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synced 2025-03-21 01:31:56 +00:00
[svn r6609] Dave'll kick my ass for this. I can take it.
This commit is contained in:
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@
<li>2 lengths cable, 1 with Euro plug</li>
<li>1 tent inner</li>
<li>1 selection of tent poles</li>
<li>1 extractor fan [probably the inflating pump for Becka's airbed - DL]</li>
<li>1 mains extractor fan</li>
<li>1 length cord</li>
<li>1 bag tunnocks stuff</li>
<li>2 carpet tiles (Frank)</li>
@ -224,142 +224,181 @@
<h3>Stuff in Traungold</h3>
<h2>Stuff in Traungold</h2>
<li>Water assembly</li>
<li>Frit can 1: Top camp meals</li>
<li>25 x 2 person</li>
<li>3 x 1 person </li>
<li>1 2-person w/o rice</li>
<li>Camp beds x2 (Dave's marked with gaffer, Frank's plain)</li>
<li>Single airbed (Earl)</li>
<li>Earl's bag of shit:</li>
<li>Lots of tarps</li>
<li>Minging sandals (Earl)</li>
<li>5 airbeds</li>
<li>Frit can 2:</li>
<li>4 slabs 2004 flapjack</li>
<li>Cheesy Mushroom Noodles x10</li>
<li>30 cup-a-soup</li>
<li>1.5 litres meths</li>
<li>2 litres paraffin</li>
<li>1 sigg bottle (0.6l)</li>
<li>Frit can 3: </li>
<li>1 tilly lamp</li>
<li>2 litres sterilising soln</li>
<li>1 tub grease</li>
<li>1 bottle washing up liquid</li>
<li>1 yellow-handled hammer</li>
<li>1 pan handle</li>
<li>50 cup-a-soup in yellow box marked SOUP</li>
<li>1 pair Sprayway waterproof trousers (marked "M. Shinwell", owner unknown)</li>
<li>Water butt #1:</li>
<li>1 length hosepipe</li>
<li>4 original + 10 Golden Syrup Oatso</li>
<li>1 club club hammer</li>
<li>1.5 x 250g instant mash</li>
<li>2 hammers + 1 setting tool</li>
<li>1 jar instant coffee, cinnamon, salt, pepper, sugar, chilli powder, curry sauce, garlic sauce</li>
<li>2kg instant custard (good)</li>
<li>6 Hilti HKDS anchors</li>
<li>Milk powder</li>
<li>Some Jagertee</li>
<li>12 spits + cones</li>
<li>1 spit driver</li>
<li>1 cold chisel</li>
<li>2 crowbars</li>
<li>2 sieves</li>
<li>50g dried mushrooms</li>
<li>24 teabags</li>
<li>1 large tarp</li>
<li>1 long thin tarp</li>
<li>2 cleaning pads</li>
<li>1 roll freezer bags (~100)</li>
<li>Butt #2</li>
<li>1 tap and valve assembly</li>
<li>14 M8x16 bolts</li>
<li>Kitchen roll (it says 14 rolls here, which I don't believe)</li>
<li>3m of 3mm prusik cord</li>
<li>1 reel green string</li>
<li>8 bog rolls in darren drum</li>
<li>#52 plastic tub (empty)</li>
<li>5kg good carbide</li>
<li>5kg crap carbide</li>
<li>28 double sided reflective cairns</li>
<li>36 single-sided reflective cairns</li>
<li>1 box waterproof matches (marked in Pete's gear tape colours)</li>
<li>1 emergency pit</li>
<li>2 rolls conservation tape</li>
<li>12 spits + cones</li>
<li>500mm of 8mm studding</li>
<li>3 plastic pots</li>
<li>1 eyeletting kit + 12 eyelets</li>
<li>4 x HKDs</li>
<li>1 tecter</li>
<li>1 carpet tile (for capping, somewhat knackered)</li>
<li>1 empty hammock</li>
<li>1 hammer + setting tool</li>
<li>2 syringes grease</li>
<li>12 large washers</li>
<li>8 drill bits</li>
<li>2 nail varnish</li>
<li>1 bag string (various lengths)</li>
<li>5 lengths polyprop rope</li>
<li>Butt #3:</li>
<li>2 blowing tubes</li>
<li>3 hand drivers + 1 drill bit</li>
<li>1 double airbed (Becka)</li>
<li>1 airbed (Stuart)</li>
<li>1 lilo style airbed</li>
<li>1m of 20mm klettband (velcro)</li>
