Logbook edited 2023

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Expo on server 2024-07-22 19:37:24 +01:00
parent 4ffe793240
commit 43ce58da60

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ maintain half a dozen parser functions.
Sorry about all the crap that surrounds the image tags which has been imported along with the content
when UK Caving blogs have been parsed.
Exported on 2024-07-22 15:07 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
Exported on 2024-07-22 19:07 using either the control panel webpage or when editing a logbook entry online
See troggle/code/views/other.py and core.models/logbooks.py writelogbook(year, filename)
@ -34,107 +34,55 @@ Slogged down from Top Camp to Homecoming and headed down the entrance series. Wa
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023">2023-08-09</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Bier Tent</u>,,</div>
<div class="triptitle">FishFace - Fish Face Rope Inventory</div>
rope left at bottom of 4th pitch
<br>rope lengths are an estimate
<th>white (green +orange)</th>
<th>blue and white</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white (green and orange)</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>blue and white</th>
<th>blue and white</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<div class="tripdate" id="2023">2023-08-06</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Charlie</u>,,Adam B,, Ben Ch, Nat W, Adam EJ</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface - The Three-Day Bound for The Four-Day Week-End</div>
-It all begins in the tatty hut, several gossers short of a brewery. "let's go up in the weather window!" charlie had not done enough caving and wanted to camp in FF. "We'll call it the three-day bounce"."then we'll have a four-day weekend!" "We go to find the four day weekend!"
-Glossing over the ensuing hangover(and Adam's tent-sump experience) the Three Day Bounce was planned: Adam EJ and Nat Walker would join the camp and we would combine the trip with camp-derigging.
-saturday 6th August: In the mid afternoon, the five of us set out to FF. Fueed by curry arrincini and [fish?] bread, the vibes brewed as the day went on. THe walk up via stone bridge was awful: wet, windy with occasional hail. The stone bridge was a miss with the tarp full of water, we had our curries and continued to FF. As we walked the weather window remained [fully?] shut.
-A quick change and down we endt. Time in 2100 (after faff). We made camp by 2300 and straight to bed. Much pissing ensued;
-Charlie: 5
-Adam B: 3
-Adam EJ: 3
-Ben C: 2
-Nat W: 3
-Total Pisses: 16
-We woke before dawn: 10:00 An Alpine Start.
-Now to get to business: Our lead was a hole in the floor at the start of the Elizabeth line. Charlie Bolted while adam and Ben went to derig.
-Adam B now recounts the derigging:
-after derigging we are joined by nat and EJ.
-Me and Ben pressed along the victorua line, beutiful passage, we derigged 2 pitches in an hour all very smooth untill... we reached a sketchy up traverse and up pitch. Nadia had clearly said to derig the traverse upwards and leave the uppitch.
-thiss of course me and ben ignored and proceeded to rig an increadibly sketchy 1 bolt wander pull through, completely unessecarily, to derig an uppitch. At the tune we were rather happy with our selves. Nadia did not hold that same sentiment. Anyyway we popped back to charlue to find a pile of yellow group shelter slumped on the floor and some fresh bolts on the the wall.
-Finally Charlie awoke.
-The potential 4 day weekend awaited. Charlie went first, the hole was nice and cosy. He sliithered down and we followed.
-The chamber consisted of an old meander and dry waterfall abbout 4m diameter, The four day weeked we exclaimed with grins on our faces. However like all great weekends it ended far too soon with a monday, the only reall lead a tight stream canyon, which [...] connected into the stream way, was tight and shit as charlie found out and was such was a C lead named monday. We surveyed out and waited to rendevous with adam EJ and Nat W.
-After hearing if their travels [...] stream way pitch that became too wet we made our way back to base camp: we arrived at 17:00 after such an arduous entry to the trip, the actual caving was a load of bollocks and aside from ben and Charlie [cheating?] and some crawls we all headed to bed at about 19:00 after an allmighty 9 hours out for bed.
-It was an early start he had on tueday. Our allarm clock, Nat W, at 7:00 AM a hhuman casio beep, resonated through the twisting passage of bed ridden cavers. With your calssic faff we packed up camp and left to the surface at 9:30. what was also realised underwaround was that the drum for our bowel movements was missing. I as such proceeded to individdually bag mine and 3 other men's shits into a large double bag and then securly seat them right at the top of big red [?] tackle sack, precious cargo
-We all prusssiked out to a glorious sunshine day meeting the derigging team at the surface, taking part in an impresive amount of faff even by my standards about a 2.5 hr gap between members. after all having a good chin wag with frank on the re belays we headed out to a beautiful day with Nat out around 11:30 and charlie popping out around 14:30. Overall a successful yet [undergound?] remarkably uneventful trip.
