[svn r4372] added

This commit is contained in:
expo 2002-08-08 21:08:23 +02:00
parent 4841876e1f
commit 594b170eb3

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
<HTML lang=en><HEAD><TITLE>2000-08</TITLE>
<!--#include virtual="../../css/main.css"-->
<DIV align=center>
<TABLE border=0 width="100%">
<TH align=left width="30%"><font size=+1>CUCC 2000/09</FONT></TH>
<TH lang=de><h1>Hauchhöhle</h1></TH>
<TH align=right width="30%"><FONT size=+2>2/S/T x</FONT></TH></TR>
<tr><td><b>Location:</B></td><td>36611.40E, (52)83616.17N, 1814.57m altitude.</td></tr>
<p><b>Access route:</b> The large entrance is adjacent to
the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to <a href="../204/204.shtml">Steinbr&uuml;ckenh&ouml;hle</a>, shortly before
reaching the latter cave.
<P><B>Marking:</B> Tag.
<p>Short pitch (~6m) from chossy naturals leads to large (~4m wide) unroofed
passage. Uphill leads to rift, which is choked (corresponding to nearby choked
surface rift). Downhill passes a wedged rock to a climb down onto a snowbank.
Right is blind, left descends and leads to a blind pit with a too-tight
continuation (looks diggable though), with a big echo.
<P><B>Exploration history:</b> CUCC 2000, 2002.
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