[svn r6934] Improve 76 survey list

This commit is contained in:
olly 2005-06-15 22:48:37 +02:00
parent d3f6343a37
commit 6e963e37e3

@ -95,7 +95,7 @@
73,"2/S =",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/73.htm",,,"Suppentellerschacht",,,4,"</p><ul><li>Discovered by K Gaisberger and F H&uuml;tter in August 1973 (to -30m)</li><li>Sektion Ausseerland, 1977 (Karl Gaisberger + Edith Bednarik)</li></ul><p>","The first step is sprayed by meltwater, and the second step leads to -30m. A short rope leads to the next step. A rift follows an acute angle under the entrance way, some metres back. This section is very narrow, and over the narrow section pours a showerbath. Now a second squeeze leads to a fine pitch which bends back under the previous section. Then it gets complicated (the language, not the cave). It sounds like a series of either roomy or narrow wet pitches. Exploration appears to cease at -60m because of water down the neck and in the suit. It isn't clear if the cave actually stops at this point.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1580m",,,"In Kratzer valley, some way up valley from <a href=""../../kratzer/71.htm"">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.71).",,,,,,"Lost", 73,"2/S =",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/73.htm",,,"Suppentellerschacht",,,4,"</p><ul><li>Discovered by K Gaisberger and F H&uuml;tter in August 1973 (to -30m)</li><li>Sektion Ausseerland, 1977 (Karl Gaisberger + Edith Bednarik)</li></ul><p>","The first step is sprayed by meltwater, and the second step leads to -30m. A short rope leads to the next step. A rift follows an acute angle under the entrance way, some metres back. This section is very narrow, and over the narrow section pours a showerbath. Now a second squeeze leads to a fine pitch which bends back under the previous section. Then it gets complicated (the language, not the cave). It sounds like a series of either roomy or narrow wet pitches. Exploration appears to cease at -60m because of water down the neck and in the suit. It isn't clear if the cave actually stops at this point.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1580m",,,"In Kratzer valley, some way up valley from <a href=""../../kratzer/71.htm"">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.71).",,,,,,"Lost",
74,"1/T +",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/74.htm",,,"Schneckenhaush&ouml;hle",,,4,"Edith Bednarik, 1977","Sounds like a free-climb to a snow choke (very much like B5, which must be in virtually the same place ?)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1600m",,,"In Kratzer valley, down valley from <a href=""../../kratzer/71.htm"">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 71), on true right some way above bottom of valley. In the same entrance doline as <a href=""35.htm"">Dr.Kerschner H&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.35).",,,,,,"Lost","Probably =B5" 74,"1/T +",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/74.htm",,,"Schneckenhaush&ouml;hle",,,4,"Edith Bednarik, 1977","Sounds like a free-climb to a snow choke (very much like B5, which must be in virtually the same place ?)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1600m",,,"In Kratzer valley, down valley from <a href=""../../kratzer/71.htm"">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 71), on true right some way above bottom of valley. In the same entrance doline as <a href=""35.htm"">Dr.Kerschner H&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.35).",,,,,,"Lost","Probably =B5"
75,"2/T +",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/75.htm",,,"Wisenth&ouml;hle",,,4,"Edith Bednarik, 1977","This entrance connects with a second shaft just down valley. The Austrian article describing the cave says it is about 60m long, but this did not appear to be the case in 1990, since it seems to choke very quickly - perhaps digging would now be required to get in.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1680m",,,"Just south of Schwarzmoossattel, in the far upper reaches of Kratzertal. There is an obvious freeclimbable shaft/cave just down valley from the equally obvious shakehole/shaft labelled <a href=""../../kratzer/b4.htm"">B4</a>.",,,,"Paint","It is numbered twice, once very faded and once very badly run (last seen 1996): both numbers are needed to deduce (with difficulty) that this is indeed ""75"".","Refindable","Seen in 1990 and 1996 (by AERW?)" 75,"2/T +",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/75.htm",,,"Wisenth&ouml;hle",,,4,"Edith Bednarik, 1977","This entrance connects with a second shaft just down valley. The Austrian article describing the cave says it is about 60m long, but this did not appear to be the case in 1990, since it seems to choke very quickly - perhaps digging would now be required to get in.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1680m",,,"Just south of Schwarzmoossattel, in the far upper reaches of Kratzertal. There is an obvious freeclimbable shaft/cave just down valley from the equally obvious shakehole/shaft labelled <a href=""../../kratzer/b4.htm"">B4</a>.",,,,"Paint","It is numbered twice, once very faded and once very badly run (last seen 1996): both numbers are needed to deduce (with difficulty) that this is indeed ""75"".","Refindable","Seen in 1990 and 1996 (by AERW?)"
