diff --git a/cave_data/1623-2023-KT-01.html b/cave_data/1623-2023-KT-01.html
index 5ae8aaaa7..effd3bb5b 100644
--- a/cave_data/1623-2023-KT-01.html
+++ b/cave_data/1623-2023-KT-01.html
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 <!DOCTYPE html>
-<!-- This file is generated by troggle on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:08 p.m. UTC using the form documented at /handbook/survey/caveentry.html -->
+<!-- This file is generated by troggle on Nov. 13, 2023, 12:38 p.m. UTC using the form documented at /handbook/survey/caveentry.html -->
 <!-- Only put one cave in this file -->
-<!-- If you edit this 1623-nnn.html file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git,
+<!-- If you edit this 162x-nnn.html file by hand, and manually upload it to the server using git,
 make sure you update the database by doing a full data import. If you edit it using the online form
 though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically -->
 <!-- ALTERNATIVELY you can download an example template from expoweb/templates/cave_data.html -->
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ though, you do not need to do a data import as it happens automatically -->
 <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-<b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on Nov. 7, 2023, 9:08 p.m. UTC using the form documented at
+<b>This file is generated by troggle</b> on Nov. 13, 2023, 12:38 p.m. UTC using the form documented at
 the form documented at 
 <a href="/handbook/survey/caveentry.html">handbook/survey/caveentry.html</a>
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ the form documented at
 <caveslug>1623-2023-KT-01</caveslug><!--(Required). Internal I.D. used to refer to this cave in entrance data files. Typically the same as the filebase, e.g. '1623-195'  -->
 <official_name></official_name><!-- Name of the cave (normally in German)  Use &uuml; for u+Umlaut and &ouml; for o+umlaut eg H&ouml;hle for Hohle and Gl&uuml;ck for Gluck-->
 <area>1623</area><!-- e.g. "1623" -->
-<kataster_code></kataster_code><!-- 'length-or-depth/type exploration'
+<kataster_code>-</kataster_code><!-- 'length-or-depth/type exploration'
 code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/.survex.com/katast.htm
     T   Trockenh&ouml;hlen (Dry caves)
@@ -36,11 +36,10 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/.survex.com/katast
     +   erforscht (exploration considered complete)
 <kataster_number></kataster_number> <!-- (Either this or unofficial_number is required). Official number in Austrian kataster if one has been allocated  -->
-<unofficial_number>2023-KT-01</unofficial_number><!-- (Either this or kataster_number is required). Initial temporary cave ID used until kataster number is allocated e.g. '2012-DD-01'-->
+<unofficial_number>2023-KT-01 Cat Eyes</unofficial_number><!-- (Either this or kataster_number is required). Initial temporary cave ID used until kataster number is allocated e.g. '2012-DD-01'-->
   <entranceslug>1623-2023-KT-01</entranceslug><!-- Internal ID to refer to each entrance instance in the entrance files (typically the same as that filename (e.g. 1623-161c). Matches the 'slug' field in the entrance file -->
-  <!-- DEBUG  1623-2023-KT-01+1623-2023-KT-01 'Z' == -->
   <letter></letter><!--Leave blank for single-entrance cave. If there is more than one entrace then the letter needs to be given. Generally matches the entranceslug ID.  -->
@@ -58,7 +57,6 @@ code used in the Austrian kataster e.g '1/S +' - https://expo/.survex.com/katast
 <description_file></description_file><!-- Path of top-level description file for this cave, when a separate file is used. Otherwise blank. -->
-<url>1623/2023-KT-01/2023-KT-01.html</url><!-- (Required). Relative URL of this cave. i.e the URL this cave appears at on the website, not including 'https://expo.survex.com/. Normally area/cavenum., e.g ('1623/000')-->