly from sketch in 2003 logbook and partly from memory)",,,"~20m",,,,,,"gps04.p2003-03",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,"On south flank of Nieder Augst-Eck just north of stone bridge. Directly to the east of 2003-04.",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><img alt=""entrance photo - 75k jpeg"" src=""2003-03ent.jpg"" /></div><p>","Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-05",,"smkridge/2003-05/2003-05.html",,,"Damoclesschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Martin G, Brian O","A short entrance crawl gives access to a vertical shaft with precariously balanced boulders. At the base of the shaft a further climb (pitch?) down ends in a choke at -46m. 12m above the floor in the main shaft it is possible to swing into a side chamber, with no ways on.",,,"Form prepared March 2005, waiting to be sent.",,"In dataset","</p><a href=""2003-05.jpg""><img src=""2003-05small.jpg"" /></a><p>Notes in 2003 #11","caves/2003-05/2003-05.svx","58m","46m","6m E-W",,,,,"p2003-05",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Originally approached by walking southwards along E side of SMK ridge from 204.",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"?",,"2003-07",,"smkridge/2003-07/2003-07.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 2003 ??","Not clear if this has been entered at all.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps03.2003-07",,,,,,,,,,,,"This cave is somewhat mysterious. 2003 records give a GPS fix for ""2003-07"" at the location described; but in 2004 it transpired that the cave documented under the number 2003-08, now renumbered as <a href=""../240/240.html"">240</a>, had actually been tagged as 2003-07. So this cave may in fact be marked as 2003-08, or it may not even exist.",,,,"Presumably tagged 2003"
,"2/E x",,"2003-09",,"smkridge/2003-09/2003-09.html",,,"Weizeneish&ouml;hle",,,"2b","CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S.","Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (&gt; 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere.",,"Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar.","Form to be prepared.",,"In dataset","</p><img src=""2003-09plan.jpg"" /><p>Notes in 2003#31","caves/2003-09/2003-09.svx","134m","18m","42m E-W",,,,,"t2003-09",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance",,"Obvious arched entrance","</p><div class=""centre""><img alt=""entrance photo - 106k jpeg"" src=""2003-09.jpg"" /></div><p>","Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-10",,"smkridge/2003-10/2003-10.html",,,"D&uuml;nne Faulpelz H&ouml;hle","Skinny Festerers' Cave",,"2b","Original exploration CUCC 2003 (Frank, Brian). Further exploration 2004 (Brian, Tony, Martin, Stuart).","The entrance pitch, which is rigged with a spit y-hang and natural back up, its initially constricted and spiky but not tight. It becomes a fine 28m wine bottle shaped rift with 2 deviations off naturals. You land on a steep unstable slope of gravel and cobbles, 4m above the bottom of which is a continuation. There are 2 spits placed to assist the climb and 2 more at the top to rig off.</p> <p>The passage is now easy rift to an easy 5m climb down; the way on is a short dug crawl to a tight hammered open pitch head. This is short (7m), with a single spit pitch head backed up by spits in the crawl, and a deviation off a natural. The landing is on a mud and gravel floor; the chamber closes down almost immediately to a 10cm wide rift, no echo, rattle or draft.",,"Nothing accessible without capping",,,"In dataset","</p><a href=""plan.jpg""><img src=""plansmall.jpg"" /></a> <a href=""elev.jpg""><img src=""elevsmall.jpg"" /></a> <p>Notes in 2003#33 (does not include extensions from 2004, which are in 2004#56 and have not yet been scanned)","caves/2003-10/2003-10.svx","156m","51m","51m",,,,,"p2003-10",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"Immediately above and behind the 204 stone bridge bivvy",,,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/E x",,"2003-09",,"smkridge/2003-09/2003-09.html",,,"Weizeneish&ouml;hle",,,"2b","CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S.","Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (&gt; 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere.",,"Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar.","Form prepared May 2005, waiting to be sent",,"In dataset","</p><img src=""2003-09plan.jpg"" /><p>Notes in 2003#31","caves/2003-09/2003-09.svx","134m","18m","42m E-W",,,,,"t2003-09",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance",,"Obvious arched entrance","</p><div class=""centre""><img alt=""entrance photo - 106k jpeg"" src=""2003-09.jpg"" /></div><p>","Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-10",,"smkridge/2003-10/2003-10.html",,,"D&uuml;nne Faulpelz H&ouml;hle","Skinny Festerers' Cave",,"2b","Original exploration CUCC 2003 (Frank, Brian). Further exploration 2004 (Brian, Tony, Martin, Stuart).","The entrance pitch, which is rigged with a spit y-hang and natural back up, its initially constricted and spiky but not tight. It becomes a fine 28m wine bottle shaped rift with 2 deviations off naturals. You land on a steep unstable slope of gravel and cobbles, in the main chamber of the cave.