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107 QM list after Expo 2013
107 QM list after Expo 2015
Entrance (107-EN)
C2012-107EN-1 X ext.1 aven above boulder choke at end of rift. Probably not worth the effort as it is likely to connect with the rocks at the end of 2012-70 19m above.
C2012-107EN-2 C ent.7 small passage to north of entrance passage possibly connects with 3 and 4
C2012-107EN-3 C ent.8 small passage to north of entrance passage possibly connects with 2 and 4
C2012-107EN-4 C ent.8 small passage to north of entrance passage possibly connects with 2 and 3
C2012-107EN-2 C ent.7 small passage to north of entrance passage possibly connects with 3 and 4 explored entcleads
C2012-107EN-3 C ent.8 small passage to north of entrance passage possibly connects with 2 and 4 explored entcleads
C2012-107EN-4 C ent.8 small passage to north of entrance passage possibly connects with 2 and 3 explored entcleads
C2012-107EN-5 C ent.17 small passages heading off from part way down entrance pitch, probably too shallow to be promising
15-EN-1C oldroute.4 sw passage, likely to connect to known passage.
15-EN-2C oldroute.4 NE passage, likely to connect to known passage.
15-EN-3C oldroute.4 SE passage, likely to connect to known passage.
Ropeless (107-RL)
@ -30,7 +33,7 @@ C2013-107SL-2 C sleepless.3 "?" marked on sketch - unsure, hole in floor maybe?
C2013-107SL-3 X 0814.0 aven to north (needs gear)
C2013-107SL-4 X 0814.00 aven to west (needs gear or mad skillz)
C2013-107SL-5 B cairnpitch.4 down short sharp pitch, then E - several leads down there
C2013-107SL-6 A 0728.000 continuation of rift drops away down stepped pitch (hard to get a depth estimate) - possible lead towards lower reaches of 76.
C2013-107SL-6 A 0728.000 continuation of rift drops away down stepped pitch (hard to get a depth estimate) - possible lead towards lower reaches of 76. explored doublebeep
Coldest Place in Earth (107-CO)
@ -41,22 +44,34 @@ C2013-107CO-4 C 0728.6 continuation of right, down
C2013-107CO-5 C 0728.6 continuation of right, along and up
C2013-107CO-6 C 0728.4 small hole in floor - maybe looked at already?
C2013-107CO-7 C 0728.3 QM heading back and down ~ parallel to passage.
C2015-107CO-1 C doublebeep.18 small hole in floor [check: Wookey - I don't remember this but it is marked on notes]
C2015-107CO-2 A doublebeep.15 undescended pitch below start of Double Beep
C2015-107CO-3 B beepless.1 Handline climb/pitch down (4+m) at end of Beepless
C2015-107CO-4 A hrv.20 [add: Wookey, George]
C2015-107CO-5 B hrv.14 [add: Wookey, George add]
C2015-107CO-6 B hrv.5 Undescended 9m climb/pitch [check: Wookey, George]
C2015-107CO-7 B 0728.8 Window in far wall, over notwindow pitch. Would require bolts.
15-CO-8A hrv.20 Undescended 6m climb/pitch [check: Wookey, George, marked as A on elevation, B on plan and in logbook]
15-CO-9C hrv.1 Below p9. wet. [check: Wookey, George]
Restless (107-RS)
C2013-107RS-1 A 0801.18 (restless.18) below the rift pitch, climb down below continuing traverse level and there's are two tubes off on the right near the bottom of the rift. the right tube leads along a small drafting passage to an echoing undescended pitch of perhaps 20-25m pitch
C2013-107RS-2 B 0801.7 (restless.7) on the 76 side of "too bold for this spit" traverse, a tube up to the left appears to continue in line with the passage on the far side of the traverse
C2013-107RS-3 B 0801.7 (restless.7) the pitch below "too bold for this spit" traverse appears to drop into China (between china.1 and china.2) - the height difference is ~65m, so there's potential for a side passage in between, as well as a shortcut
C2013-107RS-4 C 0801.4 (restless.4) continuation of passage where route turns left - passage drops away and looks uninspiring, though given proximity to KH may be worth investigating
C2013-107RS-1 A 0801.18 (restless.18) below the rift pitch, climb down below continuing traverse level and there's are two tubes off on the right near the bottom of the rift. the right tube leads along a small drafting passage to an echoing undescended pitch of perhaps 20-25m
C2013-107RS-2 B 0801.7 (restless.7) on the 76 side of "too bold for this spit" traverse, a tube up to the left appears to continue in line with the passage on the far side of the traverse explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107RS-3 B 0801.7 (restless.7) the pitch below "too bold for this spit" traverse appears to drop into China (between china.1 and china.2) - the height difference is ~65m, so there's potential for a side passage in between, as well as a shortcut. Reinstated in 2015 as the volume of water at Too Bold appears less than that in China.
C2013-107RS-4 C 0801.4 (restless.4) continuation of passage where route turns left - passage drops away and looks uninspiring, though given proximity to KH may be worth investigating explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107RS-5 C 0801.2 (restless.2) possible way down to right, looks like it would require shifting some rocks, if not a full on dig
C2013-107RS-6 A ???? probably doesnt exist
C2013-107RS-6 A ???? probably doesn't exist, not marked on survey
Old Rift (107-OR)
C2013-107OR-1 C oldrift.17 rift to right at bottom of short pitch from window opens out into old route, might be side passages though
C2013-107OR-2 C oldrift.16 back under short drop below 16, likely connects to same place as 107-OR-1
C2013-107OR-3 C oldrift.13 traverse along rift to left at top of pitch
C2013-107OR-1 C oldrift.17 rift to right at bottom of short pitch from window opens out into old route, might be side passages though explored oldroute2
C2013-107OR-2 C oldrift.16 back under short drop below 16, likely connects to same place as 107-OR-1 ?explored?
C2013-107OR-3 C oldrift.13 traverse along rift to left at top of pitch explored antigrav
C2013-107OR-4 C oldrift.13 traverse along rift to right at top of pitch, likely just above stuff below, but might be leads off anyway
15-OR-1C oldroute2.11 high level, but just be roof tube oxbow or alcove
15-OR-2B antigrav.1 undescended pitch at end of Antigravity. Likely to connect into passage 55m below, but might be side leads, or a horizontal continuation
15-OR-3C oldrift.17 possible window on opposite wall to ropeless-oldroute window. Would require bolt traverse, and may just be a vertical oxbow.
Land of Confusion (107-LC)
@ -65,50 +80,49 @@ C2013-107LC-2 C locoxbows.0 clearly ends up in China but might be windows, etc o
C2013-107LC-3 C locside.0 think stuart went there - might have been thoroughly checked but not 100% sure; sketch doesn't show it ending though
C2013-107LC-4 B locside.4 undescended pitch
C2013-107LC-5 X locside.4 aven above pitch, probably not an easy climb
C2013-107LC-6 C landofconfusion.000 pitch at end of side passage, almost certainly ends up in China
C2013-107LC-7 C landofconfusion.18 possible passage heading south below start of pitch
C2013-107LC-8 X landofconfusion.18 aven above pitch, probably not an easy climb
C2013-107LC-9 C landofconfusion.18 small tubes to north of passage before pitch, one is probably too tight, other might be as well.
C2013-107LC-6 C landofconfusion.000 pitch at end of side passage, almost certainly ends up in China explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107LC-7 C landofconfusion.18 possible passage heading south below start of pitch explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107LC-8 X landofconfusion.18 aven above pitch, probably not an easy climb explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107LC-9 C landofconfusion.18 small tubes to north of passage before pitch, one is probably too tight, other might be as well. explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107LC-10 B landofconfusion.22 continuation of passage across Korea, looks to be at the same altitude as land of confusion. Promising location, but would need a major bolt traverse to reach it.
C2013-107LC-11 C landofconfusion.22 small tube at back of alcove below start of Korea
C2013-107LC-12 C landofconfusion.1 pitch: clearly ends up in China but might be windows, etc on the way
C2013-107LC-13 C landofconfusion.16 continuation?
C2013-107LC-14 C landofconfusion.12 "hole qm C" in notes
C2013-107LC-15 C landofconfusion.11 small side passage
C2013-107LC-16 A landofconfusion.28 pitch heading SE from the lowest point on Down and Up. One of the few leads here heading for KH and not China.
C2013-107LC-16 A landofconfusion.28 pitch heading SE from the lowest point on Down and Up. One of the few leads here heading for KH and not China.
China (107-CH)
C2013-107CH-1 B china.9 climb/traverse Stuart attempted on north wall of china chamber, maybe gets into continuation; some rigging gear might be needed, shouldn't need lots of bolts; muddy rock though
C2013-107CH-2 C china.18 can't remember much about it, but seems likely to at best be another way through the breakdown into china
C2013-107CH-1 B china.9 climb/traverse Stuart attempted on north wall of china chamber, maybe gets into continuation; some rigging gear might be needed, shouldn't need lots of bolts; muddy rock though explored 161connection
C2013-107CH-2 C china.18 can't remember much about it, but seems likely to at best be another way through the breakdown into china explored 2014#01poppedacross/plancorrections.jpeg
C2013-107CH-3 C china.27 "c-grade climb" say survey notes
C2013-107CH-4 B china.26 looks like lower level continuation of LOC rift - thrutch up into slot but needs rocks moving to get to where it widens
C2013-107CH-4 C china.26 looks like lower level continuation of LOC rift - thrutch up into slot but needs rocks moving to get to where it widens. Downgraded from B to C in 2014, needs 2 bolts.
C2013-107CH-5 A china.00 pitch below korea chamber - wide open pitch, takes water
C2013-107CH-6 X china.00 another feeder joins the pitch from far side
C2013-107CH-7 C china.4 south of china.4, hole down into rocks by W wall; Stuart had inconclusive poke
C2013-107CH-7 C china.4 south of china.4, hole down into rocks by W wall; Stuart had inconclusive poke explored smoothbottom
C2013-107CH-8 C china.2 possible way off to west
C2013-107CH-9 B china.1 first pitch down between china.1 and china.0 (major draft south past china.1; water noise?)
C2013-107CH-10 B china.1 second pitch down between china.1 and china.0 (major draft south past china.1; water noise?)
C2013-107CH-11 A china.0 continuation of rift beyond china.0 (major draft south past china.1; water noise?)
C2013-107CH-9 B china.1 first pitch down between china.1 and china.0 (major draft south past china.1; water noise?) explored lasttsa
C2013-107CH-10 B china.1 second pitch down between china.1 and china.0 (major draft south past china.1; water noise?) explored lasttsa
C2013-107CH-11 A china.0 continuation of rift beyond china.0 (major draft south past china.1; water noise?) explored lasttsa
C2013-107CH-12 C china.4 south of china.4, hole down into rocks by W wall south of SSB; accidentally omitted from 2013 survey
C2014-107CH-1 C nippeddown.3 [add: Jess, David]
C2014-107CH-2 B lasttsa.2.7 climb up at end of Last TSA, not too hard but needs a rope. Air goes this way. [check: Wookey, Jess]
C2014-107CH-3 X china.8 Big square hole in the roof, another 10-15m above the top of Wookeys climb at N end of China (i.e. 25-30m above floor) [check: Wookey]
C2014-107CH-4 X the aven entering the final chamber. [check Wookey, Jess (taken from logbook)] NOT MARKED ON SURVEY
C2015-107CH-1 C smoothbottom.3, hole in floor, v loose [check: Matt, Luke, Joe]
15-CH-1C smoothbottom2.-, 5m climb up into small gap in loose boulder choke NOT MARKED ON SURVEY [check: Wookey, Matt]
Wonderland (107-WL)
C2013-107WL-1 A wonderland2.20 short climb (probably needs 2 or 3 bolts) to gain large inlet passage - we tried near the end of the 2013 expo, but the drill managed half a hole; tried to lasso a spike - after many tries we got it but the spike moved. Potential for connecting to 76.
C2013-107WL-1 A wonderland2.20 short climb (probably needs 2 or 3 bolts) to gain large inlet passage - we tried near the end of the 2013 expo, but the drill managed half a hole; tried to lasso a spike - after many tries we got it but the spike moved. Potential for connecting to 76. explored wildwest
C2013-107WL-2 B wonderland2.00 climb up to left of passage gains smaller higher level passage with slight draft. can't remember much else about it, notes say something like "soil lumps". closest lead to 76.
C2013-107WL-3 A wonderland2.0 sideways wriggle along awkward passage (continuation of floor trench leaving main passage) opens out to pitch on left.
C2013-107WL-4 C wonderland.0 end of main Wonderland passage. Small and partly choked, but close to 76.
C2013-107WL-4 C wonderland.0 end of main Wonderland passage. Small and partly choked, but close to 76. explored effective
C2013-107WL-5 D wonderland.2 RH fork at end of main Wonderland passage. Choked, requires digging. Close to 76.
C2015-107WL-1 D wildwest.000 Requires digging.
C2015-107WL-2 X wildwest.12 Climb up aven. Requires bolts, probably worth checking out surface shafts above first.
C2015-107WL-3 C direstraits.00 Tight and scrotty rift down on left.
C2015-107WL-4 C effective.0 Small continuation at end of Effective, looks like it might get bigger. Closest lead to 76.
Xolly357.bmp.png ; missing 107 survey (2 legs) old rift to ropeless conn
; unrelated but interesting: olly345.bmp.png lhs is 2004-08
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<p>Ian Walker ascending the slot at the top of Hammer and Thong pitch in Pussyprance.</p>
<!-- Original photo: expoimages/photos/2009/Edvin/00072.jpg -->
<!-- Original photo: expofiles/photos/2009/Edvin/00072.jpg -->
<p class="caption">Photo © Edvin Deadman 2009</p>
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Entrance shaft
Warning: Beware of loose rocks.
The shaft of the 258b entrance, rigged with an initial belay, deviation and Y-hang just below the lip, gives onto the main entrance shaft just above a single bolt rebelay also accessible from the 258a entrance. (The 258a entrance, no longer used, was rigged with a thread in the bottom of the shakehole and a bolt on the left wall under the dripline. This enabled a descent of several metres to a small ledge, where working around to the right gained a rebelay, succeeded by the single bolt rebelay mentioned above). Several rigs have been used over the years due to variable snow levels. Originally, a hang of around 10 metres from this single bolt lands on a flat floor where there is sometimes a snow plug. Upslope leads to an alcove. The rear of this alcove opens onto the top of a pitch that appears to be of quite some depth [2006-258-1-B] which may connect with Stone Monkey below.
Following the left wall down an unstable boulder slope (care required), a traverse leads to a low bolt. From 2014, this was avoided by means of a traverse and two airy rebelays leading to a descent that lands near the bottom of the unstable slope. From here, the original route proceeds via a scruffy descent descent of only two metres to another rebelay on a flat wall to land on another unstable boulder slope that used to have a considerable snow plug. The 2014 route avoids this by means of a traverse along the left hand wall to a series of rebelays that ultimately land near the bottom of the unstable boulder slope.
The descent continues down the right hand wall of the shaft via a series of rebelays and deviations. (The original route used in 2006 descended via an undercut rift to the left known as The Col.) There is sometimes a snow plug here, and upslope, a rift leads off (under The Col) which could maybe lead to further passage [2006-258-3-B].
In 2006 the pitch culiminated at the head of a large snow slope, which has become progressively smaller over the years. Since 2014, the main route into the rest of the cave has been to double back under the entrance pitch and descend the remnant of the snow slope - Ducks on Ice.
From 2006 to 2013, Ducks on Ice was inaccessible, so the original descent continued from the same belay all the way to the bottom of the snow slope. Passing under an arch the slope terminated with ice stalactites in alcoves to either side and (depending on the year) an ice lake or pile of snow. The ice stal in the alcove to the left could be ascended with ice and/or climbing equipment to reach a passage [2006-258-5-C]. The alcove on the right contains an aven [QM 1417-1 X].
[Description needed 2006-258-2-B is missing - Dave Loeffler or Aaron Curtis or Mark Shinwell]
Original route to the main cave
The original route to the main cave proceeded from the bottom of the snow slope, where there is a hole at floor level that leads into a chamber. This chamber is on occasion occupied by a large ice stalactite and accompanying ice floor. A small hole to the right gives access to Bauernkrapfen Passage, a well-formed sloping crawl debouching into a large rift chamber, Three Fried Mice. Following the chamber around to the left leads to a choke at the bottom of a slope, although before this it is possible to climb up the wall and through a hole under boulders to gain a higher level, with a view over the chamber before Bauernkrapfen Passage but no other ways on.
Following the rift around to the right from the end of Bauernkrapfen Passage, passing some small faulted phreatic tubes in the left wall, leads to an opening in the right wall. The succeeding phreatic passage, Strudel Crawl, sucks strongly and continues sloping down past a delicate traverse over a hole [2006-258-12-C] to eventually arrive at a further hole in the floor. Descending the hole leads to Flapjack Choke. The main route in is to traverse over the top (rope required). Shortly after the traverse, there is an eyehole in the right-hand wall (facing downslope), which leads to the large passage of Ribs with Knödel. Strudel Crawl may also be followed down without going through the eyehole to reach the same point, although this route is not recommended for descent, due to a drop underneath.
[Description needed 2006-258-6-X, 2006-258-7-X, 2006-258-8-X, 2006-258-9-X, 2006-258-10-D, 2006-258-11-C is missing from below - Dave Loeffler or Aaron Curtis or Mark Shinwell]
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This directory is used to store raw cave descriptions. There should be one file
corresponding to each .svx file, even if this is only used to indicate that the
cave description is written elsewhere. Whenever the cave description in a
particular file is incorporated in the cave description on the website, a note
should be placed in the raw text file to indicate that this has been done.
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Alphabet Soup
From Ribs with Knödel, a 1.5 x 0.5m rift heads west reaching a junction after 15m. Left (southeast) heads uphill over a too-tight floor trench for 15m to a right hand bend with roof tube continuing ahead [QM 06-42 C]. A 2m drop is immediately reached landing at the base of an aven [QM X]. Small passages lead off to the northwest [QM 06-44 C], west [QM 06-43 C] and southeast [QM 06-41 C].
Right (west) at the initial junction leads to the rest of Alphabet Soup. A small passage is immediately passed on the right [QM 06-39 C]. The next right turnis Dark Fumblings, which connects to Apfelstrudel. Continuing straight ahead, after 10m the passage turns right (northwest) – a small passage immediately before this corner unites with the main passage. [TO BE CONTINUED (ALPHABET SOUP DESCRIPTION AWAITS)]
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Apfelstrudel starts as a boulder floored passage heading west from Ribs with Knödel for 10m to a complex area of interconnecting passages. Three passages on the right ultimately unite in a 4m wide passage that heads north and downhill to a crossroads with Oompah (west and east) and Loompah (north). Heading right (east) at this crossroads leads back to Ribs with Knödel.
At the third right turn, a larger passage leads off to the left (south) for 15m. With three ways on. A slope up to the right (southwest) leads to the base of the sloping ramp pitch from Germknödel, which provides an alternative access route. Straight ahead leads up a slope into Dark Fumblings. A third way on is an unexplored phreatic roof tube [QM 07-xx C]. [ORIGINAL SURVEY SHOWS ONLY ONE WAY ON STRAIGHT AHEAD HERE. ISN'T IT LIKELY THAT THIS WAY ON LEADS TO DARK FUMBLINGS AND THE OTHER PASSAGE DOES NOT EXIST? NEED TO CHECK TUNNEL]
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[INCLUDES BITS FROM delicious2.svx AND gravityalwayswins.svx]
Blind and Broken
A 10m pitch lands on a rubble floor with numerous holes. A hole in the middle of the floor has not been descended [QM 08-32 C]. At the western end, a 2m climb down leads to a wet and windy canyon with a further undescended pitch [QM 08-31 B] and an aven at the westernmost extremity [QM 08-30 X].
The way on is a rift pitch directly below the 10m pitch. A y-hang provides a 36m descent in a beautiful shaft to a boulder ledge, where a rebelay is required for a further descent of 8m to the floor.
