diff --git a/noinfo/aaussee/1.htm b/noinfo/aaussee/1.htm
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
 <tr><th align=left><font size=+2>1 a b</font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Li&auml;gerh&ouml;hle</font></th>
+<th align=center lang=de><font size=+2>Li&auml;gerh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<tr><th></th><th align=center lang=de><font size=+2>(D'Li&euml;ger)</font></th></tr>
+<tr><th></th><th align=center lang=de><font size=+2>= D�Li&euml;ger</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 306m <b>Depth:</b> 71m <b>Extent:</b> NW-SE 160m 
-<b>Alt:</b> East Entrance 812m West entrance 809m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> At the foot of a gully cutting the southwestern end of Steller, a major cliff band SE of the Loser - Br&auml;uning area. A couple of hundred metres north of the Youth Hostel at the NE corner of Altausseer See.
-<p><b>Approach:</b> If you follow the lakeside path (shortest approach from Altaussee on north side of lake) there is a junction where the path to Hochklapfsattel departs. A short way west of (ie. before) this junction is a bridge over a normally dry stream bed. Follow the stream bed up for a short way until it splits, then follow the apparently smaller branch to the right (east). Scramble up rocks to the East Entrance. This is marked on the Alpine Club 1:25000 map. <p>Although the Altitude given is 812m, it doesn�t seem that high, and 812m is exactly 100m above lake level, which is a little suspicious. If you accept instead the phrase "climb 70m higher" in the original kataster description, the altitude comes out about 780 to 785m, which puts the final sump at almost exactly the level of the lake. 
-<p><b>Map:</b> 28.1 cm E, 15.4 cm N, sheet 15/1 Alpine Club 1:25000 map
-<p><b>Entrance Photo:</b> CUCC were shown some photographs of 1 & 2 in flood, when a truly enormous river emerges from both entrances and numerous impenetrable cracks. This explains the vegetation-free state of the twin river beds leading down towards Altausseer See. 
-<p><b>References:</b> There are descriptions (in German) of dives in the terminal sump in <a href="../../others/obsteier/dive1.htm" lang="de-at">1985</a> and <a href="../../others/obsteier/dive2.htm" lang="de-at">1988</a>. A further follow-up article is awaiting scanning in...
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Seasonally active cave. Ends in a 'Lake', which is a sump pool, apparently higher than the level of Altausseer See, and close to the surveyed level of the Stellerweg sump. <p>Access to the final sump is guarded by short siphons in each of the two passages going to the far end of the cave. These can be drained, but care should be taken to ensure they are drained towards the entrance, otherwise the final sump will become muddy. Visited by Mike Thomas and Pete Lancaster in 1989, as far as the short sumps. <p>A note on the geology : The north shore of the lake follows a large fault with a big throw, so that this cave is in the same block of limestone as the St&ouml;gerweg area caves. The Austrians think there is no hydrological connection between this cave/resurgence and the lake level, since vauclusian resurgences in the lake appear to be in a very different block of limestone which has been down-faulted relative to the plateau. However, it seems more likely that these risings are actually <b>on</b> the fault, and that the lake level, and the level of the sumps in this cave and in <a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</a> are closely related. 
-<p><b>Survey:</b> A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct. 1980, facing p 86. This is dated 1935, 1960 and looks like a third generation photocopy of a larger survey - the quality is very poor. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 19xx <p>Sektion Ausseerland 1960 <p>Dived by Verein f&uuml;r H&ouml;hlenkunde in Obersteier in 1984 and 1985, when the final sump went to about -20m. On the first occasion they spoiled the visibility in the sump by not being careful enough about how they drained the sump on the approach route. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> East Entrance 812m West entrance 809m Length 306m, Depth
+71m, extent NW-SE 160m
+<p><b>Location:</b> At the foot of a gully cutting the southwestern end of
+Steller, a major cliff band SE of the Loser - Br&auml;uning area. A couple
+of hundred metres north of the Youth Hostel at the NE corner of Altausseer
+<p>If you follow the lakeside path (shortest approach from Altaussee on
+north side of lake) there is a junction where the path to Hochklapfsattel
+departs. A short way west of (ie. before) this junction is a bridge over a
+normally dry stream bed. Follow the stream bed up for a short way until it
+splits, then follow the apparently smaller branch to the right (east).
+Scramble up rocks to the East Entrance. This is marked on the Alpine Club
+1:25000 map.
+<p>Although the Altitude given is 812m, it doesn�t seem that high, and 812m
+is exactly 100m above lake level, which is a little suspicious. If you
+accept instead the phrase "climb 70m higher" in the original kataster
+description, the altitude comes out about 780 to 785m, which puts the final
+sump at almost exactly the level of the lake.
+<p><b>Map:</b> 28.1 cm E, 15.4 cm N, sheet 15/1
+<p><b>Survey:</b> A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct.
+1980, facing p 86. This is dated 1935, 1960 and looks like a third
+generation photocopy of a larger survey - the quality is very poor.
+<p><b>References:</b> There are descriptions (in German) of dives in the
+terminal sump in <a href="../../others/obsteier/dive1.htm"
+lang="de-at">1985</a> and <a href="../../others/obsteier/dive2.htm"
+lang="de-at">1988</a>. A further follow-up article is awaiting scanning in...
+<p>Seasonally active cave. Ends in a 'Lake', which is a sump pool, apparently
+higher than the level of Altausseer See, and close to the surveyed level of
+the Stellerweg sump.
+<p>Access to the final sump is guarded by short siphons in each of the two
+passages going to the far end of the cave. These can be drained, but care
+should be taken to ensure they are drained towards the entrance, otherwise
+the final sump will become muddy. Visited by Mike Thomas and Pete Lancaster
+in 1989, as far as the short sumps.
+<p>A note on the geology : The north shore of the lake follows a large fault
+with a big throw, so that this cave is in the same block of limestone as the
+St&ouml;gerweg area caves. The Austrians think there is no hydrological
+connection between this cave/resurgence and the lake level, since vauclusian
+resurgences in the lake appear to be in a very different block of limestone
+which has been down-faulted relative to the plateau. However, it seems more
+likely that these risings are actually <b>on</b> the fault, and that the
+lake level, and the level of the sumps in this cave and in <a
+href="../../smkridge/41.htm">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</a> are closely related.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 19xx
+<p>Sektion Ausseerland 1960
+<p>Dived by Verein f&uuml;r H&ouml;hlenkunde in Obersteier in 1984 and 1985,
+when the final sump went to about -20m. On the first occasion they spoiled
+the visibility in the sump by not being careful enough about how they
+drained the sump on the approach route.
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../aaussee/index.htm#1">N & NE shore of Altauseer See</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>2 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>2</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Wasserl&ouml;cher</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/(W) =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 810m 
-<p><b>Entrance Photo:</b> CUCC were shown some photographs of 1 & 2 in flood, when a truly enormous river emerges from both entrances and numerous impenetrable cracks. This explains the vegetation-free state of the twin river beds leading down towards Altausseer See. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Unexplored 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 810m
+<p>Unexplored resurgence directly below the western entrance of
+<a href="1.htm">Li&auml;gerh&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.1). At the foot of Steller,
+a cliff band SE of and directly below the Loser Panoramastra&szlig;e
+<p>As for Li&auml;gerh&ouml;hle, the altitude is a little suspect. I think
+it is further below Kat.1 than this. In any case, it is quite impenetrable.
+<p>CUCC were shown some photographs of 1 &amp; 2 in flood, when a truly
+enormous river emerges from both entrances and numerous impenetrable cracks.
+This explains the vegetation-free state of the twin river beds leading down
+towards Altausseer See.
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../aaussee/index.htm#2">N & NE shore of Altauseer See</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>51 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>51</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hlen 1-3 in Wei&szlig;e Wand</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1330-1400m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> At the bottom of Wei&szlig;e Wand west of Hochklapfsattel, some way below the St&ouml;gerweg path. 
+<p><b>Altitudes:</b> 1330-1400m
+<p><b>Location:</b> At the bottom of Wei&szlig;e Wand west of
+Hochklapfsattel, some way below the St&ouml;gerweg path.
+<a name="68"></a><h2><center>68&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Kleine B&auml;renh&ouml;hle&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1/T +</center></h2>
+<b>Altitude:</b> 1370m
+<p><b>Location:</b> At foot of Wei&szlig;e Wand west of Hochklapfsattel,
+just NNE of Kat.51
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../aaussee/index.htm#51">N & NE shore of Altauseer See</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 96ac2bac1..d810a6ce2 100644
--- a/noinfo/augstb/3.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
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@@ -7,33 +6,42 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>3 </font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Gellerofen</font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>3</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Gellerofen (= G&ouml;ller Loch)</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 13.1m <b>Depth:</b> 3.04m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1015m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> at the SW foot of the Loserstockes
-<p><b>Approach:</b> reached from Altaussee above Posern. (I think this is below the toll road somewhere).
-<p><b>Map:</b> This is not marked on the Austrian�s map.
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> The entrance is 7.5m wide by 1.2m high.<p>'Durch das 7,5m breite und 1,2m hohe, flachbogenf&ouml;rmige Portal gelangt man zun&auml;chst in eine kuppelf&ouml;rmige Vorhalle, dann in einen durch Korrosionskolke ausgeformten Canyon. H&ouml;hlenkarren, Bergmilchbildungen, eine Sickerwasserquelle und H&ouml;hlenfauna fallen besonders auf.'
-<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan by Alfred Auer at 1:100, 1968 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Oldest documentation is dated 1880. H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937 Sektion Ausseerland, 1968
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1015m, Length 13.1m, height 3.04m
+<p><b>Location:</b> at the SW foot of the Loserstockes, reached from
+Altaussee above Posern. (I think this is below the toll road somewhere).
+This is not marked on the Austrian�s map. The entrance is 7.5m wide by 1.2m
+"Durch das 7,5m breite und 1,2m hohe, flachbogenf&ouml;rmige Portal gelangt
+man zun&auml;chst in eine kuppelf&ouml;rmige Vorhalle, dann in einen durch
+Korrosionskolke ausgeformten Canyon. H&ouml;hlenkarren, Bergmilchbildungen,
+eine Sickerwasserquelle und H&ouml;hlenfauna fallen besonders auf."
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Oldest documentation is dated 1880.<br>
+H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937<br>
+Sektion Ausseerland, 1968<p>
+<b>Survey:</b> Plan by Alfred Auer at 1:100, 1968
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index 497faf7e8..de855e581 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/augstb/4.htm
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@@ -7,31 +6,36 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>4 </font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Ritscherbachh&ouml;hle</font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>4</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Ritscherbachh&ouml;hle (am Lecker)</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 12.3m <b>Depth:</b> 1.07m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1015m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="3.htm">Gellerofen</a> (Kat. 3), at the SW foot of the Loserstockes.
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> A 2.2m wide and 1.3m high entrance leads horizontally to "Bruchschutt und Sickerwassergerinne". 
-<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan at 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1015m, Length 12.3m, height 1.07m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="3.htm">Gellerofen</a> (Kat. 3), at the SW
+foot of the Loserstockes.<p>
+A 2.2m wide and 1.3m high entrance leads horizontally to "Bruchschutt und
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937<br>
+<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan at 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968
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index 38d63b75e..b05a0ac3d 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/augstb/53.htm
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@@ -7,30 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>53 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>53</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gellerli&auml;ger</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Extent:</b> 5m N-S  
-<b>Alt:</b> 1020m 
-<p><b>Approach:</b> 12m east and 5m above <a href="3.htm">Gellerofen</a> (Kat.3)
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> "Horizontale, niedere R&ouml;hre mit Bruchschutt."
-<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1020m, extent 5m N-S
+<p><b>Location:</b> 12m east and 5m above <a href="3.htm">Gellerofen</a> (Kat.3)<p>
+"Horizontale, niedere R&ouml;hre mit Bruchschutt."<p>
+<b>Survey:</b> Plan 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>54 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>54</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Seeh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 5m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 780m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> South of and well below <a href="3.htm">Gellerofen</a> (Kat.3), not marked on the Austrian�s map, but apparently just off the road in Augstbachtal. Must be almost in the village.  <p>"Kleine H&ouml;hle mit einer Wasserlacke im Inneren."
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Karl Gaisberger, 1959 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 780m, length 5m
+<p><b>Location:</b> South of and well below <a href="3.htm">Gellerofen</a>
+(Kat.3), not marked on the Austrian�s map, but apparently just off the road
+in Augstbachtal. Must be almost in the village.
