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[svn r6019] Add more cave files.
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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
33,"1/T +",,,,"noinfo/br-alm/33.htm",,"Schichtgrenzenhöhle",,,3,"Sektion Ausseerland, 1975 ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1570m",,,"South of Bräuning Alm. I think this is another of the fenced off shafts near the path north from the junction at Egglgrube. ",,,,
34,"1/T +",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/34.htm",,"Höhle am Kratzer I",,,4,"Sektion Ausseerland, 1973 ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1590m",,,"Quite a way east of Bräuning Alm in the top end of the Kratzer valley.",,,,
35,"2/S/T x",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/35.htm",,"Dr. Kerschner Höhle",,,4,"</p><ul><li>Found by Othmar Schauberger, 1921.</li><li>Looked at for some years by F Hütter, but always blocked by snow.</li><li>In October 1976, G Graf managed to descend 30m in the shaft, the uppermost part of which was snow and ice free. The continuation of the way could not be found.</li><li>In August 1977, 5kg of salt was dumped onto the snow blockage. In October 1977, after a long walk over the plateau, it was looked at again and successfully explored.</li></ul><p>","Now, the Austrian's exploration details suggest that the cave was substantially unblocked in 1976 (to -30m in October), while CUCC's find was choked at -10m. Also, the description given of this cave in the local Climbing Guide (Krenmayr) sounds nothing like B5 at all, (he says, already explored in 1921, but today almost forgotten. Need Ice equipment) so the Austrian writing in the caver's magazine who said it was B5 may have been mistaken. Krenmayr gives length 250m, depth 100m.</p><p>This description by Karl Gaisberger is from the 1977 Exploration:</p><p>After climbing down 8m to where the shaft appeared blocked by snow, progress did not seem likely. I [translator] think ""there was a spiralling way in the snow to a wall of ice columns"". A very steep descent led into a passage with a snow cone. (This was still in the previous year's snow-free climb !). Pushing through a thin snow-wall through which the light glimmered, a direct way was established. Through a hole in the snow in a rubble-filled passage, the way soon branched. Both branches ended blind.</p><p>The lower level of the cave, described by O Schauberger, must be found on the opposite side of the snow-cone from the [Schluf?]. One now comes to a chamber complex where a sloping 10m shaft climbs down into the <b>Kristallhalle</b>. The walls here are covered with admittedly large, but superficially weathered calcite somethings (Kalzitdrusen).</p><p>From the Kristallhalle, through a narrow bit to a side-something with a pile of rubble, the <b>Tropfsteinhalle</b>. There is a single 60cm high stalagmite here. It shows a corroded appearance, indicating aggressive ground water. Tropfsteinhalle contains, so far, the most beautiful flowstone decorations in the Loser area. These include [plenty dictionary failure here] Sinterfahnen, Boden- und Deckenzapfen, sogar Excentriques.</p><p>In the area of the stalagmites, several dead pseudoscorpions (<i>Neobisium aueri</i>) were found. <i>There is some more description of the floor of the chamber (I think), but I can't make head nor tail of it.</i>",,,,,,,,"250m","Given 100m in 1980.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1630m",,,"Just SW of the col (Schwarzmoossattel), SE of Bräuning Nase. ",,"Surface shaft often blocked with snow",,"This hole supposedly has a CUCC painted number ""B5"" of 1976 vintage, which will probably be pretty faded. But the cave descriptions do not agree."
36,"1/S x",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/36.htm",,"Schachtgruppe I - V",,,4,"Höhlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps00.36",,,"1680m",,,"Austrian kataster says Hinterbräuning, south of Bräuning Nase, but this isn´t where their map shows it. Map shows it south east of Schwarzmoossattel, on east side of upper Kratzer valley below Schwarzmooskogel.</p><p>The cave was located on the ground by CUCC in 1990 and it is, in fact, just south of Schwarzmoossattel, which is almost due east of Bräuning Nase. From the path leaving the col going south, hack off following the little stream down into the valley. This sinks into the northernmost of a group of three shafts below a small headwall facing east.</p><p>Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances.</p><p>A group of five (presumably small) shafts. One of these was thought, by the Austrians, to be CUCC's 'B1' of 1976. This, however, is patently not the case, since the sequence B1-B4 goes up the valley, and B4 is about level, perhaps slightly lower than 36.",,"A group of five (presumably small) shafts",,"Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances. "
36,"1/S x",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/36.htm",,"Schachtgruppe I - V",,,4,"Höhlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated. ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps00.36_3",,,"1680m",,,"Austrian kataster says Hinterbräuning, south of Bräuning Nase, but this isn´t where their map shows it. Map shows it south east of Schwarzmoossattel, on east side of upper Kratzer valley below Schwarzmooskogel.</p><p>The cave was located on the ground by CUCC in 1990 and it is, in fact, just south of Schwarzmoossattel, which is almost due east of Bräuning Nase. From the path leaving the col going south, hack off following the little stream down into the valley. This sinks into the northernmost of a group of three shafts below a small headwall facing east.</p><p>Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances.</p><p>A group of five (presumably small) shafts. One of these was thought, by the Austrians, to be CUCC's 'B1' of 1976. This, however, is patently not the case, since the sequence B1-B4 goes up the valley, and B4 is about level, perhaps slightly lower than 36.",,"A group of five (presumably small) shafts",,"Number is in red on the headwall just south of the three entrances. "
37,"0/S -",,,,"noinfo/plateau/37.htm",,"Schachtgruppe beim Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel",,,"1d","Discovered by Höhlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, undated.<br />Status is given as totally unexplored, so it could well be a CUCC hole by now, and have a different number.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1700m",,,"West of Ht. Schwarzmooskogel. Well out onto the plateau, and hence, almost impossible to find or identify. ",,,,
38,"1/T +",,,,"noinfo/plateau/38.htm",,"Algenhöhle",,,"1d","Höhlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938","Behind the entrance there is a single passage at right angles to it, with boulders (Blockwerk). ",,,,,,"Sketch by J. Gaisberger snr., 1938 ",,"33m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1700m",,,"West of Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel (exact location unknown) Possibly near <a href=""37.htm"">Kat.37</a> (q.v.)",,,,
39,"1/T +",,,,"noinfo/kratzer/39.htm",,"SCHWA höhle 39",,,"2b or 4 (unclear)","Höhlenforschervereinigung Altaussee, 1938",,,,,,,,,"18m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1740m",,,"West side of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel according to text. Map shows it on S side, not far from the summit area. Later reference says it is above and south of <a href=""36.htm"">Kat.36</a>, however the kataster description of the location of 36 is also wrong... ",,"2.2m wide by 1.2m high entrance leads in a gentle slope to where it becomes too tight. ",,
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
76,,"c",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
77,"1/S +",,,,"noinfo/egglgrub/77.htm",,"Fichtenschacht",,,7,"Sektion Ausseerland/ Edith Bednarik, 1979",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"1500m ",,,"North of Scharlingkar. Some way east of the Bergrestaurant, above the cliffs. 500m west of Egglgrubenalm.",,,,
78,"5/S/t/E x","a b c d e",,"yes","noinfo/smkridge/78.htm",,"Schwaben(schacht)höhle",,,"2a","Fred Vischer, 1980 (as far as 2/S/T)</p><p>Ongoing exploration by <a href=""http://arge.itvd.uni-stuttgart.de/"">Arbeitsgemeinschaft Höhle und Karst Grabenstetten e.V.</a>","The cave is a complex of hading rifts and steep ramps with several deep points. The deepest point is near the southern limit of the system. A vertical series with pitches of 9m, 15m, 17m and 13m reaches Nägschtmol-Meander (1992), where the survey legs are all very short. This climbs slightly before heading south and dropping, passing Alexander der Große (a generally level side passage heading southwest to Leopardencanyon, apparently beyond the known passages in <a href=""../smkridge/115.htm"">Schnellzughöhle</a>) to der gute Abgang (the good lead). A 7m pitch and more steep descents end at a point almost directly above the assumed line of Pete's Purgatory in Schnellzug, maybe a third of the way to the Confluence from where it is abandoned for the Purgatory Bypass. This small streamway lies perhaps 120-130m below Schwabenschacht's deep point, but it is known that several unsurveyed fossil phreatic passages lie above this upstream part of the Purgatory, so a connection could be quite close.</p><p>This description is now quite out of date as it does not include the its connection, nor entrances c,d and e.",,,,,"In dataset",,"smk-system.svx","6.04km","289m",,,,,,,"p78a",,,,,,,,,,,"Entrances a and b are actually on the SW side of Vorder Schwarzmooskogel","Approached by the same route as for things to the east, as cliffs bar access from Kratzer. Follow the Stoger weg from Egglgrube, past the T-junction to Kratzer, and on until there is a red omega in the middle of the path (marking Kat. 28). Just before this, in a position with a better view, is a laser-rangefound point marked by a bolt with a painted circle round it.</p><p>Take the Eishöhle path, which starts from the omega, going left up the hillside. Follow this for a few minutes, past an awkward little traverse rigged with a steel cable and then a couple of minutes further. There is a very easily missed branch left just before the path traverses a ledge under an overhang in a cliff to its left in a relatively wide small valley. The landmark for this point is a dead (lightning) tree up on the right.</p><p>Take this left branch, and follow it (few landmarks, but it is a definite path, and there are cut branches in places). This path eventually climbs into impenetrable dwarf pine, to emerge at a small gravelly clearing and a doline, used as a bivouac site. The a and b entrances are just short distances away through the pine, the normally-used one being below a prominent larch tree. The other entrance is a long rift shaft. Both are impressive, though it is quite infeasible that anyone could ever have found them in the first place.",,,
,,"b","40p","entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Klufteingang (E2)",,,,,"Nils",,,81417,35717,"1659m",,,,,,,
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
,,"d",,"entrance","smkridge/161/161d.htm",,,,,,,"<a href=""sftotp.htm#id161d"">Click here for underground description</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p161dtag","p161d",,,"Surface survey","gps96.161d_1 gps96.161d_2 gps96.161d_3 gps96.161d_4 gps96.161d_5 GPS96bestfit.161d GPS96bestfit.161d_2 GPS96bestfit.161d_3 GPS96bestfit.d_4 GPS96bestfit.161d_5","gps00.161d gps00.161d_2",,,,,,,,,,"Tag."