<li>1 roll white tape</li>
<li>2 mouldy scouring pads</li>
<li>24 deviation hangers</li>
<li>1 bog roll</li>
<li>10 instant noodles</li>
<li>12V phone cradle</li>
<li>4-way fag lighter socket splitter</li>
<li>AAA-D NiCad charger</li>
<li>Earl's magic box (misc meters + fuses)</li>
<li>Martin's magic box (car battery regulator)</li>
<li>1.5kg choc powder (good)</li>
<li>Pot: 6 deviation hangers + random nuts + bolts</li>
<li>3 spits + cones</li>
<li>Stuart's karrimat</li>
<li>30m tape</li>
<li>1 empty hammock</li>
<li>Length of string</li>
<li>Metal backing for survey book</li>
<li>Tent peg</li>
<li>Mouldy candle</li>
<li>Empty choc bars pot</li>
<li>E45 hand cream</li>
<li>Plate, spoon, 2 forks</li>
<li>2 pans</li>
<li>3 pans</li>
<li>Earl's jug</li>
<li>Pan handle</li>
<li>1 x Water assembly</li>
<li>3 x Drums</li>
<li>3 x Butts</li>
<li>1 x Inglesport bag (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x Camp bed (Frank)</li>
<li>1 x Camp bed marked with gaffer (Dave)</li>
<li>1 x Single airbed (Earl?)</li>
<li>1 x Big blue tarp [There are more than this. Why are they not in this list?]</li>
<li>2 x Green tarps</li>
<li>1 x Orange bag of bags (bin liners etc.)</li>
<li>1 x 1 litre of methylated spirits</li>
<li>1 x 0.5 litres of methylated spirits</li>
<li>1 x 2 litres of paraffin</li>
<li>1 x Empty 0.6 litre Sigg fuel bottle</li>
<li>3 x Pans</li>
<li>1 x Jug (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x Pan handle</li>
<li>1 x Kettle</li>
<li>1 x Yellow box marked 'SOUP' of 50 x Cup-a-soup</li>
<li>1 x Petrol can (contents part used)</li>
<li>1 x 38Ah Yuasa battery</li>
<li>1 x Bag of 5 x Solar panels</li>
<li>1 x Solar panel mounting frame</li>
<li>1 x Bag of 1 x Box of ((n x Bits of paperwork) and (1 x Tag making kit))</li>
<li>1 x Large water can (no top)</li>
<li>1 x Small water can (no top)</li>
<li>1 x Battery cover</li>
<li>1 x Half full BDH of spent carbide</li>
<h3>Earl's Inglesport bag o'shite:</h3>
<li>1 x Small blue tarp</li>
<li>1 x Big orange bag</li>
<li>1 x Pair of minging sandals (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x Airbed</li>
<li>2 x More airbeds</li>
<li>2 x More of them</li>
<h3>Drum One:</h3>
<li>25 x 2-person Top Camp meals</li>
<li>3 x 1-person Top Camp meals</li>
<li>1 x 1-person Top Camp meal without accompanying rice/pasta</li>
<h3>Drum Two:</h3>
<li>4 x 2004 flapjack slabs</li>
<li>10 x Cheesy Mushroom Noodles (2004)</li>
<li>30 x Cup-a-soup</li>
<h3>Drum Three:</h3>
<li>1 x Tilly lamp</li>
<li>3 x Part used bottles of sterilising solution (2 litres total)</li>
<li>1 x Tub of grease</li>
<li>1 x Bottle of washing-up liquid</li>
<li>1 x Yellow handled hammer</li>
<li>1 x Trangia pan handle</li>
<h4>Note: Butts are unnumbered externally, but are reached in the chamber in reverse numerical order.</h4>
<h3>Butt One:</h3>
<li>1 x Tap, valve and hose assembly</li>
<li>4 x Original Oatso</li>
<li>10 x Golden Syrup Oatso</li>
<li>1 x Club hammer</li>
<li>1.5 x 250g packets of dehydrated mashed potato</li>
<li>2 x Hammers</li>
<li>1 x Setting tool</li>
<li>1 x Jar instant coffee</li>
<li>2 x Pots of cinnamon</li>
<li>2 x Pots of salt</li>
<li>2 x Pots of pepper</li>
<li>1 x Small tub of sugar</li>
<li>1 x Jar of chilli powder</li>
<li>1 x Jar of curry sauce for use with mashed potato</li>
