From 3fd955bef9ee1c63d223d70bae766e0ced9d50f1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Sargent <>
Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2018 22:05:09 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] updates from photgraphed pages plus Nats trips

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 create mode 100644 years/2018/topcamplist.html

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 <li>dark-green, many eyelets ~8 sq.m.good condition
 <li>blue, ~9 sq.m. very worn 
+Sleeping bags:
+<li>3x <a href="">"Snugpak" Softie 4-season</a> dark green  (in compression bags)
+<li>1x NorthFace 3-season blue (in grey bag)
 <li>2x Bosch drills
 <li>3x Bosch drill batteries
 <li>1x Bosch drill mains charger and bits in small red plastic tub 
@@ -48,9 +53,10 @@
 <li>2x small daysacks 
 <li> 1 grey (Camping Sabbiadoro) event bag
-<li> 1 dark-blue "Frontline" daysac (Cotswold Outdoor, &pound;25 with Cambridge receipt 15 Feb.2018) no gear tape.
+<li> 1 dark-blue "Frontline" daysac (Cotswold Outdoor, &pound;25 with Cambridge receipt 15 Feb.2018) no gear tape - since claimed by Ruairidh.
 <li>2-man grey tent (poles, pegs, everything) - geartape purple
+<li>2-man grey/green tent (poles, pegs, everything) - Radost's responsibility as it came to Austria in his kit.
 <li>3x blue foam karrimats - purple tape
 <li>3x thin emergency orange polythene bivvy bags  - no breathing holes - muddy & dusty - in a polybag with bits of karrimat, tarp. 
 <li>3x thick emergency orange polythene bivvy bags - no breathing holes - clean and unused - geartape purple
@@ -121,5 +127,7 @@ They are loaned to expo and belong to Wookey and Philip Sargent.
 <li>gaz cylinders ??
+Back to <a href="index.html">2018 year organisation</a>.<br>
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@@ -803,7 +803,247 @@ The decision to leave all the tackle sacks at the entrance was endorsed unanimou
 <div class="trippeople"><u>Robert Seebacher</u></div>
 <div class="triptitle">"Receipt for expo members of VfHO for 2018"</div>
-<img src="vfho-receipt.jpg" width=100%><br>
+<img src="vfho-receipt.jpg" width=100%><br><br><br>
+<div class="tripdate" id="t2018-08-08">2018-08-08</div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Natalie Uomini</u>, Paul Fox</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Top Camp - Surface Prospecting - Old & New Caves - 8.5 hours</div>
+<div class="timeug">T/U 25 mins</div>
+<IMG SRC=best_bunda-and-plateau.jpg ALT="Bunda filling the plateau">
+<B>New cave 2018-NTU-01</B>
+Paul had prepared a list of some caves found in 2004 which were within 300m of Top Camp. 
+In the blazing heat of morning, Nat and Paul set off with packs full of SRT kits, 
+50m rope, hangers, drill, bolting kit, oversuits, helmets and lights. 
+First we went the wrong way and ended up meandering through bunda above top camp. 
+Finally we set a bearing towards one of the caves in question, and this took us on 
+a scramble parallel to (east of, uphill from) the path to Tunnocks.  
+We bumbled onto a small cave entrance which we named 2018-NTU-01 located in a 
+gully filled with wild chives. <IMG SRC=2018-ntu-01_neil_view_west.jpg> 
+The entrance is below a large fixed boulder with the tag on its SW side 
+<IMG SRC=2018-ntu-01_tag_arrows.jpg>. I (Nat) squeezed down through some 
+dodgy loose boulders at the entrance, but could not get further down safely.  
+I could see beyond the boulder choke that there was a vertical shaft, 
+smooth-sided, which we measured by Disto as 2.7m deep, probably landing 
+onto a gravel floor as judged by the sound of throwing rocks down. 
+This vertical shaft appears to turn a corner into a rift heading South-West 
+(downslope). <IMG SRC=2018-ntu-01_looking_down_shaft-and-rift.jpg> 
+No noticeable draft, but it was hard to get my head right in.  
+The shaft is definitely big enough for a person to stand in comfortably.  
+With a bit of tidying up the big loose boulders inside the entrance, 
+one could get into the shaft and see where the rift goes. 
+Data from Nat's GPS (Garmin Oregon 650): <BR>
+1834m, N47&deg;41.518, E13&deg;49.298  <BR>
+UTM UPS: 33T 0411579, 5282737 <BR>
+GPS accuracy not noted for this point, but the other points this day had 3m accuracy.
+This cave was <A HREF=#t2018-08-13>tagged by Nat & Neil a few days later on Aug. 13</A>.
+To reach this cave easily from Top Camp, just follow the Tunnocks path until 
+the cave marked on GPS as "1623.p2001-02", then turn right (uphill) and go up 
+a small chive & boulder-filled gully until you see the big boulder with the tag on it.  
