diff --git a/years/2015/logbook.html b/years/2015/logbook.html index e93c43932..656d4220e 100644 --- a/years/2015/logbook.html +++ b/years/2015/logbook.html @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ <div class="trippeople"><u>Luke</u>, Joe</div> <div class="triptitle">Gemsehöhle - 107</div> <p>An early 7:00am start resulted in a marginally cooler walk up to the entrance of 107 after dropping off first load we returned immediately down making good progress, we collected another rucksack worth of rope and returned to the entrance entering the cave at 12:00. The first pitch had a precariously hanging 2 tonnes of snow hanging on the side of the wall, (this was ignored!) trip continued the first 5 ropes where rigged. A quick return to the surface to warm up, and then re-entered with more rope making it all the way to Twin Pitches at which point all the rope had been exhausted, returning out the trick was to ignore the fact that the block of snow/ice was disintegrating above you showering pieces on you (this would have to be sorted).</p> +<img src="logbkimg01.jpeg" alt="sketch of stick-man luke and 'fuckoff bit of snow' hovering in pitch"> <div class="timeug">T/U: 6hrs</div> <hr> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-08a">2015-07-08</div> @@ -47,12 +48,12 @@ <div class="trippeople">Anthony & <u>Mark D</u></div> <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks Entrance De-ice</div> <p>At Ducks on Ice we had discovered an enormous ice stal. While not blocking the way on physically, it was judged to be a serious hazard. The first job of the day was therefore de-icing. Something that two blokes who live in Scandinavia ought to be well qualified for, right ?</p> -<p>[illustration to scan and insert]</p> -<p>[caption for illustration:] 6:1 mechanical advantage system<br/>Specially designed ice-lassoo, brought from Scandinavia and usually used to catch reindeer!</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg02.jpeg" alt="6:1 mechanical advantage system and specially designed ice lassoo brought from Scandanavia and normally used to catch reindeer, set up to pull down humongous ice stal"> +</p> <p>Anyway, the ice stal broke into 1 million pieces, leaving the way on clear of danger. Using the formula for the volume of a cone we calculated the volume of ice and hence the weight of the stal.</p> <p>V = 1/3 pi r<sup>2</sup> h<br/>r ~ 0.3m, h ~ 5m<br/>V ~ 0.5 m<sup>3</sup><br/>density of ice is 0.8 kg/l<br/>=< weight ~ 400kg. Not good if that landed on your toe!!!</p> <p>After the de-ice, we carried on. Rigged traverse & handline down to start of Caramel Catharsis, then the long traverse & pitch itself. Rope was too short but we "borrowed" a small rope from a handline. Then on to String Theory. Mark didn't like the traverse round "Usual Suspects" but we made it to the top of String Theory after Anthony's fine words of encouragement. Most of String Theory was rigged by Anthony and we exited feeling pleased with ourselves. Just made it back to the Stone Bridge before a big storm broke.</p> -<p>[full page rigging diagram to scan and insert]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg03.jpeg" alt="Tunnocks entrance rig, 2015"></p> <div class="timeug">T/U: 8 hours</div> <hr> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-11b">2015-07-11</div> @@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ <div class="trippeople"><u>David</u> & Frank</div> <div class="triptitle">Balcony</div> <p>Continued entrance rigging and showed Frank around the bottom. At the bottom of the big hang there is a traverse to move the last pitch away from potential rock falls</p> -<p>[big diagram of 2015 rigging needs scanning and inserting] +<p><img src="logbkimg04.jpeg" alt="Balcony entrance rig, 2015"></p> <div class="timeug">T/U: 4 hrs</div> <hr> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-11c">2015-07-11</div> @@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ <div class="trippeople"><u>David</u> & Matt</div> <div class="triptitle">Balcony</div> <p>We returned to traverse the shaft. It appeared that the shaft intersected some large horizontal passage ~15m down, so we dropped the pitch only to find a deceptive alcove! A small body-sized tube led to another drippy chamber with a deep hole in the floor. After this disappointment I bolted the traverse only to find the phreatic passage became too small with no draft. There is a second, much deeper pitch, which is likely where the howling gale in Dark Arts disappears to. This is worth dropping but is drippy in dry weather and may be deadly in wet weather.