Logbook edited 2014-07-29b

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Philip Sargent 2023-10-05 08:04:40 +01:00
parent b7d8b481f4
commit ad358d5c75

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ maintain half a dozen parser functions.
Sorry about all the crap that surrounds the image tags which has been imported along with the content
when UK Caving blogs have been parsed.
Exported on 2023-10-04 21:10 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
Exported on 2023-10-05 08:10 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
See troggle/code/views/other.py and core.models/logbooks.py writelogbook(year, filename)
@ -201,24 +201,30 @@ When we got back to Nat he shame-facedly confessed that one of the drill batteri
<hr />
<div class="tripdate" id="2014-07-29b">2014-07-29</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Jess</u>, Michael, Wookey, </div>
<div class="trippeople">Wookey, Michael S, <u>Jess</u>, </div>
<div class="triptitle">107 - Gemshohle - Finalising Nipped Down rigging + Pushing lead in Southern China - "The Last TSA"</div>
<br /><br />Nipped Down had been rebolted the previous trip, but the ropes needed switching to ensure the rope reached the floor. Wookey sorted this while Jess and Michael passed 5m of slack rope along the popped across traverse back to the pitch at too bold for this spit:
<br /><br /><a href="../../topos/107/107_tooboldforthisspit.svg"><img src="/years/2014/logbkimg01.png" alt="Too Bold for this Spit + Popped Across rigging"></a>
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<br /><br /><a href="../../topos/107/107_nippeddown.svg"><img src="/years/2014/logbkimg02.png" alt="Popped Across and Popped Down rigging"></a>
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<br /><br />Rigging now fettled, the team departed for the N end of China + Korea and spent some time checking for leads at and below floor level - Wookey moved some scary boulders under Korea but all that was found was the pitch pushed by O+J the previous year. However, the climb to the alcove 20m up the N wall of the Aven at the N end of China looked promising.
<br /><br />Having so far found nothing new, the three now departed for the A lead at the S end of China - <u>13-CH-11A</u>. 7m climb was rigged with a handline from a single bolt &frac12; way down:
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<br /><br /><img src="/years/2014/logbkimg03.png" alt="Handline climb rigging for QM13-CH-11A">
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<br /><br />Large smooth-walled high rift passage was found heading S to a 20m pitch, which J+W bolted:
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<br /><br /><img src="/years/2014/logbkimg04.png" alt="Rigging for next pitch in QM13-CH-11A">
<br /><br />The passage was found to continue as hading rift with chocolate river until a final chamber with an aven was reached. Due to time now being short, all 3 exited and a return was planned the next day to complete the surveying, though the passage was given the name "The Last TSA" courtesy of Michael wearing his Dad's old TSA oversuit.
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<br /><br />The passage was found to continue as hading rift with chocolate river until a final chamber with an aven was reached. Due to time now being short, all 3 exited and a return was planned the next day to complete the surveying, though the passage was given the name "The Last TSA" courtesy of Michael wearing his Dad's old TSA oversuit [it's not a TSA, it's a Caving Supplies oversuit - Philip S.].
<div class="timeug">T/U: 9.0 hours</div>
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