diff --git a/1623/145/histry.htm b/1623/145/histry.htm index edebf888a..bbb096024 100644 --- a/1623/145/histry.htm +++ b/1623/145/histry.htm @@ -15,46 +15,46 @@

Here, "no TU" means none recorded in log book.

- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
07.28 John B, Julian G discovered entrance on walk back from 140
07.30 John B, Julian G, Ben, Naomi (no TU) explore to first big pitch
07.31 Naomi, Julian G, Ben, John B (no TU) down several pitches till out of rope
08.01 Naomi, Julian G (no TU) survey to Wolf cha. and photos
08.04 John B, Julian G (no TU) rig to head of Tiddley Pom at 160m
08.04 Ben, Naomi (4 hrs) tidy up leads near entrance
08.08 Gail, Phil S (no TU) tidy last loose end near entrance
08.08 Naomi, Wiggy (no TU) survey Big Leap back to Wolf cha.
08.09 Julian G, Wiggy (no TU) 5 pitches (7 bolts) down to ~300m
08.10 Naomi, Wiggy (no TU) finish survey near entrance
08.10 Mike T, Chas, Julian G (7¾ hrs) derig and survey


- + - + - + - + - + - + - +
07.23 Pete L, Wiggy (7 hrs) rigging in
07.25-26 Pete L, Andy D (28 hrs) rigging to 'c350m', then trapped by flood
08.01-02 Andy D, Brian D (15 hrs) push to c '395m'
08.02 Mike M, Pete L (no TU) reach the bottom
08.04-05 Wiggy, Brian D (17½ hrs) surveying almost to end
08.05-06 John P, Bill (20½ hrs) more survey and start derig
08.06-07 Andy D, Mike R (16 hrs) derig
diff --git a/1623/161/136desc.htm b/1623/161/136desc.htm index a3f91e429..b48222ec4 100644 --- a/1623/161/136desc.htm +++ b/1623/161/136desc.htm @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ estimated -240m, -260m and -285m, when the rift became too narrow. 1983 survey (which was never drawn up) only goes to -194m.


1997 rigging


1997 rigging

Elevation - 26k GIF @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ explored in 1983/4) and the Eyehole Route.

Eyehole Route (1997)


The Eyehole Route is to-date the main route in 136, leading eventually to the 1997 connection @@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ Pie, Triassic Park etc. , of which the majority of 136 is devoid. No leads were found in the Orchestral Pit.

The Gods' Traverse (1997)


The earlier (and lower) of two impressive traverse routes off the fifth pitch, The Gods' Traverse heads NE towards Kaninchenhöhle, to which it @@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ Pit.

Fifth pitch and Footlights Traverses (1997)


The later traverse route off the fifth pitch (starting at the pitch head, some 10m higher than the Gods'). This heads generally SW, and is in two diff --git a/1623/161/1983.htm b/1623/161/1983.htm index 36e25fcf2..f40c5e825 100644 --- a/1623/161/1983.htm +++ b/1623/161/1983.htm @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@


136 discovered and explored to -194m

-07.27 +07.27 MikeT, Planc, DaveB, Chas find and rig p40 (no TU)
-07.31 +07.31 MikeT, Chas (4 hrs) rerig entrance, push p30 and find water
-08.01 +08.01 MikeT, Chas (4½ hrs) down 60m rope - still going
-08.04 +08.04 MikeT, Chas (4 hrs) epic in snow, down damp 35m
-08.08 +08.08 Mike T, Chas (7 hrs) push, survey & derig 136
diff --git a/1623/161/1984.htm b/1623/161/1984.htm index 85b2f0ddf..1a6006d07 100644 --- a/1623/161/1984.htm +++ b/1623/161/1984.htm @@ -6,17 +6,17 @@


