bus update - online edit of handbook/baseops.html

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Expo on server 2024-07-19 08:18:39 +01:00
parent c75fcb4517
commit 6070be84a7

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@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ a handful of people at base.
<p>See the <a href="travel.html#lastbit">How to get to Expo</a> page for details of travel
around Grundlsee and Bad Aussee.
<p>Also relevant for expoers is how to get from base camp up to the plateau and back.
The Loser Panorama Strasse toll road leaves from the "Losermaut Skiarena" close to Bla Alm,
The Loser Panorama Strasse toll road leaves from the "Losermaut Skiarena" ,
which is up a dead-end road from Alt Aussee. This is relevant because if you hitch and get a lift
from the Loser Alm car park at the top of the toll road, you will almost certainly be going through Alt Aussee.
<p>There are buses between AltAussee and Bad Aussee: route 955. </a>.
@ -171,12 +171,13 @@ While frequent over lunchtime, there is a 2-hour gap in the late afternoon.
<p>For getting in to Bad Aussee from the Gasthof it is the 956 bus, it takes 6 minutes: <br>
Depart Staudnwirt: 07:17 08:47 11:09 11:59 13:09 15:23 16:32 17:01 19:09
<p>So to get to the toll road by bus, get the 08:47 956 bus to town, then the 09:10 955 bus to Losermaut.
<p>For getting back to the Gasthof after hitching down the toll road from the plateau, there are 3 buses a day into Bad Aussee from "Losermaut" (the name for the bus stop at the bottom of the toll road): 09:31 11:50 15:48 (last bus), but if you walk down to Altaussee (Kurfhaus stop) there are seven:
<p>For getting back to the Gasthof after hitching down the toll road from the plateau, there are 3 buses a day into Bad Aussee from "Losermaut" (the name for the bus stop at the bottom of the toll road): 09:31 11:50 15:48 (last bus), but if you walk down to Altaussee (Zentrum stop) there are seven:
09:38 10:55 11:57 14:55 15:55 16:57 18:42 (last bus). [in 2024].
<p>Online bus timetables: <a href="https://verkehrsauskunft.verbundlinie.at/index.html?language=en_GB"></a>
<p>Here is <a href="684000_NEU.pdf">the timetable for bus 956</a> which goes from Bad Ausseeto base camp and then on to Grundlesee.
This also may be replaced by an anonymous
white minibus with a taxi company logo. Don't get caught out by not getting onto it.
<p>Bus 956 goes from Bad Aussee to base camp at Staudnwirt Galhof and then on to Grundlesee.
(This also may be replaced by an anonymous
white minibus with a taxi company logo. Don't get caught out by not getting onto it.)
<h3>Other buses from Bad Aussee</h3>
<p>Here is the link - you have to do a live search -
<a href="https://verkehrsauskunft.ooevv.at/?&language=en_GB&&widget=1.0.0&#!P|TP!S|ALTAUSSEE!Z|GRUNDLSEE!date|23122019!time|16:06!start|yes">