,,"e",,"entrance","smkridge/161/161e.htm",,,,,,,"<a href=""icelnd.htm#id161e"">Click here for underground description</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p161e",,,"Nils",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag."
,,"f",,"entrance","smkridge/161/161f.htm",,,,,,,"<a href=""pheast.htm#id161f"">Click here for underground description</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p161f",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"Tag."
,,"g",,"entrance","smkridge/161/161g.htm",,"Arachnowrapper",,,,,"<a href=""icelnd.htm#id161g"">Click here for underground description</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p161g",,,,,,"gps03.161g",,,,,,,,,,"Tag ""CUCC 2003/06""."
,,"g","2003-06","entrance","smkridge/161/161g.htm",,"Arachnowrapper",,,,,"<a href=""icelnd.htm#id161g"">Click here for underground description</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p161g",,,,,,"gps03.161g",,,,,,,,,,"Tag ""CUCC 2003/06""."
,,136,,"last entrance",,"smkridge/161/136.htm",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
162,"2/S +",,,,"smkridge/162.htm",,"Schwa Höhle 162",,,"2b","CUCC 1988","The cave takes a good couple of hours to explore thoroughly. Through the entrance is a large chamber with a 4m × 8m crater in it. A 3m climb down to the bottom gives access to a 3m climb back up to the right, leading into the cave and a crawl at the lowest point of the boulders leading into a choked bit of cave with small solutional stuff in the roof. It is also possible to traverse around the left edge of the crater to reach a triangular crawl which goes for about 10m before it gets too tight.</p><p>The entire floor of this cave consists of small rocks and boulders. There is no solid rock anywhere horizontal, except halfway down the pitch.</p><p>After climbing out of the hole there is another 5m deep choked hole beyond. Traverses round to both the left and right are possible, although a little care is required due to the low roof and loose floor.</p><p>To the right, rubble coming out of the bottom of a choked shaft almost blocks the passage but a crawl through to the left remains, with a strong wind blasting through the confined space. Beyond this constriction the draught is lost. The roof remains low on the other side, although it is possible to stand up off to the left where there is a 4m climb up to what looks like a way on but is actually blind. Moving around the boulder pile to the right leads to a big passage. There are a few large boulders 10m to the right with a 4m climb down between them leading to a tight choked rift. This was also dug into from the top passage by the extremely zealous original explorers! There is an alcove in front and a rubble slope up to the right. Round the corner to the right is another shaft-bottom rubble pile and a hole disappearing into the roof. At the top of the slope to the left is a 4m climb up through and around big wedged boulders to reach an impressive chamber 7m × 9m and 12m high. There is a possible climb up into an aven in the corner which probably doesn't go and has a couple of moves at the top which need protecting.</p><p>Back at the fork near the entrance, turning left and thrutching over a couple of rocks (another windy spot) leads to the head of a 17m pitch broken by a ledge 8m down. There is a bolt for a ladder hang on this ledge. Going off to the left allows a safe traverse past the pitch continuation to the bottom of a 6m high rift with some ice in it, slowly narrowing as it goes up.</p><p>At the foot of the pitch is what looks like an ancient phreatic remnant. It is about 40m long and 6m wide, and mostly full of rocks. To the left it is blocked at the end by the rubble coming out of the bottom of a big shaft. It is possible to work round the foot of this for about 3m to the left and 10m to the right.</p><p>Going the other way down the passage reveals a large snow column by the left hand wall. It is possible to climb up between the column and its containing shaft, presumably all the way to the surface, but no-one has managed it yet. Beyond this column the roof gets lower, apart from a couple of solutional avens and eventually a small shaft-bottom rock pile and a couple of small inlet tubes mark the end of the cave.",,,,,"In dataset","1990 plan Cambridge Underground 1991</p><p><img alt=""survey - 16k gif"" width=""649"" height=""505"" src=""others/162.png"" />","caves/162/162.svx","156-159m","22 m (survey) or 33 m (text)",,,,"The <a href=""../years/1988/log.htm"">1988 log book</a> refers to this cave as ""Adam's Hole (2)"".",,,"p162",,,"Surface survey","gps96.162 gps96bestfit.162","gps00.162",,,,,,"Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel, about halfway between <a href=""161/top.htm"">161</a> and <a href=""../noinfo/smkridge/40.htm"">Eishöhle</a>. Following the French traverse route along the shelf marked with orange paint from 161c will take you to just below 162 and <a href=""163.htm"">163</a>.","About 250m from survey point vd1. From vd1, head directly down the gully (bearing about 100°, for about 130m, then turn right, angle right and traverse below the bunde field on the right along the most obvious shelf (you should find the french path here) for another 130m or so. The cave entrance is a 1.5m × 2m hole in the wall to the right of the traverse shelf with a very cold draught coming out of it. It is one shelf above the French path and if you are at the wrong level you will miss it.",,,
163,"2/S +",,,,"smkridge/163.htm",,"Schwa Höhle 163",,,"2b","CUCC 1988 ","This is a fairly small cave remnant, but it does have a draught at the end suggesting more passage beyond.</p><p>The entrance is low and wide (3.5m) and descends down a rocky slope for 20m to some impressive ice stals. There is a small tube in the roof on the right through which daylight can be seen. The cave extends another 10m past the ice stals in fossil passage until it chokes. A 3m climb up on the left allows access to a tiny rift which can be climbed down for a few uninspiring metres.</p><p>5m back from the ice stals, towards the entrance, there is a stoop under a massive boulder forming the left wall. Here is a 3m climb down into the second part of the cave. Downslope from here is a chamber with a small frozen stream running through it and a choked alcove containing another ice stal beyond the stream. The chamber through which the stream 'flows' appears to have been formed by the entire roof falling about 1.5m in one piece and it is possible to climb beneath this huge rock near the way in. Over on the right is a climb through an eyehole to a 3m climb down into a stream rift. This has a howling draught coming out of it but it is too small to get down - although the heavy application of a hammer might do the trick.",,,,,"In dataset","1990 plan, Cambridge Underground 1991</p><p><img alt=""survey - 12k gif"" width=""640"" height=""385"" src=""others/163.png"" />","caves/163/163.svx","58m","17m",,,,"The <a href=""../years/1988/log.htm"">1988 log book</a> refers to this cave as ""Adam's Hole (1)"".",,"p163tag","p163",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.163",,,,,,"In the right hand side of a 15m diameter couloir near <a href=""162.htm"">162</a>.",,,,"Tag."
@ -246,8 +246,8 @@
199,"1/T +",,,,"smkridge/199.htm",,"Stürzender Felsbrocken Höhle","Tumbling Boulder Hole",,"2b","</p><ul><li>CUCC 1987-08-30</li><li>Reexplored (and a new sketch survey, see 1998 NotKH survey book) (Kate Janossy, Brian Outram) in 1998.</li><li>Grade 3 survey in 1999 (Wookey, Andy Atkinson)</li></ul><p>","A steeply descending tube over scree (sometimes snow), initially 3m in diameter, leads down to a choke. To the right in a cross-rift 24m long (beware of loose rock here) is an audible connection to the surface (199c). The final section of the main tube has roof pendants, and ends with a rising sand floor over which the crawl becomes too tight. The second entrance (199b) is just up and to the left of the main one.","None absolutely required, but 15m handline helpful for entrance, especially if snowy.",,,,"In dataset","</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""others/199p.png""><img alt=""1999 plan, 19k gif"" width=""320"" height=""300"" src=""others/199p2.png"" /></a><a href=""others/199e.png""><img alt=""1999 elevation, 14k gif"" width=""320"" height=""260"" src=""others/199e2.png"" /></a></div><p>","caves/199/199.svx","65m","29m",,,,,,,"p199",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.199",,,,,,"NW flank of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. About 30m SSW of 156.","Follow the cairned path which ascends the Vorder Schwarzmooskogel from the NW. Shortly after passing the open rift entrance of 1623/156 (50m south of Laser Point 0/1), scramble up to the right (south). One large and two small open cave entrances.",,,"metal tag stamped ""CUCC 199"" fixed by M6 stud epoxied into vertical wall left of main entrance (stud placed 1998, kataster number tag replaced provisional one in 1999)."
