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 <h1>Expo Festering Guide</h1>
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 <h2 id="tophead"> CUCC Expo Rigging Handbook</h2>
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 <h1>CUCC in Austria <a href="years/1976/report.htm">1976</a>-<a href="years/2011">2011</a></h1>
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@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ boulder-strewn floor; at the far side of the chamber is a narrow slot in the
 floor, <b>Who Ate All The Pies</b>, which was blocked by a large boulder in
-<p class="branch1">Around 5m from the floor of Kidney, a side passage,
+<p><i>Around 5m from the floor of Kidney, a side passage,
 <b>Crust</b> leads off; after passing a puddle of water it turns to the right
 and slopes steeply upwards. At the top of the slope the continuation is a
 mud-floored, body-sized tube, which was explored for some distance but was
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ becoming increasingly tedious; shortly beyond the furthest survey station it
 opens out into a small chamber (just big enough to turn round in) after which
 it closes in horizontally to a narrow high slot, which may be passable for
 small people [<a href="qm.html#C2004-234-22" id="qC2004-234-22">C2004-234-22
 <p><a href="l/piebottom.html"><img src="t/piebottom.jpg" class="onright" /></a>
 The boulder at Who Ate All The Pies was removed by capping in 2005,
@@ -63,9 +62,9 @@ rather damp) down into Wowoland.</p>
 <p>The bottom of the handline climb is a small chamber with numerous exits.
-<span class="branch1">Two passages in the left-hand wall part-way down the
+<i>Two passages in the left-hand wall part-way down the
 climb are the route into <a href="#threecookies">Three Cookies
-Chamber</a></span>. Further on on the left is a hole in the floor, which leads
+Chamber</a></i>. Further on on the left is a hole in the floor, which leads
 to a nasty-looking climb down in a tight rift [<a href="qm.html#C2005-234-08"
 id="qC2005-234-08">C2005-234-08 C</a>]. Straight on is a narrow trench,
 carrying the water from Pie Series; here one can climb up into <a
@@ -86,13 +85,13 @@ id="qC2005-234-03">C2005-234-03 C</a>].
 <p>The two tubes in the wall lead into a compact knot of small crawls. Keeping
 to the left, one emerges in <b><a id="threecookies">Three Cookies
 Chamber</a></b>, a wedge-shaped chamber with a mud floor. Here there are three
-ways on. <span class="branch1">Straight on is too tight, while on
+ways on. <i>Straight on is too tight, while on
 the left a wide passage with a narrow slot in the floor reaches a T-junction.
 Right ends quickly, while left leads to an up-climb and short pitch into the
 base of a drippy aven, <b><a id="weeweeland">Weeweeland</a></b>, which is
 directly underneath Cess Pot in the upper levels. The drips disappear into a
 narrow winding passage in the floor in sharp rock [<a
-href="qm.html#C2005-234-07" id="qC2005-234-07">C2005-234-07 C</a>].</span> The
+href="qm.html#C2005-234-07" id="qC2005-234-07">C2005-234-07 C</a>].</i> The
 main way out of Three Cookies is under an arch on the right, leading to an
 upwards-sloping stooping passage floored with powdery mud. Soon a junction is
 reached, <i>where a passage leads off to the right but ends in a mud
@@ -198,9 +197,9 @@ wide chamber, where there are two ways on. On the right is a 10 pitch
 leading to a ledge which looks out onto a 5m deep blind pit: Limo Pit. On the left is a passage leading off
 at floor level, which contains some fine flowstone formations and straws;
 unfortunately, these soon conspire to completely block the passage.</p>
+<hr />
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 <li><a href="../../smkridge/index.html#id234">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a></li>
 <li><a href="../../indxal.htm#id234">Full Index of 1623 Caves</a></li><li><a href="../../areas.htm">Other Areas</a></li>
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-<style type="text/css"> .branch1 {font-style: italic}; </style>
@@ -45,13 +44,13 @@ another crawl on the left leads to <a href="#underhand">Underhand Passage</a>,
 while the main passage continues to a choice of a climb down of around 2m or an
 ascending traverse round to the left.</p>
-<p class="branch1">The traverse is exposed but easy, and leads to an upwards
+<i><i>The traverse is exposed but easy, and leads to an upwards
 sloping passage, with an aven above from which daylight emerges; a vocal
 connection has been established to a nearby surface shaft, which has
 accordingly been tagged as 234b. The passage continues upwards past some loose
 boulders to emerge in a small chamber leading down to the right. An awkward
 wriggle through boulders to the left in the chamber leads to a drop [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-234-01" id="qC2004-234-01">C2004-234-01 C</a>].</p>
+href="qm.html#C2004-234-01" id="qC2004-234-01">C2004-234-01 C</a>].</i></p>
 <p><a href="l/flashgun.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/flashgun.jpg" /></a>The
