From b24d12ff5a15a0ca0d3a77b7003d16e1808e1733 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: dave
Numbered '88' in a fit of optimism while the explorer was getting changed to investigate this impressively draughting hole, it proved in fact to be only 1.2 metres deep and too tight. It appears to be above the inlet below pitch 1 in cave 87, and has been renumbered 87b, since the Austrians have allocated number 88 to Lärchenhöhle.",,,,"Paint",,"Refindable","Easily refindable, it's right on the Stogerweg path. May well be erroneously marked as 88" 88,"3/S/T x",,"40i",,"noinfo/smkridge/88.htm",,,"Lärchenschacht",,,"2a","
","Few details available, since we were for many years unable to obtain a survey. A figure of over 6 km long in 1987 was quoted, but this would appear to include the Eishöhle. Contact was finally made with the French group in 1997 and Denis Motte has sent us a plan on 12 A3 sheets, dated April 1995, which gives the length as 1885m. The following description is made up entirely by looking at the survey, and should not be taken as reliable. It is hoped that we will do better after visiting the cave with a view to finding its connections with Stellerweghöhle (1623/41) and 1623/144.
Open shaft descends 5m to first rigging bolt, then short pitch to snow plug. The way out is to the NE, where the survey shows a couple of (inaccessible ?) question marks and a traverse over a pit. Narrow rift continues past another unexplored small passage to the right, and in 20m opens out into a sizeable chamber. The boulder floor drops away to the north (left) and ahead. Up right is a bouldery antechamber with the base of a ramp up SE. A short passage here chokes.
20m across the boulder slope, it is possible to descend the slope left into the main part of Oberpfälzer Halle, 15m wide and 30m long, now heading west, still descending over boulders. To the right is a 15m rift passage with an inlet. Ahead, the chamber narrows, but large bouldery passage continues with two or three big boulders (over 5m). To SW is a junction marking the start of Jsartal. Up a steep ramp to the right (NW) is unexplored, whilst left, south, goes directly below the entrance in a passage with a slot in the floor. After 25m is a widening and junction. Right curves round to end below an aven. Left goes quickly to another junction. Right soon chokes in boulders, whilst left ends quickly in an undescended rift pitch.
Back at the junction at the start of Jsartal, the main way SW soon traverses a large hole in the floor, then continues as a small canyon until 50m from the start is a junction in small passage. Right pops out immediately into the side of a ramp rising right (north) to a choke. Down ends in a pitch, which is best reached by the small passage left at the junction. This quickly doglegs and comes out over the pitch on the opposite side from the ramp. The pitch (undescended) is seen to be a widening in a deep floor canyon, which continues as Jsartal develops into an 8m wide rocky chamber through which the floor trench meanders.
After a short way, the trench abruptly ends, and a ramp up above it leads to a junction. Left continues up ramp, but not very far. Right traverses the ramp (another down-section soon ends), then heads west past another blind passage on the right, to break out into a larger passage ahead. Left (south) is the way to Geburtstagsgang, whilst right (north) eventually leads to the SchwarzmooskogelEishöhle connection.
Ascending a low ramp leads past various short side-extensions to Schafott - apparently a breakthrough point in 1986 ? Beyond this, small passage continues SW, with a mudbank on the left, for almost 50m until it widens out and descends a steep slope towards a floor trench. Left here a further ramp ascends east to a choke. The floor trench continues W, then NW, but would seem to be too narrow. Staying on the north side of the trench and heading NW (right from the point of entry) leads through mud and/or shingle deposits in a small zig-zag passage which meets first a small canyon which doesn't go, and then a T-junction over another canyon.
Right ends after ten metres or so, whilst left (west) meets another junction where a further trench comes in from the left (south). This also appears to be too small to follow, but would seem likely to connect with one or both of the trenches seen earlier. Ahead reaches a chamber, with a steep slope down left to yet another trench, but staying high gains the continuation of Geburtstagsgang continuing small with a narrow floor canyon. This now goes NW for 50m, to a T-junction. Right ends almost immediately, whilst left shortly pops out in bigger passage on a ledge overlooking a small stream.
Right in the canyon, 12m away, is bigger passage (Großer Cañon), and the original way to Stellerweghöhle, whilst ahead/left goes west, quickly picking up an inlet from the left and dropping 30m in Ungarn Cañon, a narrow way for 50m, to where exploration ceased. It is not clear, but this may well be a pitch, quite possibly into part of the Stellerweg system.
By going right at the start of Ungarn Cañon, large, bouldery passage is soon met at a T-junction. To the right is an alternative route from the entrance via Frankenschnellweg and Großer Cañon. This route was found first, but the survey numbering suggests it was surveyed later and I might deduce that this is not the normal way.
Left in the bigger passage is over boulders, passing a short passage on the left. A hole in the floor of this appears to connect to Ungarn Cañon. Ahead, a slit in the floor is traversed (on the right ?) to reach a pair of large boulders. Up right here ends quickly in an unclimbable sediment wall. Continuing west, the trench reappears (now traversed on left) and soon expands to be a large hole in the floor. It is unclear from the survey how this is crossed, but on the far side, it would appear that a pitch of c 35m is descended, over jammed blocks. Rising steeply to the right (north) from (the foot ?) here is an unascended ramp, which seems likely to connect to unsurveyed passages below Roddick's Dive in 1623/144.
A continuation WNW from this point would appear to be part of the streamway below the Big Pitch in Stellerweghöhle. This in turn suggests that the 35m or so descent must be in the lower part of this shaft, and the ramp seen to the right starts some way above the foot of the pitch.
From the junction at the west of Jsartal, large passage heads north for a short way to a T-junction. Right encounters two floor trenches, the right hand of which soon widens to a 3m deep blind pit. Across this is 25m of rising passage to a choke. Left soon swings round and heads north again, passong another short, blind ascending way on the left. A short section of floor trench is traversed and a short way beyond is Brotzeitplatz, where a large cross-rift goes a short distance left and right.
Ahead is Frankenschnellweg, a rifty passage with rounded roof, heading north with an initial floor trench. Thirty metres or so from Brotzeitplatz another cross-rift is met, this time at an angle. This is the start of a slightly mazey area. To the right is narrow for 30m to the edge of a wide shaft, Regenschacht, 4m deep. By traversing right on the near edge, a small passage is gained which circles all the way round to the far side, then ends in a small aven.
Ahead in Frankenschnellweg, another cross-rift is encountered less than 20m ahead. Right turns sharply back and connects to the Regenschacht passage about halfway along. Left is too narrow to follow, but lines up with another section of rift in the mazey area. Continuing north in Frankenschnellweg, the boulder floor changes and a steep slope down leads to the lip of a canyon at Puits du Sable. Directly opposite is a short blind ramp up. Right is the way to Grand Galerie, described below, whilst left is the start of Großer Cañon.
This is the deep rift reached at the end of Frankenschnellweg, but it is not clear that this is the best way to get to it. Back at the start of the mazey area, the way left (SW) is boulder-floored rift which continues for twenty metres or so until a junction. Ahead chokes, but two ways right soon unite. The left way looks harder - a traverse over a trench, whilst the right way is boulder floored. Beyond the reunion is narrower, with a slot in the floor, and zig-zagging roughly NW, though clearly interrupted by a number of SW-NE joints. One of these can be followed for ten or fifteen metres, where it becomes too narrow, but lined up with a cross-rift in Frankenschnellweg.
After this joint, the next junction is effectively an oxbow on the left, where a bat was found during exploration. Ahead soon reaches the top of the Großer Cañon, some 40m downstream from the point reached in Frankenschnellweg. A descent to the bottom at this point is a 30m pitch. Directly across from the point of entry is a ramp up, with various sediment banks, leading to Sophienhalle. To the right goes back towards the Puits du Sable and Grand Galerie - see below.
To the left, Großer Cañon heads SW in a classic meander, or traversing rift. Give or take a couple of zags, this is straight for almost 100m, at which point it is interrupted by a bouldery chamber of about 10m diameter. Beyond, Großer Cañon continues S then SW again, getting wider. Boulders hide the trench, and the passage curves west. To the left is the way in via Geburtstagsgang and on to Ungarn Cañon. Ahead is the main way into Stellerweg, described above. It is not clear whether the stream below Großer Cañon goes on this way, or joins Ungarn Cañon.
Upstream in Großer Cañon, most easily reached by the Puits du Sable, ascending passage heads east, and soon develops into a very wide passage with a deep canyon floor. It looks as if this passage is done at the level of the bottom of the canyon, which leads up, passing an inlet on the right, to a large pool at the foot of Puits Madonna. This is ascended to reach a similar level to the point of entry above Puits du Sable. The continuation enlarges into Grande Galerie, soon attaining impressive dimensions of 15m wide by 20m high. Question marks mark apparently inaccessible passages, two on the right and one on the left.
Beyond a couple of impressive boulders, a climb up leads to a smaller continuation. To the right is a hole in the floor with passage beyond, but left is a ramp up which soon rejoins the passage beyond the hole. The way gets bigger again, in passage first explored from Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle, until after 50m, it ends at the foot of a thirty metre pitch from the other cave.