</p> <p>Here three ways lead off. There is a downwards continuation of the pitch series to a termination at -51m (no description extant); and a horizontal passage leading southwards (also no description). Back in the main chamber, there is a passage leading off northwards, 4m above the floorof which is a continuation. There are 2 spits placed to assist the climb and 2 more at the top to rig off.</p> <p>The northwards passage, <b>Zero Gravity Anomaly</b>, is now easy rift to an easy 5m climb down; the way on is a short dug crawl to a tight hammered open pitch head. This is short (7m), with a single spit pitch head backed up by spits in the crawl, and a deviation off a natural. The landing is on a mud and gravel floor; the chamber closes down almost immediately to a 10cm wide rift, no echo, rattle or draft.","Entrance pitch: 3 slings, 2 hangers and maillons, approx 40m rope (use tag spit as one anchor). Upclimb into Zero Gravity Anomaly: 7m rope, 2 hangers and maillons. Pitch at the end of Zero Gravity: 15m rope, 3 hangers + maillons, 1 sling.","Nothing accessible without capping","Form to be prepared",,"In dataset","</p><a href=""plan.jpg""><img src=""plansmall.jpg"" /></a> <a href=""elev.jpg""><img src=""elevsmall.jpg"" /></a> <p>Notes in 2003#33 (does not include extensions from 2004, which are in 2004#56 and have not yet been scanned)","caves/2003-10/2003-10.svx","156m","51m","51m",,,,,"p2003-10",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"Immediately above and behind the 204 stone bridge bivvy",,,,"Tagged 2003"
,"-",,"2004-10",,"smkridge/2004-10/2004-10.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial","Go down tube next to main entrance shaft to head of pitch. Pitch less than 10m down. Possible ways on.","20m rope + spits etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps04.p2004-10",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,"215 deg to Zinken, 309 deg to Griess Kogel. <em>(I suspect there is an error here, as this would be almost right at the summit of the Griess Kogel -DL.)</em>",,,"From 204 top camp over col then down + west following line of large shafts / collapses.","Entrance shaft with snow plug, pitch visible beyond","</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""ent.jpg""><img alt=""entrance photo"" src=""entsmall.jpg"" /></a></div><p>","Tagged 21/7/2004"
,"2/S/T +",,"2004-11",,"smkridge/2004-11/2004-11.html",,,"In Ihrer Gesichtsh&ouml;hle ","In Your Face cave",,"2b","CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial+Martin+Stuart","A small, drafting entrance in the bottom of a deep gully leads into low phreatic passage. After a short crawl over small angular rocks, a series of small (1 meter) drops enlarge the passage to allow standing room. The passage continues a short distance to a chamber with a scree floor. <p>To the left, are what appear to be blocked entrance shafts with flows of debris that spill into the chamber. Right leads to a spacious passage that rapidly becomes a flat out crawl over loose rocks, and chokes soon after. Higher up on the right, and looking back in the direction of the entrance, is a small phreatic tube that slopes upward. This can be followed around two right-angled turns before it chokes. <p>The way on from the chamber is straight on. Ducking under a low protrusion from the ceiling leads into another, slightly larger, chamber. <p>A passage leads off to the left from the far side of the chamber. This can be followed for a short distance before it reaches a blank wall with a small amount of water emerging from a hole near the top. A climb through a window in the right of the chamber leads to the bottom of an aven. <p>On the right hand wall of the chamber, to the left of the window, a short free climb provides the main way on. Below the climb an awkward crawling passage slopes downwards and emerges part way down the pitch. From the top of the climb, a high passage slopes steeply downwards for about five meters to emerge at the top of the ten meter pitch. <p>The pitch descends at a less than vertical angle to an icy boulder choke at the bottom with no way on. Above the pitch and to the left, a walking sized phreatic tube can be reached by way of a bolted climb. This leads to a muddy boulder choke.","30m rope + 10 hangers, should get you to all of the cave.",,"Form prepared 06/03/2005, waiting to be sent.",,"In dataset","</p><a href=""plan.jpg""><img src=""plansmall.jpg"" /></a> <a href=""elev.jpg""><img src=""elevsmall.jpg"" /></a> <p>Notes in 2004#13","caves/2004-11/2004-11.svx","145m","39m","53m N-S",,,,,"t2004-11",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"From 204A go to 204D, then carry on a bit further.","Low (crawling) drafting phreatic hole in shallow valley heading down towards bowl of plateau.","</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""ent.jpg""><img alt=""entrance photo"" src=""entsmall.jpg"" /></a></div><p>","Tagged 21/7/2004"