76,"5/S/E +","main a b",,"yes","plateau/76/76.htm",,,"Eislufth&ouml;hle",,,"1d","CUCC 1977-79","<ul><li><a href=""entrance.htm"">Entrance Series</a></li><li><a href=""70sroute.htm"">1970's Route</a></li><li><a href=""keg.htm"">Keg Series</a></li><li><a href=""brave.htm"">Brave New World</a></li></ul>",,,,"The exploration is written up in many places:</p><ul><li><a href=""../../years/1977/report.htm#youth"">Cambridge Underground 1978</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1977/771649.htm"">Belfry Bulletin 354</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/report.htm#ropes"">Cambridge Underground 1979</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/bcracc.htm"">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving 2</a>, Andy Waddington </li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/npc79.htm"">Northern Pennine Club Journal vol 3 no. 2, 1979</a>, Andy Waddington, Simon Farrow</li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/descnt.htm"">Descent 40 (Jan/Feb 1979)</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/782034.htm"">Belfry Bulletin 366 (Oct 1978)</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/report.htm"">Cambridge Underground 1980</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/descnt.htm"">Descent 44</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/792026.htm"">Belfry Bulletin 378</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/bcracc.htm"">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving 8</a>, Andy Waddington</li><li><a href=""../../years/1977/andylg.htm#id1977-76-1"">Logbook accounts</a></li><li><a href=""histry.htm"">Trip index</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/811412.htm"">Speleo Krakow 1/2 Dec 1980</a>, Andy Waddington</li></ul><p>This last item, the only complete write up of 1977-79, appeared in Polish translation, and is published in the English original for the first time here.","Data for the sections covered so far by the resurvey project begun in 2004 can be downloaded as a <a href=""76.3d"">.3d file</a> or <a href=""surveydata.tgz"">raw Survex data</a>.","Surveys (the lower parts of the 1970s surveys are based on measurement of rope lengths and thus probably best categorised as Grade 2): <ul><li> <a href=""http://cucc.survex.com/expo/years/1977/106.png"">After first year of exploration (1977)</a></li><li> <a href=""http://cucc.survex.com/expo/years/1978/106.png"">After 1978 exploration</a></li><li> After 1979, the end of the original 1970's exploration: <a href=""76upper.png"">Upper half</a> and <a href=""76lower.png"">Lower half</a></li><li> <a href=""76_final_col_small.png"">After 2004 exploration and partial resurvey</a></li></ul>",,"1181m resurveyed so far","approx 506m; resurveyed to 190m","172m surveyed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Out on the plateau near some very large erratic boulders. Laser rangefound point 0/6 is between the three entrances",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a name=""scf"" href=""l/scf.htm""><img src=""t/scf.jpg"" width=""170"" height=""108"" alt=""SCF.jpg (73k)"" /></a><p>Simon Farrow at the entrance of 76 during the initial exploration in 1977</p></div><p>",,"The entrance is prominently numbered 106 which is the number we had allocated to it, but a description of the cave was published in the Belfry Bulletin, which is seen by Alfred Auer, who allocated his own number to it in advance of our report.",," " 76,"5/S/E +","main a b",,"yes","plateau/76/76.htm",,,"Eislufth&ouml;hle",,,"1d","CUCC 1977-79","<ul><li><a href=""entrance.htm"">Entrance Series</a></li><li><a href=""70sroute.htm"">1970's Route</a></li><li><a href=""keg.htm"">Keg Series</a></li><li><a href=""brave.htm"">Brave New World</a></li></ul>",,,,"The exploration is written up in many places:</p><ul><li><a href=""../../years/1977/report.htm#youth"">Cambridge Underground 1978</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1977/771649.htm"">Belfry Bulletin 354</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/report.htm#ropes"">Cambridge Underground 1979</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/bcracc.htm"">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving 2</a>, Andy Waddington </li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/npc79.htm"">Northern Pennine Club Journal vol 3 no. 2, 1979</a>, Andy Waddington, Simon Farrow</li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/descnt.htm"">Descent 40 (Jan/Feb 1979)</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1978/782034.htm"">Belfry Bulletin 366 (Oct 1978)</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/report.htm"">Cambridge Underground 1980</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/descnt.htm"">Descent 44</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/792026.htm"">Belfry Bulletin 378</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/bcracc.htm"">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving 8</a>, Andy Waddington</li><li><a href=""../../years/1977/andylg.htm#id1977-76-1"">Logbook accounts</a></li><li><a href=""histry.htm"">Trip index</a></li><li><a href=""../../years/1979/811412.htm"">Speleo Krakow 1/2 Dec 1980</a>, Andy Waddington</li></ul><p>This last item, the only complete write up of 1977-79, appeared in Polish translation, and is published in the English