On the NW side of Großer Cañon, directly opposite the entry via the mazey area, or 40m downstream from the entry via Puits du Sable, is a ramp up NNW. Right and left are walls of sediment, but the main way suddenly turns right, though still ascending steeply. The ramp eases and becomes more bouldery, now heading NE, suddenly to end at a widening above a deep undescended pit. A climb up on the right of this reaches the top of the far wall, in a large N-S collapse chamber, Sophienhalle. This shows clear bedding in the walls, and appears to have formed by spalling. Over the boulder floor, another steep wall precedes a ramp down to a choke. Dotted lines suggest a northward continuation, though whether this is above or below the ramp is unclear.",,,,"Information from Groupe Spéléologique de Clerval - Baume les Dames",,,"smk-system.svx",,"215m to connection below Stellerweg big pitch. ",,,,,"p088",,"p088x","Nils",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Surveyed", 89,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/89.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 89",,,"1d","CUCC 1979 ","A 25m shaft into a narrow rift of zero lateral extension. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"c 1630m ",,,"Plateau",,,,,,"Lost","""Out from 97 somewhere"" and hence probably hopeless." -90,"1/S +",,"CUCC96-WK01",,"plateau/90/90.html",,,"Bräu Schacht 90",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","Rift entrance in scrub leads to a loose, choked rift, 20m deep. 1996 sketch survey says 12.5m deep, 3m long (N-S) and 1.4m wide. West wall of shaft is 1.5m higher than east, and bolt plus red-painted number are at SE corner.",,,,,,"
Grade 2 (at a guess), drawn up in loose leaves in front of 1996-9 NotKH book","caves/90/90.svx",,"20m",,"Briefly known as CUCC96-WK01, but the number existed meaningfully only for an hour or so until Wookey spotted that the cave was, in fact, 1623/90",,"p90",,,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.90",,,,"Bräuning Wall pt. 1828: 247°, Bräuning Nase: 153°, Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel (nipple): 097°, Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel: 050°, Schönberg: 346°",,"Plateau - below Bräuning Scharte - the large and dramatic breach in the Bräuning Wall. GPS (1996) UTM 33T 0410257 5280891; UTM 33T 0410281 5280823; GK 5410141 5283007","Not located in search, 1989. Found 1996 and surveyed to. From Top Camp follow Bräuning path on slope, about 80m along (from point above waterhole) to where it meets edge of large patch of dwarf pine (c 100m diameter) on a raised limestone shelf. There is another patch of pines on slope to left for c 30m. Entrance is close to corner of big patch, 21m from path. Follow joint through gap in pines about 5m past where limestone step meets path. This is the same joint as CUCC 1996 WK 02, CUCC 1996 WK 03 and 1623/159. Surface survey location sketch in not KH 1996 p 3",,"
Entrance area | Closeup of entrance (red circle marks tag) |
","Tag","red painted number ""90"" (1977), 1998 tag ""1623 90 CUCC 1977""","Surveyed", -91,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/91/91.html",,,"Bräu Schacht 91",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","A snow-fed rift in open karren on a fault/joint aligned on 67°. Choked at -20m (or plumb of -14m in 1996 to tiny snow plug).",,,,,,"
Grade 2 (at a guess), drawn up in loose leaves in front of 1996-9 NotKH book","caves/91/91.svx",,"20m",,,,"p91",,,,,,"gps00.91",,,,"Schönberg 347°, HSK 054°, VSK (nipple) 108°, Bräuning Nase 150°, Bräuning Wall pt. 1828 210°, Bräuning Wall pt. 1835 224°",,"Plateau - below Bräuning Scharte. GPS: UTM 33T 0410171 5280908; UTM 33T 0410155 5280976; UTM 33T 0410177 5280894","From Schwarzmoossattel, follow cairned path below the Bräuning Wall, past Top Camp (1988 on). Where this path meets the scree/snow slope from the wall, it turns right, out onto the plateau (this is the main path to Gschwandt-Alm, in frequent use).
100m from the right turn is a snow field on the right, with the sound of falling water at its lower edge. This is the entrance to 91. The bolt is at the NE end of the rift. ",,"
Entrance 91 looking north towards 93 and Schönberg | Closeup showing location of tag and paint markings |
(Photos © Andy Waddington 1990 and Olly Betts 1999)","Tag","number in red (1977) on small scarp facing south, 1998 tag ""1623 91 CUCC 1977""","Surveyed", +90,"1/S +",,"CUCC96-WK01",,"plateau/90/90.html",,,"Bräu Schacht 90",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","Rift entrance in scrub leads to a loose, choked rift, 20m deep. 1996 sketch survey says 12.5m deep, 3m long (N-S) and 1.4m wide. West wall of shaft is 1.5m higher than east, and bolt plus red-painted number are at SE corner.",,,,,,"
Grade 2 (at a guess), drawn up in loose leaves in front of 1996-9 NotKH book","caves/90/90.svx",,"20m",,"Briefly known as CUCC96-WK01, but the number existed meaningfully only for an hour or so until Wookey spotted that the cave was, in fact, 1623/90",,"p90",,,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.90",,,,"Bräuning Wall pt. 1828: 247°, Bräuning Nase: 153°, Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel (nipple): 097°, Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel: 050°, Schönberg: 346°",,"Plateau - below Bräuning Scharte - the large and dramatic breach in the Bräuning Wall. GPS (1996) UTM 33T 0410257 5280891; UTM 33T 0410281 5280823; GK 5410141 5283007","Not located in search, 1989. Found 1996 and surveyed to. From Top Camp follow Bräuning path on slope, about 80m along (from point above waterhole) to where it meets edge of large patch of dwarf pine (c 100m diameter) on a raised limestone shelf. There is another patch of pines on slope to left for c 30m. Entrance is close to corner of big patch, 21m from path. Follow joint through gap in pines about 5m past where limestone step meets path. This is the same joint as CUCC 1996 WK 02, CUCC 1996 WK 03 and 1623/159. Surface survey location sketch in not KH 1996 p 3",,"
Entrance area | Closeup of entrance (red circle marks tag - original here) |
","Tag","red painted number ""90"" (1977), 1998 tag ""1623 90 CUCC 1977""","Surveyed", +91,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/91/91.html",,,"Bräu Schacht 91",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","A snow-fed rift in open karren on a fault/joint aligned on 67°. Choked at -20m (or plumb of -14m in 1996 to tiny snow plug).",,,,,,"
Grade 2 (at a guess), drawn up in loose leaves in front of 1996-9 NotKH book","caves/91/91.svx",,"20m",,,,"p91",,,,,,"gps00.91",,,,"Schönberg 347°, HSK 054°, VSK (nipple) 108°, Bräuning Nase 150°, Bräuning Wall pt. 1828 210°, Bräuning Wall pt. 1835 224°",,"Plateau - below Bräuning Scharte. GPS: UTM 33T 0410171 5280908; UTM 33T 0410155 5280976; UTM 33T 0410177 5280894","From Schwarzmoossattel, follow cairned path below the Bräuning Wall, past Top Camp (1988 on). Where this path meets the scree/snow slope from the wall, it turns right, out onto the plateau (this is the main path to Gschwandt-Alm, in frequent use).
100m from the right turn is a snow field on the right, with the sound of falling water at its lower edge. This is the entrance to 91. The bolt is at the NE end of the rift. ",,"
Entrance 91 looking north towards 93 and Schönberg | Closeup showing location of tag and paint markings (original here) |
(Photos © Andy Waddington 1990 and Olly Betts 1999)","Tag","number in red (1977) on small scarp facing south, 1998 tag ""1623 91 CUCC 1977""","Surveyed", 92,"2/S +",,,,"plateau/92.htm",,,"Bräu Schacht 92",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","Pitch of 15m leads to a boulder thrutch and climbs down. More boulders lead to a final pitch of 30m to a solid choke at -90m.",,,,,,"
",,,"90m",,,,,,,,,,,,,"1645m",,,"Plateau - below Bräuning Scharte. Not located in searches, 1989, 1998.",,"Small, horizontal entrance in deep scrub draughts slightly and leads to an incredibly loose interior.",,"Paint",,"Lost","Not seen since 1977 despite several concerted searches. Below Bräuningscharte"
93,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/93/93.html",,,"Bräu Schacht 93",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","Long rift on a joint (strike 246°, dip 70° towards SE) ending in choke at -35m. An adjacent shaft on the same joint but further east is bigger and more obvious, but chokes much nearer the surface. ",,,,,,,,,"35m",,,,"p93",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"Plateau - below Bräuning Scharte, north of Kataster 91. ","From Schwarzmoossattel, follow cairned path below the Bräuning Wall, past Top Camp (1988 on). Where this path meets the scree/snow slope from the wall, it turns right, out onto the plateau (this is the main path to Gschwandt-Alm, in frequent use).
100m from the right turn is a snow field on the right, with the sound of falling water at its lower edge. This is the entrance to 91 and from here, 93 is 20m further away from the Bräuning Wall.",,"
Entrance 91 on left, looking towards 93 and Schönberg | 93 entrance area, with location of tag highlighted | Closeup of entrance |
Photos © Andy Waddington 1990 (1) and © Olly Betts 1999 (2,3).","Tag","numbered in red (1977) on scarp facing south, 1998 tag ""1623 93 CUCC 1977"".(placed in middle of ""9"")","Surveyed", 94,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/94/94.html",,,"Bräu Schacht 94",,,"1a","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","A rift on a joint (strike 223°, dip 70° to SE) is a spiralling freeclimb to a choke at -35m",,,,,,,,,"35m",,,,"p94",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,," A little north of Kat.93.","From 91 (q.v.), the karren slopes down at 10°. About 50m down the slope on a bearing of 335° is the large open shaft of 94, (visible from 93, which is about 20m from 91).",,"
View of 94 from 93 | Entrance area (tag highlighted) in 1999 | Entrance closeup |
Photos © Andy Waddington 1990 (1) & © Olly Betts 1999 (2, 3)","Tag","number in red (1977) on scarp facing south, 1998 tag ""1623 94 CUCC 1977"" - tag bolt (middle of ""9"")","Surveyed", @@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ 96,"3/S +",,,,"br-alm/96.htm",,,"Bräu Schacht 96",,,3,"CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","Open shaft of 15m leads to a descending rift. Next pitch of 25m, then a short climb, 6m pitch and 15m pitch into a chamber where the water sinks. The upper level of a small rift leads to an abandoned passage and a series of increasingly muddy freeclimbs to a final squeeze and 5m pitch into a sordid little sump.",,,,,,"
",,,"105m",,,,,,,,,,,,,"c 1600m",,,"In grassy pasture east of Bräuning Alm, next to CUCC's high-level camp of 1977 (camp 1). ",,,"
","Paint","number painted red in 1976, refreshed (probably in orange which elsewhere hasn't lasted well) in 1990.","Refindable","Refound by AERW in 1990; apparently easy to find." 97,"4/S/W x",,,,"plateau/97.htm",,,"Schneewindschacht",,,"1d","CUCC 1977 - Team Enthusiast.","The entrance is the head of a 10m freeclimbable chimney, followed by a 5m climb into a small chamber. Two ways on from the chamber unite in a tiny crawl under a drip. A thrutch through (about the size of Baptistry in Car Pot) is The Nun's Cunt, which ends abruptly at The Vestry, where SRT gear can be put back on while perched above the pitch which follows. Drops of 15m, 20m and 20m, The Bottomless Abbess, lead to a traverse over a blind pitch of about 10m.
