diff --git a/handbook/survey/caveentry.html b/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
index 6a689c781..f0e671e6f 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ The username is "expo" and the password is the usual "{cavey}:{beery}" one.
     What you need is the line saying
      <a href="http://expo.survex.com/cave/1623-4/edit/" >"Edit this cave"</a> at the bottom of the top left-hand menu. 
      It has a little icon of a pen next to it.</li>
-  <li>Click on it. A form appears.</li>
+  <li>Click on it. A form appears.</li> <!-- a pirate steals your survey. -->
        Scroll down the page - it is a long form - and look at the"Description file" and "Url" fields. 
        These are the critical fields to get right when you create your own cave using the New Cave form.
@@ -89,10 +89,9 @@ The username is "expo" and the password is the usual "{cavey}:{beery}" one.
   absorbed the existence of your new cave.
   <h3>Detailed walk-through of an example</h3>
-  <p>TO BE DONE</p>
+  <p>TO BE DONE - in a separate page</p>
-  <h2>Attaching additional scanned surveys</h2>
-<p>TO BE DONE</p>
 <h2>List of New Cave/Cave_data fields</h2>
 <p>The full list of fields is documented: <a href="caveentryfields.html">the full list of data-entry fields</a> when creating a cave.
diff --git a/handbook/survey/drawup.htm b/handbook/survey/drawup.htm
index 7566a450c..906be2e02 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/drawup.htm
+++ b/handbook/survey/drawup.htm
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ for reference if there is ever a problem.</p>
 <p>After typing in all the data in <a href="newsurvex.html">
 survex format</a> , run 
-<a href="">aven</a> (the GUI interface to survex) and print out a centre-line plan.
+<a href="https://survex.com/docs/manual/aven.htm">aven</a> (the GUI interface - installed when you installed survex) and print out a centre-line plan.
 <p>OK if this is your first time doing this, you need to go through the 
 <a href="usingsurvex.html">"How to use survex" training procedure</a>.
@@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ survex format</a> , run
 <h3 id="rescan">Transcribing and re-scanning your sketches</h3>
-<p><em>to be documented</em> See <a href="drawup.htm">drawing up the sketches</a>.
 <p>The files of your scanned and re-scanned sketches should be stored in the same folder 
 as the scanned notes, i.e. (for wallet #19) you would put them in:
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ as the scanned notes, i.e. (for wallet #19) you would put them in:
 <h3 id="therion">Using tunnel or therion for final survey production</h3>
-<p><em>to be documented</em>
     <li><a href="../../documents/tunnel-guide.pdf">How to use Tunnel</a> - PDF - Brendan's guide.
      <li><a href="../../documents/tunnel-loefflerCP35-only.pdf">Guide to using Tunnel</a> - PDF - David Loeffler's documentation.
@@ -57,25 +56,37 @@ as the scanned notes, i.e. (for wallet #19) you would put them in:
 <p>Tunnel only produces plan surveys, but they are very pretty.
-<p>The tunnel (or therion) files should NOT stored in the same folder as the scanned notes. They should 
-be uploaded to the version control repository <span style="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray"><a href="http://expo.survex.com/cgit/drawings/.git/log">drawings</a></span>, 
+<p>The tunnel (or therion) files should NOT stored in the same folder as the scanned notes. They will eventually 
+be uploaded to the version control repository 
+<span style="font-family:monospace; size=x-small; background-color: lightgray">
+    <a href="http://expo.survex.com/cgit/drawings/.git/log">drawings</a></span>
+but for a first attempt store them on the <em>expo laptop</em> in /home/expo/drawings/{cavenumber}. 
+Look at what is in there already and ask someone whcih directory to put them in. It will probably be a folder like this:
+/home/expo/drawings/264-and-258/toimport/ .
+<p>Take the printed centre lines and redraw the survey round it, working from
+    the original sketches as if this was to be the final published survey. You
+    can "invent" details like boulders in boulder-strewn passage, but otherwise,
+    draw only what was recorded faithfully in the cave. If this makes your
+    drawing look bad - record more next time! If things really are unclear,
+    consider taking a copy of this drawing back into the cave to clarify it.</p>
+<h3>Guidebook description</h3>
-<h3>Guidebook description and final rigging guide</h3>
-<p>This is the last thing to do - typically after all exploration has been finished for the summer. 
