diff --git a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV index 378e07256..b7be9c088 100644 --- a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV +++ b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.CSV @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ ,,"h",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p231h",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,"i",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p231i",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, "232-233",,,,,,,,,"Not CUCC numbers; apparently allocated to ARGE",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, -234,"3/S/W x",,"2000-09","yes","smkridge/234/234.html",,"Hauchhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2000, 2002, 2004.","The horizontal entrance slopes downhill for about 20m, passing beneath a skylight, and a crawl to the left leading to the Left Hand Series. At the bottom of the slope there is an unpushed crawl to the left [C2002-234-01 C] and a wriggle up over rubble into a chamber. From this chamber, the obvious way on is a pitch of approximately 15m, but there is a possible crawl above this (doesn't look promising).
At the foot of the pitch, in large rift passage, a crawl on the left leads for about 15m before turning left and becoming too tight. Further along, a crawl on the left leads to Underhand Passage, while the main passage continues to a choice of a climb down of around 2m or an ascending traverse round to the left.
The traverse is exposed but easy, and leads to an upwards sloping passage, with an aven above from which daylight emerges; a vocal connection has been established to a nearby surface shaft, which has accordingly been tagged as 234b. The passage continues upwards past some loose boulders to emerge in a small chamber leading down to the right. An awkward wriggle through boulders to the left in the chamber leads to a drop [C2004-234-01 C].
The climb leads to a short slope down, after which ducking under a low arch leads to Doesn't Go Rift, where an ascending traverse can be followed up a ledge on the left-hand wall; alternatively it is possible to force through at floor level, but this is difficult. It is advisable to climbing back down to the level of two prominent wedged boulders, where there are threads in the left-hand wall from which a handline can be rigged for the 3m climb down to the floor of Flashgun Chamber. This is a large rift chamber whose floor slopes upwards steeply to the left; there is an aven above [C2004-234-30 X]. At the bottom of the chamber one can climb back down underneath the rift to the head of an undescended, awkward-looking pitch, Foolish Idea [C2004-234-02 B]. At the far side of the chamber is a ledge loose boulders (care); to the left is a crawl, with a narrow tube in the ceiling and an oxbow on the right. A few metres on there is a T-junction: straight on is tight and looks unpromising [C2004-234-35 B] while the draughting right-hand passage, Geometers' Crawl, is the main way on. A few metres in is the other end of the oxbow, and further along is a passage on the right, the far end of Clifton's Circuit.
At the end of Geometers' Crawl is a T-junction. Left leads to Hades, two interconnecting parallel passages sloping steeply upward. The right-hand passage is too tight; the left fork levels off slightly, at which point there are three possibilities: straight on is too tight; down a hole in the floor is choked; down and to the left through an extremely tight tube leads to a drop, awkward even to throw stones into, which could possibly be passed by someone really small and ambitious [C2004-234-03 C]. Right at the T-junction is a 2m deep hole in the floor, which can either be traversed over or climbed down.
At the bottom of the 2m climb there are two passages to the right and one to the left. The leftwards branch passes over some dry cascades to a climb down, where there are curious golfball-like formations in the ceiling. Crawling on from here the passage gradually becomes impassably tight; more spacious passage is visible through a slot in the floor, but this looks to be difficult to enter to enter [C2004-234-04 C]. The rightwards branches soon unite and lead back into Geometers' Crawl, forming the loop known as Clifton's Circuit.
An intimidating ascending traverse across the hole, You Must Be Joking, soon regains the floor. Climbing into the roof at this point gains access to Dangly Bag Jazz. Straight on is Tacklesack Blues, an awkward section of tight hading rift, with intermittent wider sections where there are holes in the floor - these could possibly be entered but are very tight [C2004-234-11 C]. A stal on the right-hand wall heralds the return to easier passage, where there is a triple junction. Climbing down a hole in the floor (5m handline recommended) leads to a small chamber, with possible crawls left, right and down, all looking tight and awkward [C2004-234-12 C]. Traversing over this hole to the left leads to Measles Inlet. Straight on leads to Stalactite Passage.