The Bottomless Abbess continues with pitches of 15m, 30m, 15m and 15m to a short horizontal section. This breaks out into the side of another shaft where 15m and 10m pitches lead to a more complex area. A short pitch of 6m leads to the Priest's Hole and a gently slanting ramp into a dry, dusty, abandoned phreatic passage. This is interrupted by a large hole in the floor, which would require bolts to cross.
Down the hole, the 25m pitch starts unpromisingly, but soon bells out into a magnificent trench passage. Traversing over a gully leads to a series of short climbs and a fine last pitch The Dissolution. Here the water sinks into an impenetrable crack.
The entrance draughts strongly, but there is no air movement at the end, the most likely way on being the traverse to reach the continuation of the phreatic level at -190m. Unfortunately, the trip to this point is quite severe, since the crawl would render rescue impractical and the Bottomless Abbess rapidly becomes very wet after rain.",,,,,,"
",,,"265m",,,,,"p97","west edge of doline",,"Surface survey",,,83039,35837,"1641m",,,"Out on the plateau.","Head across for the large erratic boulders near 76 (aka 106), then away from the col past the open shaft of 105, turning left at a gap in the scrub which leads down a bare karren corridor to some dolines. Step across one and cast about for a large one with 97 in red paint.","A moderately large doline, usually without snow, has a small triangular opening at the SW end.",,"Tag","""97"" in red paint on doline wall, tag 2004","Surveyed", 98,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/98.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 98","Dropped Light Shaft",,"1d","CUCC 1978 - Team Youth/Ladders","After top of entrance shaft, it bells out, to land on a lightly boulder-covered floor after 29m. Tight thrutch to one side leads to second pitch of 17m to a flat rock floor with no way on.",,,,"Logbook accounts",,,,,"47m",,,,,,,,,,,,,"c 1630m ",,,"Out on the plateau somewhat further than 97, in a large sloping rockface.",,"A small shaft in a large grike with very sharp rocks at the top",,"Paint","Bolts at entrance; conjectured to be paint marked as well.","Lost","In a bit of a blank space." -99,"1/S x",,,,"plateau/99/99.html",,,"Plateau Schacht 99",,,"1d","
","Entrance gully of 5m leads to 20m pitch at 70° over snow, heading roughly back towards Eislufthöhle. At the base is a 'snow-duck' under a rock wall beyond which a small rift-like chamber descends about 3m. Straight ahead at the same level, the rift quickly becomes an impenetrable slot through which can be seen a 2m wide passage with an ice floor running down from right to left at 5-10°. This is the source of the strong draught. Below the slot is another low hole, this leaks a vague draught and leads to a small boulder-strewn ledge with a definite blackness continuing to the left behind more boulders. Energetic but nervous removal of these gave obvious signs of a continuation, but other commitments and rain prevented a return. Note therefore it has been Left Going.",,,,"1979 logbook, 2004 logbook",,"Grade 1 3-d sketch by Tony Malcolm, 1979
E 35876.6 N (52)82903.5 H 1638.9",,"Draughting entrance near Eislufthöhle(1623/76), ignored at first, since it was assumed it would join 76.","
Entrance area in 1999, with tag highlighted | Jenny Black on the entrance slope, 2004 |
(Photos © Olly Betts)","Tag","Tag placed 1999","Surveyed", +99,"1/S x",,,,"plateau/99/99.html",,,"Plateau Schacht 99",,,"1d","
","Entrance gully of 5m leads to 20m pitch at 70° over snow, heading roughly back towards Eislufthöhle. At the base is a 'snow-duck' under a rock wall beyond which a small rift-like chamber descends about 3m. Straight ahead at the same level, the rift quickly becomes an impenetrable slot through which can be seen a 2m wide passage with an ice floor running down from right to left at 5-10°. This is the source of the strong draught. Below the slot is another low hole, this leaks a vague draught and leads to a small boulder-strewn ledge with a definite blackness continuing to the left behind more boulders. Energetic but nervous removal of these gave obvious signs of a continuation, but other commitments and rain prevented a return. Note therefore it has been Left Going.",,,,"1979 logbook, 2004 logbook",,"Grade 1 3-d sketch by Tony Malcolm, 1979
E 35876.6 N (52)82903.5 H 1638.9",,"Draughting entrance near Eislufthöhle(1623/76), ignored at first, since it was assumed it would join 76.","
Entrance area in 1999, with tag highlighted (original here) | Jenny Black on the entrance slope, 2004 |
(Photos © Olly Betts)","Tag","Tag placed 1999","Surveyed", 100,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/100.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 100","Viper Shaft",,"1a","CUCC 1977, Team Youth, and again in 1990 by AERW ","An east-west rift with two obvious points of descent. The more easterly is about 6m deep and can be seen to end in a chamber. The more westerly is a 15m pitch, with a window communicating with the east hole. At base are boulders and a climb down. A crawl leads to an inlet where water appears and sinks into an impenetrable slot with very sharp rock. ",,,,,,,,,"18m",,,,"p100",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"Just beyond the col, on the left. It is, in fact, extremely near Top Camp, virtually on one of the routes to the Schwarzmooskogel areas. ",0,,,"Tag","red painted number, with 1998 tag ""1623 100 CUCC 1977"" in centre (M6 stud).
This cave was originally only numbered in carbide, so was unmarked for years. It was relocated in 1989, but was not numbered until 1993 since AERW didn't think to carry paint while trying to find old holes. The orange number was fading and chipped in 1995, so was refreshed in red. The surface survey was to the centre of the middle digit of the number.","Surveyed", 101,"1/S +","main a",,"yes","plateau/101.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 101",,,"1d","
","Entrance is in a rift orientated 40°-220° and hading about 20°. A 5m climb down leads to a horizontal passage going both ways, north leading out into the face of the scarp (101A). South (down dip) leads to a 4m pitch followed by a small crawl in a scree-floored phreatic tube, leading down dip, at about 30°. This drops via a short climb into a meandering phreatic tube with a tiny stream slot fed by an aven on the left. Progress is by crawling in the roof tube, which goes for about 40m until a window in the right wall leads to the base of an aven. The continuing crawl is too small, while a climb down below the aven (undescended) appears to choke.",,,,,,"? MISSING (grade 1)",,,"~12m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Bräuning Scharte 218°, Grieskogel 012.5°, Bräuning Nase 194.5°, Lost Rucksack cairn 319° (compass #439258: NPC2)",,"Out on the plateau, near a large north-facing fault scarp on 125-305°. Perhaps best located when looking for Wolfhöhle (which is nowhere nearby) in the mist (see 1984 logbook). There was an OAV ski-tourers' marker pole due north of the col, from which the entrance is about 50m away on 35°. Unfortunately, the pole was pretty much invisible from the approach route in 1977, and is now rotting on the ground, only visible from a metre away at best. However, the cave was relocated in 1998. It turns out to be very close to the faintly-marked path which leads past Lost Rucksack Cave towards CUCC 1996-05, and is a short way south of 1623/173.
(GPS: (cliff directly above 101A) GK 5410503 5283483 (FOM 9.2m))",,,,"Tag","extremely faded numbers ""101"" and ""101A"" in red on upper and lower entrances. 1998 tag ""1623 101 CUCC 1977"" on upper entrance, southeast-facing (M6 stud).",, ,,"main",,"entrance","plateau/101main.htm",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"t101",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,"Bräuning Scharte 218°, Grieskogel 012.5°, Bräuning Nase 194.5°, Lost Rucksack cairn 319° (compass #439258: NPC2)",,,,"Entrance is in a rift orientated 40°-220° and hading about 20°",,"Tag","extremely faded numbers ""101"" in red. 1998 tag ""1623 101 CUCC 1977"" southeast-facing (M6 stud).","Surveyed", @@ -135,10 +135,10 @@ 102,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/102.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 102",,,"1d","CUCC 1977 - Team Youth (A.Waddington) ","A near-straight shaft of 20m ends on a snow plug.",,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps00.102",,,,"GPS post SA","gps98.102",,,,"c 1630m",,,"GPS GK 5410464 5283496 (FOM 11.5m) About 50m west of Kat.101, c 15m south of Kat. 103, on a parallel joint.",,,,"Tag","painted number is extremely faded, and appears only as a slight lightening in the lichen when wet. Part drilled hole for tag. Tagged 1998","Surveyed", 103,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/103.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 103",,,"1d","
","A semi-horizontal rift going south, slopes down at 45° to head of a very broken shaft aligned on a joint perpendicular to the scarp (joint is on 055-235°). Drops 30m past much wedged, frost-shattered rock to a choke at -30m.",,,,,,,,,"30m",,,,"t103",,,,"Surface survey","gps98.103",,,,,"HSK 075°, VSK Nipple 153°, Lost Rucksack Cairn 325°",,"GPS GK 5410472 5283506 (FOM 8.7m) About 15m north of Kat.102, in the face of the same 125-305° fault scarp as 101´s northward crawl, which is about 35m away to the SE. ",,,,"Tag"," alloy tag ""1623 103 CUCC 1977"" on M6 stud below the faded remains of a painted number on the NW-facing wall of a prominent joint making a break in the scarp fade in which the entrance lies. ","Surveyed", 104,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/104/104.html",,,"Plateau Schacht 104",,,"1d","CUCC 1977 - Team Youth (S.Farrow)","Belay to a bolt in the boulder (on top, 1977 vintage), and as much dwarf pine as you can string together. A somewhat broken but roomy shaft of 29m with ledges at -10 and -24m, to a choke.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"c 1650m ",,,"In deep scrub adjacent to a very large erratic boulder, in the same area as Eislufthöhle (Kat. 76). The boulder has an incipient split, and is visible from the col.",,,"
Photo © Olly Betts + Jenny Black, 2004","Paint","Red-painted number (1977)","Refindable","Close to 76, worth a look" -105,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/105/105.html",,,"Plateau Schacht 105",,,"1d","CUCC 1977 - Team Youth (N.Thorne, A.Waddington)","Handline descent for 9m leads to a ledge from where a fine 31m pitch drops 14m to a large ledge, then continues in a parallel shaft below an aven, with further ledges at -17, -21m. The shaft is in clean bluish-white limestone and lands on a dampish flat gravel floor.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p105",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"30m north of Eislufthöhle on the plateau.",,,"
Entrance (red circle indicates tag)
","Tag","paint; tag 1999","Surveyed", +105,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/105/105.html",,,"Plateau Schacht 105",,,"1d","CUCC 1977 - Team Youth (N.Thorne, A.Waddington)","Handline descent for 9m leads to a ledge from where a fine 31m pitch drops 14m to a large ledge, then continues in a parallel shaft below an aven, with further ledges at -17, -21m. The shaft is in clean bluish-white limestone and lands on a dampish flat gravel floor.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p105",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"30m north of Eislufthöhle on the plateau.",,,"
Entrance (red circle indicates tag - original here)
","Tag","paint; tag 1999","Surveyed", 106,,,,,,,,,,"Number not allocated (see Eislufthöhle 1623/76)","nonexistent",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 107,"4/S/T +",,,,"plateau/107.htm",,,"Gemshöhle",,,"1c","CUCC 1978: opened and Big Rift explored by Team Youth. Team Geriatric explored the Big Pitch and reached the bottom.","Small entrance in boulders in a dry gully drops into a small chamber, in the bottom corner of which is the excavated head of a pitch. This quickly bells out to 6m diameter and lands after 18m in a large passage which contains ice-formations early in the season. This large, phreatic passage chokes in both directions and the way on is in a rift to one side, from which the draught pours.
