diff --git a/primer.htm b/primer.htm
index 7ec2c6870..4bd73e425 100644
--- a/primer.htm
+++ b/primer.htm
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ to 510m in depth and  7.2km in length.</dd>
 seventies, to a depth estimated at 506m. The original explorers simply
 concentrated on getting to the bottom and were not unduly concerned with
 exploring side passages or with accurate surveying; hence a return and
-reexploration is planned for 2004.</dd>
+reexploration was began in 2004, and will continue in 2005.</dd>
 <dt><span lang="de-at">Schwarzmooskogel</span> system</dt>
 <dd>formed from the linkage of several caves into one system, 55km or so
 long, and 1033m deep, of which around two-thirds of the length (and the highest
@@ -155,9 +155,11 @@ than a job not done at all. This is especially true of cave survey and passage
 description, or, for prospecting, the recording of locations.</p>
 <p>To get a feel for what trips are like, it is perhaps worth dipping into
-one of the <a href="years/2003/logbook.html">logbooks for recent years</a>. To
+one of the <a href="years/2000/log.htm">logbooks</a> 
+<a href="years/2001/log.htm">for</a> <a href="years/2003/logbook.html">recent
+</a> <a href="years/2004/logbook.html">years</a>. To
 get an idea of what expo will be trying to achieve, there is a "<a
-href="years/2004/goals.html">mission statement</a>" for the current year.  And
+href="years/2005/mission.html">mission statement</a>" for the current year.  And
 to see how much potential there is, a glance at the current <span
 lang="de">Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle</span> <a
 href="smkridge/204/qm.html">Question Mark list</a> is a revelation. Leads are