diff --git a/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html b/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html
index 65e90e216..937b21435 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 <p>and of course using your phone or laptop you can update entries on expo antics on public forums such as ukcaving.
 <p>If you also have Survex and Therion installed on the laptop, you can do nearly everything for initial cave survey data entry. See the 
-<a href="getsurvex.html">Survex, Tunnel and Therion</a> installation instructions and the <a href="yourlaptop.html">expo data maintenance</a> installation instructions.
+<a href="getsurvex.html">Survex, Tunnel and Therion</a> installation instructions and the <a href="surveylaptop.html">expo survey laptop</a> installation instructions.
 (These will be moved to a different page in the handbook soon).
 <p>We are actively working on increasing the number of expo activities that can be done with just a browser and no, or minimal, installed software.
@@ -47,14 +47,14 @@ href="manual.html">data maintenance manual</a>.
 <li><a href="#any">A Survey laptop</a>: a basic laptop with Survex and Therion installed - for cave surveying data entry. 
 <li>An <a href="#basic">expo basic laptop</a>
 <li>A <a href="winlaptop.html">Windows expo basic laptop</a>
-<li>A full <a href="yourlaptop.html">expo data maintenance computer</a> and Android phone config
+<li>A full <a href="surveylaptop.html">expo survey computer</a> and Android phone config
 <li>An <a href="../troggle/troglaptop.html">expo software development computer</a> for troggle programming
 <p>See <a href="../troggle/trognotes.html#devtree">the expertise sequence</a> which lists what you can do at each stage.
 <h2 id="basic">Your own basic laptop</h2>
 <p>If you are new to expo and can't do what you want with just a browser and email, then please use the <em>expo laptop</em> in the potato hut first. You don't <em>need</em> to use your own laptop - which can take several hours to configure completely.
-<p>To set up your own basic laptop for all cave data maintenance you need to do this:</p>
+<p>To set up your own basic laptop for bulk cave data maintenance you need to do this:</p>
   <li>Register an SSH key</a> with an expo nerd i.e 'get a login'. (see "Key Configuration" below)</li>
   <li>Install <a href="#software">git version control software</a> to download ("clone"), view and edit caving data.</li>
@@ -66,12 +66,12 @@ href="manual.html">data maintenance manual</a>.
 <p>The <em>expo laptop</em> is a basic laptop configuration. It has everything for editing and testing survey files (survex, aven, cavern), drawings (tunnel, therion), scanned images of sketches and centre-lines, and photographs. The <em>expo laptop</em> in the potato hut is also physically connected to a flatbed scanner but you can use your phone camera instead and email the images to yourself on your laptop. 
-<p>The <em>expo laptop</em> may also have some software for managing vector images (such as rigging guides), <a href="https://paperless.bheeb.ch/">PocketTopo</a> files, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_information_system">GIS digital maps</a> and <a href="https://activityworkshop.net/software/gpsprune/development.html">GPS tracks</a>. See the <a href="yourlaptop.html">full data maintenance laptop configuration</a> for details.
+<p>The <em>expo laptop</em> may also have some software for managing vector images (such as rigging guides), <a href="https://paperless.bheeb.ch/">PocketTopo</a> files, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographic_information_system">GIS digital maps</a> and <a href="https://activityworkshop.net/software/gpsprune/development.html">GPS tracks</a>. See the <a href="surveylaptop.html">full survey laptop configuration</a> for details.
 <p>Managing large sets of photographs and scanned images, and managing several folders of these on your laptop and on <var>expofiles</var> on the server is finicky and time-consuming. Many programmers use rsync to help them with this, but if you have never used rsync, now is <em>not</em> the time to learn. Use filezilla and FTP. It is at this point that if you are using a Windows machine, you <em>really</em> need to <a href="winlaptop.html#problems">read about how expo uses hard and soft links and filenames on Windows</a>. If things get screwed up badly, it will need someone on a Linux machine to sort it out.
