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+<title>1623:204 -- Subsoil level</title>
+<table id="cavepage">
+<tr><th id="kat_no">204</th><th id="name">Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle</th><th id="status">4/S x</th></tr>
+<h1>Subsoil level</h1>
+<b><!--<a href="#survey">-->Survey<!--</a>--></b>&nbsp;--&nbsp;
+<b><a href="204.html">204 index</a></b></div>
+<hr />
+<p>Subsoil is a large horizontal level at altitude around 1520m. Access is from
+the <a href="uworld.html">Underworld</a> via Gardener's World pitch.</p>
+<h3>Subsoil Chamber area</h3>
+<img src="subsoil_centre.png" />
+<h4><a id="subsoilchamber">Subsoil Chamber</a></h4>
+<p> <a href="l/crystals.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/crystals.jpg"
+alt="crystal-encrusted rock" /></a>  Subsoil Chamber
+is large with a boulder floor, sloping down to the south.  <i>Heading north up
+the slope leads to <a href="#heavilysoiled">Heavily Soiled</a> (q.v.).</i>.
+Heading south from the base of the University Challenge pitch, <i>after 10m on
+the right is the entry to the canyon leading to <a
+href="#earthenware">Earthenware</a></i>, while <i>on the left a passage leads
+up steeply past conservation-taped fine, white crystals to a small, wet aven
+with two QM C's[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-56" id="qC2004-204-56">C2004-204-56
+C</a>]</i> as the chamber drops down steeply with a boulder-strewn floor to a
+small, wet aven with fine, large banks of conservation-taped mud and mud pillar
+formations topped by pebbles. At the base of the chamber, to the right is a
+large phreatic passage three-quarters filled with mud; this connects back to <a
+href="#earthenware">Earthenware</a>, while to the left is <a
+href="#hippohollows">Hippo Hollows</a> passage.</p>
+<p>These two trunk passages, Hippo Hollows to the south and Earthenware Passage
+to the north, together with the short linking passage in between appear to
+originally have been a single, large phreatic passage running north/south which
+has subsequently been cut into three sections by two canyons running parallel
+in Subsoil Chamber.</p>
+<h4><a id="heavilysoiled">Heavily Soiled</a></h4>
+<p>Clambering up from the base of University Challenge pitch to the top of
+Subsoil Chamber, a traverse on the left wall (free climbable with care) is the
+easiest way to the obvious, large passage heading off on to the north.
+<i>Following the canyon leading down from here leads to <a
+href="#earthenware">Earthenware</a>. A sandy passage leads off up steeply from
+the top of Subsoil Chamber. From this passage, a sandy tube  soon branches off
+to the right and rapidly closes down. The restricted main passage ahead swings
+left then heads down and provides a bypass connection into Heavily Soiled
+passage.</i> At the north end of Subsoil Chamber, the main passage initially
+ascends steeply with a rift in the mud-covered floor. It immediately passes a
+steeply descending passage leading off to the right [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-50" id="qC2004-204-50">C2004-204-50 A</a>] and quickly
+reaches a large boulder in the passage where the sandy bypass described above
+joins from the right. Just beyond the junction of the two routes is a tube on
+the right, which has not been explored in 2004, [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-51"
+id="qC2004-204-51">C2004-204-51 B</a>], nor has another slightly further on [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-53" id="qC2004-204-53">C2004-204-53 B</a>]. The main
+passage then levels off and there is a 1.8m climb down a mud bank. At the
+bottom a passage leads off to the left [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-52"
+id="qC2004-204-52">C2004-204-52 C</a>], after which the passage continues up
+through large boulders and breakdown. A restricted crawl on the left through
+boulders is followed by either an easy squeeze on the left [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-54" id="qC2004-204-54">C2004-204-54 C</a>] or a climb
+ahead that opens out onto a large muddy ledge above a mud-floored chamber where
+the 2004 survey ends. Descending to the left leads to <b><a
+id="nightsoil">Night Soil Chamber</a></b> [WOOKEY BECKA] [<a
+href="qm.html#C2005-204-72" id="qC2005-204-72">C2005-204-72 B</a>] (mislabelled
+as 05-71 on survey), while to the right is <b><a id="hippocratic">Hippocratic
+Oath</a></b> [BECKA ANDREW WOOKEY][<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-01"
+id="qC2005-204-01">C2005-204-01 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-02"
+id="qC2005-204-02">C2005-204-02 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-03"
+id="qC2005-204-03">C2005-204-03 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-04"
+id="qC2005-204-04">C2005-204-04 D</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-05"
+id="qC2005-204-05">C2005-204-05 X</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-06"
+id="qC2005-204-06">C2005-204-06 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-07"
+id="qC2005-204-07">C2005-204-07 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-65"
+id="qC2005-204-65">C2005-204-65 A</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-66"
+id="qC2005-204-66">C2005-204-66 D</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-67"
+id="qC2005-204-67">C2005-204-67 ?</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-68"
+id="qC2005-204-68">C2005-204-68 ?</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-69"
+id="qC2005-204-69">C2005-204-69 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-70"
+id="qC2005-204-70">C2005-204-70 X</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-71"
+id="qC2005-204-71">C2005-204-71 D</a>].</p>
+<h3>Southern area: Hippo Hollows / Fat Worm</h3>
+<img src="subsoil_south.png" />
+<h4><a href="l/hippohollows.html"><img class="onright" src="t/hippohollows.jpg"
+alt="Hippo Hollows mud pots" /></a><a id="hippohollows">Hippo Hollows</a></h4>
+<p>On the left, from the southern base of Subsoil Chamber, a 1.8m climb up a
+mud bank leads to a mud-floored passage that enters Hippo Hollows. This section
+of passage has a series of small, attractive pots floored with cracked mud
+(CARE - traverse above the pots). Straight on after the pots, the passage ends
+in a rift and <b><a id="chalkcheese">Chalk and Cheese</a></b> pitch. <i>Before
+this point, but after the pots, a ramp up on the left leads to a pitch (p.8).
+At the base of this pitch a squeeze appears to open out onto a further pitch
+[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-X72" id="qC2004-204-X72">C2004-204-X72 ?</a>].
+Traversing over the 8m pitch and up a steep muddy bank leads shortly to the
+head of a further pitch which has not yet been descended [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-58" id="qC2004-204-58">C2004-204-58 B</a>]. Shortly
+after this first left ramp, a second ramp to the left leads to a position
+overlooking the same rift that can be more easily accessed by continuing
+straight along the main Hippo Hollows passage.</i> On the right of the main
+Hippo Hollows passage, opposite the second ramp, there is an aven on the right
+with sounds of running water in wet conditions [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-59"
+id="qC2004-204-59">C2004-204-59 B</a>]. The climb up to the aven would require
+bolting. Chalk and Cheese pitch is rigged from bolts in the roof to a
+self-lined climb down a narrow rift to enter the Fat Worm Blows A Sparky
+<h4><a id="fatworm">Fat Worm Blows a Sparky</a></h4>
+<p><a href="l/whiteclouds.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/whiteclouds.jpg"
+alt="Little White Clouds ceiling formations" /></a> Chalk and Cheese pitch
+enters a moderate-sized chamber. <i>To the right, a short (3m) climb leads up
+to a window overlooking the chamber. A crawling sized passage continues north
+west for about 35m ending in a pitch down [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-60"
+id="qC2004-204-60">C2004-204-60 A</a>].</i> A large walking passage leads off
+to the left. From this walking passage, a ramp soon leads down to the right.
