diff --git a/noinfo/walletscripts/make.py b/noinfo/walletscripts/make.py
index bee825874..1524c75c5 100644
--- a/noinfo/walletscripts/make.py
+++ b/noinfo/walletscripts/make.py
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python 
 import os, operator, urllib, json, re
 loser_dir = "/home/expo/loser"
 html_base = "<html><body>%(body)s</body></html>"
-html_year_index = html_base % {"body": "<H1>%(year)s surveys</H1><H2>Persons</H2><UL>%(persons)s</UL><H2>Wallets</H2><table>%(wallets)s</table><H2>Needing Scanning</H2><ul>%(needing scanning)s</ul><H2>Website needing updating</H2><ul>%(website needing updating)s</ul>"}
+html_year_index = html_base % {"body": "<H1>2015 surveys</H1><H2>Persons</H2><UL>%(persons)s</UL><H2>Wallets</H2><table>%(wallets)s</table><H2>Needing Scanning</H2><ul>%(needing scanning)s</ul><H2>Website needing updating</H2><ul>%(website needing updating)s</ul>"}
 html_year_person = "<li><a href='%(person)s.html'>%(person)s</a><ul>%(complaints)s</ul></li>"
 html_year_wallet_entry = "<tr><td><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s %(cave)s %(name)s</a></td> <td>%(complaints)s</td></tr>"
 html_person_wallet_entry = "<li><a href='%(walletindex)s'>%(walletname)s</a> <ul>%(complaints)s</ul></li>"
@@ -44,23 +43,18 @@ wallets_needing_scanning = set()
 website_needing_updating = set()
 people = {}
-#use dir this file is in to get current year
-path,year = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
 for item in os.listdir("."):
     if os.path.isdir(item):
         files = []
         for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(".", item)):
-            if f not in ["contents.json", "contents.json~","index.html"] and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", item, f)):
+            if f not in ["contents.json", "index.html"] and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(".", item, f)):
         contents_path = os.path.join(".", item, "contents.json")
-        print "Reading file %s" % (contents_path) 
         if not os.path.isfile(contents_path):
             json_file = open(contents_path, "w")
             json.dump(blank_json, json_file, indent = 1) 
         json_file = open(contents_path)
-        #print json_file
         data = json.load(json_file)
         write_required = False
@@ -97,7 +91,7 @@ for item in os.listdir("."):
         if not data["survex not required"] and data["survex file"] == "":
             survex_complaint = "A survex file is required, but has not been specified!"    
         if not data["survex not required"] and not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(loser_dir, data["survex file"])):
-            survex_complaint = "The specified survex file (%s) does not exist here!" % data["survex file"]
+            survex_complaint = "The specified survex file does not exist here!"
         complaints = []
         person_complaints = []
         if survex_required:
@@ -198,7 +192,7 @@ for person, person_wallets in people.items():
 person_summary = dict(person_summary)
 year_index_file = open("index.html", "w")
-year_index_file.write(html_year_index % {"year": year, "persons": reduce(operator.add,  [html_year_person % {"person": person,
+year_index_file.write(html_year_index % {"persons": reduce(operator.add,  [html_year_person % {"person": person,
                                                                                                "complaints": reduce(operator.add,
                                                                                                                     [html_complaint_items % {"complaint": complaint, 
                                                                                                                                              "count": count}