 climb leads to a short slope down, after which ducking under a low arch leads
@@ -82,18 +81,17 @@ be negotiated by stooping. A few metres in is the other end of the
 aforementioned oxbow, and further along is a passage on the right, the far end
 of <a href="#circuit">Clifton's Circuit</a>.</p>
-<p>At the end of Geometers' Crawl is a T-junction. <span class="branch1">Left
+<p>At the end of Geometers' Crawl is a T-junction. <i>Left
 leads to <b>Hades</b>, two interconnecting parallel passages sloping steeply
 upward. The right-hand passage is too tight; the left fork levels off slightly,
 at which point there are three possibilities: straight on is too tight; down a
 hole in the floor is choked; down and to the left through an extremely tight
 tube leads to a drop, awkward even to throw stones into, which could possibly
 be passed by someone really small and ambitious [<a href="qm.html#C2004-234-03"
-id="qC2004-234-03">C2004-234-03 C</a>]</span>. Right at the T-junction is a 2m
+id="qC2004-234-03">C2004-234-03 C</a>]</i>. Right at the T-junction is a 2m
 deep hole in the floor, which can either be traversed over or climbed down.</p>
-<p><a href="l/golf.html"><img class="onright" src="t/golf.jpg" /></a><span
-class="branch1">At the bottom of the 2m climb there are two passages to the
+<p><a href="l/golf.html"><img class="onright" src="t/golf.jpg" /></a><i>At the bottom of the 2m climb there are two passages to the
 right and one to the left. The leftwards branch passes over some dry cascades
 to a climb down, where there are curious golfball-like formations in the
 ceiling. Crawling on from here the passage gradually becomes impassably tight;
@@ -101,13 +99,13 @@ more spacious passage is visible through a slot in the floor, but this looks to
 be difficult to enter to enter [<a href="qm.html#C2004-234-04"
 id="qC2004-234-04">C2004-234-04 C</a>]. The rightwards branches soon unite and
 lead back into <a href="#geom">Geometers' Crawl</a>, forming the loop known as
-<b><a id="circuit">Clifton's Circuit</a></b>.</span></p>
+<b><a id="circuit">Clifton's Circuit</a></b>.</i></p>
 <p><a href="l/ymbj.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/ymbj.jpg" /></a>
 An intimidating ascending traverse across the hole, <b>You Must Be
-Joking</b>, soon regains the floor. <span class="branch1">Climbing into the
+Joking</b>, soon regains the floor. <i>Climbing into the
 roof at this point gains access to <a href="#dangly">Dangly Bag
-Jazz</a>.</span> Straight on is <b>Tacklesack Blues</b>, an awkward section of
+Jazz</a>.</i> Straight on is <b>Tacklesack Blues</b>, an awkward section of
 tight hading rift, with intermittent wider sections where there are holes in
 the floor - these could possibly be entered but are very tight [<a
 href="qm.html#C2004-234-11" id="qC2004-234-11">C2004-234-11 C</a>]. A stal on
@@ -147,8 +145,7 @@ id="qC2004-234-31">C2004-234-31 X</a>].</p>
 <h3><a id="measles">Measles Inlet</a></h3>
 <p>Measles Inlet begins as a fine phreatic passage, sloping slightly upwards. A
-few metres in there is a passage entering from the left. <span
-class="branch1">A few metres into this there is a rightwards bend, at which
+few metres in there is a passage entering from the left. <i>A few metres into this there is a rightwards bend, at which
 point a wriggle down into the floor on the left leads to a tight tube, <b><a
 id="dangly">Dangly Bag Jazz</a></b>; after an S-bend this emerges in the roof
 above the top end of You Must Be Joking traverse. The passage continues past a
@@ -165,7 +162,7 @@ href="qm.html#C2004-234-08" id="qC2004-234-08">C2004-234-08
 C</a>]. The largest way on from Cascade Chamber is an exposed climb up
 to the right into a continuing rift passage. This soon splits.  The left hand passage
 ends, whilst the right hand passage appears to continue at a
-down-climb [<a href="qm.html#C2008-234-02" id="qC2008-234-02">C2008-234-02 B</a>]</span> The
+down-climb [<a href="qm.html#C2008-234-02" id="qC2008-234-02">C2008-234-02 B</a>]</i> The
 main Measles Inlet passage continues sloping gradually upwards; the left-hand
 wall is covered in brown mud blobs (hence the passage name). There is a crawl
 leading off to the right around halfway along [<a href="qm.html#C2004-234-09"
@@ -209,15 +206,15 @@ reach a junction. To the left chokes; to the right leads to a chamber. This
 chamber can also be reached by going straight on from the aforementioned
 junction at the rift.</p>
-<p>From this chamber, there are two ways on. <span class="branch1">A small
+<p>From this chamber, there are two ways on. <i>A small
 choss wall surrounds a vertical hole through which it is possible to drop down
 (tricky on the return) into a small chamber. From here, an awkward squeeze
 leads into a continuing crawl, which has not been pushed [<a
-href="qm.html#C2002-234-04" id="qC2002-234-04">C2002-234-04 C</a>].</span> To
-the left is a crawl over choss which enlarges. <span class="branch1">After a
+href="qm.html#C2002-234-04" id="qC2002-234-04">C2002-234-04 C</a>].</i> To
+the left is a crawl over choss which enlarges. <i>After a
