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--- a/smkridge/161/mordor.htm
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 <h2>161 Kaninchenh&ouml;hle: Mordor and passages beyond</h2></center>
@@ -46,36 +38,44 @@ connection in this area, thereby bypassing the Tyrolean traverse at
 <p>Mordor is a small, very windy (blowing up) pitch at the northern
 end of <a href="oldmen.htm#sudetenland">Sudetenland</a> (accessed from
 <a href="oldmen.htm#country">Country for Old Men</a>) that is rigged
-from the roof. After the initial 10m drop, it
-is possible to climb a further 10m down to a second hang from a
-thread then a roof bolt where pitch opens out. A deviation ~7m down
-on a spike avoids a rub at a rebelay (huge thread) to drop nicely to
-near floor. A 60m rope is recommended (this pitch was left rigged in
-2011). At the bottom is a chamber is about 15m high. To the west is a
-north-south trending rift leading to large pitch at S end. [FIXME:
-(Wookey/Cat/Adam) where is this pitch on the survey? Presumably the
-pitch is a QM - what grade? There are two candidates. Also 3 C-grade
-QMs marked on survey]. East leads to <a href="#entmarch">March of the Ents</a>.</p>
+from the roof. After the initial 10m drop, the way on is to climb down
+a further 10m to a second hang. It is also possible to get off the
+rope and explore round a corner into windy rifts. The second drop
+descends from a thread then a roof bolt where the pitch opens out. A
+deviation ~7m down on a spike avoids a rub at a rebelay (huge thread)
+to drop nicely in a large space to near the floor. A 60m rope is
+recommended (this pitch was left rigged in 2011 and 2012). </p>
+<p><i>At the foot of the first 10m drop is a soily climb up 12m to the SW.
+It doesn't go. In the opposite direction, round a corner a narrow rift
+passage can be followed upwards for 18m, then back down again to come
+out near the top of the 2nd drop of Mordor pitch. All of this passage
+is very windy.</i></p>
+<p>The chamber at the bottom of Mordor is about 15m high. To the west is a
+north-south trending rift leading to an impassable hole in the floor
+at the S end, beyond which is <a href="#stables">The Stables</a>
+[2011-161-XX C]. There is a hole in the floor at the north end of this
+rift [2011-161-XX C] and a narrow slot in the wall near the foot of
+the rope [2011-161-XX C]. East leads to <a href="#entmarch">March of the Ents</a>.</p>
 <h3><a name="entmarch">March of the Ents</a> (2011)</h3>
 <p>The large passage of March of the Ents heads eastwards from the
 chamber at the base of <a href="#mordor">Mordor</a> pitch 4m
-higher up, reached via an easy traverse. There is a strong
-draught from east to west (into the chamber). After 18m, a t-junction
-is reached with a much less windy passage to the right (south),
-<a href="#rivendell">Rivendell</a>, that is the main route to the
-south. Straight ahead (east) the main passage continues uphill then
+higher up, reached via an easy traverse. There is a strong draught
+from east to west (into the chamber). After 18m, a t-junction is
+reached with a much less windy passage (the base of the T) to the
+right (south), which leads to the main route to the
+south (<a href="#rivendell">Rivendell</a>). Straight ahead (east) the main passage continues uphill then
 turns northeast. 30m beyond the Rivendell junction, climbing up to
 the left in a complex area reaches the head of <a href="#sauron">No
 Sign of Sauron</a> pitch. Most of the draught appears to coming from
 the area around this pitch. Immediately beyond is a passage on the
-left (bearing on 252&deg;) [C2011-161-XX B] [FIXME: (Wookey/Cat/Adam) 
-is this the C lead on the survey? Bearing doesn't fit- 352 better].
+left (bearing on 352&deg;) [C2011-161-XX B].