-5 legs surveyed, 3 pitches derigged and some shit moved from one hole to another solid.
-4 day weekedn Rigging topo-(pitch is called 3 day bounce) P.S two bolts for backup to yhang - be carefull of rope rub
<div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
<div class="editentry"><br /><a href="/logbookedit/2023">Edit this entry</a><br /></div>
@ -306,7 +254,7 @@ serious nerding to get WiFi internet working in potato hut.
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-03b">2023-07-03</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Honorata Bogusz</u>,Mike Butcher,Radost Waszkiewicz,,Jana Podbelsek,Will Kay,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Honorata Bogusz</u>,Will Kay,Mike Butcher,Jana Podbelsek,,Radost Waszkiewicz,</div>
<div class="triptitle">plateau - second water collection tarp</div>
<br /><br />Me, Radost, Mike, Jana and Will went to top camp to set up
main tarp and the second water collection tarp (which was a success).
@ -316,7 +264,7 @@ main tarp and the second water collection tarp (which was a success).
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-03c">2023-07-03</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Harry Kettle</u>,Christian Kuhlmann,Charlotte Payne,,Janis Huns,Emma Caspers,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Harry Kettle</u>,Emma Caspers,Christian Kuhlmann,Janis Huns,,Charlotte Payne,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Balkon - Rescuing Balcony ropes</div>
<br /><br />A crack team of expo's hardest cavers was assembled to take a rope out of balcony that was left there last year.
<br /><br />
@ -378,7 +326,7 @@ non-working internal wifi on netbook causing config problems even though it was
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-04b">2023-07-04</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wassil Janssen</u>,Sarah Parker,Ashley Gregg,Philip Balister,,Amelia Oliver,Merryn Matthews,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wassil Janssen</u>,Amelia Oliver,Sarah Parker,Philip Balister,Merryn Matthews,,Ashley Gregg,</div>
<div class="triptitle">topcamp - Carry and set-up</div>
<br /><br />
Ash, Merryn, Amelia in [com?] Philip B., Sarah and me
@ -391,7 +339,7 @@ came down the mountain.
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-04c">2023-07-04</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Harry Kettle</u>,Alice Kirby,Charlotte Payne,,Christian Kuhlmann,Will Kay,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Harry Kettle</u>,Will Kay,Alice Kirby,Christian Kuhlmann,,Charlotte Payne,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Surface - Rope carry to Homecoming + Trial walk from Garlic Cave to Car Park on painted track</div>
<br /><br />After more faff from Chi, we set off about 10AM to carry gear and check out the route to Homecoming. Fishface to Homecoming was well cairned and fairly straightforward to follow.
<br /><br />Gear ledt at Homecoming entrance:
@ -432,7 +380,7 @@ Nice write up [re Honorata's 3-day update]. The rope there now is stuff we bough
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-05a">2023-07-05</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Sarah Parker</u>,Lizzie Caisley,Philip Balister,,Joel Stobbart,Maddie Kirby,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Sarah Parker</u>,Maddie Kirby,Lizzie Caisley,Joel Stobbart,,Philip Balister,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Surface - Reflecting the Homecoming -> Fishface route, scoping out a Homecoming to col route</div>
<br /><br />Joel, Lizzie and Philip fettled the tarp (where some water had pooled overnight) whilst I had a go at attaching the big Daren drum (filled with the
solar panels and cables) to my rucksack, ready to carry from top camp to Garlic Cave.
@ -480,7 +428,7 @@ return.
