diff --git a/documents/bierbook/Makefile b/documents/bierbook/Makefile
index 3ccc22926..2d35f231e 100644
--- a/documents/bierbook/Makefile
+++ b/documents/bierbook/Makefile
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
 all: bierbook.pdf seshbook.pdf
 #If using windows uncomment this
 #If using linux or macos(?) uncomment this
 bierbook.pdf: bierbook.tex names.txt dates.txt bierbook-style.sty
 	$(LATEXTOOL) -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -shell-escape bierbook.tex
diff --git a/documents/bierbook/bierbook.tex b/documents/bierbook/bierbook.tex
index fd8eab1fd..54b87ec15 100644
--- a/documents/bierbook/bierbook.tex
+++ b/documents/bierbook/bierbook.tex
@@ -27,39 +27,77 @@
-% argument is the title, second is the starting number for the tally
+% argument is the title, second is the subtitle, third is starting number for the tally
 % longtable, generated from the list of names
-% uses drinkstallyline for each line
+% uses tallyline for each line
 \multicolumn{2}{l}{\expoheading{#1}} \\
+\multicolumn{2}{p{\textwidth}}{#2} \\
+\multicolumn{2}{p{\textwidth}}{#2} \\
 	\read\namesread to \currentname
-	\drinkstallyline{\currentname}
+	\tallyline{\currentname}
+	% argument is the title, second is the subtitle, third is starting number for the tally, fourth is the number of lines
+	% longtable, generated from the list of names
+	% uses tallyline for each line
+	\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#1}
+	\openin\namesread=names.txt
+	\setcounter{linecount}{0}
+	\setcounter{maxspares}{#4}
+	\begin{longtable}{rc}
+		\multicolumn{2}{l}{\expoheading{#1}} \\
+		\multicolumn{2}{p{\textwidth}}{#2} \\
+		&
+		\tallynumbers{#3}
+		\\
+		\endfirsthead
+		\multicolumn{2}{p{\textwidth}}{#2} \\
+		&
+		\tallynumbers{#3}
+		\\
+		\endhead
+		& 
+		\tallynumbers{#3}
+		\\
+		\endfoot
+		\whiledo{\value{linecount}<\value{maxspares}}{
+			\tallyline{\ldots\ldots\ldots}
+			\stepcounter{linecount}
+		}
+	\end{longtable}
+	\clearpage
 % argument is the name on the line
 % boxes are a tikz grid
@@ -85,22 +123,26 @@
 % argument is the starting number
 \foreach \xvar in {0,5.5,11,16.5,22,27.5}
-	\node at (\xvar*\wvar,0) [anchor=center] {\arabic{drinksnumber}};
+	\node at (\xvar*\wvar,0) [anchor=center] {\arabic{tallynumber}};
 	\node at (\xvar*\wvar,0.4) {};
-	\addtocounter{drinksnumber}{10}
+	\addtocounter{tallynumber}{10}
+	/ = G{\"o}sser, X = Limo, R = Radler, W = Weissbier, D = Dunkelbier, L = Loserbier
 % arguments are the title, subheading information, and dates for the three weeks
 % longtable, generated from the list of names
@@ -135,33 +177,42 @@
 % argument is the name on the line 
 % boxes are a tikz grid
-\node at (0,0.3*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
+\node at (0,0.6*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
 \node at (0,0) {};
 \node at (0,\wvar) {};
-\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
+\foreach \xvar in {0,1}
-	\draw (\yvar*\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
+	\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
+	{
+		\draw (\yvar*\wvar,\xvar*\wvar) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
+	}
-\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
+\foreach \xvar in {0,1}
-	\draw (\yvar*\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
+	\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
+	{
+		\draw (\yvar*\wvar,\xvar*\wvar) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
+	}
-\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
+\foreach \xvar in {0,1}
-	\draw (\yvar*\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
+	\foreach \yvar in {0,1,2,3,4,5,6}
+	{
+		\draw (\yvar*\wvar,\xvar*\wvar) -- ++ (0,\wvar) -- ++ (\wvar,0) -- ++ (0,-\wvar) -- cycle;
+	}
@@ -169,7 +220,7 @@
-	\pgfmathsetmacro{\wvar}{0.5}
+	\pgfmathsetmacro{\wvar}{0.4}
 	\foreach \yvar/\zvar in {0/S,1/M,2/T,3/W,4/T,5/F,6/S}
 		\node at (\yvar*\wvar,0) [anchor=center] {\zvar};
@@ -178,51 +229,9 @@
+	Top line for where you spend the night:
 	/ = basecamp, S = stonebridge bivvy, B = bivvying elsewhere, - = not there.
-	For boasting purposes only.
-% argument is the start date of the expo
-% longtable generated from incremeting the date for 6 weeks
-% simple box in which to write what happened
-	\multicolumn{4}{l}{\expoheading{Expo Transport}} \\
-	\endfirsthead
-	\expoweatherweek{}
-	\expoweatherweek{}
-	\expoweatherweek{}
-	\expoweatherweek{}
-	\expoweatherweek{}
-	\expoweatherweek{}
-% argument is the day text
-\node at (0,0.3*\wvar) [anchor=east] {#1};
-\node at (0,0) {};
-\node at (0,\wvar) {};
-& \\
-% argument is the start of the week
+	Bottom line for time spent underground.