A pitch of 23m has an inlet entering part way down, which makes the rest of this pitch and the following one of 19m unpleasant in wet weather. Two ways then lead on, either down with the water or by traversing round this drop to another passage.
Climbing down with the water leads to a short passage with the water in a rift below. Round a sharp corner is a short drop to the head of a larger rift. A 5m pitch down this leads to another rift which, in turn, leads out to the side of a large shaft. Stones dropped from a small hole in the corner of the passage above the 5m pitch also fall into this shaft. Laddering from the side, the pitch is 67m with a large ledge just above half-way, and is unpleasantly wet in poor weather. From the base of this pitch, the continuing rift/canyon trends south west and has pitches of 5, 9 and 8m before the other route drops in from above.
Over the traverse, a short pitch of 4.5m, followed by a short climb up, leads to the head of a pitch of 10m to a boulder floor. Two ways on from here are down through the boulders into a shaft, or across the shaft and into a narrow rift. The way through boulders soon chokes, but the narrow rift soon opens into a massive shaft of 100m with a rebelay roughly halfway. This drops directly into the rift reached by the original route.
Below the junction, the rift continues with a 5m climb and pitches of 5, 14 and 44m, this last pitch being quite wet and emerging into a massive cross-rift trending south east. The water disappears into the choked floor of this rift via a nasty wet crawl, rapidly becoming too small.",,,,,"Reverse-engineered data in dataset measured from drawn-up survey","grade 5 survey from 1978
",,,"280m",,,,,"p107","exact point not recorded",,"Surface survey","gps98.107",,,,,,,"On the plateau in a prominent dry valley below southern forepeak of Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel, some way below Laser Point 0_5. The bottom of the gully is pretty much on the (cairned) best walking route from Top Camp to Bräuninghöhle (Kat.82) and Eislufthöhle (Kat.76).",,,"
","Tag","number twice in orange paint, 1998 tag on survey point ""1623 107 CUCC 1978""","Surveyed", -108,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/108/108.html",,,"Schwa-Höhle 108",,,"1d","CUCC 1980 John, Tony and Andy Connolly","Horizontal entrance to a large chamber with narrow rift dropping away. Ends too tight.
A cave numbered 108 was relocated in 2004, but does not match this description. It's marked with paint ""108"" and has a spit in the centre of the ""0"". The spit isn't great, but there's a good chunky flake to use too. The shaft descends ~9m to a ledge. At this level there's a horizontal passage which leads immediately to a 4m deep blind rift pitch. Back in the main shaft, a few natural rebelays get you to a floor just under 30m down. At one end of the rift a draught emerges from rocks, but removing some rocks it appears it would need quite a lot of work to make progress and the continuation may be too small anyway.
",,,,,,,,,"7m",,"This does not appear to be in the Austrians' Kataster.",,,"p108",,,,,,,,,"Bräuning Nase 200°, Bräuning Zinken 235°, Vd. Schwarzmooskogel 175°.",,"108 is not near 41 - it is on the plateau. Further across than 76 (106) past erratics - middle of nowhere",,,,"Paint",,"Surveyed", +108,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/108/108.html",,,"Schwa-Höhle 108",,,"1d","CUCC 1980 John, Tony and Andy Connolly","Horizontal entrance to a large chamber with narrow rift dropping away. Ends too tight.A cave numbered 108 was relocated in 2004, but does not match this description. It's marked with paint ""108"" and has a spit in the centre of the ""0"". The spit isn't great, but there's a good chunky flake to use too. The shaft descends ~9m to a ledge. At this level there's a horizontal passage which leads immediately to a 4m deep blind rift pitch. Back in the main shaft, a few natural rebelays get you to a floor just under 30m down. At one end of the rift a draught emerges from rocks, but removing some rocks it appears it would need quite a lot of work to make progress and the continuation may be too small anyway.
",,,,,,,,,"7m",,"This does not appear to be in the Austrians' Kataster.",,,"p108",,,,,,,,,"Bräuning Nase 200°, Bräuning Zinken 235°, Vd. Schwarzmooskogel 175°.",,"108 is not near 41 - it is on the plateau. Further across than 76 (106) past erratics - middle of nowhere",,,"Entrance | Closeup of marking |
Photos © Olly Betts 2004","Paint",,"Surveyed", 109,"1/T/S +",,,,"smkridge/109.htm",,,"Schwa-Schacht 109",,,"2a","CUCC 1980, 1987","The obvious way in leads to a 'Viewing gallery' over the entrance chamber, but descent this way would require tackle. Best way in is to the left where a freeclimb leads down a 10m ramp in a chamber. This is snow-choked in some years but in 1980 a dig opened a triangular slot to a 6m pitch into a smaller, boulder-choked chamber. This was reentered in 1987 and an animal skeleton was found and removed for the Austrian cavers. There is a very small, but draughting tube in the roof of this final chamber, going back towards the surface.",,,,,,"? grade 1",,,,,"This does not appear to be in the Austrians' Kataster.",,,"p109","point above 1623/109 entrance",,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"This is a hole you step over on the way to Sonnenstrahlhöhle (113).",,,"Paint","as at Aug 2001: ""109"" in very faded yellow paint, with an Omega.","Surveyed", 110,"1/S/T +",,,,"remote/110.htm",,,"Kein Hubschrauber Höhle",,,6,"CUCC 1978 - Team Supersmooth/Supercool ","Insignificant low entrance with icy draught is marked with number in red paint. Through boulders leads to an 8m drop and walking passage ending in a collapse chamber with draught emerging from the choke. Needed digging to get in.",,,,,,"
",,,,,"Name comes from logbook comment ""helicopter failed to turn up"".",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"On the plateau, about 2km (sic) beyond Eislufthöhle towards Schönberg. Actually, I am convinced that 2 km is a gross exaggeration, and half a mile would be more likely, otherwise it would be in a huge area of dwarf pine.",,,,"Paint",,"Lost","We don't have a cat's chance in hell of finding this"
111,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/111.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 111",,,"1d","CUCC 1978 - Supersmooth/Supercool","Shaft 20m to ledge, then 10m to choke/too narrow.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Out on plateau, quite near 98. ",,,,"Paint (?)",,"Lost","Near 98"
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@
,,"a",,"entrance","smkridge/161/136a.htm",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p136",,,,"Nils","gps96bestfit.136","gps00.136 gps00.136_2",82220,36364,"1796m","135m on bearing of 66° from Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel summit or 123m East and 55m north of the summit.",,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p136b","spit",,"Surface survey",,,82237,36367,"1789m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between the WK7-WK10 entrances)",,"136b is 22m N of 136a",,"Slot entrance, leads 10m down spacious boulder slope to p5. Warm draught.",,"Spit",,"Surveyed", ,,"c","CUCC96-WK9","entrance","smkridge/161/136c.htm",,,,,,,"
",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p136c","spit",,"Surface survey",,,82252,36371,"1790m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between the WK7-WK10 entrances)",,"136c is 28m N of 136a",,"136c is slot next to Schistock-Absturzschacht, and clearly connects to 136d.",,"Spit",,"Surveyed", -,,"d","CUCC96-WK9","last entrance","smkridge/161/136d.htm",,,,,,,"
",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p136d",,,,"Surface survey",,,82252,36376,"1792m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between the WK7-WK10 entrances)",,"136d is 35m NNE of 136a.",,"136d is 15x10m funnel-shaped shaft over a 1m ridge from 209 - Schistock-Absturzschacht, so not quite as obvious.",,"Retag","Tag ""CUCC 97-08"" between 136d and 209 (Schistock-Absturzschacht)","Surveyed", +,,"d","CUCC96-WK9","last entrance","smkridge/161/136d.htm",,,,,,,"
",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p136d",,,,"Surface survey",,,82252,36376,"1792m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between the WK7-WK10 entrances)",,"136d is 35m NNE of 136a.",,"136d is 15x10m funnel-shaped shaft over a 1m ridge from 209 - Schistock-Absturzschacht, so not quite as obvious.",,"Retag","Tag ""CUCC 97-08"" between 136d and 209 (Schistock-Absturzschacht)","Surveyed", 137,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/137.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 137",,,"2c","CUCC 1983","Shaft",,,,,,,,,"47m",,,,,,,,,,,,,"c 1790m",,,"East of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel",,,,"Paint (?)",,"Refindable","Believed marked (may have been seen 1996) Same area as 135 & 136. Should be refindable" 138,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/138.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 138",,,"2c","
","Rapidly turns vertical and when explored, choked with snow at -40m.",,,,,"In dataset","Sketch in not-KH survey book 1996, page 14. Area map NoKH book p88.","caves/138/138.svx","46m","42m","6m",,,"p138",,,,"Surface survey",,,82206,36323,"1795m",,,"East flank of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. One shelf up from 136. 50m WSW of 136a.","Follow route to 136. From large cubic boulder at 136a entrance climb 4m step to west. Go 25m SW along 'gully' between bunde, then turn R into gap. Large, T-shaped entrance now visible in cliff 15m ahead.",,,"Tag","Number in red on the right wall of the vertical of the ""T"" saying ""138 CUCC 1983"". Spit with metal tag ""CUCC 138"" placed 1997. ","Surveyed", 139,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/139.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 139",,,"2c","
","Shaft. Two pitches to -30m, then too narrow.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/139/139.svx","21m","20m","0.6m",,,"p139",,,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.139",82312,362328,"1827m","HSK 022°, Gries Kgl. 356°, Hollweiser 147°",,"Vord SMK, just below (~70m on bearing 070°) secondary Northern summit. 90m NW of 136d, approx 200m N of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel summit.