From the base of the pitch, a narrow rift heads off initially to the northeast, leading to a pitch with a very tight take-off but an encouraging boom [QM 08-33 C]. The main continuation is to the southwest. A dribbly 10m pitch lands on rubble with a further 25m pitch beyond. This is rigged from two spits in a large boulder at the pitch head providing a fine descent, with one deviation, to a rubble choke. From the bottom of the pitch, a narrow rift carrying a stream leads off initially to the southwest [QM 08-29 C]. There is also and aven in the southeast corner of the terminal chamber [QM 08-28 X]. A rift near this aven is too tight.
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Boulder Surfer
From the entry point from Ducks on Ice, the main route in is downhill to the west in a phreatic tube. A 2m climb down leads to a steeply descending passage, past a small hole in the floor [QM 08-03 C] and a small passage on the right [QM 08-02 B]. After 50m the continuing passage becomes very small [QM 08-01 C] but a short flat out shuffle to the left gains access to a parallel passage of similar dimensions. Uphill quickly becomes too tight; downhill is the way to the rest of the cave. The passage continues to descend steeply arriving in Ribs with Knödel at the start of the Caramel Catharsis traverse. Bolts have been placed for a handline to descend the last part.
Heading north from the entry point from Ducks on Ice quickly leads to Stone Monkey.
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Crossword Passage
High canyon passage initially rises gently then up more steeply. There is a hole in the roof [2007-258-97-X] here. Now progress is either a traverse to look out over a pitch past a huge wedged boulder, or progress at floor-level to look out below the boulder.
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Damp Squib
A 12m pitch descends to a boulder floored chamber with a narrow rift going along a down from one side [2009-258-40 B], a small window opens to a parallel shaft, with water coming in from an aven above. The shaft goes down a further 12m, with some passage going off that quickly becomes too small.
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Dark Fumblings
A short tube connecting Alphabet Soup to Apfelstrudel. There is an unexplored lead near the southern end [QM 08-17 C]. Shortly before joining Apfelstrudel, a 60deg tube up on the right connects to a higher level.
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Included in delicious1 and gravityalwayswins
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Delicious Leak
From Starlight Passage near the "snow and leaves" aven (close to Ants in Pants Schacht), a passage heads off downhill to the south reaching the head of Gravity Always Wins (p18) after 15m with aven above [QM 0811-1 X]. The Delicious Leak bolt traverse leads over the top of this pitch. The continuing passage heads gently downhill beneath an aven [MARKED IN TUNNEL; IN ORIGINAL NOTES ON PLAN BUT NOT ELEVATION - DOES THIS EXIST?]. A passage doubling back on the left after 20m is the Gravity Always Wins Bypass which ultimately leads back to Starlight Passage avoiding the Delicious Leak traverse. A further 15m along the passage, a further pitch is reached - Blind and Broken - which can be passed by traversing along a ledge on the left with care. Beyond the pitch, a 2m climb down on the right leads to a window overlooking the same pitch. Continuing straight ahead at the top of this climb, a huge boulder is encountered, immediately beyond which is a further pitch [QM 07-91-A]. This pitch can also be accessed from the traverse over the top of Thin Red Line at the northern extremity of Littoral North.
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Dubious Pleasure
The passage heads south from the junction with Rhubarb Crumbly and Maximum Pleasure. The passage descends steadily and develops a small floor trench, reaching a junction after 35m where there is a boulder-filled shaft in the floor [QM 2007-258-35 B] with aven above [QM 2007-258-40 X]. Traversing round the shaft to the left leads to Goody Goody. A 2m climb on the right leads into So Vein. Dubious Pleasure continues straight ahead.
Continuing beyond the boulder-filled pit, twin avens are reached [QM 258-0755-1 X] [QM 258-0755-2 X]. Doubling back on the right at this point is the entrance to Naughty Naughty. A trickle of water entering at location disappears into a narrow (<0.5m) 2m deep canyon that is hidden beneath a false floor of boulders. The passage continues downhill for a further 10m to a choke.
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Ducks on Ice
Since 2014, the ice plug at the bottom of the entrance pitch has been sufficiently low that there has been a gap between the ice plug and the ceiling that allows one to double back under the general trend of the entrance rift. This route - Ducks on Ice - provides a more convenient route to the rest of the cave than was available previously. The 2015 rig comprised a rebelay on the lip of the ceiling that protects an initial descent of the ice slope, followed by a further rebelay part way down the ice slope on the right hand wall. In 2015, a large ice stalactite had developed here which had to be removed for safety. At the bottom of the ice slope is a blind pit - bolts on the left hand wall protect a traverse around this pit. At the end of the traverse, a steep downhill-sloping phreatic passage to the west is Boulder Surfer that is the main route to the rest of the cave. A passage to the north is the continuation of Stone Monkey.
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[Description needed Flapjack choke qm 2006-258-13B has been removed from tunnel. Qm list need ammending - Steve Jones or Serena Povia or Becka Lawson][2007-258-08-106B][2007-258-08-107X]
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Flying High
A comfortable walking-size pack heads north east from Starfish Junction, trending uphill at about 20deg with a significant outward draught. After 50m, a small sandy passage on the left is Down to Earth. A further 30m on, the passage narrows and swings east, developing a narrow floor trench and continuing to ascend. 40m further on the passage doubles back on itself to the right and continues in sinuous fashion, past a too-tight stream inlet on the right, to a crossroads after a further 40m. [RIGHT AND LEFT IN FLYINGHIGH5 - SOME SURVEY CONFUSION].
Flying High continues in similar fashion straight ahead. [TO BE CONTINUED...]
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No information - included with flyinghigh as far as possible
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The 9m pitch from Sauerkraut lands on a sloping rock floor. A short clamber down leads to a chamber with multiple ways on. A pitch in the floor [QM 06-25 A] and small passage to the north [QM 06-26 C] have not been explored. There are two main ways on.
Left (southwest) is a stooping-height phreatic passage which slopes down past small passages to the west [QM 06-29 C] and east [QM 06-27 C] [QM 06-28 C] to the head of Pantin Sales Pitch (2.9sec drop but also v. wide and long) with an aven above [QM 06-32 X]. Shortly before the pitch head is a crawl on the left with bat droppings, leading to another window onto the same pitch and a passage beyond – Sleeping Beauty. In the northwest corner at the pitch head is the entrance to C Lead Jackpot.
Back in the chamber, straight ahead (north) leads past a blind pit in the floor to a section of passage with a sloping floor. There is a climbable hole in the floor (handline required) [QM 06-34 B] with a climb up in the opposite wall [QM 06-33 C]. Beyond this the passage emerges part-way down a large sloping ramp pitch. Descending this pitch leads to Apfelstrudel. The pitch could also potentially be climbed up [QM 06-36 B].
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Gravity Always Wins
18m descent to a ledge, then traverse to a further 42m freehang. This second part of the pitch is quite spectacular - huge, curtain-like walls of rock in a massive canyon. The pitch lands on a rubble floor. The only possible continuation is a stream inlet from the west [QM 08-34 A].
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Hedonism Highway
Very high rocky passage uphill with monster draft (considering passage size) blowing out. This whole passage is formed on a bedding plane sloping at about 25 degrees from horizontal, so everywhere is walkable but quite steeply sloping. A tricky 2m climb over a block reaches a sandy hading chamber. Going across to the left reaches a very wide, bedding-aligned area with a choice of routes upwards either side of a pillar. A passage off to the left (north) here is Rocky Road North. At the top of the wide bit the passage reverts to a phreas with a deep canyon which is largely inaccessibly-narrow. It is at least 8m deep and there are a couple of points one could get in [2007-258-95-C].
Climbing over a large boulder the passage widens due to a junction. A passage goes off left upwards, as does the canyon, and another goes off left downwards, both connecting to Rocky Road North. Straight ahead the passage continues steeply up-dip and gets bouldery. There are a couple of huge dropped sections of rock that have been undercut and split from the roof. On the left is a small alcove passage. Next a small cross-passage roof tube. Neither of these go. The draught remains strong, blowing out. The passage turns 90 left to go along the dip. A strongly draughting small passage on the right at the corner is Rocky Road East. Hedonism highway gets boulderier and closes down over the next 60m, ending in a choke and a solution tube filled with rocks [2007-258-81C]. This point may be quite close to the surface.
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[INCLUDES BITS OF maxpleasure3, ALL OF maxpleasure 5]
Just for a Laugh
Three west-going passages from Maximum Pleasure unite and head down steeply, with a strong inward draught. After 50m a rock pillar is encountered. Left turns on either side of the rock pillar unite in a single passage that heads uphill for 45m to a boulder choke with a voice and light connection to Maximum Pleasure immediately south of Starfish Junction.
Ahead at the rock pillar the passage continues in similar fashion to a chamber with large lumps of flowstone. There is an aven above this chamber [2007-258-30 X], and an unexplored sandy passage immediately before [2007-258-29 B]. Beyond the aven two routes round a rock pillar lead to a crossroads. Right (north) leads to a 25m blind pitch. Left (south) is a smaller, sandy floored passage. Ahead (west) the passage develops a floor trench and continues 11m to a second crossroads. Ahead (west) is a too tight right. Right (north) is a boulder floored passage, passing a 12m pitch immediately on the left (Damp Squib). A further 15m along, a low passage on the left rapidly closes down. The main passage continues for a further 25m to a boulder choke. This point is 15m away from a similar boulder choke at the southern extremity of Crossword Passage.
Left (south) at the second crossroads are two smaller passages that unite and develop a stream trench. Following this passage for 20m leads to a fork.
Following the lefthand fork, a small passage immediately on the left leads back to the first crossroads described above (the south-going passage), passing an unexplored narrow crawl down on the right [2007-258-54 C]. Continuing straight ahead on the lefthand fork leads to a sharp lefthand bend with an unexplored uphill crawl straight ahead [2007-258-52 C]. The continuing passage round the bend heads downhill and meets the passage from the righthand fork after 10m.
Following the righthand fork, after 15m the passage from the lefthand fork described above is met on the left. Immediately beyond is a 1.5m climb down, at the base of which an unexplored low crawl leads off on the right [2007-258-55 C]. Left at the foot of the climb is So Vein.
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Described with Just for a Laugh
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Let's Get Naked
Very sandy, low, wide passage curves round to the R. [2007-258-99-C] goes off to L at lowest point. Clambering up over boulders with freezing draught in your face (out of cave) reaches an aven, which we partially climbed and it appears not to go [2007-258-79 X], but there seems to be a draught deficit beyond. Ahead the passage rapidly shrinks to a narrow rift which can be climbed (c4).
At the top the climb there are a series of awkward crawls. North rapidly closes down; east continues with an inward draught via an easy squeeze and past a roof tube [2007-258-85-C] and upward trending rift [2007-258-83-C] with a too-tight neighbour to a 5m climb up. Beyond, the passage continues past a further tight rift [2007-258-102 C] to a 2m climb. The passage beyond carries little draught and closes down in too-tight ceiling tubes.
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Caramel Catharsis to water collecting pool junction
From the foot of Caramel Catharsis, Secret Squirrel is downhill to the south. The major route is a large, passage heading northwest for around 20m past taped formations on the floor. Twin passages to the left here lead to Stomach Ulsa. [SURVEY SHOWS UNEXPLORED PASSAGE TO WEST HERE QM 07-06 B – DOES THIS REALLY EXIST? ORIGINAL SURVEY SUGGESTS TWO PASSAGES BOTH GOING TO STOMACH ULSA] The main way is through a low arch straight ahead to a 3m climb down in a rift below an aven, which can be climbed far enough to see that it probably doesn't go. At the bottom is a wide stony passage with a pool useful for collecting water, and an important junction.
The most obvious route is rightish (north) up another awkward climb leading to Y KeyKey Beach and the Littoral North; left (southwest) leads almost immediately to a 12m pitch into Frankly Freezing. Ahead (west) is the climb towards Usual Suspects.
Littoral North
If the north passage is taken from the water collecting pool, a 2m climb up rotten calcite leads (past a small unexplored passage on the left [QM 07-04 A]) to an unusual critical-angle pile of 10cm diameter rocks Y KeyKey Beach. The narrowing at the top of this pile (it gets close to the roof) has a stonking gale coming through it. Just beyond this where the passage widens to 8m, behind the large rock on the left is the hidden entrance to Rhubarb Crumbly, leading to the lower levels via String Theory and the northern areas via Max Pleasure.
On the right, at the widening, is a shallow pit [QM 07-05-C] [Has this been ticked off? Or does it need to be put into tunnel and the QM list? - Becka Lawson].
Ahead (northeast) the comfortable passage only goes for about 20m before reaching the edge of a huge shaft undercutting the RH wall: The Thin Red Line. An airy traverse to the left of this reaches another hole on the left down, apparently into the same pitch [QM 07-89-B]. Immediately ahead is another large hole [QM 07-91-A]. Up is a large aven (30m+ [QM 07-98 X]). A continuation is visible across the other side of the pitch - this is the passage at the head of Blind and Broken and Gravity Always Wins and is accessed via Starlight Passage.
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Described with literlanorth
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Described with usual suspects
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Described with stomachulsa
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Described with Oompah
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Rhubarb Crumbly
Climbing down behind a large rock in Littoral North gives access to nice walking passage floored with dark dirt, trending NNW. A strong breeze blows in. The passage proceeds, past three small horizontal tubes on the left [QM 07-25 C] [QM 07-18 C] [QM 07-24 C] for 40m where the passage passes over a cross-joint forming a pitch that can be seen through a very small hole in the floor[QM 07-26B]. Would need capping to get in. Immediately beyond a C2 gets into almost perfectly straight passage with some popcorn on the walls, and another unexplored crawl on the right [QM 07-19 C]. At the end is a wider T-junction. Down to the left is a stoop into a boulder-floored chamber containing a too-tight crawl on the left and two small avens [2007-258-21-X] (at 1st corner), [2007-258-20-X] (at end). To the right, 5m further on, is an important T-junction. Right is Maximum Pleasure leading to the northern areas of the cave. Left is Dubious Pleasure, which takes the draught, and leads to the lower levels of the cave via String Theory.
Maximum Pleasure: south of Starfish Junction
A fine walking passage heads steadily up-dip with a strong outward draft. Goes 180m to Starfish junction, via a few boulders to clamber over. A tight rift on the right is passed after 75m [QM 07-23 C]. After 130m a shelf forms on LH wall after floor canyon disappears under LH wall, where there is an unexplored sandy crawl [QM 07-27 B]. The shelf is the main way on and rises slowly above floor level until you are traversing past a large hole on the R. This connects under RH wall to Star Light passage. Crawls on LH side at shelf level 30m south of Starfish Junction have [QM 07-22-C] parallel to main passage and [QM 07-28-B] in back corner behind pillars. A climb up on the left in a cross-rift 10m south of Starfish Junction leads immediately to a boulder choke with a voice and light connection to a side passage in Just for a Laugh. A passage directly opposite on the right connects to Star Light Passage. [2007-258-94-X] is a high (20m+) aven at the same point.
Starfish Junction
Starfish Junction has 4 large passages meeting at a large boulder and is a distinctive spot. Ahead (north) Maximum Pleasure continues. The right fork (northeast) is Flying High. The 4th passage (southeast) is Star Light passage. Including the higher and lower-level connections this is a complex junction.
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Maximum Pleasure: north of Starfish junction
Maximum Pleasure north of Starfish Junction initially opens into a High chamber a drafting (inwards) passage off on the left (Just for a Laugh). Two other passages on the left also connect to Just for a Laugh. The chamber merges back into walking passage after 40m. 10m along a soil slope comes in from the right wall, choked to the left, and a low crawl to the right leading to Down to Earth. The passage slopes gently down until it meets a larger one with the way on going gently up-dip to the right. There is a large boulder at the junction. The continuation of the larger passage on the left is choked with soil.
Past a pillar the passage opens up into a high wide chamber with a deep canyon in the floor, largely covered by boulders. At the start of the chamber a rapidly-lowering passage goes back right for 8m before being choked with sand. At the far end of the chamber you step over the canyon [2007-258-67-B] and have to clamber over some very nice flowstone to proceed. The obvious way on is walking passage but in fact the passage goes at two levels here - you can also climb down below the flowstoned chockstone and follow the canyon upstream to get to the same chamber.
Following the obvious higher level brings you into another chamber with a deep hole in the floor, mostly blocked by a large jammed boulder, that connects to Downgraded Window [CHECK]. Traversing around the left hand side reaches a 3m climb down to the far side of the hole. This is Petticoat Junction where left (north) is the continuation of Maximum Pleasure towards Let's get Naked, or ahead (east) across rocks and uphill to Hedonism Highway.
Taking the smaller northerly passage at Petticoat Junction leads into passage of varying character. It starts with deep dark soily deposits. An awkward small passage on the left connects back to the climb just before Petticoat Junction. The draught is still strong and inwards. Crossing a soily crater leads to a sloping 3m climb up a wide, high rift, then along 10m of narrow joint-controlled passage to another sudden change of character. Ahead is a tight passage which draughts out and becomes a dig after 10m [2007-258-73-D]. The way on is the very wide phreatic passage sloping steeply down to the west. The small central canyon of this passage goes under the left hand wall to the west [IS THIS A LEAD? NOT SHOWN AS QM ON ORIGINAL SURVEY].
The passage zigs and zags sharply past a crawl off on the L [2007-258-74 C] for 20m to merge into nice straight passage sloping gently down-dip. [Can not see zig zag nor the qm - Andrew Atkinson or Wookey or Dog Becka Lawson] After 35m it steepens and a small canyon forms, reaching a 3m deep drippy pot after another 25m. A 2m climb down gets to the floor and a delicate and slightly damp 3m climb up gets back into the continuing passage.
Here the passage is wide and sandy and forks: off on the right is Let's get Naked (draughting out). Down to the left it descends steeply and Crossword Passage goes off on the Left. 10m beyond is [2007-258-75-C] on the L then a gravelly bit with an aven above [2007-258-78-X]. The passage continues to descend down-dip until it suddenly chokes (3m dia!) with mud and rocks. This would be a top dig site in the UK [2007-258-77-D]. On the L is a large (8m dia?) chibble-floored pothole which can also be overlooked from a balcony, reached via a passage on the L, with a small passage heading off to the south. On the far side of the hole a crawl heads off downdip - this is Too Much of a Good Thing.
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Star Light Passage
Star Light passage is a fine, roomy walking passage that heads southeast from Starfish Junction. After 15m, a passage on the right connects back to Maximum Pleasure, and immediately after this a further large passage underneath also connects to Maximum Pleasure (accessed by a 3m climb down). The main passage continues in similar fashion for a further 100m to an aven on the left [QM 2007-258-101 X]. Beyond the aven is a small passage heading steeply uphill with snow and leaves at the bottom [QM 2007-258-65 A]. This area is very close to Ants in Pants Schacht, but repeated attempts have failed to find a connection. Immediately before the aven is an unexplored tube heading downhill on the right [QM 2007-258-64 B].
Continuing past the aven leads immediately to a junction where right is the route to Gravity Always Wins and Star Light Passage turns east. A further passage to the left rapidly chokes. The continuing passage ahead passes the head of an 11m pitch into Iceflow. Immediately beyond this, a crawling sized phreatic tube on the right is the Gravity Always Wins bypass that provides access to the passage south of Gravity Always Wins.
At this point, Star Light Passage turns left (north) and heads uphill developing a floor trench. The passage continues up this ramp for a further 120m, gradually getting smaller, to the limit of exploration: a 2m climb up [QM 2007-258-59 C] at the base of a drippy aven [QM 258-0762-1 X]. 20m before the limit of exploration, is a small unexplored tube heading up [QM 258-0762-2 C].
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Described with Maximum Pleasure
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Described with Just for a Laugh
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Described with maxpleasure3
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Oompah starts as a boulder floored passage that heads west and downhill from Ribs with Knödel for 10m to a crossroads. South leads to Apfelstrudel. West leads to a window onto a 12m pitch accessed by heading north. North begins as a steeply descending ramp, quickly leading to the 12m pitch on the left. Straight ahead at this point leads to a 3m pitch into Loompah.