-07.23 +07.23 Mike and ? rig 136 to 2nd (no TU)
-07.25 +07.25 Mike T, Mike R (6½ hrs) past phreatic level at about -150m, down to -199m
-07.25 +07.25 John, Bill (10 hrs) rerigging and add 24m rope
-07.30 +07.30 Mike R, Mike T (10 hrs) 15m down last rope, then 20-25m pitch to cha. Two tight ways, deeper 10m to too-tight exit.
-07.31 +07.31 John, Bill (7½ hrs) derigged
diff --git a/1623/161/1988.htm b/1623/161/1988.htm index 9f6033ced..7af99fb1c 100644 --- a/1623/161/1988.htm +++ b/1623/161/1988.htm @@ -6,100 +6,100 @@


-08.21 +08.21 Mark D, Jeremy: Discovery of KH (I think - none too clear from log) (no TU)
-08.23 +08.23 Mark D, Jeremy (5 hrs) push entrance shaft (I think)
-08.23 +08.23 Chris D, Becka (6½ hrs) find Rabbit Warren
-08.24 +08.24 Mark D, Jeremy (4 hrs) push towards Big Sainsbury's
-08.24-5 +08.24-5 Chris D, Becka (8 hrs) push Adrian's route and inadvertantly cause call-out
-08.26-7 +08.26-7 Roddick, Keith M (10 hrs) push Adrian's
-08.26-7 +08.26-7 Chris D, Becka, Jared (10 hrs) survey Rabbit Warren
-08.26-7 +08.26-7 Mark D, Jeremy, Jenny (4½ hrs) survey 6 legs from entrance - then broke pen
-08.29 +08.29 Mike M, Jane, Jeremy surface survey to entrance
-08.29 +08.29 Mark, Jared (7 hrs) push Adrian's but no go
-08.29 +08.29 Chris D, Becka (8 hrs) rerigging 2nd and finding new ways
-08.29 +08.29 (says 30 in log) Del, Wookey, Adam (5 hrs) survey entrance and some Adrian's
-08.30 +08.30 Mike TA, Mark, Wookey (8 hrs) find Chunnel (I think)
-08.31 +08.31 Jeremy, Wookey, Mark R (8 hrs) push from Mike TA's muddy slope
-09.01 +09.01 Ian, Del, Adam (8 hrs) survey, photo, derig in Adrian's
-09.02 +09.02 Chris D, Becka (8½ hrs) survey below squeeze
-09.02 +09.02 Del, Wookey (3 hrs) derig Adrian's
-09.02 +09.02 Mark D, Chris S (who failed to descend squeeze) (7 hrs) survey above squeeze
-09.02 +09.02 Mark R, Juliette (8 hrs) pushing below squeeze in RHR
-09.02 +09.02 Joe, Jared (9½ hrs) push LHR down "Baker", Oubliette
-09.03 +09.03 Jeremy, Adam, Del (7 hrs) survey Chunnel ? fail to push
-09.03 +09.03 (says 04 in log) Tina, Keith (9 hrs) put 2 bolts in head of Niflheim, and name it
-09.03 +09.03 Wookey, Mark F (7 hrs) survey LHR
-09.04 +09.04 Mike TA, Mark D (8 hrs) get 50m down Niflheim to rock bridge
-09.04 +09.04 Wookey, Adam (7½ hrs) find Knossos to Carrefour
-09.05 +09.05 Del, Jeremy (7 hrs) survey Knossos
-09.05 +09.05 Mark F, Keith, Ian (10 hrs) photo trip to Knossos
-09.06 +09.06 Wookey, Mike TA, Adam (8 hrs) derig RHR and sketch survey Tower Blocks
-09.06 +09.06 Jared, Tina (8 hrs) derig LHR, survey Arrow Cha. to Butcher
-09.07 +09.07 Mark D, Juliette, Del, Jeremy (4 hrs) derig to surface
diff --git a/1623/161/1989.htm b/1623/161/1989.htm index bc9d02a69..e7d722611 100644 --- a/1623/161/1989.htm +++ b/1623/161/1989.htm @@ -6,152 +6,152 @@