+<p>"Kleine H&ouml;hle mit einer Wasserlacke im Inneren."
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Karl Gaisberger, 1959
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../augstb/index.htm#54">Augstbach area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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diff --git a/noinfo/augstb/66.htm b/noinfo/augstb/66.htm
index ba0191dcf..b71a7668b 100644
--- a/noinfo/augstb/66.htm
+++ b/noinfo/augstb/66.htm
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@@ -7,31 +6,36 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>66 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>66</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>L&ouml;ckerwegh&ouml;hle</font></th>
-<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T+</font></th></tr>
+<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 11.1m <b>Extent:</b> SW-NE 
-<b>Alt:</b> 980m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SW side of Loserstockes, directly above Ht.Posern. 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> 2.6m wide by 1m high entrance, "flachbogenf&ouml;rmige Portal f&uuml;hrt in eine 1939 von der H.V.A. ausgegrabene horizontal H&ouml;hle. Holoz&auml;ne Knochenfunde."
-<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan at 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1939 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 980m, length 11.1m, extending SW-NE
+<p><b>Location:</b> SW side of Loserstockes, directly above Ht.Posern.
+<p>2.6m wide by 1m high entrance, "flachbogenf&ouml;rmige Portal f&uuml;hrt
+in eine 1939 von der H.V.A. ausgegrabene horizontal H&ouml;hle. Holoz&auml;ne
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1939
+<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan at 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../augstb/index.htm#66">Augstbach area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#66">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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diff --git a/noinfo/br-alm/26.htm b/noinfo/br-alm/26.htm
index 4602d762b..e418ba804 100644
--- a/noinfo/br-alm/26.htm
+++ b/noinfo/br-alm/26.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>26 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>26</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Wasserschlinger I</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1542m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> In Br&auml;uning Kunntal, the large closed depression west of Br&auml;uning Alm. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1976 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1542m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> In Br&auml;uning Kunntal, the large closed depression west of
+Br&auml;uning Alm.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1976
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#26">Br&auml;uning Alm area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#26">Full Index</a><br>
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#26">Br&auml;uning Alm</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 3ebbd4597..f66ccdce1 100644
--- a/noinfo/br-alm/27.htm
+++ b/noinfo/br-alm/27.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
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@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>27 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>27</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Wasserschlinger II</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1542m 
-<p><b>Location:</b>  In Br&auml;uning Kunntal, next to <a href="26.htm">Kat.26</a>
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1976 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1542m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> In Br&auml;uning Kunntal, next to <a href="26.htm">Kat.26</a>
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1976.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#27">Br&auml;uning Alm area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#27">Full Index</a><br>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#27">Br&auml;uning Alm</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index a20f51aa1..93edf1b4c 100644
--- a/noinfo/br-alm/29.htm
+++ b/noinfo/br-alm/29.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>29 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>29</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schwarzmoosloch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1560m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> NE of huts in Br&auml;uning Alm 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Schauberger, 1921 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1560m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> NE of huts in Br&auml;uning Alm
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Schauberger, 1921
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#29">Br&auml;uning Alm area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#29">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#29">Br&auml;uning Alm</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index e7aad47cf..22c728d06 100644
--- a/noinfo/br-alm/30.htm
+++ b/noinfo/br-alm/30.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>30 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>30</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Grundloses Loch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1570m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Next to path towards Br&auml;uning Alm from Egglgrube junction. (I think this may be the first walled open shaft on the true left of the valley below Br&auml;uning Alm) 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> LVHK Ober&ouml;sterreich, 1966 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1570m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Next to path towards Br&auml;uning Alm from Egglgrube
+junction. (I think this may be the first walled open shaft on the true left
+of the valley below Br&auml;uning Alm)
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> LVHK Ober&ouml;sterreich, 1966
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#30">Br&auml;uning Alm area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#30">Br&auml;uning Alm</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 8f26a7e8c..a317bf0c8 100644
--- a/noinfo/br-alm/33.htm
+++ b/noinfo/br-alm/33.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>33 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>33</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schichtgrenzenh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1570m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> South of Br&auml;uning Alm. I think this is another of the fenced off shafts near the path north from the junction at Egglgrube. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1975 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1570m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> South of Br&auml;uning Alm. I think this is another of the
+fenced off shafts near the path north from the junction at Egglgrube.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1975
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+++ b/noinfo/br-alm/61.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>61 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>61</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gemsbockh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1620m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> NE of Br&auml;uning Alm, north of the path to Schwarzmoossattel.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Karl Gaisberger, 1975 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1620m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> NE of Br&auml;uning Alm, north of the path to
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Karl Gaisberger, 1975
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#61">Br&auml;uning Alm area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#61">Full Index</a><br>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../br-alm/index.htm#61">Br&auml;uning Alm</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
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index 394f68462..dbb02e4ad 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/15.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/15.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>15 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>15</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Michel-Gang</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1500m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Below main path west of Egglgrube. (About 35m below the path as it contours east of Sommersitz) 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1953 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1500m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Below main path west of Egglgrube. (About 35m below the
+path as it contours east of Sommersitz)
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1953
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#15">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#15">Full Index</a><br>
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#15">Egglgrube area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 9bac8a74d..08d14058d 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/19.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/19.htm
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 <html lang=en>
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>19 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>19</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gamsofen im Scharlingkar</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1450m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SE of Egglgrubenalm, ie. follow the valley down from Egglgrube until some huts appear - the cave is then SE below a small cliff somewhere. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1953 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1450m
+<p><b>Location:</b> SE of Egglgrubenalm, ie. follow the valley down from Egglgrube
+until some huts appear - the cave is then SE below a small cliff somewhere.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1953
 <!-- LINKS -->
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-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#19">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/egglgrub/20.htm b/noinfo/egglgrub/20.htm
index 33ed78301..5f6b54278 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/20.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/20.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>20 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>20</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Windh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1475m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> In Scharlingkar. This is the band of cliffs SW of Wei&szlig;e Wand. The cave is SW of <a href="19.htm">Gamsofen</a> (Kat.19) and almost due south of the huts in Br&auml;ning Alm.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1953 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1475m
+<p><b>Location:</b> In Scharlingkar. This is the band of cliffs SW of Wei&szlig;e
+Wand. The cave is SW of <a href="19.htm">Gamsofen</a> (Kat.19) and almost
+due south of the huts in Br&auml;ning Alm.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1953
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#20">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#20">Full Index</a><br>
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#20">Egglgrube area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
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+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/egglgrub/21.htm b/noinfo/egglgrub/21.htm
index 1dd44f948..235273c06 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/21.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/21.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>21 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>21</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Windloch im Egglgrube</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/S/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1510m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> South of Egglgrubenalm (it looks to be east of it on the map), north of <a href="19.htm">Gamsofen</a> (Kat.19).
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1510m
+<p><b>Location:</b> South of Egglgrubenalm (it looks to be east of it on the
+map), north of <a href="19.htm">Gamsofen</a> (Kat.19).
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#21">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#21">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#21">Egglgrube area</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/egglgrub/22.htm b/noinfo/egglgrub/22.htm
index 8fc8060b8..0c92fd26e 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/22.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/22.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>22 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>22</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Spiralschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1500m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> South of Egglgrubenalm. Not marked on Austrian�s map
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1939 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1500m
+<p><b>Location:</b> South of Egglgrubenalm. Not marked on Austrian�s map.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1939
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#22">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#22">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#22">Egglgrube area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/egglgrub/23.htm b/noinfo/egglgrub/23.htm
index 1236ef82b..f0be88afa 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/23.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/23.htm
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 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>23 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>23</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Steinbockh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/t/S =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1500m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> East of Egglgrubenalm near Wei&szlig;e Wand. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1939 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1500m
+<p><b>Location:</b> East of Egglgrubenalm near Wei&szlig;e Wand.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1939
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#23">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#23">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#23">Egglgrube area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/egglgrub/24.htm b/noinfo/egglgrub/24.htm
index 132ddbfc0..d8d4d91e2 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/24.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/24.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>24 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>24</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schachth&ouml;hle bei Egglgrubenalm</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1540m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> South of junction of paths near Egglgrube (ie. divergence of CUCC's routes to the col and to Stellerweg) 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Schauberger, 1938 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1540m
+<p><b>Location:</b> South of junction of paths near Egglgrube (ie. divergence
+of CUCC's routes to the col and to Stellerweg)
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Schauberger, 1938
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#24">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#24">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#24">Egglgrube area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
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+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/egglgrub/25.htm b/noinfo/egglgrub/25.htm
index e3d489b1e..6a9a2c7b0 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/25.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/25.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>25 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>25</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Mauskothh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1500m 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1500m
 <p><b>Location:</b> East of Egglgrubenalm, very near <a href="23.htm">Steinbockh&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 23).
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938 
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#25">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#25">Full Index</a><br>
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#25">Egglgrube area</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 8401c8b09..09b1633c1 100644
--- a/noinfo/egglgrub/77.htm
+++ b/noinfo/egglgrub/77.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>77 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>77</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Fichtenschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1500m  
-<p><b>Location:</b> North of Scharlingkar. Some way east of the Bergrestaurant, above the cliffs. 500m west of Egglgrubenalm.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland/ Edith Bednarik, 1979
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1500m
+<p><b>Location:</b> North of Scharlingkar. Some way east of the
+Bergrestaurant, above the cliffs. 500m west of Egglgrubenalm.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland/ Edith Bednarik, 1979
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#77">Egglgrube area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#77">Full Index</a><br>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm#77">Egglgrube area</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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diff --git a/noinfo/gschwand/10.htm b/noinfo/gschwand/10.htm
index 48e6134a8..7719a39f9 100644
--- a/noinfo/gschwand/10.htm
+++ b/noinfo/gschwand/10.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>10 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>10</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Spalth&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b>  c1715m 
-<p><b>Location:</b>  In NW face of Loser, overlooking Blaa-Alm.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> c 1715m
+<p><b>Location:</b> In NW face of Loser, overlooking Blaa-Alm
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../gschwand/index.htm#10">Gschwandt area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#10">Full Index</a><br>
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../gschwand/index.htm#10">Gschwandt area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/gschwand/11.htm b/noinfo/gschwand/11.htm
index 2b0001384..d1d44775f 100644
--- a/noinfo/gschwand/11.htm
+++ b/noinfo/gschwand/11.htm
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@@ -7,30 +6,33 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>11 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>11</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle in der Loserwestwand 1</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 60m 
-<b>Alt:</b>  c1715m 
-<p><b>Location:</b>  In NW face of Loser, overlooking Blaa-Alm.
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> an impressive 12m wide by 15m high entrance. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> c 1715m
+<p><b>Location:</b> In NW face of Loser, overlooking Blaa-Alm
+<p>This appears to be 60m of cave behind an impressive 12m wide by
+15m high entrance.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>12 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>12</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle in der Loserwestwand 2</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/T -</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b>  c1715m 
-<p><b>Location:</b>  In NW face of Loser, overlooking Blaa-Alm.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> c 1715m
+<br><b>Location:</b> In NW face of Loser, overlooking Blaa-Alm
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1937
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>5 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>5</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Holzknechtbr&uuml;nndlloch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 12m <b>Depth:</b> 8m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1230m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SW foot Loserstockes
-<p><b>Approach:</b> reached by path west from Loser H&uuml;tte, past Augst A.H.
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> Eine 1,5m grosse Schacht&ouml;ffnung f&uuml; in einen stiefelf&ouml;rmigen Schacht, in dem ein Sickerwassergerinne fr&uuml;her von Holzknechten als Trinkwasserquelle genutzt wurde.'
-<p><b>Survey:</b> Plan at 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1230m, Length 12m, Depth 8m
+<p><b>Location:</b> SW foot Loserstockes, reached by path west from Loser
+H&uuml;tte, past Augst A.H.
+<p>"Eine 1,5m gro&szlig;e Schacht&ouml;ffnung f&uuml; in einen
+stiefelf&ouml;rmigen Schacht, in dem ein Sickerwassergerinne fr&uuml;her
+von Holzknechten als Trinkwasserquelle genutzt wurde."
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
+<p><b>Survey:</b>Plan at 1:100 by Alfred Auer, 1968
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>52 a b</font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Sennerkeller &amp; Sauloch</font></th>
-<th align=right><font size=+2>1/S/W +</font></th></tr>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>52 a</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Sennerkeller</font></th>
+<th align=right rowspan=2><font size=+2>1/S/W +</font></th></tr>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>52 b</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Sauloch</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 32m <b>Depth:</b> 15m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1490m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Gschwandalm, by the path.