The 12m pitch lands in an 8x6m chamber. There is a possible way on halfway down the pitch in the south wall (traverse or climb required to access) [QM 1325-1 C] and a possible dig in the southwest corner of the chamber [QM 1325-2 D]. To the north, a 3m climb up gains access to a further pitch of 17m that lands in a rift. Upstream ends in a clean washed aven. Downstream leads to a series of boulder climbs with no way on (possible dig) [QM 1325-3 D].
The 3m pitch from Oompah lands in a rift passage with a floor trench. North leads to a further undescended pitch of ~6m [QM 08-22 A] and an upward sloping shute [QM 08-23 B]. East the passage continues with a thin rift in the ceiling [QM 08-21 A]. [SURVEY SHOWS A POOL, UNCLEAR FROM ORIGINAL NOTES IF THIS IS REAL OR A ROCK PILLAR]
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Pantin Sales Pitch
An exceptionally smooth 30m pitch lands on a pile of boulders wedged in the rift overlooking the rest of the pitch. There is an unexplored passage heading west about halfway down this first section [QM 07-51 C]. At the boulders, a small horizontal passage closes down after 4m. The continuing pitch descends 45m to a choke. There is a possible way on that could be accessed by traversing round to the right into a spacious rift about 15m down this 45m pitch [QM 0760-1 B].
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Ribs with Knödel to Caramel Catharsis
One exits Strudel Crawl to find the large, sloping passage of Ribs with Knödel.
Right (downhill) is the route to the rest of the cave. In this direction, a hole in the floor is passed [QM 06-14 C], before a much larger hole right across the passage is reached. A rope belayed to bolts on the left side of the passage enables a descent to be made to a point where it is possible to climb down, behind and around a rock pillar to complete the crossing of the hole. There is a passage leading back under the pitch at this point [QM 06-15 C]. A passage to the left leads to Apfelstrudel and Oompah.
After the hole, a sloping traverse is crossed; water enters from the roof here. At the start of the traverse, a steep ramp on the right accesses Boulder Surfer that ultimately leads to Ducks on Ice and Stone Monkey. From here a long ramp downwards, protected by a rope belayed to a large thread over towards the left, enables a descent towards the right wall to reach the traverse of Caramel Catharsis. On the left two passages are passed leading to Apfelstrudel and Oompah. The traverse follows the right wall, still sloping down and passing a hole in that wall that leads to Stone Monkey). Beyond are two unexplored passages on the right ([QM 07-07 C] and [QM 07-08 B] - the second of these draughts strongly) followed by a pitch of a few metres that lands on a sandy floor in an impressive chamber.
On exiting Strudel crawl, left leads past an alternative exit from Strudel crawl with a hole in the floor [QM 06-40 C]. The passage heads uphill passing the entrance to Alphabet Soup on the right after 8m [THIS BIT DESCRIBED WITH ALPHABET SOUP]. After a further 30m the main passage ends in a boulder choke. A draughting passage on the right here leads to Sauerkraut.
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Described with ribsknodel
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A 2m round boulder floored passage heads west from the choke at the end of Ribs with Knödel, past a small passage on the right (north) [QM 06-20 C]. After 15m an enlargement is reached with two avens above [QM 06-21 X] [QM 06-22 X]. The passage continues past an undescended pitch to the north [QM 06-23 A] and a tight roof tube in the south [QM 06-for a further 20m culminating in a choss slope to the head of a 9m pitch into Germknödel.
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Sleeping Beauty
The passage quickly leads to a traverse on a narrow ledge (rope required) overlooking Pantin Sales Pitch. Beyond is a 9m pitch, at the foot of which the continuation is a crawl with a small stream [QM 08-16 C].
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Secret Squirrel
A traverse along a sloping ledge of sand and boulders (protected with a rope rigged from two naturals) leads to a y-hang at the head of a 24m pitch. From the base a rift heads south leading to a further drop of 8m with a tight get off – Fat Rat. From the base of Fat Rat the rift continues – wider than at the top and carrying a draught [QM 07-66 B].
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Stomach ULSA
Passages either side of a rock pillar in Literal North immediately unite and head southeast and slightly uphill in a walking-sized passage carrying a significant inward draught. Almost immediately, a thin slot up into a chimney is passed on the right [QM 2007-258-47 B]. After 40m a 6m pitch is reached with aven above [QM 258-0763-1 X] with a continuation visible on the opposite side of the pitch [QM 258-0763-2 A]
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Thin Red Line
Thin Red Line is essentially a single 125m pitch that descends from the northern extremity of Littoral North. The landing is on rubble floor with a small undescended pitch to the northeast [QM 08-27 B].
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Included in thinredline.txt
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Too Much of a Good Thing
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The Usual Suspects
Back at the water collecting pool, to the left (west) a passage leads almost immediately to a tricky climb (rope recommended) up to the right. This gains a further large walking passage, which draughts inwards strongly, leading after about 50 metres to a balcony at the head of the 100m deep pitch The Usual Suspects. Two bolts on the left just before the passage starts to head steeply downhill start the traverse line approach to the pitch head. This pitch is broken by a large ledge at -70m, and the descent from this side is drippy in the dry and more than drippy in the wet - a better rig is required. In 2009 the hang was from two 1-bolt rebelays in rapid succession, with 3 rebelays and a bolt deviation to reach the ledge. The y-hang on the right at the ledge is sub-optimal, the furthest bolt can be extended with a sling to avoid an immediate rub and a bolt deviation 5m down clears the wall - but not the water when it rains
WARNING: Usual Suspects is impassible in times of high water (a party was marooned beneath it in 2009), and is now superceded by the route via String Theory. Across the pitch head may be seen a window accessible via the route to String Theory.
INCOMPLETE (need to incorporate existing description in usualsuspects.html on website).
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"Cave" "Year" "Number" "Grade" "Nearest station" "Description" "Completion Description" "Found by" "Completed by"
"258" "2006" "1" "B" "258.2.1" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "2" "B" "258.2.1" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "3" "B" "258.2.19" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "4" "C" "258.2.20" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "5" "C" "258.2.9" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "6" "X" "258.2.11" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "7" "X" "258.2.2" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "8" "X" "258.2.3" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "9" "X" "258.2.1" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "10" "D" "258.2.1" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "11" "C" "258.2.4" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "12" "C" "258.2.14" "Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford"
"258" "2006" "13" "B" "258.flapjackchoke.3" "Serena Povia and Becka Lawson and Steve Jones"
"258" "2006" "14" "C" "258.ribsknodel.2" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "15" "C" "258.ribsknodel.1" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "16" "B" "258.ribsknodel2.3" "Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell" "Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling"
"258" "2006" "17" "C" "258.ribsknodel2.1" "Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell" "Olly Madge and Djuke Veldhuis and Martin Jahnke"
"258" "2006" "18" "C" "258.ribsknodel2.2" "Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell"
"258" "2006" "19" "A" "258.ribsknodel2.2" "Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell" "Pete Harley and Frank Tully"
"258" "2006" "20" "C" "258.sauerkraut.3" "John Billings and Sandeep Mavadia"
"258" "2006" "21" "X" "258.sauerkraut.4" "John Billings and Sandeep Mavadia"
"258" "2006" "22" "X" "258.sauerkraut.5" "John Billings and Sandeep Mavadia"
"258" "2006" "23" "A" "258.gknodel.16" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "24" "C" "258.gknodel.14" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "25" "A" "258.gknodel.1" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "26" "C" "258.gknodel.1" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "27" "C" "258.gknodel.4" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "28" "C" "258.gknodel.4" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "29" "C" "258.gknodel.4" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "30" "C" "258.gknodel.6" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "31" "A" "258.gknodel.7" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "32" "X" "258.gknodel.7" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "33" "C" "258.gknodel.11" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "34" "B" "258.gknodel.11" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "35" "A" "258.gknodel.12" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler" "Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling"
"258" "2006" "36" "B" "258.gknodel.12" "Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler" "Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling"
"258" "2006" "37" "B" "258.ribsknodel.11" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "38" "C" "258.ribsknodel.11" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler" "Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling"
"258" "2006" "39" "C" "258.ribsknodel.10" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "40" "C" "258.ribsknodel.2" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "41" "C" "258.ribsknodel.16" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "42" "C" "258.ribsknodel.14" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "43" "C" "258.ribsknodel.16" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2006" "44" "C" "258.ribsknodel.15" "Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler"
"258" "2007" "1" "C" "258.stonemonkey.8"
"258" "2007" "2" "C" "258.stonemonkey.9"
"258" "2007" "3" "C" "258.stonemonkey.16"
"258" "2007" "4" "A" "258.littoralnorth.15" "Small passage on L before Y KeyKey"
"258" "2007" "5"
"258" "2007" "6" "B" "258.literalnorth.9"
"258" "2007" "7"
"258" "2007" "8"
"258" "2007" "9"
"258" "2007" "10"
"258" "2007" "11"
"258" "2007" "12"
"258" "2007" "13"
"258" "2007" "14"
"258" "2007" "15"
"258" "2007" "16"
"258" "2007" "17"
"258" "2007" "18"
"258" "2007" "19"
"258" "2007" "20" "X" "maxpleasure4.3" "Aven at choked end"
"258" "2007" "21" "X" "maxpleasure4.2" "Aven at corner"
"258" "2007" "22" "C" "maxpleasure1.27" "Crawl on shelf 30m befre starfish junction"
"258" "2007" "23"
"258" "2007" "24"
"258" "2007" "25"
"258" "2007" "26"
"258" "2007" "27"
"258" "2007" "28" "B" "maxpleasure1.27" "Joined crawls off shelf behind pillars"
"258" "2007" "29"
"258" "2007" "30"
"258" "2007" "31" "B" "maxpleasure6.2" "Climb into cross-joint passage on L"
"258" "2007" "32"
"258" "2007" "33"
"258" "2007" "34"
"258" "2007" "35"
"258" "2007" "36"
"258" "2007" "37"
"258" "2007" "38"
"258" "2007" "39"
"258" "2007" "40"
"258" "2007" "41" "A" "Littoralnorth3.3" "Stepped pitch down to left."
"258" "2007" "42" "B" "littoralnorth3.6" "Continuation across other side of large pitch." "Route to String Theory" "Ollie Stevens and Becka Lawson "
"258" "2007" "43" "A" "littoralnorth3.6" "Large draughting pitch." "Descended in 2009, too lower level." "Ollie Stevens and Becka Lawson "
"258" "2007" "44"
"258" "2007" "45"
"258" "2007" "46" "A" "258.literalnorth5.10" "Is stomach ULSA"
"258" "2007" "47"
"258" "2007" "48"
"258" "2007" "49" "258.apfelstrudel.17" "Passage leading to short pitch into "
"258" "2007" "50" "258.oompah.5"
"258" "2007" "51"
"258" "2007" "52"
"258" "2007" "53"
"258" "2007" "54"
"258" "2007" "55"
"258" "2007" "56"
"258" "2007" "57"
"258" "2007" "58"
"258" "2007" "59"
"258" "2007" "60"
"258" "2007" "61"
"258" "2007" "62"
"258" "2007" "63"
"258" "2007" "64"
"258" "2007" "65"
"258" "2007" "66"
"258" "2007" "67" "B" "maxpleasure2.35" "Pitch down canyon in floor"
"258" "2007" "68" "A" "maxpleasure2.66" "Passage off downwards on L [Rockyroad?]"
"258" "2007" "69" "A" "maxpleasure2.66" "Canyon passage off up to L {Rockyroad]"
"258" "2007" "70" "A" "maxpleasure2.63" "Low bedding passage [Rockyroad]"
"258" "2007" "71" "B" "maxpleasure2.31" "Soily crawl in RHW"
"258" "2007" "72" "A" "maxpleasure2.35" "Pitch under jammed boulder"
"258" "2007" "73" "D" "maxpleasure2.41" "Drafting Dig in tight passage"
"258" "2007" "74" "C" "maxpleasure2.40" "Canyon in floor"
"258" "2007" "75" "C" "maxpleasure2.49" "Some sort of crappy lead"
"258" "2007" "76" "C" "maxpleasure2.50" "Qm on L off passage to balcony [done? (toomuch?]"
"258" "2007" "77" "D" "maxpleasure2.50" "Major choke dig - possible crawl through rocks?"
"258" "2007" "78" "X" "maxpleasure2.49" "Aven"
"258" "2007" "79"
"258" "2007" "80"
"258" "2007" "81"
"258" "2007" "82"
"258" "2007" "83"
"258" "2007" "84"
"258" "2007" "85"
"258" "2007" "86"
"258" "2007" "87"
"258" "2007" "88"
"258" "2007" "89" "B" "littoralnorth2.2" "Pitch on LHS beyond traverse (joined to 2007-258-04?)"
"258" "2007" "90" "A" "littoralnorth2.1" "Huge pitch undercutting RHW"
"258" "2007" "91" "A" "littoralnorth2.2" "Pitch at end of traverse"
"258" "2007" "92" "B" "littoralnorth2.2" "Possible passage continuation across pitch"
"258" "2007" "93"
"258" "2007" "94" "X" "maxpleasure6.2" "Aven formed on cross-joint"
"258" "2007" "95" "C" "maxpleasure2.65" "Canyon in floor"
"258" "2007" "96" "C" "maxpleasure2.50" "Long down-dip crawl. [done? (toomuch?)] "
"258" "2007" "97" "X" "maxpleasure2.58" "Aven in crossword passage"
"258" "2007" "98" "X" "littoralnorth2.2" "Aven above pitch"
"258" "2007" "99" "C" "maxpleasure2.52" "Crawl on L in joint"
"258" "2007" "100" "C" "258.stonemonkey.12" "Phreatic tube at top of sloping chamber"
"258" "2007" "101" "X"
"258" "2007" "102" "C"
"258" "2008" "1"
"258" "2008" "2"
"258" "2008" "3"
"258" "2008" "4"
"258" "2008" "5"
"258" "2008" "6"
"258" "2008" "7"
"258" "2008" "8"
"258" "2008" "9"
"258" "2008" "10"
"258" "2008" "11"
"258" "2008" "12"
"258" "2008" "13"
"258" "2008" "14"
"258" "2008" "15"
"258" "2008" "16"
"258" "2008" "17"
"258" "2008" "18"
"258" "2008" "19"
"258" "2008" "20"
"258" "2008" "21"
"258" "2008" "22"
"258" "2008" "23"
"258" "2008" "24"
"258" "2008" "25"
"258" "2008" "26"
"258" "2008" "27"
"258" "2008" "28"
"258" "2008" "29"
"258" "2008" "30"
"258" "2008" "31"
"258" "2008" "32"
"258" "2008" "33"
"258" "2008" "34"
"258" "2008" "35"
"258" "2008" "36"
"258" "2008" "37"
"258" "2008" "38"
"258" "2008" "39"
"258" "2008" "40"
"258" "2008" "41"
"258" "2008" "42"
"258" "2008" "43"
"258" "2008" "44"
"258" "2008" "45"
"258" "2008" "46"
"258" "2008" "47"
"258" "2008" "48"
"258" "2008" "49"
"258" "2008" "50"
"258" "2008" "51"
"258" "2008" "52"
"258" "2008" "53"
"258" "2008" "54"
"258" "2008" "55"
"258" "2008" "56"
"258" "2008" "57"
"258" "2008" "58"
"258" "2008" "59"
"258" "2008" "60"
"258" "2008" "61"
"258" "2008" "62"
"258" "2008" "63"
"258" "2008" "64"
"258" "2008" "65"
"258" "2008" "66"
"258" "2008" "67"
"258" "2008" "68"
"258" "2008" "69"
"258" "2008" "70"
"258" "2008" "71"
"258" "2008" "72"
"258" "2008" "73"
"258" "2008" "74"
"258" "2008" "75"
"258" "2008" "76"
"258" "2008" "77"
"258" "2008" "78"
"258" "2008" "79"
"258" "2008" "80"
"258" "2008" "81"
"258" "2008" "82"
"258" "2008" "83"
"258" "2008" "84"
"258" "2008" "85"
"258" "2008" "86"
"258" "2008" "87"
"258" "2008" "88"
"258" "2008" "89"
"258" "2008" "90"
"258" "2008" "91"
"258" "2008" "92"
"258" "2008" "93"
"258" "2008" "94"
"258" "2008" "95"
"258" "2008" "96"
"258" "2008" "97"
"258" "2008" "98"
"258" "2008" "99"
"258" "2008" "100"
"258" "2008" "101"
"258" "2008" "102"
"258" "2008" "103"
"258" "2008" "104"
"258" "2008" "105"
Cave Year Number Grade nearest station Description Completion Description Found by Completed by
258 2006 1 B 258.2.1 Pitch at first choss slope on entrance pitch – above Stone Monkey Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 2 B 258.2.1 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 3 B 258.2.19 Rift passage under the col, entrance pitch Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 4 C 258.2.20 Way on to side of snow plug in 2006 Probably Ducks on Ice Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 5 C 258.2.9 Passage accessed by climbing ice stal, foot of entrance pitch Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 6 X 258.2.11 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 7 X 258.2.2 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 8 X 258.2.3 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 9 X 258.2.1 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 10 D 258.2.1 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 11 C 258.2.4 Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford Pete Harley and Frank Tully, 2007-08-08 [TUNNEL UPDATE]
258 2006 12 C 258.2.14 Hole beneath traverse in Strudel crawl Aaron Curtis and Mark Shinwell and Tom Handford
258 2006 13 B 258.flapjackchoke.3 Large hole in floor in Strudel crawl (rope needed) Flapjack choke Serena Povia and Becka Lawson and Steve Jones
258 2006 14 C 258.ribsknodel.2 Hole in floor in Ribs with Knödel Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 15 C 258.ribsknodel.1 Rift passage back under drop in Ribs with Knödel Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 16 B 258.ribsknodel2.3 Passage on left of Ribs with Knödel Apfelstrudel Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling
258 2006 17 C 258.ribsknodel2.1 Passage in RH wall of Ribs with Knödel Boulder Surfer Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell Olly Madge and Djuke Veldhuis and Martin Jahnke
258 2006 18 C 258.ribsknodel2.2 Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell
258 2006 19 A 258.ribsknodel2.2 Pitch at end of Ribs with Knödel Caramel Catharsis Tom Handford and Mark Shinwell Pete Harley and Frank Tully
258 2006 20 C 258.sauerkraut.3 Small passage in N side of Sauerkraut John Billings and Sandeep Mavadia Pete Harley and Frank Tully, 2007-08-08 [TUNNEL UPDATE]
258 2006 21 X 258.sauerkraut.4 Aven in Sauerkraut John Billings and Sandeep Mavadia
258 2006 22 X 258.sauerkraut.5 Aven in Sauerkraut John Billings and Sandeep Mavadia
258 2006 23 A 258.gknodel.16 Pitch in Sauerkraut Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 24 C 258.gknodel.14 Roof tube in Sauerkraut Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 25 A 258.gknodel.1 Pitch in Germknödel at foot of 9m pitch from Sauerkraut Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 26 C 258.gknodel.1 Passage in Germknödel near foot of 9m pitch from Sauerkraut Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 27 C 258.gknodel.4 Small passage to E in Germknödel Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 28 C 258.gknodel.4 Small passage to E in Germknödel Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 29 C 258.gknodel.4 Small passage to W in Germknödel Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 30 C 258.gknodel.6 C Lead Jackpot Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 31 A 258.gknodel.7 Pantin Sales Pitch Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 32 X 258.gknodel.7 Aven above Pantin Sales Pitch Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 33 C 258.gknodel.11 Climb up in Germknödel Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 34 B 258.gknodel.11 Climbable hole in floor of Germknödel (handline needed) Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 35 A 258.gknodel.12 Descent of sloping ramp pitch in Germknödel Apfelstrudel Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling
258 2006 36 B 258.gknodel.12 Ascent of sloping ramp pitch in Germknödel Sandeep Mavadia and Dave Loeffler Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling
258 2006 37 B 258.ribsknodel.11 Alphabet Soup Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 38 C 258.ribsknodel.11 Alphabet Soup Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler Morven Beranek and Becka Lawson and Jon Telling
258 2006 39 C 258.ribsknodel.10 Small passage in N wall of Alphabet Soup Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 40 C 258.ribsknodel.2 Hole in floor of Ribs with Knödel, near exit from Strudel Crawl Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 41 C 258.ribsknodel.16 Small passage in Alphabet Soup, heading SE Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 42 C 258.ribsknodel.14 Roof tube in Alphabet Soup Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 43 C 258.ribsknodel.16 Small passage in Alphabet Soup, heading W Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
258 2006 44 C 258.ribsknodel.15 Small passage in Alphabet Soup, heading NW Tom Handford and Dave Loeffler
2006 45 X 258.ribsknodel.15 Aven in Alphabet Soup (inferred from survey by AD)
258 2007 1 C 258.stonemonkey.8
258 2007 2 C 258.stonemonkey.9
258 2007 3 C 258.stonemonkey.16
258 2007 4 A 258.littoralnorth.15 Small passage on L before Y KeyKey
258 2007 5 C 258.literalnorth.17 Pit near Rhubarb Crumbly junction
258 2007 6 B 258.literalnorth.9 AD SUSPECTS THIS MIGHT NOT EXIST [TUNNEL UPDATE]
258 2007 7 B 258.literalnorth.4 Passage on Caramel Catharsis traverse Pete Harley and Frank Tully
258 2007 8 C 258.literalnorth.5 Passage on Caramel Catharsis traverse (strong draught) Pete Harley and Frank Tully
258 2007 9
258 2007 10
258 2007 11
258 2007 12
258 2007 13
258 2007 14
258 2007 15
258 2007 16
258 2007 17
258 2007 18 C maxpleasure1.8 Small horizontal tube in Rhubarb Crumbly Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 19 C maxpleasure1.14 Crawl in Rhubarb Crumbly Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 20 X maxpleasure4.3 Aven at choked end
258 2007 21 X maxpleasure4.2 Aven at corner
258 2007 22 C maxpleasure1.27 Crawl on shelf 30m before starfish junction
258 2007 23 C maxpleasure1.24 Tight rift in Maximum Pleasure Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 24 C maxpleasure1.8 Small horizontal tube in Rhubarb Crumbly Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 25 C maxpleasure1.7 Small horizontal tube in Rhubarb Crumbly Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 26 B maxpleasure1.11 Pitch in cross joint, Rhubarb Crumbly – needs capping Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 27 B maxpleasure1.26 Sandy crawl in floor trench in Maximum Pleasure Andrew Atkinson, Wookey
258 2007 28 B maxpleasure1.27 Joined crawls off shelf behind pillars
258 2007 29 B maxpleasure3.43 Sandy passage in Just for a Laugh
258 2007 30 X maxpleasure3.44 Aven in Just for a Laugh
258 2007 31 B maxpleasure6.2 Climb into cross-joint passage on L Boulder choke with voice/light connection to Just for a Laugh
258 2007 32
258 2007 33
258 2007 34
258 2007 35 B dubiouspleasure.6 Boulder filled shaft with possible way through
258 2007 36
258 2007 37
258 2007 38
258 2007 39
258 2007 40 X dubiouspleasure.6 Aven at junction of Dubious Plaeasure and Goody Goody [MISPLACED IN TUNNEL]
258 2007 41 A littoralnorth3.3 Stepped pitch down to left.