200,"1/S +",,"93/01",,"plateau/200.htm",,"Verlorener Rucksack Schacht","Lost Rucksack Cave",,"1b","Discovery and initial descent CUCC 1993 (Adam Cooper), bottomed in three trips in 1998 (Wookey, Andy Waddington).","Found in 1993, it was intended to mark the cave but not descend. However Adam Cooper's rucksack (containing the rope), placed unwisely near the edge, made the first descent. Adam followed on a ladder to retrieve it, then placed a bolt for a further descent on rope. The shaft continued beside a snow plug, but was deemed unsuitable for further exploration in shorts. The find was not relocated in 1993, so exploration stopped. Found again in 1995 whilst marking other known entrances, and probably seen again in 1996.</p><p>After a first descent placing a bolt again showed it unsuitable for exploration in shorts, a determined effort by Wookey in 1998 pushed the second pitch, between hanging death ice and snow to a definite choke. However, partway down this pitch was a window with a draught, leading to a third pitch (one bolt at takeoff, another just below). This was nn metres to a final choke.</p><p>The whole cave is formed on a fault which forms a SE-facing scarp on the surface. A short distance NE of the entrance, the fault line cuts a lower-lying area. The draught, which was mostly outward through the head of the third pitch during the final exploratory trip, periodically reverses for 10-15 seconds. It would appear to be powered by surface breezes via various other small windows to the surface, most probably including ones lower down in the depression to the NE.",,,,,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""others/200.png""><img alt=""1998 survey 27k gif"" width=""645"" height=""662"" src=""others/200.png"" /></a></div><p>",,,"45m",,,,,,"p200tag",,,,"Surface survey","gps98.1993_01 gps98.1993_01a","gps00.93_01a gps00.93_01b",,,,,,"700m north of Schwarzmoossattel.","From <a href=""164.htm"">164</a>, avoid <a href=""189.htm"">189</a> (easiest 15m to its right over a small ridge, but OK immediately on its right edge), then go roughly NNW (a few cairns - 1996 vintage orange paint has completely faded). This leads up onto the right edge of a ridge (the main part of which is deep Lätchen), passing right of the OAV ski marker pole. This is an easy walk above a short (climbable) cliff looking down onto <a href=""210.htm"">210</a>. When this easy walk is interrupted by a step down, head leftish over a series of limestone steps to reach a descent into a large broken area (near <a href=""173.htm"">173</a>). Climb steeply left up boulders to a large cairn, then along a sloping limestone shelf. Shortly ahead is an abrupt headwall, below which is the shaft of <b>Lost Rucksack Cave</b> (given temporary number CUCC 1993 01). The area could also be reached (with more difficulty) from the ""central"" plateau area towards <a href=""76.htm"">76</a>, and also via the ""Geologists' walk"" which passes much further left via <a href=""171.htm"">171</a> and <a href=""172.htm"">172.</a> ",,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""../plateau/others/l/lrh.htm""><img alt=""Photo of 1993 descent"" src=""../plateau/others/t/lrh.jpg"" width=""123"" height=""169"" /></a><p>Adam Cooper descending to place a bolt below the lip in 1993</p></div><p>","M6 stud with alloy tag ""CUCC 1993 01"" on flat rock NE of shaft. This will be replaced with the correct kataster number in due course."
201,"1/S +",,"1998/01",,"smkridge/201.htm",,"Haftefelle Schacht","Ski-skin shaft",,"2b","CUCC 1998 - a single descent.","2m diameter shaft drops 25m to a boulder floor - a short second pitch follows immediately leading to a too-tight rift. A 40m rope is sufficient.",,,,,"In dataset","? pic","caves/201/201.svx","15m","15m",,,,,,,"p201",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.201",,,,,,"NW flank of Vorderer Schwarzmooskogel. 20m N of Laser 0/1","Follow the cairned path which ascends the Vorder Schwarzmooskogel from the NW. Shortly before the obvious open rift entrance of <a href=""156.htm"">1623/156</a> (which is 50m south of Laser Point 0/1) is a small (2m diameter) open shaft.",,,"metal tag stamped ""CUCC 201"" fixed by M6 stud epoxied into horizontal surface on NW side of main entrance (stud placed 1998, proper kataster number tag replaced provisional one in 1999)."
202,,,,,,,"Dominoschacht",,,,,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/202/202.svx",,,,,,,,,"p202",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
203,,,,,,,"Sonnenscheinschacht",,,,,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/203/203.svx",,,,,,,,,"p203",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
202,,,,,"noinfo/smkridge/202.html",,"Dominoschacht",,,"2b",,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/202/202.svx",,,,,,,,,"p202",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
203,,,,,"noinfo/smkridge/203.html",,"Sonnenscheinschacht",,,"2b",,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/203/203.svx",,,,,,,,,"p203",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
204,"5/S x","a b c d e f","CUCC 1999/03","yes","smkridge/204/204.html",,"Steinbrückenhöhle",,,"2b","</p><ul><li>CUCC 1999 to length 1365m, depth 226m</li><li>CUCC 2000 to 2.5km, depth 368m</li><li>CUCC 2001 to 4.7km, depth 368m</li><li>CUCC 2002 to 5.3km, depth 454m</li><li>CUCC 2003 to 7.2km, depth 510m</li></ul><p>","</p><ul><li><a href=""entrance.html"">Entrance and The Near End passages</a></li><li><a href=""midlevel.html"">Mid-level passages (including Wolpertinger Way)</a></li><li><a href=""nopain.html"">No Pain No Gain and Pleasuredome</a></li><li><a href=""treeumphant.html"">Trunk way through Treeumphant Passage to Cave Tree Chamber and beyond</a></li><li><a href=""swings.html"">Swings and Roundabouts area</a></li><li><a href=""millennium.html"">Millennium Dome / White Elephant area</a></li><li><a href=""ariston.html"">Deep routes via the Ariston Series</a></li></ul><p>",,"<a href=""qm.html"">Question mark list</a> and <a href=""qmold.html"">Completed question mark list</a>. ",,,"In dataset","</p><ul><li><a href=""surveys/plan2002.png"">Plan, post-2002 Expo</a> [702k; approx 2400x3200 pixels, greyscale] or <a href=""surveys/plan2002.ps.gz"">1.8M gzipped postscript</a></li><li><a href=""surveys/plan2001.png"">Plan, post-2001 Expo</a> [511k; approx 2500x3500 pixels, greyscale]</li><li><a href=""surveys/plan2000.png"">Plan, post-2000 Expo</a> [79k; approx 2300x3300 pixels, monochrome]</li><li><a href=""surveys/elev2000.png"">Elevation, post-2000 Expo</a> [22k; approx 1900x2200 pixels, monochrome]</li><li><a href=""surveys/plan1999.gif"">Plan, post-1999 Expo</a> [26k; approx 582x783 pixels, greyscale]</li><li><a href=""surveys/elev1999.gif"">Elevation, post-1999 Expo</a> [16k; approx 432x586 pixels, greyscale]</li></ul><p>","caves/204/204.svx","7.2km","510m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated on the west side of the col between the <span lang=""de-at"">Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel</span> and <span lang=""de-at"">Nieder Augst-Eck</span>. It is currently one of the main areas of exploration for CUCC, who in 2001 established a <a href=""bivvy.html"">bivvy site</a> under the <a href=""bridge.html"">stone bridge</a> opposite the entrance.","The route from Top Camp used since 1999 (probably near optimal) is a cairned path via <span lang=""de"">Wolfhöhle</span> (<a href=""../../plateau/145.htm"">1623/145</a>) and Laser Point 5, then up to the top of the bare patch of white limestone visible from Top Camp, passing <a href=""../195.htm"">195</a> and <a href=""../196.htm"">196.</a> The path used in 2001 then skirts around the contours, passing the unmistakable arched entrance of <a href=""../2000-09/2000-09.htm"">Hauchhöhle</a>, to arrive <a href=""sbview.html"">directly opposite the stone bridge</a> after which the cave was named (in previous years a route slightly higher up towards the Hinter was used, which some people still prefer; this is also cairned). Alternatively, the cave may be approached from the summit of HSK - probably the optimal route if you are coming from any of the <a href=""../161/top.htm"">161</a> entrances.",,,"Tags on both 204a and 204b entrances."
