diff --git a/handbook/computing/upload-expert.html b/handbook/computing/upload-expert.html
index d4c04b9fd..d22eced29 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/upload-expert.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/upload-expert.html
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ available for windows too:
 <p>scp gives you an 'explorer-like' interface (although winscp can
 give you a norton-commander-style 2-pane UI as well).</p>
+<p>'OpenSSH in Windows' includes ssh, scp and sftp command-line executables too. And for these the integration with the ssh key is good and well-documented.
 <p>rewite this bit...
diff --git a/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html b/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html
index 444e8a66d..a9298f356 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/winlaptop.html
@@ -32,7 +32,8 @@
 - well not "hard" exactly, but complicated with lot of steps that are easy to get wrong and with poor feedback as to whether you have done each step correctly.
 <li><a href="#bold">The easier way to do it</a><br />
 - using WSL: Windows System for Linux
+<li><a href="yourlaptop.html#win">Possibly an even easier way to do it</a><br />
+- using OpenSSH for Windows</ul>
 <h3 id="well">Things that already work well</h3>
 <p>Anything where the file upload and download is done via the verson control client software works really well. 
@@ -42,7 +43,7 @@
 <p>Some software, such as the commercial (but free) GitKraken, requires that you click a checkbox to say that you are "using local SSH agent" rather than specifying ssh private keys explicitly (File->Preferences->Authentication in GitKraken). 
 <p>Some software (such as Filezilla) defaults to using the local agent and it "just works".
 <p>Brendan wrote a guide to using putty and git for expo on a Windows machine. It's worth reading and it has lots of screenshots: <a href="/expofiles/documents/idiots-guide-expo-git.pdf">Idiots guide to accessing expo git.pdf</a>.
+<p>Read the online instructions abut using <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_overview">OpenSSH in Windows</a> as an alternative. (Then write them up and edit this handbook to be more useful.)
 <h3 id="problems">Things that cause problems</h3>
@@ -87,8 +88,15 @@ it downloads a <em>copy</em> of the contents of essentials.gpx  and not a link.
 <h3 id="hard">Things that are really quite involved</h3>
-<p>The core problem is integrating the PuTTy key management software (pagent.exe) with a terminal window. We need a terminal window to run rsync as none of the packaged software (Filezilla, PuTTy) includes an rsync client.
-<p>The solution we have now for rsync is to use WSL and to create another key, distinct from the PuTTy one, and to upload that key to the expo server. Because this is treating WSL as if it were a different machine requiring its own key quite separate from the Windows key. (This works the same way in WSL1 and WSL2)..
+<p>The core problem is integrating the PuTTy key management software (pagent.exe) with a terminal window. We need a terminal window to run rsync as 
+none of the packaged software (Filezilla, PuTTy) includes an rsync client.
+<p>[Well, strickly speaking we need a Windows rsync executable, and this does exist, and a command-line ssh, which the 'OpenSSH in Windows' system 
+provides. But we haven't properly explored this set of mechanisms yet.]
+<p>The solution we have now for rsync is to use WSL and to create another key, distinct from the PuTTy one, and to upload that key to the expo 
+server. Because this is treating WSL as if it were a different machine requiring its own key quite separate from the Windows key. (This works the 
+same way in WSL1 and WSL2)..
+<p>[We are not the only people to find this <a href="https://www.ubackup.com/windows-10/rsync-windows-10-1021.html">nasty and irritating</a>. Other 
+hacks are to use the obsolescent cygwin rsync or the rsync packaged within bash within more recent versions of 'Git for Windows' (which is built on <a href="https://www.msys2.org/docs/what-is-msys2/">MYSYS2</a>. If you are already familiar with any of these, then use them and not WSL.]
 <p>So on a machine with WSL enabled, create an ordinary cmd window and get into the WSL environment using the wsl command:<br />
 <span style="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">
 D:\CUCC-Expo\expoweb\ <font color=red>wsl</font>
@@ -139,18 +147,27 @@ Now finally you can use all the usual command line tools at yor wsl command line
 <li>cmd window - the old faithful going all the way back to MS-DOS. But no path to an rsync.exe executable as standard.
 <li>PowerShell terminal window - nope, no rsync.
-<li>bash window - installed by default when you install <A href="https://gitforwindows.org/">gitforwindows</a>. Unfortunately while this <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinGW">MINGW32</a> setup includes a command-line git executable it doesn't include rsync.
-<li>cygwin - a cmd terminal where you have downloaded and installed <a href="https://www.cygwin.com/">Cygwin</a>. Yes, if you have selected the rsync package you will be able to run the rysnc executable, but it won't have access to the cyptographic key so it can't connect to the expo server. Please feel free to work out how to make this work. A more recent, graphical variant is <a href="https://hackaday.com/2017/03/29/swan-better-linux-on-windows/">Swan</a>.
+<li>bash window - installed by default when you install <A href="https://gitforwindows.org/">gitforwindows</a>. Unfortunately while this <a 
+href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MinGW">MINGW32</a> setup includes a command-line git executable it doesn't include rsync. (Well it does, but you have to excavate it yourself.)
+<li>cygwin - a cmd terminal where you have downloaded and installed <a href="https://www.cygwin.com/">Cygwin</a>. Yes, if you have selected the 
+rsync package you will be able to run the rysnc executable, but it won't have access to the cyptographic key so it can't connect to the expo server (but you can make it work by using it with ssh from OpenSSH).