258 2007 42 B littoralnorth3.6 Continuation across other side of large pitch. Route to String Theory Ollie Stevens and Becka Lawson
258 2007 43 A littoralnorth3.6 Large draughting pitch. Descended in 2009, too lower level. Ollie Stevens and Becka Lawson
258 2007 44
258 2007 45
258 2007 46 A 258.literalnorth5.10 Is stomach ULSA
258 2007 47 B literalnorth4.3 Thin slot up into chimney
258 2007 48
258 2007 49 258.apfelstrudel.17 Passage leading to short pitch into
258 2007 50 258.oompah.5
258 2007 51 C gknodel.7 Passage halfway down Pantin Sales Pitch
258 2007 52 C justforalaugh.22 Small uphill crawl in Just for a Laugh
258 2007 53
258 2007 54 C justforalaugh.28 Small downhill crawl in Just for a Laugh
258 2007 55 C justforalaugh.18 Low crawl in Just for a Laugh
258 2007 56 A justforalaugh.12 25m pitch in Just for a Laugh Descended in 2013 – blind
258 2007 57
258 2007 58
258 2007 59 C maxpleasure3.33 2m climb at base of drippy aven at extremity of Star Light Passage
258 2007 60
258 2007 61
258 2007 62
258 2007 63
258 2007 64 B maxpleasure3.14 Descending tube in Star Light Passage
258 2007 65 A maxpleasure3.15 Passage with snow and leaves at base of aven (close to Ants in Pants)
258 2007 66 B 258.squirrel.10 Continuing rift at base of Fat Rat
258 2007 67 B maxpleasure2.35 Pitch down canyon in floor
258 2007 68 A maxpleasure2.66 Passage off downwards on L [Rockyroad?] Rocky Road North
258 2007 69 A maxpleasure2.66 Canyon passage off up to L {Rockyroad] Rocky Road North
258 2007 70 A maxpleasure2.63 Low bedding passage [Rockyroad] Rocky Road North
258 2007 71 B maxpleasure2.31 Soily crawl in RHW Down to Earth
258 2007 72 A maxpleasure2.35 Pitch under jammed boulder Downgraded Window (probably?)
258 2007 73 D maxpleasure2.41 Drafting Dig in tight passage
258 2007 74 C maxpleasure2.40 Crawl to south
258 2007 75 C maxpleasure2.49 Some sort of crappy lead
258 2007 76 C maxpleasure2.50 Qm on L off passage to balcony [done? (toomuch?] Too Much
258 2007 77 D maxpleasure2.50 Major choke dig - possible crawl through rocks?
258 2007 78 X maxpleasure2.49 Aven
258 2007 79
258 2007 80
258 2007 81
258 2007 82 B hedonismhighway.68 Strongly draughting small passage in Hedonism Highway Rocky Road East
258 2007 83 C letsgetnaked.40 Upward sloping rift
258 2007 84
258 2007 85 C letsgetnaked.38 Roof tube
258 2007 86
258 2007 87
258 2007 88
258 2007 89 B littoralnorth2.2 Pitch on LHS beyond traverse (possibly joined to Thin Red Line?)
258 2007 90 A littoralnorth2.1 Huge pitch undercutting RHW
258 2007 91 A littoralnorth2.2 Pitch at end of traverse
258 2007 92 B littoralnorth2.2 Possible passage continuation across pitch Passage between Gravity Always Wins/Blind and Broken, accessed from far side.
258 2007 93 B maxpleasure2.60 Pitch in Crossword Passage Pushed in 2013
258 2007 94 X maxpleasure6.2 Aven formed on cross-joint
258 2007 95 C maxpleasure2.65 Canyon in floor
258 2007 96 C maxpleasure2.50 Long down-dip crawl. [done? (toomuch?)]
258 2007 97 X maxpleasure2.58 Aven in crossword passage
258 2007 98 X littoralnorth2.2 Aven above pitch
258 2007 99 C maxpleasure2.52 Crawl on L in joint
258 2007 100 C 258.stonemonkey.12 Phreatic tube at top of sloping chamber
258 2007 101 X maxpleasure3.15 Aven in Star Light passage, near snow and leaves
258 2007 102 C letsgetnaked.43 Tight rift
258 2008 1
258 2008 2
258 2008 3
258 2008 4
258 2008 5
258 2008 6
258 2008 7
258 2008 8
258 2008 9
258 2008 10
258 2008 11
258 2008 12
258 2008 13
258 2008 14
258 2008 15
258 2008 16 C sleepingbeauty.4 Crawl containing stream at end of Sleeping Beauty
258 2008 17 C 258.darkfumblings.2 Passage at southern end. Does this exist? Serena Povia, Ollie Madge, Frank Tully
258 2008 18
258 2008 19
258 2008 20
258 2008 21 A 258.loompah.6 Eastward continuation of Loompah Becka Lawson, Ollie Stevens
258 2008 22 A 258.loompah.4 Pitch at north end of Loompah Becka Lawson, Ollie Stevens
258 2008 23 B 258.loompah.4 Ascending shute at north end of Loompah Becka Lawson, Ollie Stevens
258 2008 24
258 2008 25
258 2008 26
258 2008 27 B thinredline2.1 Small pitch at bottom of Thin Red Line.
258 2008 28 X blindandbroken.3 Aven in terminal chamber of Blind and Broken
258 2008 29 C blindandbroken.1 Narrow rift at bottom of Blind and Broken.
258 2008 30 X delicious2.13 Aven in draughty canyon, top of Blind and Broken
258 2008 31 B delicious2.13 Pitch in canyon, top of Blind and Broken
258 2008 32 C delicious2.13 Hole in floor, bottom of 10m pitch above Blind and Broken.
258 2008 33 C gravityalwayswins.24 Very tight pitch with encouraging boom in rift at base of 40m pitch in Blind and Broken.
258 2008 34 A gravityalwayswins.4 Stream inlet at foot of Gravity Always Wins
258 2008 35
258 2008 36
258 2008 37
258 2008 38
258 2008 39
258 2008 40
258 2008 41
258 2008 42
258 2008 43
258 2008 44
258 2008 45
258 2008 46
258 2008 47
258 2008 48
258 2008 49
258 2008 50
258 2008 51
258 2008 52
258 2008 53
258 2008 54
258 2008 55
258 2008 56
258 2008 57
258 2008 58
258 2008 59
258 2008 60
258 2008 61
258 2008 62
258 2008 63
258 2008 64
258 2008 65
258 2008 66
258 2008 67
258 2008 68
258 2008 69
258 2008 70
258 2008 71
258 2008 72
258 2008 73
258 2008 74
258 2008 75
258 2008 76
258 2008 77
258 2008 78
258 2008 79
258 2008 80
258 2008 81
258 2008 82
258 2008 83
258 2008 84
258 2008 85
258 2008 86
258 2008 87
258 2008 88
258 2008 89
258 2008 90
258 2008 91
258 2008 92
258 2008 93
258 2008 94
258 2008 95
258 2008 96
258 2008 97
258 2008 98
258 2008 99
258 2008 100
258 2008 101
258 2008 102
258 2008 103
258 2008 104
258 2008 105
258 2009 40 B dampsquib.3 Narrow rift at bottom of first part of Damp Squib
258 2013 1325-1 C 258.oompahrift.11 Hole part way down pitch in Oompah – climb or traverse needed to reach Becka Lawson, Tom Clayton
258 2013 1325-2 D 258.oompahrift.10 Possible dig in chamber at foot of 12m pitch in Oompah Becka Lawson, Tom Clayton
258 2013 1325-3 D 258.oompahrift.3 Dig in downstream rift at foot of 17m pitch in Oompah Becka Lawson, Tom Clayton
258 2007 0762-1 X maxpleasure3.33 Drippy aven at extremity of Star Light Passage
258 2007 0762-2 C maxpleasure3.29 Squeeze to small uphill tube, Star Light Passage
258 2007 0755-1 X dubiouspleasure.8 Aven in Dubious pleasure [PROBABLY DUPLICATES ONE OF 07-36,37, BUT NOT MARKED IN TUNNEL]
258 2007 0755-2 X dubiouspleasure.8 Aven in Dubious pleasure [PROBABLY DUPLICATES ONE OF 07-36,37 BUT NOT MARKED IN TUNNEL]
258 2007 0763-1 X literalnorth4.6 Aven above pitch in Stomach ULSA [PROBABLY DUPLICATES ANOTHER 2007 QM, BUT NOT MARKED IN TUNNEL]
258 2007 0760-1 B pantinsales.3 Traverse into spacious rift, 15m down second half of Pantin Sales Pitch.
258 2008 0811-1 X delicious1.2 Aven above Gravity Always Wins
258 2014 1417-1 X ducksonice.4 Aven in alcove at base of entrance pitch [COULD BE DUPLICATE OF 06-06?]
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<ul id="links">
<li><a href="../../2004-03/2004-03.html">2004-03 description</a></li>
<li><a href="../../2004-03/index.html">2004-03 description</a></li>
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<li><a href="../../index.html">Plateau description</a></li>
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[2001/08/02 v1.0
Bier Book class]
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\newcommand\listfigurename{List of Figures}
\newcommand\listtablename{List of Tables}
January\or February\or March\or April\or May\or June\or
July\or August\or September\or October\or November\or December\fi
\space\number\day, \number\year}
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
% Contains generic style information such as font, size, margins, and include{} for the various packages used in the documents
% Increase the margins of the document. J.S. Wilson & sons recommend 20 mm (57 pt) margins on all edges, except 30mm (86 pt) on the binding edges. The vertical margins here are increased to accommodate the header and footer.
% The 'fancyhdr' package is used to typset both headers and footers, and requires that the page style is set to 'fancy'.
% Make the header tall enough for the text
% Set line widths for the header and footer.
% Clear the headers and footers, then add page numbers to the header. These are on the left on even numbered pages, and on the right on odd numbered pages. This is because of the two sided layout.
% Tikz is a powerful tool for creating diagrams and annotating images. It can be extended to draw 3D images. The spy library allows parts of an image to enlarged in an inset.
% The booktabs package is the main source of table formatting commands.
% The longtable environment is similar in most ways to tabular, but is allowed to be broken by LaTeX's standard page-breaking algorithm. It still uses the table counter, so does not interfere with cross-referencing.
% Set the default thinknesses of the rules (lines) used in tables. Heavy lines are used for \toprule and \bottomrule, whereas light lines are used for \midrule and \cmidrule, which is the variant for partial horizontal lines.
% Required for cells spanning multiple rows in a table.
% The 'tocloft' package is used to typeset the ToC, LoF, LoT, and allows creation of new lists which follow the same format.
% Counter level 0 is chapter, level 1 is section, and level 2 is subsections.
% Option to change the title of the ToC, and reduces the size of the spaces surrounding the title.
% Sets the line space above a each type of entry, only put extra space above new chapters.
% Spacing of the dots that link the entry name to the page number, for all three levels of entry.
% Create a single command to print the ToC on a new page, and include it in itself
% for the gothic font
% for iteration
@ -1,578 +1,367 @@
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
%% CUCC Expo Bier Book
%% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
% All required packages should be included in bierbook-style
David M\bigskip\\
David W\bigskip\\
% makes the title page
{\Large Cambridge University Caving Club}
{\Huge \bf Expo \the\year}
\textgoth{\fontsize{100}{120}\selectfont Bier Book}
\vspace{6 cm}\\
{[}Stick obligatory G{\"o}sser label here{]}
Rob A\bigskip\\
Rob W\bigskip\\
Sophie D\bigskip\\
Sophie H\bigskip\\
Wookey \bigskip\\
% provides the formatting for a title of a section
{\LARGE #1}
& {\bf 19-25 Jul} && {\bf 26 Jul - 1 Aug} && {\bf 2-8 Aug}\smallskip\\
{\bf Adam} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Aled} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Andrea} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Andrew} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Becka} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Chris} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf David M} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf David W} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Dour} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Elaine} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Fleur} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Gina} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Holly} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Jess} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Joe} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Julia} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Julian} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Juliet} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
% argument is the title, second is the starting number for the tally
% longtable, generated from the list of names
% uses drinkstallyline for each line
\multicolumn{2}{l}{\expoheading{#1}} \\
& {\bf 19-25 Jul} && {\bf 26 Jul - 1 Aug} && {\bf 2-8 Aug}\smallskip\\
{\bf Katey} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Martin} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Matt} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Michael} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Mike} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Nathanael} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Neil} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Noel} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Pete} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Rob A} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Rob W} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Sam} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Sophie D} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Sophie H} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf Wookey } & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf \ldots\ldots\ldots} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf \ldots\ldots\ldots} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
{\bf \ldots\ldots\ldots} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[7]\medskip\\
\read\namesread to \currentname
& {\bf 9-15 Aug} && {\bf 16-22 Aug} && {\bf 23-24 Aug} \smallskip\\
{\bf Adam} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Aled} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Andrea} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Andrew} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Becka} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Chris} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf David M} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf David W} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Dour} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Elaine} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Fleur} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Gina} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Holly} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Jess} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Joe} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Julia} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Julian} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Juliet} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
& {\bf 9-15 Aug} && {\bf 16-22 Aug} && {\bf 23-24 Aug}\smallskip\\
{\bf Katey} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Martin} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Matt} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Michael} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Mike} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Nathanael} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Neil} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Noel} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Pete} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Rob A} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Rob W} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Sam} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Sophie D} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Sophie H} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Wookey } & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf \ldots\ldots\ldots} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf \ldots\ldots\ldots} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf \ldots\ldots\ldots} & \boxes[7] && \boxes[7] && \boxes[2]\medskip\\
{\bf Method}&{\bf Left UK}&{\bf Arrived}
&{\bf Notes}\\\hline
\rule{0pt}{13cm} &&&
% argument is the name on the line
% boxes are a tikz grid
\node at (0,0.6*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
\node at (0,0) {};
\node at (0,2*\wvar) {};
\foreach \xvar in {0,1,2,3,4}
\foreach \yvar in {0,1}
\foreach \zvar in {0,5.5,11,16.5,22}
\draw (\xvar*\wvar+\zvar*\wvar,\yvar*\wvar) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
% argument is the starting number
\foreach \xvar in {0,5.5,11,16.5,22,27.5}
\node at (\xvar*\wvar,0) [anchor=center] {\arabic{drinksnumber}};
\node at (\xvar*\wvar,0.4) {};
% arguments are the title, subheading information, and dates for the three weeks
% longtable, generated from the list of names
% uses nightstallyline for each line
% footer of day of the week, possibly also as a second header under the dates
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\expoheading{#1}} \\
\multicolumn{4}{p{14cm}}{#2} \\
\tikz{\node at (0,0.5) {}; \node at (0,0) {};} & #3 & #4 & #5 \\
\tikz{\node at (0,0.5) {}; \node at (0,0) {};} & \weekdays & \weekdays & \weekdays \\
\tikz{\node at (0,0.5) {}; \node at (0,0) {};} & #3 & #4 & #5 \\
\tikz{\node at (0,0.5) {}; \node at (0,0) {};} & \weekdays & \weekdays & \weekdays \\
\tikz{\node at (0,0.5) {}; \node at (0,0) {};} & \weekdays & \weekdays & \weekdays \\
{\bf Method}&{\bf Left UK}&{\bf Arrived}
&{\bf Notes}\\\hline
\rule{0pt}{16cm} &&&
\read\namesread to \currentname
{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Date}&{\bf Amount}
\rule{0pt}{13cm} &&
% argument is the name on the line
% boxes are a tikz grid
\node at (0,0.3*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
\node at (0,0) {};
\node at (0,\wvar) {};
\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
\draw (\yvar*\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
\draw (\yvar*\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
\draw (\yvar*\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
{\bf Debtor(s)}&{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Cost}
\rule{0pt}{13cm} &&&
\foreach \yvar/\zvar in {0/S,1/M,2/T,3/W,4/T,5/F,6/S}
\node at (\yvar*\wvar,0) [anchor=center] {\zvar};
{\bf Debtor(s)}&{\bf Creditor}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Cost}
\rule{0pt}{16cm} &&&
/ = basecamp, S = stonebridge bivvy, B = bivvying elsewhere, - = not there.
{\bf Driver}&{\bf Passengers}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Approx Dist}
\rule{0pt}{13cm} &&&
For boasting purposes only.