 short distance a tube on the right leads to the head of a pitch (not pushed;
 probably 15-20m [<a href="qm.html#C2002-234-05" id="qC2002-234-05">C2002-234-05
-B</a>]) and continues to a choke.</span> Straight ahead leads to an
+B</a>]) and continues to a choke.</i> Straight ahead leads to an
 earthen-floored draughting crawl which has been dug, and needs further work to
 get through [<a href="qm.html#C2002-234-06" id="qC2002-234-06">C2002-234-06
 Dig</a>]. Shortly before the crawl becomes flat-out, a tube leading up on the
@@ -248,9 +245,9 @@ which draughts somewhat and continues in both directions [<a
 href="qm.html#C2004-234-27" id="qC2004-234-27">C2004-234-27 C</a>] [<a
 href="qm.html#C2004-234-28" id="qC2004-234-28">C2004-234-28 C</a>]. </p>
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 <h1>Expo 2008: trips index</h1>
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 <div class="triptitle">Tunnockschacht - Stone Monkey</div>
 <p>Bolted pitch at end of Sombrero passage, 'The flaming sword of fire'. 2 Spits at start of traverse line, then ~4m down (rope protector required), then another 2 spits in right hand wall (relatively good rock). Crumbly rock below which forced me to set a spit for a deviation on the opposite wall (done by putting a sling over a boulder wedged between 2 walls and pulling in - scary stuff). Descended to bottom with rope being 1.5m too short (29m required).  Bottom of pitch covered with boulders and several drips coming down at far side, small chamber was entered which terminated in tight meander (water flowing in) with moderate draft and choked tight rift in 90 degree angle to it (too tight).  In the small chamber, rift can be seen below - just about man-sized but window would have to be blasted.  Yorkshire A lead, Austria dead end. Nice pitch though [QM D?? Kathryn].</p>
 <p>[rigging diagram]</p>
-<p>Whilst going through stone monkey squeeze, I found a dead ground beetle (Carabidae) on one of the rocks.  Another indication that we are somewhere close to the surface!  There is also black soil (humous?) below many of the avens in Stone Monkey - we will see.</p>
+<p>Whilst going through stone monkey squeeze, I found a dead ground beetle (<i>Carabidae</i>) on one of the rocks.  Another indication that we are somewhere close to the surface!  There is also black soil (humous?) below many of the avens in Stone Monkey - we will see.</p>
 <p>[Written later] Second thoughts on the bottom of this pitch: its a dig! Everybody interested would have to hammer his way through a bit of solid rock to get to the rift that can be seen below to enter the tight meander ahead. Maybe it goes.</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="t2009-07-24">2009-07-24</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, Kathryn Hopkins, <u>Emma Wilson</u></div>
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 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-06">2010-08-06</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Andy Chapman, <u>Neil Pacey</u></div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Stringfellows</div>
-<p>Andy climbed up loose boulder slope at south end of `stringfellows'  big chamber. I followed with drill and some rigging gear. Andy bolted while I started surveying around the balcony. Surveyed maze of phreatic passages, complex area. Two good leads, one required a bolt traverse over a pot. Can see across the pot into large black space. From near side of pot managed to get a 30m data leg into unknown passage, could swear Becka and Chris had a conversation with us shouting to them (denied by Becka and Chris). Second lead is another undescended large pitch down at the end of a rift. Other passages around the balcony still need surveying, all look like phreatic tubes and small rifts, `C' type leads. Tied survey into station `8' and stringfellows main chamber.</p>
+<p>Andy climbed up loose boulder slope at south end of 'stringfellows'  big chamber. I followed with drill and some rigging gear. Andy bolted while I started surveying around the balcony. Surveyed maze of phreatic passages, complex area. Two good leads, one required a bolt traverse over a pot. Can see across the pot into large black space. From near side of pot managed to get a 30m data leg into unknown passage, could swear Becka and Chris had a conversation with us shouting to them (denied by Becka and Chris). Second lead is another undescended large pitch down at the end of a rift. Other passages around the balcony still need surveying, all look like phreatic tubes and small rifts, 'C' type leads. Tied survey into station '8' and stringfellows main chamber.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-06">2010-08-06</div>
@@ -49,37 +49,37 @@
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-04">2010-08-04</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Neil Pacey, Julian Todd and <u>Becka Lawson</u></div> 
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Checking horizontal leads</div>
