diff --git a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV index 7d53b13c6..ecb86ddba 100644 --- a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV +++ b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV @@ -350,8 +350,8 @@ ,"2/S/T x",,"2000-09",,"smkridge/2000-09/2000-09.htm","Hauchhöhle",,,"2b",,"CUCC 2000, 2002.","The horizontal entrance slopes downhill for about 20m, passing beneath a skylight and a crawl to the left. The crawl leads to a drop into a rift, where there are three ways on. To the right closes down; to the left, there are crawls at two levels. The higher-level crawl chokes; the two crawls at the lower level unite and then reach a junction. To the left chokes; to the right leads to a chamber. This chamber can also be reached by going straight on from the aforementioned junction at the rift.

From this chamber, there are two ways on. A small choss wall surrounds a vertical hole through which it is possible to drop down (tricky on the return) into a small chamber. From here, an awkward squeeze leads into a continuing crawl, which has not been pushed. To the left is a crawl over choss which enlarges. Straight ahead leads to an earthen-floored draughting crawl which has been dug, and needs further work to get through. Shortly before the crawl becomes flat-out, a tube leading up on the right becomes too tight. After a short distance a tube on the right leads to the head of a pitch (not pushed; probably 15-20m) and continues to a choke. The head of this pitch draughts outwards significantly.

Back in the entrance passage, at the bottom of the slope there is an unpushed crawl to the left and a wriggle up over rubble into a chamber. From this chamber, the obvious way on is a pitch of approximately 15m, but there is a possible crawl above this (doesn't look promising). At the foot of the pitch, in large rift passage, a crawl on the left leads for about 15m before turning left and becoming too tight. Straight ahead, a crawl reaches a junction with continuations upwards, to the left, straight ahead, and to the right, none of which have been pushed. To the right is a further unpushed crawl.

Back in the rift chamber, an exposed, but easy-looking ascending traverse has not been pushed. There is a short climb down, after which a climb up is blind, and the continuing descent passes a narrow point before entering an ascending traverse in a rift which leads to a 5m pitch into a small chamber.

A noticable draught was blowing out of the entrance in 2002, accompanied by water vapour. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2000_09",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"The arch-shaped entrance and gully are obvious from the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to Steinbrückenhöhle. Shortly after crossing the large bare area of limestone slabs on the flanks of the Hinter, the path traverses directly around the right-hand side of the entrance gully. ",,,"Tag." ,,,"2001-02",,,,,,"2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2001_02",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,"2001-03",,,,,,"2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2001_03",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, -,"3/S/T x (+?)",,"2001-04",,"smkridge/2001-04/2001-04.htm","Rock'n'Roll Höhle",,"(a.k.a. Olly's Sucking Höhle)","2b",,"CUCC 2001 Phil U, Mark S","

[Taken from 2001 log book]""Went to investigate this draughting orifice. Initial entrance climb is fine, if you chimney down on the R side. At the bottom, there are three ways on. The first one goes back under the entrance, down a boulder slope, to emerge in a large chamber ""Cheesy dip"". There are a number of small leads off, all choked. In the roof is lots of daylight, coming from 2001-046. Left from the entrance went down a loose slope (blowing). Right (Sucking) went along a bit. We decided to do some surveying. Which required red paint. Which was at the bivvi site. So we went and had a cup of tea for a bit. Came back with surveying gear and surveyed the LH route to a ~5m deep pit.""

