diff --git a/folk/l/davel.htm b/folk/l/davel.htm
index aaab249b6..a8a3fe44b 100644
--- a/folk/l/davel.htm
+++ b/folk/l/davel.htm
@@ -7,15 +7,16 @@
 <p><img class="onleft" src="../i/davel.jpg" alt="" />
-<b>Dave Loeffler</b> (Trinity 2001-, Secretary 2002-3, Tacklemaster 2003-4,
-Expo leader 2003, Expo treasurer 2004)<br />
-Expedition 2002, 2003 - during the <a
+<b>Dave Loeffler</b> (Trinity 2001-2005, CUCC secretary 2002-3, CUCC
+tacklemaster 2003-4, CUCC treasurer 2004-5, Expo leader 2003, Expo treasurer
+2004)<br />
+Expedition 2002, 2003, 2004 - during the <a
 href="../../smkridge/204/204.html">Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle</a> years.
 Involved in the exploration of <a
-href="../../smkridge/204/swings.html#gaffered">Gaffered to the Walls</a> in 2002,
-of <a href="../../smkridge/204/ariston.html#razor">Razordance</a> in 2003 and
-2004, and of <a href="../../smkridge/234/234.html">Hauchh&ouml;hle</a> in 2004.
-Prone to talking about himself in the third person.</p>
+href="../../smkridge/204/swings.html#gaffered">Gaffered to the Walls</a> in
+2002, of <a href="../../smkridge/204/ariston.html#razor">Razordance</a> in 2003
+and 2004, and of <a href="../../smkridge/234/234.html">Hauchh&ouml;hle</a> in
 <p>Photo taken at the entrance to <a
 href="../../smkridge/2002-01/2002-01.html">Artischockeh&ouml;hle</a> during Expo