Logbook edited 2024-07-25g

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Expo on server 2024-07-28 22:59:45 +01:00
parent d33e2150d0
commit cbcd31f27a

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ maintain half a dozen parser functions.
Sorry about all the crap that surrounds the image tags which has been imported along with the content
when UK Caving blogs have been parsed.
Exported on 2024-07-28 20:07 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
Exported on 2024-07-28 22:07 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
See troggle/code/views/other.py and core.models/logbooks.py writelogbook(year, filename)
@ -1127,6 +1127,43 @@ Sarah, Nat, Zac and Phil drove up the loser. We then hiked up to the Col. It bei
<hr />
<div class="tripdate" id="2024-07-25g">2024-07-25</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Dickon Morris</u>,Marie,,Chi,Wassil,</div>
<div class="triptitle">basecamp - Grabenbach Canyon</div>
<p>Ar ddiwrnod cinio'r expo ymgasglodd grŵp tag rag o ogofa o dan darp y cwt tatty. Roedd yr ogofwyr hyn i gyd yma am y rhesymau anghywir i gyd. Yn gyntaf, roedd y goruchaf arweinydd a'r cynllunydd teithiau Marie wedi mechnïo ar ogofa yn hytrach na golchi ei danwisg. Nesaf mae gennym Wassil a oedd yn gohirio ei draethawd meistr ac yn teimlo trueni drosto'i hun am ladd ei dennyn ei hun. Yn olaf mae gennym Dickon a benderfynodd fynd ar alldaith ogofa er ei fod yn casáu ogofa, ac o ganlyniad yn cael ei ethol yn mynd canyoning. Wrth fwrw ymlaen â ffurfio'r triawd gogoneddus hwn, penderfynodd Chi ddangos ei wyneb yn dilyn taith wersylla anghysbell na arweiniodd at wersyll yn digwydd ac a oedd ar ben colled. Mae'n debyg bod Marie, Wassil, a Dickon yn edrych fel grŵp addas i fynd â'r ceunant gyda nhw a rhywsut fe benderfynon nhw y byddai Chi yn gyd-chwaraewr addas.</p>
<p>Er iddi ddeffro am naw am a gadael am ddeg, llwyddodd Marie rywsut i faffio am ddwy awr. O ganlyniad i'r rhuthr i baratoi, ni astudiwyd y disgrifiad llwybr o'r canyon a ddewiswyd y noson gynt (er efallai na ddylai fod wedi cael cyfrifoldeb llawn y sefydliad o ystyried mai hon oedd ei thrydedd daith canyon erioed). Ar ôl tri stop pwll ar gyfer hetiau, sbaneri a hwmws post-canyoning (nid yn y drefn honno - bydd y drefn a'r cyfuniad yn cael eu gadael fel ymarfer i'r darllenydd), nid oedd Marie bellach yn edrych fel y mwyaf garw ar y daith. Yn anffodus, symudodd y bai yn ôl i Marie pan fu'n rhaid i Dickon yrru am gyfnod heb ei ddatgelu i lawr y ffordd i gael rhyngrwyd i lawrlwytho'r disgrifiad o'r llwybr fel ein bod yn gwybod beth oedd ar y gweill.</p>
<p>Gan fod Dickon yn delio â llanast Marie, gwisgodd Chi ei siwt wlyb a'i sanau gwlyb. Yn anffodus, roedd yr archeb yn is-optimaidd, ac roedd angen ei haddasu. Byddai hyn yn gofyn am gyfnod hir o noethni, a fyddai'n amlygu celciau beicwyr i ddyndod Chi ei hun. Ar ben hynny, byddai fflachio Dickon wedi newid deinameg y grŵp fel y byddai Marie a minnau'n teimlo ein bod ni'n drydydd a phedwaredd olwyn.</p>