+Please feel free to work out how to make this work. A more recent, graphical variant is <a 
 <li><img src="wsl.jpg" align="right" hspace="10"><a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux">Windows Subsystem for Linux</a> aka WSL available on all Windows10 machines since November 2019. 
 <li>WSL <a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install">Install it like this</a>. This does what we need. This works using a key generated by its own version of ssh-keygen if you follow the instructions above about putting it in the right place. 
 <li>WSL: <a href="https://hackaday.com/2019/12/23/linux-fu-wsl-tricks-blur-the-windows-linux-line/"> Converting Windows paths to Linux paths and vice-versa</a>.
 <li>In WSL you can choose whether to store the files in the WSL view of NTFS, e.g. /mnt/c/expo/ or in an ext4 filesystem e.g. \\wsl$\Ubuntu-20.04\home\expo . Our experience is with /mnt/c/expo/ .
-<li>WSL now installs as WSL2 by default, but older machines (mostly laptops) may not have the Hyper-V Virtualization hardware and may have to run WSL1. This is fine: the behaviour is identical so far as an expo laptop is concerned. Even if you have the hardware, you may have to enable it in your BIOS and install the Windows Feature to do it. Instructions <a href="https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/how-to-install-wsl2-on-windows-10">here</a> and <a href="https://www.windowscentral.com/how-install-wsl2-windows-10">here</a>.
+<li>WSL now installs as WSL2 by default, but older machines (mostly laptops) may not have the Hyper-V Virtualization hardware and may have to run WSL1. 
+This is fine: the behaviour is nearly identical so far as an expo laptop is concerned. Even if you have the hardware, you may have to enable it in 
+your BIOS and install the Windows Feature to do it. Instructions <a href="https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/how-to-install-wsl2-on-windows-10">here</a> 
+and <a href="https://www.windowscentral.com/how-install-wsl2-windows-10">here</a>.
-<li>A full <a href="https://www.brianlinkletter.com/installing-debian-linux-in-a-virtualbox-virtual-machine/">virtual Linux machine</a> running using a hypervisor such as <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">VirtualBox</a> which has its own virtual Linux filesystem. This setup has the advantage that you don't have to partitition your hard drive but the disadvantage that you may not have easy access to the files from Windows.
+<li>A full <a href="https://www.brianlinkletter.com/installing-debian-linux-in-a-virtualbox-virtual-machine/">virtual Linux machine</a> running 
+using a hypervisor such as <a href="https://www.virtualbox.org/">VirtualBox</a> which has its own virtual Linux filesystem. This setup has the 
+advantage that you don't have to partitition your hard drive but the disadvantage that you may not have easy access to the files from Windows (a feature it shares with WSL2).
 <li><a href="https://github.com/canonical/multipass">Canonical Multipass</a> - a VM alternative (Ubuntu only).
diff --git a/handbook/computing/yourlaptop.html b/handbook/computing/yourlaptop.html
index 738488908..565232111 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/yourlaptop.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/yourlaptop.html
@@ -116,17 +116,18 @@ but all the recommended software here is open source (and please don't install p
 <p>Note that on a Debian/Ubuntu machine you should normally install the versions that come with the distro (i.e. install using 'apt install xxx', not be downloading things from the above sites</p>
-<h4>For Windows users only:</h4>
+<h4 id="win">For Windows users only:</h4>
 <p></p>None of this works until you set up the key-pair setup using PuTty/Pageant.
 <li><a href="https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html">PuTTY</a> including pagent. Version 0.73 was released on 2019-09-29. You need this to generate and to use ssh keys on Windows. Otherwise none of git, scp, ftp or rsync will work. It includes command line tools ssh, scp (pscp) and sFTP (psftp).
-  <li><a href="https://desktop.github.com/">GitHub Desktop for Windows</a> - yes this works with the expo server
-	<li><a href="">VS Code</a> is a free (but not FOSS) editor with in-built git capability and plug-ins which render git branches graphically. Also available for Linux.
+  <li><a href="https://desktop.github.com/">GitHub Desktop for Windows</a> - yes this works with the expo server git even though we don't use GitHub itself.
+	<li><a href="https://code.visualstudio.com/">VS Code</a> is a free (but not FOSS) editor with in-built git capability and plug-ins which render git branches graphically. Also available for Linux.
    <li><a href="https://gitforwindows.org/">Git for Windows</a> - not as simple to use as it looks
    <li><a href="https://www.gitkraken.com/">GitKraken</a> - Very pretty GUI interface to git, also Linux version. 
     Times-out for our server unless you buy it but free for university people.
-<li><a href="https://winscp.net/eng/download.php">WinScp</a> can be used as an alternative to Filezilla if you like.
+<li><a href="https://winscp.net/eng/download.php">WinScp</a> can be used as an alternative to Filezilla if you like (like Filezilla, it uses PuTTY ssh keys)
+<li><a href="https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/openssh/openssh_overview">OpenSSH for Windows</a> is new since 2018. It is a set of command line tools which are an alternative to PuTTY. It also includes scp and sftp. It integrates well with Github for Windows and enables you to use rsync over ssh.
 <li><a href="https://www.java.com/en/">java</a> - needed for GPSprune and CaveConverter. Has to be installed separately on a Windows machine.
 <li><a href="https://notepad-plus-plus.org/">Notepad++</a> or any other syntax-highlighting code editor for HTML and python. We have a syntax-highlighter to colourize .svx files, download it: <a href="/site_media/survex.xml">survex.xml</a>.