-Showed Chris and Andy the head of String Theory and carried their gear (Chris put spits in for the first traverse; second one is okay on naturals). Then had a look at the ?C on Max Pleasure on RHS - too tight and the ?B (accessed via Just For a Laugh) close to ?C on L near Starfish Junction got a vocal and light connection through a boulder choke. There is some black space above - probably just to same place too so downgrade this to QMC at most. Then to Julian's 12s rattle just N of Crossword Passage. Neil put in a handbolt and went down a short distance where not really enough room to pit in another handbolt so downgrade this to QMC. Meanwhile Julian and I surveyed the tube up (a QMB?) which went to a small pitch (via tight, drafty passage) which is close to Crossword Passage. Maybe QMC? Finally had a look at the ?B just NW up from Starfish near some choke - probably still hasn't been pushed and then looked at p20 in Just For a Laugh before rift. Again, probably still undescended.</p>
+<p>Showed Chris and Andy the head of String Theory and carried their gear (Chris put spits in for the first traverse; second one is okay on naturals). Then had a look at the ?C on Max Pleasure on RHS - too tight and the ?B (accessed via Just For a Laugh) close to ?C on L near Starfish Junction got a vocal and light connection through a boulder choke. There is some black space above - probably just to same place too so downgrade this to QMC at most. Then to Julian's 12s rattle just N of Crossword Passage. Neil put in a handbolt and went down a short distance where not really enough room to pit in another handbolt so downgrade this to QMC. Meanwhile Julian and I surveyed the tube up (a QMB?) which went to a small pitch (via tight, drafty passage) which is close to Crossword Passage. Maybe QMC? Finally had a look at the ?B just NW up from Starfish near some choke - probably still hasn't been pushed and then looked at p20 in Just For a Laugh before rift. Again, probably still undescended.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-06">2010-08-06</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Mark Shinwell, <u>Julian Todd</u></div> 
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - First photo trip</div>
-<p>A normal rotten, damp morning at the stone bridge. A group of four arranged to go down the deep stringfellows pitch, leaving Mark and me. Becka suggested I partake on a photographic trip. Knowing Mark's prosperity to jack on the entrance pitch (in '08), I was quite horrified to find myself underground at 11am on the 3rd day on the run. After an emergency dump somewhere not discrete enough, I began to feel much better (previous dump was in usual suspects chamber at 5pm same place as two were taken in '09 during the flooding incident). Either I have gotten inconveniently  out of phase with the morning ritual, or there is something disagreeable among all the powdered food like substances at top camp. Maybe it's the custard. First photographic stop was down the stringfellows big pitch. Mark abbed down and put 4 flashes on the ledge, then made me lean back on my rack from the slope at the top on the red rope everyone has been complaining about. About 20 photos were taken with me looking the wrong way (not down), with my eyes closed, with a `concerned' expression on my face. I better get a copy of something to put on the web as I am not normally found in that situation. It helped also to be convenient to send me down to collect the flashes without kicking them over the side. We could hear drilling and hammering going on down at the bottom of the pitch. Second photo shoot was on the mounting choss behind the pitch. Third was on the other side of the choss around looking away from the usual suspects pitch. Stal chamber in Goody-goody was ignored. We did a quick diversion to Starfish chamber and the snowy aven. More photos at Caramel catharsis sandy crawl and the ice column at the bottom of the entrance. It was mow 6pm. Neil caught up with us on the climb out. Foggy walk back to the stone bridge and faff allowance put us too late to head down the hill. Another hard custard night with rain that carried on well into daylight when almost everyone  jacked and followed down to a warm base camp.</p>
+<p>A normal rotten, damp morning at the stone bridge. A group of four arranged to go down the deep stringfellows pitch, leaving Mark and me. Becka suggested I partake on a photographic trip. Knowing Mark's prosperity to jack on the entrance pitch (in '08), I was quite horrified to find myself underground at 11am on the 3rd day on the run. After an emergency dump somewhere not discrete enough, I began to feel much better (previous dump was in usual suspects chamber at 5pm same place as two were taken in '09 during the flooding incident). Either I have gotten inconveniently  out of phase with the morning ritual, or there is something disagreeable among all the powdered food like substances at top camp. Maybe it's the custard. First photographic stop was down the stringfellows big pitch. Mark abbed down and put 4 flashes on the ledge, then made me lean back on my rack from the slope at the top on the red rope everyone has been complaining