+<B>Rift hole to descend</B>
+Several meters downhill from 2018-NTU-01, in passing we waypointed on the 
+GPS a "rift hole to descend", which looked like a promising hole that is 
+nowhere near any already-catalogued waypoints.  
+1846m, UTM: 33T 0411511, 5282847. (no photo)
+We finally rejoined the path to Tunnocks (which we should have used 
+all along) and after a while, we waypointed on the GPS another hole 
+that's most likely the same as catalogued 1623.p2002-07. 
+Arriving at the Big Cairn (GPS coords UTM: 33T 0411542, 5282881) 
+which is on the Tunnocks path, we followed the 2005 instructions 
+and veered left on an alleged heading towards the fabled caves 
+2004-18, 17, and 16 (unfortunately the instructions proved 
+impossible to follow; see our updated writeup for the best 
+approach to 2004-18). Directly off the Tunnocks path we got 
+distracted as we came upon 3 shafts which were not on the GPS 
+catalogue: we named them 2018-PF-01 (which we tagged; see our 
+survey of the same day), 2018-PF-02 (which we tagged the next 
+day with Wookey; undescended), and 2018-PF-03 
+(which Paul tagged some days later).
+2018-PF-01 Tag: 1857m, UTM: 33T 0411526, 5282885 <BR>
+2018-PF-02: 1859m, UTM: 33T 0411540, 5282900 <BR>
+2018-PF-03: 1858m, UTM: 33T 0411530, 5282893 <BR>
+GPS with 3m accuracy for all. <BR>
+<B>2018-PF-01</B> is a 2m-diameter shaft with an easy climb down 
+to a mossy slope. We surveyed it [see Paul's excellent digital 
+survey].  <IMG SRC=2018-pf-01_paul_drilling_tag_view-northeast.jpg> 
+<B>2018-PF-02</B> is an impressive, open surface shaft about 3.5m 
+diameter and 11.5m deep (as measured by Disto). It looks like it 
+continues horizontally into a rift heading upslope.  There is a 
+good spot to drill bolts for rigging where we installed the tag. 
+<B>2018-PF-03</B> is an open rift between PF-01 and PF-02 about 
+5.6m deep, 1.75m wide, 4.6m long (as measured by Disto). 
+Paul climbed down PF-03 and found it was choked at the end 
+nearest (heading towards) the big shaft PF-02. Thus, it 
+dashed all our hopes of finding a free-climbable access to the big shaft. 
+<BR><IMG SRC=2018-pf-03_and_pf-02_arrows.jpg>
+Afterwards we circled painfully through obstacles of 
+larch and cliffs until we stumbled across another interesting 
+hole, which we named 2018-NTU-02. <IMG SRC=2018-ntu-02_view-west.jpg>
+1861m, UTM: 33T 0411522, 5282905, GPS with 3m accuracy. <BR>
+It is a window in the side of a surface shaft filled with 
+grass. Nat climbed down into it using a handline tied with 
+loops, which proved essential. The small shaft is vertical 
+and has a depth of 4.6m (as measured by Disto) and a 
+diameter of about 2 to 3m. A passage extends about 2m 
+horizontally at the base of this small shaft, ending in a 
+rubble choke which is the underside of the large surface 
+shaft.  [See scanned sketch in our survey notes.]  
+<IMG SRC=2018-ntu-02_entrance_pitch-4.6m.jpg>  
+We drilled and installed a Hilti, but did not have any tags, 
+and we were unable to return to put the tag in later. 
+The tag has been made and is sitting in the Tags tub 
+at top camp. <IMG SRC=2018-ntu-02_drilled-hole_view-south.jpg> 
+<B>A big opening in the side of the mountain</B>
+Next we headed again for the mythical 2004-18, and reached the 
+south-eastern edge of a huge steep-sided valley: Cubic Valley. 
+<IMG SRC=2004-18_valley_cubic_boulder_afar_view_west.jpg WIDTH=200>  
+<I>(Note: the next day we found a much easier way with Wookey, by 
+going from the Tunnocks path round the northern edge of the valley, 
+as recorded in our uploaded GPS track and described in the updated 
+Approach to 2004-18.)</I> Following the southern edge of the cliff, 
+we found a way to climb down into the valley. From the eastern edge 
+of this valley is visible a large opening in the opposite (north side) 
+cliff, which I waypointed from my position. The opening should be 
+investigated, as it seems to be below Tunnocks. 
+<IMG SRC=cubic_valley_east-end_cave-view-north.jpg>
+<B>Freezer Hole</B>
+In the lowest point of the eastern bowl of Cubic Valley is a small 
+hole in the rubble which emits freezing cold air. 
+We measured the temperature just inside the hole as 9°C, 
+compared to 18°C just outside the hole (in the shade) 
+(- and the temperature in the sun on the plateau that day 
+was about 30°C). This hole is choked with rubble, but it would 
+certainly be an interesting digging project for future Expos.
