diff --git a/cave_data/1626-359.html b/cave_data/1626-359.html
index 3c5f6e82b..09045f38e 100644
--- a/cave_data/1626-359.html
+++ b/cave_data/1626-359.html
@@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ the water begins to cut down into a trench in the floor. At this
 <p>Going L at the end of <b>Watershed</b> at PT25 enters <b>Flowstone Canyon</b>. This has holes to the left and right but the main route descends steeply down a narrow rift with some fairly awkward, thrutchy down climbs. <i>The holes to the right all join except one QMC which likely just connects to <b>Peculiar Pot</b>. The hole to the left appears to still be an open lead, QMB, in a rift that needs bolting for protection. Beyond these holes, a climb up leads to <b> Portcullis Passage </b>, a loose, sandy passage which follows the top of <b>Flowstone Canyon</b> before dropping back into it.</i></p>
-<p>At the end of <b>Flowstone Canyon</b> a 16m pitch drops to PT25 in the <b>Sound of Water</b> with a large aven above. <i>At the top of this 16m pitch a short traverse to the left leads to easy, walking passage that ends at a continuing rift with a waterfall (QMA). This lead may just drop into nearby <b> Alpine Showers </b> but it needs to be definitively checked out. <i/><p/> 
+<p>At the end of <b>Flowstone Canyon</b> a 16m pitch drops to PT25 in the <b>Sound of Water</b> with a large aven above. <i>At the top of this 16m pitch a short traverse to the left leads to easy, walking passage that ends at a continuing rift with a waterfall (QMA). This lead may just drop into nearby <b> Alpine Showers </b> but it needs to be definitively checked out. </i></p> 
 <p>At PT25 in the <b>Sound of Water</b> the way on is right up the slope to a broken (16m then 10m) 27m pitch that lands at PT26. <i><b>Peculiar Pot</b> enters from a rift a few metres down this pitch whilst left at PT25 quickly loops around to overlook <b>Alpine Showers</b>. From the bottom of the pitch at PT26, right (upstream) leads to a waterfall (bolt climbing required).</i> From PT26, turning left (downstream) is <b>Alpine Showers</b>. This follows a talll, narrow, winding rift to two small pitches beside waterfalls (care needed to keep away from water as levels can rise rapidly). This leads to a traverse and another pitch. The streamway is rejoined but soon drops away again and the roof of the rift lowers to a traverse and then a 20m pitch that drops you down to <b>Paradise Lost</b>.</p>