about. About 20 photos were taken with me looking the wrong way (not down), with my eyes closed, with a 'concerned' expression on my face. I better get a copy of something to put on the web as I am not normally found in that situation. It helped also to be convenient to send me down to collect the flashes without kicking them over the side. We could hear drilling and hammering going on down at the bottom of the pitch. Second photo shoot was on the mounting choss behind the pitch. Third was on the other side of the choss around looking away from the usual suspects pitch. Stal chamber in Goody-goody was ignored. We did a quick diversion to Starfish chamber and the snowy aven. More photos at Caramel catharsis sandy crawl and the ice column at the bottom of the entrance. It was mow 6pm. Neil caught up with us on the climb out. Foggy walk back to the stone bridge and faff allowance put us too late to head down the hill. Another hard custard night with rain that carried on well into daylight when almost everyone jacked and followed down to a warm base camp.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-07">2010-08-07</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Martin Jahnke, Chris Smith, <u>Chris Densham</u></div>
-<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks, Stone Monkey">2010-08-02</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks, Stone Monkey</div>
 <p>Surprised to be ascending ramps of loose boulders almost to the surface to get to the ongoing lead. Dropped miserable pitch to active stream ending in boulders. At least the Stone Monkey had decency to die properly. Surveyed out but Chris S had difficulty with DistoX so last legs dodgy. Optical equipment problems were compounded by a lens from my glasses springing down between  boulders leading to a one eyed ascent through numerous rising inlets during exit - large amounts of water so close to surface.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: ?</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-08">2010-08-08</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, Chris Smith, <u>Chris Densham</u></div>
-<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks HL">2010-08-02</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks HL</div>
 <p>An efficient start for a deep rigging trip was marred by neglecting to bring any drill bits. Fortunately this was discovered whilst rigging a traverse line in Goody goody. Usefully, Becka discovered a high level continuation in Northward direction while taking a pee at Naughty naughty junction. So we made the best of the situation and gave Chris S some note-taking experience by tandem surveying with Becka also on notes. Surprisingly crystalline formations - aragonite? - growing from popcorn. Stopped at dig which gave Chris S an opportunity to warm up with some thrashing about.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: ?</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-09">2010-08-09</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Becka Lawson, <u>Chris Densham</u></div>
-<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Usual suspects to Trident chamber, Phreas Interruptus">2010-08-02</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Usual suspects to Trident chamber, Phreas Interruptus</div>
 <p>Continuing on from trip of 06/08. On way in Becka noticed final rebelay bolt on String Theory had cracks erradiating from it so I gingerly prusiked back up to replace bolt. A few smart blows with a hammer were sufficient to remove previous bolt and rock surrounding it. Becka rigged pitch (P15m) into rift near Northerly limit of lower level Tunnocks/ Usual Suspects. At base of pitch a small rift headed East but 2m ramp up West entered walking sized phreas which was interrupted after c.20m by a pitch formed by a recent capture of three separate inlets (trident chamber). While I rigged down Becka solo-surveyed. From bottom of pitch one inlet appeared to drip past past phreas continuation at N. end of chamber, at same level as entry phreas. While Becka sketched Trident chamber I prepared rig for abseil/ traverse across (2Nat). 14m rope and 2 bolts just sufficient to reach pheratic tube (20m needed). Walking sized passage left as open lead. Connected up survey on exit.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 10hrs</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-10">2010-08-10</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson, <u>Chris Densham</u>, Becka Lawson, Aiko (German group)</div>
-<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks Usual suspects to Trident to Phreas Interruptus">2010-08-02</div>