<p>Ar y daith gerdded i fyny, cyflawnwyd bondio grŵp wrth i Wassil rannu ei ofn dwfn o dyllau gwlyb bach, a cheisiodd ei wynebu trwy fynd i mewn i dwll o'r fath (pibell ddraenio dan rod). Ar wahân i t, ni ddigwyddodd dim o unrhyw ddiddordeb ar y daith gerdded i fyny. Cyraeddasom ben y canyon, pan benderfynasom ein bod yn glaf o gerdded wrth ymyl y streamweay a disgyn i mewn iddo.</p>
<p>O ganlyniad i anghofio popeth a ysgrifennwyd yn y canllaw (cawsom ychydig o sesiwn darllen grŵp), roedd y Canyon yn llif cyson o syrpreisys. Roedd y diffyg gwybodaeth hwn yn atal ein gallu i neidio, gan ein gorfodi i droi at abseilio yn lle hynny. Un rhaeadr arbennig, Wassil abseilio gyntaf (nid yw'n hoffi dŵr cymaint â hynny mewn gwirionedd). Yna holodd Chi ynghylch dyfnder y pwll, ac atebodd Wassil "dau fetr", mewn gwirionedd yn golygu "o leiaf dau fetr". Y gwir yw, mae ofn dŵr dwfn ar Wassil ac nid oedd wir eisiau plymio ymhellach nag 20cm.</p>
<p>Aeth y Canyon yn ei flaen gyda set o feysydd diddorol ond technegol gan gynnwys rhaeadr ddwbl gyda throbwll a achosir gan hypothrtmia a llinell groesi hynod o uchel a rwystrodd Marie rhag gadael y pwll a grybwyllwyd. Ar ôl cael ei llusgo allan o'r pwll, nid oedd Marie bellach yn marw o hypothermia. Roedd ail gam y rhaeadr ddwbl yn cynnwys yr hyn a oedd yn edrych fel naid ond a ystyriwyd yn rhy dwp i Chi hyd yn oed roi cynnig arni. Er mwyn llywio hyn yn ddiogel bu'n rhaid abseilio i tua 3m oddi ar y dŵr ac yna disgyn yn rhydd. Ni chafodd Wassil y neges, gan arwain at dorri ei benelin ar silff fechan. Roedd yn ymddangos yn eithaf trist am hyn ac roedd angen cyfres o sesiynau cwtsh gourp i atal hypothrtmia yn ei siwt wlyb fer (pam fyddech chi'n canyon mewn hosrt wetsuit? - mae Wassil yn dadlau bod undersuit a oversuit yn gwella hyn. Nid yw'n gwneud hynny.)</p>
<p>Roedd yr ychydig leiniau nesaf yn llawer symlach ac ni hawliodd unrhyw anafiadau pellach. Fe wnaethom bhowever, aros yn eithaf oer a dechrau awydd diwedd y daith. Ar y ffordd daethom o hyd i rannau amrywiol o gloddio wedi'u gwasgaru ar draws y ceunant ac yn y diwedd cyrhaeddwyd y brif afon. Ar ôl taith gerdded fer yn ôl i'r car, gwledd a ffaff hwmw, penderfynodd Dickon fod yr arwyddion llwybr ceffyl yn amlwg wedi'u bwriadu ar gyfer cerbydau modur, er mawr siom i bawb arall yn llythrennol. Gan gynnwys cerddwyr. Dangosodd tri beiciwr eu diolchgarwch ar ffurf ystumiau wyneb amrywiol ac yn ystod ein hantur aethom drwy dwnnel diddorol a phontydd lluosog nad oedd yn ymddangos yn addas ar gyfer car o bedwar. Er gwaethaf protestiadau'r teithwyr, ni wnaeth Dickon droi o gwmpas ac roedd yn bendant bod ei "l</p>wybr" yn gyflymach. Daeth i'r amlwg bod ei "lwybr" mewn gwirionedd 6 munud yn gyflymach ac fe gyrhaeddon ni gyd i'r pryd expo ar amser.