GPS fix GK 5411207 to 5282893, Alt. 1877 ± 91m","From VSMK summit: go down 50m on E side to a large shelf, walk along ~NE 200m to where shelf peters out. Up slope on left is 139.
From VD1 to 136 route: As you come over crest out of grassy gully there is a choss bowl/snow ahead (you cross this to get to the 136 shelf. Instead turn right uphill, up small steps on open limestone. 139 is a large square cleft in a limestone scarp after about 60m.",,,"Tag","Tag ""CUCC 139"" (1997). Red Paint ""139 CUCC 1983"" (1983).","Surveyed", @@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ ,,"c",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Refindable", ,,"d",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Refindable", 189,"1/S +",,,,"plateau/189.htm",,,"Plateau Schacht 189",,,"1a","CUCC 1993 or 1994","In fact, it doesn't appear to have been written up at the time. It was redescended in 1996, and there is nothing in the 1996 logbook or notKH survey book, so there is no description here.",,,,,,,,,,,,,"t189",,,,"Surface survey","gps96.164/189",,,,,,,,"From Schwarzmoossattel directly out onto the plateau, keeping to the left edge of a large flat area of karren, passes first Fuchshöhle B11, then 164, a snow-plugged shaft below a small north-facing scar. 164 and 189 are both on the same joint going 018-198°: a few metres north of 164 is a fault line on 102-282° with a large open and heavily snow-plugged shaft, noted often since 1976, but not explored and written up until 1994 (or 1993?).",,"
164 entrance (left of centre) seen over 189 entrance.
The entrance looking north during surface survey in 1996.
","Tag","This is 189, numbered in red paint, and marked with an Austrian metal tag in 1995.","Surveyed", -190,"1/S/T/E =",,"B9",,"plateau/190/190.html",,,"Glitterstompf",,"B9 now known to be same as 190","1a","CUCC 1976, 1993","Rectangular shaft 6.7m long (aligned on a joint on 275°) and 4.0m wide. Wall on south side is 1.5m higher than rest of surface. Freeclimb descent of 6m to scree/boulder floor usually with snow plug. At eastern end of the south wall, a horizontal passage leads 7.5m on 185° to the lip of a second pitch. This is 10m leading to a big rift. Ahead over boulders and ice an 8m pitch descends through (sic) spectacular ice stalactites. Way on is effectively blocked by ice but could well connect with a major shaft nearby (1623/189), not descended in 1976 on account of the condition of the ice. The small alternative hole back in the rift is blocked by ice at -6m.
In 1993 the cave was ""extremely cold and some ice formations"".",,,,,,,,,"c 25m",,,,"t190",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"From 164, north to an east-west fault line (climbing past the large open and heavily snow-plugged shaft, which is 189). To the east, this fault line is a north-facing scarp, below which is 190 (number in red, and Austrian metal tag on this wall above the SW corner of the shaft), somewhat before (ie. west of) B8 (1623/197). ",,"
Photos © Andy Waddington 1995 (left) & © Olly Betts 1996 (right). ","Tag","On wall above entrance, facing N, number in red, 1993. Austrian metal tag, 1995. The 1976 number ""B9"" was in dull green and was already hard to spot in 1977, since when it has not been seen.","Surveyed", +190,"1/S/T/E =",,"B9",,"plateau/190/190.html",,,"Glitterstompf",,"B9 now known to be same as 190","1a","CUCC 1976, 1993","Rectangular shaft 6.7m long (aligned on a joint on 275°) and 4.0m wide. Wall on south side is 1.5m higher than rest of surface. Freeclimb descent of 6m to scree/boulder floor usually with snow plug. At eastern end of the south wall, a horizontal passage leads 7.5m on 185° to the lip of a second pitch. This is 10m leading to a big rift. Ahead over boulders and ice an 8m pitch descends through (sic) spectacular ice stalactites. Way on is effectively blocked by ice but could well connect with a major shaft nearby (1623/189), not descended in 1976 on account of the condition of the ice. The small alternative hole back in the rift is blocked by ice at -6m.
In 1993 the cave was ""extremely cold and some ice formations"".",,,,,,,,,"c 25m",,,,"t190",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"From 164, north to an east-west fault line (climbing past the large open and heavily snow-plugged shaft, which is 189). To the east, this fault line is a north-facing scarp, below which is 190 (number in red, and Austrian metal tag on this wall above the SW corner of the shaft), somewhat before (ie. west of) B8 (1623/197). ",,"
Photos © Andy Waddington 1995 (left) & © Olly Betts 1996 (right). ","Tag","On wall above entrance, facing N, number in red, 1993. Austrian metal tag, 1995. The 1976 number ""B9"" was in dull green and was already hard to spot in 1977, since when it has not been seen.","Surveyed", 191,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/191.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 191",,,"2c","CUCC 1995 ","A 1½m diameter shaft in a limestone shelf with the sound of water. 4m 1st pitch leads to loose floor sloping to passage 3m long heading SSW. 2nd pitch in floor has water entering from above (which could simply be meltwater). 5m pitch leads to sloping boulder choke. ",,,,"Anthony from James 95.07.08 S94p45",,,,,,,,,,"p191",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,"Trisselberg cross 185½°, Summit of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel 222½°, Prominent col to north of Trisselberg 147½°.",,"About 100m NNE from 161c",,,,"Tag","""CUCC 191 +"" in paint and a metal tag ""CUCC 191"" added in 1997.","Surveyed", 192,"1/S -",,,,"smkridge/192.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 192",,,"2c","Unknown, and CUCC 1995 (unfinished) ","About a 15m shaft with a large rift at the bottom. Probably doesn't go but can't be sure. Rift c 10m long, on 50-230° with deepest point to SW. Descended to -10m on ladder, but can't see round corner to left (SE) below. Existing spit found near top, but previously unmarked.",,,,"Kate 95.07.26 S94p42",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"c1755m","1623/161c 200°",,"About 100m NNE from 161c, and a few metres higher.",,"Two cairns, one either side of entrance.",,"Paint",,"Lost", 193,"1/S +",,,,"smkridge/193.htm",,,"Schwa Schacht 193",,,"2c","CUCC 1995, 2000 ","Rift at 70-80°. A 3m by 4m shaft descends 7m to a rock floor. To the south a tight bit of rift can be entered for a few metres. To the west a small chamber can be entered via a 1m step down.",,,,"
","In dataset","
","caves/193/193.svx",,,,,,,"p193",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"200m East of 161c.",,,,"Tag","Tag placed 2000","Surveyed",
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@
208,"1/S +","a b","96-WK3","yes","plateau/208/208.html",,,"Quallenhöhle","Jellyfish Cave",,"1a","
","Two entrances, one 5m lower than the other. Lower section is expanded joint at foot of step, 6m deep. free-climable to gain a choked floor. A small continuation leads to small space in rifty corner where rocks have not filled. Upper entrance is 2-3m diameter shaft 5m deep, also free-climable.","None, 8m handline would be useful.",,"Form sent 2000.05, number allocated. ",,"In dataset","
Grade 2 (at a guess), drawn up in loose leaves in front of 1996-9 NotKH book","caves/208/208.svx","15m","13m",,"The name is essentially spurious, but makes a change from bears, wolves and rabbits ;-).",,,,,,,"gps96.wk3 gps96bestfit.wk3","gps00.wk3",,,,"B.Nase 161°, VSK (obvious point = Nipple ?) 104°, HSK (leftmost top) 054°, Schönberg 346°, Wildkogel (L&R ends of obvious summit ridge) 007-011°",,"100m W of the waterhole at (upper) top camp. 65m N of 90. 16m N of 207.","From Top Camp (upper site) walk along ""crapper"" shelf, following path. After 80m where path goes down to next shelf, climb 3m step ahead. 208 is to the right (and 207 to the left). The lower entrance is accessible from below the step.