-<p>Becka's team motivating skills were unfairly rewarded by Andrew and Chris setting off for the north trending phreas while she waited 2hrs for a pair from the German group to make it up the hill. But by the time Andrew had pit in a deviation bolt on p15 and I had replaced 14m rope with 20m rope and Andrew had put in 2 more bolts in traverse, Becka and Aiko had caught us up. Becka and Aiko then had to scratch around in Easterly rift at base of p15m while Andrew and myself surveyed using DistoX and pda, occasionally connecting by bluetooth, along phreas inturruptus. Draft picked up after passing hole in floor which Becka and Aiko later decided connected back to Trident chamber. After 200m of Northerly progress, passage abruptly interrupted by false boulder floor above 20m pitch. Went to collect Becka and Aiko from their tit-bit collection. Andrew rigged traverse line across false floor, with bolt (and natural) placed in roof from top of `elephants back' spur from far wall. Well used 14m rope sufficient to reach phreas continuation on far side. Becka close to frustration so just as it started to look grovelly I headed out with Aiko while Andrew and Becka continued on.</p>
+<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks Usual suspects to Trident to Phreas Interruptus</div>
+<p>Becka's team motivating skills were unfairly rewarded by Andrew and Chris setting off for the north trending phreas while she waited 2hrs for a pair from the German group to make it up the hill. But by the time Andrew had pit in a deviation bolt on p15 and I had replaced 14m rope with 20m rope and Andrew had put in 2 more bolts in traverse, Becka and Aiko had caught us up. Becka and Aiko then had to scratch around in Easterly rift at base of p15m while Andrew and myself surveyed using DistoX and pda, occasionally connecting by bluetooth, along phreas inturruptus. Draft picked up after passing hole in floor which Becka and Aiko later decided connected back to Trident chamber. After 200m of Northerly progress, passage abruptly interrupted by false boulder floor above 20m pitch. Went to collect Becka and Aiko from their tit-bit collection. Andrew rigged traverse line across false floor, with bolt (and natural) placed in roof from top of 'elephants back' spur from far wall. Well used 14m rope sufficient to reach phreas continuation on far side. Becka close to frustration so just as it started to look grovelly I headed out with Aiko while Andrew and Becka continued on.</p>
 <p>[rigging guide]
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 10hrs </div>
@@ -87,9 +87,9 @@ Showed Chris and Andy the head of String Theory and carried their gear (Chris pu
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Julian Todd</u>, Becka Lawson</div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - Flying high</div>
 <p>Insanely foul mood in the morning, possibly as a result of Information Tribunal call going tits up. Becka had run out of competent people to go caving with, so I was hauled over to the entrance whether I liked it or not. A moment of being nice and promising me I was not going near the Stringfellows pitch persuaded me underground. Just qm basing in the main level.</p>
-<p>1. Continuation of earlier poke from past starfish broke into flying high at a `C' lead that I would have put down as `A'.</p>
-<p>2. Further up Flying high was a lower cross rift with two `B' leads. However, got side tracked down under on dodgy boulder wedge to a flat crawl that opened onto a wet pitch. I couldn't see to out, but, after much complaining Becka looked for me. Definite `C' lead.</p>
-<p> There were 3 leads at the lower rift. Turn right lead to a climb (not done). Ahead was drafty, but poss in line with upper passage (for which we didn't have up to date survey). We went left into a chamber over a 5m pit. The continuation looked trampled. It was our `08 explorations from Hedonism end (past the pool), blocked by `dodgy' traverse, which was much easier from this end. We did the round trip.</p>
+<p>1. Continuation of earlier poke from past starfish broke into flying high at a 'C' lead that I would have put down as 'A'.</p>
+<p>2. Further up Flying high was a lower cross rift with two 'B' leads. However, got side tracked down under on dodgy boulder wedge to a flat crawl that opened onto a wet pitch. I couldn't see to out, but, after much complaining Becka looked for me. Definite 'C' lead.</p>
+<p> There were 3 leads at the lower rift. Turn right lead to a climb (not done). Ahead was drafty, but poss in line with upper passage (for which we didn't have up to date survey). We went left into a chamber over a 5m pit. The continuation looked trampled. It was our '08 explorations from Hedonism end (past the pool), blocked by 'dodgy' traverse, which was much easier from this end. We did the round trip.</p>
 <p>3. Went to end of passage past snowy area (ticking of a qm with grade I survey - if it went anywhere it would have fallen into Gravity). Nice passageways, ending in a mud sink and a drip. Qm continuation required climb onto mud bank for another 15 meters mud floor and crystal clumps on the floor.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs</div>
@@ -112,13 +112,13 @@ Showed Chris and Andy the head of String Theory and carried their gear (Chris pu
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-15">2010-08-15</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u>, Andrew Atkinson</div> 
 <div class="triptitle">Tunocks - Usual Suspects - Phreaticus Interruptus</div>
