diff --git a/folk/author.htm b/folk/author.htm
index 45b7289a2..2625fa13c 100644
--- a/folk/author.htm
+++ b/folk/author.htm
@@ -138,9 +138,13 @@ and Wookey provided the stimulus to make it more cohesive by finding the
 space on a real web site. We'd also like to thank everyone who has
 browsed these pages and made constructive comments or reported bugs.</p>
-<p>Finally, both exploration and documentation continue. The editors welcome
-your <a href="../../fdback.htm">feedback</a> on the existing site or
-contributions of writing or photographs of the area.</p>
+<p><a id="maintainers" />Finally, both exploration and documentation continue.
+The editors welcome your <!-- a href="../../fdback.htm" -->feedback on the
+existing site or contributions of writing or photographs of the area. In recent
+years maintenance of the website has been to some extent devolved, so that
+members of the expedition have responsibility for documenting their own finds;
+see the <a href="../update.htm">updates</a> page. Nonetheless all the kudos for
+creating the edifice should go to the two original editors:</p>
 <p>Andy Waddington<br>
 mail: &lt;Austria (at) pennine.demon.co.uk&gt;<br>
diff --git a/infodx.htm b/infodx.htm
index 3d7375524..788ff1872 100644
--- a/infodx.htm
+++ b/infodx.htm
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ href="pubs.htm">Publications index</a>, as are the log book accounts.</p>
 <li><a href="areas.htm">Area/subarea descriptions</a></li>
-<li><a href="folk/author.htm">Authors</a> of material here (for contacts, see Feedback)</li>
+<li><a href="folk/author.htm">Authors</a> of material here <!--(for contacts, see Feedback)</li>-->
 <li><a href="bcamps.htm">Base camps</a></li>
 <li><a href="indxal.htm">Cave Descriptions Index</a></li>
 <li><a href="copyit.htm">Copyright info</a></li>
 <li><a href="dplong.htm">Deep and Long Caves list</a></li>
-<li><a href="../fdback.htm">Feedback</a> - contact us if you have comments or find bugs</li>
+<!--<li><a href="../fdback.htm">Feedback</a> - contact us if you have comments or find bugs</li>-->
 <li><a href="fester.htm">Festering</a> - or alternative activities for jaded cavers</li>
 <li><a href="fixaid.htm">Fixed Ropes</a> in CUCC caves</li>
 <li><a href="geolog.htm">Geological outline</a></li>
diff --git a/intro.html b/intro.html
index 5aaca1d4f..448f27bfa 100644
--- a/intro.html
+++ b/intro.html
@@ -78,14 +78,9 @@ proceeds. To see what's changed recently, see the
 <p><b>We need to know what you think</b> about this site - did you find
-your way around easily ? Did you find any errors, omissions, some confusion ?
-Are there areas where you would like more information ? Please use our
-<a href="../fdback.htm">feedback page</a> or just mail us at
-mailbox &lt;austria&gt; on site pennine.demon.co.uk. Please note that this
-address is <b>only</b> for material relating to or arising from our Austria
-expeditions as documented on these pages - other addresses are provided for
-making contact with the groups or individuals involved, but <b>none</b> of
-these find <b>net abuse</b> such as <i>advertising</i> acceptable.</p>
+your way around easily? Did you find any errors, omissions, some confusion?
+Are there areas where you would like more information? If so, email one of the
+<a href="folk/author.htm#maintainers">maintainers</a>.</p>
 <p>There is also a list of <a href="folk/author.htm">contributing