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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
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-<title>81.1309: UBSS Description of Some Caves</title>
-<font size=-1>Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spel&aelig;ological
-Society, 1981, <b>16</b>(1) pp 11-20</font>
-<h2>A Description of Some Caves in the Totes Gebirge, Austria</h2>
-<h4>by J.T. Griffiths</h4>
-<p><font size=-1>An account is given of the discoveries made by a joint
-University of Bristol Spelaeological Society and Cambridge University Caving
-Club expedition to the Totes Gebirge, Austria, in 1980. It includes
-descriptions of four caves: 1623/41, 87, 113 and 115, together with surveys
-of two of them: 1623/41 and 115. The caves consisted of a mixture of vadose
-passages and old phreatic systems and the potential for further discoveries
-is great.</font>
-<p>For a number of years members of Cambridge University Caving Club have
-been investigating an area (Fig. 3, map) of high alpine karst north of the
-Altausseer See at the western end of the Totes Gebirge (Leach,
-<a href="../../years/1976/report.htm">1977</a>, Various,
-<a href="../../years/1977/report.htm">1978</a>,
-<a href="../../years/1978/report.htm">1979</a>, and
-<a href="../../years/1979/report.htm">1980</a>). In August 1980, a joint
-U.B.S.S./C.U.C.C. party spent three weeks exploring caves on the north side
-of the glaciated valley that runs down to the Altausseer See between the
-Schwarzmoos Kogel and the Trisselberg. The expedition prospected a fairly
-limited area above the Weisse Wand either side of the footpath that runs from
-the Loser H&uuml;tte to the Wildensee at an altitude of about 1500 to 1600m.
-(Alpenvereinskarte nr. 15/1: Totes Gebirge, Westliches blatt, scale 1:25000).
-This area had not been visited by C.U.C.C. before, but one major cave
-(<a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">1623/41</a>, Stellerwegh&ouml;hle) was
-known. A German group had previously worked there, though information on
-their finds was sparse.
-<p><img alt="Fig. 3 - 11k gif" width=438 height=548 src="81f3.png">
-<p>It should be noted that access to the area is considerably easier than is
-suggested by the map. Since the map was published, a toll road has been
-built from the road between Altaussee and Blaa-Alm to a point between the
-Loser H&uuml;tte and the Augst See at an altitude of 1600m. From here the
-caves were an easy forty minute walk. Groups wishing to undertake work in
-the area can negotiate free access to the toll road through the Austrian
-caving organisations. As much as the higher karst has been effectively
-designated a conservation area, camping is not permitted except by special
-<p>Descriptions are given of the major systems explored by the expedition. A
-number of other sites were investigated but weren't of sufficient
-significance to warrant mentioning. The numbering system used for these
-caves is the one adopted by the Austrian cavers. The pefix 1623 describes
-the general area they are in, ie. the western end of the Totes Gebirge,
-while the second number is unique to a particular cave. It is the latter
-number that is normally painted on the rock at the entrance to the cave and
-enables previously explored sites to be identified.
-<h3><a name="41">1623/41,</a> STELLERWEGH&Ouml;HLE (Fig. 4)</h3>
-<p>Lat. N 47&deg; 40.2', long. E 13&deg; 48.5'
-<p>The largest of the caves explored by the expedition, this site had
-previously been visited by some German cavers. Reports suggested that they
-had got down to -220m, and that the cave was still going.
-<p>The cave has two entrances, the lower of which is a classic draughting
-tube. This tube quickly led to a slope down into a chamber where a large snow
-bank signalled the entry of the passage from the upper entrance, daylight
-being visible at the top of the snow slope. On our first couple of trips into
-the cave it was not realised that the snow bank masked the main way on into
-what later became known as the German route. As a result, the passage was
-followed round to the left, across an ice-traverse, and then up dip along a
-fine arched passage. At the top of this, a turn to the right opened up onto
-one of the large ramps that were such a feature of the cave. Traversing
-across this, a short length of passage led to another ramp. Again the way on
-was gained by traversing across this and into a crawl at the far side which
-draughted strongly. Two more of these ramps were passed before a short climb
-down led to a traverse that required a handline. This traverse appeared to be
-in a large sloping chamber split by a rock barrier at its top end. Across the
-traverse on the other side of this rock barrier, a pitch dropped away: 5m
-sloping to a ledge, and then an 18m freehang to the floor. At the bottom were
-several possible ways on. Down the bedding was a gently draughting passage
-much obstructed by collapse. This was not explored for any great distance. A
-climb down from the bottom of the pitch led to a corner of the chamber that
-evidently took a lot of water in flood conditions. A squeeze over boulders
-here dropped into an immature vadose canyon which was followed for about 30m
-with no end in sight. The main way on though, necessitated a climb up onto a
-large boulder and then up a ramp opposite the pitch. This led to a steeply
-descending phreatic passage dropping down some rift climbs and then into a
-short crawl. Two more ramps followed, the first requiring a handline, before
-the final ramp was reached; there was no way on on the other side. A series
-of scrambles and free climbs down this brought one to the head of a mud slope
-that required laddering. Here the whole character of the cave changed, as the
-ramp met a large passage in a cross joint and the whole passage dipped
-sharply away to the right.
