From a22e7d53b2d3459daba42cb85610593fa246b18d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Sargent <>
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 22:02:14 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Online edit of cave 1623-114

 cave_data/1623-114.html | 24 +++++++++++-------------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cave_data/1623-114.html b/cave_data/1623-114.html
index c1453c600..bf5de947b 100644
--- a/cave_data/1623-114.html
+++ b/cave_data/1623-114.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
-<!-- This file is generated by troggle on Nov. 2, 2023, 8:15 p.m. UTC using the form documented at /handbook/survey/caveentry.html -->
+<!-- This file is generated by troggle on July 10, 2024, 10:02 p.m. UTC using the form documented at /handbook/survey/caveentry.html -->
 <!-- Only put one cave in this file -->
-<!-- If you edit this 1623-nnn.html file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git,
+<!-- If you edit this 162x-nnn.html file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git,
 make sure you update the database by doing a full data import. If you edit it using the online form
 though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically -->
 <!-- ALTERNATIVELY you can download an example template from expoweb/templates/cave_data.html -->
@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically -->
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-<b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on Nov. 2, 2023, 8:15 p.m. UTC using the form documented at
+<b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on July 10, 2024, 10:02 p.m. UTC using the form documented at
 the form documented at 
 <a href="/handbook/survey/caveentry.html">handbook/survey/caveentry.html</a>
 <non_public>False</non_public><!-- 'False' or 'True'. True if the cave should only be visible to logged-in users. Caves are normally public, so enter 'False' unless you know otherwise. -->
-<caveslug>1623-114</caveslug><!--(Ignored). Internal I.D. used to refer to this cave in entrance data files. Typically the same as the filebase, e.g. '1623-195'  -->
+<!--<caveslug></caveslug>--> <!-- Ignored. No longer required, we use the filename instead e.g. 1623-315 for 1623-315.html  -->
 <official_name>Verlorenhohle</official_name><!-- Name of the cave (normally in German)  Use &uuml; for u+Umlaut and &ouml; for o+umlaut eg H&ouml;hle for Hohle and Gl&uuml;ck for Gluck-->
 <area>1623</area><!-- e.g. "1623" -->
 <kataster_code>1T/+</kataster_code><!-- 'length-or-depth/type exploration'
@@ -36,20 +36,21 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/
     +   erforscht (exploration considered complete)
 <kataster_number>114</kataster_number> <!-- (Either this or unofficial_number is required). Official number in Austrian kataster if one has been allocated  -->
-<unofficial_number></unofficial_number><!-- (Either this or kataster_number is required). Initial temporary cave ID used until kataster number is allocated e.g. '2012-DD-01'-->
+<unofficial_number></unofficial_number><!-- (This is any name. Either this or kataster_number is required). Initial temporary cave ID used until kataster number is allocated e.g. '2012-DD-01'-->
   <entranceslug>1623-114</entranceslug><!-- Internal ID to refer to each entrance instance in the entrance files (typically the same as that filename (e.g. 1623-161c). Matches the 'slug' field in the entrance file -->
-  <!-- DEBUG  1623-114+1623-114 'Z' == -->
-  <letter></letter><!--Leave blank for single-entrance cave. If there is more than one entrace then the letter needs to be given. Generally matches the entranceslug ID.  -->
+  <letter></letter><!--Leave blank for single-entrance cave. If there is more than one entrance then the letter needs to be given. Must match the entranceslug ID.  -->
 <explorers>CUCC 1980, 2007, 2019</explorers><!-- 'CUCC Expo' and year(s) of exploration. To distinguish from caves explored by foreign groups. Individual names can be given too if it was a small cave. -->
 <survex_file></survex_file><!-- Name of top-level survey file for this cave. Relative to the 'loser' survex repository. So for most caves that's "caves-162x/cavenum/cavnum.svx". (e.g. caves-1623/204/204.svx -->
 <underground_description><a href="/years/2018/logbook.html#2018-07-18a">2018-07-18</a>: Rock-filled rift ~1m high and wide goes 260 degrees magnetic into hillside (descending approx. 15 degrees). Hole in floor near ent. is a climbdown, then a 22cm squeeze (Radost did it) to where it continues - tight. No draft.
-<a href="/expofiles/photos/2018/PhilipSargent/cucc-ps01-2018.20180714/IMG_20180714_160257748.jpg">
-  <img src="/expofiles/photos/2018/PhilipSargent/cucc-ps01-2018.20180714/IMG_20180714_160257748.jpg" width=50%></a><br><br>
+<a href='/1623/114/l/IMG_20180714_160257748.html'><img width=50% src='/1623/114/t/IMG_20180714_160257748.jpg' /></a>
 Going over the hole in the floor the more obvious route leads after 14m from a 2m climb down and a drafting flat-out hole leading to a vertical (upwards) solution (?) shaft filled with rocks. [Since the hillside is very steep here, this may be ~20m or more to the surface.] Could be dug, but ideally not from the bottom where Radost was.
 Whole cave drafts cold air out slightly - less in 2019 than 2018 possibly due to snow choke elsewhere. No snow visible anywhere near it.
@@ -68,8 +69,6 @@ The shape, length and orientation of the cave is very suspiciously similar to su
 <equipment>none. Chilly draft and scramble so shorts not advised.</equipment><!-- For a small cave, summary of gear needed to descend. For longer caves it could be blank, a table, or just refer to the description/topos. Leave blank if this info is in the description. -->
 <references>1980 logbook, 2007 logbook, 2018 & 2019 logbooks.</references><!-- References to documentation. Could be Journal articles or Logbook entries. Can be links if the docs are online. -->
 <survey></survey><!-- Drawn-up surveys. Scans of paper surveys or images/PDFs of electronic surveys. Should include HTML to display current plan and elevation, with links to larger versions (See section on URLs and files). Could list links to multiple years of survey, or even a separate survey page if it's complicated enough. -->
-<underground_centre_line></underground_centre_line><!-- 'In dataset' if it is in the survex dataset. Blank if not, or notes about status such as 'surveyed, but no entrance fix so not yet in dataset'. -->
 <notes>Logbook: 2018-07-14 
 <br>Photos taken from turn-off point [from Stoger Weg]: "a barely discernable trod" to cave. 
 This "trod" is much more overgrown than it was in 1982.
@@ -113,13 +112,12 @@ Philip Sargent email 1 July 2020 to Wookey:
 I've not followed the whole thread/saga, but at this stage I think this sounds reasonable. Almost anything would be an improvment and so long as we're reasonably sure that the original 114 is not marked as such in a way that might one day be noticed (and it seems unlikely that the 1980 logbook will surface at this point) any reasonable effort to get a cave in about the right place should suffice.
-Wookey</notes><!-- Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost -->
+Wookey</notes><!-- Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost, and whether a kataster form has been sent to Austria for this cave -->
 <length>25</length><!-- Cave length. Can be left blank and system should fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet) -->
 <depth>5</depth><!--Cave depth. Can be left blank and system should fill it in automatically from survey data (it doesn't yet)  -->
 <description_file></description_file><!-- Path of top-level description file for this cave, when a separate file is used. Otherwise blank. -->
-<url>1623/114/114.html</url><!-- (Required). Relative URL of this cave. i.e the URL this cave appears at on the website, not including ' Normally area/cavenum., e.g ('1623/000')-->