(There were at least three trips to this cave judging by the survey file, but only this one was written up.)",,,"Form will be prepared when Mark draws up the survey",,"In dataset",,"2001-04","503m","40m","172m N-S",,,,,,"p2001_04",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, -,"2/S/E x",,"2001-05",,"smkridge/2001-05/2001-05.htm","GNDN Höhle","Goes Nowhere Does Nothing",,"2b",,"CUCC 2001 Earl, Becka, Mick","

[Taken from 2001 log book]""It went in ~5m horizontally then into hading rift. I climbed down ~5m to the head of a pitch + various possibilities. Back out. Earl in to rig pitch whilst Mick + I surface surveyed from 204D tag bolt to new cave + put in a tag bolt above its entrance. Mick + I then continued the survey down to Earl. Pitch went down, still hading, to large snow + ice plug ... with no ways on + we seemed to have lost the draft. Surveyed to far side of chamber then back out. Earl derigged + Mick + I went into passage at top of pitch which had two LHS small leads off, both of which drop into steeply descedning rift (the second one being too tight to go through). Mick dropped well down into the rift, which kept going, though without much draft, to a small way on which he reckoned would drop into the pitch. Its possible we did miss the way on in the cave as we seemed to have lost the draft down the pitch. Worth another look around probably.""","Rope for 5m pitch","Some C-grade QMs, see survey","Form being prepared, needs a full description",,"In dataset","



","2001-05","53m","31m",,,,,,"2001-05.5",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"About 50m from 204D, down the hill + north",,,,"Tag." +,"3/S/T x (+?)",,"2001-04",,"smkridge/2001-04/2001-04.htm","Rock'n'Roll Höhle",,"(a.k.a. Olly's Sucking Höhle)","2b",,"CUCC 2001 Phil U, Mark S","

[Taken from 2001 log book]""Went to investigate this draughting orifice. Initial entrance climb is fine, if you chimney down on the R side. At the bottom, there are three ways on. The first one goes back under the entrance, down a boulder slope, to emerge in a large chamber ""Cheesy dip"". There are a number of small leads off, all choked. In the roof is lots of daylight, coming from 2001-046. Left from the entrance went down a loose slope (blowing). Right (Sucking) went along a bit. We decided to do some surveying. Which required red paint. Which was at the bivvi site. So we went and had a cup of tea for a bit. Came back with surveying gear and surveyed the LH route to a ~5m deep pit.""

(There were at least three trips to this cave judging by the survey file, but only this one was written up.)",,,"Form prepared 15/2/04 but not yet sent",,"In dataset","


","2001-04","503m","40m","172m N-S",,,,,,"p2001_04",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In small valley just below top of SMK ridge, 200m S of 204 bivvy site",,,, +,"2/S/E x",,"2001-05",,"smkridge/2001-05/2001-05.htm","GNDN Höhle","Goes Nowhere Does Nothing",,"2b",,"CUCC 2001 Earl, Becka, Mick","

[Taken from 2001 log book]""It went in ~5m horizontally then into hading rift. I climbed down ~5m to the head of a pitch + various possibilities. Back out. Earl in to rig pitch whilst Mick + I surface surveyed from 204D tag bolt to new cave + put in a tag bolt above its entrance. Mick + I then continued the survey down to Earl. Pitch went down, still hading, to large snow + ice plug ... with no ways on + we seemed to have lost the draft. Surveyed to far side of chamber then back out. Earl derigged + Mick + I went into passage at top of pitch which had two LHS small leads off, both of which drop into steeply descedning rift (the second one being too tight to go through). Mick dropped well down into the rift, which kept going, though without much draft, to a small way on which he reckoned would drop into the pitch. Its possible we did miss the way on in the cave as we seemed to have lost the draft down the pitch. Worth another look around probably.""","Rope for 5m pitch","Some C-grade QMs, see survey","Form prepared but not yet sent",,"In dataset","



","2001-05","53m","31m",,,,,,"2001-05.5",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"About 50m from 204D, down the hill + north",,,,"Tag." ,"-",,"2001-06",,,"Erbärmlichbaumhöhle",,,"2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"?",,,,,,,,,, ,"-",,"2001-07",,,"Hoffnungschacht","\",,"2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"?",,,,,,,,,, ,"+",,"2001-08",,,"Schneeoberlichtschacht",,,"2b",,,,,,,,,"?",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"?",,,,,,,,,"?", diff --git a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc index 859b81edd..10b4241f6 100644 Binary files a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc and b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc differ