-<p><b>Approach:</b> Reached by walking all the way round Loser from the Loser H&uuml;tte. 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> n a 15m by 6m wide rift is the 6m by 4m entrance to the Sauloch. This is in a steep-sided doline used as a dumping place for all sorts of refuse.
-<p><b>References:</b> Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 19(3) July, 1981, p 49 
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> To the north, an 11m long, 2m high and 0.5m wide meander passage leads off. Through the passage flows a small gutter, which might well end too tight just after the turn off to Sennerkeller, the water emerging at a small spring to the north of Sennerkeller in a karren field. 
-<p><b>Survey:</b> 1:250, Alfred Auer, 1968 (no copy available) 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1968 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1490m, Length 32m, Depth 15m, extent SW-NE is 17.5m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Gschwandalm, by the path. Reached by walking all the way
+round Loser from the Loser H&uuml;tte.
+<p>In a 15m by 6m wide rift is the 6m by 4m entrance to the Sauloch. This is
+in a steep-sided doline used as a dumping place for all sorts of refuse. To
+the north, an 11m long, 2m high and 0.5m wide meander passage leads off.
+Through the passage flows a small gutter, which might well end too tight just
+after the turn off to Sennerkeller, the water emerging at a small spring to
+the north of Sennerkeller in a karren field.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1968
+<p><b>Description:</b> Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 19(3) July, 1981, p 49
+<p><b>Survey:</b> 1:250, Alfred Auer, 1968 (no copy available)
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>6 </font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Quelle</font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>6</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Quelle (Wasserloch)</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/W +</font></th></tr>
-<tr><th></th><th align=center lang=de><font size=+2>(Wasserloch)</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1425m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> 150m west of Augst A.H. 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> a small unenterable resurgence 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Unexplored � Noted for Kataster: Sektion Ausseerland, 1968 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1425m
+<p><b>Location:</b> a small unenterable resurgence 150m west of Augst A.H.
+<p>Noted for Kataster: Sektion Ausseerland, 1968
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>60 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>60</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schacht I-IV bei Gschwandalm</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 40m <b>Depth:</b> 30m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1590m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> 1 Km NE of Gschwandalm between spot heights 1537 and 1607m, below the path.  <p>In a hollow is a 4m wide and 40m long rift containing a row of shafts (II-IV). The rift reaches -30m, where there is a melt-water pool. A little higher up the slope is a triangular opening 1.5m wide and 2.2m long. At -15m, this connects with the others.
-<p><b>References:</b> Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 19(3) July, 1981, p 49 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1965, 1968
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1590m, Length 40m, Depth 30m
+<p><b>Location:</b> 1 Km NE of Gschwandalm between spot heights 1537 and
+1607m, below the path.
+<p>In a hollow is a 4m wide and 40m long rift containing a row of shafts
+(II-IV). The rift reaches -30m, where there is a melt-water pool. A little
+higher up the slope is a triangular opening 1.5m wide and 2.2m long. At
+-15m, this connects with the others.
+<p><b>Description:</b> Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 19(3) July, 1981, p 49
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1965, 1968
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>34 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>34</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle am Kratzer I</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1590m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Quite a way east of Br&auml;uning Alm in the top end of the 4. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1973 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1590m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Quite a way east of Br&auml;uning Alm in the top end of the
+Kratzer valley.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1973
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>35 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>35</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Dr. Kerschner H&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/S/T x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 250m <b>Depth:</b> Given 100m in 1980. 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1630m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Just SW of the col (Schwarzmoossattel), SE of Br&auml;uning Nase. 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> Surface shaft often blocked with snow
-<p><b>Marking:</b> This hole supposedly has a CUCC painted number "B5" of 1976 vintage, which will probably be pretty faded.  But the cave descriptions do not agree.
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Now, the Austrian's exploration details suggest that the cave was substantially unblocked in 1976 (to -30m in October), while CUCC's find was choked at -10m. Also, the description given of this cave in the local Climbing Guide (Krenmayr) sounds nothing like B5 at all, (he says, already explored in 1921, but today almost forgotten. Need Ice equipment) so the Austrian writing in the caver's magazine who said it was B5 may have been mistaken. Krenmayr gives length 250m, depth 100m.  <p>This description by Karl Gaisberger is from the 1977 Exploration:   <p>After climbing down 8m to where the shaft appeared blocked by snow, progress did not seem likely. I [translator] think "there was a spiralling way in the snow to a wall of ice columns". A very steep descent led into a passage with a snow cone. (This was still in the previous year's snow-free climb !). Pushing through a thin snow-wall through which the light glimmered, a direct way was established. Through a hole in the snow in a rubble-filled passage, the way soon branched. Both branches ended blind.  <p>The lower level of the cave, described by O Schauberger, must be found on the opposite side of the snow-cone from the [Schluf?]. One now comes to a chamber complex where a sloping 10m shaft climbs down into the <b>Kristallhalle</b>. The walls here are covered with admittedly large, but superficially weathered calcite somethings (Kalzitdrusen).  <p>From the Kristallhalle, through a narrow bit to a side-something with a pile of rubble, the <b>Tropfsteinhalle</b>. There is a single 60cm high stalagmite here. It shows a corroded appearance, indicating aggressive ground water. Tropfsteinhalle contains, so far, the most beautiful flowstone decorations in the Loser area. These include [plenty dictionary failure here] Sinterfahnen, Boden- und Deckenzapfen, sogar Excentriques.  <p>In the area of the stalagmites, several dead pseudoscorpions (<i>Neobisium aueri</i>) were found. <i>There is some more description of the floor of the chamber (I think), but I can't make head nor tail of it.</i>
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Found by Othmar Schauberger, 1921. Looked at for some years by F H&uuml;tter, but always blocked by snow. In October 1976, G Graf managed to descend 30m in the shaft, the uppermost part of which was snow and ice free. The continuation of the way could not be found. In August 1977, 5kg of salt was dumped onto the snow blockage. In October 1977, after a long walk over the plateau, it was looked at again and successfully explored. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1630m<br>
+<b>Depth:</b> Given 100m in 1980.<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Just SW of the col (Schwarzmoossattel), SE of Br&auml;uning Nase.
+<p>This hole supposedly has a CUCC painted number "B5" of 1976 vintage, which
+will probably be pretty faded. Now, the Austrian's exploration details
+suggest that the cave was substantially unblocked in 1976 (to -30m in
+October), while CUCC's find was choked at -10m. Also, the description given
+of this cave in the local Climbing Guide (Krenmayr) sounds nothing like B5
+at all, (he says, already explored in 1921, but today almost forgotten. Need
+Ice equipment) so the Austrian writing in the caver's magazine who said it
+was B5 may have been mistaken. Krenmayr gives length 250m, depth 100m.
+<p>This description by Karl Gaisberger is from the 1977 Exploration:
+<p>After climbing down 8m to where the shaft appeared blocked by snow,
+progress did not seem likely. I [translator] think "there was a spiralling
+way in the snow to a wall of ice columns". A very steep descent led into a
+passage with a snow cone. (This was still in the previous year's snow-free
+climb !). Pushing through a thin snow-wall through which the light
+glimmered, a direct way was established. Through a hole in the snow in a
+rubble-filled passage, the way soon branched. Both branches ended blind.
+<p>The lower level of the cave, described by O Schauberger, must be found on
+the opposite side of the snow-cone from the [Schluf?]. One now comes to a
+chamber complex where a sloping 10m shaft climbs down into the
+<b>Kristallhalle</b>. The walls here are covered with admittedly large, but
+superficially weathered calcite somethings (Kalzitdrusen).
+<p>From the Kristallhalle, through a narrow bit to a side-something with a
+pile of rubble, the <b>Tropfsteinhalle</b>. There is a single 60cm high
+stalagmite here. It shows a corroded appearance, indicating aggressive
+ground water. Tropfsteinhalle contains, so far, the most beautiful flowstone
+decorations in the Loser area. These include [plenty dictionary failure
+here] Sinterfahnen, Boden- und Deckenzapfen, sogar Excentriques.
+<p>In the area of the stalagmites, several dead pseudoscorpions (<i>Neobisium
+aueri</i>) were found. <i>There is some more description of the floor of the
+chamber (I think), but I can't make head nor tail of it.</i>
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Found by Othmar Schauberger, 1921. Looked at for some
+years by F H&uuml;tter, but always blocked by snow. In October 1976, G Graf
+managed to descend 30m in the shaft, the uppermost part of which was snow
+and ice free. The continuation of the way could not be found. In August
+1977, 5kg of salt was dumped onto the snow blockage. In October 1977, after
+a long walk over the plateau, it was looked at again and successfully
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diff --git a/noinfo/kratzer/36.htm b/noinfo/kratzer/36.htm
index 182acfe3b..f2f829abe 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/36.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/36.htm
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@@ -7,31 +6,46 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>36 </font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Schachtgruppe I - V</font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>36</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Schachtgruppe I - V am Hinterbr&auml;uning</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1680m <b>Point name:</b> GPS00.36 <b>GPS pre sa:</b> GPS00.36 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Austrian kataster says Hinterbr&auml;uning, south of Br&auml;uning Nase, but this isn�t where their map shows it. Map shows it south east of Schwarzmoossattel, on east side of upper 4 below Schwarzmooskogel.  <p>The cave was located on the ground by CUCC in 1990 and it is, in fact, just south of Schwarzmoossattel, which is almost due east of Br&auml;uning Nase. From the path leaving the col going south, hack off following the little stream down into the valley. This sinks into the northernmost of a group of three shafts below a small headwall facing east.  <p>Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances.  <p>A group of five (presumably small) shafts. One of these was thought, by the Austrians, to be CUCC's 'B1' of 1976. This, however, is patently not the case, since the sequence B1-B4 goes up the valley, and B4 is about level, perhaps slightly lower than 36.
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> A group of five (presumably small) shafts
-<p><b>Marking:</b> Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1680m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Austrian kataster says Hinterbr&auml;uning, south of
+Br&auml;uning Nase, but this isn�t where their map shows it. Map shows it
+south east of Schwarzmoossattel, on east side of upper Kratzer valley below
+<p>The cave was located on the ground by CUCC in 1990 and it is, in fact,
+just south of Schwarzmoossattel, which is almost due east of Br&auml;uning
+Nase. From the path leaving the col going south, hack off following the
+little stream down into the valley. This sinks into the northernmost of a
+group of three shafts below a small headwall facing east.
+<p>Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances.
+<p>A group of five (presumably small) shafts. One of these was thought, by
+the Austrians, to be CUCC's 'B1' of 1976. This, however, is patently not the
+case, since the sequence B1-B4 goes up the valley, and B4 is about level,
+perhaps slightly lower than 36.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated.
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diff --git a/noinfo/kratzer/39.htm b/noinfo/kratzer/39.htm
index ea591b290..b4c1b0e70 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/39.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/39.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,32 +6,39 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>39 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>39</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>SCHWA h&ouml;hle 39</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 18m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1740m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel according to text. Map shows it on S side, not far from the summit area. Later reference says it is above and south of <a href="36.htm">Kat.36</a>, however the kataster description of the location of 36 is also wrong... 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> 2.2m wide by 1.2m high entrance leads in a gentle slope to where it becomes too tight. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1740m, length 18m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> West side of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel according to text. Map
+shows it on S side, not far from the summit area. Later reference says it is
+above and south of <a href="36.htm">Kat.36</a>, however the kataster
+description of the location of 36 is also wrong...
+<p>2.2m wide by 1.2m high entrance leads in a gentle slope to where it
+becomes too tight.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
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-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#39">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/kratzer/43.htm b/noinfo/kratzer/43.htm
index 943706824..8d0fcbda2 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/43.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/43.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>43 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>43</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle beim Wackelstein</font></th>
-<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T+</font></th></tr>
+<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1650m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SE of Br&auml;uning Nase, apparently just below the path up to Schwarzmoossattel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1973 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1650m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> SE of Br&auml;uning Nase, apparently just below the path up
+to Schwarzmoossattel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1973
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diff --git a/noinfo/kratzer/44.htm b/noinfo/kratzer/44.htm
index e838d8c0d..3a188f995 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/44.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/44.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>44 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>44</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle am Kratzer II</font></th>
-<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T+</font></th></tr>
+<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1620m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> In upper 4 south of the col. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1620m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> In upper Kratzer valley south of the col.