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-06c">2023-07-06</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Emily Mabbett</u>,Charlotte Payne,Lizzie Caisley,,Mike Butcher,Emma Caspers,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Emily Mabbett</u>,Emma Caspers,Charlotte Payne,Mike Butcher,,Lizzie Caisley,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface - Surveying around Benign Bubble Baby Bypass</div>
<br /><br />After hiking up to plateau to arrive for midday, we discovered the advanced rigging party still above ground... In order to leave them time to start rigging the first 4 pitches of Fishface, an ungodly amount of faff began. We finally arrived at the cave at 3pm, thinking we'd left plenty of time for the riggers, we quickly changed and headed underground. Alas, our hopes were crushed as we came to the bottom of the first pitch to discover the other pushing party sat freezing their tits off at the top of the second pitch as the riggers rigged just below them. Needless to say, it took some time to descent to the bottom of Blitzen Boulevard with Mike taking over the rigging of the 4th pitch after a debate over placing another bolt at the pitch head. Once arrived at Benign Bubble Baby Bypass, we conducted a quick something time to refresh our surveying technique before splitting into 2 groups. Me and Mike went ahead through the tube leading on through the bottom of the climb heading towards the liquid luck ptch head to bolt the small pitch at the end of the traverse whilst the others began surveying from said turn off. As me and Mike arrived at the pitch head, I asked if I could begin my bolting lesson before a big scary hole. I was refused. Instead I was told to tie the rope around a small head sized bolder wedged in the rift, which were currently both stood on. I thought this was a silly idea but obliged. The actual bolting of the pitch went well (I think?), however comments about placing bolts higher were made which was somewhat impossible given my height. The final bolting and rigging became passable so I decended the large (4m...) hole.
<br /><br />As we finished bolting, the survey team emerged behind us. At the bottom of the pitch, 3 leads emerged, a large passage with a traverse sloping down in front of us, a small drafty tube to the right, and a hole heading into the ceiling behind us. With the rigging team and pushing team 2 in the near vicintity of the cave around us, me and Mike were a bit naughty and scooped the large passage in front of us, as we reached the end, we could hear voices in the rift above us, thinking it was the other pushing team we called up. It was not. It was Buck from the rigging team stood near the base of Blitzen Boulevard essentially where we started. Discovering we'd done a large circle , we returned to the base of the pitch where the survey team were. As we arrived, Zac from the team 2 appeared in the hole above us, they had also done an circle.
@ -506,7 +454,7 @@ return.
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-06e">2023-07-06</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Zac Woodford</u>,Ashley Gregg,Amelia Oliver,,Emma Caspers,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Zac Woodford</u>,Ashley Gregg,Emma Caspers,,Amelia Oliver,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface - Surveying the top of liquid luck</div>
<br /><br />Gave the rigging team ~3hr headstart but we still caught up with them at the bottom of first pitch. Emma and Zac then sat around while Ash and Mealy calibrated the disto. We were waiting so long that Uncle Mike's surveying group caught up. We waited in a a bothy for them to pass us before slowly, one-by-one, following on. We then caught up with them again at the top of Blitzen pitch and had to bothy again (after Mealy led us on too low in the rift).
<br /><br />At the beginning of BBBB (Benign Babble Baby Bypass) we talked with Mike's group pushing the other lead and descending some small pitches to push ours. We faffed around a while trying to find it, but when we did, we found it just looped back around to Mike's group's lead. We surveyed it anyway.
@ -551,7 +499,7 @@ Bolts used:
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-07b">2023-07-07</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Philip Sargent</u>,Jonty Pine,Nadia Raeburn,,Janis Huns,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Philip Sargent</u>,Jonty Pine,Janis Huns,,Nadia Raeburn,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Garlic - Hiking to Garlic Cave</div>
<br /><br />Jonty's car: Jonty/Nads/Janis up to Garlic and return this evening. Taking new reflectors made this morning.
<div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
@ -578,7 +526,7 @@ Bolts used:
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-07e">2023-07-07</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Ashley Gregg</u>,Alice Kirby,Will Kay,,Amelia Oliver,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Ashley Gregg</u>,Alice Kirby,Amelia Oliver,,Will Kay,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface Surveying Stalagtite Loop to the top of Liquid Luck</div>
<br /><br />Following our previous shallow trip into Fishface we set out to continue the previous combined
leads from the day before. The journey across the plateau and into the cave was uneventful, aside from
@ -607,7 +555,7 @@ camp for curry.
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-08a">2023-07-08</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Nadia</u>,Jono,Jana,,Oakem,, Phillip ballister</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Nadia</u>,Jono,Oakem,,Jana,, Phillip ballister</div>
<div class="triptitle">Garlic - Garlic Cave Set up + First Nights</div>
After doing a big bounce carry yesterday, we now had sufficient supplies to spend the night and begin the proper set up of camp.