-<p><center><img alt="Fig. 4 - 15k gif" width=548 height=870
-<p>A six metre descent of the mud slope and a short climb down ended at the
-head of a large circular shaft. A pitch of 14m dropped onto a large ledge in
-a tremendous shaft, the first shaft merely being a subsidiary shaft. From
-here a 55m pitch descended to a further ledge, the last 47m being absolutely
-free. A 26m pitch followed, ending on the floor of a large rift. Continuing
-along this rift, the passage took the form of a tall narrow canyon with a
-stream flowing along its bottom. The stream disappeared down a hole in the
-floor after about 40m and no attempt was made to follow it. Instead, a
-further 90m of progress was made along the canyon passage to the head of a
-9m pitch. Here the character of the cave changed again as a small stream
-descended a series of short pitches linked by sections of narrow rift
-passage and it may be that the canyon continued above the head of the 9m
-pitch. Pitches of 20, 9, 5, 6 and 6m followed in quick succession, before a
-short climb up onto a pile of boulders broke out into the impressive final
-rift. It could have been anything up to 100m high and averaged about 5m in
-width. Its descent was to mark the final stage of the expedition's
-exploration of the cave. The first pitch descended a loose gulley for 7m and
-then hung free for 24m. Here the rope ran out, necessitating a pendulum to a
-point in the rift where one could jam oneself between the walls. From here a
-9m pitch brought one to the floor. This point could probably be reached by
-rigging the first pitch to the floor. A short but bouldery climb down led to
-the head of a 16m pitch and from here descending the rift pitches of 5, 10,
-17 and 17m were rigged. At the bottom of this last pitch two short free
-climbs ended at the head of another pitch which was not descended due to
-lack of time. Total estimated depth of the cave 360m.
-<p>A party had the misfortune to be down this cave during a flash flood. At
-this stage, the last five pitches in the rift had not been descended, but it
-is clear that these must become extremely wet in flood. The series of short
-but constricted pitches and the main shaft were unpleasant but passable
-under these conditions.
-<p>During the course of the exploration of this main way down the cave, the
-German route was also investigated and didn't turn out quite as
-straightforward as had been expected. Past the snow bank in the entrance a
-large passage crossed over a couple of ramps, evidently those descending
-from the other series, before a roped traverse around a choked pot reputedly
-28m deep ended at a series of pitches. Pitches of 6m and 18m dropped to a
-floor in the rift. Off one end of this was a 20m pitch with a small outlet
-at its base. This was not investigated, as the other route appeared larger.
-Pitches of 3, 14 and 16m followed in quick succession. From the bottom of
-this last pitch an awkward sloping traverse down a canyon passage was
-explored to where a passage going off on the left seemed to afford easier
-progress. A muddy free climb of 10m descended to a low crawl which looked
-very much like a dried out sump. Beyond this a window opened out onto a
-climb down and then a traverse across a hole to the head of a pitch. This
-descended a slope for about 5m before hanging free for 12m. From the chamber
-into which this dropped, a rift passage led on. Pitches of 8, 12 and 8m were
-rigged in this rift, before exploration was halted at the head of an
-estimated 6m pitch. The rift had narrowed considerably at this stage and the
-series was proving far more difficult that the main way on. There were signs
-of previous exploration up to the dried out sump but not beyond. The limit
-of our exploration was estimated as being 140m below the start of the
-pitches, possibly therefore 180m below the entrance. Claims that the cave
-had previously been explored to -220m must be treated with some suspicion.
-<p>Lat. N 47&deg; 40.14', long. E 13&deg; 14.7'.
-<p>This was the first and most rapidly explored of the major finds of the
-expedition. Located whilst looking for the Stellerwegh&ouml;hle, it lay just
-above the path about 100m past the climb up to the Stellerwegh&ouml;hle at
-an altitude of about 1550m. The entrance was situated below a cliff at the
-top of a gulley. Waht attracted the first party to the cave was the cool
-draught filtering up through boulders in the gulley. From the entrance, a
-peaty slope gave out onto the head of a pitch. Traversing over this, the
-first pitch of 20m was rigged from a rock bridge, the other pitch entering
-half way down. The second pitch quickly followed, 16m and sloping, ending in
-a chamber. The third pitch of 17m led off from this chamber. Again it
-dropped into a chamber from which the fourth and final pitch descended. This
-was 38m to a choke, the total depth of the pot being 105m. The draught
-noticeable at the entrance was absent here and appeared to come from an
-inaccessible passage some way up the last pitch. About half way down this
-final pitch, a pendulum could be made onto a large block. However, there was
-no way past this.