original for the first time here.","Data for the sections covered so far by the resurvey project begun in 2004 can be downloaded as a <a href=""76.3d"">.3d file</a> or <a href=""surveydata.tgz"">raw Survex data</a>.","The lower parts of the 1970s surveys are based on measurement of rope lengths and thus probably best categorised as Grade 2. The 2004 resurveyed depth for the taproom agrees closely with the 1970s surveys: <ul><li> <a href=""../../years/1977/106.png"">After first year of exploration (1977)</a></li><li> <a href=""../../years/1978/106.png"">After 1978 exploration</a></li><li> After 1979, the end of the original 1970's exploration: <a href=""76upper.png"">Upper half</a> and <a href=""76lower.png"">Lower half</a></li><li> <a href=""76_final_col_small.png"">2004 new exploration and resurvey down to the taproom</a></li></ul>",,"1181m resurveyed so far","approx 506m; resurveyed to 190m","172m surveyed",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Out on the plateau near some very large erratic boulders. Laser rangefound point 0/6 is between the three entrances",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a name=""scf"" href=""l/scf.htm""><img src=""t/scf.jpg"" width=""170"" height=""108"" alt=""SCF.jpg (73k)"" /></a><p>Simon Farrow at the entrance of 76 during the initial exploration in 1977</p></div><p>",,"The entrance is prominently numbered 106 which is the number we had allocated to it, but a description of the cave was published in the Belfry Bulletin, which is seen by Alfred Auer, who allocated his own number to it in advance of our report.",," "
76,,"main",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p76","entrance dotted triangle on 76",,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed", 76,,"main",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p76","entrance dotted triangle on 76",,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
76,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p76a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed", 76,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p76a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag",,"Surveyed",
76,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p76b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed", 76,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p76b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Unmarked",,"Surveyed",

1 Kataster Number Kat Status Code Entrances Unofficial number Multiple entrances Autogen file Link file Link Entrance Name Unofficial Name Comment Area Explorers Underground Description Equipment qm list Kataster status References Underground centre line Underground drawn survey Survex file to get length and depth Length Depth Extent Notes Entrance name tag point in dataset other point in dataset description of other point exact entrance in dataset (drip line/highest enclosed contour) Type of survey fix GPS pre SA GPS post SA Northing Easting Altitude Bearings Map Location Approach Entrance description Photo of location Marking Marking comment Findability Findability comment
95 73 2/S = noinfo/kratzer/73.htm Suppentellerschacht 4 </p><ul><li>Discovered by K Gaisberger and F H&uuml;tter in August 1973 (to -30m)</li><li>Sektion Ausseerland, 1977 (Karl Gaisberger + Edith Bednarik)</li></ul><p> The first step is sprayed by meltwater, and the second step leads to -30m. A short rope leads to the next step. A rift follows an acute angle under the entrance way, some metres back. This section is very narrow, and over the narrow section pours a showerbath. Now a second squeeze leads to a fine pitch which bends back under the previous section. Then it gets complicated (the language, not the cave). It sounds like a series of either roomy or narrow wet pitches. Exploration appears to cease at -60m because of water down the neck and in the suit. It isn't clear if the cave actually stops at this point. 1580m In Kratzer valley, some way up valley from <a href="../../kratzer/71.htm">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.71). Lost
96 74 1/T + noinfo/kratzer/74.htm Schneckenhaush&ouml;hle 4 Edith Bednarik, 1977 Sounds like a free-climb to a snow choke (very much like B5, which must be in virtually the same place ?) 1600m In Kratzer valley, down valley from <a href="../../kratzer/71.htm">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 71), on true right some way above bottom of valley. In the same entrance doline as <a href="35.htm">Dr.Kerschner H&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.35). Lost Probably =B5
97 75 2/T + noinfo/kratzer/75.htm Wisenth&ouml;hle 4 Edith Bednarik, 1977 This entrance connects with a second shaft just down valley. The Austrian article describing the cave says it is about 60m long, but this did not appear to be the case in 1990, since it seems to choke very quickly - perhaps digging would now be required to get in. 1680m Just south of Schwarzmoossattel, in the far upper reaches of Kratzertal. There is an obvious freeclimbable shaft/cave just down valley from the equally obvious shakehole/shaft labelled <a href="../../kratzer/b4.htm">B4</a>. Paint It is numbered twice, once very faded and once very badly run (last seen 1996): both numbers are needed to deduce (with difficulty) that this is indeed "75". Refindable Seen in 1990 and 1996 (by AERW?)
