diff --git a/years/1979/frontmatter.html b/years/1979/frontmatter.html
index 611bd4bd2..c8d5055e6 100644
--- a/years/1979/frontmatter.html
+++ b/years/1979/frontmatter.html
@@ -10,17 +10,3 @@ If this is of no interest, here is a link <a href="#id1979-76-1">to the caving</
 <li>Odkrycie i eksploracja Eislufth&ouml;hle - <a href="811412.htm">original
 english article</a> (published in Polish in 1980)</li>
-<div class="tripdate" id="abc">1979-07-28</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Tony M.</div>
-<div class="triptitle">journey - drove</div>
-<blockquote>&quot;I drove and I drove<br>
- Oh how I drove, etc.&quot;</blockquote>
-<p>Down to Somerset to collect food and A N Other item. Met Accountant on
-the way to the pub - confirmed Hovercraft tickets - ate food, drank wine,
-had last (almost) pint for several weeks - lapsed into fitfully sweaty
-sleep. Yours sincerely Tony M.
-<div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
diff --git a/years/1979/logbook.html b/years/1979/logbook.html
index c3556ff3d..a017fcb0b 100644
--- a/years/1979/logbook.html
+++ b/years/1979/logbook.html
@@ -518,11 +518,10 @@ Total depth ~500m at least. Time ~ 8 hrs.
 <hr />
 <div class="tripdate" id="1979-08-08b">1979-08-08</div>
-<div class="trippeople">Nick Thorne, <u>Julian Griffiths</u>, </div>
-<div class="triptitle">Eislufth&ouml;hle - surveying</div>
 <div class="trippeople">Andy W and Tony</div>
+<div class="triptitle">Eislufth&ouml;hle - surveying</div>
-a id="id1979-76-9">Eislufth&ouml;hle</a
+<a id="id1979-76-9">Eislufth&ouml;hle</a
 <br /><br />Departed from the surface at about 11.00, starting to rain, with the
 intention of continuing the survey to grade V (sic) standard, below the bolt
 in Follow-through shaft, which we reached after about 2 hours, including
@@ -589,17 +588,19 @@ piece of Marlow and a piece of hawserlaid.
 <div class="trippeople">Tony Malcolm, Andy Connolly, <u>Simon Kellet</u>, </div>
 <div class="triptitle">99 - obstructive boulder</div>
 <a id="id1979-99-2">99</a>
-m unfortunately overtook common sense and
+p>What a stinking day ! Enthusiasm unfortunately overtook common sense and
 with Andy W lugging 82 metres (yes 82 !) of Interalp we raced up to the
 plateau to change rather unhappily in low cloud and drizzle. The wetsuits,
 previously left at 106 to freshen themselves, lived up to their name and
 caused some discomfort which was accentuated by hanging around in a very
-cold pot. Tony went down first, happy to get below the draught and snow
+cold pot. 
+<p>Tony went down first, happy to get below the draught and snow
 (into which the end of the rope had frozen pretty solidly) in the hope of
 moving the obstructive boulder whilst Andy W put in another bolt half way down
 the shaft. Needing a lifeline to be protected against a head first lob Tony
 sat around waiting for Andy W so that we were both frozen by the time progress
-could be made. The boulder eventually had to be pushed creating a wonderful
+could be made. 
+<p>The boulder eventually had to be pushed creating a wonderful
 noise as it dropped 12 feet to a boulder strewn ledge. Tony then free
 climbed down and eventually calling for Andy W's assistance the boulder was
 pulled back from its position on the top of a longer pitch. Extreme cold led