+This shortly comes to a junction. <i>Down and straight ahead leads to a pair of
+windows overlooking what is almost certainly the same pitch [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-61" id="qC2004-204-61">C2004-204-61 A</a>].Turning
+right before these windows a climb through a window leads to a small, awkward
+and sharp passage that has several windows on the right leading to pitches [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-62" id="qC2004-204-62">C2004-204-62 B</a>].</i> To the
+right the passage squeezes past unusual white plastic-like formations (<b><a
+id="littlewhiteclouds">Little White Clouds</a></b>) to a small chamber.  The
+left of this chamber opens out over a pitch, the first of the Four Pitches of
+the Apocalypse. Straight ahead from the chamber the passage continues to a
+second pitch.</p>
+<p><a href="l/deadbat.html"><img class="onright" src="t/deadbat.jpg" alt="Dead
+bat" /></a> The main walking passage soon reaches <b><a id="batchamber">Dead
+Good Bat Chamber</a></b> with a freshly deceased bat marked by conservation
+tape by the prominent central boulder. <i>Low on the left of this chamber, Thin
+Rift passage goes down steeply in tight rift. A handline was needed to continue
+down at the limit of surveying in 2004 [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-X73"
+id="qC2004-204-X73">C2004-204-X73 A</a>].</i> Several passages lead down on the
+right from Good Dead Bat Chamber: all interconnect in a maze of small walking
+and crawling tubes. An alcove in one tube is conservation-taped off to protect
+the hundreds of bat bones; many other bat bones are found at lower
+concentrations throughout Subsoil, possibly washed out of the mud deposits. In
+another tube is an unexplored passage [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-64"
+id="qC2004-204-64">C2004-204-64 C</a>]. Continuing ahead beyond Good Dead Bat
+Chamber, a free-climb steeply up on the left leads to a point around 4m below a
+large tube which would require bolting to access [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-65" id="qC2004-204-65">C2004-204-65 B</a>]. Straight
+ahead leads steeply down large boulders to a small chamber and a wet aven [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-66" id="qC2004-204-66">C2004-204-66 C</a>].</p>
+<h3>Northern area (The Wares)</h3>
+<img src="subsoil_north.png" />
+<h4><a id="earthenware">Earthenware</a></h4>
+<p>From the foot of <a href="uworld.html#univchallenge">University Challenge</a> pitch,
+descending around 10m south down the chamber, there is a very large boulder on
+the right with two spits in the roof to rig a 3m pitch (free-climbable with
+care) to a steeply descending canyon. Following down the canyon, shortly an
+opening on the right links to the start of <a href="#heavilysoiled">Heavily
+Soiled</a> passage. <i>At the base of the canyon the passage continues as
+fairly tight rift guarded by poised rocks [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-22"
+id="qC2004-204-22">C2004-204-22 A</a>].</i> Between these points, <i>a high mud
+bank on the left opens into the short section of phreatic passage which
+continues further south as Hippo Hollows, passing a high tube in the right-hand
+wall [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-20" id="qC2004-204-20">C2004-204-20 X</a>].
+</i> The main way on is opposite this high mud bank. Here, on the right near
+the bottom of the canyon, a short traverse (two spits and a natural and a 12m
+rope; free-climbed for 2005 trips) over a large, loose mud bank gains access up
+to a large walking passage, Earthenware. This drafts out strongly and continues
+north, horizontally, for 100m. Earthenware initially passes some stalactites,
+opposite which there is a passage on the left [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-23"
+id="qC2004-204-23">C2004-204-23 C</a>]; then the phreatic development extends
+to slope up on the right side.  Continuing leads to a trench; climbing down
+into the trench on the left-hand side of the passage leads to a side passage,
+<b><a id="software">Software</a></b> [WOOKEY BECKA] [<a
+href="qm.html#C2005-204-73" id="qC2005-204-73">C2005-204-73 A</a>] and at the
+other end is a climb down into <b><a id="firmware">Firmware</a></b> [WOOKEY
+<p>A little beyond this is a junction, <i>where a passage leads off to the left
+to join <a href="#software">Software</a>, while a
+muddy slope on the right leads to a muddy tube that goes steeply up to a
+boulder choke. A second, less obvious tube leads up on the right just before
+this first tube. This second tube climbs up very steeply and continues beyond
+the end of the 2004 survey though some aid may be needed to complete the climb
+up [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-28" id="qC2004-204-28">C2004-204-28 A</a>].
+These two tubes are the <b><a id="chimney">Chimney</a></b>.</i> The main
+passage of Earthenware continues up a slope over mud floor formations and
+boulders to an obvious junction. The draft comes from the continuation of
+Earthenware straight ahead. <i>The larger passage on the left is <b><a
+id="stoneware">Stoneware</a></b>. Stoneware leads steeply down and narrows from
+large walking passage to twisting vadose passage with a clean-washed rock floor
+with loose, sharp rocks balanced on it. This continues for around 50m to a
+chamber. Here there is a drop through loose mud [XXX unnumbered QM B] and a
+roof tube [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-29" id="qC2004-204-29">C2004-204-29
+X</a>]. Continuing on, past another roof tube [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-30"
+id="qC2004-204-30">C2004-204-30 X</a>], the passage terminates at a drippy aven
+[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-32" id="qC2004-204-32">C2004-204-32 X</a>].</i>
+<i>[Editor's note: I'm rather puzzled by this as the QM grades assigned on the
+survey don't match the description. Somewhere along here there is another one
+[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-31" id="qC2004-204-31">C2004-204-31
+<p>Earthenware continues smaller and soon reaches a complex junction, the
+beginning of the labyrinth known as The Wares.  On the right are three passages
+leading into <a href="#underware">Underware</a>. The second contains attractive
+calcite on the walls and is conservation-taped off.  On the left there are also
+three passages: the first and third lead into <a href="#hardware">Hardware</a>
+(the third passing [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-76"
+id="qC2005-204-76">C2005-204-76 C</a>] on the way], while the second slopes
+down to a small chamber with no way on.
+<p><b><a id="hardware">Hardware</a></b> is initially small but strongly
+drafting and twists along and soon reaches a junction. Ahead on the left drops
+down a ramp past a fine white formation but soon finishes. Just beyond this
+ramp, a muddy passage leads up on the right back to Earthenware. Continuing
+straight ahead, the main passage soon opens up into very large phreatic passage
+with large boulders on the floor. Soon there are openings on both left and
+right. <i> Taking this left, the passage, <b><a id="someware">Someware</a></b>,
+drops down steeply. Two junctions on the right both lead to a small chamber
+beyond which is a wet aven [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-74"
+id="qC2005-204-74">C2005-204-74 X</a>] on the right which feeds a small, sharp,
+immature streamway on the left [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-X82"
+id="qC2005-204-X82">C2005-204-X82 C</a>]. Note that this aven is separate from
+that at [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-39" id="qC2004-204-39">C2004-204-39 B</a>].
