diff --git a/handbook/computing/exposerver.html b/handbook/computing/exposerver.html
index 25c3f92c5..6849565fe 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/exposerver.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/exposerver.html
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 <p>It lived under Sam Wenham's deskat the University Computing Service (UCS), University of Cambridge until spring 2019. Now it is a borrowed virtual machine on a debian mirror server somewhere in the midlands.
 <p>We interact with it using:
-<li>git - communicating with hg running on the server - for the git 
+<li>git - for the git 
 <a href="../../repositories">repositories</a> expoweb, loser, drawings, tunnel.
 <li>sFTP and rsync - mostly for uploading to /expofiles/
 <li>ssh - occasionally, by experts,to fix things when something goes wrong or for major site reconfiguration.
diff --git a/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html b/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
index 75cdd98ed..8e320c0f8 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/hbmanual2.html
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ you have access to the <i>expo laptop</i>.
 <li>Quick <a href="manual.html#quickstart">reminders for using rsync</a> at the command line.
-<p>Simple changes to static HTML files will take effect immediately (or as soon as the hg update hack is done, see below), 
+<p>Simple changes to static HTML files will take effect immediately  
 but changes to dynamically-generated files - cave descriptions, QM lists etc. -
 will not take effect, until the troggle <a href="../troggle/trogintro.html">import/update scripts</a> are run on the server. These should <a href="../troggle/otherscripts.html">run automatically and frequently</a> but currently they are run manually by nerds as the expo server is undergoing heavy software maintenance. </p>
diff --git a/handbook/computing/qstart-git.html b/handbook/computing/qstart-git.html
index 2dbca1bdd..cfb6e768e 100644
--- a/handbook/computing/qstart-git.html
+++ b/handbook/computing/qstart-git.html
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ have <a href="keyexchange.html">key-pair setup</a> already set up before any of
 <p> Open a terminal in a new directory, e.g. /tmp/experiments/ in which you want to create the repo. It will automatically create a folder  with the repo name e.g.'troggle' in that directory.
-    <dt>expoweb (The data management system) - this will fail until it is moved from hg to git</dt>
+    <dt>expoweb (The data management system) </dt>
       <tt>git clone ssh://expo@expo.survex.com:/home/expo/expoweb</tt> (read/write)<br />
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html b/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
index 5d56eaf1e..7447043ea 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trognotes.html
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ but note that this domain has an expired ertificate so https:// complains.
 <p>The CSV files are actually tab-separated, not comma-separated despite the extension.</p>
 <p>The scripts can be very picky and editing the CSVs with microsoft excel has broken them in the past- not sure if this is still the case.</p>
 <p>Overview of the automagical scripts on the expo data management system</p>
-[Clearly very out of date is it is assuming the version control is svn whereas we changed to hg years ago.]
+[Clearly very out of date is it is assuming the version control is svn whereas we changed to mercurial years ago.]
 Script location 	Input file 	Output file 	Purpose
 /svn/trunk/expoweb/noinfo/make-indxal4.pl 	/svn/trunk/expoweb/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV 	many 	produces all cave description pages
diff --git a/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html b/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html
index 536dd9d79..7d82e5fee 100644
--- a/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html
+++ b/handbook/troggle/trogstatus.html
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ Wookey eventually managed to find us free space (a virtual machine)
 on a debian mirror server somewhere in Leicestershire (we think). 
 This move to a different secure server means that all ssh to the server now needs to use cryptographic keys tied to individual machines. There is an expo-nerds email list (all mailing lists are now hosted on wookware.org as the university list system restricted what non-Raven-users could do) to coordinate server fettling.
-<p>At the beginning of the 2019 expo two repos had been moved from mercurial to git: troggle and drawings (formerly called tunneldata). The other two repos expoweb and loser remained on mercurial.
+<p>At the beginning of the 2019 expo two repos had been moved from mercurial to git: troggle and drawings (formerly called tunneldata). 
 <h4>Wookey: July 2019</h4>
@@ -32,9 +32,10 @@ Similarly expoweb is full of bloat from fat images and surveys and one 82MB thes
 <h4>April 2020</h4>
-Wookey is now preparing to move 'expoweb' and 'loser' from mercurial to git "as-is" and then to use the git tools to patch up the history and to remove redundancies, rather than the original plan to tidy them up "at the time of conversion".
+Wookey has now moved 'expoweb' from mercurial to git largely "as-is" and will to use the git tools to patch up the history and to remove redundancies, rather than the original plan to tidy them up "at the time of conversion". Mark Shinwell is working on loser.
 <p>Sam continues to work on upgrading django from v1.7 . We are using python 2.7.17 and while we <a href="https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.10/topics/python3/">could upgrade</a> to Python v3 using the same version (1.7) of django, we would rather upgrade django as much as possible first before we tackle that. Old versions of django have unpatched security issues.
 <p> "Django 1.11 is the last version to support Python 2.7. Support for Python 2.7 and Django 1.11 ends in 2020." see: <a href="https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/faq/install/">django versions</a>.
+<p>Ubuntu 20.04 came out on 23rd April but it does not support python2 at all. So we cannot use it for software maintenance.
 Enforced time at home is giving us a new impetus to writing and restructuring the documentation for everything.
 <hr />
diff --git a/scripts/make-folklist.py b/scripts/make-folklist.py
index 07419fafc..f629d9cd2 100755
--- a/scripts/make-folklist.py
+++ b/scripts/make-folklist.py
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import sys, string, re, os
 # python ../scripts/make-folklist.py <folk.csv >index.htm
 # re-run it every time you edit the folk.csv file to add someone you have forgotten
-# it needs to be run on the server too as the file produced is ignored by hg
+# it needs to be run on the server too as the file produced is ignored by git
 headcount = 0
 pics = 0