@@ -242,11 +251,11 @@
-% creates a series of pages for the money paid to individuals
-% each person gets a page as made by moneypaidperson
+% creates a series of pages for the money owed to individuals
+% each person gets a page as made by moneyowedperson
 % generated from the names list
-\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Money paid to ...}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Money owed to ...}
@@ -254,45 +263,44 @@
 	\read\namesread to \currentname
-	\moneypaidperson{\currentname}
+	\moneyowedperson{\currentname}
-% argument is who the money is to be paid to
+% argument is who the money is owed to
 % longtable to spread over multiple pages
 % date / owed by / description
-	\multicolumn{3}{l}{\expoheading{Money paid to #1}} \\
-	\multicolumn{3}{p{\textwidth}}{Please include each transaction only once, either as positive credit or a negative debit. \vspace{1cm}} \\
-	Date & Creditor & Notes \\
+	\multicolumn{4}{l}{\expoheading{Money owed to #1}} \\
+	\multicolumn{4}{p{\textwidth}}{Please include each transaction only once, either as positive credit or a negative debit. \vspace{1cm}} \\
+	Date & Who & Amount & Notes \\
-	Date & Creditor & Notes \\
+	Date & Who & Amount & Notes \\
-	\vspace{18.3cm} & & \\
-	\vspace{22cm} & & \\
+	\vspace{18.8cm} & & & \\
+	\vspace{22cm} & & & \\
-% argument is who the money is to be paid to
 % longtable to spread over multiple pages
 % date / owed by / description
-\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Money paid to Karin}
-	\multicolumn{3}{l}{\expoheading{Money paid to Karin}} \\
-	Date & Creditor & Notes \\
+\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Money owed to Karin (the Gasthof)}
+	\multicolumn{4}{l}{\expoheading{Money owed to Karin Wilpernig (the Gasthof)}} \\
+	Date & Who & Amount & Notes \\
-	Date & Creditor & Notes \\
+	Date & Who & Amount & Notes \\
-	\vspace{18.3cm} & & \\
-	\vspace{22cm} & & \\
+	\vspace{20.3cm} & & & \\
+	\vspace{22cm} & & & \\
@@ -332,36 +340,32 @@
+\tallyeveryone{Drinks 1-50}{\drinksssubtitle}{0}
+\tallyspares{Spare Drinks 51-100}{\drinksssubtitle}{50}{15}
+\nightstally{Nights and Time Underground, Weeks 1-3}{\nightssubtitle}{\firstweek}{\secondweek}{\thirdweek}
+\nightstally{Nights and Time Underground, Weeks 4-6}{\nightssubtitle}{\fourthweek}{\fifthweek}{\sixthweek}
 this page intentionally left blank
-\drinkstally{Bier 1-50}{0}
-\drinkstally{Bier 51-100}{50}
-\drinkstally{Limo 1-50}{0}
-\drinkstally{Limo 51-100}{50}
-\drinkstally{Other Drinks (specify)}{0}
-\drinkstally{Noteable farts}{0}
-\nightstally{Nights Weeks 1-3}{\nightssubtitle}{\firstweek}{\secondweek}{\thirdweek}
-\nightstally{Nights Weeks 4-6}{\nightssubtitle}{\fourthweek}{\fifthweek}{\sixthweek}
-\nightstally{Time underground Weeks 1-3}{\timesubtitle}{\firstweek}{\secondweek}{\thirdweek}
-\nightstally{Time underground Weeks 4-6}{\timesubtitle}{\fourthweek}{\fifthweek}{\sixthweek}
-\blankpage{Squashed Flies}
 \blankpage{Toll road info}
+\blankpage{Gear left up the hill}
+\blankpage{Gear taken back to Cambridge}
+\blankpage{Top camp food bought}
+\blankpage{First Aid}
 \blankpage{In Austria Jollies}
 \blankpage{Suggestions for next year}
-\blankpage{Gear left up the hill}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/documents/bierbook/seshbook.tex b/documents/bierbook/seshbook.tex
index 7010d02b4..d8dafb77f 100644
--- a/documents/bierbook/seshbook.tex
+++ b/documents/bierbook/seshbook.tex
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
 % longtable
 \multicolumn{3}{l}{\expoheading{Sesh #1 - \ldots/\ldots/\the\year}} \\
-Attendee \and Amount Owed \and Amount Paid \\
+Attendee \and Amount Ordered \and Amount Paid \\
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ Please use this page to record details of the sesh, who ordered what, how much i
 \multicolumn{5}{l}{\expoheading{Expo Dinner}} \\
 \multicolumn{5}{p{\textwidth}}{Please record people's dinner choices here in advance of the expo dinner.}
-Name \and Starter \and Main \and Desert \and Notes \\
+Name \and Attending? \and Allergies? \and Dessert \and Notes \\
-Name \and Starter \and Main \and Desert \and Notes \\
+Name \and Attending? \and Allergies? \and Dessert \and Notes \\
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ Name \and Starter \and Main \and Desert \and Notes \\
 \read\namesread to \currentname
@@ -156,4 +157,4 @@ Name \and Starter \and Main \and Desert \and Notes \\
\ No newline at end of file