</p> -<p>[sketch survey needs scanned and added]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg05.jpeg" alt="plan view of area"></p> <div class="timeug">T/U: [not mentioned]</div> <hr> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-13a">2015-07-13</div> @@ -109,7 +110,7 @@ <p>There is a scary looking climb down to the left QMC and a small passage going off to the right QMC.</p> <p>At the bottom of the slope we entered a narrow phreatic rift with a sandy floor "Smooth Sandy Bottom".</p> <p>Surveying was slow and 4½ h later we hadn't really got very far. We left an aven lead QMB and the rift continues with a slight draft QMB</p> -<p>[small rigging diagram to scan]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg06.jpeg" alt="p5 + p6-8 rigging topo"></p> <div class="timeug">T/U: [not mentioned]</div> <hr> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-13b">2015-07-13</div> @@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ <p>We first swung by Tunnocks to pick up an SRT kit. It was at this point that I realised that I hadn't seen any rope being packed. It was hot and fairly late so we pressed on to Balkonhöhle from where we took a somewhat roundabout route towards Organhöhle via a subsidiary summit of the Hohes Augsteck. Coming off the back of this, Dan spotted a cave. There is a hole in the side of the cliff leading onto a rift pitch, with another couple of surface shafts above that go to the same place - definitely worth a tag. Since we had a drill, this should have been a quick job. However, a lack of drill bits was going to make it a lot harder. Fortunately, we had a hand bolting kit, so I made up a tag (2015-DL-01) and Dan set about placing a hand bolt for it.</p> <p>Whilst Dan was drilling, I set off in the direction where Mark's GPS said Organhöhle was supposed to be. Found a hole in the right place, and headed back to Dan who had by now stopped drilling - not because the bolt was complete but because the head of the bolt driver had sheared off.</p> <p>We all trooped over to the Organhöhle candidate entrance, where we could have started surveying.... if we had brought a tape measure. I donned oversuit and helmet and set off to verify that we had the right cave. After a bit of walking / crawling I found a decent sized pitch with two spits for a Y-hang at the top (one of which looks good, and one is shagged) - so I'm pretty sure we've got the right cave. It looks a bit like this:</p> -<p>[sketch plan to scan and insert]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg07.jpeg" alt="Organhöhle entrance area plan"></p> <p>With that we headed back towards Top Camp via a more direct route, placing cairns as we went. Eventually we picked up a cairned path that I suspect goes to Bullet's 2nd Höhle. This route is fairly direct and the terrain reasonable, but it is going to takae a while - likely over an hour from Balconyhöhle.</p> <p>Our final act was to take a look at Ants in Pants schlucht. The snow level looks pretty low, so this might be worth revisiting later on expo. <div class="timeug">T/U: 0</div> @@ -272,7 +273,7 @@ <div class="trippeople"><u>Mark</u>, Dan</div> <div class="triptitle">Balcony</div> <p>An attempt to descend the "sandy chamber" as described by Rachel on 16/7. Rigged as follows</p> -<p>[large rigging sketch to scan and insert]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg08.jpeg" alt="Palais Royale rigging topo"></p> <p>At this point the walls of the rift have a lot of sharp flakes. So difficult to get a good hang without it going into the water. -> try from the "Far Side" ???</p> <p>When detackling, Mark managed to fall down a hole injuring his hand. First aid kit came out and we bandaged it up. Slow struggle out. Prussiking with one hand is harder than you might think.</p> <div class="timeug">T/U: 5 hours</div> @@ -294,7 +295,7 @@ <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-22a">2015-07-22</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Anthony</u> & Wookey</div> <div class="triptitle">Tunnocks - pushing below Number of the Beast</div> -<p>The objective of this trip was to clear the surveying backlog and continue the pitch from where David left off the day before. Wookey had misplaced his [Parkin - I'm sure this is a misreado], and was thinking this was a particularly bad day to be without this device - so he was delighted to unearth it from the depths of his dangly bag at the watering hole near Caramel Catharsis.