 <p>Once you have got all this working, and if it doesn't do what you want or you don't understand how to use it, 
-look at the <a href="yourlaptop.html">full data maintenance laptop configuration</a> for everything else. 
+look at the <a href="surveylaptop.html">full survey laptop configuration</a> for everything else. 
 And please <b>write some documentation for the next person</b> in your situation.
 <h3>Cheat lists and quick reminders</h3>
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ careful when naming files and survex names</a> and be <a href="manual.html#quick
 <li>Using Survex, Tunnel and Therion, see the <a href="http://expo.survex.com/handbook/survey/">Expo Handbook - Surveying section</a>.
-<li>For more detailed configuration, explanations and help see the <a href="yourlaptop.html#configuration">full laptop</a> instructions
+<li>For more detailed configuration, explanations and help see the <a href="surveylaptop.html#configuration">survey laptop</a> instructions
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--- a/handbook/computing/chromebook.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/chromebook.html
@@ -55,5 +55,5 @@
 <a href="https://uk.pcmag.com/linux/135719/how-to-install-linux-on-your-chromebook">instead</a>.
 <hr />
 Return to <a href="basiclaptop.html">Setting up a basic laptop</a></body><br>
-Return to <a href="yourlaptop.html">Setting up a survey laptop</a></body>
+Return to <a href="surveylaptop.html">Setting up a survey laptop</a></body>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/contribute.html b/handbook/computing/contribute.html
index edeb35d81..a7f692f33 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/contribute.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/contribute.html
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ that need doing in the "Logbook Fettling" section of the
 <a href="todo-data.html">Expo <em>Data</em> To-Do List</a>. 
 <p>There are broken links in the handbook which need fixing. At the bottom of the 
-<a href="yourlaptop.html">your laptop configuration</a> page is a list of link-checking tools.
+<a href="surveylaptop.html">survey laptop configuration</a> page is a list of link-checking tools.
 Run one or more of these and use the <a href="hbmanual1.html">"Edit this page"</a> 
 capability to fix the handbook pages
 so that the links work. This is a perennial problem with external websites which change their 
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ add a new design document).
 Before you do anything substantial you will probably need to 
 <a href="basiclaptop.html">set up a basic expo machine</a> and 
-then <a href="yourlaptop.html">a data management configuration</a>. This 
+then <a href="surveylaptop.html">a survey data management configuration</a>. This 
 can take several hours, but you don't need to install everything before
 you can contribute to fixing things in the <a href="todo.html">Expo <em>Systems</em> To-Do List</a>. 
 If you really want to get stuck into the code you will need a <a href="../troggle/troglaptop.html">troggle software development configuration</a>.
diff --git a/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html b/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
index 3942a8456..5df3b422e 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ You will have done the ssh
 <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> process - which you can only do entirely on your own if 
 you have access to the <i>expo laptop</i>. 
 <p>See <a href="basiclaptop.html">setting up a minimal laptop</a> for a short list of software. This assumes you know how to use it all.
-<br />See <a href="yourlaptop.html">setting up your own laptop</a> for the full list of software we use and where to get it.
+<br />See <a href="surveylaptop.html">setting up your own survey laptop</a> for the full list of software we use and where to get it.
 <p>Note that the instructions are primarily for people using Linux with some help for those using Windows. If you are a Mac user then you are on your own.
 <h3>Cheat lists and quick reminders</h3>
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new file mode 100644
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+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+<title>CUCC Expedition Handbook: Your phone</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" />
+<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook - Your phone</h2>
+<h1>Cave survey software - using a phone</h1>
+<h3>Your Android phone</h3>
+<p>Everyone has a phone pretty much, and everyone should have GPS enabled for safety. See <a href="../essentials.html">the expo GPS configuration pages</a>.
+<p>There are several cave survey apps which run on a phone. We don't yet have a well documented way of using these 
+with the expo survey data workflow.
+<li><a href="https://osmand.net/">OsmAnd</a> - a GPS app. 