Stalactite Passage is a fine stooping-height phreatic passage with a soft mud floor; after a few metres there is a duck under a low section where there are some formations on the right. Shortly beyond this is a choice of a floor-level crawl, or a clamber over a greasy slab, into a chamber on the right. There may be a passage in the roof on the right behind some wedged boulders [C2004-234-13 C]. Immediately beyond is a junction, where a 3m climb leads to the Pie Series, while on the left is an upwards-sloping passage. This soon trifurcates. The leftmost passage leads to a drop [C2004-234-14 C]; this has not been descended but there is a light connection to Cess Pot. The middle and largest passage bends round to the right, where a sequence of small passages branch off to join up with the remaining fork at the head of a loose, chossy pitch of at least ten metres [C2004-234-15 B]; traversing over this leads to Sweet Sight. The main passage continues to a climb up to the left over a large smooth slab, where there is a window into a chamber. There is a possibly free-climbable hole in the floor, Cess Pot [C2004-234-16 B] and there may be passage continuing at the other side of the chamber [C2004-234-17 C]; there is also an aven above [C2004-234-31 X].
Measles Inlet begins as a fine phreatic passage, sloping slightly upwards. A few metres in there is a passage entering from the left. A few metres into this there is a rightwards bend, at which point a wriggle down into the floor on the left leads to a tight tube, Dangly Bag Jazz; after an S-bend this emerges in the roof above the top end of You Must Be Joking traverse. The passage continues past a prominent pillar to emerge in Cascade Chamber, an aven chamber with water dripping down several tiers of cascades. One can climb up for some distance but it is loose and rather unappealing [C2004-234-06 C]; decidedly exposed steps lead into two passages to either side [C2004-234-05 B] [C2004-234-07 B]. There is also a climb down at floor level at the far end of the chamber, which is too tight after around 3m. The water disappears into a hole in the floor, where there is another small chamber, with a crawl leading off to the right in sharp rock [C2004-234-08 C]. The main Measles Inlet passage continues sloping gradually upwards; the left-hand wall is covered in brown mud blobs (hence the passage name). There is a crawl leading off to the right around halfway along [C2004-234-09 C]. After some distance a chamber is reached; the only obvious way on is a crawl at floor level to the left, which was not pushed as it passes over attractive calcited mud with dessication cracks [C2004-234-10 B].
The initial 3m climb is free-climbable but in view of the drop beyond it is advisable to rig from the spit in the ceiling, which may be backed up to a thread back on the right. At the bottom is a wide ledge, with a narrow crawl leading off to the left [C2004-234-20 B]. Ahead is the head of the first pitch, Steak (21m), rigged from a Y-hang in the ceiling and a deviation from the left-hand wall around 5m down. There is a sizeable aven above the pitch [C2004-234-32 X]. The landing is on a boulder floor, a few metres away from the head of the next pitch, Kidney (17m). This is a fine shaft with a kidney-shaped cross-section; it is possible that in wet conditions it might need a deviation to stay out of the drips, but it has been drip-free on all trips so far. The landing is on another boulder-strewn floor; at the far side of the chamber is a narrow slot in the floor, Who Ate All The Pies, bridged by a large boulder. It is possible to squeeze past the boulder and climb down, but it does not appear to be possible to climb back up. For further exploration this will need rigging, and possibly a crowbar [C2004-234-21 A].
Around 5m from the floor of Kidney, a side passage, Crust leads off; after passing a puddle of water it turns to the right and slopes steeply upwards. At the top of the slope the continuation is a mud-floored, body-sized tube, which was explored for some distance but was becoming increasingly tedious; shortly beyond the furthest survey station it opens out into a small chamber (just big enough to turn round in) after which it closes in horizontally to a narrow high slot, which may be passable if anyone can be arsed [C2004-234-22 C]. If anyone does decide to go there, they may wish to collect in passing a bottle of red nail varnish accidentally left at the last survey station by the original explorers!
