diff --git a/handbook/treasurer.html b/handbook/treasurer.html index 3481ef68d..f1ad303eb 100644 --- a/handbook/treasurer.html +++ b/handbook/treasurer.html @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
FIRST begin the process to get access to the Expo bank account: you need to complete a paper mandate form (still, even in 2023) to become a full-power signatory to this bank account. This takes about a month so start this immediately that you are confirmed as expo treasurer. - +
Online access at Lloyds was significantly updated in 2022. Lloyds now require their own banking app or either the Microsoft Authenticator app on a phone or a hardware key such as Yubikey: see MFA enrollment. @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ can sign it and send it to the bank. These are -
ALl this is wrong, we no longer use NatWest. +
EDIT: we use Lloyds not NatWest now.
The bank is the Market Street branch of Nat West, which is where you get the paper mandate form. Expo a/c 22997253. See below for how to operate the account.
In 2023 NatWest are now moving to an online method (click on "Add an account holder") for adding account holders. Try it out and then edit this page to include the new instructions. @@ -202,11 +202,12 @@ expoers are not and will not have Facebook accounts.
This involves paying money in and out, setting up the online access system (2-factor authentication with special NatWest widget-box and personalised bankcard) and looking after the statements. Set up the button-box hardware, don't just rely on biometric face recognition. Paper statements are currently sent to the Expo Treasurer's address, which is changed for each treasurer. You could get them sent to Dr James Hickson, the CUCC Senior Treasurer at Pembroke. This would mean less changing of addresses, but add delay/uncertainty to your receiving the statements. If you enable online-statements, set them up as copies of the paper ones, not as replacements. Email copies to a nerd for archival storage.
+This involves paying money in and out, setting up the online access system (2-factor authentication with special widget-box and personalised bankcard) and looking after the statements. Do set up the button-box hardware if you can, don't just rely on biometric face recognition in an app. +
Paper statements are currently sent to the Expo Treasurer's address, which is changed for each treasurer. You could get them sent to Dr James Hickson, the CUCC Senior Treasurer at Pembroke. This would mean less changing of addresses, but add delay/uncertainty to your receiving the statements. If you enable online-statements, set them up as copies of the paper ones, not as replacements. Email copies to a nerd for archival storage.
Equipment orders are normally paid for by Expo or CUCC main, with the other then repaying their share. The float money (about £850 at the end of 1999) can be used as necessary, but should be replenished at the end of each year. The extra money is very useful for smoothing the cash flow. Do not let the account go overdrawn.
-The Expo account is with National Westminster, number 22997253, sort code 60-04-23 (Market Street branch). Remember to give the bank the signature authority forms to authorise your successor before you leave Cambridge.
+The Expo account is with National Westminster, number 22997253, sort code 60-04-23 (Market Street branch). Remember to give the bank the signature authority forms to authorise your successor before you leave Cambridge.