-<h3><a name="113">1623/113</a> SONNENSTRAHLH&Ouml;HLE</h3>
-<p>Lat. N 47&deg; 40.3', long. E 13&deg; 49'
-<p>400 to 500m along the path from Stellerwegh&ouml;hle a long climb up
-overgrown gulleys to an altitude of 1650m ended at a large depression. At
-the southeast end of this was a large hole, the entrance to 1623/113. The
-normal method of entry was to rig a 26m pitch on the far side of the
-entrance dropping onto a snow slope, though a series of climbs down the snow
-slope would bring one to the same point. From here a short scramble down in
-a large chamber led to a 3m climb up into a traverse along a steeply
-inclined bedding plane. Following the obvious route in this bedding plane,
-past a couple of alternative ways on, the ead of Point Five Gully was
-reached about 100m from the chamber. Here a steep descent of the bedding
-opened up into Barnsley Methodist Chapel. It is assumed that some of the
-alternative ways on in the bedding re-emerge here. This chamber marked the
-end of the inclined bedding plane and the cave continued in the form of a
-small tube in one wall. Twenty metres of crawling ended at the head of a 14m
-pitch in a rift. The passage at the bottom could be followed to a cross
-joint where the main way on was to the left and along a short traverse into
-an impressive chamber. This chamber, later named the Opera House, was at a
-depth of about 100m.
-<p>From here a 12.5m pitch dropped to a bouldery floor. At the far side of
-the chamber was a 7m pitch of boulders and the passage narrowed into a rift.
-This quickly led to a climb and an 11m pitch. Below a tube opened out onto
-the head of anohter pitch. The cave was rapidly going vertical. Descents of
-11m, 26m and then three short steps of 5m ended at an apparent sump after a
-very constricted rift. It was originally thought that the cave ended here at
-a depth of 210m. However, a climb up of 3m in the tight rift led to a body
-sized tube going off on the left. Ten metres of crawling and once more the
-cave headed down, this time in an enormous shaft. After 10m was a rebelay at
-a flake and then 30m to a saddle between two shafts. The one taking a small
-stream was descended in a series of short pitches, 12, 10, 16, 6 and 12m. At
-the bottom of these a ladder descent of the gulley in the floor of 5m ended
-at an impenetrable tube taking a small stream. Again the cave seemed to have
-come to an end, this time at -310m.
-<p>However, a narrow slot in the wall next to the ledges above the gulley
-broke out into a large chamber, the Crematorium, after a short length of
-passage. This chamber was formed along another steeply inclined bedding
-plane. At the far side of the chamber, the bedding closed down, though a
-draught was noticeable at this point appearing from a small hole down the
-bedding and disappearing into a choke in the roof. It should be noted that in
-the main body of the cave the draught was inwards. A hole in the floor of the
-passage before the chamber dropped down into a small stream, the one seen at
-the bottom of the gulley, and this descended a series of short free climbs to
-a depth of 330m. The way on was still open at this point, indeed this section
-of the cave was only explored towards the end of the expedition when floods
-trapped a party down the cave.
-<p>The present limit is still 600m above the Altausseer See and the cave must
-offer considerable potential for further exploration.
-<h3><a name="115">1623/115</a> SCHNELLZUGH&Ouml;HLE (Fig. 5)</h3>
-<p>Lat. N 47&deg; 40.1', long. E 13&deg; 48.6'
-<p>The entrance to this cave lay directly below Stellerwegh&ouml;hle at an
-altitude of about 1520m. The main entrance was a large phreatic tube which
-appeared to have been explored before. This tube ended in a small
-rock-filled passage from which a strong draught emanated. Excavation enabled
-this to be passed to a small chamber. From here a short length of walking
-passage ended at the head of a pitch. Down this (8m) a steply descending
-passage ended at a choke after about 20m. An airy traverse across the head
-of the pitch led to a chamber and choked inlet with no draught. The way on
-was anything but obvious ! Half way across and about 1.5m above the traverse
-was a small tube in the right hand wall concealed by a lip of rock. The
-draught blew strongly through this. After 8m this dropped into a chamber. A
-traverse round the left hand wall and a squeeze past some boulders led to a
-pitch. This was a fine free hanging shaft of 18m. From the chamber at the
-bottom, two narrow vadose trenches descended. The one to the right was the
-larger and was followed in preference, though both appeared to rejoin a
-short distance on. After an initial steep descent, the canyon could be
-followed for 20m to where it broke out in the side of a large phreatic
-passage. To the right this was explred for a short distance, further
-progress necessitating crawling. The more obvious way though, was to the
-left. The passage appeared to be developed along the strike and after 25m
-its floor was incised by a very narrow and deep vadose trench. Past this
-junction, the phreatic passage continued in fine style to where a couple of
-large blocks appeared to be obstructing the way on. Here it was decided
-initially to descend the vadose trench in an attempt to regain the way on.
-Accordingly a 30m pitch was rigged off the boulders. At the bottom, however,
-the canyon choked.
-<p><center><img alt="Fig. 5 - 12k gif" width=438 height=625
-<p>It was not until the surveying trip that it was realised that, if one came
-off the rope about 5m down this pitch and traversed along, it was possible
-to pass underneath the boulders into the continuation of the phreatic
-passage. On the far side of the boulders, the passage dipped steeply down,
-still with the trench in the floor, to a junction with a similar passage
-sloping left to right. Up to the left, this ended at the edge of an
-estimated 20m pitch, whilst to the right the slope gave way onto a large
-oval shaft. Stones thrown down this indicated a depth in the region of 25 to
-30m. A small stream could be heard trickling at the bottom. Lack of time
-prevented a return to explore this.
