diff --git a/handbook/survey/newcave.html b/handbook/survey/newcave.html
index ba2093fae..73de1dd75 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/newcave.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/newcave.html
@@ -57,19 +57,19 @@ actually do these things.
 <li>Run survex to create a centre-line printout (online in a browser or on your computer)
 <li>Transcribe your sketches onto centre-line paper
 <li>Scan your centre-lined sketches
-<li>Use tunnel to digitise your centre-line sketches
+<li>Use therion or tunnel to digitise your centre-line sketches
 <p>and either later or at the same time, you will be doing these other tasks
 <li>Upload your <a href="../computing/gpxupload.html">GPS track</a> to the cave and file photos of the entrance 
 <li>Create a new folder in the file system for the wallet data (automatic when using the Upload form)
-<li>Create a new folder in the file system for the survex data 
+<li>Create a new folder in the file system for the survex data (automatic when using the online survex edit form)
 <li>Create a "new cave entry" for the guidebook description 
-<li>Write the <b>full cave description</b> into the correct html files. <br />
+<li>Write the <b>full cave description</b> into the correct html files. 
 (This will mean copying the passage descriptions from the survex files.)
-<li>Update the index tick boxes on paper: as your wallet progresses through this process
-<li>Update the online record of those tick boxes
-<li>Regenerate the <a href="/expofiles/surveyscans/2018/">list of outstanding survey tasks</a> for everyone for the current year
+<li>Update the index tick boxes on paper in the wallets lever-arch file in the potato hut: as your wallet progresses through this process
+  <li>Update the online record of those tick boxes using the online form, e.g. for <a href="/scanupload/2022:01">wallet 2022#01</a>
+<li>Ask a nerd to regenerate the <a href="/expofiles/surveyscans/2018/">list of outstanding survey tasks</a> for all the wallets for the current year (being automated during 2022)
 <p>This documentation assumes that you have recorded your survey data in 
 a  waterproof paper notebook. If instead you are using a PDA to record the survey readings
@@ -121,7 +121,5 @@ New cave process
 Back in the UK</textarea></code>
 <p>Now go the the next page [2] in this sequence <a href="newwallet.html">Creating a new survey wallet"</a>.
-<hr />
+<hr /></body>