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index f65f6599c..1cc52aec8 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/73.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/73.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,30 +6,43 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>73 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>73</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Suppentellerschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/S =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1580m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> In 4, some way up valley from <a href="../../kratzer/71.htm">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.71).
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> The first step is sprayed by meltwater, and the second step leads to -30m. A short rope leads to the next step. A rift follows an acute angle under the entrance way, some metres back. This section is very narrow, and over the narrow section pours a showerbath. Now a second squeeze leads to a fine pitch which bends back under the previous section. Then it gets complicated (the language, not the cave). It sounds like a series of either roomy or narrow wet pitches. Exploration appears to cease at -60m because of water down the neck and in the suit. It isn't clear if the cave actually stops at this point.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Discovered by K Gaisberger and F H&uuml;tter in August 1973 (to -30m) Sektion Ausseerland, 1977 (Karl Gaisberger + Edith Bednarik)
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1580m
+<p><b>Location:</b> In Kratzer valley, some way up valley from <a
+href="../../kratzer/71.htm">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.71).
+<p>The first step is sprayed by meltwater, and the second step leads to -30m.
+A short rope leads to the next step. A rift follows an acute angle under the
+entrance way, some metres back. This section is very narrow, and over the
+narrow section pours a showerbath. Now a second squeeze leads to a fine pitch
+which bends back under the previous section. Then it gets complicated (the
+language, not the cave). It sounds like a series of either roomy or narrow
+wet pitches. Exploration appears to cease at -60m because of water down the
+neck and in the suit. It isn't clear if the cave actually stops at this
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Discovered by K Gaisberger and F H&uuml;tter in August
+1973 (to -30m) Sektion Ausseerland, 1977 (Karl Gaisberger + Edith Bednarik)
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index 367c02fb9..674503d9b 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/74.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/74.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,30 +6,36 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>74 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>74</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schneckenhaush&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1600m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> in 4, down valley from <a href="../../kratzer/71.htm">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 71), on true right some way above bottom of valley. In the same entrance doline as <a href="35.htm">Dr.Kerschner H&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.35).  
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Sounds like a free-climb to a snow choke (very much like B5, which must be in virtually the same place ?)
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Edith Bednarik, 1977
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1600m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> in Kratzer valley, down valley from <a
+href="../../kratzer/71.htm">Fledermaush&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 71), on true right
+some way above bottom of valley. In the same entrance doline as <a
+href="35.htm">Dr.Kerschner H&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.35).
+<p>Sounds like a free-climb to a snow choke (very much like B5, which must be
+in virtually the same place ?)
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Edith Bednarik, 1977
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diff --git a/noinfo/kratzer/75.htm b/noinfo/kratzer/75.htm
index 9b0d62cf8..b2499dac0 100644
--- a/noinfo/kratzer/75.htm
+++ b/noinfo/kratzer/75.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,31 +6,40 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>75 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>75</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Wisenth&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1680m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Just south of Schwarzmoossattel, in the far upper reaches of Kratzertal. There is an obvious freeclimbable shaft/cave just down valley from the equally obvious shakehole/shaft labelled <a href="../../kratzer/b4.htm">B4</a>.
-<p><b>Marking:</b> It is numbered twice, once very faded and once very badly run (last seen 1996): both numbers are needed to deduce (with difficulty) that this is indeed "75".
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> This entrance connects with a second shaft just down valley. The Austrian article describing the cave says it is about 60m long, but this did not appear to be the case in 1990, since it seems to choke very quickly - perhaps digging would now be required to get in.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Edith Bednarik, 1977
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1680m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Just south of Schwarzmoossattel, in the far upper reaches of
+Kratzertal. There is an obvious freeclimbable shaft/cave just down valley
+from the equally obvious shakehole/shaft labelled <a
+href="../../kratzer/b4.htm">B4</a>. It is numbered twice, once very faded
+and once very badly run (last seen 1996): both numbers are needed to deduce
+(with difficulty) that this is indeed "75".
+<p>This entrance connects with a second shaft just down valley. The Austrian
+article describing the cave says it is about 60m long, but this did not
+appear to be the case in 1990, since it seems to choke very quickly -
+perhaps digging would now be required to get in.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Edith Bednarik, 1977
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index 25a31f0eb..75211d51a 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/13.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/13.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>13 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>13</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Knochenh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1690m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand, a rockface above the final section of the toll road.(West of Augstsee on Gschirr) 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1972 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1690m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand, a rockface above the final section of
+the toll road. (West of Augstsee on Gschirr)
+<b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1972
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index 4fa97f3ae..97657667e 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/loser/14.htm
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>14 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>14</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schafkirche</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 36m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1670m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SW of Augstsee in the small scars forming the NE face of the small ridge running down to the Bergrestaurant from Loser Fenster, overlooking the lake.
-<p><b>Map:</b> 25.3 cm E, 19.75 cm N, sheet 15/1 (named on map). 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1968 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1670m, Length 36m
+<p><b>Location:</b> SW of Augstsee in the small scars forming the NE face of
+the small ridge running down to the Bergrestaurant from Loser Fenster,
+overlooking the lake.
+<p><b>Map:</b> 25.3 cm E, 19.75 cm N, sheet 15/1 (named on map)
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1968
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index 711946646..31806cdba 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/loser/16.htm
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>16 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>16</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Pauli-Loch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 40m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1690m 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1690m, Length 40m.
 <p><b>Location:</b> Below cliffs west of Augstsee.
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Since the length is recorded as 40m, it is interesting to read that a maximum/ minimum thermometer and hygrometer were placed 50m from the entrance from June 1976 to September 1977. These showed that the temperature varied from 1 to 5&deg;C, with a relative humidity between 94% and 100%. The cave yielded Pseudoscorpions of the species <i>Neobisium blothrus aueri</i>.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1968 
+<p>Since the length is recorded as 40m, it is interesting to read that a
+maximum/ minimum thermometer and hygrometer were placed 50m from the
+entrance from June 1976 to September 1977. These showed that the temperature
+varied from 1 to 5&deg;C, with a relative humidity between 94% and 100%. The
+cave yielded Pseudoscorpions of the species <i>Neobisium blothrus aueri</i>.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1968
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diff --git a/noinfo/loser/17.htm b/noinfo/loser/17.htm
index 47991d6c6..02c4fe3c9 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/17.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/17.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,34 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>17 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>17</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>B&auml;renh&ouml;hle im H&ouml;llgraben</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1380m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> In H&ouml;llgraben, which is a major gully starting below the Bergrestaurant and dropping down to <a href="../aaussee/1.htm">Li&auml;gerh&ouml;hle</a> at the NW end of the Altausseer See. Cave is below and South of Bergrestaurant, just at the top break of slope.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1949. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1380m
+<p><b>Location:</b> In H&ouml;llgraben, which is a major
+gully starting below the Bergrestaurant and dropping down to
+<a href="../aaussee/1.htm">Li&auml;gerh&ouml;hle</a> at the NW end of the
+Altausseer See. Cave is below and South of Bergrestaurant, just at the top
+break of slope.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1949.
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index 4fac1da0b..16ae89541 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/loser/18.htm
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@@ -7,29 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>18 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>18</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gaisofen im Ammerei</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 250m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1440m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> 500m NE of Loser H&uuml;tte, north of <a href="17.htm"> B&auml;renh&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.17) in Ammereich, a small cliff band below the toll road.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b>  LVHK Wien, 1974 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1440m, Length 250m.
+<p><b>Location:</b> 500m NE of Loser H&uuml;tte, north of <a href="17.htm">
+B&auml;renh&ouml;hle</a> (Kat.17) in Ammereich, a small cliff
+band below the toll road.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> LVHK Wien, 1974
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index 4972e9611..a57b11b50 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/55.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>55 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>55</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schachth&ouml;hle west. Hochanger</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S/T =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1750m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Almost on the saddle between Loser and Hochanger. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1750m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Almost on the saddle between Loser and Hochanger.
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index 823b955b1..5ee7980bd 100644
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>56 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>56</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Hornsteinh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1650m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1650m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee.
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index 2515a3010..9d7f6b177 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/loser/57.htm
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@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>57 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>57</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle unterhalb der Schafkirche</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1660m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1660m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee.
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index f4c40d561..c1b564cf6 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/loser/58.htm
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>58 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>58</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hle unterhalb ab Pauli-Loch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1670m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1670m
+<b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee.
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index 1dcf4f73a..dda6181f0 100644
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+++ b/noinfo/loser/59.htm
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,34 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>59 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>59</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Bruchshutth&ouml;hle</font></th>
-<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T+</font></th></tr>
+<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1680m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee on map. Text says W Hochangerlift (presumed to be the ski lift which runs from near the Loser H&uuml;tte towards Loser Fenster) on Gschirr, which is itself unnamed on the map. Current surmise is that the map location is correct, that the cave is actually east of the lift, and that Gschirr is the ridge running down from Loser Fenster to the Bergrestaurant. However the map symbol implies that this is a shaft, and this location is actually unlikely for a shaft...
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1680m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West side of Augstsee on map. Text says W Hochangerlift
+(presumed to be the ski lift which runs from near the Loser H&uuml;tte
+towards Loser Fenster) on Gschirr, which is itself unnamed on the map.
+Current surmise is that the map location is correct, that the cave is
+actually east of the lift, and that Gschirr is the ridge running down from
+Loser Fenster to the Bergrestaurant. However the map symbol implies that
+this is a shaft, and this location is actually unlikely for a shaft...
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diff --git a/noinfo/loser/62.htm b/noinfo/loser/62.htm
index c3033c3f5..77023697c 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/62.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/62.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>62 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>62</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Dolinenh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1620m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand - cliff above last section of toll road. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1620m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand - cliff above last section of toll road.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../loser/index.htm#62">Loser/Augst See area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 015c01dcf..651f122ca 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/63.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/63.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>63 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>63</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Pseudoskorpionh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1625m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1625m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../loser/index.htm#63">Loser/Augst See area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index ca05a1598..276a593eb 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/64.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/64.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>64 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>64</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gr. Durchgangsh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1670m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1670m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../loser/index.htm#64">Loser/Augst See area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 569a92dbf..afe2dc693 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/65.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/65.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>65 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>65</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Widderh&ouml;hle</font></th>
-<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T+</font></th></tr>
+<th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1645m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1645m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/loser/67.htm b/noinfo/loser/67.htm
index 40b4eb702..b71b69c10 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/67.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/67.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>67 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>67</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Biwakh&ouml;hle am Loser</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 55m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1670m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand. 
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> In October 1977, Karl Gaisberger collected the first examples of the Pseudoscorpion <i>Neobisium hermanni</i> to be found in the Totes Gebirge.
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1670m, Length 55m.
+<b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand.
+<p>In October 1977, Karl Gaisberger collected the first examples of the
+Pseudoscorpion <i>Neobisium hermanni</i> to be found in the Totes Gebirge.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../loser/index.htm#67">Loser/Augst See area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#67">Full Index</a><br>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/loser/69.htm b/noinfo/loser/69.htm
index 8e53994fd..13117c154 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/69.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/69.htm
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>69 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>69</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schacht am Gschirr</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1690m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Text says West of Augstsee. Map shows it above Dimmelwand. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1690m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Text says West of Augstsee. Map shows it above Dimmelwand.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/loser/7.htm b/noinfo/loser/7.htm
index 8e337a0e7..db5877a83 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/7.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/7.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,31 +6,41 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>7 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>7</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Bachschl&auml;g</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/(W) +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 3m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1550m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West of the Loser H&uuml;tte below the south face of Loser.
-<p><b>Approach:</b> Reached from the path up Loser by diagonalling down to the head of the gully from the path as it starts to climb again at about 1600m. 
-<p><b>Map:</b> Location plan by Alfred Auer at 1:200, 1968 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> A 1.8m wide by 1.2m high rock shelter, and an occasionally active rising. There is a noticeable gully below this, presumably carrying water in wet weather. <p>"Bei Hochwasser entstr&ouml;mt ihm ein m&auml;chtiger Bach und st&uuml;rzt als Wasserfall &uuml;ber zwei Gel&auml;ndstufen und durch einen Graben 200m zur Loserstra&szlig;e herab, wo das Wasser nach einem Durchla&szlig; im verkarsteten Gestein versickert." 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1550m, Length 3m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West of the Loser H&uuml;tte below the south face of
+Loser. Reached from the path up Loser by diagonalling down to the head of
+the gully from the path as it starts to climb again at about 1600m.
+<p>A 1.8m wide by 1.2m high rock shelter, and an occasionally active rising.