+The continuation of this left passage down is [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-75"
+id="qC2005-204-75">C2005-204-75 A</a>] and takes a small stream.</i> Right
+leads up steeply to Underware. Further along is another crossroads; left links
+back into Someware; right soon chokes. This large passage soon closes down
+again and slopes steeply up in a large boulder pile. The 2004 survey ended at
+the top of the boulder slope. A deep pitch descends on the left [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-39" id="qC2004-204-39">C2004-204-39 C</a>] and there is
+a possible continuation up on the right of the slope through boulders [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-40" id="qC2004-204-40">C2004-204-40 C</a>].</p>
+<h4><a id="underware">Underware</a></h4>
+<p>The three passages up on the right of Earthenware all enter a very large,
+horizontal phreatic passage, Underware. This continues both left (north) and
+right (south).</p>
+<p>From the entry points from Earthenware, Underware continues to the left for
+around 50m north, to end in a huge boulder choke and roof collapse. <i>A large
+passage on the left at the start of this collapse zone drops into Hardware,
+following a small stream. A small tube just beyond this passage soon chokes. A
+small drafting passage off to the right at the start of the collapse zone is
+the start of <a href="#tableware">Tableware</a>.</i></p>
+<p>Underware continues to the right as large passage heading south, passing a
+small passage to the left[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-47"
+id="qC2004-204-47">C2004-204-47 C</a>], before closing down in a boulder slope.
+Just before it closes down a large passage leads off up to the left. This
+climbs up steeply past a huge boulder mid-passage then narrows as it reaches a
+small mud chamber. Under a boulder on the left of this chamber the passage
+turns right, becoming too tight after 4m, and at the far end of the chamber a
+passage goes off which becomes too tight after 6m. The main way on is a
+drafting thin rift on the left that soon opens out into the bottom of a large
+sloping passage. This mud-floored ramp climbs up very steeply and in 2004 the
+survey ended at the point at which protection was needed to continue the ascent
+[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-49" id="qC2004-204-49">C2004-204-49 A</a>]. A
+second passage leads off on the right where the thin rift enters this steep
+ramp. This second passage again climbs up steeply and appeared to reach an
+aven, with possible passages leading off around 4m up [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-48" id="qC2004-204-48">C2004-204-48 X</a>].</p>
+<h4><a id="tableware">Tableware</a></h4>
+<p>The passage heads steeply upwards, and it splits into many small 
+tubes which all meet up with each other and meet a horizontal piece of phreatic
+tube.  <i>To the right passes a hole going down to the right [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-43" id="qC2004-204-43">C2004-204-43 C</a>], where
+stones will rattle for quite a while, probably due to a sloping pitch rather
+than any great depth, while continuing past the hole leads up slope to come
+into a larger passage, which is more easily accessed by following the main
+route.</i> To the left a little more scrambling up leads into a passage that
+goes off to the left and right, and is high enough to stand up in.</p>
+<p><i>To the right opens up some more and leads to a pitch [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-44" id="qC2004-204-44">C2004-204-44 B</a>], and an aven
+[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-45" id="qC2004-204-45">C2004-204-45 X</a>]; a small
+hole on the right before the pitch is where the previously described passage
+enters.</i> To the left, the passage continues to a small sloping chamber, at
+the bottom of which a crawl goes off but chokes, while at the top of the
+chamber a couple of short passages also quickly choke.  From the higher
+entrance to the chamber there is a rift in the ceiling, which continues on the
+opposite side of the chamber; [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-46"
+id="qC2004-204-46">C2004-204-46 C</a>] this would require a climb of a couple
+of metres to access.</p>
+<hr style="clear: both" />
+<ul id="links">
+<li><a href="204.html">Back to 204 index page</a></li>
+<li><a href="../index.html#id204">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a></li>
+<li><a href="../../indxal.htm#id204">Full Index</a></li>
+<li><a href="../../areas.htm">Other Areas</a></li>
+<li><a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a></li>
diff --git a/smkridge/204/swings.html b/smkridge/204/swings.html
index b09e6cc5e..24479122b 100644
--- a/smkridge/204/swings.html
+++ b/smkridge/204/swings.html
@@ -34,117 +34,42 @@ Crawl</a>, at what was QM2000-12B. Initially, a walking sized passage
 <b><a id="playground">Playground</a></b> leads past some mud formations and a
 drippy mini-aven to a view overlooking a mid-sized chamber,
 <b>Magic Roundabout</b>, with several exits. The easiest way to the chamber
-floor is via a climb down through a hole in the floor on the right at the end
-of Playground.</p>
+floor is via a corkscrew climb down through a hole in the floor on the right.</p>
 <h3><a id="magicroundabout">Magic Roundabout Chamber</a> and surrounding
-<p>Once in the chamber, climbing down over boulders to the left leads to a
+<p><a href="l/mround2.html"><img src="t/mround2.jpg" class="onleft" /></a> <a
+href="l/gafferpassage.html"><img src="t/gafferpassage.jpg" class="onright"
+/></a> Once in the chamber, climbing down over boulders to the left leads to a
 small exit between rocks. A short rubble-strewn chute (which is free-climbable
-but crumbly, and was rigged in 2002 with a Y-hang following Dave falling off it)
-leads to a duck under a flake into a mud-floored ramp. After 15m or so a large
-shaft is reached, <a href="#gaffertape">Gaffer Tape</a>, the start of the Gaffered
-to the Walls series.</p>
+but crumbly, and was rigged in 2002 with a Y-hang following Dave falling off
+it) leads to a duck under a flake into a mud-floored ramp. After 15m or so a
+large shaft, <b>Gaffer Tape</b>, is reached. Descending this leads to the <a
+href="uworld.html">Gaffered to the Walls Series</a>, while there is also a <a
+href="#the21bolttrav">traverse</a> across the pitch head.</p>
 <p>Back in the main chamber, a rubble slope to the north leads onwards. To the
-north up the slope is an unpromising passage called
-<a href="#ermintrude">ermintrude</a>; to the east leads back to the point where
-Playground overlooks the chamber. To the west is the main passage
-continuation. A passage on the left is <a href="#dutchbeauty">Dutch Beauty</a>,
-which also has windows into the main chamber. Continuing over rocks, a phreatic
-tube enters from <a href="#juicybits">Juicy Bits</a> on the left ahead, and a
-crawl enters from Dutch Beauty behind; the main way on is up a short slope over