Traversing round the left-hand side of the pitch (rope advised; two natural pillars provide ample backup, and there is a thread at the far end). This leads to an ascending ruler-straight phreatic tube, Sweet Sight. After 30m this bends sharply right, and there is a sloping downwards crawl leading off straight ahead. Round the corner is a chamber, Fledermaushalle, with a high dripping aven on the right [C2004-234-36 X]; the floor is amply sprinkled with bat excrement, and a bat skeleton was observed by the discoverers in 2004. Across the chamber, a slot in the floor is too tight, and there is a possibly passable but awkward crawl beyond this [C2004-234-18 C]. Easier going is provided by a passage leading off to the left. A few metres into this is a branch to the left which connects back to the downward-sloping passage at the previous junction. The main passage continues on for a further 40m or so before closing down in a pebble choke [C2004-234-19 Dig]. Midway along this passage is a climb up into an ascending roof tube on the left, Sour Taste, which closes down after a few metres.
The crawl to the left in the entrance passage leads to a drop into a rift, where there are three ways on. To the right closes down; to the left, there are crawls at two levels. The higher-level crawl chokes; the two crawls at the lower level unite, passing two branches to the left [C2002-234-02 C] [C2002-234-03 C] and then reach a junction. To the left chokes; to the right leads to a chamber. This chamber can also be reached by going straight on from the aforementioned junction at the rift.
From this chamber, there are two ways on. A small choss wall surrounds a vertical hole through which it is possible to drop down (tricky on the return) into a small chamber. From here, an awkward squeeze leads into a continuing crawl, which has not been pushed. To the left is a crawl over choss which enlarges. After a short distance a tube on the right leads to the head of a pitch (not pushed; probably 15-20m) and continues to a choke. Straight ahead leads to an earthen-floored draughting crawl which has been dug, and needs further work to get through. Shortly before the crawl becomes flat-out, a tube leading up on the right also becomes too tight.
The crawl on the left in the main rift shortly after the bottom of the first pitch leads to a small mud-floored chamber, after which a further downward-sloping crawl emerges in a large rift passage parallel to the main route. To the right are a profusion of tubes, one leading down into the floor [C2004-234-26 C], one leading up into the ceiling [C2004-234-25 C], and two at more or less head level [C2004-234-23 B] [C2004-234-24 B]. These have been explored by Pete Clifton, leading to a maze known as the Flatulence Series, but no description is extant. There is also an aven above [C2004-234-33 X], which is presumed to connect to undescended pitch 02-05 in the Left-Hand Series.
To the left, the rift passage continues onwards, sloping gradually downhill, past another aven [C2004-234-34 X]. After around 20m it closes down; a passage to the left leads to a contortion into a narrow immature dry streamway, which draughts somewhat and continues in both directions [C2004-234-27 C] [C2004-234-28 C]. ","20m rope + 2 slings for ent pitch; 5m handline + 1 or 2 slings for climb down into Flashgun Chamber. More needed for Pie Series and traverse to Sweet Sight.","Question mark list.","Form submitted summer 2003 as part of a misnumbering cockup. Resolved 2004-07-28 with allocation of new number 234.",,"In dataset","
Plan of 234 following 2004 expo ","caves/234/234.svx","619m","61m","127m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The arch-shaped entrance and gully are obvious from the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to Steinbrückenhöhle. Shortly after crossing the large bare area of limestone slabs on the flanks of the Hinter, the path traverses directly around the right-hand side of the entrance gully.",,,"Tag."
+234,"3/S/W x",,"2000-09","yes","smkridge/234/234.html",,"Hauchhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2000, 2002, 2004.","The horizontal entrance slopes downhill for about 20m, passing beneath a skylight, and a crawl to the left leading to the Left Hand Series. At the bottom of the slope there is an unpushed crawl to the left [C2002-234-01 C] and a wriggle up over rubble into a chamber. From this chamber, the obvious way on is a pitch of approximately 15m, but there is a possible crawl above this (doesn't look promising).
At the foot of the pitch, in large rift passage, a crawl on the left leads for about 15m before turning left and becoming too tight. Further along, a crawl on the left leads to Underhand Passage, while the main passage continues to a choice of a climb down of around 2m or an ascending traverse round to the left.
