diff --git a/handbook/survey/ententry.html b/handbook/survey/ententry.html
index ae6d233ad..3a8f9ce0f 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/ententry.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/ententry.html
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ This page outlines step 7 of the survey production process. Each step is documen
Edit Entrance form
New in 2021 are fields for the latitude and logitude (WGS84 - the same as your GPS displays). These should be entred in degrees with decimals for fractions of a degree, e.g. 42.357 not 42 degress 21 minutes 25 seconds, or 42 degrees 21.42 minutes.
New in 2021 are fields for the latitude and logitude (WGS84 - the same as your GPS displays). These should be entered in degrees with decimals for fractions of a degree, e.g. 42.357 (not 42 degress 21 minutes 25 seconds, or 42 degrees 21.42 minutes).
In previous decades the location of an entrance was the output of a whole lot of surveying and position fixing (e.g. see laser points). Today, the location of an entrance is available by GPS at the beginning of the process. So we have these fields to record the data. [We don't yet have the code to automatically add these to the essentials.gpx download to be used for prospecting though.]
List of New Cave/Cave_data fields
@@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ This page outlines step 7 of the survey production process. Each step is documen
Back to the previous page in this sequence New rigging guide.
- A side trip to see an explantion of all the fields on the form A side trip to see how to do this as a file upload process using git, the cave description data file Now go the the next page in this sequence Write the full cave descriptions with diagrams.
diff --git a/handbook/survey/ententryfields.html b/handbook/survey/ententryfields.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..774a8ed82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/handbook/survey/ententryfields.html
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
There are a lot of fields on the 'new/edit cave' page and the 'new/edit entrance' page and
+ some of them are a quite mysterious. This page explains what they mean. The same fields appear in each cave_data/ xml file.
+ Instructions on how to enter the data for new
+ caves and entrances, and especially how to add images/surveys so that they appear properly,
+ is to be found on the sequence of pages starting here.
+ There are template files for you to fill-in when creating new caves and entrance in the online system. Download them:
+ These are actually XML files, not HTML files, using special tags which are used by the online system to create the webpages in combination with numerical survey data. Instructions are within each file.
Only one field is essential for Entrances
There are only two essential fields which must be there before the Submit button will work:
marking e.g. Tag or Paint
See below for explanations.
List of New Cave/Cave_data fields
'False' or 'True'. True if the cave should only be visible to logged-in users. Caves
+ are normally public, so enter 'False' unless you know otherwise.
the description of the entrance itself goes here (the appraoch is further down). HTML freeform field.
Names or just 'CUCC 1978'. HTML freeform field.
Not very useful unless it is near a marked point on a map. HTML freeform field.
Context in the frame of other local features. HTML freeform field.
the description of the entrance passage or pitch. HTML freeform field.
the description of the entrance itself goes here (the appraoch is further down). HTML freeform field.
Put an tag in here, as for the cave description. HTML freeform field.
A dropdown: .Paint, Tag, etc.
A text field: where is the tag? HTML freeform field.
Dropdown: values are Coordinates, Lost, Refinable, and To Be Confirmed
Findability description
Normally empty, but place for anything else that should be noted, such as info on cave maybe being a duplicate, or lost. HTML freeform field.
Altitude (metres)
In old caves this will have been calculated in UTM coordinates. Enter your GPS value here (WGS84). Yes, altitudes are slightly different!
calculated position in UTM
calculated position in UTM
Decimal degrees of longitude in WGS84 datum. To be entered when entrance is first found.
Decimal degrees of longitude in WGS84 datum. To be entered when entrance is first found.
a survey station id [to be documented further - use Edit This Page!]
a survey station id [to be documented further - use Edit This Page!]
a survey station id [to be documented further - use Edit This Page!]
[undocumented?] Filename?: the name of top-level description file for this cave, when a separate file is used. Used instead of above entrance_description field for large caves with complex descriptions. Blank if the description is in the 'underground_description' field.
For locating the entrance by bearings to well-known peaks - archaic.