-boulders to the start of the main Swings trunk passage: 10m wide and 8m
+north up the slope is <a href="#ermintrude">Ermintrude</a>; to the east leads
+back to the point where Playground overlooks the chamber. To the west is the
+main passage continuation. A passage on the left is <a
+href="#dutchbeauty">Dutch Beauty</a>, which also has windows into the main
+chamber. Continuing over rocks, a phreatic tube enters from <a
+href="#juicybits">Juicy Bits</a> on the left ahead, and a crawl enters from
+Dutch Beauty behind; the main way on is up a short slope over boulders to the
+start of the main Swings trunk passage: 10m wide and 8m high.</p>
 <h3><a id="ermintrude">Ermintrude</a></h3>
-<p>  Ermintrude passage, which leads north from <a href="#magicroundabout"> 
+<p>Ermintrude passage, which leads north from <a href="#magicroundabout"> 
 Magic Roundabout Chamber</a>, soon shrinks to a crawl, with some boulders that
 need crawling around.  This leads to a small chamber, with a small phreatic tube
 leading off to the right about 2m above the floor.  This leads to the base of a free
 climbable aven
 [<a href="qm.html#C2003-204-01" id="qC2003-204-01">C2003-204-01 B</a>].</p>
-<h3><a id="gaffered">Gaffered to the Walls series</a></h3>
-<p><i>See <a href="rigging/gttw.png">rigging guide</a>.</i></p>
-<p>The initial pitch, <b><a id="gaffertape">Gaffer Tape</a></b> (70m), is an
-imposing oval shaft, which continues upwards [<a href="qm.html#C2001-204-97"
-id="qC2001-204-97">C2001-204-97 X</a>]. It is rigged from a bolted traverse on
-the right wall to a bolted Y-hang and a second bolted Y-hang about 25m below.</p>
-<p>A passage leads off from the top of the small chamber at the bottom,
-splitting in two around a pillar and emerging in a chamber formed from a
-slightly hading line of weakness. A ledge can be traversed on the right wall to
-go up past a large boulder, at which point a rift is intersected at a small
-chamber. <i>Down a hole to the left, two uninspiring rifts
-[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-02" id="qC2002-204-02">C2002-204-02 C</a>],
-[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-03" id="qC2002-204-03">C2002-204-03 C</a>] lead down
-and probably rejoin a parallel shaft to LX Tape pitch. Up to the right,
-[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-04" id="qC2002-204-04">C2002-204-04 C</a>], a
-sloping aven is visible which may be climbable. Upstream and to the right of
-the small chamber, a trickle of water emerges from a small slot in the
-ceiling.</i> The main way on is down on the left of the small chamber, through
-a small hole in boulders in the floor to<b><a id="tapeworm">Tape Worm</a></b>
-pitch. This is descended via a backup round the large boulder and a Y-hang on
-spits (care to avoid rubs), then a rebelay off a horizontal thread just below
-a small ledge. Tape Worm pitch lands at a roomy ledge with large fossils
-visible in the floor and walls. Here the small rift of Tape Worm joins the
-larger shaft of <b><a id="lxtape">LX Tape</a></b> pitch. <i>Looking out to the
-left a parallel shaft can be seen which may be enterable from
-[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-02">C2002-204-02 C</a>] and/or
-[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-03">C2002-204-03 C</a>].</i> A bolted traverse along
-the right wall reaches a natural from which LX Tape pitch is rigged. This
-descends, via a deviation on the left wall just below the main ledge, and then
-a second deviation on a natural only around 4m lower but much further along.
-LX Tape pitch is then rebelayed just below a rock bridge near another large
-boulder. <i>On the far wall near the bottom is a ledge
-[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-08" id="qC2002-204-08">C2002-204-08 C</a>]. On the
-near side of the rock bridge is a tight and unpromising rift [<a
-href="qm.html#C2002-204-06" id="qC2002-204-06">C2002-204-06 C</a>].</i></p>
-<p> LX Tape pitch lands in another small chamber. Here a spit backup then a
-crawl through an eye-hole to a bolted Y-hang provides the main hang for
-<b><a id="sellotape">Sellotape</a></b>(or eye hole pitch). This is a fine, 2m
-wide rift which lands in a slight puddle. A horizontal floor leads 5m to a roomy
-ledge on the left of the main rift. A bolted traverse to the end of the ledge
-reaches the <b><a id="trihang">Trihang</a></b> pitch-head. This is no longer
-rigged as a tri-hang but instead around the large natural above the ledge.
-Tri-Hang pitch descends beyond a small ledge which has a bolted deviation level
-with the ledge down to a small puddle. Here wellies and jammers should be
-washed clean of mud prior to ascent (washing-up brush left there in 2004 for
-this purpose). The tight rift continues down
-[<a href="qm.html#C2003-204-02" id="qC2003-204-02">C2003-204-02 B</a>] but the
-way on is up an awkward and steep bolted traverse up the right wall of the rift
-on a small-to-vanishing ledge. After 5m this reaches the top of the final
-pitch, <b><a id="cerberus">Cerberus</a></b>. The traverse is best rigged by
-free-climbing to the top of Cerberus pitch on the left side of the rift then
-rigging the traverse from the top.</p>
-<p><a href="l/kangatwo.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/kangatwo.jpg" /></a>
-<i>At the pitch-head for Cerberus, above the traverse up to it, a slightly
-exposed sideways traverse gives access to a stooping-height phreatic passage,
-<b><a id="eeyore">Eeyore</a></b>, floored with thick, sticky mud. After around
-five metres, Eeyore opens out into a moderately large chamber, <b><a
-id="kanga">Kanga</a></b>. A bolted Y-hang on the right wall drops down to a
-ledge and then to a second bolted Y-hang to the steeply descending floor of the
-chamber. There is a small pitch on the left [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-68"
-id="qC2004-204-68">C2004-204-68 B</a>] which may link to the lower pitch in
-Eeyore. At the bottom of the chamber a small passage leads off on the left to a
-rift; this heads uphill for a few metres over loose, powdery mud before
-emerging in a chamber. Climbing down around a large wedged boulder to the floor
-reveals a narrow, unpromising-looking pitch-head, estimated at 10m [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-69" id="qC2004-204-69">C2004-204-69 B</a>].</i></p>
-<p>Cerberus is a steeply sloping, very muddy ramp down. It is rigged from a
-bolted Y-hang and then a deviation from a natural the left wall, landing in the
-<a href="uworld.html">Underworld</a>.</p>
 <h3><a id="the21bolttrav">21 Bolt Traverse</a></h3>
-<p>From the head of <a href="#gaffertape">Gaffer Tape</a> pitch, a narrow ledge
+<p>From the head of <a href="uworld.html#gaffertape">Gaffer Tape</a> pitch, a narrow ledge
 continues around the right-hand wall of the shaft towards an opening visible at
 the far side, which was the target of a loony bolt traverse in 2003.</p>
@@ -400,6 +325,11 @@ id="qC2005-204-45">C2005-204-45 C</a>].