The traverse is exposed but easy, and leads to an upwards sloping passage, with an aven above from which daylight emerges; a vocal connection has been established to a nearby surface shaft, which has accordingly been tagged as 234b. The passage continues upwards past some loose boulders to emerge in a small chamber leading down to the right. An awkward wriggle through boulders to the left in the chamber leads to a drop [C2004-234-01 C].
The climb leads to a short slope down, after which ducking under a low arch leads to Doesn't Go Rift, where an ascending traverse can be followed up a ledge on the left-hand wall; alternatively it is possible to force through at floor level, but this is difficult. It is advisable to climbing back down to the level of two prominent wedged boulders, where there are threads in the left-hand wall from which a handline can be rigged for the 3m climb down to the floor of Flashgun Chamber. This is a large rift chamber whose floor slopes upwards steeply to the left; there is an aven above [C2004-234-30 X]. At the bottom of the chamber one can climb back down underneath the rift to the head of an undescended, awkward-looking pitch, Foolish Idea [C2004-234-02 B]. At the far side of the chamber is a ledge loose boulders (care); to the left is a crawl, with a narrow tube in the ceiling and an oxbow on the right. A few metres on there is a T-junction: straight on is tight and looks unpromising [C2004-234-35 B] while the draughting right-hand passage, Geometers' Crawl, is the main way on. A few metres in is the other end of the oxbow, and further along is a passage on the right, the far end of Clifton's Circuit.
At the end of Geometers' Crawl is a T-junction. Left leads to Hades, two interconnecting parallel passages sloping steeply upward. The right-hand passage is too tight; the left fork levels off slightly, at which point there are three possibilities: straight on is too tight; down a hole in the floor is choked; down and to the left through an extremely tight tube leads to a drop, awkward even to throw stones into, which could possibly be passed by someone really small and ambitious [C2004-234-03 C]. Right at the T-junction is a 2m deep hole in the floor, which can either be traversed over or climbed down.
At the bottom of the 2m climb there are two passages to the right and one to the left. The leftwards branch passes over some dry cascades to a climb down, where there are curious golfball-like formations in the ceiling. Crawling on from here the passage gradually becomes impassably tight; more spacious passage is visible through a slot in the floor, but this looks to be difficult to enter to enter [C2004-234-04 C]. The rightwards branches soon unite and lead back into Geometers' Crawl, forming the loop known as Clifton's Circuit.
An intimidating ascending traverse across the hole, You Must Be Joking, soon regains the floor. Climbing into the roof at this point gains access to Dangly Bag Jazz. Straight on is Tacklesack Blues, an awkward section of tight hading rift, with intermittent wider sections where there are holes in the floor - these could possibly be entered but are very tight [C2004-234-11 C]. A stal on the right-hand wall heralds the return to easier passage, where there is a triple junction. Climbing down a hole in the floor (5m handline recommended) leads to a small chamber, with possible crawls left, right and down, all looking tight and awkward [C2004-234-12 C]. Traversing over this hole to the left leads to Measles Inlet. Straight on leads to Stalactite Passage.
Stalactite Passage is a fine stooping-height phreatic passage with a soft mud floor; after a few metres there is a duck under a low section where there are some formations on the right. Shortly beyond this is a choice of a floor-level crawl, or a clamber over a greasy slab, into a chamber on the right. There may be a passage in the roof on the right behind some wedged boulders [C2004-234-13 C]. Immediately beyond is a junction, where a 3m climb leads to the Pie Series, while on the left is an upwards-sloping passage. This soon trifurcates. The leftmost passage leads to a drop [C2004-234-14 C]; this has not been descended but there is a light connection to Cess Pot. The middle and largest passage bends round to the right, where a sequence of small passages branch off to join up with the remaining fork at the head of a loose, chossy pitch of at least ten metres [C2004-234-15 B]; traversing over this leads to Sweet Sight. The main passage continues to a climb up to the left over a large smooth slab, where there is a window into a chamber. There is a possibly free-climbable hole in the floor, Cess Pot [C2004-234-16 B] and there may be passage continuing at the other side of the chamber [C2004-234-17 C]; there is also an aven above [C2004-234-31 X].