-08.07 +08.07 Adam, Mark D (4 hrs) rig 1st and new 2nd
-08.07 +08.07 Julian, Chris, Becka (3½ hrs) survey entrance again
-08.08 +08.08 Tina, Bill, Mike TA (7½ hrs) push for squeeze bypass - new p30 Alternative Shopper
-08.08 +08.08 Juliette, Del (6 hrs) 1 bolt, 5 survey points, 2nd pitch
-08.08 +08.08 Mark F, Jeremy (8 hrs) find and push Drunk & Stupid
-08.08 +08.08 Tanya, Julian (6 hrs) tourist in entrance series
-08.09 +08.09 Becka, Adam, Chris D (10 hrs) push in Drunk & Stupid
-08.10 +08.10 Tina, Tanya (5 hrs) place 1 bolt on Alternative Shopper
-08.10 +08.10 Mark D, Julian, Penny (8½ hrs) surveying on main route (judging Drunk & Stupid unsafe)
-08.10 +08.10 Jeremy, Juliette (7 hrs) place 1 bolt on pitch 3 and rig 4th
-08.10 +08.10 Bill, Adam (8 hrs) rerig in RH route
-08.10 +08.10 Mark F, Del (8 hrs) rig into LHR
-08.(must be 11th) +08.(must be 11th) Chris D, Juliette, Jeremy, Becka (10 ½ hrs) rigged to Knossos, surveyed and found Flapjack ?
-08.(must be 11th) +08.(must be 11th) Tanya, Del (8 hrs) push down Drunk & Stupid
-08.11 +08.11 (date from 23-24 write up) Mark F, Tina, Mike TA (11 hrs) rig to bottom of Niflheim
-08.12 +08.12 Wookey, Julian, Juliette (6½ hrs) resurvey in Drunk & Stupid and fail to push
-08.12 +08.12 Jeremy, Mark D, Adam (5½ hrs) survey 40 legs in RHR
-08.(must be 13th) +08.(must be 13th) Chris D, Del, Becka (5 hrs) survey Alternative Shopper
-08.14 +08.14 Mark D, Chris, Becka (9 hrs) survey & push in Drunk & Stupid
-08.14 +08.14 Mike TA (8½ hrs), Wookey, Adam (9 hrs) survey & push from Knossos, and find start of Dreamtime
-08.15 +08.15 Dan, Tina, Jeremy, Julian (12 hrs) survey Tower Blocks to Yapate, Flapjack
-08.15 +08.15 Penny, Del, Juliette (9½ hrs) survey and push 1 bolt (D&S)
-08.15-16 +08.15-16 Joe, Mike, Peter (16 hrs) push Flapjack to Bat Corner
-08.16 +08.16 Becka (10 hrs) falls down squeeze - everyone else on rescue
Wook, Chris, Mark D, Adam (10 hrs) Tanya, Julian (8 hrs)
various Austrian cavers (? hrs) and much surface support
(See also -Becka's write-up) +Becka's write-up) -08.20-21 +08.20-21 Mark D, Adam, Planc (15 hrs) push Flapjack to bottom at -498m
-08.20-21 +08.20-21 Wookey, Joe, Juliette, Jeremy, Dave (31 hrs), Del, Mike TA (24 hrs) to camp in RHR push/survey Olympus, survey Flapjack etc.
-08.21 +08.21 Dan, Penny, Julian, Mark F (11 hrs) push in Drunk & Stupid
-08.22 +08.22 Tanya, Chris D, Julian (12 hrs) rerig and push Drunk & Stupid
-08.23-24 +08.23-24 Wookey, Dave H (13 hrs), Chris (13½ hrs) Ragnarok/Black Lagoon found
-08.26 +08.26 Dave H, Del, Juliette (8 hrs) survey Niflheim
-08.26-27 +08.26-27 Dan, Wookey, Adam (17½ hrs), Chris D (17 hrs) survey Olympus and push other stuff (OTR?)
-08.27 +08.27 Mark F, Keith, Ian (11½ hrs) Photo trip LH & RH routes
-08.27 +08.27 Dave H, Juliette, Del (9 hrs) finding side leads in Drunk & Stupid
-08.26-28 +08.26-28 Jeremy, Mike TA, Julian (48 hrs) derig Flapjack, push OTR, find Pot of Gold, camping in Dewdrop
-08.?? +08.?? Wookey, Dave H (3½ hrs) collect gear from Toilet Block
-0?.?? +0?.?? Mike TA, Tina (11 hrs) push/survey into Dreamtime
-09.01 +09.01 Jeremy, Julian, Dan, Penny (11 hrs) push Drunk & Stupid to "French Connection"
-09.01-2 +09.01-2 Dave, Chris, Tanya, Juliette (16 hrs) surveying bottom of LHR, find Thumper, discover Drunk & Stupid note
-09.03 +09.03 Dave, Paul, Mark D (12 hrs) photo and derig Drunk & Stupid
-09.03 +09.03 Jeremy, Mark F, Adam (14 hrs) remove Flapjack ropes, survey Wish you were here
-09.03 +09.03 Chris (9½ hrs), Dan, Juliette (10 hrs) break Chris at squeeze
-09.(must be 5th) +09.(must be 5th) Juliette, Dave, Mike TA (11 hrs), Jeremy, Tanya, Tina (7 hrs) survey, derig Niflheim
-'Tues' +'Tues' (must be 09.05) Dan, Penny (4½ hrs) finish derigging Drunk & Stupid
diff --git a/1623/161/1990.htm b/1623/161/1990.htm index 5b75754f8..f8a96a10a 100644 --- a/1623/161/1990.htm +++ b/1623/161/1990.htm @@ -6,163 +6,163 @@