+<li><a href="http://www.gpsessentials.com/">GPSessentials</a> - another GPS app.
+<li><a href="http://apemap.com/">Ape@Map</a> - another GPS app, compatible with Kompass commerical map sand used by Austrian cavers
+<li><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">TopoDroid</a> makes cave surveys with the DistoX.
+<li><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">Cave3D</a> is a Therion 3D viewer.
+<li><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">ThManager</a> organizes single surveys, exported by TopoDroid, into Therion projects encoded by Therion "thconfig" files.
+<p>You can also use a phone to upload files and manage version control on the server. This is not the place to start, but if you are already doing this on your own laptop then these can be useful:
+<li><a href="https://www.termius.com/">Termius</a> - command line to create a registratkey for your phone, to ssh (and mosh) login to the expo server. To get sftp you have to buy it.
+<li><a href="uploading.html#android">andftp</a> FTP app - needs an <a href="keyexchange.html">ssh key</a> installed on your phone
+<li><a href="ftpusage.html">FTP using Cx_File_Explorer</a> (this is probably out of date)
+<hr />
+Return to <a href="chromebook.html">Setting up a Chromebook</a></body><br>
+Return to <a href="basiclaptop.html">Setting up a basic laptop</a></body><br>
+Return to <a href="surveylaptop.html">Setting up a survey laptop</a></body>
+<hr /></body>
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similarity index 91%
rename from handbook/computing/yourlaptop.html
rename to handbook/computing/surveylaptop.html
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+++ b/handbook/computing/surveylaptop.html
@@ -13,26 +13,8 @@
 <h2>Phones and laptops</h2>
-<h3>Your Android phone</h3>
-<p>Everyone has a phone pretty much, and everyone should have GPS enabled for safety. See <a href="../essentials.html">the expo GPS configuration pages</a>.
-<p>There are several cave survey apps which run on a phone. We don't yet have a well documented way of using these 
-with the expo survey data workflow.
-<li><a href="https://osmand.net/">OsmAnd</a> - a GPS app. 
-<li><a href="http://www.gpsessentials.com/">GPSessentials</a> - another GPS app.
-<li><a href="http://apemap.com/">Ape@Map</a> - another GPS app, compatible with Kompass commerical map sand used by Austrian cavers
-<li><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">TopoDroid</a> makes cave surveys with the DistoX.
-<li><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">Cave3D</a> is a Therion 3D viewer.
-<li><a href="https://sites.google.com/site/speleoapps/home">ThManager</a> organizes single surveys, exported by TopoDroid, into Therion projects encoded by Therion "thconfig" files.
-<p>You can also use a phone to upload files and manage version control on the server. This is not the place to start, but if you are already doing this on your own laptop then these can be useful:
-<li><a href="https://www.termius.com/">Termius</a> - command line to create a registratkey for your phone, to ssh (and mosh) login to the expo server. To get sftp you have to buy it.
-<li><a href="uploading.html#android">andftp</a> FTP app - needs an <a href="keyexchange.html">ssh key</a> installed on your phone
-<li><a href="ftpusage.html">FTP using Cx_File_Explorer</a> (this is probably out of date)
+<h3>Your phone</h3>
+<p>See <a href="phone.html">Android phone page</a>.
 <h3>Your laptop</h3>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/uploading.html b/handbook/computing/uploading.html
index 2dbd7147a..73b35ea02 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/uploading.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/uploading.html
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ bastardized "enhanced" version of the photos.
 <li>the target folder: <span style="font-family: monospace">/uploads/</span>, or it may appear as <span style="font-family: monospace">/expofiles/uploads/</span>
 <li>the port number: 21 (if you leave this blank it will probably work)
-<p>But <em>none of this will work</em> until you have also done the <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> procedure. On a phone this means that you will also need to install a terminal (command line) app. See <a href="yourlaptop.html">your machine</a> instructions, the Android bits.
+<p>But <em>none of this will work</em> until you have also done the <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> procedure. On a phone this means that you will also need to install a terminal (command line) app. See <a href="phone.html">Android</a> instructions.