Measles Inlet begins as a fine phreatic passage, sloping slightly upwards. A few metres in there is a passage entering from the left. A few metres into this there is a rightwards bend, at which point a wriggle down into the floor on the left leads to a tight tube, Dangly Bag Jazz; after an S-bend this emerges in the roof above the top end of You Must Be Joking traverse. The passage continues past a prominent pillar to emerge in Cascade Chamber, an aven chamber with water dripping down several tiers of cascades. One can climb up for some distance but it is loose and rather unappealing [C2004-234-06 C]; decidedly exposed steps lead into two passages to either side [C2004-234-05 B] [C2004-234-07 B]. There is also a climb down at floor level at the far end of the chamber, which is too tight after around 3m. The water disappears into a hole in the floor, where there is another small chamber, with a crawl leading off to the right in sharp rock [C2004-234-08 C]. The main Measles Inlet passage continues sloping gradually upwards; the left-hand wall is covered in brown mud blobs (hence the passage name). There is a crawl leading off to the right around halfway along [C2004-234-09 C]. After some distance a chamber is reached; the only obvious way on is a crawl at floor level to the left, which was not pushed as it passes over attractive calcited mud with dessication cracks [C2004-234-10 B].
The initial 3m climb is free-climbable but in view of the drop beyond it is advisable to rig from the spit in the ceiling, which may be backed up to a thread back on the right. At the bottom is a wide ledge, with a narrow crawl leading off to the left [C2004-234-20 B]. Ahead is the head of the first pitch, Steak (21m), rigged from a Y-hang in the ceiling and a deviation from the left-hand wall around 5m down. There is a sizeable aven above the pitch [C2004-234-32 X]. The landing is on a boulder floor, a few metres away from the head of the next pitch, Kidney (17m). This is a fine shaft with a kidney-shaped cross-section; it is possible that in wet conditions it might need a deviation to stay out of the drips, but it has been drip-free on all trips so far. The landing is on another boulder-strewn floor; at the far side of the chamber is a narrow slot in the floor, Who Ate All The Pies, bridged by a large boulder. It is possible to squeeze past the boulder and climb down, but it does not appear to be possible to climb back up. For further exploration this will need rigging, and possibly a crowbar [C2004-234-21 A].
Around 5m from the floor of Kidney, a side passage, Crust leads off; after passing a puddle of water it turns to the right and slopes steeply upwards. At the top of the slope the continuation is a mud-floored, body-sized tube, which was explored for some distance but was becoming increasingly tedious; shortly beyond the furthest survey station it opens out into a small chamber (just big enough to turn round in) after which it closes in horizontally to a narrow high slot, which may be passable if anyone can be arsed [C2004-234-22 C]. If anyone does decide to go there, they may wish to collect in passing a bottle of red nail varnish accidentally left at the last survey station by the original explorers!
Traversing round the left-hand side of the pitch (rope advised; two natural pillars provide ample backup, and there is a thread at the far end). This leads to an ascending ruler-straight phreatic tube, Sweet Sight. After 30m this bends sharply right, and there is a sloping downwards crawl leading off straight ahead. Round the corner is a chamber, Fledermaushalle, with a high dripping aven on the right [C2004-234-36 X]; the floor is amply sprinkled with bat excrement, and a bat skeleton was observed by the discoverers in 2004. Across the chamber, a slot in the floor is too tight, and there is a possibly passable but awkward crawl beyond this [C2004-234-18 C]. Easier going is provided by a passage leading off to the left. A few metres into this is a branch to the left which connects back to the downward-sloping passage at the previous junction. The main passage continues on for a further 40m or so before closing down in a pebble choke [C2004-234-19 Dig]. Midway along this passage is a climb up into an ascending roof tube on the left, Sour Taste, which closes down after a few metres.