+<p>This is the last thing to do for a new cave. 
 The rigging guide sections will have been written into the logbook, and the passage descriptions will
 have been written into the survex files, with more lyrical descriptions written into the logbook for each trip.
-<p><em>to be documented</em>
 <p>Write a <b>passage descriptions</b> by copying and extending the descriptions
 given in all the component .svx files. 
 <p>This should be detailed enough to be
 followed by someone in the cave who hasn't been there before, and should
 include all passage names, lengths of pitches and climbs, compass directions
-when this makes left/right/ahead clearer. If your passage is a connection
-it is worth while writing descriptions from both directions. 
+when this makes left/right/ahead clearer. See If your passage is a connection
+it is worth while writing descriptions from both directions. You will eventually copy the collected descriptions
+into the online system using the<a href="newcave.html">"New Cave" form</a> but for now just ensure that you 
+have it all collected together.
 written descriptions, underline passage names the first time they are
@@ -84,31 +95,15 @@ mentioned, or when they are "defined".</p>
 You will type this description, and pass it on to someone more nerdy who
 will file it in the right place. This will involve "creating a new cave" using the <a href="../computing/troggle-ish.html">troggle</a> system.
-<p><em>to be documented</em>
 <p>Complementing the passage description in vertical bits is a <b>Rigging
-Guide</b>. This is usually easiest to do as a sketch, but include notes to
-ensure that all bolts can be found again and any deviations and natural belays recognised.
+Guide</b>. Keep notes on this as it is the next step after drawing up the survey.
-<p><em>to be completed</em>
-<h3>OLD BIT</h3>
-<p>Take the printed centre lines and redraw the survey round it, working from
-the original sketches as if this was to be the final published survey. You
-can "invent" details like boulders in boulder-strewn passage, but otherwise,
-draw only what was recorded faithfully in the cave. If this makes your
-drawing look bad - record more next time! If things really are unclear,
-consider taking a copy of this drawing back into the cave to clarify it.</p>
 <h3>Preparing input into to Tunnel or Therion</h3>
-[to be written] - See <a href="newcave.html#therion">
-drawing around the centre-line</a> 
-<p>The actual published cave-survey is produced by software these days.
 <p>Make sure the drawing clearly shows the point of connection to previous
 surveys (look at the relevant drawing in the old survey book to ensure the
@@ -120,9 +115,13 @@ needed ? If a dig, is it a few loose boulders or a crawl over mud?)</p>
 <h3>Archaic: hand-drawing the final survey</h3>
+<p>The actual published cave-survey is produced by software these days.
+    These notes come from a different age but reading them will make your tunneling better
+    and more polished.
 <p>Drawing a cave entirely by hand is not easy but anyone can learn to do it. 
 Read the brief <a href="XI-2-11.pdf">Cave Mapping - Sketching the Detail"</a> 
-5-page llustrated guide by Ken Grimes which makes everything clear. For preliminary exploration (Grade 1 surveys) this is still appropriate.
+5-page llustrated guide by Ken Grimes which makes everything clear. 
+For preliminary exploration (Grade 1 surveys) this is still appropriate.
 <p>CUCC use a set of symbols pretty close to the standard ones promulgated
@@ -155,7 +154,7 @@ approaching completion. This shows how easy it is for these things to go wrong.
 The chief problems were a change of software and the fact that the Expo printer
 broke down last summer, so a number of surveys never got drawn up. -->
 <hr />
-<p>Back to the previous page in this sequence <a href="newsurvex.html">Starting a new survex file"</a>.
+<p>Back to the previous page in this sequence <a href="newsurvex.html">Starting a new survex file</a>.
 <br />Now go the the next page in this sequence <a href="newrig.html">Creating a new rigging guide"</a>.
 <hr />
diff --git a/handbook/survey/newrig.html b/handbook/survey/newrig.html
index 54441d38e..b345a7978 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/newrig.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/newrig.html
@@ -32,7 +32,15 @@ ensure that all bolts can be found again and any deviations and natural belays r
 You will already have an "Interim rigging guide" in the logbook entries of the trips, and also sketches on waterproof paper 
 which were made underground which were stored in the survey wallet and scanned to produce "notes-XXX.jpg" files in the online survey wallet for your trip. For small caves the logbook entry may be all you need.