+<B>2004-18 and Mystery Shafts</B>
+Finally, heading westward down Cubic Valley towards the 
+Cube-Shaped Boulder, we reached the fabled cave. The whole 
+section of valley is full of tantalising deep shafts which 
+must be explored! Just beside 2004-18 we found another shaft 
+with a tag marked <B>"AA 1 2017"</B> but there is no recorded 
+survey, no database entry, no information anywhere about it . 
+<IMG SRC=aa-1-2017_with-tag.jpg>, <IMG SRC=aa-1-2017_looking-down.jpg>  
+<BR>Beside this shaft is another <B>shaft with a snow plug 
+and 2 spits</B> well positioned for rigging, but no visible 
+tag nor informations recorded.  
+<IMG SRC=bolted-untagged-cave_beside_aa-1-2017_view-northwest.jpg> 
+Who could have been there?
+ <P>
+<B>2004-16 and 2004-17 and Maybe Hole</B>
+As it was getting late and our water bottles were empty and 
+it was very hot, we left our heavy caving gear in a hole and 
+tried to head back to top camp. On the way out of the valley 
+we found the other 2 caves 2004-16 and 2004-17, which we 
+waypointed on the GPS (1878m, N47° 41.594' E13° 49.150' and 
+1881m, N47° 41.608' E13° 49.150', respectively).
+Then we struggled on through thick larch and sheer cliffs,
+ passing by a potential hole to explore (UTM: 33T 0411410, 
+5282786), in our dehydrated and grumpy state, until we saw someone 
+walking on the Fischgesicht path in the distance, which we could 
+eventually reach and thankfully followed back to Top Camp, arriving 
+just 20 minutes before our callout time! 
+<div class="tripdate" id="t2018-08-09">2018-08-09</div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Natalie Uomini</u>, Paul Fox, Wookey</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Revisiting 2004-18</div>
+<div class="timeug">T/U 2.5 hours</div>
+<B>Surveying 2004-18 Eiskeller</B>
+The day after our eventful prospecting trip, Nat, Paul, and Wookey 
+returned to 2004-18 to survey it. We recovered our gear left in a hole, 
+and Paul rigged.  Feeling hot, I went down in my t-shirt and trousers. 
+But during rigging and surveying I got so cold that I had to ask Wookey 
+to send my bag of layers down the rope. We landed on the snow plug which 
+had blocked further exploration in 2005, and rigged a rebelay from which 
+to climb down the snow plug. Our first ice climbing experience! At the 
+base of the snow plug is a chamber with a side aven and a rubble floor and 
+possibly a tiny gap round the western back end of the snowplug but we did 
+not fancy squeezing into it [see photos]. We decided to name it Eiskeller 
+(Ice House) as it looks just like 
+<A HREF=> one.</A> 
+We surveyed back up the pitch [see our survey and notes] and emerged 
+gratefully into the blazing sunshine, where Wookey had been sunbathing 
+the whole time.  Then we took the easy hike back to Top Camp, which we'd 
+found on the way in [see our description in Approach and our GPS track].
+<B>Twin Caves</B>
+Along the northern edge of the valley approaching 2004-18 we waypointed 
+two shafts with snow inside. UTM: 33T 0411527, 5282982. 
+<B>Summary: go back to Cubic Valley!!</B> 
+Given the number of deep shafts in this valley, it's the most exciting 
+place to return to. The Cube-shaped boulder sitting above 2004-18 is 
+an easy landmark to find [see our photos]. The hike to/from Top Camp 
+is so quick & easy that it makes a perfect few days of rigging and 
+surveying for Expo novices or for people who don't want to go deep. 
+According to our GPS track, the hike is 670m and takes 23 minutes.  
+Be sure to wear an oversuit and layers! 
+<div class="tripdate" id="#t2018-08-13">2018-08-13</div>
+<div class="trippeople"><u>Natalie Uomini</u>, Neil Smith</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Top Camp - Tagging 2018-NTU-01</div>
+Neil and Nat practiced hand-bolting and installed the tag for the 
+<A HREF=#t2018-08-08>cave Paul & Nat found previously.</A> 
+<IMG SRC=2018-ntu-01_Neil_hand_bolting.jpg>
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+<title>CUCC Austria Expeditions: 2018 Stuff left at top camp</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" />
+<h1>Stuff left at top camp 2018</h1>
+<p>This inventory done Saturday 18th August 2018
+<li>Drum #3: 140 curries
+<li>Drum #2: 84 noodles, 75 curries
+<li>Drum #4:
+<li>3 kg bag of custard
+<li>17 bags of flapjack (1/3 drum)
+<li>500g bag of couscous
+<li>1 kg bag of filter coffee
+<li>15 bags "pro-flapjack"
+<li>65 bags noodles
+<li>Drum #1:
+<li>70 curries
+<li>4 packets curry sauce
+<li>500g bags of oats
+<li>4 small packets instant custard
+<li>1 bag of flapjack
+<li>34 rolls of toilet paper
+<li>1kg bag of muesli
+..more to be copied from photographs of pages of notes
+Back to <a href="index.html">2018 year organisation</a>.<br>
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