-Back over the scary traverse (13/8/10) to a climb (`traverse' according to Andrew but more uphill than along). Andrew had spotted I was back to flapjack munching and photo snapping whilst Andrew sweated over the rotten rock. A while later he made it up and we surveyed to gain just a few meters before, inevitably, one more pitch. Time to go home. Left the traverse in as even Andrew wasn't on for derigging it but he managed to derig the one before and the other two and then the pitch rope and we dragged all the gear out of the cave. Coincided with Neil and Andy at the bottom of Usual Suspects - they'd been derigging too so we all ended up with heavy loads for a slow prussik out.</p>
+<p>Back over the scary traverse (13/8/10) to a climb ('traverse' according to Andrew but more uphill than along). Andrew had spotted I was back to flapjack munching and photo snapping whilst Andrew sweated over the rotten rock. A while later he made it up and we surveyed to gain just a few meters before, inevitably, one more pitch. Time to go home. Left the traverse in as even Andrew wasn't on for derigging it but he managed to derig the one before and the other two and then the pitch rope and we dragged all the gear out of the cave. Coincided with Neil and Andy at the bottom of Usual Suspects - they'd been derigging too so we all ended up with heavy loads for a slow prussik out.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 11hrs </div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-13">2010-08-13</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Chris Smith, Neil Pacey, <u>Andy Chapman</u></div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks</div>
-<p>A group down to check out the 100m pitch, whilst checking out a couple of side passages in Konisberg. We had a quick look up the side passage on the left hand side of Konisberg -  well I say quick look, both Chris and Neil discovered pitches. It was decided to rig Chris's pitch (not sure the logic of why!!). It looked about 30m so wouldn't be a problem, so  I set off, drill in hand. 70 odd meters later with a big free hang in sight, I was glad of the longer rope!! Unfortunately, due to the unfortunate mistake of leaving a bag of hangers at the top of the 80,  I was forced to do some ultra light rigging on AS's which unfortunately ran out one deviation from the bottom, `ARSE' :(. Back out to have a quick look aka survey down some side passages on the balcony then out.</p>
+<p>A group down to check out the 100m pitch, whilst checking out a couple of side passages in Konisberg. We had a quick look up the side passage on the left hand side of Konisberg -  well I say quick look, both Chris and Neil discovered pitches. It was decided to rig Chris's pitch (not sure the logic of why!!). It looked about 30m so wouldn't be a problem, so  I set off, drill in hand. 70 odd meters later with a big free hang in sight, I was glad of the longer rope!! Unfortunately, due to the unfortunate mistake of leaving a bag of hangers at the top of the 80,  I was forced to do some ultra light rigging on AS's which unfortunately ran out one deviation from the bottom, 'ARSE' :(. Back out to have a quick look aka survey down some side passages on the balcony then out.</p>
 <p>[rigging guide]
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs</div>
@@ -128,32 +128,32 @@ Back over the scary traverse (13/8/10) to a climb (`traverse' according to Andre
 <p>Neil and Andy were both shattered so decided to shaft bash in the hole Becka found to find it chocked after a few meters. Also had a look in some holes on the other size of the gorge - no luck but did find one of Shinwell's holes.</p>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-15">2010-08-15</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Neil Pacey, <u>Andy Chapman</u></div>
-<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks ">2010-08-02</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Tunnocks</div>
 <p>Neil and Andy set off down Tunnocks behind Andrew and Becka. We soon catch them up when they have to rerig the entrance after the rockfall. We decided to drop Neil's pitch, he starts to rig. I decided to have a quick look down a slot in the floor. I pop out at the bottom of the pitch to Neils surprise!! Way on is dodgy climb so we backed off tails between our legs to the 100m pitch. I finished rigging it with only just rope to spare to discover a hole to the left, leading into blackness, with a long  drop with a rock. Back out derigging and hoping drill doesn't break!! Derigged Konisberg then out with heavy bags in the ratio 1:2 (Andy:Neil).</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs </div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-14">2010-08-14</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Andrew Atkinson and <u>Ju</u></div>
 <div class="triptitle">Tuncocks across usual suspects and goody goody</div>
-Tunnocks across usual suspects and goody goody. Andrew drilled in a traverse across the top of usual suspects. Back out again via round trip. Ju's first caving trip in ages!