 <p>Collect together your notes for the rigging guide now, including all the pitch lengths. It is a good idea to copy these notes now and put them in the plastic survey wallet or to photograph them and put the files in the online survey wallets. The next step can take some time so get the rigging data in order now.
-<p>You will enter the final rigging guide as part of the cave description when you edit the HTML pages for the online cave documentation. This is done using the "New Cave" online form..
+<p>You will enter the final rigging guide as part of the 
+    cave description when you edit the HTML pages for the online cave documentation. 
+    This is done using the "New Cave" online form.
+<p>You should also produce a separate rigging guide document which will live in 
+    expofiles/rigging_topos/ e.g. see 
+    <a href="/expofiles/rigging_topos/264/entrance_topo_2016.pdf">expofiles/rigging_topos/264/entrance_topo_2016.pdf</a>
+    but also <a href="/expofiles/rigging_topos/264/entrance_topo2_2016.jpeg">/expofiles/rigging_topos/264/entrance_topo2_2016.jpeg</a>
+<p>Your initial rigging guide might be needed with some urgency during expo while exploration continues, so this is the place to put it.</p>
diff --git a/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html b/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html
index fd9d16d60..7c8541207 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html
@@ -32,10 +32,14 @@ names. Make a backup copy to another machine or USB stick as soon as you have ty
 New users will be using the expo laptop to create the .svx file and 
 you will put it in the folder
 and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will 
-ensure that it is <em>saved, committed, </em>and<em> pushed</em> appropriately.
+ensure that it is <em>saved, committed, </em>and<em> pushed</em> appropriately to the ::loser:: repo.
 <p>If you have several parts of the cave surveyed on one trip, create several distinct .svx files.
 <li><a href="../../documents/survex-guide.pdf">How to create a survex file</a> - PDF - Brendan;s guide.
@@ -46,7 +50,10 @@ ensure that it is <em>saved, committed, </em>and<em> pushed</em> appropriately.
 <li><font color=red>[survex software docm.]</font> <a href="https://survex.com/docs/manual/datafile.htm">Survex data files</a> - all the sections and keywords explained 
-<p>Once you have created the .svx file you will run survex to generate a centre line, transcribe your sketches onto that paper, scan it again and then digitise into tunnel or therion.
+<p>Once you have created the .svx file you will run survex to check that your format is correct without typos 
+and to generate a centre line. Then you will print the survey line, 
+manually transcribe your sketches from the wallet notes onto that paper, 
+scan it again and then use that scanned image to digitise passage layout into tunnel or therion.
 <li><a href="athome.htm">Back in the UK</a> - not really part of the process
@@ -54,8 +61,8 @@ ensure that it is <em>saved, committed, </em>and<em> pushed</em> appropriately.
 <li><a href="../survexhiustory96.htm">History of Survex (1996)</a></li>
-<p>[Nerds: survex cave data belongs in the repository "loser", e.g.
-loser "caves-1623/264/mongolrally.svx". We are assuming that normal users have never 
+<p>[Nerds: survex cave data belongs in the repository ::loser:: so e.g.
+::loser::/caves-1623/264/mongolrally.svx". We are assuming that normal users have never 
 worked with an distributed version control system at this point which is why we are only 
 telling them to use the <em>expo laptop</em>.] 
diff --git a/handbook/survey/usingsurvex.html b/handbook/survey/usingsurvex.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0189b3aeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/handbook/survey/usingsurvex.html
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
+<title>Handbook placeholder page</title>
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../../css/main2.css" />
+<h2 id="tophead">CUCC Expedition Handbook</h2>
+<p>This is not the page you were hoping for.
+<p>This will be replaced with the information you want as soon as someone gets around to writing it. Why not find out how to do this yourself ?
+<hr />
+<div id="menu">
+<ul id="links">
+<li><a href="../index.htm">Expedition Handbook</a>
+	<li><a href="../rig/rigit.html">Rigging guide</a></li>
+	<li><a href="../survey/index.htm">Surveying guide</a></li>
+	<li><a href="../look4.htm">Prospecting guide</a></li>
+	<li><a href="../rescue.htm">Rescue guide</a></li>
+<li><a href="../../infodx.htm">Main index</a></li>
+<li><a href="../../index.htm">Expo Home</a></li>
+<li><a href="https://camcaving.uk">CUCC Home</a></li>