-<p>There is no impermeable covering to the limestone on the Schwarzmoos Kogel
-and hence there are no surface streams. Some small permanent streams are
-encountered in the caves, at least in summer. These are fed by meltwater
-from snow plugs that abound in the surface shafts in the limestone. When
-there is heavy rain, water disappears rapidly underground, as there is
-nothing on the surface to retain it; the underground streams can then
-quickly become impassable. It is believed that the water resurges from
-springs in the Altausseer See some 800m below.
-<p>Sites likely to repay further investigation are easily identifiable by the
-presence of a draught at the entrance. As a general rule if an entrance
-doesn't draught then it is not worth exploring. At times it seemed as if the
-entire hillside was draughting, and indeed draughts were far more prevalent
-in this area than in the areas explored by C.U.C.C. in previous years. This
-seems to indicate that the area is honeycombed with caves. At the 1500 to
-1600m level, entrances normally draught outwards, while above that they
-draught inwards.
-<p>Several of the caves were entered through phreatic tubes truncated by the
-glaciated valley and it is interesting to note that a further series of
-these phreatic tunnels was seen below and slightly to the east of the area
-prospected. These were in cliffs on the north side of the path that runs
-along the bottom of the glaciated valley between Oberwasser and Hochklapf
-sattel. They were at an altitude of about 1200 to 1300m and do not appear to
-have been explored.
-<p>All the major sites explored, with the possible exception of 1623/87,
-afford potential for further exploration and it is likely that they will all
-go to over 500m in depth. As has already been indicated, the area prospected
-was a fairly limited one, dictated largely by ease of access from the path.
-The hillside offers considerable scope for the discovery of further extensive
-<p>In common with most other groups exploring deep pots in high karst
-regions, the expedition almost exclusively used ropes for rigging pitches.
-Ladders are too cumbersome for this type of work, though it is useful to
-include a number in an expedition's tackle list for short broken descents
-that are unsuitable for ropes. In most cases ropes were rigged from 8mm self
-drilling bolts, as there were few natural belays. The S.R.T. equipment and
-system used varied from individual to individual. Few rope walking systems
-were adopted, though, as the short but numerous pitches with frequent
-changeovers militate against such systems. Two points on ropes should be
-mentioned. First that the rock is very abrasive, far more so than in Great
-Britain, and hence a premium is placed on good rigging. Second, as in
-previous years, some problems were encountered with muddy ropes, in
-particular on the second pitch in the Stellerwegh&ouml;hle. All ascending
-devices were prone to slipping on these ropes and whilst alarming this could
-be overcome by manually pressing the cam onto the rope. Once jammed they
-normally stay jammed. The only real solution to the problem is to include a
-toothbrush as part of one's S.R.T. equipment and clean the teeth of the cam
-before every ascent.
-<p>Waterproof overalls and wool or synthetic undergarments were the most
-practical and comfortable clothing. Temperatures in caves at this altitude
-are lower than those normally encountered in caves in Great Britain and
-wetsuits are not warm enough. They also restrict movement and become very
-uncomfortable on long trips, so very little use was made of them.
-<p>Carbides were used as the main form of lighting, though most members of
-the expedition carried some form of waterproof torch attached to the helmet
-as an emergency light. This arrangement is most useful on pitches in case the
-carbide lamp is extinguished by water.
-<p>The caves were surveyed using a fibron tape and a hand held Suunto compass
-and clinometer. Distances were measured to the nearest centimetre and angles
-to half a degree. The local magnetic variation is about &frac12;&deg;W
-<p>The German route in Stellerwegh&ouml;hle was not surveyed, partly because
-of time pressures and partly owing to the fact that it was not considered the
-main way on. The Austrians have surveyed it to the head of the pitches, but
-we were unable to obtain a copy of their survey. Similarly, in the final
-rift, apart from a bearing taken along the line of the rift, only pitch
-lengths were measured, again due to lack of time.
-<p>Oddments of the Schnellzugh&ouml;hle have not been surveyed, as they did
-not represent the main way on, and the last section was only explored at a
-late stage and then only by one person, so surveying was impractical.
-<p>Sonnenstrahlh&ouml;hle and 1623/87 have been surveyed, but the surveys
-have not yet been drawn up. It is hoped to publish these eventually, possibly
-with a report of the planned 1981 expedition.
-<h3>Members of the Expedition</h3>
-<p>Ken Baker, John Bowers, Mike Burgess, Andy Connolly, Julian Griffiths,
-Simon Kellet, Julia Kostelnyk, Tim Lyons, Tony Malcolm, Ben van Millingen,
-Clive Owen, Steve Perry, Mike Perryman, Nick Thorne and Andy Waddington.