 <li>Install the <a href="http://www.lysesoft.com/products/andftp/">andftp</a> app onto your Android phone using the Google Play Store and allow it to access your files and photos on your phone (just click on the popup to do this).
 <li>Click on the icon that looks like a "plus" synbol in a circle
diff --git a/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html b/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html
index 9677be956..ae0e1e104 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 <a href="basiclaptop.html">Setting up a basic Expo laptop</a>
-<a href="yourlaptop.html">Setting up a machine for Expo data maintenance</a>
+<a href="surveylaptop.html">Setting up a machine for Expo survey processing</a>
 <p>It used to be quite simple: software equivalents existed for Windows for everything we needed. Since Spring 2018, we unfortunately have to use ssh keys. This has simply added an extra step for most things, but has made one thing (rsync) really quite hard to get working.
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 - well not "hard" exactly, but complicated with lot of steps that are easy to get wrong and with poor feedback as to whether you have done each step correctly.
 <li><a href="#bold">The easier way to do it</a><br />
 - using WSL: Windows System for Linux
-<li><a href="yourlaptop.html#win">Possibly an even easier way to do it</a><br />
+<li><a href="surveylaptop.html#win">Possibly an even easier way to do it</a><br />
 - using OpenSSH for Windows</ul>
 <h3 id="well">Things that already work well</h3>
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ it shares with WSL2).
 <h3>Installing and Configuring the rest of the software you need on Windows</h3>
-<p>Now return to <a href="yourlaptop.html">the data maintenance laptop</a> page to configure all the rest of the software you need.
+<p>Now return to <a href="surveylaptop.html">the survey laptop</a> page to configure all the rest of the software you need.
 <hr /></body>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/wsllaptop.html b/handbook/computing/wsllaptop.html
index b180ea517..cc3644bca 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/wsllaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/wsllaptop.html
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 <a href="basiclaptop.html">Setting up a basic Expo laptop</a>
-<a href="yourlaptop.html">Setting up a machine for Expo data maintenance</a>
+<a href="surveylaptop.html">Setting up a machine for survey data maintenance</a>
 <a href="winlaptop.html">Setting up a Windows machine for Expo data maintenance</a>
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/troglaptop.html b/handbook/troggle/troglaptop.html
index 4ec8740d6..f0884b3a0 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/troglaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/troglaptop.html
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 your account will need to be added to the troggle project members list. Contact wookey  at wookware dot org to get this set up.
-<p>You need to already know really quite a lot about what troggle does, and how it is used in practice. Also you will have installed quite a lot of the software such as tunnel, therion, survex etc. as documented in <a href="../computing/yourlaptop.html">your laptop configuration</a>. In particular read the information there about VS code and git.
+<p>You need to already know really quite a lot about what troggle does, and how it is used in practice. Also you will have installed quite a lot of the software such as tunnel, therion, survex etc. as documented in <a href="../computing/wsllaptop.html">your bulk update laptop configuration</a>. In particular read the information there about VS code and git.
 <p>This page is a work in progess. Text will be moved here from
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html b/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
index f290b42a7..73e3a1639 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ converts to a more asynchronous architecture using python <a href="https://docs.
 <li>Get the 'expoadmin' password and explore the live system online: watch the data change in real time
 <li>Configure <a href="../computing/keyexchange.html">an ssh key</a> and <a href="../computing/fzconfig.html">Filezilla</a> or scp/sFTP.
 <li>Configure  a <a href="../computing/basiclaptop.html">basic expo laptop</a>
-<li>Configure <a href="../computing/yourlaptop.html">more cave software on your laptop</a>
+<li>Configure <a href="../computing/surveylaptop.html">cave survey software on your laptop</a>
 <li>Configure a <a href="troglaptop.html">troggle development machine</a> - a laptop where you have cloned the repos and installed django. Installing is the same as updating Django. See <a href="trogdjangup.html">Troggle: updating Django</a>.