Surface survey location sketch in not KH 1996 p 3, area map: NotKH book pp68-69",,,"Spit","""+"" (on cliff between entrances). Spit set by upper entrance awaiting tag (shared with 207).","Surveyed", ,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p208",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Surveyed", ,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Refindable", -209,"1/S +",,"1996WK8 (maybe also CUCC 1996-08)",,"smkridge/209/209.html",,,"Schistock-Absturzschacht","Dropped skipole hole",,"2c","
","3m x 0.8m shaft, 16m deep. Freeclimb descent is possible but difficult. Belay (and light!) needed. No draught. Bottom choked by rubble.","20m rope. ",,"Form sent 2000.05, number 209 allocated. ",,"In dataset","? grade 5","caves/209/209.svx",,,,,,,"p209",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,"VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between the WK7-WK10 entrances)",,"Along shelf from 136. 35mN of 136a, 10m NW of 136d.","The normal route to 136 (from SMK col/Vd1), passes over/past this cave. It is one of the group of holes shafts and rifts on the same shelf as 136a,b,c,d. From large cubic boulder at 136a, follow shelf N past 136b, and 136c. This cave is the last of these 3 holes. The entrance is joint-developed 3 x 0.8m shaft. Area map NotKH book p 88-89.","
Photo © Paul Hammond 1999",,"Tag","136d Tag, 8m away. ?has its own tag too","Surveyed", +209,"1/S +",,"1996WK8 (maybe also CUCC 1996-08)",,"smkridge/209/209.html",,,"Schistock-Absturzschacht","Dropped skipole hole",,"2c","
","3m x 0.8m shaft, 16m deep. Freeclimb descent is possible but difficult. Belay (and light!) needed. No draught. Bottom choked by rubble.","20m rope. ",,"Form sent 2000.05, number 209 allocated. ",,"In dataset","? grade 5","caves/209/209.svx",,,,,,,"p209",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,"VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between the WK7-WK10 entrances)",,"Along shelf from 136. 35mN of 136a, 10m NW of 136d.","The normal route to 136 (from SMK col/Vd1), passes over/past this cave. It is one of the group of holes shafts and rifts on the same shelf as 136a,b,c,d. From large cubic boulder at 136a, follow shelf N past 136b, and 136c. This cave is the last of these 3 holes. The entrance is joint-developed 3 x 0.8m shaft. Area map NotKH book p 88-89.","
Photo © Paul Hammond 1999",,"Tag","136d Tag, 8m away. ?has its own tag too","Surveyed", 210,"1/T +",,"1998-03",,"plateau/210.htm",,,"Fettsack und Faulpelz höhle","Lardy Festerers' Cave",,"1a","
","In a small doline, a low horizontal entrance next to a snow plug leads to a boulder slope. A draughting squeeze leads to muddy passage + a small chamber with boulder floor, a choked depression to the left + a choked uphill slope stright on. There is a rifty hole in the floor just before the large boulder in the middle of the chamber, partly covered with boulders. The bottom can be seen 2m below. No way on, not clear where draught goes.","None",,"Form sent 2000.05, number 210 allocated. ",,,"
",,"~30m",,,,,"t210","lardysurf.0","Entrance",,"Surface survey",,"gps00.210",,,,,,"On plateau NNE of Lower Top Camp, on route to 101 area. This cave is about 120m north of B8, ~150m NNE from the large doline of 189.","Follow route (towards 101/102/200 area if that helps) from Lower Top Camp past 164 and 189 (large holes, passed 15m to right), then go roughly NNW (a few cairns). This leads up onto the right edge of a ridge (the main part of which is deep Lätchen), passing right of the OAV ski marker pole. This is an easy walk above a short (climbable) cliff looking down onto the small doline containing this cave.",,,"Tag","Tag on doline wall opposite cave.","Surveyed", "211-213",,,,,,,,,,"We don't know if these numbers were ever used","nonexistent",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 214,,,"2000-03",,"smkridge/214.html",,,"Segment cave",,,"2d",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p214",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag","Tag still says ""2000-03""","Surveyed", @@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ 223,"1/S +",,"1996-03",,"smkridge/223.html",,,"Eggenbergschacht",,,"2d","CUCC 1993 (only marked “+""), drawn + tagged 1996, surveyed 2000","Cave appears as narrow slot. Two tight holes after 6m climb down gives p10 to choked floor & quite large chamber 10 x 5m floor area.","Ladder required",,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,"p223",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.96_03",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (not Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (north of CUCC 96-02 and 96-04)","See 2000 survey",,"
","Retag","A spit with tag ""CUCC 96-03"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"", both on wall of doline facing north.","Surveyed", 224,"1/S +",,"1996-02",,"smkridge/224.html",,,"Toplesscayonhöhle ",,,"2d","CUCC 1993 (only marked “+""), explored 1996, surveyed 2000","Cave is exposed section of canyon formed on a bend. Bridge of roof remains at one point, separating the two entrances. At the bottom of the canyon (~8m deep) about 10m of descending rift is accessible with a climb back up part way along. All choked.","No tackle required",,,,,"? plan, elevation",,,,,,,,"p224",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.96_02",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (not Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (south of CUCC 96-03 and 96-04)","area map notKH p23.",,,"Retag","A spit with tag ""CUCC 9602"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"", on wall of canyon, facing west.","Surveyed", 225,"1/S +",,"90 ADAM",,"smkridge/225/225.html",,,"Jahrzehnschacht",,,"2c","CUCC 1990",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"On the old path to 161, on a bit where you're walking over soil-like stuff, just near the ankle-breaking hole. Probably around halfway between 146 and 147.",,,"
Photo © Olly Betts 1990","Tag made but not placed yet (probably at 76 bivi)",,"Refindable", -226,,"a b","1999OB03","yes","plateau/226/226.html",,,"Skaschacht",,,"1a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
Photos © Olly Betts 1999. The left picture is 226a; the right is 226b.",,"226b tagged in 2001 as 226, 226a untagged",, +226,,"a b","1999OB03","yes","plateau/226/226.html",,,"Skaschacht",,,"1a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
Photos © Olly Betts 1999. The left picture is 226a; the right is 226b, with a red circle marking the tag (original here)",,"226b tagged in 2001 as 226, 226a untagged",, ,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p226a",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed", ,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p226b",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed", 227,,,"1999OB04",,"plateau/227/227.html",,,"Faultienschacht",,,"1a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p227",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,"
Photo © Olly Betts 1999.","Tag","Tag placed 2001","Surveyed", @@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ ,,"b","2002-02","last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p234b",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed", 235,"1/T +",,,,"smkridge/235/235.html",,,"Schaukelfelsbrockenhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2001","A rift can be descended, over wedged stones, inculding one that rocks. This leads to a narrow hading rift with wedged boulders for a ceiling.",,,,,,"
",,"6m","3m",,,,,"gps02olly.235",,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated on a flatish area of limestone uphill from the row of Eishöhle entrances that lead to Schneevulcanhalle. ",,,,"Tag","""1623/235"" tag placed 2002-08-09. (Is this correct, or does the tag really say 1623/230, as the 2002 logbook asserts?)","Surveyed", 236,"1/T +",,,,"smkridge/236/236.html",,,"Moostunnelhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2001","A short initially mossy cave that slopes downhill to a corner, where the cave becomes to tight.",,,,,,"
",,"5m","2m",,,,,"gps02olly.236",,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated on a flattish area of limestone uphill from the row of Eishöhle entrances that lead to Schneevulcanhalle. ",,,"
","Retag","Alloy tag ""1623/232"" placed 2002-08-09. Number realised to be in error 2004, needs correcting","Surveyed", -237,"1/T +","a–c",,"yes","smkridge/237/237.html",,,"Dreieingangabdrosselnhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2001, 2002","A moderate sized chamber with large blocks on the floor, one entrance is low and wide, one is small up a 3m climb and one is a walk in entrance",,,,,,"
",,"10m","5m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated on a flattish area of limestone uphill from the row of Eishöhle entrances that lead to Schneevulcanhalle, SW of 163 and below VSK summit cliffs. Very broken area.","Follow ""path"" towards 163, but instead of taking down-trending traverse ledge (above 40f), after very steep slope up, continue up slope and to left.",,"
237A | 237B | 237C |
","Retag","Main entrance tagged ""1623/233A"" in 2002, owing to misnumbering cockup. Spits placed for 233B and 233C and tags left by spit holes 2002-08-09 (failed to take enough bolts - d'oh). Misnumbering noticed 2004, needs correcting.","Surveyed", +237,"1/T +","a–c",,"yes","smkridge/237/237.html",,,"Dreieingangabdrosselnhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2001, 2002","A moderate sized chamber with large blocks on the floor, one entrance is low and wide, one is small up a 3m climb and one is a walk in entrance",,,,,,"
",,"10m","5m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated on a flattish area of limestone uphill from the row of Eishöhle entrances that lead to Schneevulcanhalle, SW of 163 and below VSK summit cliffs. Very broken area.","Follow ""path"" towards 163, but instead of taking down-trending traverse ledge (above 40f), after very steep slope up, continue up slope and to left.",,"
237A | 237B | 237C |
","Retag","Main entrance tagged ""1623/233A"" in 2002, owing to misnumbering cockup. Spits placed for 233B and 233C and tags left by spit holes 2002-08-09 (failed to take enough bolts - d'oh). Misnumbering noticed 2004, needs correcting.","Surveyed", ,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps02olly.237",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,"b",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"
",,,, ,,"c",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, @@ -379,14 +379,14 @@ ,"1/S -",,"1996-01",,"smkridge/1996_01.html",,,"Ski-pole höhle",,,"2c","CUCC 1996-07-15 Nick, Brian, Tina","Climb down shakehole to open shaft with a jammed boulder at the top. Shaft developed on joint is 1.4m across, 1.5m in the other direction and drops straight down 10m. Rift at bottom is 2m high. 1.5m drop then gently ascending rift gets too tight.",,,,,,,,,"11.1m",,"There are many holes along the rift - all the others are choked or too tight.",,,,,,,"gps96.96_1",,,,,,,,"Situated at top end of rift/gorge next to path to 161d. Walking to 161d: go into the very narrow gorge, then up the right hand wall about a third of the way along. This gets you into the next gorge, trending on bearing 031° (looking towards 161d end of path). Turn right up the rift. 96/01 is at the top end.",,,"Tag","A spit with ""CUCC 96-01""","Refindable","Has a 1996 GPS fix which is almost certainly hopelessly wrong as it puts it way to the north of 161d" ,"1/S -",,"1996-05",,"plateau/1996_05.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 1996 Andy Waddington and Fran","Cave is a North-South rift in a joint hading very steeply - say 85 degrees dip to west. Stones rattle down shaft for a very long time. No evidence of previous exploration (ie. no spits, no mud, vegetation not noticeably trampled).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps98.1996_05",,,,"c. 1640m","Schönberg 342½°, Bräuning Zinken 204½°, Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel 101° (very flat summit, so exact point not obvious), Loser Cross 213½°, using AndyW compass NPC#2 (Suunto #439258)",,,"From 164, follow recent (1996 vintage? - not of CUCC origin) fluorescent orange paint dots (these had faded almost completely by 1998, but there are some older red ones for the early part of the route), over a ridge passing the OAV ski marker pole, then leftish over a series of limestone steps to reach a descent into a large broken area (thought to be near 173). Climb steeply left up boulders to a large cairn with a bright orange dot, then over a series of limestone shelves. Shortly up here is a shaft now known to be Lost Rucksack Cave (marked with temporary number CUCC 1993 01). The route continues remarkably easily over a series of bunde-free pavements - easily relocated in 1998. Eventually a large orange dot with an arrow points into a gap in the pines with many fresh (1996) cut branches (again, not CUCC's work). No more dots are to be found, and all ways close up in bunde beyond an obvious shaft in a N-S rift which is therefore clearly the ultimate destination of the marked path.",,"