,,"b",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p204b",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag"
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
,,"e",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p204e",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
,,"f",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p204f",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
205,"2/S +",,,,"smkridge/205.htm",,"Nordalpenschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 1999","The main entrance is rigged off a spit and naturals and drops around 8m, via a natural deviation at a ledge, to a small chamber. A crawl leads off from here at head height for some distance, but closes off. The way on is to continue straight down through the floor of this chamber, through fairly solidly wedged boulders (quite tight) using the rope rigged on the entrance pitch. This lands at the head of a walking sized rift heading steeply down. There are two small passages in the wall where the rope comes down [these connect to the horizontal entrance of <b lang=""de"">Nordalpenhöhle,</b> see below]. Clamber down the rift. At the bottom is the snow plug from the second entrance. It is possible to cross the snow plug. At the far side, the passage closes down and is mud filled with no draught.</p><p>The way on is a flat-out crawl under the right wall, immediately before the snow plug. The crawl was dug because it was draughting out quite strongly. Once under the wall, the roof immediately rises to comfortable crawling height and the passage widens. After 5m, roomy phreatic passage is reached, around 5m wide and 3m high. A roof tube leads off to the right. It can also be reached by a roof crawl from further down the passage on the left. The tube leads to two small chambers and ends in a too-tight rift.</p><p>The floor of the main passage starts to drop away as the passage turns to the right, leaving a ledge along the left wall. A trickle of water enters at floor level. A pitch is rigged off the ledge using spits in the left wall. This pitch drops 10m and ends in a choked chamber. An exposed traverse on the left, beyond the pitch head, leads to a choked tube. Directly across from the pitch head, a further roof tube also chokes.</p><p>The third horizontal entrance begins with a flat out crawl in sticky mud, and reaches a small, low chamber. The low passage continues as hands and knees crawling. This passes a window on the left which looks into the snow-filled shaft (the second entrance). Straight ahead and a little further, an eyehole looks into the chamber which the first entrance pitch lands in. Continuing on, straddling over a rock ridge leads to two further eyeholes which look into the sloping rift passage where the rope ends from the first entrance pitch.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/205/205.svx","91m","39m",,,,,,"p205tag","p205",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.205",,,,,,"(tagged point might be the start of underground survey, main entrance, ~2m from tag)",,"The main (first) entrance is a 2m x 0.5m shaft around 5m higher and 7m away from a larger, snow-plugged shaft (the second entrance), which in turn is just above a snow field, a little higher than the Eishöhle path. Both entrances lie on an obvious fault line which heads uphill for around 100m. If the fault line is followed up to just past a squeeze through bunde, you can turn left for around 100m to reach the entrance to 1623/136, <a href=""161/136.htm"">Steinschlagschacht.</a></p><p>A third, horizontal entrance is found by heading down to the snow filled shaft (the second entrance) and traversing left beneath a small cliff for around 20m. This leads to a low, unobvious hole at foot height, noticed because it was draughting out quite strongly. There is a surface survey to this third entrance from the first entrance.",,"tag at main entrance ""CUCC 1999-01"""
206,,"a b c d e f g",,"yes",,,"7-Eingangshöhle",,,,,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/206/206.svx",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
206,,"a b c d e f g",,"yes","noinfo/smkridge/206.html",,"7-Eingangshöhle",,,"2b",,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/206/206.svx",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p206",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
@ -271,26 +271,26 @@
214,,,"2000-03",,,,"Segment cave",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p214",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
215,,"a b","2000-05","yes",,,"Rufverbindungshöhle",,,,"CUCC ?Wookey","? Wookey",,,,,"In dataset","? Wookey.","caves/215/215.svx",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","tag as 215 in 2001"
214,,,"2000-03",,"smkridge/214.html",,"Segment cave",,,"2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p214",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
215,,"a b","2000-05","yes","smkridge/215.html",,"Rufverbindungshöhle",,,"2b","CUCC ?Wookey","? Wookey",,,,,"In dataset","? Wookey.","caves/215/215.svx",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","tag as 215 in 2001"
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p215",,"p215x","Nils",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag as 215a in 2001"
,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p215b",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag as 215b in 2001"
216,,,"2000-06",,,,"Nichts 50",,,,,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/216/216.svx",,,,,,,,,"p216",,"p216x","Nils",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag as 216 in 2001"
217,,,"2000-07",,,,"Schneepfropfenhöhle",,,,"CUCC ?Wookey","? Wookey",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p217",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","tag"
218,,,"1996WK6",,,,"Hammerkopfabsturtzhöhle",,,,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","A narrow rift entrance 4m deep leads to a tight squeeze needing caving gear (and maybe some hammering). An estimated 6m drop lies beyond the constriction.",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p218",,,"Surface survey","gps96.218 gps96bestfit.218","gps00.218",,,,"Grießkogel: 354°, HSK (rightmost peak) 018°",,"Holes CUCC1996WK5 and CUCC1996WK6 are close together, at GPS fix GK 5411291 5282969. (Converted from GPS: E 36414 N (52)82369 H?, Averaged from GPS: E 36417 N (52)82366 H? )","On return from 161d, whilst heading up gully towards the col (and survey point Vd1), turn off left heading for top of VSK.",,,"tag 2000 as WOOK6"
219,"1/S -",,"1996WK5",,,,"Tertaeingfester",,,,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Cave in rift with two vertical ways in, both c 5m deep. There is a tight third way in at an angle. The floor of the rift chokes.",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p219",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.219",,,,"Grießkogel: 354°, HSK (rightmost peak) 018°",,"Holes CUCC1996WK5 and CUCC1996WK6 are close together, at GPS fix GK 5411291 5282969. (Converted from GPS: E 36414 N (52)82369 H?, Averaged from GPS: E 36417 N (52)82366 H? )","On return from 161d, whilst heading up gully towards the col (and survey point Vd1), turn off left heading for top of VSK.",,,"tag 2000 as WOOK5"
216,,,"2000-06",,"smkridge/216.html",,"Nichts 50",,,"2b",,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/216/216.svx",,,,,,,,,"p216",,"p216x","Nils",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag as 216 in 2001"
217,,,"2000-07",,"smkridge/217.html",,"Schneepfropfenhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC ?Wookey","? Wookey",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p217",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","tag"
218,,,"1996WK6",,"smkridge/218.html",,"Hammerkopfabsturtzhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","A narrow rift entrance 4m deep leads to a tight squeeze needing caving gear (and maybe some hammering). An estimated 6m drop lies beyond the constriction.",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p218",,,"Surface survey","gps96.218 gps96bestfit.218","gps00.218",,,,"Grießkogel: 354°, HSK (rightmost peak) 018°",,"Holes CUCC1996WK5 and CUCC1996WK6 are close together, at GPS fix GK 5411291 5282969. (Converted from GPS: E 36414 N (52)82369 H?, Averaged from GPS: E 36417 N (52)82366 H? )","On return from 161d, whilst heading up gully towards the col (and survey point Vd1), turn off left heading for top of VSK.",,,"tag 2000 as WOOK6"
219,"1/S -",,"1996WK5",,"smkridge/219.html",,"Tertaeingfester",,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Cave in rift with two vertical ways in, both c 5m deep. There is a tight third way in at an angle. The floor of the rift chokes.",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p219",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.219",,,,"Grießkogel: 354°, HSK (rightmost peak) 018°",,"Holes CUCC1996WK5 and CUCC1996WK6 are close together, at GPS fix GK 5411291 5282969. (Converted from GPS: E 36414 N (52)82369 H?, Averaged from GPS: E 36417 N (52)82366 H? )","On return from 161d, whilst heading up gully towards the col (and survey point Vd1), turn off left heading for top of VSK.",,,"tag 2000 as WOOK5"
220,,,"2000-04",,,,"Kennedyalternature",,,,"CUCC ?Wookey","? wookey",,,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"? wookey","? wookey","? wookey","? wookey",
222,"1/S -",,"1996-04",,,,"Gösserhöhle",,,,"CUCC 1993 (only marked ""+""), 1996","Large space at foot of 5m cliff in very broken area. 5 x 1.8m shaft bridged by chockstone, 8m deep to a sloping choked floor.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p222",,,"Surface survey","gps96bestfit.96_04","gps00.96_04 gps00.96_04a",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (<b>not</b> Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (north of CUCC <a href=""cu9602.htm"">96-02</a>, south of <a href=""cu9603.htm"">96-03</a>)",,,,"A spit with tag ""CUCC 9604"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"" next to chockstone on east side opposite cliff."
223,"1/S -",,"1996-03",,,,"Eggenbergschacht",,,,"CUCC 1993 (only marked ""+""), drawn + tagged 1996, surveyed 2000","Cave appears as narrow slot. 2 tight holes after 6m climb down gives p10 to choked floor & quite large chamber 10 x 5m floor area.","Ladder required",,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p223",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.96_03",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (<b>not</b> Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (north of CUCC <a href=""cu9602.htm"">96-02</a> and <a href=""cu9604.htm"">96-04</a>)","See 2000 survey",,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""l/9603.htm""><img alt=""Photo - 51k"" src=""t/9603.jpg"" width=""134"" height=""200"" /></a></div><p>","A spit with tag ""CUCC 96-03"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"", both on wall of doline facing north."
224,"1/S -",,"1996-02",,,,"Toplesscayonhöhle ",,,,"CUCC 1993 (only marked ""+""), explored 1996, surveyed 2000","Cave is exposed section of canyon formed on a bend. Bridge of roof remains at one point, separating the two entrances. At the bottom of the canyon (~8m deep) about 10m of descending rift is accessible with a climb back up part way along. All choked.","No tackle required",,,,,"? plan, elevation",,,,,,,,,,"p224",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.96_02",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (<b>not</b> Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (south of CUCC <a href=""cu9603.htm"">96-03</a> and <a href=""cu9604.htm"">96-04</a>)","area map notKH p23.",,,"A spit with tag ""CUCC 9602"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"", on wall of canyon, facing west."
222,"1/S -",,"1996-04",,"smkridge/222.html",,"Gösserhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 1993 (only marked ""+""), 1996","Large space at foot of 5m cliff in very broken area. 5 x 1.8m shaft bridged by chockstone, 8m deep to a sloping choked floor.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p222",,,"Surface survey","gps96bestfit.96_04","gps00.96_04 gps00.96_04a",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (<b>not</b> Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (north of CUCC <a href=""cu9602.htm"">96-02</a>, south of <a href=""cu9603.htm"">96-03</a>)",,,,"A spit with tag ""CUCC 9604"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"" next to chockstone on east side opposite cliff."