</p> +<p>The objective of this trip was to clear the surveying backlog and continue the pitch from where David left off the day before. Wookey had misplaced his Pantin, and was thinking this was a particularly bad day to be without this device - so he was delighted to unearth it from the depths of his dangly bag at the watering hole near Caramel Catharsis.</p> <p>Uneventful trip to the traverse at the last pitch from 2014 (Magic Glue) where we started the survey - Wookey on book, your narrator wielding the distoX and taking some low quality photos with my point-and-press camera. Tried to shoot a leg from the bottom of Magic Glue to the deviation krab which repeatedly failed. Attempts on the exit met a similar lack of success. So a tape measure will be taken on the next trip. The advice from Jenny is that shooting such a leg in the downward direction often meets with more success.</p> <p>From the bottom we continued surveying the two drops rigged by David. The pitch heads were absolutely howling, and I didn't feel much like hanging around for ages taking multiple disto readings. Pitches are to be called "Inferno".</p> <p>Arriving at the Y-hang installed by David, Wookey continued the rig by placing a bolt for an immediate deviation, a further bolt for a rebelay and a rebelay from a natural that looks more convincing from below. Pitch is ~30m and lands in a large chamber full of huge boulders covered in black mud - to be christened "Kraken". There is a large ridge of boulders in the middle that we climbed up. A rope will be needed to descend the other side, and a way on can be seen under a large arch in the far corner (QM-A). It is unclear whether there are any further pitches. Even though the passage is 30x15m is cross section, there is a discernible draught.</p> @@ -340,8 +341,11 @@ <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-27b">2015-07-27</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Pete Talling</u>, Fleur Loveridge</div> <div class="triptitle">BALCONY HÖHLE<br/>Exploring North beyond Icecock Chamber into the Frozen North</div> -<p>We watched the rain come down until boredom made us crack at about midday. Then we headed up to the "94a, 95b" lead area to the north of the cave. We located the loose climb up to the fallen ice cock chamber and then found the limit of exploration at station 13 in the next chamber. Here we climbed down to a short climb back up - where Pete placed two bolts to allow a mantleshelf and squeeze into the next chamber - which was veery preddi. Lots of fallen ice blocks on the floor. Fleur took photo. On the far side of the ice blocks a very high (30m) aven headed steeply upwards, and has a snow and ice tongue. (Ben later made more progress to climb a way up this ... but steep).</p> -<p>[there's a sketch plan on the left of the above paragraph to scan and insert here]</p> +<div> +<div style="float:left"> + <img src="logbkimg09.jpeg" alt="Plan of frozen North area"> +</div> +<p>We watched the rain come down until boredom made us crack at about midday. Then we headed up to the "94a, 95b" lead area to the north of the cave. We located the loose climb up to the fallen ice cock chamber and then found the limit of exploration at station 13 in the next chamber. Here we climbed down to a short climb back up - where Pete placed two bolts to allow a mantleshelf and squeeze into the next chamber - which was veery preddi. Lots of fallen ice blocks on the floor. Fleur took photo. On the far side of the ice blocks a very high (30m) aven headed steeply upwards, and has a snow and ice tongue. (Ben later made more progress to climb a way up this ... but steep).</p></div> <p>We then climbed ~2m up to right of chamber to enter a walking/stooping tube with a nice river of ice on floor. We thought it would soon crap out - but we were rewarded with a nice view into a chamber/rift. Huzzah!</p> <p>We first survey a tube that looped to NW, ending with a view into the chamber. Pete scrambled round wall, and may be a high lead here.</p> <p>With a 1160mm book, we wombled back out to camp</p> @@ -350,13 +354,15 @@ <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-28b">2015-07-28</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Pete Talling</u>, Sarah, Ben W (and then Matt helped survey)</div> <div class="triptitle">Balcony Höhle Frozen North</div> +<div style="float:left"> + <img src="logbkimg10.jpeg" alt="Plan of far frozen North area"> +</div> <p>We followed route of previous day from Frozen North Chamber to the chamber.