+There is a noticeable gully below this, presumably carrying water in wet
+<p>"Bei Hochwasser entstr&ouml;mt ihm ein m&auml;chtiger Bach und st&uuml;rzt
+als Wasserfall &uuml;ber zwei Gel&auml;ndstufen und durch einen Graben 200m
+zur Loserstra&szlig;e herab, wo das Wasser nach einem Durchla&szlig; im
+verkarsteten Gestein versickert."
+<p><b>Survey:</b> Location plan by Alfred Auer at 1:200, 1968
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index 0d49400a0..03ca0a903 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/70.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/70.htm
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@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>70 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>70</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schneckenloch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1660m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1660m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Above Dimmelwand.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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index 35124ac3c..c1534520c 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/72.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/72.htm
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@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>72 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>72</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Skeletth&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1720m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West of Augstsee. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1976 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1720m
+<b>Location:</b> West of Augstsee.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1976
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index 7da527bef..c974cf284 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/8.htm
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@@ -7,34 +6,68 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>8 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>8</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gro&szlig;es Loserloch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 390m <b>Depth:</b> +20m -11m <b>Extent:</b> 140m SW-NE 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1615m 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1615m Length 390m, extent 140m SW-NE, Depth +20m -11m
+<p><b>Map:</b> 21.8 cm E, 17.75 cm N, OAV sheet 15/1
 <p><b>Location:</b> At the south foot of Loser (visible from Altaussee).
-<p><b>Approach:</b> Reached by traversing west from the Loser path as it draws level with the cliffs. 
-<p><b>Map:</b> 21.8 cm E, 17.75 cm N, OAV sheet 15/1 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> Round 8m wide by 10m high entrance
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> The round 8m wide by 10m high entrance leads into an upper level, the Hauptgang, leading north then northeast to Regenhalle, a sizeable chamber apparently formed on a significant SW-NE joint. Immediately right at the start of the chamber, a boulder slope leads up into Teilungshalle, from where a wider slope drops left back into Regenhalle about halfway along. At the highest point of Teilungshalle, a SE-going passage quickly chokes with boulders, but appears to be heading directly for the end of Kleines Loserloch, perhaps 10m away.  <p>Keeping to the right (SW) wall entering Teilungshalle, a rift leads SW. A passage left after 5m quickly ends too tight. A traverse to the left hand side bypasses a 5m shaft in the floor. 15m beyond, another lead on the left leads up into a small chamber, Kapelle. The continuing rift, S&uuml;dwest-Kluft, gets narrower for c 25m until deemed impassable.  <p>Back in Regenhalle, a narrow section along the joint between the two ways to Teilungshalle, gives access to a lower series via a sharp turn to the right, due south. This wide passage, S&uuml;dwest-gang, passes under Teilungshalle, and turns SW directly under S&uuml;dwest-Kluft. A narrow rift on the left parallels the main passage for some way. The main way develops into Gr. Dom, 12m wide, with a boulder slope up until the passage chokes comprehensively on a broad front, almost exactly below the cliff outside.  <p>At the far (NE) end of Regenhalle, stright on enters a draughting boulder choke, but two ways up to the right lead into Stufengang, with a complex of little rifts and an extension NE to a low choked area.  
-<p><b>Survey:</b> A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct. 1980, facing p 87: a plan by J V&ouml;llenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972. As printed, this looks like about a 4th generation photocopy. Also includes <a href="9.htm">Kat. 9</a>
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> First recorded in 1774<br> Explored since 1931<br>  J V&ouml;llenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972
+Reached by traversing west from the Loser path as it draws level with the
+<p>The round 8m wide by 10m high entrance leads into an upper level, the
+Hauptgang, leading north then northeast to Regenhalle, a sizeable chamber
+apparently formed on a significant SW-NE joint. Immediately right at the
+start of the chamber, a boulder slope leads up into Teilungshalle, from
+where a wider slope drops left back into Regenhalle about halfway along.
+At the highest point of Teilungshalle, a SE-going passage quickly chokes
+with boulders, but appears to be heading directly for the end of Kleines
+Loserloch, perhaps 10m away.
+<p>Keeping to the right (SW) wall entering Teilungshalle, a rift leads SW.
+A passage left after 5m quickly ends too tight. A traverse to the left
+hand side bypasses a 5m shaft in the floor. 15m beyond, another lead
+on the left leads up into a small chamber, Kapelle. The continuing rift,
+S&uuml;dwest-Kluft, gets narrower for c 25m until deemed impassable.
+<p>Back in Regenhalle, a narrow section along the joint between the two ways
+to Teilungshalle, gives access to a lower series via a sharp turn to the
+right, due south. This wide passage, S&uuml;dwest-gang, passes under
+Teilungshalle, and turns SW directly under S&uuml;dwest-Kluft. A narrow rift
+on the left parallels the main passage for some way. The main way develops
+into Gr. Dom, 12m wide, with a boulder slope up until the passage chokes
+comprehensively on a broad front, almost exactly below the cliff outside.
+<p>At the far (NE) end of Regenhalle, stright on enters a draughting boulder
+choke, but two ways up to the right lead into Stufengang, with a complex
+of little rifts and an extension NE to a low choked area.
+<p><b>Survey:</b> A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct.
+1980, facing p 87: a plan by J V&ouml;llenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972. As
+printed, this looks like about a 4th generation photocopy. Also includes
+<a href="9.htm">Kat. 9</a>
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> First recorded in 1774<br>
+Explored since 1931<br>
+ J V&ouml;llenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../loser/index.htm#8">Loser/Augst See area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#8">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../loser/index.htm#8">loser/Augst See area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/loser/9.htm b/noinfo/loser/9.htm
index 76a858e49..2d662849e 100644
--- a/noinfo/loser/9.htm
+++ b/noinfo/loser/9.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,32 +6,42 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>9 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>9</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Kleines Loserloch</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 72m <b>Depth:</b> +12.5 -7.5m <b>Extent:</b> 50m SW-NE 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1622m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Just right (25m East) of, and above, Gro&szlig;es Loserloch. 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> In a narrow rift in the cliff, there are two small entrances, the lower one is the normal way in, and an upper entrance to its left leads to passage which joins the normal way within 5m
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> The cave is essentially a single passage for c 60m going NE to a narrowing. To the left at this point is a small extension, with a blind pit to the SW, and a draughting boulder choke to the NE. This is c 10m from a corresponding choke in Teilugshalle of Gro&szlig;es Loserloch.
-<p><b>Survey:</b> A4 survey in Mitt. der Sektion Ausseerland 18(4), Oct. 1980, facing p 87: a plan by J V&ouml;llenkle of L.V.H.Linz, 1:250, 1972. As printed, this looks like about a 4th generation photocopy. Also includes <a href="8.htm">Kat. 8</a>
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> since 1932 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1622m, Length 72m, Extent 50m SW-NE, Depth +12.5 -7.5m
+<p><b>Location:</b> Just right (25m East) of, and above, Gro&szlig;es
+<p>There are two small entrances, the lower one is the normal way in, and an
+upper entrance to its left leads to passage which joins the normal way
+within 5m. The cave is essentially a single passage for c 60m going NE to a
+narrowing. To the left at this point is a small extension, with a blind pit
+to the SW, and a draughting boulder choke to the NE. This is c 10m from a
+corresponding choke in Teilugshalle of Gro&szlig;es Loserloch.
+<p><b>Survey:</b> See <a href="8.htm">Gro&szlig;es Loserloch</a> (Kat.8)
+<p>A narrow rift in the cliff.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> since 1932
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../loser/index.htm#9">Loser/Augst See area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#9">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
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-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../loser/index.htm#9">loser/Augst See area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
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+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/plateau/37.htm b/noinfo/plateau/37.htm
index c56221f30..4434d31bd 100644
--- a/noinfo/plateau/37.htm
+++ b/noinfo/plateau/37.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,34 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>37 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>37</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schachtgruppe beim Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/S -</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1700m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West of Ht. Schwarzmooskogel. Well out onto the plateau, and hence, almost impossible to find or identify. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Discovered by H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated.<p>Status is given as totally unexplored, so it could well be a CUCC hole by now, and have a different number.  
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1700m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West of Ht. Schwarzmooskogel. Well out onto the plateau,
+and hence, almost impossible to find or identify.
+<p>Status is given as totally unexplored, so it could well be a CUCC hole by
+now, and have a different number.
+<p><b>Discovery:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#37">Plateau area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#37">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#37">Plateau area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/plateau/38.htm b/noinfo/plateau/38.htm
index 43f2d4c08..1e388b903 100644
--- a/noinfo/plateau/38.htm
+++ b/noinfo/plateau/38.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,31 +6,35 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>38 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>38</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Algenh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 33m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1700m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> West of Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel (exact location unknown) Possibly near <a href="37.htm">Kat.37</a> (q.v.)
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Behind the entrance there is a single passage at right angles to it, with boulders (Blockwerk). 
-<p><b>Survey:</b> Sketch by J. Gaisberger snr., 1938 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1700m, Length 33m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West of Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel (exact location unknown)
+Possibly near <a href="37.htm">Kat.37</a> (q.v.)
+<p>Behind the entrance there is a single passage at right angles to it, with
+boulders (Blockwerk).
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> H&ouml;hlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938 Sketch
+<b>survey:</b> J. Gaisberger snr., 1938
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#38">Plateau area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#38">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#38">Plateau area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/remote/131.htm b/noinfo/remote/131.htm
index 168ebc1c8..eaae56ccd 100644
--- a/noinfo/remote/131.htm
+++ b/noinfo/remote/131.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>131 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>131</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Thomas-Eish&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/E/S x</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1721m <b>N</b>83700 <b>E</b>37700 <b>Fix type:</b> Laut Information Robert Seebacher, E-Mail 11/00 an Thilo 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SE face of Kleines Augsteck. 
-<p><b>Survex file:</b> 131
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1721m
+<br><b>Location:</b> SE face of Kleines Augsteck.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#131">Far plateau area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#131">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../remote/index.htm#131">Far plateau area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../1626/index.htm">Adjacent area 1626</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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diff --git a/noinfo/remote/132.htm b/noinfo/remote/132.htm
index 62773762f..37b82ae2e 100644
--- a/noinfo/remote/132.htm
+++ b/noinfo/remote/132.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>132 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>132</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Tropfsteinh&ouml;hle am Augsteck</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1600m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SE face of Kleines Augsteck.. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1600m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> SE face of Kleines Augsteck..
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#132">Far plateau area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#132">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../remote/index.htm#132">Far plateau area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../1626/index.htm">Adjacent area 1626</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/remote/133.htm b/noinfo/remote/133.htm
index ade6a3110..5ee1852e8 100644
--- a/noinfo/remote/133.htm
+++ b/noinfo/remote/133.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>133 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>133</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Unterstandh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1604m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SE face of Kleines Augsteck. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1604m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> SE face of Kleines Augsteck.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../plateau/index.htm#133">Far plateau area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#133">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../remote/index.htm#133">Far plateau area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../1626/index.htm">Adjacent area 1626</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/116.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/116.htm
index a5c8ea35a..bd6662ab1 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/116.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/116.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,33 +6,35 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>116 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>116</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Kleine Eish&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/t/S/E +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 286m <b>Depth:</b> 38m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1662m <b>N</b>81449 <b>E</b>35689 <b>Fix type:</b> Nils <b>Fix position:</b> Do not know <b>Point name:</b> p116 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Survey:</b> M Schweicer &amp; F Vischer, July 1982, <a href="l/116pln.htm">PLAN</a> (20k) and <a href="l/116elv.htm">ELEVATION</a> (12k)
-<p><b>Notes:</b> This cave was previously marked as having an altitude of 1820m
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
-<p><b>Centre Line:</b> In dataset
-<p><b>Survex file:</b> 116
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1820m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.<br>
+<b>Length:</b> 286m, <b>Depth:</b> 38m
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans<br>
+<b>Survey:</b> M Schweicer &amp; F Vischer, July 1982, <a href="l/116pln.htm">PLAN</a> (20k) and <a href="l/116elv.htm">ELEVATION</a> (12k)
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#116">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#116">Full Index</a><br>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#116">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/117.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/117.htm
index 0718c0847..00722c9de 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/117.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/117.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>117 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>117</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Stuttgarter-Schacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/t/S/ +</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans 
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#117">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#117">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#117">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
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+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/118.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/118.htm
index 311a90513..38b991923 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/118.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/118.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
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@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>118 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>118</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schwa-Schacht 118</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/S =</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#118">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#118">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#118">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/119.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/119.htm
index e9f75ce3e..02d87881e 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/119.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/119.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
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@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>119 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>119</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schwa-Schacht 119</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/S =</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel..