@ -646,7 +594,7 @@ Afternoon: added lots of expoers to folk.csv and adding lots of mugshots. Partic
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-08c">2023-07-08</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Janis Huns</u>,Ashley Gregg,Amelia Oliver,,Jonty Pine,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Janis Huns</u>,Ashley Gregg,Jonty Pine,,Amelia Oliver,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface - Pushing deep Fishface</div>
<br /><br />We went to where the group - Honorata, Radost and Mike - had left off the previous day. European Federalists was a very tough traverse that required the use of ascenders. We bolted and rigged (my first bolt!) the pitch at the end of the muddy passage about 10m down to a choke of boulders. At the bottom of it we saw that there is a large, smooth crack continuing east leading to a large, deep chamber that seems to be the same one we saw on the right. If it is it would be elongated roughly in a north east to south west direction. Ash and Mealy also explored some C leads which did not go far.
<div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
@ -702,7 +650,7 @@ Slow, tired progress out saw us leave the cave at about 1am. I stumbled to Garli
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-10a">2023-07-10</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Buck Blake</u>,Ashley Gregg,Joel Stobbart,Janis Huns,,Jonty Pine,Amelia Oliver,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Buck Blake</u>,Jonty Pine,Ashley Gregg,Janis Huns,Amelia Oliver,,Joel Stobbart,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface - Carrying rope to Fishface and failing to rig entrance</div>
<br /><br />
After the complicated operation of handling the solar panels out of the storage cave, the six of us packed kit, rope and a rescue bag and set
@ -722,7 +670,7 @@ left our caving kit under the small overhand near the entrance, then headed back
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-10b">2023-07-10</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wassil Janssen</u>,Harry Kettle,Christian Kuhlmann,,Merryn Matthews,Alice Kirby,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Wassil Janssen</u>,Alice Kirby,Harry Kettle,Merryn Matthews,,Christian Kuhlmann,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Homecoming - Rig faff</div>
<br /><br />This was a long day that started at Base Camp with the intent of rigging the entrance series of Homecoming cave. We set off only slightly later than the planned 8:00 [illegible] some faff. Quite surprising since Will was not part of the team.
<br /><br />The walk up to Top Camp took almost 2 hours, just as expected. We were also carrying drills, string, food, and other Top Camp equipment. We followed the reflectors to Fishface. They were white on both sides, which could make it frustrating if you are someone who is lost on their way to Top Camp. Instead, it should be red that leads to Top Camp, while white leads to caves and the car park.
@ -744,7 +692,7 @@ left our caving kit under the small overhand near the entrance, then headed back
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-10d">2023-07-10</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Honorata Bogusz</u>,Harry Kettle,Radost Waszkiewicz,,Christian Kuhlmann,Ashley Gregg,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Honorata Bogusz</u>,Ashley Gregg,Harry Kettle,Christian Kuhlmann,,Radost Waszkiewicz,</div>
<div class="triptitle">festering - Canyoning Strubklamm</div>
<br /><br />
We went canyoning on a rest day. The "Strubklamm" canyon is located near Saltzburg, approximately 1h of driving from Bad Aussee. The canyon is graded V1A3 (vertical 1, aquatic 3). It's very aquatic, with many small jumps available and a 300m swimming passage. There are 2 bigger jumps: approx. 8m and 10m, both can be abseiled (topo can be found online).
@ -780,7 +728,7 @@ Yet again a black bmw slowly moved in front of us with their sign flashing. Anot
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-11a">2023-07-11</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Philip Sargent</u>,Thomas Phillips,Will Kay,Ashley Gregg,Ely Brookes,,Radost Waszkiewicz,James Waite,Honorata Bogusz,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Philip Sargent</u>,Ely Brookes,James Waite,Thomas Phillips,Ashley Gregg,Radost Waszkiewicz,Honorata Bogusz,,Will Kay,</div>
<div class="triptitle">plateau - walk in</div>
<br /><br />Will and Phil went up as part of the 2-car lift to the carpark. Others all going to topcamp. Cardiff contingent (Ely, James, Thomas) arrived the previous day (at last)
<br /><br />Dep. carpark 10:06 we walked to the col but got spread out, 2 Cardiffians particularly heavily loaded so Ash dropped back to accompany them while James headed on with Radost and Honorata.