 <h3>High Hopes and the 2005 entrances</h3>
+<div class="onleft">
+<a href="l/hhclimb.html"><img src="t/hhclimb.jpg" /></a>
+<a href="l/hhfloor.html"><img src="t/hhfloor.jpg" /></a>
 <p>From the bottom of the pitch a climb up the opposite wall (left rigged as the holds were rather temporary) leads to a
 passage in the roof, <b><a id="highhopes">High Hopes</a></b> [WOOKEY NIAL BECKA TONY] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-62" id="qC2005-204-62">C2005-204-62 A</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-63" id="qC2005-204-63">C2005-204-63 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-64" id="qC2005-204-64">C2005-204-64 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-08" id="qC2005-204-08">C2005-204-08 B</a>]
 [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-09" id="qC2005-204-09">C2005-204-09 C</a>].</p>
@@ -413,7 +343,7 @@ at the bottom of the <a href="#gent">G entrance</a> pitches. To the right, there
 boulders at floor level, or a climb up at 45&deg; into a bedding plane, both emerging in a chamber with a high aven
 above, where the <a href="#hient">H and I entrances</a> drop in.</p>
-<h4><a id="gent">G entrance</a></h4>
+<h4 style="clear: left"><a id="gent">G entrance</a></h4>
 <p>The G entrance starts as a sloping phreatic tube of diameter around 3m; this is steep and the floor is loose, and a
 rope is required, which can be secured from a thread at the entrance and a bolt in the roof. The tube steepens
diff --git a/smkridge/204/uworld.html b/smkridge/204/uworld.html
index 5a01683f8..cced33aba 100644
--- a/smkridge/204/uworld.html
+++ b/smkridge/204/uworld.html
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@
 <table id="cavepage">
 <tr><th id="kat_no">204</th><th id="name">Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle</th><th id="status">4/S x</th></tr>
-<h1>The Underworld and Subsoil</h1>
+<h1>Gaffered to the Walls and The Underworld</h1>
 <b><!--<a href="#survey">-->Survey<!--</a>--></b>&nbsp;--&nbsp;
@@ -20,13 +19,93 @@
 <hr />
 <p>The Underworld is an area of horizontal development at 1580m, around 160m
-deeper than the majority of the horizontal development in
+deeper than the majority of the previously known horizontal passage in
 Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle. Access is from <a
-href="swings.html#gaffered">Gaffered</a>, although a connection from <a
+href="swings.html#magicroundabout">Swings and Roundabouts</a> via the Gaffered to the
+Walls pitch series, although a connection from <a
 href="swings.html#merrygoround">Merry-Go-Round</a> is also suspected to exist.
-Below this is a larger and still deeper level, Subsoil, at around 1520m.</p>
+Below the Underworld is <a href="subsoil.html">Subsoil</a>.</p>
+<h3><a id="gaffered">Gaffered to the Walls series</a></h3>
+<p><i>See <a href="rigging/gttw.png">rigging guide</a>.</i></p>
+<p><div class="onleft">
+<a href="l/gaffphead.html"><img src="t/gaffphead.jpg" /></a>
+<a href="l/gaffphead2.html"><img src="t/gaffphead2.jpg" /></a></div>
+The initial pitch, <b><a id="gaffertape">Gaffer Tape</a></b> (70m), is an
+imposing oval shaft, which continues upwards [<a href="qm.html#C2001-204-97"
+id="qC2001-204-97">C2001-204-97 X</a>]. It is rigged from a bolted traverse on
+the right wall to a bolted Y-hang and a second bolted Y-hang about 25m below.</p>
+<p>A passage leads off from the top of the small chamber at the bottom,
+splitting in two around a pillar and emerging in a chamber formed from a
+slightly hading line of weakness. A ledge can be traversed on the right wall to
+go up past a large boulder, at which point a rift is intersected at a small
+chamber. <i>Down a hole to the left, two uninspiring rifts
+[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-02" id="qC2002-204-02">C2002-204-02 C</a>],
+[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-03" id="qC2002-204-03">C2002-204-03 C</a>] lead down
+and probably rejoin a parallel shaft to LX Tape pitch. Up to the right,
+[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-04" id="qC2002-204-04">C2002-204-04 C</a>], a
+sloping aven is visible which may be climbable. Upstream and to the right of
+the small chamber, a trickle of water emerges from a small slot in the
+ceiling.</i> The main way on is down on the left of the small chamber, through
+a small hole in boulders in the floor to<b><a id="tapeworm">Tape Worm</a></b>
+pitch. This is descended via a backup round the large boulder and a Y-hang on
+spits (care to avoid rubs), then a rebelay off a horizontal thread just below
+a small ledge. Tape Worm pitch lands at a roomy ledge with large fossils
+visible in the floor and walls. Here the small rift of Tape Worm joins the
+larger shaft of <b><a id="lxtape">LX Tape</a></b> pitch. <i>Looking out to the
+left a parallel shaft can be seen which may be enterable from
+[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-02">C2002-204-02 C</a>] and/or
+[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-03">C2002-204-03 C</a>].</i> A bolted traverse along
+the right wall reaches a natural from which LX Tape pitch is rigged. This
+descends, via a deviation on the left wall just below the main ledge, and then
+a second deviation on a natural only around 4m lower but much further along.
+LX Tape pitch is then rebelayed just below a rock bridge near another large
+boulder. <i>On the far wall near the bottom is a ledge
+[<a href="qm.html#C2002-204-08" id="qC2002-204-08">C2002-204-08 C</a>]. On the
+near side of the rock bridge is a tight and unpromising rift [<a
+href="qm.html#C2002-204-06" id="qC2002-204-06">C2002-204-06 C</a>].</i></p>
+<p> LX Tape pitch lands in another small chamber. Here a spit backup then a
+crawl through an eye-hole to a bolted Y-hang provides the main hang for
+<b><a id="sellotape">Sellotape</a></b>(or eye hole pitch). This is a fine, 2m
+wide rift which lands in a slight puddle. A horizontal floor leads 5m to a roomy
+ledge on the left of the main rift. A bolted traverse to the end of the ledge
+reaches the <b><a id="trihang">Trihang</a></b> pitch-head. This is no longer
+rigged as a tri-hang but instead around the large natural above the ledge.