-07.11 +07.11 Dave F (½ hr) rig entrance pitch
-07.12 +07.12 Del, Dave F (8 hrs) rig to squeeze, find Umleitung
-07.12 +07.12 DaveH (5½ hrs), Dave F rig traverse round Dreamtime
-07.12 +07.12 Wookey, Juliette (7 hrs) rig Adrians to head of large pitch found 1988, find Adrians->161b connection
-07.12 +07.12 Adam (1½ hrs) and Olly (¼ hr) find 161c
-07.14 +07.14 Adam, Jeremy (9 hrs) rig from squeeze to Knossos, find 30m pitch (Flat Battery)
-07.14 +07.14 Julian, DaveH (9½ hrs) find Rabbit Curry and Pit & Pendulum while waiting for Knossos to be rigged
-07.14 +07.14 Wookey, Juliette, Matt (7 hrs) push Adrian's from 161B down 45m pitch
-07.14 +07.14 Del, Dave F (8 hrs) push RHR, rig traverse over Gob ?
-07.15 +07.15 Julian, DaveH (8½ hrs) push QM in Flapjack
-07.15 +07.15 Del, Juliette (6½ hrs) rig FCII
-07.15-16 +07.15-16 Wookey, Dave F (16 hours) climb Staircase 36, down Strange Downfall and to Endless
-07.16 +07.16 Matt, Pete, Mark S. (7 hrs), Francis (6 hrs) finds bits round Big Sainsbury's
-07.16 +07.16 Lief, Janna, Hugh (4 hrs) replace bolt on 3rd pitch
-07.16 +07.16 MikeTA, Tina, Jared (9 hrs) push Dreamtime into Chunnel
-07.17 +07.17 Mark S., Leif, Tony, Matt (6 hrs) push from 2nd pitch in Dreamtime
-07.17 +07.17 Adam, Mark F (9 hrs) push Flat Battery
-07.18 +07.18 William, Mark D, Adam (10 hrs) push & survey Flat Battery
-07.18-19 +07.18-19 Jeremy (12½ hrs) & Francis (13½ hrs) push Dreamtime with Pete (4 hrs) then push down Endless
-07.18-19 +07.18-19 Wookey, Dave F (16 hrs) survey Vestabule and some in CFN
-07.19 +07.19 Dave H, Del (16 hrs) push down Too Much Too Soon
-07.19 +07.19 Mike R, Tina, Jared (10½ hrs) survey & rerig Dreamtime
-07.20-21 +07.20-21 Mark S, Julian (10 hrs) tourist to Endless
-07.20-21 +07.20-21 Wookey, Dave F, Pete (17 hrs) finish survey of Endless
-07.21 +07.21 Hugh, Tony, Francis (4½ hrs) rigging and survey in France
-07.21 +07.21 Mark D, William (9 hrs) push Flat Battery + survey
-07.20 or 21 +07.20 or 21 Jeremy, Juliette (12½ hrs) Too Much Too Soon abortive
-07.22 +07.22 Del, Francis, Dave H (16 hrs) finish off Too Much Too Soon
-07.22 +07.22 Jeremy (3 hrs), Juliette (5½ hrs) laying coax