@ -914,7 +862,7 @@ For the rest of the trip we actually ended up dropping to the bottom of the seco
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-12a">2023-07-12</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Emma</u>,Mike B,Mealy,,Jonty,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Emma</u>,Mike B,Jonty,,Mealy,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Fishface - Camp in Fishface - pushing Redlight & Persied Showers</div>
10-07-23 - We wake up early-ish with the goal of leaving at 9/10 but quickly decide MUCH more faff is needed. A stop is made at the shops to buy biodegradable bags and a magazine, eventually Jonty, Mealy and I made it to the car park. It is very very warm and we worried about dehydration. We get waking, faffing more by running into many groups coming off the plateau, and Mike catches up quickly. Once on the plateau the weather seems more pleasant - a cool breeze is present now - when I see the cause - a huge could of rain hanging over the Dachstein. "Nah, that's just mist" says uncle Mike. We make our merry way, not forgetting to bow to the plateau monster (Mike doesn't bow) until we hear a rumble of thunder, "Nah, just a plane" says uncle Mike, soon, to vertical rains start, which we are not dressed nor prepared for, so we hide by crouching against a wall in the plateau. Then, wind turns and we get very soaked so we huddle under Jonty's 1-man emergency bothy. Anyway sun returns, much more faff is had, I take a fall... we don't make it into Fishface until 20:45, carrying LUDICROUSLY large bags! Mealy and I lead the way in, made a little clumsy by our heavy loads - though not as heavy as jonty's, and not at all as bad as mike's whose "side bag" is a full-sized tackle sack containing lots of rope. The first pitch was not my Friend and I dropped a plastic bottle - after that I enjoyed myself - esp. impressed by TK Maxx, a super cool pitch!! Mealy & I get down just after 23.00, followed soon by Jonty and a little later by Mike who had stopped to get even more Rope. Mealy goes of to faff with Cavelink, Jonty & I head over to help and we send the important message "camp creche want more peanut" - it sends. Mealy & I share warmth & noodles. Jonty & mike eat curry, we whip out the mini-Jagermeister, all take a little sip and head to sleep. I apparently caused some disturbance by snoring (sorry) and we all sleep intermittently.
@ -935,7 +883,7 @@ Transcribers note, 21st July 2024. Whilst I do appreciate the write up and the
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-12b">2023-07-12</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Merryn Matthews</u>,Lizzie Caisley,Joel Stobbart,,Emily Mabbett,Thomas Phillips,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Merryn Matthews</u>,Thomas Phillips,Lizzie Caisley,Emily Mabbett,,Joel Stobbart,</div>
<div class="triptitle">plateau - Prospecting between Homecoming and Fishface</div>
<br /><br />We started by walking to Unlucky Gamse Cave, mostly following the path to homecoming, as Radost and Honorata had told us there was
an exciting looking entrance around 50m North of it - Rose Blumen Hoehle (2023-hbrw-05). We dismissed their cave as choked by snow, however it
@ -1000,7 +948,7 @@ Can't really remember the rigging exactly. Continues for about 200 m of rope to
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-13a">2023-07-13</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Honorata Bogusz</u>,Jonty Pine,Radost Waszkiewicz,Oakem Kyne,,Charlotte Payne,Harry Kettle,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Honorata Bogusz</u>,Charlotte Payne,Jonty Pine,Oakem Kyne,Harry Kettle,,Radost Waszkiewicz,</div>
<div class="triptitle">festering - Via Ferrata "Panorama Kletterstieg Sisi"</div>
<br /><br />
@ -1068,7 +1016,7 @@ Pic: Oakem Kyne (L) and Jonty Pine (R) on <b>Panorama Kletterstieg Sisi</b>.<br
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-14a">2023-07-14</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>James Waite</u>,Charlotte Payne,Harry Kettle,,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>James Waite</u>,Charlotte Payne,,Harry Kettle,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Homecoming - pushing down homecoming from flowstone canyon, into alpine showers</div>
<br /><br />
after a heavy afternoon at the tatty hut, Harry asked if i fancied coming to
@ -1605,7 +1553,7 @@ Either way, glad to see it being pushed towards the rest of the system!</div>
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-07-23a">2023-07-23</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Emily</u>,Lizzy,Merryn,,Joel,, Tom</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Emily</u>,Lizzy,Joel,,Merryn,, Tom</div>
<div class="triptitle">Plateau - Prospecting near Fishface</div>
After consulting the weather forecast in the morning and seeing 50mnm of rain forecast from 8pm onward we decided the best use of our day would be to prospect. Our first port of call was a previously scoped hole of the path between Fishcace and Homecoming. With no photo and only a rough location we looked in a few holes climbing to the bottom of a couple that looked possible but to no avail. After marking the holes we decided to continue in a vaguely North direction following a passage in homecoming below us. After some impressive Bundah walking we found another prospect in which Joel eagerly descended only to find it also choked out - it was therefore nicknamed Joel's disappointment , which later changed to sunglasses disappointment after he figured out he lost his sunglasses somewhere into the hole.
