From 25442eaedef2a4dbe95d053d28b64aca738a4658 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Expo on server <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2024 21:16:23 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Logbook edited 2024-07-15c

 years/2024/logbook.html | 11 +++++++++--
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/years/2024/logbook.html b/years/2024/logbook.html
index c86b20981..92d5e546c 100644
--- a/years/2024/logbook.html
+++ b/years/2024/logbook.html
@@ -548,19 +548,26 @@ They really don't like cyclists I feel.
 Anyway I parked the bike at the "No Cycling" notice at the bottom of the track up (where going left would go to Stummern Alm) and walked up  3km (+400m) to Oberwasseralm.
 <p>It is mostrously dramatic: not only are you right underneath the Trisselwand but the Loser massif (Vor.SMK) Weisse Wand is huge and very steep.
-<img width=50% src="/expofiles/photos/2024/PhilipSargent/valley-below-115.jpg"
+<img width=40% src="/expofiles/photos/2024/PhilipSargent/valley-below-115.jpg"
 Steep grassy valley below the Stoger Weg 
+<img width=40% src="/expofiles/photos/2024/PhilipSargent/valley-below-115.jpg"
+Context of steep grassy valley  
 <p>I did spot, I think, the steep grassy "valley" with an entrance at the top end which Chas and Planc found in 1983 and which I revisited in 2017.<a href="/logbookentry/1983-07-27/1983-07-27d">1983-07-27</a> When they said:
 <p>"So we looked at a big phreatic entrance further east (up the valley) and ~50m higher. This was looked at in 1982, but a bit of proddling released lots of boulders + we were able to follow up a narrowing bedding plane at ~60°, for 10m until it got too loose/small. Very difficult descent on scree to the end of the Altausseer See + then the Schniderwirt for Weizen Bier."
 <p>GPS track is uploaded using <a href="/gpxupload/"></a>.
 The photos of the same place from the Loser side in 2018:
 <img width=40% src="/photos/2018/PhilipSargent/lookfutile2-20180729/IMG_20180729_165003092.jpg">
-<img width=40% src="/photos/2024/PhilipSargent/green-valley-context.jpg">
 <div class="timeug">T/U: 0.0 hours</div>
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