,"0/S -",,"2004-13",,"smkridge/2004-13/2004-13.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 2004 ?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps04.p2004-13",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

1 Kataster Number Kat Status Code Entrances Unofficial number Multiple entrances Autogen file Link file Link Entrance Name Unofficial Name Comment Area Explorers Underground Description Equipment qm list Kataster status References Underground centre line Underground drawn survey Survex file to get length and depth Length Depth Extent Header Footer Notes Entrance name tag point in dataset other point in dataset description of other point exact entrance in dataset (drip line/highest enclosed contour) Type of survey fix GPS pre SA GPS post SA Northing Easting Altitude Bearings Map Location Approach Entrance description Photo of location Marking
417 1/S/T + 2003-03 smkridge/2003-03/2003-03.html Kartoffelbreih&ouml;hle Mashed Potato Cave 2b CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L A climb down/squeeze through boulders (awkward on the way out for fat bastards like me - Dave) leads to a small chamber ~4m across, with a loose hole in the floor at the far end. This was descended for perhaps 15 or 20m to a hopelessly choked floor of small pebbles. A window around a third of the way down the pitch leads to a parallel shaft, also choked at the bottom (from which there is another window back into the main shaft). 26m rope + some (4 or 5) hangers sufficient Form prepared 06/03/2005, waiting to be sent. </p><img src="2003-03elev.jpg" /> <img src="2003-03plan.jpg" /> <p>(drawn up partly from sketch in 2003 logbook and partly from memory) ~20m gps04.p2003-03 GPS post SA On south flank of Nieder Augst-Eck just north of stone bridge. Directly to the east of 2003-04. </p><div class="centre"><img alt="entrance photo - 75k jpeg" src="2003-03ent.jpg" /></div><p> Tagged 2003
418 2/S/T + 2003-05 smkridge/2003-05/2003-05.html Damoclesschacht 2b CUCC 2003 Martin G, Brian O A short entrance crawl gives access to a vertical shaft with precariously balanced boulders. At the base of the shaft a further climb (pitch?) down ends in a choke at -46m. 12m above the floor in the main shaft it is possible to swing into a side chamber, with no ways on. Form prepared March 2005, waiting to be sent. In dataset </p><a href="2003-05.jpg"><img src="2003-05small.jpg" /></a><p>Notes in 2003 #11 caves/2003-05/2003-05.svx 58m 46m 6m E-W p2003-05 Originally approached by walking southwards along E side of SMK ridge from 204. Tagged 2003
419 ? 2003-07 smkridge/2003-07/2003-07.html 2b CUCC 2003 ?? Not clear if this has been entered at all. gps03.2003-07 This cave is somewhat mysterious. 2003 records give a GPS fix for "2003-07" at the location described; but in 2004 it transpired that the cave documented under the number 2003-08, now renumbered as <a href="../240/240.html">240</a>, had actually been tagged as 2003-07. So this cave may in fact be marked as 2003-08, or it may not even exist. Presumably tagged 2003
420 2/E x 2003-09 smkridge/2003-09/2003-09.html Weizeneish&ouml;hle 2b CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S. Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (&gt; 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere. Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar. Form to be prepared. Form prepared May 2005, waiting to be sent In dataset </p><img src="2003-09plan.jpg" /><p>Notes in 2003#31 caves/2003-09/2003-09.svx 134m 18m 42m E-W t2003-09 Surface survey In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance Obvious arched entrance </p><div class="centre"><img alt="entrance photo - 106k jpeg" src="2003-09.jpg" /></div><p> Tagged 2003
421 2/S/T + 2003-10 smkridge/2003-10/2003-10.html D&uuml;nne Faulpelz H&ouml;hle Skinny Festerers' Cave 2b Original exploration CUCC 2003 (Frank, Brian). Further exploration 2004 (Brian, Tony, Martin, Stuart). The entrance pitch, which is rigged with a spit y-hang and natural back up, its initially constricted and spiky but not tight. It becomes a fine 28m wine bottle shaped rift with 2 deviations off naturals. You land on a steep unstable slope of gravel and cobbles, 4m above the bottom of which is a continuation. There are 2 spits placed to assist the climb and 2 more at the top to rig off.</p> <p>The passage is now easy rift to an easy 5m climb down; the way on is a short dug crawl to a tight hammered open pitch head. This is short (7m), with a single spit pitch head backed up by spits in the crawl, and a deviation off a natural. The landing is on a mud and gravel floor; the chamber closes down almost immediately to a 10cm wide rift, no echo, rattle or draft. The entrance pitch, which is rigged with a spit y-hang and natural back up, its initially constricted and spiky but not tight. It becomes a fine 28m wine bottle shaped rift with 2 deviations off naturals. You land on a steep unstable slope of gravel and cobbles, in the main chamber of the cave.