{\bf Driver}&{\bf Passengers}&{\bf Description}&{\bf Approx Dist}
\rule{0pt}{16cm} &&&
% argument is the start date of the expo
% longtable generated from incremeting the date for 6 weeks
% simple box in which to write what happened
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\expoheading{Expo Transport}} \\
% argument is the day text
\node at (0,0.3*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
\node at (0,0) {};
\node at (0,\wvar) {};
& \\
{\bf Date}&{\bf Owed by}&{\bf Description}
&{\bf Amount}\\\hline
% argument is the start of the week
{\bf Date}&{\bf Owed by}&{\bf Description}
&{\bf Amount}\\\hline
% longtable to spread over multiple pages
% method / departed / arrived / notes
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Expo Transport}
\multicolumn{4}{l}{\expoheading{Expo Transport}} \\
Method & Departed & Arrived & Notes \\
Method & Departed & Arrived & Notes \\
\vspace{20.3cm} & & & \\
\vspace{22cm} & & & \\
\newcommand{\money}[1]{\chapter{Money to be paid to #1} {\small Please enter
each transaction only once in this book; either a positive credit to one
account, or a negative debit to another. Record the currency for each
% creates a series of pages for the money paid to individuals
% each person gets a page as made by moneypaidperson
% generated from the names list
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Money paid to ...}
\read\namesread to \currentname
% argument is who the money is to be paid to
% longtable to spread over multiple pages
% date / owed by / description
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\expoheading{Money paid to #1}} \\
\multicolumn{3}{p{\textwidth}}{Please include each transaction only once, either as positive credit or a negative debit. \vspace{1cm}} \\
Date & Creditor & Notes \\
Date & Creditor & Notes \\
\vspace{18.3cm} & & \\
\vspace{22cm} & & \\
% argument is who the money is to be paid to
% longtable to spread over multiple pages
% date / owed by / description
\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Money paid to Karin}
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\expoheading{Money paid to Karin}} \\
Date & Creditor & Notes \\
Date & Creditor & Notes \\
\vspace{18.3cm} & & \\
\vspace{22cm} & & \\
% for creating a double page with nothing but a title
% longtable to consistent formatting
\expoheading{#1} \\
\vspace{\textheight} \\
\newfont{\gothic}{ygoth scaled \magstep5}
\ \vspace{3cm}\\
{\Large Cambridge University Caving Club}\bigskip\\
{\Huge \bf Expo 2014}\\
{\Huge \sc \gothic Bier Book}\\
\read\namesread to \currentname
\ \vspace{12cm}\\
Revision 1, 10 July 2014.
\read\datesread to \firstweek
\read\datesread to \secondweek
\read\datesread to \thirdweek
\read\datesread to \fourthweek
\read\datesread to \fifthweek
\read\datesread to \sixthweek
this page intentionally left blank
\chapter{Bier Tally (1-50)}
{\chapterfont Bier Tally (1-50) cont'd}
\drinkstally{Bier 1-50}{0}
\drinkstally{Bier 51-100}{50}
\drinkstally{Limo 1-50}{0}
\drinkstally{Limo 51-100}{50}
\drinkstally{Other Drinks (specify)}{0}
\drinkstally{Noteable farts}{0}
\nightstally{Nights Weeks 1-3}{\nightssubtitle}{\firstweek}{\secondweek}{\thirdweek}
\nightstally{Nights Weeks 4-6}{\nightssubtitle}{\fourthweek}{\fifthweek}{\sixthweek}
\nightstally{Time underground Weeks 1-3}{\timesubtitle}{\firstweek}{\secondweek}{\thirdweek}
\nightstally{Time underground Weeks 4-6}{\timesubtitle}{\fourthweek}{\fifthweek}{\sixthweek}
\blankpage{Squashed Flies}
\blankpage{Toll road info}
\blankpage{In Austria Jollies}
\blankpage{Suggestions for next year}
\blankpage{Gear left up the hill}
\chapter{More Bier (51-100)}
{\chapterfont More Bier (51-100) cont'd}
\chapter{Even More Bier (101-150)}
{\chapterfont Even More Bier (101-150) cont'd}
\chapter{Dunkel Bier (1-50)}
{\chapterfont Dunkel Bier (1-50) cont'd}
\chapter{Limo Tally (1-50)}
{\chapterfont Limo Tally (1-50) cont'd}
\chapter{More Limo (51-100)}
{\chapterfont More Limo (51-100) cont'd}
\chapter{Notable Farts}
{\chapterfont Notable Farts cont'd}
\chapter{Number of Showers}
{\chapterfont Number of Showers cont'd}
\chapter{Expo Transport}
\chapter{Money paid to Karin}
\chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 1 to 3)}
{\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = stone bridge; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.}
\chapter{Nights Tally (weeks 4 and 5)}
{\small {\bf /} = Base Camp; {\bf S} = stone bridge; {\bf B} = bivvying elsewhere.}
\chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 1 to 3)}
\chapter{Time Underground Tally (weeks 4 and 5)}
\chapter{Expo Weather}
Sat 19\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Sun 20\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Mon 21\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Tue 22\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Wed 23\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Thu 24\textsuperscript{st} July & \\&\\\hline
Fri 25\textsuperscript{nd} July & \\&\\\hline\hline
Sat 26\textsuperscript{rd} July & \\&\\\hline
Sun 27\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Mon 28\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Tue 29\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Wed 30\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Thu 31\textsuperscript{th} July & \\&\\\hline
Fri 1\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline
Sat 2\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 3\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Mon 4\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Tue 5\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Wed 6\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Thu 7\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Fri 8\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline
Sat 9\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 10\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Mon 11\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Tue 12\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Wed 13\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline
Thu 14\textsuperscript{nd} August & \\&\\\hline
Fri 15\textsuperscript{rd} August & \\&\\\hline\hline
Sat 16\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 17\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Mon 18\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Tue 19\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Wed 20\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Thu 21\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline
Fri 22\textsuperscript{th} August & \\&\\\hline\hline
Sat 23\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline
Sun 24\textsuperscript{st} August & \\&\\\hline
\chapter{Toll Road Info}
\chapter{In Austria Jollies}
Please record details of all excursions over 10km.\\
\chapter{Squashed Flies Page}
\money{David M}
\money{David W}
\money{Rob A}
\money{Rob W}
\money{Sophie D}
\money{Sophie H}
\money{Wookey }
\chapter{Dinner Choices}
{\bf Attendee}&{\bf Starter}&{\bf Main Course}&{\bf Dessert}&{\bf Cost} \\ \hline\hline
Adam &&&& \\ \hline
Aled &&&& \\ \hline
Andrea &&&& \\ \hline
Andrew &&&& \\ \hline
Becka &&&& \\ \hline
Chris &&&& \\ \hline
David M &&&& \\ \hline
David W &&&& \\ \hline
Dour &&&& \\ \hline
Elaine &&&& \\ \hline
Fleur &&&& \\ \hline
Gina &&&& \\ \hline
Holly &&&& \\ \hline
Jess &&&& \\ \hline
Joe &&&& \\ \hline
Julia &&&& \\ \hline
Julian &&&& \\ \hline
Juliet &&&& \\ \hline
{\bf Attendee}&{\bf Starter}&{\bf Main Course}&{\bf Dessert}&{\bf Cost} \\ \hline\hline
Katey &&&& \\ \hline
Martin &&&& \\ \hline
Matt &&&& \\ \hline
Michael &&&& \\ \hline
Mike &&&& \\ \hline
Nathanael &&&& \\ \hline
Neil &&&& \\ \hline
Noel &&&& \\ \hline
Pete &&&& \\ \hline
Rob A &&&& \\ \hline
Rob W &&&& \\ \hline
Sam &&&& \\ \hline
Sophie D &&&& \\ \hline
Sophie H &&&& \\ \hline
Wookey &&&& \\ \hline
&&&& \\ \hline
&&&& \\ \hline
&&&& \\ \hline
\chapter{Gear taken up the hill}
\chapter{Stuff left in Austria}
\newpage\ \newpage\ \newpage\
\chapter{Expo Suggestions}
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
19 Jun - 25 Jun
26 Jun - 2 Jul
3 Jul - 9 Jul
10 Jul - 16 Jul
17 Jul - 23 Jul
24 Jul - 31 Jul
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
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%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% graphpap.dtx (with options: `package')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
%% The LaTeX3 Project and any individual authors listed elsewhere
%% in this file.
%% This file was generated from file(s) of the LaTeX base system.
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%% It may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.2
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.2 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
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%% base system. You may however distribute the LaTeX base system without
%% such generated files.
%% The list of all files belonging to the LaTeX base distribution is
%% given in the file `manifest.txt'. See also `legal.txt' for additional
%% information.
%% File `graphpap.dtx'.
%% Copyright (C) 1994 by Leslie Lamport
%% all rights reserved.
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David M\bigskip\\
David W\bigskip\\
Rob A\bigskip\\
Rob W\bigskip\\
Sophie D\bigskip\\
Sophie H\bigskip\\
Wookey \bigskip\\
Adam Henry
Alice Smith
Andrew Atkinson
Anthony Day
Ashley Gregg
Becka Lawson
Carl S-J
Catherin Hulse
Chris Densham
Christopher Smith
David Walker
Elaine Oliver
Elliott Smith
Fleur Loveridge
Frank Tully
George Breley
Jenny Black
Joe Bache
Joe Bache's mate
Julian Todd
Katey Bender
Luke Stangroom
Mark Dougherty
Mark S
Martin Green
Matthew Watson
Melissa Potts
Michael Sargent
Nat Dalton
Nathan Walker
Olly Betts
Pete Talling
Philip Withnall
Rob Watson
Roshni Gohil
Sioned Haughton
@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
Last made using MikTeX2.9 on Win7.
Build profile should be tex -> dvi -> ps -> pdf (because pstricks package is used).
Build profile should be tex -> pdf (because pstricks package is no longer used).
To build 'manually,' execute
latex --shell-escape bierbook.tex
dvips bierbook.dvi
pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape bierbook.tex
latex --shell-scape seshbook.tex
dvips seshbook.dvi
pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape seshbook.tex
Due to the way LaTeX works out table column witdths, these commands may need to be run several times until a stable output is produced.
The design of these files is intended to confine all changes year to year to the names.txt and dates.txt files, thanks to LaTeX's capability to read an external file and iterate through line by line performing the same action for each name.
packages needed (LaTeX) are:
packages needed (Debian) are:
texlive-fonts-extra (for ygoth)
@ -1,125 +1,159 @@
%% CUCC Expo Sesh Book
% All required packages should be included in bierbook-style
{\bf Attendee}&{\bf Amount owed}&{\bf Amount paid}\\\hline\hline
&&\\\hline\hline\raggedleft{\bf Totals}&&
Please record details of who consumed what, and costs, below.
\vspace{7.8ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule
\vspace{6ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule
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\vspace{6ex} \hrule \vspace{6ex} \hrule
% makes the title page
{\Large Cambridge University Caving Club}
{\Huge \bf Expo \the\year}
\textgoth{\fontsize{100}{120}\selectfont Sesh Book}
The Sesh Book is intended to be taken to every sesh at the Gasthof, so the Bier Book can
remain in the Potato Hut.
For each sesh, the table recording attendees, amount owed and amount paid is the primary reference for the treasurer and should be completed accurately. The totals give a quick check that everything has been accounted for.
The space on the opposite page can be used for recording the details of what each person had, and
for tallies etc. Any other details that might make it easier for the treasurer to decipher the receipt
should also be noted.
% provides the formatting for a title of a section
{\LARGE #1}
% argument is the number of the sesh
% longtable
\multicolumn{3}{l}{\expoheading{Sesh #1 - \ldots/\ldots/\the\year}} \\
Attendee \and Amount Owed \and Amount Paid \\
Totals \and \and \\
\and \and \\
\and \and \\
\expoheading{Sesh #1 - Notes} \\
Please use this page to record details of the sesh, who ordered what, how much individual items cost, to avoid clutter on the opposite table.\\
% no arguments required
% longtable, generated from the list of names
% uses dinnerline for each line
\multicolumn{5}{l}{\expoheading{Expo Dinner}} \\
\multicolumn{5}{p{\textwidth}}{Please record people's dinner choices here in advance of the expo dinner.}
Name \and Starter \and Main \and Desert \and Notes \\
Name \and Starter \and Main \and Desert \and Notes \\
\read\namesread to \currentname
\read\namesread to \currentname
% argument is the name on the line
% boxes are a tikz grid
\node at (0,0.6*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
\node at (0,0) {};
\node at (0,2*\wvar) {};
% for creating a double page with nothing but a title
% longtable to consistent formatting
\expoheading{#1} \\
\vspace{\textheight} \\
% \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{p{2.5cm}|X|l}
% {\bf Who}&{\bf What}&{\bf Cost}\\\hline
% &&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\
% &&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\
% &&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&\\&&
% \end{tabularx}}
\newcommand{\sesh}[1]{\chapter{Sesh #1 ~ --- ~ ~.~.~/~.~.~.~/2014}
\newfont{\gothic}{ygoth scaled \magstep5}
\ \vspace{3cm}\\
{\Large Cambridge University Caving Club}\bigskip\\
{\Huge \bf Expo 2014}\\
{\Huge Sesh Book}\\
\read\namesread to \currentname
\ \vspace{12cm}\\
Revision 1, 10 July 2014.
\ \vspace{6 cm}\\
The Sesh Book is intended to be taken to every sesh at the Gasthof, so the Bier Book can
remain in the Potato Hut.
\blankpage{Sesh Quotes}
For each sesh, the table recording attendees, amount owed and amount paid is the primary reference
for the treasurer and should be completed accurately. The totals give a quick check that everything
has been accounted for.
The space on the opposite page can be used for recording the details of what each person had, and
for tallies etc. Any other details that might make it easier for the treasurer to decipher the receipt
should also be noted.
\chapter{Sesh Quotes}
\newpage\ \newpage
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Normal file
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% packages
\foreach \xval in {1,2}
\foreach \yval in {1,2,...,5}
\node at (\xval*\xdist,\yval*\ydist) {\input{therionprotractor.tex}};
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
% ********************************************************************************
% Creates a therion protractor of set size and scale
% ********************************************************************************
% packages
% ********************************************************************************
% Set the coordinates and dimensions to draw from
% ********************************************************************************
% Origin
\coordinate (O) at (0,0);
% Size and scale of the protractor
\pgfmathsetmacro{\scaleto}{250} % 1:scaleto
\pgfmathsetmacro{\radius}{10} % size in meters
\pgfmathsetmacro{\majordivision}{1} % size in meters
\pgfmathsetmacro{\minordivision}{0.5} % size in meters
% Size of the text numbers
% Intrinisc dimensions and conversion factors
\pgfmathsetmacro{\convert}{100} % conversion from meters to centimeters
\pgfmathsetmacro{\mintick}{0.1} % size in centimeters
\pgfmathsetmacro{\majtick}{0.2} % size in centimeters
\pgfmathsetmacro{\minradii}{0.5} % fractional radius where dotted radial lines start
\pgfmathsetmacro{\minradiiend}{1-\minradii} % remainder
% Size and scale of the drawing
% Slightly reduced radii for the scale bar
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the foreshortening lines
% ********************************************************************************
% Vertical lines
\foreach \var in {0,\mindiv,...,\radscale}
\draw[gray] (O) ++ (\var,0) -- ++ (0,\rad);
\draw[gray] (O) ++ (-\var,0) -- ++ (0,\rad);
% White out the excess length
\draw[thick,white,fill=white] (O) ++ (\rad,0) arc(0:180:\rad) -- ++ (0,\rad) -- ++ (2*\rad,0) -- cycle;
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the circumcircles
% ********************************************************************************
\foreach \var in {0,\mindiv,...,\rad}
\draw[gray] (O) ++ (\var,0) arc (0:180:\var);
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the radii
% ********************************************************************************
\foreach \theta in {10,40,...,160}
\draw[red] (O) ++ (\theta:\mindiv) -- ++ (\theta:\radscale);
\foreach \theta in {20,50,...,170}
\draw[blue] (O) ++ (\theta:\mindiv) -- ++ (\theta:\radscale);
\foreach \theta in {30,60,...,150}
\draw[black] (O) ++ (\theta:\mindiv) -- ++ (\theta:\radscale);
\foreach \theta in {5,15,...,175}
\draw[black,dotted] (O) ++ (\theta:\minradii*\rad) -- ++ (\theta:\minradiiend*\rad);
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the angular scale
% ********************************************************************************
\foreach \theta in {1,2,...,179}
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (\theta:\rad) -- ++ (\theta:-\mintick);
\foreach \theta in {5,10,...,175}
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (\theta:\rad) -- ++ (\theta:-\majtick);
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the linear scale
% ********************************************************************************
\foreach \var in {0,\mindiv,...,\radscale}
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (\var,0) -- ++ (0,\mintick);
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (-\var,0) -- ++ (0,\mintick);
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the outline
% ********************************************************************************
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (\rad,0) arc (0:180:\rad) -- cycle;
\draw[black,thick] (O) -- ++ (0,\majtick);
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the angle numbers
% ********************************************************************************
\foreach \theta in {10,20,...,80}
\draw[black] (O) ++ (\theta:\rad) -- ++ (\theta:-\majtick) node[anchor=south,near start,sloped,rotate=90,text=black] {
\foreach \theta in {90,100,...,170}
\draw[black] (O) ++ (\theta:\rad) -- ++ (\theta:-\majtick) node[anchor=south,near start,sloped,rotate=-90,text=black] {
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the linear numbers
% ********************************************************************************
\foreach \var in {\majordivision,\labsecond,...,\labmax}
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (\varpos,0) -- ++ (0,\mintick) node [above=-2pt] {\contour{white}{\textsize\pgfmathprintnumber{\var}}};
\draw[black,thick] (O) ++ (-\varpos,0) -- ++ (0,\mintick) node [above=-2pt] {\contour{white}{\textsize\pgfmathprintnumber{\var}}};
% ********************************************************************************
% Draw the scale number
% ********************************************************************************
\draw[black] (O) ++ (0,\rad/3) -- ++ (0,\rad/3) node [midway,anchor=center,sloped,text=black] {\contour{white}{\textsize $1$:\pgfmathprintnumber{\scaleto}}};
@ -8,9 +8,7 @@
<p><img class="onleft" src="../i/andya.jpg" width="223" height="264"
alt="" />
<b>Andy Atkinson</b>, expedition 1991, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, and, along
with Wookey, one of the more knowledgeable of extensive areas of
<span lang="de">Kaninchenhöhle.</span></p>
<b>Andy Atkinson</b>, expedition 1991, 92, 94-97, 99, 2000, 2005, 2007, 2009-2014 one of the more knowledgeable of SMKsystem, especially <span lang="de">Kaninchenhöhle and Tunnocks, and made the Steinbrucken/KH connection in 2012.</span></p>
<p>Now Secretary for the BCRA
<a href="">Cave Surveying
@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
<dt><a href="update.htm">Website and Data</a></dt>
<dd>This tells you how the website and cave data are arranged, accessed and used.</dd>
<dt><a href="uploading.html">Uploading files to 'expofiles'</a></dt>
<dd>How to upload photos/reports/surveys/documents/scans to the
filestore section of the website. For larger files that are too fat to
be in the website repository (generaly anything bigger than 200KB).</dd>
<dt><a href="tortoise/tortoise-win.htm">Aled's Windows 101</a></dt>
<dd>A brief, straightforward guide (with pictures!) covering how to get Putty and TortoiseHg working on a Windows PC.
<dt><a href="computer.html">Expo Computer</a></dt>
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
<p>Use these credentials for access to the site. The user is 'expo',
with a cavey:beery password. Ask someone if this isn't enough clue for you.
<b>This password is important for security</b>. The whole site <strong>will</strong get hacked by spammers or worse if you are not careful with it. Use a secure method for passing it on to others that need to know (i.e not unencrypted email), don't publish it anywhere, don't check it in to the website by accident. A lot of people use it and changing it is a pain for everyone so do take a bit of care.
<b>This password is important for security</b>. The whole site <strong>will</strong> get hacked by spammers or worse if you are not careful with it. Use a secure method for passing it on to others that need to know (i.e not unencrypted email), don't publish it anywhere, don't check it in to the website by accident. A lot of people use it and changing it is a pain for everyone so do take a bit of care.