-<dt><a href="../../years/1976/report.htm">LEACH, R. 1977</a><dd>Austria
-1976. <i>Cambridge Underground, The Journal of the Cambridge University
-Caving Club</i>, 1976-77, 43-53
-<dt><a href="../../years/1977/report.htm">VARIOUS 1978</a><dd>Austria
-1977. <i>Cambridge Underground, The Journal of the Cambridge University
-Caving Club</i>, 1977-78, 30-48
-<dt><a href="../../years/1978/report.htm">VARIOUS 1979</a><dd>Austria
-1978. <i>Cambridge Underground, The Journal of the Cambridge University
-Caving Club</i>, 1978-79, 22-36
-<dt><a href="../../years/1979/report.htm">VARIOUS 1980</a><dd>Expedition
-to Austria, summer 1979. <i>Cambridge Underground, The Journal of the
-Cambridge University Caving Club</i>, 1979-80, 12-19
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-CUCC <b>cave descriptions</b>:
-<img alt="---&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">41</a><br>
-<img alt="---&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/87.htm">87</a><br>
-<img alt="---&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/113.htm">113</a><br>
-<img alt="---&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/115.htm">115</a><br>
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-<a href="../../areas.htm">1623 Area overview</a><br>
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-81.1427: UBSS Intro to Austrian Karst
-<font size=-1>Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spela&aelig;ological Society, 1981, <b>16</b>(1) pp5-10</font>
-<h2>An Introduction to Austrian Karst</h2>
-<h4>by S.R.Perry</h4>
-<p><font size=-1>The plateaux of the Northern Limestone Alps underwent uplift
-between Miocene and Pliocene times due to pressure from the Central Alps. The
-run-off from the Central Alps took a linear northerly direction to the
-Northern Foreshore. Subsequent dissection separated the plateaux physically
-and local radial drainage patterns developed. The surface features of the
-plateaux are dependant on glaciation, solution and weathering. The plateaux
-show good conditions for cave formation. This has occurred in two major
-phases, late Tertiary northerly phreatic tunnels and post glacial radial
-vadose development.</font>
-<p>This paper gives an introduction to the karst of Austria, as reviewed by
-Bauer and Z&ouml;tl. (1972). It provides a background to the interest the
-University of Bristol Spelaeological Society is now showing in the Loser
-plateau area of the Totes Gebirge.
-<p>Karstifiable rock makes up about one sixth of Austria. Four fifths of the
-karst area lies in an east-west band of limestone, the Northern Limestone
-Alps, which lies to the north of the Central Alps. The hardrock Central Alps
-are separated from the Limestone Alps by the longitudinal rivers: the Inn,
-the Salzach and the Enns. The Northern Limestone Alps include the High Alps
-(summits greater than 2000m) and to their north the pre-Alps (summits less
-than 1500m) (Fig. 1)
-<p><img alt="Fig. 1 - 15k gif" width=780 height=450 src="81f1.png">
-<p>The dominant rocks of the High Alps are the Triassic Limestones
-Wettersteinkalk and Dachsteinkalk. Both are fine-grained, light coloured,
-bedded strata up to 1500m thick. The pre-Alps contain many less permeable
-rocks including dolomites and shales. They have suffered greater surface
-erosion and show rounded hill forms, corroded flat in the Tertiary period
-(Tertiary denudational plains). The classic features of the High Alps are
-impressive steep sided, interdigitating plateaux and the corresponding
-narrow valleys.
-<h3>The Development of the Limestone Alps</h3>
-<p>The Triassic limestones were subjected to tectonic pressure from the
-Central Alps and suffered extensive nappe-type folding in the early Tertiary,
-with overthrusts reaching up to fifty kilometres in a northerly direction.
-The nappes were corroded by the run-off from the Central Alps and widespread
-denudational plains were formed. During early Miocene these plains were
-covered by a several hundred metre thick hardrock gravel blanket
-(Augensteine) washed from the Central Alps. The Augensteine can still be
-found, especially in the east of the range and where they have been deposited
-within caves and fissures by water action (Fig. 2).
-<p><img alt="Fig. 2 - 17k gif" width=720 height=450 src="81f2.png">
-<p>During early Miocene, only a few hills would have shown above the
-Augensteine, but with the uplift of the Alps from then to Pliocene times the
-gravel cover was eroded away and widely extending plateaux were exposed. The
-plateaux survive as the High Alps, where they are of extensive limestone
-sequences (Wettersteinkalk and Dachsteinkalk) with low dip. These factors
-have reduced surface erosion by the development of extensive subterranean
-drainages. Such areas are termed 'Raxlandshaft' (Raxlandscape).
-<p>The Raxlandshaft was dissected by younger tectonic block movements to form
-the interdigitating plateaux. The subsequent down-cutting of valleys
-interrupted the previous generally northwards drainage from the Central Alps,
-which had formed the Tertiary denudational plains and the extensive
-horizontal phreatic cave systems of Austria, The Limestone Alps were isolated
-physically from the Central Alps by the Inn, the Salzach and the Enns, which
-diverted the run-off from the Central Alps to the Danube. This valley
-formation reached its present extent (and formed a hydrological barrier) by
-the beginning of the Quaternary period. Subsequent drainage was local to each
-plateau, with a radial distribution rather than a dominantly northern
-direction. The final major event was the Quaternary glaciation.