@ -1759,7 +1707,7 @@ Also, it is now our closest cave passage to the neighbouring Schönberg system (
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-08-01a">2023-08-01</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Manfred Wuits,Nathan Walker,,Adam Aldridge,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Manfred Wuits,Adam Aldridge,,Nathan Walker,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Surface - Hike to Garlic</div>
<br /><br />Woke up to see a sub-optimal forecast. Somehow I was convinced that hiking to Garlic Cave Camp was of course the best course of action to take, so we set off. It was actually dry for the first third or so to fishface gear dump to collect our caving gear, but this did not last.
<br />
@ -1771,7 +1719,7 @@ The path is a little treacherous in the wet, so it was a little slow going and s
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-08-02a">2023-08-02</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Adam Aldridge,Manfred Wuits,,Nathan Walker,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Adam Aldridge,Nathan Walker,,Manfred Wuits,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Buzzard - dropping Buzzard Hole on the northerly Kleiner Wildkogel ridge</div>
<br /><br />After our lovely sleep, we woke up to dry weather, and set off to the top of the ridge above Garlic. Carrying the thick, wet 90m up the mountain was not conducive to good balance so I did fall over in the bunde and struggle to get back up. We reached Buzzard, Adam rigged it, first to the bunde, then hand bolting whilst we waited patiently. The improvement in weather did give a lovely backdrop of the Braeuningzinken for photos. Nathan went down next, followed by Manfred whilst I stayed outside enjoying the view. Upon Adam's return, I swiftly fell asleep, and awoke to find Nathan and Manfred had finished their survey and were finalising some sketches. Adam spotted some interesting holes beneath us on the plateau, so wet set off to prospect (see next entry).
<div class="timeug">T/U: 3.0 hours</div>
@ -1780,7 +1728,7 @@ The path is a little treacherous in the wet, so it was a little slow going and s
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<div class="tripdate" id="2023-08-02b">2023-08-02</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Manfred Wuits,Nathan Walker,,Adam Aldridge,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Manfred Wuits,Adam Aldridge,,Nathan Walker,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Surface - Prospecting east and south of Kleiner Wildkogel</div>
<br /><br />After dropping Buzzard, the fours of us decided to drop down the north face of the ridge, heading east at first, then split to form two prospecting
groups, Adam and I heading further east to wrap around to the south face of the ridge, and Nathan and Manfred following the north face westwards to
@ -1821,7 +1769,7 @@ that seem to follow a rift along the base of Wildkogel, then back to Garlic camp
<hr />
<div class="tripdate" id="2023-08-03a">2023-08-03</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Adam Aldridge,David Botcherby,,Becka Lawson,Nathan Walker,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Joe Stell</u>,Nathan Walker,Adam Aldridge,Becka Lawson,,David Botcherby,</div>
<div class="triptitle">Garlic - Fettling</div>
<br /><br />Woke up. 10am. It was rainy :(
@ -1933,8 +1881,114 @@ The pitches back to camp were painful, despite their shortness, due to our mud c
<hr />
<div class="tripdate" id="2023-08-09a">2023-08-09</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Bier Tent</u>,,</div>
<div class="triptitle">FishFace - Fish Face Rope Inventory</div>
rope left at bottom of 4th pitch
<br>rope lengths are an estimate
<th>white (green +orange)</th>
<th>blue and white</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white (green and orange)</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>blue and white</th>
<th>blue and white</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<th>white and green</th>
<div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
<div class="editentry"><br /><a href="/logbookedit/2023-08-09a">Edit this entry</a><br /></div>
<hr />
<div class="tripdate" id="2023-08-10a">2023-08-10</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>,David Botcherby,Nadia Raeburn,,Kai Trusson,</div>
<div class="trippeople"><u>Rob Watson</u>,David Botcherby,Kai Trusson,,Nadia Raeburn,</div>
<div class="triptitle">fishface - Connecting FF to SMK: a step further</div>
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Blog Author: nobrotson<div class="bbWrapper"><b>Connecting FF to SMK - a step further</b><br>