<p>Note that you don't need a password to view most things, but you will need ne to change them</p>
<p>Note that you don't need a password to view most things, but you will need one to change them</p>
<h3><a id="repositories">The repositories</a></h3>
@ -117,21 +117,21 @@ stored just as files (not in version control). See below for details on that.</p
<p>Photos, scans (logbooks, drawn-up cave segments) (This is about
16GB of stuff which you probably don't actually need locally) To sync
the files from the server to local expoimages directory:</p>
the files from the server to local expofiles directory:</p>
<p><tt>rsync -av /home/expo/fromserver</tt></p>
<p><tt>rsync -av /home/expo</tt></p>
<p>To sync the local expoimage directory back to the server:</p>
<p><tt>rsync -av /home/expo/fromserver/expoimages</tt></p>
<p><tt>rsync -av /home/expo/expofiles</tt></p>
<p>(do be careful not to delete piles of stuff then rsync back - as it'll all get deleted on the server too, and we may not have backups!)</p>
<p>(do be careful not to delete piles of stuff then rsync back - as it'll all get deleted on the server too, and we may not have backups!). Use rsync --dry-run --delete-after -a to check what would be deleted.</p>
<h3><a id="editingthewebsite">Editing the website</a></h3>
<p>To edit the website fully, you need a mercurial client. Some (static text) pages can be edited directly on-line using the 'edit this page link' which you'll see if you are logged into troggle. DYnamically-generated pages can not be edited in this way.</p>
<p>To edit the website fully, you need a mercurial client. Some (static text) pages can be edited directly on-line using the 'edit this page link' which you'll see if you are logged into troggle. In general dynamically-generated pages can not be edited in this way, but forms are provided for some page-types like 'caves'.</p>
<p>Mercurial can be used from the command line, but if you prefer a GUI, tourtoisehg is highly recommended on all OSes (available on Linux from Debian 6 and Ubuntu 11.04 onwards).</p>
<p>Mercurial can be used from the command line, but if you prefer a GUI, tourtoisehg is highly recommended on all OSes.</p>
<p>Linux: Install mercurial and tortoisehg-nautilus from synaptic,
then restart nautilus <tt>nautilus -q</tt>. If it works, you'll be able to see the menus of Tortoise within your Nautilus windows. </p>
@ -164,10 +164,12 @@ then restart nautilus <tt>nautilus -q</tt>. If it works, you'll be able to see t
<p><tt>hg push</tt></p>
<p>If someone else is editing the same bit at the same time you may also need to:</p>
<p>Before pushing, you should do an <tt>hg pull</tt> to sync with upstream first. If someone else has edited the same files you may also need to do:</p>
<p><tt>hg merge</tt></p>
<p>before pushing again</p>
<p>Simple changes to static files will take effect immediately, but changes to dynamically-generated files (cave descriptions, QM lists etc) will not take effect, until the server runs the expoweb-update script.</p>
<h3><a id="mercurialinwindows">Using Mercurial/TortoiseHg in Windows</a></h3>
@ -196,7 +198,7 @@ then restart nautilus <tt>nautilus -q</tt>. If it works, you'll be able to see t
cave files in noinfo/cave_data/ and noinfo/entrance_data/. These files
are named <area>-<cavenumber>.html (where area is 1623 or 1626). These
files are processed by troggle. Use <tt>python
cavesnew</tt> in /expofiles/troggle/ to update the site/database after
caves</tt> in /expofiles/troggle/ to update the site/database after
editing these files.</p>
<p>(If you remember something about CAVETAB2.CSV for editing caves, that was
@ -244,7 +246,7 @@ T/U: Jess 1 hr, Emma 0.5 hr
<h3><a id="photos">Uploading photos</a></h3>
<p>Photos are stored in the general file area of the site under <a
They are organised by year, and by photographer. Please use directory
names like 2014/YourName (i.e no spaces, CamelCase for names).</p>
@ -253,8 +255,8 @@ href=""></a></p>
<p>Photos can be uploaded in 2 basic ways:
<li>Rsync,scp,sftp as user 'expo' to, into the directory expoimages/photos/<year>/<PhotographerName></li>
<li>Webdav upload to special dir<year>/<PhotographerName></li>
<li>Rsync,scp,sftp as user 'expo' to, into the directory expofiles/photos/<year>/<PhotographerName></li>
<li>Webdav upload to special dir<year>/<PhotographerName></li>
<p>See <a href="uploading.html">Photo/File Upload Instructions</a> for
@ -9,25 +9,27 @@
<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
<h1>Uploading photos and files</h1>
<p>The expo website supports 2 basic methods of upload:
<p>The expo website has a big section under 'expofiles' that is not part of the repositories. This section describes how to move files into that area. It supports 2 basic methods of upload:
<li>Uploading directly to the file store using scp/sftp/rsync</li>
<li>Uploading to a special 'uploads' directory using Webdav</li>
<p>In both cases you need to know the expo password.</p>
<p>In the former case nothing else needs doing. In the second case an
admin has to move the files to the correct final location, so rememebr
admin has to move the files to the correct final location, so remember
to tell someone you've done it.</p>
<p>Note that uploading photos does not automatically update the view
at <a href=""></a>. An
update script needs to be run. This should run once/day around
midnight UTC, but may be broken. Prod a web admin.</p>
midnight UTC, but may be broken. Prod a web admin if nothing is
updated by the next morning..</p>
<h2>Installing FireFTP</h2>
<p>Works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android.</p>
<p>Works on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android. This is a firefox browser plugin that enables FTP/SFTP uploads using just your browser.</p>
<li>Install the firefox web browser. You can download it and find
@ -55,19 +57,20 @@ on the centre of the screen.</li>
<h2>Using scp</h2>
<p>Works on Windows (using winscp), Linux (using scp), and no doubt mac and android with other tools.</p>
<p>Works on Windows (using winscp), Linux (using scp), and no doubt
mac and android with other tools.</p>
<p>The above FireFTP is just one example of a tool that does this job</p>
directory: /home/expo/expoimages/photos/2013/YourName
directory: /home/expo/expofiles/photos/2015/YourName
user: expo
with the usual expo password
protocol: sftp or scp
<p>Obviously replace 'YourName' with your actual name (no spaces)</p>
<p>Obviously replace 'YourName' with your actual name (no spaces!)</p>
<p>If you don't have winscp installed you can get it from here:
@ -80,18 +83,18 @@</p>
<h2>Using Webdav</h2>
<p>This method can only upload under one special 'uploads'
directory. Ask someone tomove your uploaded files to the final
<p>This method can only upload to one special 'uploads'
directory. Ask someone to move your uploaded files to the final
location. But you may not need any extra software.</p>
<p> This is the upload dir: <tt><a href="/expoimages/uploads/"></a></tt>
<p> This is the upload dir: <tt><a href="/expofiles/uploads/"></a></tt>
<p>You can use 'open as webfolder' on IE, or install this:
|||| on
firefox, you will get a pop-up box asking for authenticaion for
'expo-uploads'. The user is 'expo', the password is the usual
one. Once done you can just copy files in.</p>
<p>Make a directory like photos/2013/YourName so we know what's
<p>Make a directory like photos/2015/YourName so we know what's
been uploaded.
<p>Command-line people can use the 'cadaver' client which is even
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
<body id="homepage">
<div id="homebox">
<h1>CUCC in Austria <a href="years/1976/report.htm">1976</a>-<a href="years/2015/">2015</a></h1>
<h1>CUCC in Austria <a href="years/1976/report.htm">1976</a>-<a href="years/2016/">2016</a></h1>
<p>Welcome to the website of the <a href="" target="_blank">Cambridge University Caving Club</a> expeditions to Austria</p>
<!--div id="homeimg"><img src="images/stone-bridge-view.jpg" alt="Austria panorama" width="399" height="260" /-->
@ -25,12 +25,6 @@
<li>Recent years:
<td><a href="years/2008/">2008</a></td>
<td><a href="years/2009/">2009</a></td>
<td><a href="years/2010/">2010</a></td>
<td><a href="years/2011/">2011</a></td>
<td><a href="years/2012/">2012</a></td>
@ -38,14 +32,16 @@
<td><a href="years/2013/">2013</a></td>
<td><a href="years/2014/">2014</a></td>
<td><a href="years/2015/">2015</a></td>
<li>Coming year: <a href="years/2015/">2015</a></li>
<li>Coming year: <a href="years/2016/">2016</a></li>
<h2>Survey information</h2>
<li><a href="expoimages/surveyscans/">Survey scans</a>
<li><a href="expofiles/surveyscans/">Survey scans</a>
<h2>Area Description</h2>
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ fabricated aluminium tags with our own internal number as a temporary
measure during early exploration; our practices are documented in the <a
href="handbook/look4.htm">Prospecting Handbook</a>. Once a cave has been
accurately located and explored sufficiently to count as a significant find, a
<a href="expoimages/documents/example_kataster_form.odg">form</a> is filled out and sent to
<a href="expofiles/documents/example_kataster_form.odg">form</a> is filled out and sent to
the VfHO, who will allocate a final kataster number.</p>
<p>If caves have been explored by groups not recognised by the local cavers,
@ -1,94 +1,19 @@
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<wpt lon="13.80662456" lat="47.68403935"><ele>1675.46</ele><name>103.1</name></wpt>
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<wpt lon="13.81867604" lat="47.68933134"><ele>1841.33</ele><name>2002-03to2004-15.p2002-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81757807" lat="47.69059403"><ele>1807.24</ele><name>2002-03to2004-15.p2004-15a</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81728558" lat="47.69052556"><ele>1802.63</ele><name>2004-15to2004-14.p2004-14</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81757807" lat="47.69059403"><ele>1807.24</ele><name>2004-15to2004-14.p2004-15a</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81953482" lat="47.69388645"><ele>1867.14</ele><name>2004-18to2006-09.p2004-18</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82154185" lat="47.69467459"><ele>1912.43</ele><name>2004-18to2006-09.p2006-09</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82081734" lat="47.69494144"><ele>1905.08</ele><name>2004-18to2006-09.p258a</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82094009" lat="47.69491835"><ele>1910.23</ele><name>2004-18to2006-09.p258b</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81243024" lat="47.68251753"><ele>1738.38</ele><name>2006-06.4</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81217853" lat="47.68257766"><ele>1731.12</ele><name>2006-06.7</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81014185" lat="47.66977304"><ele>1726.84</ele><name>2007-neu.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82209137" lat="47.69936311"><ele>1909.80</ele><name>2010-03.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82157217" lat="47.69881775"><ele>1919.28</ele><name>2012-ns-03.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82111071" lat="47.70079047"><ele>1905.27</ele><name>2012-ns-10.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82044611" lat="47.70265730"><ele>1940.80</ele><name>233.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81803427" lat="47.68859472"><ele>1830.48</ele><name>234to2002-03.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81832755" lat="47.68877850"><ele>1838.80</ele><name>234to2002-03.3</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81883144" lat="47.68889267"><ele>1843.05</ele><name>234to2002-03.5</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81867604" lat="47.68933134"><ele>1841.33</ele><name>234to2002-03.9</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81756630" lat="47.69297805"><ele>1807.96</ele><name>243.5</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81014185" lat="47.66977304"><ele>1726.84</ele><name>2007-neu</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83195669" lat="47.70280745"><ele>1946.79</ele><name>bs16</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83143142" lat="47.70332318"><ele>1925.79</ele><name>bs17</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83306761" lat="47.70308523"><ele>1936.79</ele><name>bs19</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82860901" lat="47.70640905"><ele>1976.79</ele><name>casino.0</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82173371" lat="47.70500829"><ele>1941.80</ele><name>e02.0</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82031830" lat="47.70612054"><ele>1956.80</ele><name>e09.0</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82082674" lat="47.70203510"><ele>1931.80</ele><name>e10.0</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81523580" lat="47.69967515"><ele>1876.81</ele><name>e28.0</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82638774" lat="47.69262169"><ele>1946.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-10</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82457628" lat="47.69264740"><ele>1906.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-ad-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82515033" lat="47.69277987"><ele>1903.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-ad-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82472486" lat="47.69429268"><ele>1924.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-ad-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82441957" lat="47.69441091"><ele>1948.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-ad-04</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82434712" lat="47.69093051"><ele>1946.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-x09</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82619931" lat="47.69241563"><ele>1946.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-x09b</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81923302" lat="47.69826432"><ele>1846.80</ele><name>gps02.p2002-x15</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81772693" lat="47.69675065"><ele>1846.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-x16</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81826898" lat="47.69629867"><ele>1846.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-x17</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81792061" lat="47.69463624"><ele>1846.81</ele><name>gps02.p2002-x18</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82492418" lat="47.69708898"><ele>1946.80</ele><name>gps02.p2005-05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82754887" lat="47.69427163"><ele>1946.80</ele><name>gps02.p2005-06</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82692749" lat="47.69335690"><ele>1946.80</ele><name>gps02.p2005-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81909719" lat="47.67610890"><ele>1781.82</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-06</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81788207" lat="47.67623139"><ele>1795.83</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81829913" lat="47.67546190"><ele>1794.83</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81834475" lat="47.67521041"><ele>1773.83</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-09</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81858016" lat="47.67481692"><ele>1768.83</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-10</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81859791" lat="47.67461915"><ele>1749.83</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-11</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81874669" lat="47.67452166"><ele>1732.83</ele><name>gps02olly.2001-12</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81927895" lat="47.67583292"><ele>1746.82</ele><name>gps02olly.2002-ob-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82017906" lat="47.67668356"><ele>1746.82</ele><name>gps02olly.2002-w-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81915677" lat="47.67700932"><ele>1773.82</ele><name>gps02olly.235</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81763075" lat="47.67556292"><ele>1798.83</ele><name>gps02olly.236</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81800330" lat="47.67558483"><ele>1823.83</ele><name>gps02olly.237</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81865887" lat="47.67722916"><ele>1781.82</ele><name>gps02olly.238</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81927449" lat="47.67710956"><ele>1777.82</ele><name>gps02olly.88f</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81792936" lat="47.67708670"><ele>1796.82</ele><name>gps02olly.cliffhole</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81857709" lat="47.67613061"><ele>1772.83</ele><name>gps02olly.hfg-ka88</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82431074" lat="47.68560617"><ele>1821.81</ele><name>gps03.2003-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82145119" lat="47.69035819"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x11</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82046124" lat="47.68990368"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x12</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81989548" lat="47.68922252"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x13</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82037583" lat="47.68931043"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x14</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82167714" lat="47.68743417"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x15</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82259967" lat="47.68923806"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x16</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82342467" lat="47.69057468"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x17</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81987115" lat="47.69091350"><ele>2046.81</ele><name>gps03_bis.p2003-x18</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81776820" lat="47.69399830"><ele>1846.81</ele><name>gps04.p2004-10</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82743062" lat="47.68503009"><ele>1750.81</ele><name>gps04.p2004-12</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82738089" lat="47.68387619"><ele>1741.81</ele><name>gps04.p2004-13</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81915994" lat="47.69323695"><ele>1877.81</ele><name>gps04.p2004-16</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81916202" lat="47.69346179"><ele>1880.81</ele><name>gps04.p2004-17</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81953482" lat="47.69388645"><ele>1867.14</ele><name>gps04.p2004-18</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81769074" lat="47.69282040"><ele>1806.81</ele><name>gps04.p2004-21</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82302847" lat="47.69237516"><ele>1918.81</ele><name>gps04.p247</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81586265" lat="47.68667612"><ele>1819.82</ele><name>gps06.2006-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81321382" lat="47.68395296"><ele>1753.82</ele><name>gps06.2006-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81314657" lat="47.68388129"><ele>1752.82</ele><name>gps06.2006-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81900263" lat="47.69495548"><ele>1847.81</ele><name>gps06.2006-05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82650122" lat="47.69335872"><ele>1914.81</ele><name>gps06.2006-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80379853" lat="47.69008058"><ele>46.82</ele><name>gps98.1996_05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82860901" lat="47.70640905"><ele>1976.79</ele><name>casino</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82173371" lat="47.70500829"><ele>1941.80</ele><name>e02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82031830" lat="47.70612054"><ele>1956.80</ele><name>e09</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82082674" lat="47.70203510"><ele>1931.80</ele><name>e10</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81523580" lat="47.69967515"><ele>1876.81</ele><name>e28</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81927449" lat="47.67710956"><ele>1777.82</ele><name>88f</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81792936" lat="47.67708670"><ele>1796.82</ele><name>cliffhole</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81857709" lat="47.67613061"><ele>1772.83</ele><name>hfg-ka88</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82302847" lat="47.69237516"><ele>1918.81</ele><name>p247</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80379853" lat="47.69008058"><ele>46.82</ele><name>1996_05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81712175" lat="47.67005518"><ele>1646.83</ele><name>gruenstein.1</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82244584" lat="47.70421380"><ele>1922.80</ele><name>haldenloch.eingang.0</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81622935" lat="47.71356678"><ele>1871.79</ele><name></name></wpt>
@ -119,8 +44,11 @@
<wpt lon="13.81632468" lat="47.67752803"><ele>1842.07</ele><name>p138</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81618961" lat="47.67848269"><ele>1873.97</ele><name>p139</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80793214" lat="47.66866489"><ele>1669.95</ele><name>p141</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81263080" lat="47.67112084"><ele>1757.83</ele><name>p143</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81332585" lat="47.67132148"><ele>1758.27</ele><name>p144</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81240411" lat="47.67076363"><ele>1745.56</ele><name>p144b</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81107461" lat="47.68053123"><ele>1734.28</ele><name>p145a</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81080964" lat="47.68049455"><ele>1731.76</ele><name>p145b</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80984667" lat="47.68145846"><ele>1700.35</ele><name>p148</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81696562" lat="47.66965533"><ele>1649.18</ele><name>p150</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81646330" lat="47.66931556"><ele>1646.07</ele><name>p151</name></wpt>
