diff --git a/years/2024/logbook.html b/years/2024/logbook.html
index 99ac2dcd0..78ae9b75b 100644
--- a/years/2024/logbook.html
+++ b/years/2024/logbook.html
@@ -882,8 +882,8 @@ So as for training in survey technique, for recording the data this counts as a
 <div class="tripdate" id="2024-07-25a">2024-07-25</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>PS</u>,,</div>
 <div class="triptitle">plateau - Entrance spotting</div>
-Lift up with Nat and Sarah, they went off to topcamp and from the col I wandered down and around the near plateau photographing whatever entrances and tags I could find.
-<img src="/years/2024/images/2024-07-26-philipwalk.jpg" width=40% >
+Lift up with Nat and Sarah, they went off to topcamp and from the col I wandered down and around the near plateau photographing whatever entrances and tags I could find.<br>
+<img src="/years/2024/images/2024-07-26-philipwalk.jpg" width=60% >
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
 <div class="editentry"><br /><a href="/logbookedit/2024-07-25a">Edit this entry</a><br /></div>