223,"1/S -",,"1996-03",,"smkridge/223.html",,"Eggenbergschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 1993 (only marked ""+""), drawn + tagged 1996, surveyed 2000","Cave appears as narrow slot. 2 tight holes after 6m climb down gives p10 to choked floor & quite large chamber 10 x 5m floor area.","Ladder required",,,,,"? wookey.",,,,,,,,,,"p223",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.96_03",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (<b>not</b> Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (north of CUCC <a href=""cu9602.htm"">96-02</a> and <a href=""cu9604.htm"">96-04</a>)","See 2000 survey",,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""l/9603.htm""><img alt=""Photo - 51k"" src=""t/9603.jpg"" width=""134"" height=""200"" /></a></div><p>","A spit with tag ""CUCC 96-03"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"", both on wall of doline facing north."
224,"1/S -",,"1996-02",,"smkridge/224.html",,"Toplesscayonhöhle ",,,"2b","CUCC 1993 (only marked ""+""), explored 1996, surveyed 2000","Cave is exposed section of canyon formed on a bend. Bridge of roof remains at one point, separating the two entrances. At the bottom of the canyon (~8m deep) about 10m of descending rift is accessible with a climb back up part way along. All choked.","No tackle required",,,,,"? plan, elevation",,,,,,,,,,"p224",,,"Surface survey",,"gps00.96_02",,,,"VSK (probably true summit): 213°, ?? (<b>not</b> Hollweiser - nearest peak across Hochklapf valley): 114°",,"East of HSK summit, in an area of small shafts (south of CUCC <a href=""cu9603.htm"">96-03</a> and <a href=""cu9604.htm"">96-04</a>)","area map notKH p23.",,,"A spit with tag ""CUCC 9602"" placed in 1996 and a red ""+"", on wall of canyon, facing west."
225,,,"90 ADAM",,,,"Jahrzehnschacht",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
226,,"a b","1999OB03","yes",,,"Skaschacht",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"226b tagged in 2001 as 226, 226a untagged"
226,,"a b","1999OB03","yes","plateau/226.html",,"Skaschacht",,,"1a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"226b tagged in 2001 as 226, 226a untagged"
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p226a",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
,,"b",,"last entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p226b",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"tagged as 226"
227,,,"1999OB04",,,,"Faultienschacht",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p227",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag 2001"
228,,,,,,,"?",,,,,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/228/228.svx",,,,,,,,,"p228",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
229,,,,,,,"?",,,,,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/229/229.svx",,,,,,,,,"p229",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
227,,,"1999OB04",,"plateau/227.html",,"Faultienschacht",,,"1a",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p227",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,"tag 2001"
228,,,,,"noinfo/egglgrub/228.html",,"?",,,"3 or 7 (unclear)",,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/228/228.svx",,,,,,,,,"p228",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
229,,,,,"noinfo/smkridge/229.html",,"?",,,"2b",,,,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/229/229.svx",,,,,,,,,"p229",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,,
230,"+(?)",,"1999-04",,,,"Vergeßlichheithöhle",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"tag 99-04"
231,"2/E +","a b c d e f g h i","2000-01","yes","smkridge/231/231.html",,"Traungoldhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2000","Entrance A leads to daylight chamber, down an awkward climb, whilst entrance B is a snow and boulder slope to the same chamber. To the right leads to another chamber, which ent H drops into, and a slope up to the left about 2m up the wall leads to entrance D. Continuing on stooping passage leads to a climb which emerges under a stone bridge which contains entrances E, F and G. A crawl at ground level between A & B leads to some loose slopes and entrance I. From the day light chamber the passage to the left leads quickly to a 3m climb down into the largest chamber of the cave. From here around to the left leads to entrance shaft C, and a passage leads off the other side of the shaft that is walking height leading to climbs up over boulders with a loose ceiling above. This leads to a T junction, which ends in boulders to the right and a short climb to a dead end to the left. To the right in the largest chamber, a wide low short passage leads to an ice-floored chamber. Crawling passage then leads to the deepest chmber, which has an ice flow into and down the chamber. At the opposite end of the chamber a 3m climb is reached, which was climbed and quickly closed down. ",,,,,"In dataset","</p><p><a href=""231surveylarge.jpg""><img alt=""231 survey"" src=""231surveysmall.jpg"" /></a></p><p>Survey of 231 ","caves/231/231.svx","229m","27m",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"The cave is situated 30m NE of 204b.",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""231aphotolarge.png""><img alt=""231A photo"" src=""231aphotosmall.jpg"" /></a><p>Photo of 231A</p></div><p>","Spit holes prepared, Tags made saying ""1623/231"" and may be placed for all entrances."
,,"a",,"entrance",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p231a",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""231aphotolarge.png""><img alt=""231A photo"" src=""231aphotosmall.jpg"" /></a><p>Photo of 231A</p></div><p>",
@ -333,19 +333,19 @@
,,,"88AF",,,,,,"GSCB - now <a href=""#id161"">161c</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,"VSS188F",,,,,,"GSCB",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"tag VSS188F 2002"
,,,"1987/02",,,,,,"? GSCB exploration",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"100m up from 157 and 0/5",,,,
,,,"1989/01",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Probably the same as 195. (documented under 165)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"North of 165",,,,
,"1/S -",,"1996-01",,,,"Ski-pole höhle",,,,"CUCC 1996-07-15 Nick, Brian, Tina","Climb down shakehole to open shaft with a jammed boulder at the top. Shaft developed on joint is 1.4m across, 1.5m in the other direction and drops straight down 10m. Rift at bottom is 2m high. 1.5m drop then gently ascending rift gets too tight.",,,,,,,,,"11.1m",,,,"There are many holes along the rift - all the others are choked or too tight.",,,,,,,"gps96.96_1",,,,,,,,"Situated at top end of rift/gorge next to <a href=""../smkridge/161/sftotp.htm#id161d"">path to 161d</a>. Walking <em>to</em> 161d: go into the very narrow gorge, then up the right hand wall about a third of the way along. This gets you into the next gorge, trending on bearing 031° (looking towards 161d end of path). Turn right up the rift. 96/01 is at the top end.",,,"A spit with ""CUCC 96-01"""
,"1/S -",,"1996-05",,,,,,,,"CUCC 1996 Andy Waddington and Fran","Cave is a North-South rift in a joint hading very steeply - say 85 degrees dip to west. Stones rattle down shaft for a very long time. No evidence of previous exploration (ie. no spits, no mud, vegetation not noticeably trampled).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps98.1996_05",,,,"c. 1640m","Schönberg 342½°, Bräuning Zinken 204½°, Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel 101° (very flat summit, so exact point not obvious), Loser Cross 213½°, using AndyW compass NPC#2 (Suunto #439258)",,,"From <a href=""../plateau/164.htm"">164</a>, follow recent (1996 vintage? - not of CUCC origin) fluorescent orange paint dots (these had faded almost completely by 1998, but there are some older red ones for the early part of the route), over a ridge passing the OAV ski marker pole, then leftish over a series of limestone steps to reach a descent into a large broken area (thought to be near <a href=""../plateau/173.htm"">173</a>). Climb steeply left up boulders to a large cairn with a bright orange dot, then over a series of limestone shelves. Shortly up here is a shaft now known to be <a href=""../plateau/200.htm"">Lost Rucksack Cave</a> (marked with temporary number CUCC 1993 01). The route continues remarkably easily over a series of bunde-free pavements - easily relocated in 1998. Eventually a large orange dot with an arrow points into a gap in the pines with many fresh (1996) cut branches (again, not CUCC's work). No more dots are to be found, and all ways close up in bunde beyond an obvious shaft in a N-S rift which is therefore clearly the ultimate destination of the marked path.",,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""l/9605.htm""><img alt=""Entrance photo (45k JPEG)"" width=""150"" height=""188"" src=""t/9605.jpg"" /></a><p>Entrance rift, looking north.</p></div><p>","Tag placed on pavement on east side of shaft near middle, a spit with CUCC tag ""9605""."