+<p>Tunnocks across usual suspects and goody goody. Andrew drilled in a traverse across the top of usual suspects. Back out again via round trip. Ju's first caving trip in ages!
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 5hrs </div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-16">2010-08-16</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u>, Frank Tully, Neil Pacey</div> 
-<div class="triptitle">Ice Flow Tunnocks">2010-08-02</div>
-To strongly drafting hole by Gravity Always Wins/ snow-claute. I started to rig it but bottled it as soon as I dropped past the lip where nobody could check what I was up to so Neil took over. Meanwhile Frank checked out the QMC opposite to find it led over a bold bridge across the 60m of Gravity Always Wins to bypass the pitch - surveyed this at the end. Down the main pitch led to a beautiful ice-filled chamber. Hexagonal cracked ice on many walls, ice crystals, really unusual - but bloody cold. Interesting rigging by Neil dropped a second short pitch into a larger chamber with a huge (6m+) high ice/ compressed snow wall. Draft probably from here but it would be hard to ascend.</p>
+<div class="triptitle">Ice Flow Tunnocks</div>
+<p>To strongly drafting hole by Gravity Always Wins/ snow-claute. I started to rig it but bottled it as soon as I dropped past the lip where nobody could check what I was up to so Neil took over. Meanwhile Frank checked out the QMC opposite to find it led over a bold bridge across the 60m of Gravity Always Wins to bypass the pitch - surveyed this at the end. Down the main pitch led to a beautiful ice-filled chamber. Hexagonal cracked ice on many walls, ice crystals, really unusual - but bloody cold. Interesting rigging by Neil dropped a second short pitch into a larger chamber with a huge (6m+) high ice/ compressed snow wall. Draft probably from here but it would be hard to ascend.</p>
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 7hrs</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-17">2010-08-17</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u>, Frank Tully and Neil Pacey</div> 
 <div class="triptitle">Usual Suspects - Rampart</div>
-Neil climbed the ramp above the pitch in Usual suspects which Andrew had checked out when we were returning on 15/8/10 - He put in a handbolt and a dodgy natural as we'd failed to bring any hilti spits so couldn't use the drill. This got us to a ledge onto a monster pitch - probably at least 50m down and a long way up and it sounded like a proper small stream at the bottom. Way on soon ended. Then we derigged string theory and hauled our way out with the gear. I like derigging!
+<p>Neil climbed the ramp above the pitch in Usual suspects which Andrew had checked out when we were returning on 15/8/10 - He put in a handbolt and a dodgy natural as we'd failed to bring any hilti spits so couldn't use the drill. This got us to a ledge onto a monster pitch - probably at least 50m down and a long way up and it sounded like a proper small stream at the bottom. Way on soon ended. Then we derigged string theory and hauled our way out with the gear. I like derigging!
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 8hrs</div>
 <div class="tripdate" id="2010-08-18">2010-08-18</div>
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Becka Lawson</u> and Andrew Atkinson</div>
 <div class="triptitle">Traverse and derig Tunnocks </div>
-Checked out the way on opposite the traverse over Usual Suspects. I managed to rig a tiny 3 bolt traverse over the pit which leads to a second pitch. Neither looked promising. Andrew clambered on rope to the far side and had a quick look at the two tubes leading off -y both small, muddy QMC's, only worth pushing if they look like they're heading somewhere interesting. Then a civilised derig apart from a heavy load back to camp.</p>
+<p>Checked out the way on opposite the traverse over Usual Suspects. I managed to rig a tiny 3 bolt traverse over the pit which leads to a second pitch. Neither looked promising. Andrew clambered on rope to the far side and had a quick look at the two tubes leading off -y both small, muddy QMC's, only worth pushing if they look like they're heading somewhere interesting. Then a civilised derig apart from a heavy load back to camp.</p>
 <p>[rigging guide]
 <div class="timeug">T/U: ?</div>