</p> <p>Sarah placed first bolts to get into A lead heading south. We found footsteps in it ! And then a survey station ! And the other cavers !!! So this connects back into "Ein und Zwanzig Chamber". Connected at their station number 8.</p> <p>Then Ben dropped short pitch down to gain chamber 1 via a short tube with right angle - two junction tubes in this area were exlored later in day.</p> <p>Chamber 1 had a crawl on far side that connects into known passage in ~30m.</p> <p>Chamber 1 quickly connects to Chamber 2 via short tube. Unfortunately Chamber 2 ends at a solid boulder choke. There is a good (A) lead in right side of Chamber 2 - which is easy 10m pitch down into rift. Looks interesting.</p> <p>Matt climbed up from Chamber 2 to meet the end of a sandy tube that other had pushed.</p> -<p>[Big sketch plan to the left of those first five paragraphs. Need to scan and insert] <p>LEADS:</p> <p>(X) 10m pitch down from Chamber 2 - easy Y-hang at top.</p> <p>(Y) There may be a high level that can be reached by 3 bolt traverse from (Z)</p> @@ -373,7 +379,7 @@ <p>Managed to persuade Roxy + Viz to join me, despite tales of an even extra acrobatic entrance series to Tunnocks.</p> <p>Made very steady progress downwards. Was pleased to remember the way to the top of String Theory & into the West Side Story. Climbs were more strenuous than I remembered. C10 in a tube. P3 with Knotted rope should probably be a real pitch.</p> <p>Arrive at Clayton's Cock up & started rigging down "Boom Boom Pitch". All Tom's bolts still functional but I added another deviation. 60m rope saw me to the 2013 limit.</p> -<p>[Rigging diagram to scan and insert here]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg11.jpeg" alt="Rigging topo for Boom Boom pitch"></p> <p>Viz was starting to feel the remoteness, so after I placed a bolt + tied the rope, we left.</p> <p>But, boy did the lead look good.</p> <p>May need some rigging. In retrospect perhaps go back up and swing out to get further down the rift/pitch.</p> @@ -382,11 +388,15 @@ <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-29a">2015-07-29</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Fleur</u>, Pete, Roxy</div> <div class="triptitle">Balcony - Bipedal Passage</div> +<div style="float:left"> + <img src="logbkimg12.jpeg" alt="Plan of lead beyond Natural Highs traverse"> +</div> <p>After 12 hrs underground the day before, I fancied a shorter trip and targeted a south pointing lead after Natural Highs.</p> <p>Directions: After Natural Highs traverse, instead of going right up the climbs into Leeds Bypass, turn left, follow the main passage, a walking sized rift. It ends in a big hole.</p> <p>The hole was, in fact, somewhat longer + deeper than I had remembered. Looking good though!</p> -<p>We had a 39m rope + 1½ drill batteries. Starting with the new drill battery, I started to bolt round the ledges on the right hand wall. 1½ holes later the battery died - grrr!! The remaining ½ battery got us ~1/3 way along the right wall.</p> -<p>[small rigging diagram to scan and insert here]</p> +<p style="clear:both">We had a 39m rope + 1½ drill batteries. Starting with the new drill battery, I started to bolt round the ledges on the right hand wall. 1½ holes later the battery died - grrr!! The remaining ½ battery got us ~1/3 way along the right wall.</p> +<p><img style="display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto" src="logbkimg13.jpeg" alt="Rigging topo for traverse"> +</p> <p>Still hard to see how far the straight ahead lead would go - potentially a top level + a mid level need to be checked.</p> <p>After the drill batteries went, I belayed Pete across a small (!!) rock bridge to check out a side passage, but it ended in a blind pot.</p> <p>On the way back, Pete threw rocks down - 2 second free fall and a further 8 second rattle!</p> @@ -510,7 +520,8 @@ quite tired.