98 76 5/S/E + main a b yes plateau/76/76.htm Eislufth&ouml;hle 1d CUCC 1977-79 <ul><li><a href="entrance.htm">Entrance Series</a></li><li><a href="70sroute.htm">1970's Route</a></li><li><a href="keg.htm">Keg Series</a></li><li><a href="brave.htm">Brave New World</a></li></ul> The exploration is written up in many places:</p><ul><li><a href="../../years/1977/report.htm#youth">Cambridge Underground 1978</a></li><li><a href="../../years/1977/771649.htm">Belfry Bulletin 354</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href="../../years/1978/report.htm#ropes">Cambridge Underground 1979</a></li><li><a href="../../years/1978/bcracc.htm">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving 2</a>, Andy Waddington </li><li><a href="../../years/1978/npc79.htm">Northern Pennine Club Journal vol 3 no. 2, 1979</a>, Andy Waddington, Simon Farrow</li><li><a href="../../years/1978/descnt.htm">Descent 40 (Jan/Feb 1979)</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href="../../years/1978/782034.htm">Belfry Bulletin 366 (Oct 1978)</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href="../../years/1979/report.htm">Cambridge Underground 1980</a></li><li><a href="../../years/1979/descnt.htm">Descent 44</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href="../../years/1979/792026.htm">Belfry Bulletin 378</a>, Nick Thorne</li><li><a href="../../years/1979/bcracc.htm">BCRA Caves &amp; Caving 8</a>, Andy Waddington</li><li><a href="../../years/1977/andylg.htm#id1977-76-1">Logbook accounts</a></li><li><a href="histry.htm">Trip index</a></li><li><a href="../../years/1979/811412.htm">Speleo Krakow 1/2 Dec 1980</a>, Andy Waddington</li></ul><p>This last item, the only complete write up of 1977-79, appeared in Polish translation, and is published in the English original for the first time here. Data for the sections covered so far by the resurvey project begun in 2004 can be downloaded as a <a href="76.3d">.3d file</a> or <a href="surveydata.tgz">raw Survex data</a>. Surveys (the lower parts of the 1970s surveys are based on measurement of rope lengths and thus probably best categorised as Grade 2): <ul><li> <a href="http://cucc.survex.com/expo/years/1977/106.png">After first year of exploration (1977)</a></li><li> <a href="http://cucc.survex.com/expo/years/1978/106.png">After 1978 exploration</a></li><li> After 1979, the end of the original 1970's exploration: <a href="76upper.png">Upper half</a> and <a href="76lower.png">Lower half</a></li><li> <a href="76_final_col_small.png">After 2004 exploration and partial resurvey</a></li></ul> The lower parts of the 1970s surveys are based on measurement of rope lengths and thus probably best categorised as Grade 2. The 2004 resurveyed depth for the taproom agrees closely with the 1970s surveys: <ul><li> <a href="../../years/1977/106.png">After first year of exploration (1977)</a></li><li> <a href="../../years/1978/106.png">After 1978 exploration</a></li><li> After 1979, the end of the original 1970's exploration: <a href="76upper.png">Upper half</a> and <a href="76lower.png">Lower half</a></li><li> <a href="76_final_col_small.png">2004 new exploration and resurvey down to the taproom</a></li></ul> 1181m resurveyed so far approx 506m; resurveyed to 190m 172m surveyed Out on the plateau near some very large erratic boulders. Laser rangefound point 0/6 is between the three entrances </p><div class="centre"><a name="scf" href="l/scf.htm"><img src="t/scf.jpg" width="170" height="108" alt="SCF.jpg (73k)" /></a><p>Simon Farrow at the entrance of 76 during the initial exploration in 1977</p></div><p> The entrance is prominently numbered 106 which is the number we had allocated to it, but a description of the cave was published in the Belfry Bulletin, which is seen by Alfred Auer, who allocated his own number to it in advance of our report.
99 76 main entrance p76 entrance dotted triangle on 76 Surface survey Tag Surveyed
100 76 a entrance p76a Tag Surveyed
101 76 b last entrance p76b Unmarked Surveyed