The crawl to the left in the entrance passage leads to a drop into a rift, where there are three ways on. To the right closes down; to the left, there are crawls at two levels. The higher-level crawl chokes; the two crawls at the lower level unite, passing two branches to the left [C2002-234-02 C] [C2002-234-03 C] and then reach a junction. To the left chokes; to the right leads to a chamber. This chamber can also be reached by going straight on from the aforementioned junction at the rift.
From this chamber, there are two ways on. A small choss wall surrounds a vertical hole through which it is possible to drop down (tricky on the return) into a small chamber. From here, an awkward squeeze leads into a continuing crawl, which has not been pushed. To the left is a crawl over choss which enlarges. After a short distance a tube on the right leads to the head of a pitch (not pushed; probably 15-20m) and continues to a choke. Straight ahead leads to an earthen-floored draughting crawl which has been dug, and needs further work to get through. Shortly before the crawl becomes flat-out, a tube leading up on the right also becomes too tight.
The crawl on the left in the main rift shortly after the bottom of the first pitch leads to a small mud-floored chamber, after which a further downward-sloping crawl emerges in a large rift passage parallel to the main route. To the right are a profusion of tubes, one leading down into the floor [C2004-234-26 C], one leading up into the ceiling [C2004-234-25 C], and two at more or less head level [C2004-234-23 B] [C2004-234-24 B]. These have been explored by Pete Clifton, leading to a maze known as the Flatulence Series, but no description is extant. There is also an aven above [C2004-234-33 X], which is presumed to connect to undescended pitch 02-05 in the Left-Hand Series.
To the left, the rift passage continues onwards, sloping gradually downhill, past another aven [C2004-234-34 X]. After around 20m it closes down; a passage to the left leads to a contortion into a narrow immature dry streamway, which draughts somewhat and continues in both directions [C2004-234-27 C] [C2004-234-28 C]. ","20m rope + 2 slings for ent pitch; 5m handline + 1 or 2 slings for climb down into Flashgun Chamber. More needed for Pie Series and traverse to Sweet Sight.","Question mark list.","Form submitted summer 2003 as part of a misnumbering cockup. Resolved 2004-07-28 with allocation of new number 234.",,"In dataset","
Plan of 234 following 2004 expo ","caves/234/234.svx","619m","61m","127m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The arch-shaped entrance and gully are obvious from the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to Steinbrückenhöhle. Shortly after crossing the large bare area of limestone slabs on the flanks of the Hinter, the path traverses directly around the right-hand side of the entrance gully.",,,"Tag." ,,,,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p234a",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,"2002-02","last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p234b",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,, 235,"1/T +",,,,"smkridge/235/235.html",,"Schaukelfelsbrockenhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2001","A rift can be descended, over wedged stones, inculding one that rocks. This leads to a narrow hading rift with wedged boulders for a ceiling.",,,,,,"
",,"6m","3m",,,,,,,"gps01.p235",,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated on a flatish area of limestone uphill from the row of Eishöhle entrances that lead to Schneevulcanhalle. ",,,,"""1623/235"" tag placed 2002-08-09. (Is this correct, or does the tag really say 1623/230?)" @@ -398,9 +398,9 @@ ,"-",,"2001-12",,"smkridge/2001-12/2001-12.html",,"Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschacht","Unneccesary Comfort Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,"2/T +",,"2002-01",,"smkridge/2002-01/2002-01.html",,"Artischockehöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2002 Dunks, Mark S","A contortion through boulders leads to a large horizontal passage, which gradually ascends until eventually lowering to a short flat-out crawl over choss. This leads to a chamber, from where it is possible to slither to the left through a gap between choss and the ceiling. Here there are two ways on. To the right ends quickly; a dig under the wall ended in a further choke. To the left leads to a tight crawl through dangerous boulders which would need digging to make further progress.