</p> <div class="timeug">T/U: 14 hrs</div> <hr> -<p>[Two whole page diagrams of below Procrastination, and Inferno]</p> + <p><img src="logbkimg14.jpeg" alt="Rigging topo for below Procrastination"></p> + <p><img src="logbkimg15.jpeg" alt="Rigging topo from Inferno down"></p> <hr/> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-26a">2015-07-26</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Rob</u> + George</div> @@ -527,7 +538,9 @@ was forced to guide him through each section of the short passage. Arriving at t decided to traverse. I set up the bolting equipment and got to work. This left George sufficiently bored. I offered the drill to him and he declined, opting instead to explore the cave he had already visited.</p> - +<div style="float:right"> + <img src="logbkimg16.jpeg" alt="Sketch plan of traverse"> +</div> <p>He arrived back after the traverse was rigged, and proceeded to critically critique the traverse, calling it resource intensive and unnecessary. On the other side we found 2 holes, one bearing north to passage and one more easterly is an entrance to a metre by metre @@ -539,22 +552,29 @@ structures. In the larger passage we found it led to a balcony overlooking the c rigged, and further on it led to another large chamber, complete with another large, stomping passage to survey, which we would proceed to do the next day.</p> +<br style="clear:both"> + <div class="timeug">T/U: 6 hrs</div> <hr> + <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-27d">2015-07-27</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Rob</u> + George + Sarah</div> <div class="triptitle">Beyond Thunderdome</div> -<p>George and I acquired Sarah, who was keen to see our very promising lead and my +<div style="float:right"> + <img src="logbkimg17.jpeg" alt="Sketch plan"> +</div> + + <p>George and I acquired Sarah, who was keen to see our very promising lead and my traverse. On location she took the same attitude as George, insulting both the theory and application of the bolting and rigging. I would not let that faze me, due to the large, obviously going, passage that we had yet to survey.</p> -<p>This did not go to plan. First we had Sarah make a questionable descent into the pit so + <p>This did not go to plan. First we had Sarah make a questionable descent into the pit so we could document the pitchhead it leads to. Then we did the exciting beginning of the open passage. It quickly ended in a large boulder choke.</p> -<p>After some frustrated, emotional attempts at digging our way through, we realised it was + <p>After some frustrated, emotional attempts at digging our way through, we realised it was futile. We instead crawled through some holes to survey the rifty things that were aluring underneath the passage. The bottom of the rift was accessible by a rather suspect free climb, so we sent Sarah down for a look. She found that the bottom went nowhere in both @@ -562,7 +582,9 @@ directions, so for safety reasons George and I abstained the climb, thus ending disappointing day. We derigged the traverse, hoping it would be used for more fruitful endeavours.</p> +<br style="clear:both"> <div class="timeug">T/U: 5hrs</div> + <hr> <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-07-28e">2015-07-28</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Elaine</u>, Michael, Matt</div> @@ -681,6 +703,16 @@ them at Balconhöhle.</p> <div class="timeug">T/U: 9 hrs</div> <hr> +<p>[<b>Lots of writeups missing here.</b> These are the pics to go in them]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg18.jpeg" alt="Bipedal Traverse series plan"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg19.jpeg" alt="Anthemusa Chamber plan"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg20.jpeg" alt="Topo of traverse out of Kraken"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg21.jpeg" alt="Plan of Tentacle traverse"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg22.jpeg" alt="Topo of Flash Hard (Clayton's Cockup)"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg23.jpeg" alt="Topo of something in Clayton's Cockup"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg24.jpeg" alt="Diagram of how to get to Boom Boom in Clayton's Cockup"></p> + + <div class="tripdate" id="t2015-08-01a">2015-08-01</div> <div class="trippeople"><u>Wookey</u>, Matt</div> <div class="triptitle">107, Smooth Sandy Bottom</div> @@ -952,5 +984,9 @@ is actually very easy to get to from this area using the paths. Took best part o <div class="timeug">T/U: 2 mins in 216</div> +<p>[<b>Couple more writeups missing here.</b> These are the pics to go in them]</p> +<p><img src="logbkimg25.jpeg" alt="Topos for 107 Old Route"></p> +<p><img src="logbkimg26.jpeg" alt="Topos for 107 Old Route (part 2)"></p> + </html> </body>