diff --git a/years/2014/logbook.html b/years/2014/logbook.html
index a716a4d98..2267a13d9 100644
--- a/years/2014/logbook.html
+++ b/years/2014/logbook.html
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ maintain half a dozen parser functions.
 Sorry about all the crap that surrounds the image tags which has been imported along with the content
 when UK Caving blogs have been parsed.
-Exported on 2024-07-14 19:07 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
+Exported on 2024-07-14 20:07 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
 See troggle/code/views/other.py and core.models/logbooks.py writelogbook(year, filename)
@@ -492,8 +492,8 @@ At this point, Rob proclaimed "I bet you &pound;500 that we're in Blown Out." On
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="2014-08-04a">2014-08-04</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nathaniel, <u>Katey</u>, Noel, </div>
-<div class="triptitle">2005-05 Balcony H&ouml;hle</div>
+<div class="trippeople">Nathaniel, Noel, <u>Katey</u>, </div>
+<div class="triptitle">2005-05 - 2005-05 Balcony H&ouml;hle</div>
 <br /><br />Since the cave was now going beyond the pitch series, we thought it would be a good idea to ask someone with more surveying experience for help, so along came Noel. With his help (and the use of a Disto) we got a lot more surveyed - nearly 200m in 3 hours - with several ?As and a very solid ?B. We also put up cairns and reflectors on the route to the cave.
 <br /><br />*Worth noting: the long (34m) pitch gets drippy after rainstorms, even after the rain has passed. It was only a bit unpleasant, not dangerous, but trips should take a bothy on rainy days incase the pitch gets more than unpleasant!<br /><br />
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 5.5 hours</div>