+Tri-Hang pitch descends beyond a small ledge which has a bolted deviation level
+with the ledge down to a small puddle. Here wellies and jammers should be
+washed clean of mud prior to ascent (washing-up brush left there in 2004 for
+this purpose). The tight rift continues down
+[<a href="qm.html#C2003-204-02" id="qC2003-204-02">C2003-204-02 B</a>] but the
+way on is up an awkward and steep bolted traverse up the right wall of the rift
+on a small-to-vanishing ledge. After 5m this reaches the top of the final
+pitch, <b><a id="cerberus">Cerberus</a></b>. The traverse is best rigged by
+free-climbing to the top of Cerberus pitch on the left side of the rift then
+rigging the traverse from the top.</p>
+<p><a href="l/kangatwo.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/kangatwo.jpg" /></a>
+<i>At the pitch-head for Cerberus, above the traverse up to it, a slightly
+exposed sideways traverse gives access to a stooping-height phreatic passage,
+<b><a id="eeyore">Eeyore</a></b>, floored with thick, sticky mud. After around
+five metres, Eeyore opens out into a moderately large chamber, <b><a
+id="kanga">Kanga</a></b>. A bolted Y-hang on the right wall drops down to a
+ledge and then to a second bolted Y-hang to the steeply descending floor of the
+chamber. There is a small pitch on the left [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-68"
+id="qC2004-204-68">C2004-204-68 B</a>] which may link to the lower pitch in
+Eeyore. At the bottom of the chamber a small passage leads off on the left to a
+rift; this heads uphill for a few metres over loose, powdery mud before
+emerging in a chamber. Climbing down around a large wedged boulder to the floor
+reveals a narrow, unpromising-looking pitch-head, estimated at 10m [<a
+href="qm.html#C2004-204-69" id="qC2004-204-69">C2004-204-69 B</a>].</i></p>
+<p>Cerberus is a steeply sloping, very muddy ramp down. It is rigged from a
+bolted Y-hang and then a deviation from a natural the left wall, landing at the
+start of the Underworld.</p>
+<h3>The Underworld</h3>
 <p><a href="l/underworld.html"><img class="onright" src="t/underworld.jpg"
 alt="Dave at foot of Cerberus pitch" /></a>The Underworld starts from the foot
@@ -94,8 +173,6 @@ naturals (15m rope; 2 slings) to gain a large passage sloping up. Straight
 ahead is a thin rift: Bracket Fungus passage, the way on is up the steep mud
 slope to the left, <a href="#oxtail">Oxtail Oxbow</a>.</p>
 <h3><a href="l/bracketfungus1.html"><img class="onleft"
 src="t/bracketfungus1.jpg" alt="bracket fungus formations" /></a> <a
 id="bracketfungus">Bracket Fungus Passage</a></h3>
@@ -149,292 +226,26 @@ id="qC2004-204-16">C2004-204-16 C</a>].</p>
 <h3><a id="quiz">Quiz Rift</a></h3>
 <p>At the junction before Terra Firma, turn right and clamber over large wedged
-boulders <i>(CARE - deep, undescended rift below
-[<a href="qm.html#C2003-204-25" id="qC2003-204-25">C2003-204-25 C</a>])</i>, to a
+boulders <i>(CARE - deep, undescended rift below [<a
+href="qm.html#C2003-204-25" id="qC2003-204-25">C2003-204-25 C</a>])</i>, to a
 small mud chamber. Duck under the low arch, avoiding contacting the
 conservation-taped stalactites, to a further small mud chamber. Crawl down
 again under a second low arch, up a mud slope on the right and turn left into
-Quiz Rift. <i>To the right a narrow rift goes up to a ledge which is the start of
-the <b><a id="generation">Generation Game</a></b> bolted traverse. This leads over
-the top of Quiz Rift to the passage the far side; this appears to have no way
-on. On the other side of this ledge are a series of phreatic roof tubes and
-passage, <b><a id="uppertube">Upper Tube</a></b>, which overlook the mud slopes
-and chambers just described, in which there are a couple of QM's: a roof tube
-[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-19" id="qC2004-204-19">C2004-204-19 C</a>] and a
-muddy chute [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-21" id="qC2004-204-21">C2004-204-21
-C</a>].</i> Quiz Rift soon turns right down a mud slope (traverse line on
-naturals and one bolt) to the <b><a id="gardenersworld">Gardener's
-World</a></b> pitch (p25). This descends via awkward rigging (not perfected in
-2004) to a ledge in a moderately large chamber. From this ledge <b><a
-id="univchallenge">University Challenge</a></b> pitch (p15) descends to land
-partway down the large, confusing Subsoil Chamber.</p>
-<h2><a id="subsoil">Subsoil level</a></h2>
-<h3>Subsoil Chamber area</h3>
-<img src="subsoil_centre.png" />
-<h4><a id="subsoilchamber">Subsoil Chamber</a></h4>
-<p> <a href="l/crystals.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/crystals.jpg"
-alt="crystal-encrusted rock" /></a> <a href="l/mudpillars.html"><img
-class="onright" src="t/mudpillars.jpg" alt="mud pillars" /></a> Subsoil Chamber
-is large with a boulder floor, sloping down to the south.  <i>Heading north up
-the slope leads to <a href="#heavilysoiled">Heavily Soiled</a> (q.v.).</i>.
-Heading south from the base of the University Challenge pitch, <i>after 10m on
-the right is the entry to the canyon leading to <a
-href="#earthenware">Earthenware</a></i>, while <i>on the left a passage leads
-up steeply past conservation-taped fine, white crystals to a small, wet aven
-with two QM C's[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-56" id="qC2004-204-56">C2004-204-56
-C</a>]</i> as the chamber drops down steeply with a boulder-strewn floor to a
-small, wet aven with fine, large banks of conservation-taped mud and mud pillar
-formations topped by pebbles. At the base of the chamber, to the right is a
-large phreatic passage three-quarters filled with mud; this connects back to <a
-href="#earthenware">Earthenware</a>, while to the left is <a
-href="#hippohollows">Hippo Hollows</a> passage.</p>
-<p>These two trunk passages, Hippo Hollows to the south and Earthenware Passage
-to the north, together with the short linking passage in between appear to
-originally have been a single, large phreatic passage running north/south which
-has subsequently been cut into three sections by two canyons running parallel
-in Subsoil Chamber.</p>
-<h4><a id="heavilysoiled">Heavily Soiled</a></h4>
-<p>Clambering up from the base of University Challenge pitch to the top of
-Subsoil Chamber, a traverse on the left wall (free climbable with care) is the easiest way to the obvious, large passage heading off on to the north. <i>Following the canyon leading down from here leads to <a
-href="#earthenware">Earthenware</a>. A sandy passage leads off up steeply from the top of Subsoil Chamber. From this passage, a sandy tube 
-soon branches off to the right and rapidly closes down. The restricted main
-passage ahead swings left then heads down and provides a bypass
-connection into Heavily Soiled passage.</i> At the north end of Subsoil Chamber, the
-main passage initially ascends steeply with a rift in the mud-covered floor. It
-immediately passes a steeply descending passage leading off to the right [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-50" id="qC2004-204-50">C2004-204-50 A</a>] and quickly
-reaches a large boulder in the passage where the sandy bypass described
-above joins from the right. Just beyond
-the junction of the two routes is a tube on the right, which has not been
-explored in 2004, [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-51"
-id="qC2004-204-51">C2004-204-51 B</a>], nor has another slightly further on [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-53" id="qC2004-204-53">C2004-204-53 B</a>]. The main
-passage then levels off and there is a 1.8m climb down a mud bank. At the
-bottom a passage leads off to the left [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-52"
-id="qC2004-204-52">C2004-204-52 C</a>], after which the passage continues up
-through large boulders and breakdown. A restricted crawl on the left through
-boulders is followed by either an easy squeeze on the left [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-54" id="qC2004-204-54">C2004-204-54 C</a>] or a climb
-ahead that opens out onto a large muddy ledge above a mud-floored chamber where
-the 2004 survey ends. Descending to the left leads to <b><a
-id="nightsoil">Night Soil Chamber</a></b> [WOOKEY BECKA] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-72" id="qC2005-204-72">C2005-204-72 B</a>] (mislabelled
-as 05-71 on survey), while to the right is <b><a id="hippocratic">Hippocratic
-Oath</a></b> [BECKA ANDREW WOOKEY][<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-01" id="qC2005-204-01">C2005-204-01 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-02" id="qC2005-204-02">C2005-204-02 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-03" id="qC2005-204-03">C2005-204-03 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-04" id="qC2005-204-04">C2005-204-04 D</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-05" id="qC2005-204-05">C2005-204-05 X</a>]
-[<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-06" id="qC2005-204-06">C2005-204-06 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-07" id="qC2005-204-07">C2005-204-07 C</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-65" id="qC2005-204-65">C2005-204-65 A</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-66" id="qC2005-204-66">C2005-204-66 D</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-67" id="qC2005-204-67">C2005-204-67 ?</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-68" id="qC2005-204-68">C2005-204-68 ?</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-69" id="qC2005-204-69">C2005-204-69 B</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-70" id="qC2005-204-70">C2005-204-70 X</a>] [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-71" id="qC2005-204-71">C2005-204-71 D</a>].</p>
-<h3>Southern area: Hippo Hollows / Fat Worm</h3>
-<img src="subsoil_south.png" />
-<h4><a href="l/hippohollows.html"><img class="onright" src="t/hippohollows.jpg"
-alt="Hippo Hollows mud pots" /></a><a id="hippohollows">Hippo Hollows</a></h4>
-<p>On the left, from the southern base of Subsoil Chamber, a 1.8m climb up a mud
-bank leads to a mud-floored passage that enters Hippo Hollows. This section of
-passage has a series of small, attractive pots floored with cracked mud (CARE -
-traverse above the pots). Straight on after the pots, the passage ends in a
-rift and <b><a id="chalkcheese">Chalk and Cheese</a></b> pitch. <i>Before this
-point, but after the pots, a ramp up on the left leads to a pitch (p.8). At the
-base of this pitch a squeeze appears to open out onto a further pitch [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-X72" id="qC2004-204-X72">C2004-204-X72 ?</a>].