-<p>The limestone plateaux are most prominent in the isolated massifs of the
-Steinernes Meer, Tennengebirge, Dachstein, Totes Gebirge and east as far as
-the Vienna Basin. To the west a mountain chain form, the Northern Tyrolean
-Alps, formed of steeply dipping Wettersteinkalk and of less spelaeological
-interest, is continuous with the high alpine dolomite ranges.
-<h3>Surface Features of the Plateaux</h3>
-<p>Large karst features such as dolines predate Quaternary glaciation. The
-glaciers themselves enlarged surface rifts to gouge out straight narrow
-ravines several metres deep and up to one hundred metres or more long. These
-'Gassenlandschaft' are characteristic of the glaciated plateau and indicate
-the network of main faults and joints. Step-like scarps separated by flat
-beddings, 'Plattenlandschaft', are found in areas of distinctly bedded
-low-dip limestone, again due to glacial scouring. As the glaciers receded
-(the Dachstein still has a glacier which was once 400m thick) the released
-water aided the formation of numerous surface-open shafts, usually blocked
-with surface moraine or glacial scree.
-<p>Since the glaciation, small features, 'lapies', have developed: fine
-sharply fluted 'Trittkarren' formed above the tree line (about 1600m) and
-rounded bollard-like 'Rinnenkarren' up to one metre deep formed below the
-tree line, under soil cover. There is a band of overlap due to the timber
-line having fallen three to four hundred metres since the thermal maximum. On
-the bare plateau, where hte temperature is low (increasing the carbon dioxide
-solubility) and precipitation is high, post-glacial erosion is estimated at
-15-20cm of limestone. Lower down the vegetation reduces the available water
-(transpiration) but the acid soil increases the corrosive power of the
-slightly warmer water. Trittkarren are centimetres deep, Rinnekarren up to
-one metre deep. Above about 2200m, frost weathering is sufficient to prevent
-lapies formation.
-<p>The development of an underground drainage system depends on the amount
-and structure of the bedrock, the surface morphology, the amount and quality
-of the water having access to the surface, the position of the base level of
-drainage (potential energy gradient) and the time available.
-<p>The tendency to cave formation rather than surface run-off is greatest if
-the surface is nearly horizontal. High precipitation and carbon dioxide
-content help. Surface features, such as lapies and Gassenlandschaft, direct
-water to the bedrock and subterranean drainage will then take advantage of
-and enlarge the internal weaknesses, with flow directed by the local base
-level. All the necessary factors, including depth of limestone are found
-<i>par excellence</i> in the high plateaux around the Dachstein, though
-changes in the parameters since Tertiary times have dictated several phases
-of cave development.
-<p>A limestone mass can be divided according to the drainage conditions in
-various regions. Highest is a zone of vadose development, where passages are
-essentially air-filled and gravity drives flow and passage formation
-vertically down planes of weakness, usually joints and faults. At some depth
-a level of permanent flooding is reached, where flow is dictated by
-hydrostatic pressure and may travel in many directions to reach base level.
-This phreatic zone is limited by the extent of the karstifiable rock. The
-upper portions of this karst water body will experience the most rapid motion
-and turnover, and will be the zone of greatest passage formation. This region
-overlaps with the vadose region in a zone where water level and flow type
-varies closely with the precipitation. A 9.7 km tunnel through the Schneealp
-has allowed direct observation of these zones in a Wettersteinkalk plateau to
-the east of the range.
-<h3>The Caves</h3>
-<p>The earliest phase of development is evidenced by Liassic deposits within
-the Tertiary limestone. These pockets are not relevant to the present caves,
-which divide into phreatic tunnels and precipitous vadose systems. The
-phreatic tunnels run in a northerly direction, formed by late Tertiary
-run-off from the Central Alps, before the latter were separated by their
-longitudinal valley systems. This drainage ran through the Limestone Alps to
-the base level of the northern foreshore and was associated with the
-drainage which formed the denudational plains. At this time, several large
-'poljes' are thought to have sat perhaps 1000m above the presnt plateau.
-<p>The phreatic tunnels of the major known caves lie between 1300 and 1800m
-above sea level. The systems often have several stories denoting successive
-uplifting of the Alps during their formation, the phreatic tunnels being
-formed in the upper, rapidly moving layer of the karst water body. The
-Dachstein Mammut Cave is a classic example with 16.5 km of passage lying at
-altitudes between 1250 and 1500m. The Eisriesenwelt Cave of the Tennegebirge
-has 42km of passage between 1600 and 1800m.
-<p>Late vertical developments, either connected with the horizontal passages,
-as in the 432m shaft of the Geldloch, or in separate shaft caves, such as
-the Gruberhornh&ouml;hle (854m total depth), were formed in the isolated
-vadose zones of the Quaternary plateaux. Much of the water supply was
-glacial and post-glacial meltwater (ie. local) and radial drainage patterns
-were formed with overlapping water systems running centrifugally within the
-plateau. Vertical connections in the Dachstein Mammut Cave betray their
-links with the glacier bed above by the moraine deposited at their junctions
-with the phreatic tunnels.
-<p>Spore tests reflect both types of cave form. Radial patterns were found
-for drainage from the centre of the Totes Gebirge. In contrast, drainage from
-the southern edge of the Totes Gebirge (Tauplitz fault zone) passed 30km
-north through the entire massif.
