diff --git a/cave_data/1623-2014-867.html b/cave_data/1623-2014-867.html
index 209d99a36..e2747187d 100644
--- a/cave_data/1623-2014-867.html
+++ b/cave_data/1623-2014-867.html
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/.survex.com/katast
 <survex_file></survex_file><!-- Name of top-level survey file for this cave. Relative to the 'loser' survex repository. So for most caves that's "caves-162x/cavenum/cavnum.svx". (e.g. caves-1623/204/204.svx -->
 <underground_description>TO DO 2014-BL-01 ; 2014#34 notes1-2005-05.jpg <br>
 14-867 ;<br> in notes1-2005-05.jpg (NB 2005-05 is =1623-264 Balkon)
-<p><a href='/1623/2014-867/l/notes-1-876.html'><img src='/1623/2014-867/t/notes-1-876.jpg' /></a></underground_description><!-- Underground description. (description of approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in, or even nothing but a link. -->
+<p><a href='/1623/2014-867/l/notes-1-876.html'><img width=50% src='/1623/2014-867/i/notes-1-876.jpg' /></a></underground_description><!-- Underground description. (description of approach and entrance goes in entrance file). For a small cave this will be the entire description. For larger caves it will be the front page of the description, or a short intro, containing links to other pages with the cave description in, or even nothing but a link. -->
 <equipment></equipment><!-- For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. -->
 <references>Probably this logbook entry <a href="/logbookentry/2014-08-01/2014-08-01c">2014 08 01</a> "After a few hours found only one good lead (2014-777) and decided to turn for home, travelled S back to the end of the cairned route but found a more promising hole (2014-888)" so 867 is presumably between 777 and 888.</references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. -->
 <survey></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. -->