<li>1 x Jar of garlic sauce for use with mashed potato</li>
<li>1 x 2kg instant custard (needs water)</li>
<li>1 x Pot of 6 x Hilti HKDS anchors</li>
<li>1 x ~30m survey tape</li>
<li>1 x Half full Mornflake Oats container OF milk powder</li>
<li>1 x ((1 x Some Jaggetee) mixed with (1 x Some more Jaggetee))</li>
<li>1 x Pot of 12 x Spits and cones</li>
<li>1 x Hand spit driver</li>
<li>1 x Cold chisel</li>
<li>2 x Crow bars</li>
<li>2 x Carbide sieves</li>
<li>1 x 50g dried mushrooms</li>
<li>1 x Daren drum of 24 x Tea bags</li>
<li>1 x Large tarp</li>
<li>1 x Long thin tarp</li>
<li>2 x Cleaning pads</li>
<li>1 x Roll of 100 freezer bags</li>
<h3>Butt Two:</h3>
<li>1 x Tap, valve and hose assembly</li>
<li>14 x M8x16 bolts</li>
<li>.5 x Roll of kitchen roll</li>
<li>.1 x Roll of kitchen roll</li>
<li>1 x 3m of 4mm cord (suitable for Prussik knots)</li>
<li>1 x Part used reel of green cord (suitable for deviations)</li>
<li>1 x Daren drum of 8 x Bog paper</li>
<li>1 x #52 pot, alack empty.</li>
<li>1 x Daren drum of 5kg big lump carbide</li>
<li>1 x Daren drum of 5kg granulated carbide</li>
<li>1 x Non-waterproof box of waterproof matches (Peter Clifton)</li>
<li>1 x Emergency pit</li>
<li>2 x Rolls of conservation tape</li>
<li>1 x Pot of spits and cones</li>
<li>1 x 500mm of 8mm studding</li>
<li>3 x Plastic pots</li>
<li>1 x Eyeletting kit COMPLETE WITH 12 x Eyelets</li>
<li>1 x Pair of Sprayway Waterproof overtrousers (marked "M. Shinwell", owner unknown)</li>
<li>4 x HKDs (_small_ 's' used intentionally)</li>
<li>1 x Rope protector</li>
<li>1 x Mildly knackered capping carpet tile</li>
<li>1 x Empty hammock</li>
<li>1 x Hammer and setting tool</li>
<li>1 x Syringe of grease</li>
<li>1 x Syringe of grease with broken plunger</li>
<li>12 x Large washers</li>
<li>8 x 10mm masonery drill bits</li>
<li>2 x Nail varnish</li>
<li>1 x Sainsbury's bag of bits of bivvy string (lengths uncertain)</li>
<li>5 x Lengths of polyprop</li>
<h3>Butt Three:</h3>
<li>2 x Blowing tubes</li>
<li>3 x Hand spit drivers</li>
<li>1 x Rusty 10mm masonery drill bit</li>
<li>1 x Double airbed (Becka)</li>
<li>1 x Single airbed (Stuart)</li>
<li>1 x Lilo style airbed</li>
<li>1 x 1m of 20mm Klettband</li>
<li>1 x Roll of white tape</li>
<li>2 x Mouldy scouring pad</li>
<li>24 x Deviant hangers</li>
<li>1 x Bog roll</li>
<li>10 x Instant noodles (flavoured)</li>
<li>1 x 12V Alcatel phone cradle</li>
<li>1 x 4 way fag lighter splitter (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x AAA-D charger (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x Magic box (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x Magic box (Martin)</li>
<li>1 x Multimeter (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x 1.5kg chocolate powder</li>
<li>1 x Pot of ((6 x Deviant hangers) and (n x Random nuts and bolts))</li>
<li>3 x Spits and cones</li>
<li>1 x Thick Karrimat (Stuart)</li>
<li>1 x 30m survey tape</li>
<li>1 x Empty hammock</li>
<li>1 x Length of string</li>
<li>1 x Metal survey notebook protector</li>
<li>1 x Tent peg</li>
<li>1 x Mouldy candle (Earl)</li>
<li>1 x Empty tub marked 'CHOC BARS'</li>
<li>1 x E45 hand cream</li>
<li>1 x Plate</li>
<li>1 x Spoon</li>
<li>2 x Forks</li>
<li>2 x Pans</li>
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