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#119">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#119">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#119">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/120.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/120.htm
index 7eee258c0..ef3900051 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/120.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/120.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>120 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>120</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Schwa-Schacht 120</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>0/S =</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#120">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#120">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#120">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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index 660620de2..7603688ef 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/127.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/127.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>127 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>127</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Kleine Firnh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T =</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#127">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#127">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#127">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/128.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/128.htm
index e6fe3aae4..76f93d7d3 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/128.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/128.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
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-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>128 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>128</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Enttauschungsschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S =</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#128">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#128">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#128">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/129.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/129.htm
index 5e49856be..7de66b1c2 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/129.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/129.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>129 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>129</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Gro&szlig;e Firnh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T =</font></th></tr>
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> not given<br>
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#129">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#129">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#129">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/130.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/130.htm
index 1fcd6eedd..46b507a54 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/130.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/130.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,32 +6,36 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>130 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>130</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>C&auml;cilien-Schacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1660m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b>   A fairly straight shaft of c 80m on a joint aligned on 230&deg;.
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Halfway down, a hading rift is intersected, which can be followed a short way SW, climbing up slightly. This appears to be dipping steeply SE, but becomes too narrow. 
-<p><b>Survey:</b> K Gebhard, F Vischer, 1982 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Germans
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1660m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+A fairly straight shaft of c 80m on a joint aligned on 230&deg;.<br>
+Halfway down, a hading rift is intersected, which can be followed a short way
+SW, climbing up slightly. This appears to be dipping steeply SE, but becomes
+too narrow.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Germans<br>
+<b>Survey:</b> K Gebhard, F Vischer, 1982
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#130">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#130">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#130">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/28.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/28.htm
index 127f73eeb..867a777a9 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/28.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/28.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,36 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>28 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>28</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Augsteckh&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/t/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1630m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Next to St&ouml;gerweg (path 201) just beyond <a href="../../egglgrub/index.htm">Egglgrube</a> and the branch path to <a href="../../kratzer/index.htm">the 4</a>. ie. we pass it on the way to <a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</a>. It is marked by a red-painted omega in the path, just where the junction path leading to The Nipple and the German bivouac leaves the main path, at which point there is also a laser-rangefound <a href="../../handbook/survey/lasers.htm">fixed point</a>.  
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> LVHK Wien, 1974 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1630m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Next to St&ouml;gerweg (path 201) just beyond <a
+href="../../egglgrub/index.htm">Egglgrube</a> and the branch path to <a
+href="../../kratzer/index.htm">the Kratzer valley</a>. ie. we pass it on the
+way to <a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</a>. It is marked
+by a red-painted omega in the path, just where the junction path leading to
+The Nipple and the German bivouac leaves the main path, at which point there
+is also a laser-rangefound <a href="../../handbook/survey/lasers.htm">fixed point</a>.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> LVHK Wien, 1974
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#28">Schwarzmooskogel ridge area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#28">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#28">Schwarzmooskogel area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
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+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/smkridge/31.htm b/noinfo/smkridge/31.htm
index 2891575e0..28c8ee1f6 100644
--- a/noinfo/smkridge/31.htm
+++ b/noinfo/smkridge/31.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,32 +6,42 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>31 </font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>Elchh&ouml;hle</font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>31</font></th>
+<th align=center><font size=+2>Elchh&ouml;hle (= Megalodontenh&ouml;hle)</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<tr><th></th><th align=center lang=de><font size=+2>(Megalodontenh&ouml;hle)</font></th></tr>
-<b>Length:</b> 263m <b>Depth:</b> +9/-18m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1582m <b>N</b>81035 <b>E</b>35394 <b>Fix type:</b> Surface survey <b>Fix position:</b> No idea <b>Point name:</b> p031 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Next to St&ouml;gerweg (path 201) somewhat beyond <a href="28.htm">Augsteckh&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 28).  Located very near laser point 0/9.
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Mainly horizontal and going northish under the path. A large phreatic tube in horizontally bedded limestone. Visited by Andy Waddington, Doug Florence with Karl Gaisberger on August 12th, 1978. Latter person collected a rare cave beetle from it (only the second specimen of this species collected in Austria, if we understood Karl correctly), which I think is now in the Natural History Museum in Vienna, having been pickled in Vodka borrowed from an expedition member. Name comes from discovery of Elk bones when first explored. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> LVHK Wien, 1974
-<p><b>Centre Line:</b> In dataset
-<p><b>Survex file:</b> caves\031\031.svx
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> c1580m<br>
+located very near laser point 0/9 at E 35395.4 N (52)81044.6 H 1588.3
+<b>Length:</b> 240m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Next to St&ouml;gerweg (path 201) somewhat beyond <a
+href="28.htm">Augsteckh&ouml;hle</a> (Kat. 28).
+<p>Mainly horizontal and going northish under the path. A large phreatic tube
+in horizontally bedded limestone. Visited by Andy Waddington, Doug Florence
+with Karl Gaisberger on August 12th, 1978. Latter person collected a rare
+cave beetle from it (only the second specimen of this species collected in
+Austria, if we understood Karl correctly), which I think is now in the
+Natural History Museum in Vienna, having been pickled in Vodka borrowed
+from an expedition member. Name comes from discovery of Elk bones
+when first explored.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> LVHK Wien, 1974
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@@ -7,31 +6,38 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>32 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>32</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Windloch am St&ouml;gerweg</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Depth:</b> 25m 
-<b>Alt:</b> 1567m <b>N</b>81126 <b>E</b>35771 <b>Fix type:</b> Nils <b>Fix position:</b> drilled hole above 1623/32 entrance (next to path) <b>Point name:</b> p032 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Obvious horizontal entrance right next to path 201 shortly before you hack off to Stellerwegh&ouml;hle. 
-<p><b>Entrance Description:</b> A major landmark for CUCC navigation, and also very useful for storing beer, this obvious 2m high entrance is right next to the path and blows a lot of cold air in summer.
-<p><b>Marking:</b> drilled hole
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> LVHK Ober&ouml;sterreich, 1966 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1570m. Depth, 25m.
+<p><b>Location:</b> E 35776.6 N (52)81132.2
+<p>Obvious horizontal entrance right next to path 201 shortly before you hack
+off to <a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</a>.
+<p>A major landmark for CUCC navigation, and also very useful for storing
+beer, this obvious 2m high entrance is right next to the path and blows a lot
+of cold air in summer. Unfortunately, it doesn't go anywhere. It does,
+however, have a permanent survey station.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> LVHK Ober&ouml;sterreich, 1966.
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 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,32 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>42 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>42</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Wasserschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1700m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> SSW of Vd. Schwarzmooskogel, not far (50m vertical) up the hill from Stellerwegh&ouml;hle, so we have probably rediscovered it and renumbered it. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1952 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1700m
+<p><b>Location:</b> SSW of Vd. Schwarzmooskogel, not far (50m vertical) up
+the hill from Stellerwegh&ouml;hle, so we have probably rediscovered it and
+renumbered it.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Sektion Ausseerland, 1952
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@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>79 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>79</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Badenerschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/S +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1780m (c 1650m in older kataster) 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Vischer, 1980 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1780m (c 1650m in older kataster)<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel.
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Vischer, 1980
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-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>88 </font></th>
-<th align=center><font size=+2>L&auml;rchenschacht</font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>88</font></th>
+<th align=center lang="de"><font size=+2>L&auml;rchenschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>3/S/T x</font></th></tr>
-<tr><th></th><th align=center lang=de><font size=+2>= 40i</font></th></tr>
-<b>Depth:</b> 215m to connection below Stellerweg big pitch.  
-<b>Alt:</b> 1647m <b>N</b>81391 <b>E</b>36311 <b>Fix type:</b> Nils <b>Fix position:</b> Do not know <b>Point name:</b> p088 
-<p><b>References:</b> Information from <a href="../../others/gscb/index.htm"><span lang="fr">Groupe Sp&eacute;l&eacute;ologique de Clerval - Baume les Dames</span></a>
-<p><b>Underground Description:</b> Few details available, since we were for many years unable to obtain a survey. A figure of over 6 km long in 1987 was quoted, but this would appear to include the <a href="40.htm">Eish&ouml;hle</a>. Contact was finally made with the French group in 1997 and <span lang="fr">Denis Motte</span> has sent us a plan on 12 A3 sheets, dated April 1995, which gives the length as 1885m. The following description is made up entirely by looking at the survey, and should not be taken as reliable. It is hoped that we will do better after visiting the cave with a view to finding its connections with  <span lang="de">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</span> (<a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">1623/41</a>) and <a href="../../smkridge/144.htm">1623/144</a>.  <p>Open shaft descends 5m to first rigging bolt, then short pitch to snow plug. The way out is to the NE, where the survey shows a couple of (inaccessible ?) question marks and a traverse over a pit. Narrow rift continues past another unexplored small passage to the right, and in 20m opens out into a sizeable chamber. The boulder floor drops away to the north (left) and ahead. Up right is a bouldery antechamber with the base of a ramp up SE. A short passage here chokes.  <p>20m across the boulder slope, it is possible to descend the slope left into the main part of <b lang="de">Oberpf&auml;lzer Halle</b>, 15m wide and 30m long, now heading west, still descending over boulders. To the right is a 15m rift passage with an inlet. Ahead, the chamber narrows, but large bouldery passage continues with two or three big boulders (over 5m). To SW is a junction marking the start of <b lang="de">Jsartal</b>. Up a steep ramp to the right (NW) is unexplored, whilst left, south, goes directly below the entrance in a passage with a slot in the floor. After 25m is a widening and junction. Right curves round to end below an aven. Left goes quickly to another junction. Right soon chokes in boulders, whilst left ends quickly in an undescended rift pitch.  <p>Back at the junction at the start of <span lang="de">Jsartal,</span> the main way SW soon traverses a large hole in the floor, then continues as a small canyon until 50m from the start is a junction in small passage. Right pops out immediately into the side of a ramp rising right (north) to a choke. Down ends in a pitch, which is best reached by the small passage left at the junction. This quickly doglegs and comes out over the pitch on the opposite side from the ramp. The pitch (undescended) is seen to be a widening in a deep floor canyon, which continues as <span lang="de">Jsartal</span> develops into an 8m wide rocky chamber through which the floor trench meanders.   <p>After a short way, the trench abruptly ends, and a ramp up above it leads to a junction. Left continues up ramp, but not very far. Right traverses the ramp (another down-section soon ends), then heads west past another blind passage on the right, to break out into a larger passage ahead. Left (south) is the way to <span lang="de">Geburtstagsgang,</span> whilst right (north) eventually leads to the <a href="#fsw"><span lang="de">SchwarzmooskogelEish&ouml;hle</span> connection</a>.  <h3 lang="de">Geburtstagsgang</h3>  <p>Ascending a low ramp leads past various short side-extensions to <b lang="de">Schafott</b> - apparently a breakthrough point in 1986 ? Beyond this, small passage continues SW, with a mudbank on the left, for almost 50m until it widens out and descends a steep slope towards a floor trench. Left here a further ramp ascends east to a choke. The floor trench continues W, then NW, but would seem to be too narrow. Staying on the north side of the trench and heading NW (right from the point of entry) leads through mud and/or shingle deposits in a small zig-zag passage which meets first a small canyon which doesn't go, and then a T-junction over another canyon.  <p>Right ends after ten metres or so, whilst left (west) meets another junction where a further trench comes in from the left (south). This also appears to be too small to follow, but would seem likely to connect with one or both of the trenches seen earlier. Ahead reaches a chamber, with a steep slope down left to yet another trench, but staying high gains the continuation of <span lang="de">Geburtstagsgang</span> continuing small with a narrow floor canyon. This now goes NW for 50m, to a T-junction. Right ends almost immediately, whilst left shortly pops out in bigger passage on a ledge overlooking a small stream.   <p>Right in the canyon, 12m away, is bigger passage <span lang="de">(<a href="#gc">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</a>),</span> and the original way to Stellerwegh&ouml;hle, whilst ahead/left goes west, quickly picking up an inlet from the left and dropping 30m in <b lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on</b>, a narrow way for 50m, to where exploration ceased. It is not clear, but this may well be a pitch, quite possibly into part of the <span lang="de">Stellerweg</span> system.  <h3>To <span lang="de">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</span></h3>  <p>By going right at the start of <span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on,</span> large, bouldery passage is soon met at a T-junction. To the right is an alternative route from the entrance via <a href="#fsw"><span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</span></a> and <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on.</span> This route was found first, but the survey numbering suggests it was surveyed later and I might deduce that this is not the normal way.  <p>Left in the bigger passage is over boulders, passing a short passage on the left. A hole in the floor of this appears to connect to <span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on.</span> Ahead, a slit in the floor is traversed (on the right ?) to reach a pair of large boulders. Up right here ends quickly in an unclimbable sediment wall. Continuing west, the trench reappears (now traversed on left) and soon expands to be a large hole in the floor. It is unclear from the survey how this is crossed, but on the far side, it would appear that a pitch of c 35m is descended, over jammed blocks. Rising steeply to the right (north) from (the foot ?) here is an unascended ramp, which seems likely to connect to unsurveyed passages below Roddick's Dive in <a href="../../smkridge/144.htm">1623/144</a>.   <p>A continuation WNW from this point would appear to be part of the streamway below the <a href="../../smkridge/41/41.htm#bigpitch">Big Pitch</a> in <span lang="de">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle.</span> This in turn suggests that the 35m or so descent must be in the lower part of this shaft, and the ramp seen to the right starts some way above the foot of the pitch.  <h3><a name="fsw"><span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</span></a> and the way to the <a href="40.htm"><span lang="de">Eish&ouml;hle</span></a></h3>  <p>From the junction at the west of <span lang="de">Jsartal,</span> large passage heads north for a short way to a T-junction. Right encounters two floor trenches, the right hand of which soon widens to a 3m deep blind pit. Across this is 25m of rising passage to a choke. Left soon swings round and heads north again, passong another short, blind ascending way on the left. A short section of floor trench is traversed and a short way beyond is  <b lang="de">Brotzeitplatz</b>, where a large cross-rift goes a short distance left and right.  <p>Ahead is <b lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</b>, a rifty passage with rounded roof, heading north with an initial floor trench. Thirty metres or so from <span lang="de">Brotzeitplatz</span> another cross-rift is met, this time at an angle. This is the start of a slightly mazey area. To the right is narrow for 30m to the edge of a wide shaft, <b lang="de">Regenschacht</b>, 4m deep. By traversing right on the near edge, a small passage is gained which circles all the way round to the far side, then ends in a small aven.  <p>Ahead in <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg,</span> another cross-rift is encountered less than 20m ahead. Right turns sharply back and connects to the <span lang="de">Regenschacht</span> passage about halfway along. Left is too narrow to follow, but lines up with another section of rift in the mazey area. Continuing north in <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg,</span> the boulder floor changes and a steep slope down leads to the lip of a canyon at  <b lang="fr">Puits du Sable</b>. Directly opposite is a short blind ramp up. Right is the way to <a href="#gg"><span lang="fr">Grand Galerie</span></a>, described below, whilst left is the start of <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on.</span>  <h3><a name="gc"><span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span></a></h3>  <p>This is the deep rift reached at the end of <a href="#fsw"><span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</span></a>, but it is not clear that this is the best way to get to it. Back at the start of the mazey area, the way left (SW) is boulder-floored rift which continues for twenty metres or so until a junction. Ahead chokes, but two ways right soon unite. The left way looks harder - a traverse over a trench, whilst the right way is boulder floored. Beyond the reunion is narrower, with a slot in the floor, and zig-zagging roughly NW, though clearly interrupted by a number of SW-NE joints. One of these can be followed for ten or fifteen metres, where it becomes too narrow, but lined up with a cross-rift in  <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg.</span>  <p>After this joint, the next junction is effectively an oxbow on the left, where a bat was found during exploration. Ahead soon reaches the top of the <b lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</b>, some 40m downstream from the point reached in <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg.</span> A descent to the bottom at this point is a 30m pitch. Directly across from the point of entry is a ramp up, with various sediment banks, leading to <a href="#sh"><span lang="de">Sophienhalle.</span></a> To the right goes back towards the <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable</span> and  <a href="#gg"><span lang="fr">Grand Galerie</span></a> - see below.  <p>To the left, <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span> heads SW in a classic meander, or traversing rift. Give or take a couple of zags, this is straight for almost 100m, at which point it is interrupted by a bouldery chamber of about 10m diameter. Beyond, <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span> continues S then SW again, getting wider. Boulders hide the trench, and the passage curves west. To the left is the way in via <span lang="de">Geburtstagsgang</span> and on to <span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on.</span> Ahead is the main way into  <span lang="de">Stellerweg,</span> described above. It is not clear whether the stream below <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span> goes on this way, or joins <span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on.</span>  <h3><a name="gg"><span lang="fr">Grande Galerie</span></a></h3>  <p>Upstream in <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on,</span> most easily reached by the <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable,</span> ascending passage heads east, and soon develops into a very wide passage with a deep canyon floor. It looks as if this passage is done at the level of the bottom of the canyon, which leads up, passing an inlet on the right, to a large pool at the foot of  <b lang="fr">Puits Madonna</b>. This is ascended to reach a similar level to the point of entry above <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable.</span> The continuation enlarges into <b lang="fr">Grande Galerie</b>, soon attaining impressive dimensions of 15m wide by 20m high. Question marks mark apparently inaccessible passages, two on the right and one on the left.  <p>Beyond a couple of impressive boulders, a climb up leads to a smaller continuation. To the right is a hole in the floor with passage beyond, but left is a ramp up which soon rejoins the passage beyond the hole. The way gets bigger again, in passage first explored from <a href="40.htm"><span lang="de">Schwarzmooskogeleish&ouml;hle</span></a>, until after 50m, it ends at the foot of a thirty metre pitch from the other cave.  <h3><a name="sh"><span lang="de">Sophienhalle</span></a></h3>  <p>On the NW side of <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on,</span>  directly opposite the entry via the mazey area, or 40m downstream from the entry via <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable,</span> is a ramp up NNW. Right and left are walls of sediment, but the main way suddenly turns right, though still ascending steeply. The ramp eases and becomes more bouldery, now heading NE, suddenly to end at a widening above a deep undescended pit. A climb up on the right of this reaches the top of the far wall, in a large N-S collapse chamber, <b lang="de">Sophienhalle</b>. This shows clear bedding in the walls, and appears to have formed by spalling. Over the boulder floor, another steep wall precedes a ramp down to a choke. Dotted lines suggest a northward continuation, though whether this is above or below the ramp is unclear.
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> <ul> <li>First descent by <span lang="de">Reinhard Lemmer</span> in 1983, depth 40m, blocked by ice. <li><span lang="de">Reinhard Kieselbach, Franz Lindenmayr</span> and  <span lang="de">K Peter</span> make second descent over a weekend in August 1985, finding the <b lang="de">Oberpf&auml;lzer Halle</b>. <li>In September, FHKF, VHM and HFG-KA returned, discovered <b lang="de">Frankenschnellweg,</b> and the way to the <b lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on,</b> and surveyed. <li>In 1986, exploration continued to <b lang="de">Hall Dom,</b> connecting to <span lang="de">Stellerweg.</span> Also found  <b lang="de">Geburtstagsgang,</b> which came out in <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on.</span> <li>In 1987, the German groups were replaced by French (<a href="../../others/gscb/index.htm">GSCB,</a> GSD, ASCR) who found <b lang="de">Sandschacht,</b> heading N and E. A 5m climb from <span lang="fr">Puits Madonna</span> reached a passage with cairns and a definite connection to <span lang="de">Schwarzmooskogeleish&ouml;hle.</span>  A through trip was done the next day by GSCB and GSD. <li>In 1988 surveys were tied together with an improved surface survey. </ul>
+<p><b>Location:</b> E 36305 N 81395 H 1647m<br>
+<b>Depth:</b> 215m to connection below <span lang="de">Stellerweg</span> big
+<p>Few details available, since we were for many years unable to obtain a
+survey. A figure of over 6 km long in 1987 was quoted, but this would appear
+to include the <a href="40.htm">Eish&ouml;hle</a>. Contact was finally made
+with the French group in 1997 and <span lang="fr">Denis Motte</span> has sent
+us a plan on 12 A3 sheets, dated April 1995, which gives the length as 1885m.
+The following description is made up entirely by looking at the survey, and
+should not be taken as reliable. It is hoped that we will do better after
+visiting the cave with a view to finding its connections with
+<span lang="de">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</span>
+(<a href="../../smkridge/41.htm">1623/41</a>) and
+<a href="../../smkridge/144.htm">1623/144</a>.
+<p>Open shaft descends 5m to first rigging bolt, then short pitch to
+snow plug. The way out is to the NE, where the survey shows a couple of
+(inaccessible ?) question marks and a traverse over a pit. Narrow rift
+continues past another unexplored small passage to the right, and in 20m
+opens out into a sizeable chamber. The boulder floor drops away to the
+north (left) and ahead. Up right is a bouldery antechamber with the base
+of a ramp up SE. A short passage here chokes.
+<p>20m across the boulder slope, it is possible to descend the slope left
+into the main part of <b lang="de">Oberpf&auml;lzer Halle</b>, 15m wide and
+30m long, now heading west, still descending over boulders. To the right is a
+15m rift passage with an inlet. Ahead, the chamber narrows, but large
+bouldery passage continues with two or three big boulders (over 5m). To SW is
+a junction marking the start of <b lang="de">Jsartal</b>. Up a steep ramp to
+the right (NW) is unexplored, whilst left, south, goes directly below the
+entrance in a passage with a slot in the floor. After 25m is a widening and
+junction. Right curves round to end below an aven. Left goes quickly to
+another junction. Right soon chokes in boulders, whilst left ends quickly in
+an undescended rift pitch.
+<p>Back at the junction at the start of <span lang="de">Jsartal,</span> the
+main way SW soon traverses a large hole in the floor, then continues as a
+small canyon until 50m from the start is a junction in small passage. Right
+pops out immediately into the side of a ramp rising right (north) to a choke.
+Down ends in a pitch, which is best reached by the small passage left at the
+junction. This quickly doglegs and comes out over the pitch on the opposite
+side from the ramp. The pitch (undescended) is seen to be a widening in a
+deep floor canyon, which continues as <span lang="de">Jsartal</span> develops
+into an 8m wide rocky chamber through which the floor trench meanders.
+<p>After a short way, the trench abruptly ends, and a ramp up above it leads
+to a junction. Left continues up ramp, but not very far. Right traverses the
+ramp (another down-section soon ends), then heads west past another blind
+passage on the right, to break out into a larger passage ahead. Left (south)
+is the way to <span lang="de">Geburtstagsgang,</span> whilst right (north)
+eventually leads to the
+<a href="#fsw"><span lang="de">SchwarzmooskogelEish&ouml;hle</span>
+<h3 lang="de">Geburtstagsgang</h3>
+<p>Ascending a low ramp leads past various short side-extensions to
+<b lang="de">Schafott</b> - apparently a breakthrough point in 1986 ? Beyond
+this, small passage continues SW, with a mudbank on the left, for almost 50m
+until it widens out and descends a steep slope towards a floor trench. Left
+here a further ramp ascends east to a choke. The floor trench continues W,
+then NW, but would seem to be too narrow. Staying on the north side of the
+trench and heading NW (right from the point of entry) leads through mud
+and/or shingle deposits in a small zig-zag passage which meets first a small
+canyon which doesn't go, and then a T-junction over another canyon.
+<p>Right ends after ten metres or so, whilst left (west) meets another
+junction where a further trench comes in from the left (south). This
+also appears to be too small to follow, but would seem likely to connect
+with one or both of the trenches seen earlier. Ahead reaches a chamber,
+with a steep slope down left to yet another trench, but staying high
+gains the continuation of <span lang="de">Geburtstagsgang</span> continuing
+small with a narrow floor canyon. This now goes NW for 50m, to a T-junction.
+Right ends almost immediately, whilst left shortly pops out in bigger passage
+on a ledge overlooking a small stream.
+<p>Right in the canyon, 12m away, is bigger passage
+<span lang="de">(<a href="#gc">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</a>),</span> and the
+original way to Stellerwegh&ouml;hle, whilst ahead/left goes west, quickly
+picking up an inlet from the left and dropping 30m in <b lang="de">Ungarn
+Ca&ntilde;on</b>, a narrow way for 50m, to where exploration ceased. It is
+not clear, but this may well be a pitch, quite possibly into part of the
+<span lang="de">Stellerweg</span> system.