 The phreatic passage zig-zags for another 30m. At the corner is a high (12m)
-solution area in the roof [C2011-161-XX C] [FIXME: (Wookey/Cat/Adam)
-where is this on the survey?]. Ahead the passage becomes a very high
-hading rift with a short drop. Traversing across the rift leads to
+solution area in the roof [C2011-161-XX C]. Ahead the passage becomes a very high
+hading rift with a short drop. Traversing across the drop leads to
 <a href="#bored">Bored of the Rings</a>.</p>
 <h3><a name="bored">Bored of the Rings</a> (2011)</h3>
@@ -129,38 +129,41 @@ passable [C2012-161-XX B]. There is little discernible draught.</p>
 <h3><a name="rivendell">Rivendell</a> and The Stables (2011)</h3>
-<p>Rivendell is a large phreatic passage heading south from
-<a href="#entmarch">March of the Ents</a> for 25m to a chamber.
-A hole in the floor is approximately 10m deep with a pool at the
-bottom [C2011-161-XX A]. There is possible passage uphill to
-the northeast [C2011-161-XX B]. The way on is downhill to the
-southwest, quickly arriving at a large T-junction with a horizontal
-passage. This is very windy again (blowing from southeast to northwest).
+<p>A 3m diameter phreatic passage heading south from
+<a href="#entmarch">March of the Ents</a> for 25m leads to a chamber
+<b>Rivendell</b>. A hole in the floor is approximately 10m deep with a pool at the
+bottom [C2011-161-XX A]. There is possible passage uphill to the
+northeast [C2011-161-XX B]. The way on is downhill to the southwest,
+quickly arriving at a large T-junction with a horizontal passage. This
+is very windy again (blowing from southeast to northwest).
 Left is the large passage of <a href="#shires">The Shires</a>. Right
-is the main way on - <a name="stables">The Stables</a></p>
+is the main way on.</p>
-<p>After 17m, the passage opens out at a small streamway with a junction.
-The two passages soon reunite at a further junction. Left continues
-downhill for 17m to where the stream sinks in a too tight rift with an
-aven on the right [C2011-161-XX-X]. The main way on is ahead (west).</p>
+<p>After 17m, the passage opens out at a small streamway with a
+junction, and splits. The two passages soon reunite at <a
+href="#stables">The Stables</a>. Left continues downhill for 17m to 
+where the stream sinks in a too tight rift with an aven on the right 
+[C2011-161-XX-X]. The main way on is ahead (west).</p>
-<p>The passage continues past a stagnant pool and quickly reaches
+<p>In <a name="stables">The Stables</a> the passage continues past a 
+stagnant pool and quickly reaches
 a 3m drop at a junction. Right connects to the north-south trending
-rift accessed from the base of <a href="#mordor">Mordor</a> pitch. 
+rift accessed from the base of <a href="#mordor">Mordor</a> pitch, (but
+is not passable). 
 To the left, a traverse round the 3m drop (left rigged) is the main
 way on. Large passage continues, under a rock bridge and up a 2m climb,
 reaching a junction 35m from the traverse. The main way on is to the
 left into <a href="#gallop">Southern Gallop</a>. <i>Right  
-leads to [FIXME (Julian/Andrew): about 50m of passage culminating
-in a p6 with two B leads - better description?].</i></p>
+leads via wide passage to a hole on the right and  <a
+href="#soilothon>Soilothon</a> on the left.:.</i></p>
 <h3><a name="shires">The Shires</a> (2011)</h3>
-<p>Turning left (southeast) at the large T-junction in
+<p>Turning left (southeast) at the large T-junction by
 <a href="#rivendell">Rivendell</a> enters a huge phreatic passage
 5m across trending gently downhill, <b>The Shires</b>. This reaches a
 pitch edge after 50m looking out into large chamber/area
-[C2011-161-XX A]. The drop is about 10m, then another 10m in further
+[C2011-161-XX A]. The drop is about 10m, then another 10m in a further
 hole. A small passage continues ahead for ~7m to look out over another
 drop, probably the same space [C2011-161-XX B]. Halfway along the Shires
 a small rift passage goes off [C2011-161-XX C]
@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ a small rift passage goes off [C2011-161-XX C]
 <h3><a name="gallop">Southern Gallop</a> (2011)</h3>
 <p>A short climb up gains access to a large passage heading southeast.
-After 10m a hole is reached that can be traversed to the right (rope 
+After 10m a hole is reached that can be traversed on the right (rope 
 useful) to gain access to the continuing passage. [FIXME: (Julian/Andrew)
 have I correctly identified this obstacle? Is the hole a QM].</p>