In :loser:/gpx/
Regenerates the surface tracks as survex files from GPS .gpx files. Also requires the gpx2survex program. -
We use the OCAML program gpx2survex but we now also have a python equivalent which is used by This is part of the make_essentials generation process. +
We used to use the OCAML program gpx2survex but we now also have a python equivalent which is used by This is part of the make_essentials generation process.
gpx2survex simplifies a track so that it is less voluminous.
For the reverse process we don't need a script. For svx-to-gps we can use survexport: Olly says [2022]: "you shouldn't need to mess around with undocumented scripts - since 2018, you can just do:
survexport --entrances all.3d essentials.gpx"
@@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ Get the OCAML file from GitHub
Not quite obsolete, but nearly.
+ Unusually, this is in the :loser: repository, in :loser:/fixedpoints/scripts/convert_shx/
We think this turns a shapefile which holds the coordinates of the 1623, 1624 boundaries into GPX. But we have mislaid the shapefile containing this vital data.
It runs ogr2ogr -f csv -lco GEOMETRY=AS_WKT outputfile inputfile and then extensively post-processes the shapefile output.
@@ -125,6 +126,7 @@ It is written in OCAML. Therefore it must be Mark Shinwell's responsibility.
It seems to be being run to convert CSV files into something else. The "shx" part of the name implies a
shapefile index format.
We suspect this was part of the production process for originally making essentials.gpx, but we don't need it as we now have the boundary data in other formats.
See the entire page devoted to the various