,0,,"1996WK4",,,,,,,,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Big enough to be worth dropping.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk4 gps96bestfit.wk4","gps00.wk4",,,,,,"A picture of the Bräuning wall and Loser from the vicinity of the entrance is <a href=""../piclinks/bw_pks.htm"">here</a>.","This is a GPSed hole found by Wookey on a thrashed route whilst looking for a possible route from 161d over the top of the Hochklapf spur of the Vord to the Stogerweg. There is a large N-S (ish) fault/joint in the bunde here which provides useful path. Approximately on top of bulge sticking out into valley."," This cave was a squareish hole in a the path that one had to traverse carefully",,
,"1/S -",,"1996-07 (wk7)",,,,,,,,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey) <strong>Incomplete</strong>","Descent through narrow rift and choked bouldery leads (after 10m) to an <b>undescended pitch</b> (20m ?). Draught stops and starts with a period of about 30 seconds (on the day of discovery), but when active, it was inwards.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk7_1 gps96.wk7_2 gps96bestfit.wk7","gps00.wk7",,,"c. 1810-1820m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between 97-07 and the 97-08 group of entrances)",,"GPS: E 36338 N (52)82260 H? or E 36385 N (52)82234 H? Averaged from GPS: E 36370 N (52)82269 H?","From route to <a href=""../smkridge/139.htm"">139</a> E of VSK, take big shelf which leads to a series of holes (CUCC 96 WK7 to WK10) and eventually to <a href=""../smkridge/161/136.htm"">Steinschlagschacht</a> (136).",,,"CUCC metal tag placed 1997"
,"1/S -",,"1996WK11",,,,,,,,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Big rift aligned 115<->295°. At WNW end is big. Descends over boulders and then snow beyond point of exploration. Needs rope to complete descent, although it is likely to be choked.",,,,,,"? Survey plan and elv in NotKH book.NotKH book 1999- p16",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk11 gps96bestfit.wk11","gps00.wk11",,,"1661 +/- 53","Nipple: 202°, Trissel: 179°, Hollweiser: 138°",,"At foot of slope from top of VSK, on Eastern side, before flat area containing Nipple to south of VSK.",,,,
,"1/S -",,"1996WK12",,,,,,,,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Oval 3m deep hole. Way on in opposite corner from difficult climb down of 3m to bottom. To the SW is a small mossy hole to choked chamber about 2 x 3m. To the NE clamber 6m down rocky slope then 6m along narrowing rift. V. tight possible way on down, but easier way along can be followed for 10m to awkward boulder blockage. Passage continues at least 3m to corner. The boulder was not passed in shorts and goretex for fear of ripping!",,,,"NotKH book p29-p30",,"? Plan, elevation (grade2)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"c. 1684m",,,"Surface survey passes over cave, but no station at cave.","About 12m or 30m SW of laser point 7 'LSR7_' on south side of Schwarzmoossattel (the one with incorrect position on original laser survey), 40m NE of 36. NW (upslope) from <a href=""../kratzer/b4.htm"">CUCC 1976 B4</a>.","Oval hole 4m x 3m at edge of pavement next to grassy area. Draughting - particularly on entrance slope.",,"No markings"
,,,"1999_OB_01",,,,,,,,,"Inside small cliff facing toward B.wall. Slightly draughting, 6m deep, with snow plug at bottom. Unexplored, not a promising lead.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," VSK 151, HSK 065, Sch 010, BZW 222 (from top of small cliff). (from NotKH 1996- book p110)",,,,,,
,,,"1987/02",,"smkridge/1987_02.html",,,,"? GSCB exploration","2b",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"100m up from 157 and 0/5",,,,
,,,"1989/01",,,,,,"Probably <a href=""#id195"">195</a>. See <a href=""#id195"">165</a> for more details.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"North of 165",,,,
,,,"1990-15",,,,,,"Possibly something to do with <a href=""#id185"">185?</a>",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"""185"""
,"1/S -",,"1996-01",,"smkridge/1996_01.html",,"Ski-pole höhle",,,"2b","CUCC 1996-07-15 Nick, Brian, Tina","Climb down shakehole to open shaft with a jammed boulder at the top. Shaft developed on joint is 1.4m across, 1.5m in the other direction and drops straight down 10m. Rift at bottom is 2m high. 1.5m drop then gently ascending rift gets too tight.",,,,,,,,,"11.1m",,,,"There are many holes along the rift - all the others are choked or too tight.",,,,,,,"gps96.96_1",,,,,,,,"Situated at top end of rift/gorge next to <a href=""../smkridge/161/sftotp.htm#id161d"">path to 161d</a>. Walking <em>to</em> 161d: go into the very narrow gorge, then up the right hand wall about a third of the way along. This gets you into the next gorge, trending on bearing 031° (looking towards 161d end of path). Turn right up the rift. 96/01 is at the top end.",,,"A spit with ""CUCC 96-01"""
,"1/S -",,"1996-05",,"plateau/1996_05.html",,,,,"1d","CUCC 1996 Andy Waddington and Fran","Cave is a North-South rift in a joint hading very steeply - say 85 degrees dip to west. Stones rattle down shaft for a very long time. No evidence of previous exploration (ie. no spits, no mud, vegetation not noticeably trampled).",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps98.1996_05",,,,"c. 1640m","Schönberg 342½°, Bräuning Zinken 204½°, Hinterer Schwarzmooskogel 101° (very flat summit, so exact point not obvious), Loser Cross 213½°, using AndyW compass NPC#2 (Suunto #439258)",,,"From <a href=""../plateau/164.htm"">164</a>, follow recent (1996 vintage? - not of CUCC origin) fluorescent orange paint dots (these had faded almost completely by 1998, but there are some older red ones for the early part of the route), over a ridge passing the OAV ski marker pole, then leftish over a series of limestone steps to reach a descent into a large broken area (thought to be near <a href=""../plateau/173.htm"">173</a>). Climb steeply left up boulders to a large cairn with a bright orange dot, then over a series of limestone shelves. Shortly up here is a shaft now known to be <a href=""../plateau/200.htm"">Lost Rucksack Cave</a> (marked with temporary number CUCC 1993 01). The route continues remarkably easily over a series of bunde-free pavements - easily relocated in 1998. Eventually a large orange dot with an arrow points into a gap in the pines with many fresh (1996) cut branches (again, not CUCC's work). No more dots are to be found, and all ways close up in bunde beyond an obvious shaft in a N-S rift which is therefore clearly the ultimate destination of the marked path.",,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""l/9605.htm""><img alt=""Entrance photo (45k JPEG)"" width=""150"" height=""188"" src=""t/9605.jpg"" /></a><p>Entrance rift, looking north.</p></div><p>","Tag placed on pavement on east side of shaft near middle, a spit with CUCC tag ""9605""."
,0,,"1996WK4",,"smkridge/1996wk4.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Big enough to be worth dropping.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk4 gps96bestfit.wk4","gps00.wk4",,,,,,"A picture of the Bräuning wall and Loser from the vicinity of the entrance is <a href=""../piclinks/bw_pks.htm"">here</a>.","This is a GPSed hole found by Wookey on a thrashed route whilst looking for a possible route from 161d over the top of the Hochklapf spur of the Vord to the Stogerweg. There is a large N-S (ish) fault/joint in the bunde here which provides useful path. Approximately on top of bulge sticking out into valley."," This cave was a squareish hole in a the path that one had to traverse carefully",,
,"1/S -",,"1996-07 (wk7)",,"smkridge/1996_07.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey) <strong>Incomplete</strong>","Descent through narrow rift and choked bouldery leads (after 10m) to an <b>undescended pitch</b> (20m ?). Draught stops and starts with a period of about 30 seconds (on the day of discovery), but when active, it was inwards.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk7_1 gps96.wk7_2 gps96bestfit.wk7","gps00.wk7",,,"c. 1810-1820m","VSK: 233°, Hollweiser: 145° (from a point between 97-07 and the 97-08 group of entrances)",,"GPS: E 36338 N (52)82260 H? or E 36385 N (52)82234 H? Averaged from GPS: E 36370 N (52)82269 H?","From route to <a href=""../smkridge/139.htm"">139</a> E of VSK, take big shelf which leads to a series of holes (CUCC 96 WK7 to WK10) and eventually to <a href=""../smkridge/161/136.htm"">Steinschlagschacht</a> (136).",,,"CUCC metal tag placed 1997"
,"1/S -",,"1996WK11",,"smkridge/1996wk11.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Big rift aligned 115<->295°. At WNW end is big. Descends over boulders and then snow beyond point of exploration. Needs rope to complete descent, although it is likely to be choked.",,,,,,"? Survey plan and elv in NotKH book.NotKH book 1999- p16",,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps96.wk11 gps96bestfit.wk11","gps00.wk11",,,"1661 +/- 53","Nipple: 202°, Trissel: 179°, Hollweiser: 138°",,"At foot of slope from top of VSK, on Eastern side, before flat area containing Nipple to south of VSK.",,,,
,"1/S -",,"1996WK12",,"kratzer/1996wk12.html",,,,,4,"CUCC 1996 (Wookey)","Oval 3m deep hole. Way on in opposite corner from difficult climb down of 3m to bottom. To the SW is a small mossy hole to choked chamber about 2 x 3m. To the NE clamber 6m down rocky slope then 6m along narrowing rift. V. tight possible way on down, but easier way along can be followed for 10m to awkward boulder blockage. Passage continues at least 3m to corner. The boulder was not passed in shorts and goretex for fear of ripping!",,,,"NotKH book p29-p30",,"? Plan, elevation (grade2)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"c. 1684m",,,"Surface survey passes over cave, but no station at cave.","About 12m or 30m SW of laser point 7 'LSR7_' on south side of Schwarzmoossattel (the one with incorrect position on original laser survey), 40m NE of 36. NW (upslope) from <a href=""../kratzer/b4.htm"">CUCC 1976 B4</a>.","Oval hole 4m x 3m at edge of pavement next to grassy area. Draughting - particularly on entrance slope.",,"No markings"
,,,"1999_OB_01",,"plateau/1999_ob_01.html",,,,,"1d",,"Inside small cliff facing toward B.wall. Slightly draughting, 6m deep, with snow plug at bottom. Unexplored, not a promising lead.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,," VSK 151, HSK 065, Sch 010, BZW 222 (from top of small cliff). (from NotKH 1996- book p110)",,,,,,
,,,"1999-10",,,,,,,,"CUCC Brian and Becka 1999.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps00.99_10",,,,,,,,,,"tag 2000"
,,,"2000-08",,"smkridge/2000-08/2000-08.htm",,"(as yet unnamed)",,,"2b","CUCC 2000, 2002, 2003 (Mark Shinwell)","Short pitch (~6m) from chossy naturals leads to large (~4m wide) unroofed passage. Uphill leads to rift, which is choked (corresponding to nearby choked surface rift). Downhill passes a wedged rock to a climb down onto a snowbank. Right is blind, left descends and leads to a blind pit with a too-tight continuation (looks diggable though), with a big echo.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2000-08",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"The large entrance is adjacent to the route used in 2000 onwards across the plateau to <a href=""../204/204.html"">Steinbrückenhöhle</a>, shortly before arriving at the stone bridge. It lies almost directly above the huge aven of 7-11 Chamber in 204; the vertical separation, however, is of the order of 120m.",,,,"Tag."
