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--- a/cave_data/1626-359.html
+++ b/cave_data/1626-359.html
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-<b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on July 29, 2024, 10:03 a.m. UTC using the form documented at
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 the form documented at 
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@@ -275,6 +275,8 @@ eventually reaches a T-junction. R immediately arrives at a large,
   wet pitch (<b>Peculiar Pot</b>) whilst to the L the phreas continues and almost
 immediately reaches another two way junction.</p>
+<p><b>Peculiar Pot</b> down the pitch leads to camp. A flattened bit of ground sleeps 3 comfortably and 4 at a squeeze. Continuing down another small pitch leads to a narrow rift that continues past a few short pitches to rejoin the main route in <b>Sound of Water</b> The route down Flowstone Canyon and Sound of Water is the preferred route as less rope is required.</p>
 <p><b>Flowstone canyon</b> L at this two way junction is Flowstone canyon, 
 continuing down a narrow sandy rift - sloping steeply downwards for 100m. R 
 at two way junction is a QMB at pt2. After 20m at pt4, L is a scrambly rift, 
@@ -285,7 +287,7 @@ from a small handline. At the end of the passage a chamber is reached with
   a large aven above, pt21. Pitch down enters <b>Sound of Water</b>, traverse to left of 
 aven leads to a wet rift (QMA)</p>
-<p><b>Sound of Water</b>. Down the 20m pitch from <b>Flowstone canyon</b> the way on is right up the slope to another pitch p27. <b>Peculiar Pot</b> enters from a rift a few metres down this pitch. From the bottom, upstream leads to a waterfall (the downstream end of Fishface's Keanu Breeze, perhaps?) whilst downstream follows a narrow rift to two small pitches where the cave opens out to very large rift. Continue following several small pitches and traverses, eventually leading to a ~10m long drafting duck. Pursuing this lead would require neoprene and enthusiasm for cold misery.
+<p><b>Sound of Water</b>. Down the 20m pitch from <b>Flowstone canyon</b> the way on is right up the slope to another pitch p27. <b>Peculiar Pot</b> enters from a rift a few metres down this pitch. From the bottom, upstream leads to a waterfall (bolt climbing required) whilst downstream follows a narrow rift to two small pitches where the cave opens out to very large rift. Continue following several small pitches and traverses, eventually leading to a ~10m long drafting duck. Pursuing this lead would require neoprene and enthusiasm for cold misery. </p>
 <a href='/1626/359/l/1626-359%20homecoming%20-%20entrancepitches%20-%20harrykettle%20img_20190716_173822_result.html'><img src='/1626/359/t/1626-359%20homecoming%20-%20entrancepitches%20-%20harrykettle%20img_20190716_173822_result.jpg' /></a>
 <a href='/1626/359/l/pool.html'><img src='/1626/359/t/pool.jpg' /></a>