-Traversing over the 8m pitch and up a steep muddy bank leads shortly to the
-head of a further pitch which has not yet been descended [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-58" id="qC2004-204-58">C2004-204-58 B</a>]. Shortly
-after this first left ramp, a second ramp to the left leads to a position
-overlooking the same rift that can be more easily accessed by continuing
-straight along the main Hippo Hollows passage.</i> On the right of the main
-Hippo Hollows passage, opposite the second ramp, there is an aven on the right with sounds of
-running water in wet conditions [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-59"
-id="qC2004-204-59">C2004-204-59 B</a>]. The climb up to the aven would require
-bolting. Chalk and Cheese pitch is rigged from bolts in the roof to a
-self-lined climb down a narrow rift to enter the Fat Worm Blows A Sparky
-<h4><a id="fatworm">Fat Worm Blows a Sparky</a></h4>
-<p><a href="l/whiteclouds.html"><img class="onleft" src="t/whiteclouds.jpg"
-alt="Little White Clouds ceiling formations" /></a> Chalk and Cheese pitch
-enters a moderate-sized chamber. <i>To the right, a short (3m) climb leads up to
-a window overlooking the chamber. A crawling sized passage continues north
-west for about 35m ending in a pitch down [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-60"
-id="qC2004-204-60">C2004-204-60 A</a>].</i> A large walking passage leads off
-to the left. From this walking passage, a ramp soon leads down to the right.
-This shortly comes to a junction. <i>Down and straight ahead leads to a pair of
-windows overlooking what is almost certainly the same pitch [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-61" id="qC2004-204-61">C2004-204-61 A</a>].Turning
-right before these windows a climb through a window leads to a small, awkward
-and sharp passage that has several windows on the right leading to pitches [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-62" id="qC2004-204-62">C2004-204-62 B</a>].</i> To the
-right the passage squeezes past unusual white plastic-like formations (<b><a
-id="littlewhiteclouds">Little White Clouds</a></b>) to a small chamber.  The
-left of this chamber opens out over a pitch, the first of the <a
-href="thetube.html#apocalypse">Four Pitches of the Apocalypse</a> Straight
-ahead from the chamber the passage continues to a second pitch.</p>
-<p><a href="l/deadbat.html"><img class="onright" src="t/deadbat.jpg" alt="Dead
-bat" /></a> The main walking passage soon reaches <b><a id="batchamber">Dead
-Good Bat Chamber</a></b> with a freshly deceased bat marked by conservation
-tape by the prominent central boulder. <i>Low on the left of this chamber, Thin
-Rift passage goes down steeply in tight rift. A handline was needed to continue
-down at the limit of surveying in 2004 [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-X73"
-id="qC2004-204-X73">C2004-204-X73 A</a>].</i> Several passages lead down on the
-right from Good Dead Bat Chamber: all interconnect in a maze of small walking
-and crawling tubes. An alcove in one tube is conservation-taped off to protect
-the hundreds of bat bones; many other bat bones are found at lower
-concentrations throughout Subsoil, possibly washed out of the mud deposits. In
-another tube is an unexplored passage [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-64"
-id="qC2004-204-64">C2004-204-64 C</a>]. Continuing ahead beyond Good Dead Bat
-Chamber, a free-climb steeply up on the left leads to a point around 4m below a
-large tube which would require bolting to access [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-65" id="qC2004-204-65">C2004-204-65 B</a>]. Straight
-ahead leads steeply down large boulders to a small chamber and a wet aven [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-66" id="qC2004-204-66">C2004-204-66 C</a>].</p>
-<h3>Northern area (The Wares)</h3>
-<img src="subsoil_north.png" />
-<h4><a id="earthenware">Earthenware</a></h4>
-<p>From the foot of <a href="#univchallenge">University Challenge</a> pitch,
-descending around 10m south down the chamber, there is a very large boulder on
-the right with two spits in the roof to rig a 3m pitch (free-climbable with
-care) to a steeply descending canyon. Following down the canyon, shortly an
-opening on the right links to the start of <a href="#heavilysoiled">Heavily
-Soiled</a> passage. <i>At the base of the canyon the passage continues as fairly
-tight rift guarded by poised rocks [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-22"
-id="qC2004-204-22">C2004-204-22 A</a>].</i> Between these points, <i>a high mud
-bank on the left opens into the short section of phreatic passage which
-continues further south as Hippo Hollows, passing a high tube in the right-hand
-wall [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-20" id="qC2004-204-20">C2004-204-20 X</a>].
-</i> The main way on is opposite this high mud bank. Here, on the right near
-the bottom of the canyon, a short traverse (two spits and a natural and a 12m rope; free-climbed for 2005 trips) over a large, loose mud
-bank gains access up to a large walking passage, Earthenware. This drafts out
-strongly and continues north, horizontally, for 100m. Earthenware initially
-passes some stalactites, opposite which there is a passage on the left [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-23" id="qC2004-204-23">C2004-204-23 C</a>]; then the
-phreatic development extends to slope up on the right side.  Continuing leads
-to a trench; climbing down into the trench on the left-hand side of the passage
-leads to a side passage, <b><a id="software">Software</a></b> [WOOKEY BECKA]
-[<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-73" id="qC2005-204-73">C2005-204-73 A</a>] and at
-the other end is a climb down into <b><a id="firmware">Firmware</a></b> [WOOKEY
-<p>A little beyond this is a junction, <i>where a passage leads off to the left
-to join <a href="#software">Software</a>, while a
-muddy slope on the right leads to a muddy tube that goes steeply up to a
-boulder choke. A second, less obvious tube leads up on the right just before
-this first tube. This second tube climbs up very steeply and continues beyond
-the end of the 2004 survey though some aid may be needed to complete the climb
-up [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-28" id="qC2004-204-28">C2004-204-28 A</a>].
