diff --git a/cave_data/1623-221.html b/cave_data/1623-221.html
index 7159fbd32..80b017277 100644
--- a/cave_data/1623-221.html
+++ b/cave_data/1623-221.html
@@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ the form documented at
We have not visited this cave, but Becka has extracted the data from the Austrian kataster so that we can see where the entrances are on our own maps.
Kugelmühle (1623/221) and Liager (1623/1) are fairly near lake level, at the top end of Altaussee.
Survey (re)done by VhHO 2013.
Location is UTM 33 409686 5278710 and we need to get a *fix done for these.