@ -167,104 +95,7 @@
<wpt lon="13.80773872" lat="47.67737538"><ele>1700.63</ele><name>p1976_b4</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81284136" lat="47.68283646"><ele>1746.61</ele><name>p1987-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81299098" lat="47.67798849"><ele>1848.42</ele><name>p199</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80761244" lat="47.68374352"><ele>1678.65</ele><name>p1998-x01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82026943" lat="47.69019381"><ele>1861.38</ele><name>p2000-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82108951" lat="47.69155043"><ele>1856.82</ele><name>p2001-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82052005" lat="47.69148043"><ele>1849.61</ele><name>p2001-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82169804" lat="47.69271547"><ele>1907.58</ele><name>p2002-05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82139278" lat="47.69267890"><ele>1907.81</ele><name>p2002-06</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82061284" lat="47.69282627"><ele>1875.94</ele><name>p2002-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82031565" lat="47.69261158"><ele>1863.31</ele><name>p2002-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81957108" lat="47.67458906"><ele>1699.01</ele><name>p2002-w-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82461983" lat="47.69056347"><ele>1911.81</ele><name>p2003-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81058580" lat="47.68383335"><ele>1689.13</ele><name>p2004-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81088086" lat="47.68398521"><ele>1692.63</ele><name>p2004-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80720549" lat="47.68129683"><ele>1677.59</ele><name>p2004-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80873963" lat="47.68667734"><ele>1697.55</ele><name>p2004-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80927319" lat="47.68636484"><ele>1695.07</ele><name>p2004-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82741128" lat="47.68382281"><ele>1710.37</ele><name>p2004-13</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81728558" lat="47.69052556"><ele>1802.63</ele><name>p2004-14</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81953482" lat="47.69388645"><ele>1867.14</ele><name>p2004-18</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82707193" lat="47.68748531"><ele>1810.53</ele><name>p2004-19a</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82704650" lat="47.68755827"><ele>1813.39</ele><name>p2004-19b</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82683014" lat="47.68743939"><ele>1816.02</ele><name>p2004-19c</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82048540" lat="47.69005448"><ele>1860.70</ele><name>p2004-20</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83192520" lat="47.69098570"><ele>1764.04</ele><name>p2005-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82695283" lat="47.68884671"><ele>1802.05</ele><name>p2005-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83089728" lat="47.69056894"><ele>1731.04</ele><name>p2005-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82723893" lat="47.69389520"><ele>1846.80</ele><name>p2005-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81074037" lat="47.68406179"><ele>1695.14</ele><name>p2005-91</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80907881" lat="47.68289789"><ele>1682.07</ele><name>p2005-92</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80869899" lat="47.68294542"><ele>1678.85</ele><name>p2005-93</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80900754" lat="47.68299874"><ele>1681.80</ele><name>p2005-94</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80892326" lat="47.68303156"><ele>1682.13</ele><name>p2005-95</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80869468" lat="47.68344182"><ele>1680.45</ele><name>p2005-96</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80947907" lat="47.68456428"><ele>1683.39</ele><name>p2005-97</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80933112" lat="47.68456678"><ele>1682.71</ele><name>p2005-98</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80890787" lat="47.68420256"><ele>1675.43</ele><name>p2005-99</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81994841" lat="47.69084373"><ele>1837.25</ele><name>p2006-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80977769" lat="47.68178379"><ele>1697.64</ele><name>p2006-70</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81092375" lat="47.68514446"><ele>1694.09</ele><name>p2006-71</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80874183" lat="47.67729094"><ele>1747.45</ele><name>p2006-72</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80987293" lat="47.68332975"><ele>1689.93</ele><name>p2006-73</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82283371" lat="47.69005552"><ele>1907.81</ele><name>p2007-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82210286" lat="47.69024749"><ele>1892.81</ele><name>p2007-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82497467" lat="47.68253637"><ele>1793.82</ele><name>p2007-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82376714" lat="47.69158954"><ele>1915.81</ele><name>p2007-04</name></wpt>
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@ -307,12 +138,18 @@
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@ -321,6 +158,151 @@
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<wpt lon="13.82210792" lat="47.69939443"><ele>1912.80</ele><name>p2010-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82181449" lat="47.69935969"><ele>1906.80</ele><name>p2010-04</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82130323" lat="47.69882221"><ele>1931.80</ele><name>p2010-05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82043544" lat="47.69503129"><ele>1896.79</ele><name>p2010-06</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82701843" lat="47.69979598"><ele>1984.80</ele><name>p2011-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81172902" lat="47.68234334"><ele>1725.75</ele><name>p2012-70</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81146433" lat="47.68229389"><ele>1715.77</ele><name>p2012-70b</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.81181599" lat="47.68241646"><ele>1726.91</ele><name>p2012-70c</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82367763" lat="47.69913594"><ele>1935.80</ele><name>p2012-dd-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82387763" lat="47.69915307"><ele>1925.80</ele><name>p2012-dd-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82398723" lat="47.69947639"><ele>1925.80</ele><name>p2012-dd-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82834683" lat="47.69979056"><ele>2003.80</ele><name>p2012-dd-04</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83215962" lat="47.70285010"><ele>1940.79</ele><name>p2012-dd-05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83307345" lat="47.70086746"><ele>1927.79</ele><name>p2012-dd-06</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83389151" lat="47.70002747"><ele>1930.79</ele><name>p2012-dd-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83435155" lat="47.69936891"><ele>1948.80</ele><name>p2012-dd-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83297950" lat="47.69939284"><ele>1973.80</ele><name>p2012-dd-09</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83532864" lat="47.69984134"><ele>1932.79</ele><name>p2012-dd-10</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83688737" lat="47.69983455"><ele>1877.79</ele><name>p2012-dd-11</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82264996" lat="47.69441671"><ele>1948.81</ele><name>p2012-hw-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82248332" lat="47.69525000"><ele>1919.81</ele><name>p2012-hw-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82066426" lat="47.69668055"><ele>1861.81</ele><name>p2012-ns-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82176965" lat="47.69849151"><ele>1922.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82156167" lat="47.69884927"><ele>1921.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82221138" lat="47.69960292"><ele>1913.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-05</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82232847" lat="47.69973005"><ele>1916.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-06</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82247902" lat="47.70014557"><ele>1922.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-07</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82223088" lat="47.70051187"><ele>1928.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-08</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82208026" lat="47.70069032"><ele>1934.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-09</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82113088" lat="47.70082447"><ele>1909.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-10</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82058718" lat="47.70010815"><ele>1923.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-11</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82129671" lat="47.70115017"><ele>1925.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-12</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82246039" lat="47.69801289"><ele>1931.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-13</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82395097" lat="47.69870297"><ele>1934.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-14</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82199900" lat="47.69897091"><ele>1921.80</ele><name>p2012-ns-15</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82544833" lat="47.69908712"><ele>1939.80</ele><name>p2012-ok-01</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.82580609" lat="47.69977462"><ele>1944.80</ele><name>p2012-ok-02</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.83143142" lat="47.70332318"><ele>1925.79</ele><name>p2012-ok-03</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80385099" lat="47.66705133"><ele>1629.13</ele><name>p31</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80881197" lat="47.66784982"><ele>1614.77</ele><name>p32</name></wpt>
<wpt lon="13.80731345" lat="47.67756349"><ele>1705.51</ele><name>p36</name></wpt>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,549 @@
(a) not ours:
1 Liägerhöhle
2 Wasserlöcher
3 Gellerofen
4 Ritscherbachhöhle
5 Holzknechtbrünndlloch
6 Quelle
7 Bachschläg
8 Großes Loserloch
9 Kleines Loserloch
10 Spalthöhle
11 Höhle in der Loserwestwand 1
12 Höhle in der Loserwestwand 2
13 Knochenhöhle
14 Schafkirche
15 Michel-Gang
16 Pauli-Loch
17 Bärenhöhle im Höllgraben
18 Gaisofen im Ammerei
19 Gamsofen im Scharlingkar
20 Windhöhle
21 Windloch im Egglgrube
22 Spiralschacht
23 Steinbockhöhle
24 Schachthöhle bei Egglgrubenalm
25 Mauskothhöhle
26 Wasserschlinger I
27 Wasserschlinger II
28 Augsteckhöhle
29 Schwarzmoosloch
30 Grundloses Loch
31 Elchhöhle
32 Windloch am Stögerweg
33 Schichtgrenzenhöhle
34 Höhle am Kratzer I
35 Dr. Kerschner Höhle
36 Schachtgruppe I - V
37 Schachtgruppe beim Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel
38 Algenhöhle
39 SCHWA höhle 39
40 Schwarzmooskogeleishöhle
41 Stellerweghöhle
42 Wasserschacht
43 Höhle beim Wackelstein
44 Höhle am Kratzer II
45 Dannerschacht
46 Engelbrechthöhle
47 SCHWA höhle 47
48 SCHWA höhle 48
49 SCHWA höhle 49
50 SCHWA höhle 50
51 Höhlen 1-3 in Weiße Wand
52 Sennerkeller & Sauloch
53 Gellerliäger
54 Seehöhle
55 Schachthöhle west. Hochanger
56 Hornsteinhöhle
57 Höhle unterhalb der Schafkirche
58 Höhle unterhalb ab Pauli-Loch
59 Bruchshutthöhle
60 Schacht I-IV bei Gschwandalm
61 Gemsbockhöhle
62 Dolinenhöhle
63 Pseudoskorpionhöhle
64 Gr. Durchgangshöhle
65 Widderhöhle
66 Löckerweghöhle
67 Biwakhöhle am Loser
68 Kleine Bärenhöhle
69 Schacht am Gschirr
70 Schneckenloch
72 Skeletthöhle
73 Suppentellerschacht
74 Schneckenhaushöhle
75 Wisenthöhle
77 Fichtenschacht
78 Schwaben(schacht)höhle
79 Badenerschacht
88 Lärchenschacht
116 Kleine Eishöhle
117 Stuttgarter-Schacht
118 Schwa-Schacht 118
119 Schwa-Schacht 119
120 Schwa-Schacht 120
121-126 no records
127 Kleine Firnhöhle
128 Enttauschungsschacht
129 Große Firnhöhle
130 Cäcilien-Schacht
131 Thomas-Eishöhle
132 Tropfsteinhöhle am Augsteck
133 Unterstandhöhle
134 Höhlenruine bei der Wasserstelle
166-170 no records
202 Dominoschacht
203 Sonnenscheinschacht
206 7-Eingangshöhle
211-213 no records
228 Kleine Schnellzughöhle
229 Weiße Höhle (ArGe - but is also CUCC surveyed and documented)
232 Grießkogelschacht (ArGe - no docs, but not in noinfo)
233 Betthupferie (ArGe - no docs, but not in noinfo)
252 Bunnyschacht (ArGe - svx, no docs, but not in noinfo)
259-262 no records
(b) not ours, but only known by the explorers' numbers (both GSCB, we think)
(c) ours, with full kataster numbers (even though some are missing/undocumented)
71 Fledermaushöhle (well, sort of ours - CUCC joint with Karl. Our survey)
76 Eislufthöhle
80 Schwa Schacht 80
81 Schwa Höhle 81
82 Bräuninghöhle
83 Schwa Schacht 83
84 Schwa Höhle 84
85 Schwa Höhle 85
86 Schwa Schacht 86
87A Schacht 87A bei Stögerweg
87B Schacht 87B bei Stögerweg
89 Schwa Schacht 89
90 Bräu Schacht 90
91 Bräu Schacht 91
92 Bräu Schacht 92
93 Bräu Schacht 93
94 Bräu Schacht 94
95 Bräu Schacht 95
96 Bräu Schacht 96
97 Schneewindschacht
98 Plateau Schacht 98
99 Plateau Schacht 99
100 Plateau Schacht 100
101 Plateau Schacht 101
102 Plateau Schacht 102
103 Plateau Schacht 103
104 Plateau Schacht 104
105 Plateau Schacht 105
107 Gemshöhle
108 Plateau Schacht 108
109 Schwa-Schacht 109
110 Kein Hubschrauber Höhle
111 Plateau Schacht 111
112 Plateau Schacht 112
113 Sonnenstrahlhöhle
114 Verlorenschacht 114
115 Schnellzughöhle
135 Schwa Schacht 135
136 Steinschlagschacht
137 Schwa Schacht 137
138 Schwa Schacht 138
139 Schwa Schacht 139
140 Schwa Schacht 140
141 Schwa Höhle 141
142 Schwa Höhle 142
143 Weiße Warze Schacht I
144 Tony's Second Höhle
145 Wolfhöhle
146 Tobogganschacht
147 Schwa Höhle 147
148 Marilyn Monroe Höhle
149 Plateau Schacht 149
150 Schwa Röhrhöhle 150
151 Schwa Höhle 151
152 Bananehöhle
153 Schwa Schacht 153
154 Schwa Schacht 154
155 Unerforscht Schacht 155
156 Schwa Schacht 156
157 Pirat Schacht
158 Donner und Blitzen Höhle
159 Winded Hole
160 Plateau Schacht 160
161 Kaninchenhöhle
162 Schwa Höhle 162
163 Schwa Höhle 163
164 Plateau Schacht 164
165 Schwa Schacht 165
171 Plateau Höhle 90/1
172 Plateau Höhle 90/2
173 Plateau Schacht 90/3
174 Plateau Schacht 90/4
175 Plateau Schacht 90/5
176 Plateau Schacht 90/6
177 Tantalus Schacht
178 Plateau Höhle 90/8
179 Plateau Schacht 90/9
180 Schwa Schacht 90/10
181 Plateau Schacht 90/11
181 was also provisionally given to 1623/160, but the cave never thus marked (but may appear as 181 in logbooks ?)
182 Bovistundpuderzuckerhöhle
183 Elchfalle
184 Shiruken
185 Zweijahreentstehungshöhle originally marked 183
186 Rosenkavalierhöhle
187 Schwa Schacht 187
188 Skinrip Durchgange I-VI 188 might already be allocated to someone else, so this may revert to 1990-18. Need to check with Robert ?
189 Plateau Schacht 189.
190 Glitterstompf
191 Schwa Schacht 191
192 Schwa Schacht 192
193 Schwa Schacht 193
194 Schwa Schacht 194
195 Schwa Schacht 195
196 Schwa Höhle 196
197 Bemoost Tropfen Höhle
198 Fuchshöhle
199 Stürzender Felsbrocken Höhle
200 Verlorener Rucksack Schacht
201 Haftefelle Schacht
204 Steinbrückenhöhle
205 Nordalpenschacht
207 Plumpsklohöhle
208 Quallenhöhle
209 Schistock-Absturzschacht
210 Fettsack und Faulpelz höhle
214 Segment cave
215 Rufverbindungshöhle
216 Nichts 50
217 Schneepfropfenhöhle
218 Hammerkopfabsturtzhöhle
219 Tertaeingfester
220 Kennedy Alternative
221 ? seems no record of this on site
222 Gösserhöhle
223 Eggenbergschacht
224 Toplesscayonhöhle (typo for Toplesscanyonhöhle?)
225 Jahrzehnschacht
226 Skaschacht
227 Faultienschacht
230 Vergeßlichheithöhle
231 Traungoldhöhle
234 Hauchhöhle
235 Schaukelfelsbrockenhöhle
236 Moostunnelhöhle
237 Dreieingangabdrosselnhöhle
238 Flinkameiseschacht
239 Rock'n'Roll Höhle
240 Gewölbeschacht
241 Dreieckhöhle
242 Tropfelhöhle
243 GNDN Höhle
244 Dünne Faulpelz Höhle
245 Weizeneishöhle
246 Damoclesschacht
247 Kartoffelbreihöhle
248 Blaudrachenschacht
249 Artischockehöhle
250 Schönschrifthöhle
251 In Ihrer Gesichtshöhle
253 Rundreisehöhle (survex file still under 2004-15)
254 Kindergartenhöhle (survex file still under 2004-19)
255 Brecheisenhöhle (survex file still under 2004-20)
256 Nischehöhle (survex file still under 2003-01)
257 Daumenkinohöhle (survex file still under 2005-07)
258 Tunnockschacht
263 Clownhöhle
264 Balkonhöhle
(d) our internal numbers. When given full kataster status, => official number
otherwise, these caves are awaiting submission to Robert. We (try to) say elsewhere how complete the documentation is,
as part of a drive to identify caves we actually could submit to Robert. Depressingly few...
The other motivation for this file is to identify gaps in numbering that imply finds which are so poorly recorded that
there is nothing in the Prospecting guide saying what needs doing !
1977/11 refers to this number, which is almost certainly 1976-B11
(1987-01 might be 199 Stürzender Felsbrocken Höhle but web page doesn't say. This is just an AERW memory to remind me to check logbook)
1990-01 => 1623/171
1990-02 => 1623/172
1990-03 => 1623/173
1990-04 => 1623/174
1990-05 => 1623/175
1990-06 => 1623/176
1990-07 => 1623/177 Tantalus Schacht (which is missing completely)
1990-08 => 1623/178
1990-09 => 1623/179
1990-10 => 1623/180
1990-11 => 1623/181
1990-12 => 1623/182 Bovistundpuderzuckerhöhle
1990-13 => 1623/183 Elchfalle
1990-14 => 1623/184 Shiruken
; the expo report specifically documents 1-14 and nothing else
1990-15 website says this (almost certainly) doesn't exist and is a typo
1990-18 => 1623/188, but CUCC may have used this number without kataster submission
1990-ADAM => 1623/225 Jahrzehnschacht
1993-01 => 1623/200 Verlorener Rucksack Schacht
1996-01 Ski-pole höhle
1996-02 => 1623/224 Toplesscayonhöhle
1996-03 => 1623/223 Eggenbergschacht
1996-04 => 1623/222 Gösserhöhle
1996WK2 => 1623/207 Plumpsklohöhle
1996WK3 => 1623/208 Quallenhöhle
1996WK5 => 1623/219 Tertaeingfester
1996WK6 => 1623/218 Hammerkopfabsturtzhöhle
1996WK7 appears to have been retagged => 1997-07
1996WK8 => 1623/209 (maybe also 1996-08 and/or 1997-08) Schistock-Absturzschacht
1996WK9 appears to have been retagged => 1997-08 (which covered WK8, WK9, WK10)
1996WK10 see WK9
1998-01 => 1623/201 Haftefelle Schacht (at one time tagged 1998-02)
1998-03 => 1623/210 Fettsack und Faulpelz höhle
1999-03 => 1623/204 Steinbrückenhöhle
1999-04 => 1623/230 Vergeßlichheithöhle
1999-10 => 1623/162b
1999-BO-01 => 1623/205 Nordalpenschacht (maybe this is web page error for 1999-OB-01 ? page says tag is 1999-01
1999-OB-03 => 1623/226 Skaschacht
1999-OB-04 => 1623/227 Faultienschacht
2000-01 => 1623/231 Traungoldhöhle
2000-02 ('plus' cave on ridge up to hinter - see '96 docs)
2000-03 => 1623/214 Segment Cave
2000-04 => 1623/220 Kennedy Alternative
2000-05 => 1623/215 Rufverbindungshöhle
2000-06 => 1623/216 Nichts 50
2000-07 => 1623/217 Schneepfropfenhöhle
2000-08 Grabenkrieghöhle
2000-09 => 1623/234 Hauchhöhle
2000-AA-01 => 1623/250 Schönschrifthöhle
2001-02 documented as 1½ body lengths (by Animal - c 1.65m), which is too small for a kataster number
2001-03 Unnamed
2001-04 => 1623/239 Rock'n'Roll Höhle
2001-05 => 1623/243 GNDN Höhle
2001-06 Erbärmlichbaumhöhle
2001-07 Hoffnungschacht
2001-08 Schneeoberlichtschacht
2001-09 Funkberaterschacht
2001-10 Großarbeithöhle
2001-11 Schnürsenkelschacht
2001-12 Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschacht
2001-046 number is referred to in description of 1623/239 (=2001-04). Maybe a typo for 2001-04b ?
2002-01 => 1623/249 Artischockehöhle
2002-02 => 1623/234B
2002-03 Igelhöhle
2002-04 => 1623/242 Tropfelhöhle
2002-05 Rhabarberhöhle
2002-06 Eiercremehöhle
2002-AD-01 Unamed
2002-AD-04 Klippenhöhle
2002-X11 => 2005-08
2002-X12 => 2005-07 => 1623/257 Daumenkinohöhle
2002-X13 => 2005-06 L Shaft
2002-X14 => 2005-05 => 1623/264 Balkonhöhle now quite important ;-)
2003-01 => 1623/256 Nischehöhle
2003-02 => 1623/248 Blaudrachenschacht
2003-03 => 1623/247 Kartoffelbreihöhle
2003-04 => 1623/241 Dreieckhöhle
2003-05 => 1623/246 Damoclesschacht
2003-06 => 1623/161g
2003-08 => 1623/240 Gewölbeschacht
2003-09 => 1623/245 Weizeneishöhle
2003-10 => 1623/244 Dünne Faulpelz Höhle
2003-X14 Knochenloch
2003-X15 Gipfelschacht
2004-01 [2006#6]
2004-03 [2006#15]
2004-11 => 1623/251 In Ihrer Gesichtshöhle
2004-12 => 1623/161h
2004-14 Doktorarbeitloch
2004-15 => 1623/253 Rundreisehöhle
2004-19 => 1623/254 Kindergartenhöhle
2004-20 => 1623/255 Brecheisenhöhle
2005-04 => 1623/204h
2005-05 => 1623/264 Balkonhöhle [The original ID 2005-05 was also used (briefly) for another entrance, which was found the next day to connect to 204, and designated as 204G]
2005-06 L Shaft
2005-07 => 1623/257 Daumenkinohöhle
2005-96 Schlotschacht
2005-97 Genutetschacht
2005-99 Ohne Mantel Höhle
2006-06 Bogenhöhle
2006-07 Infrared Spectrometer
2006-08 Knackered Tacklesack Cave
2006-09 Random Schacht
2006-70 Cairn Cave
2006-73 Ice Curtain Cave
2007-70 Spit Pot
2007-71 Olly reports over 100m long (verbal, 2015-08-06)
2007-72 Batter Pot
2010-01 => 1623/263 Clownhöhle
2010-03 2010-03
2011-01 BS30 Kugelzweitehöhle
2012-HW-01 Unamed
2012-HW-02 Unamed
2012-OK-01 Unnamed
2012-OK-02 Unnamed
2012-OK-03 Unnamed
2012-dd-01 2012-dd-01
2012-dd-02 Unnamed
2012-dd-03 Unnamed
2012-dd-04 Unnamed
2012-dd-05 Unnamed
2012-dd-06 Big D höhle
2012-dd-07 Unnamed
2012-dd-08 Unnamed
2012-dd-09 Unnamed
2012-dd-10 Unnamed
2012-dd-11 Unnamed
2012-ns-03 Slime Cave
2012-ns-09 Bergspitze Schacht
2012-ns-10 Kleine Baum Höhle
2012-ns-13 Moth Cave
2014-NEO-01 Ferkerhöhle
2014-SD-01 2014 SD 01
A1 CUCC 1976/A1
B1 CUCC 1976/B1
B2 CUCC 1976/B2
B3 CUCC 1976/B3
B4 CUCC 1976/B4 his is easy to finf, and ought to be easy to survey. For fuck sake get rid of it !