,"2/S/T x",,"2000-09",,"smkridge/2000-09/2000-09.htm",,"Hauchhöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2000, 2002.","The horizontal entrance slopes downhill for about 20m, passing beneath a skylight and a crawl to the left. The crawl leads to a drop into a rift, where there are three ways on. To the right closes down; to the left, there are crawls at two levels. The higher-level crawl chokes; the two crawls at the lower level unite and then reach a junction. To the left chokes; to the right leads to a chamber. This chamber can also be reached by going straight on from the aforementioned junction at the rift.</p><p>From this chamber, there are two ways on. <i>A small choss wall surrounds a vertical hole through which it is possible to drop down (tricky on the return) into a small chamber. From here, an awkward squeeze leads into a continuing crawl, which has not been pushed.</i> To the left is a crawl over choss which enlarges. <i>Straight ahead leads to an earthen-floored draughting crawl which has been dug, and needs further work to get through. Shortly before the crawl becomes flat-out, a tube leading up on the right becomes too tight.</i> After a short distance a tube on the right leads to the head of a pitch (not pushed; probably 15-20m) and continues to a choke. The head of this pitch draughts outwards significantly.</p><p>Back in the entrance passage, at the bottom of the slope there is an unpushed crawl to the left and a wriggle up over rubble into a chamber. From this chamber, the obvious way on is a pitch of approximately 15m, but there is a possible crawl above this (doesn't look promising). At the foot of the pitch, in large rift passage, a crawl on the left leads for about 15m before turning left and becoming too tight. Straight ahead, a crawl reaches a junction with continuations upwards, to the left, straight ahead, and to the right, none of which have been pushed. To the right is a further unpushed crawl.</p><p>Back in the rift chamber, an exposed, but easy-looking ascending traverse has not been pushed. There is a short climb down, after which a climb up is blind, and the continuing descent passes a narrow point before entering an ascending traverse in a rift which leads to a 5m pitch into a small chamber.</p><p>A noticable draught was blowing out of the entrance in 2002, accompanied by water vapour. ",,,"Subject of one of the <a href=""../../handbook/cockup.htm"">Cock-Ups</a>.",,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2000-09",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"The arch-shaped entrance and gully are obvious from the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to <a href=""../204/204.html"">Steinbrückenhöhle</a>. Shortly after crossing the large bare area of limestone slabs on the flanks of the Hinter, the path traverses directly around the right-hand side of the entrance gully.",,,"Tag."
@ -354,22 +354,22 @@
,"3/S/T x (+?)",,"2001-04",,"smkridge/2001-04/2001-04.html",,"Rock'n'Roll Höhle",,"(a.k.a. Olly's Sucking Höhle)","2b","CUCC 2001 Phil U, Mark S","<i>[Taken from 2001 log book]</i> ""Went to investigate this draughting orifice. Initial entrance climb is fine, if you chimney down on the R side. At the bottom, there are three ways on. The first one goes back under the entrance, down a boulder slope, to emerge in a large chamber ""Cheesy dip"". There are a number of small leads off, all choked. In the roof is lots of daylight, coming from 2001-046. Left from the entrance went down a loose slope (blowing). Right (Sucking) went along a bit. We decided to do some surveying. Which required red paint. Which was at the bivvi site. So we went and had a cup of tea for a bit. Came back with surveying gear and surveyed the LH route to a ~5m deep pit.""</p><p>(There were at least three trips to this cave judging by the survey file, but only this one was written up.)",,,"Form sent 2004.04.30",,"In dataset","</p><p><img src=""2001-04plan.png"" alt=""2001-04 plan survey"" />","caves/2001-04/2001-04.svx","503m","40m","172m N-S",,,,,,"p2001-04",,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In small valley just below top of SMK ridge, 200m S of 204 bivvy site",,,,
,"2/S/E x",,"2001-05",,"smkridge/2001-05/2001-05.html",,"GNDN Höhle","Goes Nowhere Does Nothing",,"2b","CUCC 2001 Earl, Becka, Mick","<i>[Taken from 2001 log book]</i> ""It went in ~5m horizontally then into hading rift. I climbed down ~5m to the head of a pitch + various possibilities. Back out. Earl in to rig pitch whilst Mick + I surface surveyed from 204D tag bolt to new cave + put in a tag bolt above its entrance. Mick + I then continued the survey down to Earl. Pitch went down, still hading, to large snow + ice plug ... with no ways on + we seemed to have lost the draft. Surveyed to far side of chamber then back out. Earl derigged + Mick + I went into passage at top of pitch which had two LHS small leads off, both of which drop into steeply descending rift (the second one being too tight to go through). Mick dropped well down into the rift, which kept going, though without much draft, to a small way on which he reckoned would drop into the pitch. Its possible we did miss the way on in the cave as we seemed to have lost the draft down the pitch. Worth another look around probably.""","Rope for 5m pitch","Some C-grade QMs, see survey","Form sent 2004.04.30",,"In dataset","</p><p><img src=""GNDNplan.png"" alt=""2001-05 plan"" /></p><p><img src=""GNDNelev.png"" alt=""2001-05 elevation"" /></p><p>","caves/2001-05/2001-05.svx","53m","31m",,,,,,"2001-05.5",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"About 50m from 204D, down the hill + north",,,,"Tag."
,"-",,"2001-06",,"smkridge/2001-06/2001-06.html",,"Erbärmlichbaumhöhle","Pathetic Tree Cave",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"In the vicinity of the Eishöhle portal row",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""2001-06nearbig.jpg""><img src=""2001-06nearsmall.jpg"" alt=""close-up"" /></a> <a href=""2001-06farbig.jpg""><img src=""2001-06farsmall.jpg"" alt=""longer view"" /></a></div><p>",
,"-",,"2001-07",,,,"Hoffnungschacht","Hope Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"+",,"2001-08",,,,"Schneeoberlichtschacht","Snow Skylight Shaft",,"2b","CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-07",,"smkridge/2001-07/2001-07.html",,"Hoffnungschacht","Hope Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"+",,"2001-08",,"smkridge/2001-08/2001-08.html",,"Schneeoberlichtschacht","Snow Skylight Shaft",,"2b","CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-09",,"smkridge/2001-09/2001-09.html",,"Funkberaterschacht","Pundits Cave",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,"Claimed to be in dataset (not clear where)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"In the vicinity of the Eishöhle portal row",,,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""2001-09closebig.jpg""><img src=""2001-09closesmall.jpg"" alt=""close-up"" /></a> <a href=""2001-09farbig.jpg""><img src=""2001-09farsmall.jpg"" alt=""longer view"" /></a></div><p>",
,"-",,"2001-10",,,,"Großarbeithöhle","Hard Work Cave",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-11",,,,"Schnürsenkelschacht","Bootlace Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-12",,,,"Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschacht","Unneccesary Comfort Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-10",,"smkridge/2001-10/2001-10.html",,"Großarbeithöhle","Hard Work Cave",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-11",,"smkridge/2001-11/2001-11.html",,"Schnürsenkelschacht","Bootlace Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"-",,"2001-12",,"smkridge/2001-12/2001-12.html",,"Unnotiggewohnlichkeitschacht","Unneccesary Comfort Shaft",,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2001 Olly B, Martin",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,"2/T x",,"2002-01",,"smkridge/2002-01/2002-01.html",,"Artischockehöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2002 Dunks, Mark S","A contortion through boulders leads to a large horizontal passage, which gradually ascends until eventually lowering to a short flat-out crawl over choss. This leads to a chamber, from where it is possible to slither to the left through a gap between choss and the ceiling. Here there are two ways on. To the right ends quickly; a dig under the wall ended in a further choke. To the left leads to a tight crawl through dangerous boulders which would need digging to make further progress.</p><p>A noticable draught outwards is present throughout the cave.",,,,,,,,"70m approx.",,,,,,,"t2002-01",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"The entrance is situated in a large choss bowl adjacent to the route used in 2000 onwards from Top Camp to <a href=""../204/204.html"">Steinbrückenhöhle</a>, where the path turns left just beyond <a href=""../2000-09/2000-09.htm"">Hauchhöhle</a>.",,"</p><div class=""centre""><a href=""2002-01entbig.jpg""><img src=""2002-01entsmall.jpg"" /></a><p class=""caption"">(The tag is on the wall behind my head)</p></div><p>","Tag on rock wall on LH side facing entrance."