A picture of the Bräuning wall and Loser from the vicinity of the entrance is here.","Tag","Tag placed on pavement on east side of shaft near middle, a spit with CUCC tag ""9605"".","Surveyed", ,"1/S -",,"1996WK4",,"smkridge/1996wk4.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Big enough to be worth dropping.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk4 gps96bestfit.wk4","gps00.wk4",,,,,,"A picture of the Bräuning wall and Loser from the vicinity of the entrance is here.","This is a GPSed hole found by Wookey on a thrashed route whilst looking for a possible route from 161d over the top of the Hochklapf spur of the Vord to the Stogerweg. There is a large N-S (ish) fault/joint in the bunde here which provides useful path. Approximately on top of bulge sticking out into valley."," This cave was a squareish hole in a the path that one had to traverse carefully",,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed", -,"1/S -",,"1997-07",,"smkridge/1997-07/1997-07.html",,,," =1996-07, 1996wk7",,"2c","CUCC 1996 (Wookey) Incomplete","Descent through narrow rift and choked bouldery leads (after 10m) to an undescended pitch (20m ?). Draught stops and starts with a period of about 30 seconds (on the day of discovery), but when active, it was inwards.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk7_1 gps96.wk7_2 gps96bestfit.wk7","gps00.wk7",,,"c. 1810-1820m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between 97-07 and the 97-08 group of entrances)",,"GPS: E 36338 N (52)82260 H? or E 36385 N (52)82234 H? Averaged from GPS: E 36370 N (52)82269 H?","From route to 139 E of VSK, take big shelf which leads to a series of holes (CUCC 96 WK7 to WK10) and eventually to Steinschlagschacht (136).",,"
Photo © Paul Hammond 1999. Model: Wookey. This picture is believed to be 1997-07, but it has not been definitively ident ified.","Tag","Tag placed 1997","Surveyed", +,"1/S -",,"1997-07",,"smkridge/1997-07/1997-07.html",,,," =1996-07, 1996wk7",,"2c","CUCC 1996 (Wookey) Incomplete","Descent through narrow rift and choked bouldery leads (after 10m) to an undescended pitch (20m ?). Draught stops and starts with a period of about 30 seconds (on the day of discovery), but when active, it was inwards.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk7_1 gps96.wk7_2 gps96bestfit.wk7","gps00.wk7",,,"c. 1810-1820m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between 97-07 and the 97-08 group of entrances)",,"GPS: E 36338 N (52)82260 H? or E 36385 N (52)82234 H? Averaged from GPS: E 36370 N (52)82269 H?","From route to 139 E of VSK, take big shelf which leads to a series of holes (CUCC 96 WK7 to WK10) and eventually to Steinschlagschacht (136).",,"
Photo © Paul Hammond 1999. Model: Wookey. This picture is believed to be 1997-07, but it has not been definitively ident ified.","Tag","Tag placed 1997","Surveyed", ,"1/S -",,"1996WK11",,"smkridge/1996wk11.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Big rift aligned 115<->295°. At WNW end is big. Descends over boulders and then snow beyond point of exploration. Needs rope to complete descent, although it is likely to be choked.",,,,,,"? Survey plan and elv in NotKH book.NotKH book 1999- p16",,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk11 gps96bestfit.wk11","gps00.wk11",,,"1661 +/- 53","Nipple: 202°, Trissel: 179°, Hollweiser: 138°",,"At foot of slope from top of VSK, on Eastern side, before flat area containing Nipple to south of VSK.",,,,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed", ,"1/S -",,"1996WK12",,"kratzer/1996wk12.html",,,,,,4,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Oval 3m deep hole. Way on in opposite corner from difficult climb down of 3m to bottom. To the SW is a small mossy hole to choked chamber about 2 x 3m. To the NE clamber 6m down rocky slope then 6m along narrowing rift. V. tight possible way on down, but easier way along can be followed for 10m to awkward boulder blockage. Passage continues at least 3m to corner. The boulder was not passed in shorts and goretex for fear of ripping!",,,,"NotKH book p29-p30",,"? Plan, elevation (grade2)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"c. 1684m",,,"Surface survey passes over cave, but no station at cave.","About 12m or 30m SW of laser point 7 'LSR7_' on south side of Schwarzmoossattel (the one with incorrect position on original laser survey), 40m NE of 36. NW (upslope) from CUCC 1976 B4.","Oval hole 4m x 3m at edge of pavement next to grassy area. Draughting - particularly on entrance slope.",,"Unmarked",,"Refindable", ,"1/T +",,"1996-X01",,"plateau/1996-X01/1996-X01.html",,,,"Sheep Cave",,"1a","CUCC 1996 (Wookey, Andy W, while surface surveying to old Top Camp)","3m long, full of sheep shit",,,,,,,,"3m",,,,,,"nasetotc.7",,,,,,,,,,,"Halfway up the Brauning Näse",,,"
Photos © Olly Betts 2004 + 1996","Unmarked",,"Surveyed", ,"? +",,"1998-X01",,"plateau/1998-X01.html",,,,,,"1d","Has a ""+"" mark of unknown provenance. Rediscovered and tied to surface survey by Wookey and Andy W 1998.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p1998-x01",,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,,,,,"Unmarked (?)",,"Surveyed", ,,,"1999-X01",,"smkridge/1999-X01/1999-X01.html",,,,"MI5 Cave",,"2c","Has a ""-"" mark of unknown provenance. Rediscovered and surveyed to (but not descended) 1999",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"pmi5",,,,,,,,,,,"Schwarzmooskogel ridge near 180 and 191",,,"
","Paint (?)",,"Surveyed", ,,,"1999-OB-01",,"plateau/1999-OB-01/1999-OB-01.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 1999 (Olly Betts)","Inside small cliff facing toward B.wall. Slightly draughting, 6m deep, with snow plug at bottom. Unexplored, not a promising lead.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"VSK 151, HSK 065, Sch 010, BZW 222 (from top of small cliff). (from NotKH 1996- book p110)",,,,,"
Photo © Olly Betts 1999","Tag",,"Refindable", -,,,"1999-OB-02",,"plateau/1999-OB-02/1999-OB-02.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 1999 (Olly Betts)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BN 211 BZ 229 HSK 061",,,,,"
Location | Entrance closeup showing tag |
(Photo © Olly Betts 1999)","Tag",,"Refindable", +,,,"1999-OB-02",,"plateau/1999-OB-02/1999-OB-02.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 1999 (Olly Betts)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"BN 211 BZ 229 HSK 061",,,,,"
Location | Entrance closeup showing tag (original here) |
(Photo © Olly Betts 1999)","Tag",,"Refindable", ,,,"1999_MS_01",,"smkridge/1999_ms_01.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 1999 (Mark Shinwell)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps00.99ms01",,,,,,,,,,,,"Surveyed", ,,,"1999_MS_02",,"smkridge/1999_ms_02.html",,,,,,"2b","CUCC 1999 (Mark Shinwell)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps00.99ms02",,,,,,,,,,,,"Surveyed", ,"1/T +",,"2000-AA-01",,"plateau/2000-aa-01.html",,,"Schönschrifthöhle","Calligraphy Cave",,"1a","Has a ""+"" mark of unknown provenance. Rediscovered and surveyed by CUCC (Andy A and Wookey) 2000","Surface pit 6m deep, choked at bottom.","Maybe some rope, I don't know.",,,"See 2000 logbook entry (August 9th).","In dataset","
Notes in 2000#34","caves/2000-aa-01/2000-aa-01.svx","10.2m","6.35m","7.98m",,,"p2000-aa-01",,,,,,,,,,,,"On path between 171 and 172.","From old Top Camp",,"A photo is alleged to have been taken in 2000 but has apparently been lost.","Tag","Tagged ""2000-aa-01"" in 2000","Surveyed", @@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ ,"1/S +",,"2003-X18",,"smkridge/2003-X18/2003-X18.html",,,,"Earl + Becka's Dead Shaft 10",,"2d","CUCC 2003 (Earl, Becka)","E-W joint with two shaft entrances. Westerly entrance free-climbable to snow plug. Then crawl under arch into 2nd chamber at base of easterly entrance. No way on.",,,,"2003#03",,,,,,,,,,"gps03_bis.p2003-x18",,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,"~40m off 204 path near 2000-08.",,,,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed", ,"=",,"2004-01",,"plateau/2004-01/2004-01.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Chossy slope heading down hill, with snow plug below skylight. Close to the 76 bivi, used initially to sleep in, and after we started camping it was used to store gear+food and cook in when raining.",,,,"Email 2005-05-30",,,,,,,,,,"gps04.p2004-01",,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,,"As for 76","Large entrance facing towards ridge (with smaller skylight entrance near 99)",,"Tag","Tag placed 2004","Surveyed", ,"=",,"2004-02",,"plateau/2004-02/2004-02.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Draughting hole with a chossy entrance. Just inside is a crap snow plug that collapsed a lot. The draught issues from a too-narrow rift roughly below the entrance. The top of the rift has a large rock wedged in. This can be rocked if pulled very hard. Perhaps it's worth removing to see if the rift is wide enough at the top? It's definitely wider beyond the rift.",,"tight slot, see description",,"2004 log book",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Short distance further north along same small valley as the 2004 Eislufthöhle bivi",,,,"Tag","Tag placed 2004","Refindable", -,"-",,"2004-03",,"plateau/2004-03/2004-03.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Undescended",,,,"Email 2005-05-30",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"On cairned route from Eislufthölhle to old Top Camp","Large entrance",,,"Unmarked","Tag prepared but not placed 2004, stored at 76 bivvy","Refindable", +,"+",,"2004-03",,"plateau/2004-03/2004-03.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Doesn't go anywhere, apparently.",,,,"Email 2005-05-30",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"On cairned route from Eislufthölhle to old Top Camp","Large entrance",,"
","Unmarked","Tag prepared but not placed 2004, stored at 76 bivvy","Refindable", ,"-",,"2004-04",,"plateau/2004-04/2004-04.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Undescended","Rope required",,,"Email 2005-05-30",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Not too far from 76 or 97","Large elongate hole surrounded by bunde",,,"Tag","Tag placed 2004 (on SW side of hole)","Refindable", ,"-",,"2004-05",,"plateau/2004-05/2004-05.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Not descended. ~10m to a ledge, seemed to go deeper.",,,,"2004 log book",,"Sketch in logbook",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Just below high point west of 2004 Eislufthöhle bivvy (on E side of high point)",,"Series of entrances along a joint","","Unmarked","Tag prepared but not placed 2004, stored at 76 bivvy","Refindable", ,"-",,"2004-06",,"plateau/2004-06/2004-06.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Not descended. ",,,,"2004 log book",,"Sketch in logbook",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Not far from 175, west and a little north of the erratic boulders",,"Rift below a line of small cliffs","
","Unmarked","Tag prepared but not placed 2004, stored at 76 bivvy","Refindable", @@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ ,"=",,"2004-08",,"plateau/2004-08/2004-08.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Large chamber with partially collapsed roof and two entrances",,,,"2004 log book",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"West of 2004 Eislufthöhle bivvy",,,"
","Unmarked","Tag prepared but not placed 2004, stored at 76 bivvy","Refindable", ,"-",,"2004-09",,"plateau/2004-09/2004-09.html",,,,,,"1d","CUCC 2004 (Olly, Jenny)","Not descended",,,,"2004 log book",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Near where Tantalus Schacht ought to be, apparently",,,,"Unmarked","Tag prepared but not placed 2004, stored at 76 bivvy","Refindable", ,"-",,"2004-10",,"smkridge/2004-10/2004-10.html",,,,,,"2d","CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial","Go down tube next to main entrance shaft to head of pitch. Pitch less than 10m down. Possible ways on.","20m rope + spits etc.",,,,,,,,,,,,"gps04.p2004-10",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,"215 deg to Zinken, 309 deg to Griess Kogel. (I suspect there is an error here, as this would be almost right at the summit of the Griess Kogel -DL.)",,,"From 204 top camp over col then down + west following line of large shafts / collapses.","Entrance shaft with snow plug, pitch visible beyond","
","Tag","Tag 21/7/2004","Surveyed", -,"2/S/T +",,"2004-11",,"smkridge/2004-11/2004-11.html",,,"In Ihrer Gesichtshöhle ","In Your Face cave",,"2d","CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial+Martin+Stuart","A small, drafting entrance in the bottom of a deep gully leads into low phreatic passage. After a short crawl over small angular rocks, a series of small (1 meter) drops enlarge the passage to allow standing room. The passage continues a short distance to a chamber with a scree floor.