B5 CUCC 1976/B5 conceivably => 1623/35
B6 CUCC 1976/B6
B7 CUCC 1976/B7
B8 CUCC 1976/B8 => 1623/197 Bemoost Tropfen Höhle
B9 CUCC 1976/B9 => 1623/190 Glitterstompf
B10 CUCC 1976/B10
B11 CUCC 1976/B11 => 1623/198 Fuchshöhle
BS16 BS16
BS17 Organhöhle
CUCC2015DL01 Shagged Spit Hoehle
CUCC2015DL02 Chossy Death Slope Hoehle
LA34 Rätselhöhle
that's ~ 135 provisional numbers (not including BS and LA caves)
(e) *discernible* gaps in the above sequences.
Of course, there may be other numbers used whose existence cannot be deduced from obvious gaps....
Discernible gaps
; the expo report specifically documents 1-14 and nothing else
; 15 is documented as a probable typo believed never to have referred to an actual cave, 18 may be a logical (but wrong) deduction, and 16, 17 must also never have existed.
1996WK1 not in PG, not found by grep
1998-02 this tag used for what was really 1998-01, which is documented, so never existed.
1999-01 (probably covered under 1999-BO-01 => 1623/205)
2002-09 see 2007 log. "Don't think this should be assigned a
kataster number as it is v. small.", but it *is* tagged (2007-07-22 Juia)
2002-X01 to X08
2003-X01 to X10 (suspect these are == 2003-01...)
2006-04 mentioned once in 2006 log - definitely big enough for kataster
2010-02 lon="13.82211997" lat="47.69639036" 1905.80 p2010-02 in map/ents.gpx
2012-ns-01 lon="13.82066426" lat="47.69668055" 1861.81 p2012-ns-01
2012-ns-02 lon="13.82176965" lat="47.69849151" 1922.80 p2012-ns-02
2012-ns-04 not in PG, not found by grep
2012-ns-05 lon="13.82221138" lat="47.69960292" 1913.80 p2012-ns-05
2012-ns-06 lon="13.82232847" lat="47.69973005" 1916.80 p2012-ns-06
2012-ns-07 lon="13.82247902" lat="47.70014557" 1922.80 p2012-ns-07
2012-ns-08 lon="13.82223088" lat="47.70051187" 1928.80 p2012-ns-08
2012-ns-11 lon="13.82058718" lat="47.70010815" 1923.80 p2012-ns-11
2012-ns-12 lon="13.82129671" lat="47.70115017" 1925.80 p2012-ns-12
the ones with locations obviously exist, but are not in PG or documented elsewhere.
So that's at least 10 more that do indeed exist in some form.
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@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
<kataster_code>2/(W) +</kataster_code>
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<kataster_code>1/T =</kataster_code>
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<explorers>CUCC 1978, 2013: opened and Big Rift explored by Team Youth. Team
Geriatric explored the Big Pitch and reached the bottom. Olly and
<explorers>CUCC 1978, 2013: opened and Big Rift explored by Team Youth. Team
Geriatric explored the Big Pitch and reached the bottom. Olly and
Jenny extended in 2012/2013</explorers>
<underground_description><p>Small entrance in boulders in a dry gully drops into a small chamber, in the bottom corner of which is the excavated head of a pitch. This quickly bells out to 6m diameter and lands after 18m in a large passage which contains ice-formations early in the season (or at least did in the late 1970s). This large, phreatic passage leads to 83 (via Down Under) to the southwest (by climbing up the hading left wall into a higher level passage) and Ropeless to the northeast. The 1970's way on is down pitch in a rift almost opposite the entrance pitch, from which some of the draught pours.</p>
<p>To the northeast, the passage is smaller and is soon broken by a 5m deep rift. Upstream (right) ends in a boulder choke below 2012-70, downstream (left) appears to connect to the 1970’s pitch series. To continue, the rift is crossed by a pendule to a chossy slope up on the other side. From the top of this slope a series of short dusty ramping pitches lead down. In 2012 a rope was only used at the top, but in 2013 it was rigged down to the bottom (p10, c3). At the bottom a short section of dusty crawling passage (draft in your face) leads to another rampy pitch. This is initially freehanging, but becomes more rampy (p10, c7). At the bottom of the rampy section, a rifty pitch continues below, and a traverse level heads off to the NNE and into <b>Ropeless</b>. There are two ways Ropeless can be gained. In 2012 the rigging ended when all available gear was used, and a bold traverse continued until it was (just) possible to climb down into the sandy passage. In 2013 more gear was available, and the drop was rigged down from the end of the traverse followed by a short (rigged) down and up to gain the same sandy passage.</p>
<p>This sandy passage is followed against a strong draft. Shortly (~15m later) the passage bends to the right, and a smaller walking sized side passage leaves on the left (which is more obvious when going out) - this leads to Wonderland via Sea of Fudge and connections to the 1970’s route.</p>
<p>Continuing east along the main Ropeless passage, a short climb down (rigged in 2013) and traverse across brings you into a large, drippy chamber with rocks all over the floor. At the end of this a small rift is descended (rope) down a narrow rubble slope which isn’t very stable, so beware of dislodging rocks onto people or the rope below (this may in fact be better rigged by traversing at a higher level from the chamber and then dropping when it opens out). After a few metres you land on a col with pitches to each side. West quickly ends in a too tight rift, East is descended to a rubble slope. Facing down the slope, <b>Ropefree</b> is through a window on the left-hand (north) wall, reached by a short rope traverse. From the top of this it is possible to scramble down the other side into another chamber. A strong draft emanates from a far too-tight right in the floor on the right. At the end of the chamber a tight rift can be gained at floor level, but it is better to bridge up and along, traversing over some rocks (avoiding one squeeze) to an unavoidable short squeeze (<b>Pushing the Envelope</b>). This is best entered feet first - there is a convenient ledge the other side (but do keep in mind there is a pitch below). Tackle is best passed through with at least one person on each side.</p>
<p>Immediately through Pushing the Envelope, is a rift pitch that appears to continue down a fair way. Descend the top narrow part of the rift (rope) until it opens out where a traverse ledge takes you around the left side of the continuing pitch into <b>Sleepless</b>.</p>
<p>Sleepless is a fairly high passage. It is best to follow it at floor level - there is an upper level but this ends in a tricky climb down through the boulders. Following the lower level (which soon splits off down a sloping climb on the right side of the passage) a short section of straight rift is soon followed by some pretty mud banks. The passage opens out and narrows again and continues until it is broken by a small hole. This can be crossed with a short traverse (rope). Beyond this, Sleepless appears to continue north with a pitch. The main way on is to ignoring this and follow ledges round to the right into a short section of curving phreatic passage. Shortly this hits the end of a large cross rift which heads off to the South. At this intersection, the draught is really strong and cold - this is the <b>Coldest Place in Earth</b>. Skirt around the end of the cross rift on the left (rope) to where a short pitch descends to a gloopy muddy floor.</p>
<p>The Coldest Place in Earth is followed until a large pitch is reached. This is crossed by <b>Easy Traverse</b> (rope) round ledges on the LH wall. Beyond this, the passage is followed until a pitch is reached. The <b>Twin Pitches</b> are split by a wet muddy pool. At the bottom of the second part of the pitch the cave becomes more rift like - <b>Restless</b>.</p>
<p>From the base of the second of the Twin Pitches, a floor trench soon starts. The best route we found was (description written from memory nearly a year later) to descend about 2m into in it fairly soon, then traverse along at that level for a bit, climbing down about another 2m near a chock stone (if you descend too quickly the rift is very awkward to move along - and coming out, it’s quite easy to miss where to climb up and find yourself trapped in the bottom of the rift, unable to get higher - if this happens, just backtrack looking carefully for where to climb up). The rift widens as it kinks left, and you want to descend onto the large ledge which is (hopefully) not far below. Traverse round as the rift bends back to the right, and the short <b>Rift Pitch</b> soon follows. This pitch ends on some ledges (but there is a continuation below), follow these ledges on. Continue along the rift, traversing on ledges and climbing down when possible past a small pool. The passage now widens and is broken by a large undescended pitch, <b>Too Bold for This Spit</b>. This is thought to connect with China 68m below. A traverse is made along the right hand wall to reach a passage on the other side with a chossy floor sloping up. From the top of this slope, head down the other side and follow the passage as it bends to the NE.</p>
<p>The passage is broken by a short pitch <b>Down and Up</b>, abseil down this and climb the other side (free-climbable to rig, but really deserves a rope for normal use) to reach Land of Confusion. The main rift passage is high, but in places narrow, and can be followed past several easy climbs and side passages to reach the head of a large pitch, <b>Korea</b>.</p>
<p>Korea can be descended to land at the south end of a large breakdown chamber with several ways on. To continue deeper cross to the North end of the chamber and wriggle down through the rocks until it opens out further. A series of pitches can be descended through the rocks into a continuing rift. To reach China, follow the southern wall to the west through breakdown and down a short climb until you break out into a large passage, <b>China</b>. Turning right in China quickly ends in a large muddy/bouldery wall, with a passage on the right which connects back to the Korea chamber via a short pitch. Turning left, China can be followed along and down until the passage eventually narrows, and progress is blocked by a pitch.</p>
<h2>Wonderland</h2><p>Following the side passage from ropeless leads down several short climbs to come out in the wall of a slightly larger passage. Left here leads to a connection with the 1970’s route, and to another with Ropeless. Right leads to Wonderland via a short wet and muddy duck, the <b>Sea of Fudge</b>. When going through the pinch point, beware of a stalactite. After this the passage enlarges until it ends at a junction with a cross rift. To the right this soon ends, but left can be followed down a couple of climbs (the second is easiest if you follow the LHW) to land at the bottom a drippy aven. Climb up into a tall narrow rift on the other side, and wriggle through <b>The Rabbit Hole</b> (the wide point in an otherwise too narrow rift). This quickly becomes a keyhole passage with a walking sized phreatic part which is followed. The floor trench quickly leaves the main passage on the right (following the departing floor trench is awkward at first, but opens out at an undescended pitch).</p>
<p>The main Wonderland passage is followed, past a small chamber on the left (with side passage doubling back), and then a second larger chamber. The is a climb up on the back wall of this chamber which appears to gain a passage above. A low way on at the end of the chamber reconnects with the main passage further west. The main passage suddenly gets much smaller and splits with a choked passage on the right and a small aven on the left.</p>
<underground_description><p>Small entrance in boulders in a dry gully drops into a small chamber, in the bottom corner of which is the excavated head of a pitch. This quickly bells out to 6m diameter and lands after 18m in a large passage which contains ice-formations early in the season (or at least did in the late 1970s). This large, phreatic passage leads to 83 (via Down Under) to the southwest (by climbing up the hading left wall into a higher level passage) and Ropeless to the northeast. The 1970's way on is down pitch in a rift almost opposite the entrance pitch, from which some of the draught pours.</p>
<p>To the northeast, the passage is smaller and is soon broken by a 5m deep rift. Upstream (right) ends in a boulder choke below 2012-70, downstream (left) appears to connect to the 1970’s pitch series. To continue, the rift is crossed by a pendule to a chossy slope up on the other side. From the top of this slope a series of short dusty ramping pitches lead down. In 2012 a rope was only used at the top, but in 2013 it was rigged down to the bottom (p10, c3). At the bottom a short section of dusty crawling passage (draft in your face) leads to another rampy pitch. This is initially freehanging, but becomes more rampy (p10, c7). At the bottom of the rampy section, a rifty pitch continues below, and a traverse level heads off to the NNE and into <b>Ropeless</b>. There are two ways Ropeless can be gained. In 2012 the rigging ended when all available gear was used, and a bold traverse continued until it was (just) possible to climb down into the sandy passage. In 2013 more gear was available, and the drop was rigged down from the end of the traverse followed by a short (rigged) down and up to gain the same sandy passage.</p>
<p>This sandy passage is followed against a strong draft. Shortly (~15m later) the passage bends to the right, and a smaller walking sized side passage leaves on the left (which is more obvious when going out) - this leads to Wonderland via Sea of Fudge and connections to the 1970’s route.</p>
<p>Continuing east along the main Ropeless passage, a short climb down (rigged in 2013) and traverse across brings you into a large, drippy chamber with rocks all over the floor. At the end of this a small rift is descended (rope) down a narrow rubble slope which isn’t very stable, so beware of dislodging rocks onto people or the rope below (this may in fact be better rigged by traversing at a higher level from the chamber and then dropping when it opens out). After a few metres you land on a col with pitches to each side. West quickly ends in a too tight rift, East is descended to a rubble slope. Facing down the slope, <b>Ropefree</b> is through a window on the left-hand (north) wall, reached by a short rope traverse. From the top of this it is possible to scramble down the other side into another chamber. A strong draft emanates from a far too-tight right in the floor on the right. At the end of the chamber a tight rift can be gained at floor level, but it is better to bridge up and along, traversing over some rocks (avoiding one squeeze) to an unavoidable short squeeze (<b>Pushing the Envelope</b>). This is best entered feet first - there is a convenient ledge the other side (but do keep in mind there is a pitch below). Tackle is best passed through with at least one person on each side.</p>
<p>Immediately through Pushing the Envelope, is a rift pitch that appears to continue down a fair way. Descend the top narrow part of the rift (rope) until it opens out where a traverse ledge takes you around the left side of the continuing pitch into <b>Sleepless</b>.</p>
<p>Sleepless is a fairly high passage. It is best to follow it at floor level - there is an upper level but this ends in a tricky climb down through the boulders. Following the lower level (which soon splits off down a sloping climb on the right side of the passage) a short section of straight rift is soon followed by some pretty mud banks. The passage opens out and narrows again and continues until it is broken by a small hole. This can be crossed with a short traverse (rope). Beyond this, Sleepless appears to continue north with a pitch. The main way on is to ignoring this and follow ledges round to the right into a short section of curving phreatic passage. Shortly this hits the end of a large cross rift which heads off to the South. At this intersection, the draught is really strong and cold - this is the <b>Coldest Place in Earth</b>. Skirt around the end of the cross rift on the left (rope) to where a short pitch descends to a gloopy muddy floor.</p>
<p>The Coldest Place in Earth is followed until a large pitch is reached. This is crossed by <b>Easy Traverse</b> (rope) round ledges on the LH wall. Beyond this, the passage is followed until a pitch is reached. The <b>Twin Pitches</b> are split by a wet muddy pool. At the bottom of the second part of the pitch the cave becomes more rift like - <b>Restless</b>.</p>
<p>From the base of the second of the Twin Pitches, a floor trench soon starts. The best route we found was (description written from memory nearly a year later) to descend about 2m into in it fairly soon, then traverse along at that level for a bit, climbing down about another 2m near a chock stone (if you descend too quickly the rift is very awkward to move along - and coming out, it’s quite easy to miss where to climb up and find yourself trapped in the bottom of the rift, unable to get higher - if this happens, just backtrack looking carefully for where to climb up). The rift widens as it kinks left, and you want to descend onto the large ledge which is (hopefully) not far below. Traverse round as the rift bends back to the right, and the short <b>Rift Pitch</b> soon follows. This pitch ends on some ledges (but there is a continuation below), follow these ledges on. Continue along the rift, traversing on ledges and climbing down when possible past a small pool. The passage now widens and is broken by a large undescended pitch, <b>Too Bold for This Spit</b>. This is thought to connect with China 68m below. A traverse is made along the right hand wall to reach a passage on the other side with a chossy floor sloping up. From the top of this slope, head down the other side and follow the passage as it bends to the NE.</p>
<p>The passage is broken by a short pitch <b>Down and Up</b>, abseil down this and climb the other side (free-climbable to rig, but really deserves a rope for normal use) to reach Land of Confusion. The main rift passage is high, but in places narrow, and can be followed past several easy climbs and side passages to reach the head of a large pitch, <b>Korea</b>.</p>
<p>Korea can be descended to land at the south end of a large breakdown chamber with several ways on. To continue deeper cross to the North end of the chamber and wriggle down through the rocks until it opens out further. A series of pitches can be descended through the rocks into a continuing rift. To reach China, follow the southern wall to the west through breakdown and down a short climb until you break out into a large passage, <b>China</b>. Turning right in China quickly ends in a large muddy/bouldery wall, with a passage on the right which connects back to the Korea chamber via a short pitch. Turning left, China can be followed along and down until the passage eventually narrows, and progress is blocked by a pitch.</p>
<h2>Wonderland</h2><p>Following the side passage from ropeless leads down several short climbs to come out in the wall of a slightly larger passage. Left here leads to a connection with the 1970’s route, and to another with Ropeless. Right leads to Wonderland via a short wet and muddy duck, the <b>Sea of Fudge</b>. When going through the pinch point, beware of a stalactite. After this the passage enlarges until it ends at a junction with a cross rift. To the right this soon ends, but left can be followed down a couple of climbs (the second is easiest if you follow the LHW) to land at the bottom a drippy aven. Climb up into a tall narrow rift on the other side, and wriggle through <b>The Rabbit Hole</b> (the wide point in an otherwise too narrow rift). This quickly becomes a keyhole passage with a walking sized phreatic part which is followed. The floor trench quickly leaves the main passage on the right (following the departing floor trench is awkward at first, but opens out at an undescended pitch).</p>
<p>The main Wonderland passage is followed, past a small chamber on the left (with side passage doubling back), and then a second larger chamber. The is a climb up on the back wall of this chamber which appears to gain a passage above. A low way on at the end of the chamber reconnects with the main passage further west. The main passage suddenly gets much smaller and splits with a choked passage on the right and a small aven on the left.</p>
<h2>Big rift series</h2><p>A pitch of 23m has an inlet entering part way down, which makes the rest of this pitch and the following one of 19m unpleasant in wet weather. Two ways then lead on, either down with the water or by traversing round this drop to another passage.</p><p>Climbing down with the water leads to a short passage with the water in a rift below. Round a sharp corner is a short drop to the head of a larger rift. A 5m pitch down this leads to another rift which, in turn, leads out to the side of a large shaft. Stones dropped from a small hole in the corner of the passage above the 5m pitch also fall into this shaft. Laddering from the side, the pitch is 67m with a large ledge just above half-way, and is unpleasantly wet in poor weather. From the base of this pitch, the continuing rift/canyon trends south west and has pitches of 5, 9 and 8m before the other route drops in from above.</p><p>Over the traverse, a short pitch of 4.5m, followed by a short climb up, leads to the head of a pitch of 10m to a boulder floor. Two ways on from here are down through the boulders into a shaft, or across the shaft and into a narrow rift. The way through boulders soon chokes, but the narrow rift soon opens into a massive shaft of 100m with a rebelay roughly halfway. This drops directly into the rift reached by the original route.</p><p>Below the junction, the rift continues with a 5m climb and pitches of 5, 14 and 44m, this last pitch being quite wet and emerging into a massive cross-rift trending south east. The water disappears into the choked floor of this rift via a nasty wet crawl, rapidly becoming too small.</underground_description>
<survey><p>2013 Plan<br /><a href="../expoimages/surveys/107/107-plan-2013.pdf"><img src="107/plan.png" alt="2013 plan survey"></a></p>
<p>2013 Elevation<br /><a href="../expoimages/surveys/107/107-elv-2013.pdf"><img src="107/elevation.png" alt="2013 elevation survey"></a></p>
<hr />
<survey><p>2013 Plan<br /><a href="../expofiles/surveys/107/107-plan-2013.pdf"><img src="107/plan.png" alt="2013 plan survey"></a></p>
<p>2013 Elevation<br /><a href="../expofiles/surveys/107/107-elv-2013.pdf"><img src="107/elevation.png" alt="2013 elevation survey"></a></p>
<hr />
<p>1978 (grade 5) survey<br /><img src="107/survey-1978.png" alt="1978 107 survey"></p></survey>
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