</p> <p>Here three ways lead off. There is a downwards continuation of the pitch series to a termination at -51m (no description extant); and a horizontal passage leading southwards (also no description). Back in the main chamber, there is a passage leading off northwards, 4m above the floorof which is a continuation. There are 2 spits placed to assist the climb and 2 more at the top to rig off.</p> <p>The northwards passage, <b>Zero Gravity Anomaly</b>, is now easy rift to an easy 5m climb down; the way on is a short dug crawl to a tight hammered open pitch head. This is short (7m), with a single spit pitch head backed up by spits in the crawl, and a deviation off a natural. The landing is on a mud and gravel floor; the chamber closes down almost immediately to a 10cm wide rift, no echo, rattle or draft. Entrance pitch: 3 slings, 2 hangers and maillons, approx 40m rope (use tag spit as one anchor). Upclimb into Zero Gravity Anomaly: 7m rope, 2 hangers and maillons. Pitch at the end of Zero Gravity: 15m rope, 3 hangers + maillons, 1 sling. Nothing accessible without capping Form to be prepared In dataset </p><a href="plan.jpg"><img src="plansmall.jpg" /></a> <a href="elev.jpg"><img src="elevsmall.jpg" /></a> <p>Notes in 2003#33 (does not include extensions from 2004, which are in 2004#56 and have not yet been scanned) caves/2003-10/2003-10.svx 156m 51m 51m p2003-10 Surface survey Immediately above and behind the 204 stone bridge bivvy Tagged 2003
422 - 2004-10 smkridge/2004-10/2004-10.html 2b CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial Go down tube next to main entrance shaft to head of pitch. Pitch less than 10m down. Possible ways on. 20m rope + spits etc. gps04.p2004-10 GPS post SA 215 deg to Zinken, 309 deg to Griess Kogel. <em>(I suspect there is an error here, as this would be almost right at the summit of the Griess Kogel -DL.)</em> From 204 top camp over col then down + west following line of large shafts / collapses. Entrance shaft with snow plug, pitch visible beyond </p><div class="centre"><a href="ent.jpg"><img alt="entrance photo" src="entsmall.jpg" /></a></div><p> Tagged 21/7/2004
423 2/S/T + 2004-11 smkridge/2004-11/2004-11.html In Ihrer Gesichtsh&ouml;hle In Your Face cave 2b CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial+Martin+Stuart A small, drafting entrance in the bottom of a deep gully leads into low phreatic passage. After a short crawl over small angular rocks, a series of small (1 meter) drops enlarge the passage to allow standing room. The passage continues a short distance to a chamber with a scree floor. <p>To the left, are what appear to be blocked entrance shafts with flows of debris that spill into the chamber. Right leads to a spacious passage that rapidly becomes a flat out crawl over loose rocks, and chokes soon after. Higher up on the right, and looking back in the direction of the entrance, is a small phreatic tube that slopes upward. This can be followed around two right-angled turns before it chokes. <p>The way on from the chamber is straight on. Ducking under a low protrusion from the ceiling leads into another, slightly larger, chamber. <p>A passage leads off to the left from the far side of the chamber. This can be followed for a short distance before it reaches a blank wall with a small amount of water emerging from a hole near the top. A climb through a window in the right of the chamber leads to the bottom of an aven. <p>On the right hand wall of the chamber, to the left of the window, a short free climb provides the main way on. Below the climb an awkward crawling passage slopes downwards and emerges part way down the pitch. From the top of the climb, a high passage slopes steeply downwards for about five meters to emerge at the top of the ten meter pitch. <p>The pitch descends at a less than vertical angle to an icy boulder choke at the bottom with no way on. Above the pitch and to the left, a walking sized phreatic tube can be reached by way of a bolted climb. This leads to a muddy boulder choke. 30m rope + 10 hangers, should get you to all of the cave. Form prepared 06/03/2005, waiting to be sent. In dataset </p><a href="plan.jpg"><img src="plansmall.jpg" /></a> <a href="elev.jpg"><img src="elevsmall.jpg" /></a> <p>Notes in 2004#13 caves/2004-11/2004-11.svx 145m 39m 53m N-S t2004-11 Surface survey From 204A go to 204D, then carry on a bit further. Low (crawling) drafting phreatic hole in shallow valley heading down towards bowl of plateau. </p><div class="centre"><a href="ent.jpg"><img alt="entrance photo" src="entsmall.jpg" /></a></div><p> Tagged 21/7/2004
424 0/S - 2004-13 smkridge/2004-13/2004-13.html 2b CUCC 2004 ? gps04.p2004-13

Binary file not shown.