<h3>APPENDIX A -- English Translation</h3>
<p>On the day of expo dinner a rag-tag group of cavers gathered under the tatty hut tarp. These cavers were all here for all the wrong reasons. Firstly, supreme leader and trip planner Marie had bailed on caving in prefereence of washing her undersuit. Next we have Wassil who was both procrastinating his masters thesis and feeling sorry for himself about killing his own lead. Finally we have Dickon who decied to go on a caving expedition despite hating caving, and as a result elected do go canyoning. Proceeding the formation of this glorious trio, Chi decided to show his face following a distarous camping trip which did not result in a camp occurring and was at a lost end. Apparently Marie, Wassil, and Dickon looked like a suitable group to go canyoning with and somehow they decided Chi would be a suitable accomplice.</p>
<p>Despite waking up at nine at and leaving at ten, Marie somehow managed to faff for two hours. As a result of the rush to get ready, the route description of the canyon selected the night before was not studied (although perhaps she should not have been given full responsability of the organisation given it was her third ever canyoning trip). After three pit stops for hats, spanners and post-canyoning hummus(not respectively - the order and combination will be left as an exercise to the reader), Marie was no longer looking like the faffiest on the trip. Unfortunately, the blame shifted back to Marie when Dickon had to drive for an undisclosed period of time down the road to get internet to download the route description so that we knew what was in store.</p>
<p>As Dickon was dealing with Marie's mess, Chi put on his wetsuit and his wetsocks. Unfortunately, the ordering was sub-optimal, and required modification. This would require and elongated period of nudity, which would expose the hoardes of cyclists to Chi's own manhood. Furthermore, flashing Dickon would have shifted the group dynamics such Marie and me would feel like we're third and fourth wheeling.</p>
<p>On the walk up, group bonding was achieved by Wassil's sharing of his deep fear of small wet holes, which he tried to confront by entering such a hole (drainage pipe under rode). Apart from t, nothing of any interest happened on the walk up. We reachged the top of the canyon, when we decided that we were sick of walking next to the streamweay and dropped into it.</p>
<p>As a result of having forgotten everything written in the guide (we had a little group reading session), the canyon was a constant stream of surprises. This lack of knowledge inhibited our ability to jump, thus forcing us to resort to abseiling instead. One particular waterfall, Wassil abseiled first (he does in fact not like water that much). Chi then inquired as to the depth the pool, to which Wassil answered "two meters", actually meaning "at least two meters". The truth is, Wassil is scared of deep water and did not really want want to dive further than 20cm.</p>
<p>The canyon proceeded with a set of interesting but technical pitches including a double-waterfall with a built in hypothrtmia-inducing whirlpool and enormously high traverse line which prevented Marie's exit from the aformentioned pool. Upon being being dragged out of the pool, Marie was no longer dying of hypothermia. The second stage of the double waterfall was comprised of what looked like a jump but was deemed too stupid for even Chi to attempt. In order to navigate this safely one had to abseil to about 3m off the water and then free-fall. Wassil did not get the message, resulting a in his elbow being smashed on a small ledge. He seemed quite sad about this and required a series of gourp cuddle sessions to stave off hypothrtmia in his short wetsuit (why would you canyon in a hosrt wetsuoit? - Wassil argues that an undersuit and oversuit remedies this. It does not.)</p>
<p>The next few pitches were far simpler and did not claim any further injuries. We did bhowever, stay quite cold and began to desire the end of the trip. En-route we discovered varuous excavator parts strewn across the canyon and eventually reached the main river. After a brief walk back to the car, houmous feast and faff, Dickon decided that the bridleway signs were clearly intended for motorised vehicles, much to the dismay of literally everyone else. Including pedestrians. Three cyclists showed their gratitude in the form of various facial expressions and during our adventure we passed through an interesting tunnel and multile bridges which did not appear suited for a car of four. Despifte the passengers' protests, Dickon did not turn around and was adamant that his "route" was faster. It would transpire that his "route" was in fact 6 minutes faster and we all made it to the expo meal on-time.</p>
<div class="timeug">T/U: 0.01 hours</div>
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<hr />
<div class="tripdate" id="2024-07-26a">2024-07-26</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Isaac</u>,Jono,,Marie,</div>
<div class="triptitle">basecamp - Bread making part 2</div>