diff --git a/years/2023/index.html b/years/2023/index.html
index c535e8cb8..238fe0b48 100644
--- a/years/2023/index.html
+++ b/years/2023/index.html
@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ On expo website:
 <h3>Post-Expo Completion from 2023</h3>
- <li><a href="inventories.pdf">Inventories post-expo</a> - (or see <a href="inventories.docx">editable .docx file</a> )
+  <li><a href="inventories.docx">Post-expo Inventory (Garlic, base camp)</a>(.docx file) )
  <li><a href="/wallets/year/2023">2023 surveying  writeup progress (wallets)</a>
  <li>Scan of <a href="/expofiles/writeups/2022/logbook.pdf">Scan of Logbook</a>
- <li>Scan of <a href="/expofiles/writeups/2023/bierbook-2023.pdf">bier book</a> - MISSING
- <li>Scan of accounts and <a href="/expofiles/writeups/2023/seshbook-2023.pdf">sesh books</a> - MISSING
+ <li>Scan of bier book - MISSING
+ <li>Scan of accounts and sesh books - MISSING
    <li><a href=/boe-2023/>Accounts</a>