-These two tubes are the <b><a id="chimney">Chimney</a></b>.</i> The main
-passage of Earthenware continues up a slope over mud floor formations and
-boulders to an obvious junction. The draft comes from the continuation of
-Earthenware straight ahead. <i>The larger passage on the left is <b><a
-id="stoneware">Stoneware</a></b>. Stoneware leads steeply down and narrows from
-large walking passage to twisting vadose passage with a clean-washed rock floor
-with loose, sharp rocks balanced on it. This continues for around 50m to a
-chamber. Here there is a drop through loose mud [XXX unnumbered QM B] and a
-roof tube [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-29" id="qC2004-204-29">C2004-204-29
-X</a>]. Continuing on, past another roof tube [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-30"
-id="qC2004-204-30">C2004-204-30 X</a>], the passage terminates at a drippy aven
-[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-32" id="qC2004-204-32">C2004-204-32 X</a>].</i>
-<i>[Editor's note: I'm rather puzzled by this as the QM grades assigned on the
-survey don't match the description. Somewhere along here there is another one
-[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-31" id="qC2004-204-31">C2004-204-31
-<p>Earthenware continues smaller and soon reaches a complex junction, the
-beginning of the labyrinth known as The Wares.  On the right are three passages
-leading into <a href="#underware">Underware</a>. The second contains attractive
-calcite on the walls and is conservation-taped off.  On the left there are also
-three passages: the first and third lead into <a href="#hardware">Hardware</a>
-(the third passing [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-76" id="qC2005-204-76">C2005-204-76 C</a>] on the way], while the second slopes down to a small
-chamber with no way on.
-<p><b><a id="hardware">Hardware</a></b> is initially small but strongly
-drafting and twists along and soon reaches a junction. Ahead on the left drops
-down a ramp past a fine white formation but soon finishes. Just beyond this
-ramp, a muddy passage leads up on the right back to Earthenware. Continuing
-straight ahead, the main passage soon opens up into very large phreatic passage
-with large boulders on the floor. Soon there are openings on both left and
-right. <i> Taking this left, the passage, <b><a id="someware">Someware</a></b>,
-drops down steeply. Two junctions on the right both lead to a small chamber
-beyond which is a wet aven [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-74" id="qC2005-204-74">C2005-204-74 X</a>] on the right which feeds a small, sharp,
-immature streamway on the left [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-X82" id="qC2005-204-X82">C2005-204-X82 C</a>]. Note that this aven is separate from
-that at [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-39"
-id="qC2004-204-39">C2004-204-39 B</a>]. The continuation of this left passage
-down is [<a href="qm.html#C2005-204-75" id="qC2005-204-75">C2005-204-75 A</a>] and takes a small stream.</i> Right leads up steeply to
-Underware. Further along is another crossroads; left links back into Someware;
-right soon chokes. This large passage soon closes down again and slopes steeply
-up in a large boulder pile. The 2004 survey ended at the top of the boulder
-slope. A deep pitch descends on the left [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-39"
-id="qC2004-204-39">C2004-204-39 C</a>] and there is a possible continuation up
-on the right of the slope through boulders [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-40"
-id="qC2004-204-40">C2004-204-40 C</a>].</p>
-<h4><a id="underware">Underware</a></h4>
-<p>The three passages up on the right of Earthenware all enter a very large,
-horizontal phreatic passage, Underware. This continues both left (north) and
-right (south).</p>
-<p>From the entry points from Earthenware, Underware continues to the left for
-around 50m north, to end in a huge boulder choke and roof collapse. <i>A large
-passage on the left at the start of this collapse zone drops into Hardware,
-following a small stream. A small tube just beyond this passage soon chokes. A
-small drafting passage off to the right at the start of the collapse zone is
-the start of <a href="#tableware">Tableware</a>.</i></p>
-<p>Underware continues to the right as large passage heading south, passing a small
-passage to the left[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-47"
-id="qC2004-204-47">C2004-204-47 C</a>], before closing down in a boulder slope.
-Just before it closes down a large passage leads off up to the left. This
-climbs up steeply past a huge boulder mid-passage then narrows as it reaches a
-small mud chamber. Under a boulder on the left of this chamber the passage
-turns right, becoming too tight after 4m, and at the far end of the chamber a
-passage goes off which becomes too tight after 6m. The main way on is a
-drafting thin rift on the left that soon opens out into the bottom of a large
-sloping passage. This mud-floored ramp climbs up very steeply and in 2004 the
-survey ended at the point at which protection was needed to continue the ascent
-[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-49" id="qC2004-204-49">C2004-204-49 A</a>]. A
-second passage leads off on the right where the thin rift enters this steep
-ramp. This second passage again climbs up steeply and appeared to reach an
-aven, with possible passages leading off around 4m up [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-48" id="qC2004-204-48">C2004-204-48 X</a>].</p>
-<h4><a id="tableware">Tableware</a></h4>
-<p>The passage heads steeply upwards, and it splits into many small 
-tubes which all meet up with each other and meet a horizontal piece of phreatic
-tube.  <i>To the right passes a hole going down to the right [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-43" id="qC2004-204-43">C2004-204-43 C</a>], where
-stones will rattle for quite a while, probably due to a sloping pitch rather
-than any great depth, while continuing past the hole leads up slope to come
-into a larger passage, which is more easily accessed by following the main
-route.</i> To the left a little more scrambling up leads into a passage that
-goes off to the left and right, and is high enough to stand up in.</p>
-<p><i>To the right opens up some more and leads to a pitch [<a
-href="qm.html#C2004-204-44" id="qC2004-204-44">C2004-204-44 B</a>], and an aven
-[<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-45" id="qC2004-204-45">C2004-204-45 X</a>]; a small
-hole on the right before the pitch is where the previously described passage
-enters.</i> To the left, the passage continues to a small sloping chamber, at
-the bottom of which a crawl goes off but chokes, while at the top of the
-chamber a couple of short passages also quickly choke.  From the higher
-entrance to the chamber there is a rift in the ceiling, which continues on the
-opposite side of the chamber; [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-46"
-id="qC2004-204-46">C2004-204-46 C</a>] this would require a climb of a couple
-of metres to access.</p>
+Quiz Rift. <i>To the right a narrow rift goes up to a ledge which is the start
+of the <b><a id="generation">Generation Game</a></b> bolted traverse. This
+leads over the top of Quiz Rift to the passage the far side; this appears to
+have no way on. On the other side of this ledge are a series of phreatic roof
+tubes and passage, <b><a id="uppertube">Upper Tube</a></b>, which overlook the
+mud slopes and chambers just described, in which there are a couple of QM's: a
+roof tube [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-19" id="qC2004-204-19">C2004-204-19
+C</a>] and a muddy chute [<a href="qm.html#C2004-204-21"
+id="qC2004-204-21">C2004-204-21 C</a>].</i> Quiz Rift soon turns right down a
+mud slope (traverse line on naturals and one bolt) to the <b><a
+id="gardenersworld">Gardener's World</a></b> pitch (p25). This descends via
+awkward rigging (not perfected in 2004) to a ledge in a moderately large
+chamber. From this ledge <b><a id="univchallenge">University Challenge</a></b>
+pitch (p15) descends to land partway down the large, confusing <a
+href="subsoil.html#subsoilchamber">Subsoil Chamber</a>.</p>
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