+<h3>To <span lang="de">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle</span></h3>
+<p>By going right at the start of <span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on,</span>
+large, bouldery passage is soon met at a T-junction. To the right is an
+alternative route from the entrance via
+<a href="#fsw"><span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</span></a> and
+<span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on.</span> This route was found first,
+but the survey numbering suggests it was surveyed later and I might deduce
+that this is not the normal way.
+<p>Left in the bigger passage is over boulders, passing a short passage on
+the left. A hole in the floor of this appears to connect to
+<span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on.</span> Ahead, a slit in the floor is
+traversed (on the right ?) to reach a pair of large boulders. Up right here
+ends quickly in an unclimbable sediment wall. Continuing west, the trench
+reappears (now traversed on left) and soon expands to be a large hole in the
+floor. It is unclear from the survey how this is crossed, but on the far
+side, it would appear that a pitch of c 35m is descended, over jammed blocks.
+Rising steeply to the right (north) from (the foot ?) here is an unascended
+ramp, which seems likely to connect to unsurveyed passages below Roddick's
+Dive in <a href="../../smkridge/144.htm">1623/144</a>.
+<p>A continuation WNW from this point would appear to be part of the
+streamway below the <a href="../../smkridge/41/41.htm#bigpitch">Big Pitch</a>
+in <span lang="de">Stellerwegh&ouml;hle.</span> This in turn suggests that
+the 35m or so descent must be in the lower part of this shaft, and the ramp
+seen to the right starts some way above the foot of the pitch.
+<h3><a name="fsw"><span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</span></a> and the way to
+the <a href="40.htm"><span lang="de">Eish&ouml;hle</span></a></h3>
+<p>From the junction at the west of <span lang="de">Jsartal,</span> large
+passage heads north for a short way to a T-junction. Right encounters two
+floor trenches, the right hand of which soon widens to a 3m deep blind pit.
+Across this is 25m of rising passage to a choke. Left soon swings round and
+heads north again, passong another short, blind ascending way on the left. A
+short section of floor trench is traversed and a short way beyond is
+<b lang="de">Brotzeitplatz</b>, where a large cross-rift goes a short
+distance left and right.
+<p>Ahead is <b lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</b>, a rifty passage with rounded
+roof, heading north with an initial floor trench. Thirty metres or so from
+<span lang="de">Brotzeitplatz</span> another cross-rift is met, this time at
+an angle. This is the start of a slightly mazey area. To the right is narrow
+for 30m to the edge of a wide shaft, <b lang="de">Regenschacht</b>, 4m deep.
+By traversing right on the near edge, a small passage is gained which circles
+all the way round to the far side, then ends in a small aven.
+<p>Ahead in <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg,</span> another cross-rift is
+encountered less than 20m ahead. Right turns sharply back and connects to the
+<span lang="de">Regenschacht</span> passage about halfway along. Left is too
+narrow to follow, but lines up with another section of rift in the mazey
+area. Continuing north in <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg,</span> the
+boulder floor changes and a steep slope down leads to the lip of a canyon at
+<b lang="fr">Puits du Sable</b>. Directly opposite is a short blind ramp up.
+Right is the way to <a href="#gg"><span lang="fr">Grand Galerie</span></a>,
+described below, whilst left is the start of <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er
+<h3><a name="gc"><span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span></a></h3>
+<p>This is the deep rift reached at the end of
+<a href="#fsw"><span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg</span></a>, but it is not
+clear that this is the best way to get to it. Back at the start of the mazey
+area, the way left (SW) is boulder-floored rift which continues for twenty
+metres or so until a junction. Ahead chokes, but two ways right soon unite.
+The left way looks harder - a traverse over a trench, whilst the right way is
+boulder floored. Beyond the reunion is narrower, with a slot in the floor,
+and zig-zagging roughly NW, though clearly interrupted by a number of SW-NE
+joints. One of these can be followed for ten or fifteen metres, where it
+becomes too narrow, but lined up with a cross-rift in
+<span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg.</span>
+<p>After this joint, the next junction is effectively an oxbow on the
+left, where a bat was found during exploration. Ahead soon reaches the top of
+the <b lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</b>, some 40m downstream from the
+point reached in <span lang="de">Frankenschnellweg.</span> A descent to the
+bottom at this point is a 30m pitch. Directly across from the point of entry
+is a ramp up, with various sediment banks, leading to
+<a href="#sh"><span lang="de">Sophienhalle.</span></a> To the right goes back
+towards the <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable</span> and
+<a href="#gg"><span lang="fr">Grand Galerie</span></a> - see below.
+<p>To the left, <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span> heads SW in
+a classic meander, or traversing rift. Give or take a couple of zags, this is
+straight for almost 100m, at which point it is interrupted by a bouldery
+chamber of about 10m diameter. Beyond, <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er
+Ca&ntilde;on</span> continues S then SW again, getting wider. Boulders hide
+the trench, and the passage curves west. To the left is the way in via
+<span lang="de">Geburtstagsgang</span> and on to <span lang="de">Ungarn
+Ca&ntilde;on.</span> Ahead is the main way into
+<span lang="de">Stellerweg,</span> described above. It is not clear whether
+the stream below <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on</span> goes on
+this way, or joins <span lang="de">Ungarn Ca&ntilde;on.</span>
+<h3><a name="gg"><span lang="fr">Grande Galerie</span></a></h3>
+<p>Upstream in <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on,</span> most easily
+reached by the <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable,</span> ascending passage heads
+east, and soon develops into a very wide passage with a deep canyon floor. It
+looks as if this passage is done at the level of the bottom of the canyon,
+which leads up, passing an inlet on the right, to a large pool at the foot of
+<b lang="fr">Puits Madonna</b>. This is ascended to reach a similar level to
+the point of entry above <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable.</span> The
+continuation enlarges into <b lang="fr">Grande Galerie</b>, soon attaining
+impressive dimensions of 15m wide by 20m high. Question marks mark apparently
+inaccessible passages, two on the right and one on the left.
+<p>Beyond a couple of impressive boulders, a climb up leads to a smaller
+continuation. To the right is a hole in the floor with passage beyond,
+but left is a ramp up which soon rejoins the passage beyond the hole. The
+way gets bigger again, in passage first explored from
+<a href="40.htm"><span lang="de">Schwarzmooskogeleish&ouml;hle</span></a>,
+until after 50m, it ends at the foot of a thirty metre pitch from the other
+<h3><a name="sh"><span lang="de">Sophienhalle</span></a></h3>
+<p>On the NW side of <span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on,</span>
+directly opposite the entry via the mazey area, or 40m downstream from the
+entry via <span lang="fr">Puits du Sable,</span> is a ramp up NNW. Right and
+left are walls of sediment, but the main way suddenly turns right, though
+still ascending steeply. The ramp eases and becomes more bouldery, now
+heading NE, suddenly to end at a widening above a deep undescended pit. A
+climb up on the right of this reaches the top of the far wall, in a large N-S
+collapse chamber, <b lang="de">Sophienhalle</b>. This shows clear bedding in
+the walls, and appears to have formed by spalling. Over the boulder floor,
+another steep wall precedes a ramp down to a choke. Dotted lines suggest a
+northward continuation, though whether this is above or below the ramp is
+<li>First descent by <span lang="de">Reinhard Lemmer</span> in 1983, depth
+40m, blocked by ice.
+<li><span lang="de">Reinhard Kieselbach, Franz Lindenmayr</span> and
+<span lang="de">K Peter</span> make second descent over a weekend in
+August 1985, finding the <b lang="de">Oberpf&auml;lzer Halle</b>.
+<li>In September, FHKF, VHM and HFG-KA returned, discovered
+<b lang="de">Frankenschnellweg,</b> and the way to the
+<b lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on,</b> and surveyed.
+<li>In 1986, exploration continued to <b lang="de">Hall Dom,</b> connecting
+to <span lang="de">Stellerweg.</span> Also found
+<b lang="de">Geburtstagsgang,</b> which came out in
+<span lang="de">Gro&szlig;er Ca&ntilde;on.</span>
+<li>In 1987, the German groups were replaced by French
+(<a href="../../others/gscb/index.htm">GSCB,</a> GSD, ASCR) who found
+<b lang="de">Sandschacht,</b> heading N and E. A 5m climb from
+<span lang="fr">Puits Madonna</span> reached a passage with cairns and a
+definite connection to <span lang="de">Schwarzmooskogeleish&ouml;hle.</span>
+A through trip was done the next day by GSCB and GSD.
+<li>In 1988 surveys were tied together with an improved surface survey.
+<p>Information from
+<a href="../../others/gscb/index.htm"><span lang="fr">Groupe
+Sp&eacute;l&eacute;ologique de Clerval - Baume les Dames</span></a>
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+<a href="../../smkridge/index.htm#88">
+<span lang="de-at">Schwarzmooskogel</span> area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
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diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/134.htm b/noinfo/wilden/134.htm
index e067a3f01..e0d38e0b2 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/134.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/134.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,33 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>134 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>134</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>H&ouml;hlenruine bei der Wasserstelle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b>  1531m  
-<p><b>Location:</b> West of Wildenseealm. The name would suggest that it is next to the water tank which supplies drinking water to the various buildings of Wildenseealm, and which is shown on the map, at about the right altitude. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1531m
+<p><b>Location:</b> West of Wildenseealm. The name would suggest that it
+is next to the water tank which supplies drinking water to the various
+buildings of Wildenseealm, and which is shown on the map, at about the
+right altitude.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#134">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#134">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#134">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
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diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/45.htm b/noinfo/wilden/45.htm
index b31a5a525..ffec30c14 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/45.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/45.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,31 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>45 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>45</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Dannerschacht</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/S/E +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1610m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> East of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. NE of the Eish&ouml;hle, and looking pretty difficult to get to. 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1610m
+<p><b>Location:</b> East of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. NE of the <a
+href="../smkridge/40.htm">Eish&ouml;hle</a>, and looking pretty difficult to
+get to.
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
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+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#45">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
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diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/46.htm b/noinfo/wilden/46.htm
index 59d7626d0..7f9535031 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/46.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/46.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,29 +6,30 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>46 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>46</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>Engelbrechth&ouml;hle</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T =</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1635m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
-<p><b>Explorers:</b> Engelbrecht, 1952 
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1635m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
+<p><b>Exploration:</b> Engelbrecht, 1952
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+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#46">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/47.htm b/noinfo/wilden/47.htm
index ef1206882..73a8dd034 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/47.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/47.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>47 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>47</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>SCHWA h&ouml;hle 47</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>2/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1612m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1612m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#47">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#47">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#47">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/48.htm b/noinfo/wilden/48.htm
index 9dfdc300f..b6d892e36 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/48.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/48.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>48 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>48</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>SCHWA h&ouml;hle 48</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1612m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1616m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#48">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#48">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#48">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/49.htm b/noinfo/wilden/49.htm
index 42e685fae..720e2a73d 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/49.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/49.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>49 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>49</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>SCHWA h&ouml;hle 49</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1618m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1618m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#49">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#49">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#49">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>
diff --git a/noinfo/wilden/50.htm b/noinfo/wilden/50.htm
index 8c2f9fc60..c96097b97 100644
--- a/noinfo/wilden/50.htm
+++ b/noinfo/wilden/50.htm
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN">
-<!-- *** This file is auto-generated - edit cavetab.csv instead -->
 <html lang=en>
@@ -7,28 +6,28 @@
-<table border=0 width=100%>
-<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>50 </font></th>
+<center><table border=0 width=100%>
+<tr><th align=left><font size=+2>50</font></th>
 <th align=center><font size=+2>SCHWA h&ouml;hle 50</font></th>
 <th align=right><font size=+2>1/T +</font></th></tr>
-<b>Alt:</b> 1620m 
-<p><b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
+<p><b>Altitude:</b> 1620m<br>
+<b>Location:</b> Near <a href="45.htm">Dannerschacht</a> Kat.45
 <!-- LINKS -->
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#50">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area index and description</a><br><img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../indxal.htm#50">Full Index</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../areas.htm">Other Areas</a><br>
-<img alt="&gt;" src="../../icons/lists/0.png">
-<a href="../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../wilden/index.htm#50">Schwarzmoos-Wildensee area</a>
+index and description<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../indxal.htm">Full Index</a> to caves<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../areas.htm">Other areas</a> in 1623<br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../index.htm">Back to Expedition Intro page</a><br>
+<img alt="&gt;" src="../../../icons/lists/0.png">
+<a href="../../../index.htm">CUCC Home page</a>