,"-",,"2002-02",,"smkridge/2002-02/2002-02.html",,"(as yet unnamed)",,,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2002 Dunks, Ben S",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2002-02",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"On 204 walk-in, a few metres beyond the entrance to <a href=""../2000-09/2000-09.htm"">Hauchhöhle</a>. In fact vertically above a passage in Hauchhöhle and highly likely to drop into it.",,"Small vertical entrance (looks to be about a 4m climb down, rope probably useful)",,"Tag."
,"-",,"2002-03",,"smkridge/2002-03/2002-03.html",,"(as yet unnamed)",,,"2b","Entrance noted CUCC 2002 Dunks, Ben S",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"p2002-03",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"At the choss bowl just beyond <a href=""../2000-09/2000-09.htm"">Hauchhöhle</a> where the 204 walk-in route bends round to the north-east, (and where the rather nonobvious entrance to <a href=""../2002-01/2002-01.html"">Artischockehöhle</a> is situated), strike out straight northwards for 45m.",,,"Apparently tagged."
,"1/S/W +",,"2002-04",,"smkridge/2002-04/2002-04.html",,"Tropfelnhöhle","Dripping Cave",,"2b","</p><ul><li>Tagged CUCC 2002 (culprit not known).</li><li>Explored + surveyed CUCC 2003, Anthony + Julia.</li></ul><p>","Square hole at the end of short gully looks out onto a drop of 3m (spit placed for ladder) to a false floor with a further similar-sized drop by a large boulder (continue the same ladder). Landing in a rift, east quickly becomes too tight, while west leads to a 3m free-climbable drop which is choked at the bottom.",,,"Form sent 2004.04.30",,"In dataset","</p><p><img src=""plan.png"" alt=""2002-04 plan (25k png)"" /></p><p>Notes in 2003#22","caves/2002-04/2002-04.svx","17m","11m",,,,,,,"p2002-04","pitch head bolt",,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"Go to 204C and stand facing the stone bridge. The entrance can be seen ~60m away {might be wise to check surface survey if bothered} at the end of a short gully.",,,"Tag ""CUCC 2002/04"" on LH wall of gully approaching entrance."
,"1/S/T +",,"2003-01",,,,,,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Tony R, Brian O","Apparently quite short and comprehensively choked.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-01/2003-01.svx","26m","9m","12m N-S",,,,,"p2003-01",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk over the back of the ridge from 204",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T x",,"2003-02",,,,"Blaudrachenschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Tony R, Brian O","Awkward entrance rift gives access to a large pitch, which has not been descended. Stones fall for 2s, bounce, and fall for a further 4s.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-02/2003-02.svx","49m so far","33m so far","25m E-W",,,,,"p2003-02",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk over the back of the ridge from 204",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"1/S/T +",,"2003-01",,"smkridge/2003-01/2003-01.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Tony R, Brian O","Apparently quite short and comprehensively choked.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-01/2003-01.svx","26m","9m","12m N-S",,,,,"p2003-01",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk over the back of the ridge from 204",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T x",,"2003-02",,"smkridge/2003-02/2003-02.html",,"Blaudrachenschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Tony R, Brian O","Awkward entrance rift gives access to a large pitch, which has not been descended. Stones fall for 2s, bounce, and fall for a further 4s.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-02/2003-02.svx","49m so far","33m so far","25m E-W",,,,,"p2003-02",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Walk over the back of the ridge from 204",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"1/S/T =",,"2003-03",,"smkridge/2003-03/2003-03.html",,"Kartoffelbreihöhle","Mashed Potato Cave",,"2b","CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L","A climb down/squeeze through boulders (awkward on the way out for fat bastards like me - Dave) leads to a small chamber ~4m across, with a loose hole in the floor at the far end. This was descended for perhaps 15 or 20m to a hopelessly choked floor of small pebbles. A window around a third of the way down the pitch leads to a parallel shaft, also choked at the bottom (from which there is another window back into the main shaft).","26m rope + some (4 or 5) hangers sufficient",,,,,,,,"? (~15m)",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"On south flank of Nieder Augst-Eck just north of stone bridge. Directly to the east of 2003-04.",,,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/T +",,"2003-04",,"smkridge/2003-04/2003-04.html",,"Dreieckhöhle","Triangle Cave",,"2b","CUCC 2003 Julian T, Dave L, Frank T","A short sloping crawl leads to a stooping passage which opens out into a large horizontal phreatic passage heading northeast, floored with large blocks. This proceeds for around 25m to the northeast before terminating in an unstable boulder pile. Some small tubes branch off but are too small to access. In summer 2003 there was a strong inwards draught, which lost itself in the terminal boulder chokes.","None required","None (one arguable dig, not worth the bother)","Form sent 2004.04.30",,"In dataset","</p><p><img src=""2003-04plan.png"" alt=""2003-04 plan (22k png)"" /></p><p>(Notes in 2003#23)","caves/2003-04/2003-04.svx","53m","13m","33m N-S",,,,,"p2003-04",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,,"In small elliptical depression around 100m N of stone bridge",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-05",,,,"Damoclesschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Martin G, Brian O","Short entrance crawl gives access to a vertical shaft with extremely precariously balanced boulder. Choked at -46m.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-05/2003-05.svx","58m","46m","6m E-W",,,,,"p2003-05",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Originally approached by walking southwards along E side of SMK ridge from 204.",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"?",,"2003-07",,,,,,,"2b","CUCC 2003 ??","Not clear if this has been entered at all.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps03.2003-07",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Presumably tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-05",,"smkridge/2003-05/2003-05.html",,"Damoclesschacht",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Martin G, Brian O","Short entrance crawl gives access to a vertical shaft with extremely precariously balanced boulder. Choked at -46m.",,,,,"In dataset",,"caves/2003-05/2003-05.svx","58m","46m","6m E-W",,,,,"p2003-05",,,,,,,,,,,,,"Originally approached by walking southwards along E side of SMK ridge from 204.",,,"Tagged 2003"
,"?",,"2003-07",,"smkridge/2003-07/2003-07.html",,,,,"2b","CUCC 2003 ??","Not clear if this has been entered at all.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"gps03.2003-07",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Presumably tagged 2003"
,"2/S/T +",,"2003-08",,"smkridge/2003-08/2003-08.html",,"Gewölbeschacht","Arch Shaft",,"2b","CUCC 2003 Earl M, Brian O","Entrance is a wide, open rift aligned roughly north-south, spanned by a rock bridge at the southern end. The cave proper starts with a boulder slope at the north-east corner of the rift, which briefly closes down before opening out into a high, narrow slot. Beyond thisis a pitch, the foot of which is blocked by snow.","Approx 75m rope; see elevation survey.","There is a possible lead in an alcove on the far wall of the final pitch, but this was not thought promising, and was left uninvestigated.","Form sent 2004.04.30",,"In dataset","</p><p><img src=""2003-08extelev.png"" alt=""2003-08 elevation (67k png)"" /></p><p><img src=""2003-08plan.png"" alt=""2003-08 plan (86k png)"" /></p><p>(Notes in 2003#29)","caves/2003-08/2003-08.svx","51m","44m","11m E-W",,,,,"p2003-08",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,"Tagged 2003"
,"2/E x",,"2003-09",,"smkridge/2003-09/2003-09.html",,"Weizeneishöhle",,,"2b","CUCC 2003: Originally located by Olly M; entrance dug out by Olly + Earl; exploration and underground survey Olly M + Mark S.","Entrance is large alcove / chamber in NW side of choss bowl. Very strong outwards draught emerges from small gap under right-hand wall, which leads to a crawl. This opens up to a walking passage with scatterings of ice and snow. A passage goes up to the left as the main way on turns a corner. It enters a large (> 10m diameter) chamber with an ice floor, and an ice stal on the floor. There is some passage with dodgy boulders to the right, but the draught comes from a very dodgy boulder slope on the left (reached by climbing round the edge of the ice). Might be worth poking, but it's quite unstable. We looked up the passage on the left but it doesn't seem to go anywhere.",,"Tightish meander in the floor of left-hand passage might go (blows outwards a bit), but awkward to enter. QM C. Also dodgy boulder slope, which is in the right direction for terminal chokes of On a Mission in 204 and might repay some prodding with a crowbar.","Form will be prepared when Mark draws up the survey",,"In dataset","Notes in 2003#31","caves/2003-09/2003-09.svx","134m","18m","42m E-W",,,,,"t2003-09",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"In large choss bowl southwest of 204d entrance",,"Obvious arched entrance","</p><div class=""centre""><img alt=""entrance photo - 106k jpeg"" src=""2003-09.jpg"" /></div><p>","Tagged 2003"
,"2 x",,"2003-10",,"smkridge/2003-10/2003-10.html",,"Skinny Festerers' Cave",,,"2b","CUCC 2003 Frank T, Brian O","No underground description extant.",,"Apparently there is one main QM in the main chamber of the cave.",,,"In dataset","Notes in 2003#33","caves/2003-10/2003-10.svx","121m","51m","36m E-W",,,,,"p2003-10",,,,"Surface survey",,,,,,,,"Immediately above and behind the 204 stone bridge bivvy",,,,"Tagged 2003"
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