-<p>Bauer, F and Z&ouml;tl, J, 1972<br>
-In <i>Karst. Important Karst Regions of the Northern Hemisphere</i>,
-Ed. Herak, M. and Stringfield, V.T.
-<h4>Additional Reading</h4>
-<p>Jennings, J.N., 1971<br>
-<i>Karst.</i> M.I.T.Press
-<!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="811309.htm">A Description of Some Caves</a>
-in the Totes Gebirge (same UBSS Proc.)<br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../areas.htm">1623 Area overview</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-Back to <a href="../../index.htm">Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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-<a href="../../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a><br>
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-<a href="../index.htm">Other groups</a> who have worked in the area
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-<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<html lang=en>
-83.1621: UBSS Stellerweg write-up
-<font size=-1>Proceedings of the University of Bristol Spela&aelig;ological
-Society, 1982, <b>16</b>(2) pp 77-83</font>
-<h2>The Stellerwegh&ouml;hle System, Totes Gebirge, Austria</h2>
-<h4>by R.J. Barker, S. Kellet and S.R. Perry</h4>
-<font size=-1>Members of the joint C.U.C.C. and U.B.S.S. expedition to the
-Totes Gebirge in Austria in 1981 extended Schnellzugh&ouml;hle (1623/115|) to
-a depth of around 500m and joined Stellerwegh&ouml;hle (1623/41) to these
-extensions, making 650m in all. Both caves appear to continue beyond the
-limits of exploration, Schnellzugh&ouml;hle as a descending canyon streamway
-and Stellerwegh&ouml;hle in a steeply descending dry phreatic passage
-breaking into rifts above unentered streamways.</font>
-The Stellerwegh&ouml;hle System is the name now given to the two caves,
-Stellerwegh&ouml;hle (41) and Schnellzugh&ouml;hle (115), since the
-connection was made, which is the subject of this paper. 41 was the
-original entrance to Stellerwegh&ouml;hle and 41a is a higher one.
-<p>A description of the entrance series of both caves was given by
-<a href="811309.htm">Griffiths (1981)</a> following the expedition of 1980 by
-the combined Cambridge University Caving Club (C.U.C.C.) and University of
-Bristol Spel&aelig;ological Society (U.B.S.S.) teams. In brief, the entrance
-to 115 is a dry draughting horizontal phreatic passage which, when discovered
-in 1980, ended in a choke. This was cleared to give access to a complex
-abandoned system. The limit of exploration then was a ramp leading upwards
-out of sight and downwards to undescended pitches at -80m. The exploration of
-the lower reaches of 41 had followed a series of pitches down a high rift
-passage. Here the stream was lost and then regained for a couple of pitches.
-In 1980 it was last seen pouring out of sight from an undescended pitch head.
-This last pitch (15m) gains a chamber now called Junction Chamber. It leads
-to the connection with 115 and also to a dry phreatic series. These are
-described <a href="#41andconn">below</a> in 'Stellerwegh&ouml;hle and the
-<h3>Explorations of 1981</h3>
-<h4>Schnellzugh&ouml;hle (115) (Fig. 16)</h4>
-An inlet before the final ramp of 1980 was followed up eight cascades gaining
-30m to a choke, thought to be near the surface and with no draught. The limit
-of 1980 gave two routes on from the deepest pitch; a main shaft and a side
-rift. Rubble poised at the head of the shaft directed attention to the side
-<p>The route down the rift involved pitches and roped climbs of 14, 9, 7 and
-27m. The pitches are broken by muddy ledges and awkward changes of angle.
-They give access to a small active 'well polished' streamway, taking only a
-dribble of water in fine weather. Two clean-washed pitches of 19 and 14m lead
-to a damp 9m pitch onto a 15 x 15m ledge. Here the water drops left into
-boulders. This section becomes very active but remains passable in light
-rain, which is not the only sort of rain in Austria. The way on is over
-boulders and down a 34m pitch into a 30 x 30m chamber of unseen height. The
-stream drops into an uninviting slot in the floor.
-<p>A 5m diameter phreatic tube can be followed downstream by traversing up
-through boulders from the stream bed. This is a difficult way to follow.
-Fifty metres from the chamber the tube branches into a phreatic maze of sandy
-and bouldery abandoned passages. The draught was initially pursued to a
-second stream and a small cairn was built.
-<p>60m downstream from the 30 x 30m chamber, a large inlet on the left can be
-followed up to a sloping aven. Following the stream from the chamber down the
-slot in the floor, one gains a narrow meandering trench streamway. This is
-some 800m long and is uncomfortable, with several awkward traverses and a
-couple of drops. The last 150m is of more comfortable streamway, enlarged by
-the entry of another stream, which may be the Stellerwegh&ouml;hle water from
-Junction Chamber. After this a 7m roped climb drops to a sump.
-<p>The sump has a 10m bypass. This is a 3m diameter tube which emerges above
-a 7m pitch leading back to the stream. 50m of canyon passage, 1.5 to 2m wide
-and too high to see the roof, reaches a 5m pitch and 500m of fine streamway
-whcih gains depth quite rapidly by numerous sporting cascades.