To the left, are what appear to be blocked entrance shafts with flows of debris that spill into the chamber. Right leads to a spacious passage that rapidly becomes a flat out crawl over loose rocks, and chokes soon after. Higher up on the right, and looking back in the direction of the entrance, is a small phreatic tube that slopes upward. This can be followed around two right-angled turns before it chokes.
The way on from the chamber is straight on. Ducking under a low protrusion from the ceiling leads into another, slightly larger, chamber.
A passage leads off to the left from the far side of the chamber. This can be followed for a short distance before it reaches a blank wall with a small amount of water emerging from a hole near the top. A climb through a window in the right of the chamber leads to the bottom of an aven.
On the right hand wall of the chamber, to the left of the window, a short free climb provides the main way on. Below the climb an awkward crawling passage slopes downwards and emerges part way down the pitch. From the top of the climb, a high passage slopes steeply downwards for about five meters to emerge at the top of the ten meter pitch.
The pitch descends at a less than vertical angle to an icy boulder choke at the bottom with no way on. Above the pitch and to the left, a walking sized phreatic tube can be reached by way of a bolted climb. This leads to a muddy boulder choke.","30m rope + 10 hangers, should get you to all of the cave.",,"Form prepared 06/03/2005, waiting to be sent.",,"In dataset","
Notes in 2004#13","caves/2004-11/2004-11.svx","145m","39m","53m N-S",,,"t2004-11",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"From 204A go to 204D, then carry on a bit further.","Low (crawling) drafting phreatic hole in shallow valley heading down towards bowl of plateau.","
","Tag","Tag 21/7/2004","Surveyed", +,"2/S/T +",,"2004-11",,"smkridge/2004-11/2004-11.html",,,"In Ihrer Gesichtshöhle ","In Your Face cave",,"2d","CUCC 2004 Becka + Nial+Martin+Stuart","A small, drafting entrance in the bottom of a deep gully leads into low phreatic passage. After a short crawl over small angular rocks, a series of small (1 meter) drops enlarge the passage to allow standing room. The passage continues a short distance to a chamber with a scree floor.
To the left, are what appear to be blocked entrance shafts with flows of debris that spill into the chamber. Right leads to a spacious passage that rapidly becomes a flat out crawl over loose rocks, and chokes soon after. Higher up on the right, and looking back in the direction of the entrance, is a small phreatic tube that slopes upward. This can be followed around two right-angled turns before it chokes.
The way on from the chamber is straight on. Ducking under a low protrusion from the ceiling leads into another, slightly larger, chamber.
A passage leads off to the left from the far side of the chamber. This can be followed for a short distance before it reaches a blank wall with a small amount of water emerging from a hole near the top. A climb through a window in the right of the chamber leads to the bottom of an aven.
On the right hand wall of the chamber, to the left of the window, a short free climb provides the main way on. Below the climb an awkward crawling passage slopes downwards and emerges part way down the pitch. From the top of the climb, a high passage slopes steeply downwards for about five meters to emerge at the top of the ten meter pitch.
The pitch descends at a less than vertical angle to an icy boulder choke at the bottom with no way on. Above the pitch and to the left, a walking sized phreatic tube can be reached by way of a bolted climb. This leads to a muddy boulder choke.","30m rope + 10 hangers, should get you to all of the cave.",,"Form prepared 06/03/2005, waiting to be sent.",,"In dataset","
Notes in 2004#13; Tunnelized version of plan here.","caves/2004-11/2004-11.svx","145m","39m","53m N-S",,,"t2004-11",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"From 204A go to 204D, then carry on a bit further.","Low (crawling) drafting phreatic hole in shallow valley heading down towards bowl of plateau.","
","Tag","Tag 21/7/2004","Surveyed", ,"0/S -",,"2004-13",,"smkridge/2004-13/2004-13.html",,,,,,"2d","CUCC 2004 ?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps04.p2004-13",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag","Tag 2004 (?)","Surveyed", ,"1/T +",,"2004-14",,"smkridge/2004-14/2004-14.html",,,"Doktorarbeitloch","Thesis Cave",,"2d","CUCC 2004 Olly M, Mark S + Stuart","Rift continues for ~15m with a critical-angle boulder slope. Choked at bottom with slight draft emerging from rocks.","Oversuit + helmet (and presumably a light as well - DL)",,,,"In dataset","Notes in 2004#41","caves/2004-14/2004-14.svx","23m","13m","18m E-W",,,"p2004-14",,,,,,,,,,,,"SMK ridge, near 234 (Hauchhöhle)","Follow normal 204 walk-in path as far as 2002-03 and turn left (northwards). Climb over ridge, down into choss bowl then left over bunderous ridge.","Pit with snow plug (at time of original exploration in 2004) leads to vertical rift entrance.","
","Tag","Tag 1/8/2004","Surveyed", ,"1/T +","a b","2004-15","yes","smkridge/2004-15/2004-15.html",,,"Rundreisehöhle","Olly's Through Trip",,"2d","CUCC 2004 Olly M, Mark S + Stuart","20m of rift connects both entrances. Going A->B passage leads off on the left by A but is too tight after ~10m. Next left in the main rift is an oxbow and connects back into main rift after ~4m of tight passage.","Oversuit + helmet (and presumably a light as well - DL)",,,,"In dataset","Notes in 2004#41","caves/2004-15/2004-15.svx","43m","10m","32m E-W",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"SMK ridge, near 234 (Hauchhöhle)","Follow normal 204 walk-in path as far as 2002-03 and turn left (northwards). Climb over ridge, down into choss bowl then left over bunderous ridge.","A: Climb down in rift leads to slot straight ahead. B: Large pit with loose boulders leads to a small rift.","
","Tag","Tag 1/8/2004",,
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"Rob Parker",1,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Tim Parker",,,"i/timp.jpg",,,,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"John Parrington",,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
-"John Pegler",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
+"John Pegler",,,"i/johnp.jpg",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,
"Richie Perotton",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Steve Perry",,,,,1,,,1,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
"Mike Perryman",,,"i/mike_perryman.jpg",,1,,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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241 53 13
242 17 10
243 52 30
-"LA11" 642 375
-"LA12" 341 331
-"LA34" 533 425
-"2000-AA-01" 10 6
-"2001-MS-01" 31 11
-"2002-W-02" 22 9
-"2002-01" 63 6
-"2002-07" 41 34
-"2002-08" 21 14
-"2002-XX" 15 12
-"2003-01" 25 9
-"2003-02" 132 109
-"2003-05" 57 46
-"2003-09" 134 18
-"2003-10" 156 51
-"2004-11" 169 36
-"2004-14" 22 13
-"2004-15" 43 9
-"2004-19" 79 21
-"2004-20" 9 9
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+2002-W-02 22 9
+2002-01 63 6
+2002-07 41 34
+2002-08 21 14
+2002-XX 15 12
+2003-01 25 9
+2003-02 132 109
+2003-05 57 46
+2003-09 134 18
+2003-10 156 51
+2004-11 169 36
+2004-14 22 13
+2004-15 43 9
+2004-19 79 21
+2004-20 9 9
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+204 9147 540
+161 21594 524
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+145 1108 401
+LA11 642 375
+41 8088 357
+LA12 341 331
+78 7781 327
+144 2280 309
+182 1176 292
+107 593 283
+40 5257 262
+82 364 218
+88 1775 210
+113 520 205
+131 1016 192
+76 1180 189
+152 320 145
+143 181 124
+158 255 117
+2003-02 132 109
+183 106 70
+185 94 63
+234 618 61
+202 69 51
+2003-10 156 51
+2003-05 57 46
+161 21594 524
+204 9147 540
+41 8088 357
+78 7781 327
+40 5257 262
+115 4720 738
+136 3431 442
+144 2280 309
+88 1775 210
+76 1180 189
+182 1176 292
+145 1108 401
+131 1016 192
+LA11 642 375
+234 618 61
+107 593 283
+LA34 533 425
+113 520 205
+239 503 40
+82 364 218
+LA12 341 331
+152 320 145
+31 262 26
+158 255 117
+231 226 26
+116 221 39
+143 181 124
+2004-11 169 36
+162 159 32
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