diff --git a/handbook/survey/qmentry.html b/handbook/survey/qmentry.html
index 0f3d7a63b..1fbaeee27 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/qmentry.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/qmentry.html
@@ -112,6 +112,30 @@ handbook page.
 <img src="wob-svx-edit-pic3.jpg"  width=900>
+Below is part of the current template file (square brackets must be removed as
+real content replaces template text):</p>
+;Question Mark List  ;(leave commented-out)
+; The nearest-station is the name of the survey and station which are nearest to
+; the QM. The resolution-station is either '-' to indicate that the QM hasn't
+; been checked; or the name of the survey and station which push that QM. If a
+; QM doesn't go anywhere, set the resolution-station to be the same as the
+; nearest-station. Include any relevant details of how to find or push the QM in
+; the textual description.
+;Serial number   grade(A/B/C/D/V/X)  nearest-station  resolution-station description
+;[ QM1    A    surveyname.3    -    description of QM ]
+;[ QM2    B    surveyname.5    -    description of QM ]
+;TICKed off QMs
+; in the past, if another survey existed, the resolution-station
+; field was filled in, e.g.
+;[ QM2    B    surveyname.5   anothersurvey.7    description of QM and description of progress ]
+; or we can use the trial format
+;Serial number TICK  date resolution description
+;[QM2 TICK 2022-07-20 This is an example ticked QM]
 If these data are not entered along with the rest of the survey data, it is as if you decided not to enter
 some of the actual passage data you surveyed: information is being lost and someone will have to
 trawl back through all the survey data at a later time to keep it up-to-date, a very tedious task which