A noticable draught outwards is present throughout the cave.",,,,,,,,"70m approx.",,,,,,,"t2002-01",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"The entrance is situated in a large choss bowl adjacent to the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to Steinbrückenhöhle, where the path turns left just beyond Hauchhöhle.",,"
","Tag on rock wall on LH side facing entrance." ,"1/T +",,"2002-03",,"smkridge/2002-03/2002-03.html",,,"Hedgehog Höhle",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2002 Dunks, Ben S. Descended CUCC 2004, Dave L.","Awkward climb down leads to constricted chamber floored with choss. No ways on and no draught.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2002-03",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"At the choss bowl just beyond Hauchhöhle where the 204 walk-in route bends round to the north-east, (and where the rather nonobvious entrance to Artischockehöhle is situated), strike out straight northwards for 45m.",,,"Apparently tagged." -,"?",,"2002-07",,"smkdridge/2002-07/2002-07.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 2002 Frank, Ben",,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2002-07/2002-07.svx","42m","34m","16m",,,,,,"p2002-07","No idea",,,,,,,,,,,,,, -,"?",,"2002-08",,"smkdridge/2002-08/2002-08.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 2002 Frank, Ben",,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2002-08/2002-08.svx","21m","14m ","10m",,,,,,"p2002-08","No idea",,,,,,,,,,,,,, -,"?",,"2002-XX",,"smkdridge/2002-XX/2002-XX.html",,"?","Quarries D",,"2b","CUCC 2002 Frank, Ben",,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/quarriesd/quarriesd.svx","21m","12m","3m",,,,,,"pquarriesd","No idea",,,,,,,,,,,,,, +,"?",,"2002-07",,"smkridge/2002-07/2002-07.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 2002 Frank, Ben",,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2002-07/2002-07.svx","42m","34m","16m",,,,,,"p2002-07","No idea",,,,,,,,,,,,,, +,"?",,"2002-08",,"smkridge/2002-08/2002-08.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 2002 Frank, Ben",,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2002-08/2002-08.svx","21m","14m ","10m",,,,,,"p2002-08","No idea",,,,,,,,,,,,,, +,"?",,"2002-XX",,"smkridge/2002-XX/2002-XX.html",,"?","Quarries D",,"2b","CUCC 2002 Frank, Ben",,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/quarriesd/quarriesd.svx","21m","12m","3m",,,,,,"pquarriesd","No idea",,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,"1/S/T +",,"2003-01",,"smkridge/2003-01/2003-01.html",,"Alcove cave",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Tony R, Brian O","A short climbable rift in an alcove in the side of the hill leads to about an 8metre pitch to a small round chamber which is comprehensively choked ",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-01/2003-01.svx","26m","9m","12m N-S",,,,,"p2003-01",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk over the back of the ridge from 204",,,"Tagged 2003" ,"3/S/T +",,"2003-02",,"smkridge/2003-02/2003-02.html",,"Blaudrachenschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Tony R, Brian O","Awkward climb down leads to a sloping chamber with small climbs. At the end of this chamber a tight awkward rift overlooks a short pitch giving access to a small chamber with a window 4 metres up on the right wall. A rift in the floor leads to a large pitch. Rebelays in the far wall eventually reach a fine shaft which can be descended to a floor with no way on. A short 3m climb reveals a climbable rift past awkward boulders to a small elongate chamber with no way on.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-02/2003-02.svx","133m","109m","25m E-W",,,,,"p2003-02",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk over the back of the ridge from 204",,,"Tagged 2003" ,"1/S/T =",,"2003-03",,"smkridge/2003-03/2003-03.html",,"Kartoffelbreihöhle","Mashed Potato Cave",,"2b","CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L","A climb down/squeeze through boulders (awkward on the way out for fat bastards like me - Dave) leads to a small chamber ~4m across, with a loose hole in the floor at the far end. This was descended for perhaps 15 or 20m to a hopelessly choked floor of small pebbles. A window around a third of the way down the pitch leads to a parallel shaft, also choked at the bottom (from which there is another window back into the main shaft).","26m rope + some (4 or 5) hangers sufficient",,,,,,,,"? (~15m)",,,,,,"gps04.p2003-03",,,,"GPS post SA",,,,,,,,"On south flank of Nieder Augst-Eck just north of stone bridge. Directly to the east of 2003-04.",,,"
","Tagged 2003" diff --git a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc index 3490dfebd..ccebbce09 100644 Binary files a/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc and b/noinfo/CAVETAB2.sxc differ