-<p>A 5m pitch drops to a further 500m streamway, followed by a 10m wet pitch
-and 300m more passage. In two places here the vadose canyon gives way to low
-wet ramps where progress is between boulders. A free 10m pitch drops into a
-dark pool running into 150m of stream to the next 10m pitch, broken by a
-ledge. Then after a 4m roped climb a further 70m of horizontal passage
-follows which has dismal pools, suggesting the appearance of a sump. However
-a 15m dry pitch gains an open streamway and a further undescended pitch of
-<h4><a name="41andconn">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</a> (41) and the Connection</h4>
-Turning right out of Junction Chamber one follows a gently descending stream.
-Soon the way traverses the rift above the stream to anter a phreatic zone.
-Further traverses regaining and losing the stream lead to a series of
-5m&nbsp;x&nbsp;5m tubes, floored in white dust with a black surface layer.
-The tubes can be followed back to the Junction Chamber, which they join
-10m above the floor. Ahead they take a series of swooping inclines punctuated
-by dramatic bends. A final incline to a sharp left bend regains the stream
-in its rift, at the site of the cairn built during the exploration from
-Schnellzugh&ouml;hle. This was an encouraging sight to the explorers, who
-realised that they had made the connection between the two caves (Fig. 17).
-<p>From this, the lowest point of the connection, there are two routes on.
-One is a traverse over the stream and then a climb over large boulders into
-a passage entering from the left; the other is a 0.75m hole at floor level
-to the left at the start of the final incline. The two ways join in an
-uphill sandy passage, 1.5m high by 3m wide. This leads by way of a flat-out
-crawl in the face of a healthy draught to a large passage. Turning right,
-90m of phreatic tube lead to the main streamway in Schnellzugh&ouml;hle.
-<h4>The lower reaches of Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</h4>
-From Junction Chamber a 15m climb to the left gives a choice of phreatic
-passages with further avens gaping above. This is a large junctional
-complex into which the expected higher entrances to the system may lead.
-To the right after 50m the passage leads to a rift above a stream. The
-other choice is a large phreatic tube, 10 x 10m, in which easy progress
-down a 30&deg; slope gains 50m depth. This scramble down boulders leads to
-a cross-rift after about 150m. To the right is a stream, to the left a
-traverse after a short distance. None of these routes have yet been
-<h4>The German Route</h4>
-For the purpose of completing the account by <a href="811309.htm">Griffiths
-(1981)</a> an extended elevation of the German Route is given in Fig. 18.
-Fig. 16 is a sketch extended elevation by Pete Lancaster. It includes the
-area surveyed to BCRA Grade 5 and included in Griffiths' (1981) paper. 115
-from the ramp to the bottom of the pitches and the Connection (Fig. 17) were
-both surveyd to Grade 4. The vertical misclosure is 2m but the horizontal
-misclosure is very large. It is thought that the compass may have been
-sticking. Pete's Purgatory was measured to 800m long. Below this the section
-of the streamway from the inlet to the Twelve Foot Climb (the second marked
-as p5) was surveyed to Grade 3 and this has been extrapolated downstream on
-the Grade 1 survey to give a total depth of 680m &plusmn; 40m.
-Thanks are due to all the members of the joint C.U.C.C.-U.B.S.S. expedition,
-more particularly to Pete Lancaster for the drawings. The members of the
-expedition were Richard Barker, Dave Brindle, Charles Butcher, John Cownie,
-Judith Greaves, Simon Kellet, Pete Lancaster, Jane Lolly, Tim Lyons, Fraser
-Macdonald, Mike Martin, Pat Martin, Mick McHale, Janet Morgan, Clive Owen,
-Rob Parker, Tim Parker, Steve Perry, Phil Townsend, Julian Walker and Martin
-GRIFFITHS,J.T. 1981 A description of some caves in the Totes Gebirge,
-<cite>Proc. Univ. Bristol Spel&aelig;ol. Soci.,</cite> <b>16</b>(1), 11-20
-<!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm">Area description</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-CUCC <b>cave descriptions</b>:
-<img alt="---&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">41</a><br>
-<img alt="---&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/1.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/115.htm">115</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
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-<a href="../../../index.htm">Back to CUCC Home page</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Other groups</a> who have worked in the area
diff --git a/others/ubss/index.htm b/others/ubss/index.htm
index b8219205f..6ee16ec52 100644
--- a/others/ubss/index.htm
+++ b/others/ubss/index.htm
@@ -15,7 +15,11 @@ with UBSS connections, who was on the 1977 expedition. Other UBSS members
 first joined CUCC's Austria expedition as guests in 1980, and UBSS was a
 "guest club" on the CUCC expedition in both 1981 and 1982, after which their
 involvement declined. The work done by UBSS members was written up in the
-prestigious Proceedings of UBSS:
+prestigious Proceedings of UBSS.  
+<p>Sadly we have been asked to remove these pieces
+of documentation, which are relevant to CUCCs exploration of the area.  We are currently 
+trying to contact the orginal authors of the articles to ask for their 
+permission to publish the articles.
 <dt><a href="811427.htm">81.1427</a><dd>