-07.24 +07.24 William, Dave F (11 hrs) Mark D, Adam (12 hrs) Dreamtime & Flapjack II photo trip
-07.24 +07.24 Matt, Pete (7 hrs) push climb spotted by Del in Big Sainsbury's
-07.25 +07.25 Dave F, Matt, Pete (20 hrs) push below Endless
-07.26 +07.26 Adam, Mike, Jeremy (8½ hrs) push & survey Flat Battery
-07.28 +07.28 Joe, MikeTA (9 hrs) discover Powerstation
-07.28 +07.28 Mark D, Mark F, Tony, Paul S (9 hrs) photo trip to Yapate
-07.28 +07.28 Juliette, Del (7¾ hrs), Olly (8 hrs) to bottom of France surveying
-07.29 +07.29 Joe, Olly (11 hrs) push Powerstation
07.29 or 30? There must be a France derigging trip not written up ?
-07.30 +07.30 Mark D (2 hrs - left early but -linked 161c), +linked 161c), Del, Juliette, Wookey (16 hrs) push, survey and derig End of Flat Battery
-07.30 +07.30 Matt, Tim (8½ hrs) rerigging in Dreamtime
-07.31 +07.31 Matt, Tim (9½ hrs) rerigging in Dreamtime
-07.31 +07.31 Francis, Mark S, Pete (6 hrs) thwarted from pushing France by previous derig
-08.01 +08.01 Jeremy, Dave F (10 hrs) survey & derig Endless
-08.03 +08.03 Wookey, Tim (9 hrs) survey odd connections and derig some kit
-08.04 +08.04 Dave F, Julian (8 hrs) push side leads off CFN - find Burble
-08.05 +08.05 Wookey, Dave F (10 hrs) appear to finish Powerstation (not very legible)
-0?.?? +0?.?? Mark F, Tanya, Tony, Paul S (9 hrs) climbing above Boulder Alley
-08.06 +08.06 Del, Dave F (10 hrs) fail to push (Sheared Off Known Better), derig to Bungalow
-08.06 +08.06 Francis, Olly, Tim (12 hrs) survey Powerstation and derig
-08.06 +08.06 Paul S, Juliette (3½ hrs) enlarge and survey 161b/161c link
-08.07 +08.07 Wookey, Pete (4½ hrs), Jeremy, -Andy W (3 hrs) -Paul, Juliette +Andy W (3 hrs) +Paul, Juliette (6 hrs), Julian (TU ?) derig RH and Dreamtime (and all the other kit)
-08.?? +08.?? Matt (6 hrs), Francis (3½ hrs) derig Adrian's
-08.08 +08.08 Wookey (¾ hr), Dave F (20 min), Olly (surface) derig entrance
diff --git a/1623/161/1991.htm b/1623/161/1991.htm index c406ec885..fbe4b7dc6 100644 --- a/1623/161/1991.htm +++ b/1623/161/1991.htm @@ -6,85 +6,85 @@


-07.05 +07.05 Mark D, Fran, Paul S (5½ hrs) rig 161c down to Dice
-07.05 +07.05 Wookey, Iain, Henri (9 hrs), Gill (7 hrs), Mark S, Julian S (5 hrs) rig entrance and Dreamtime
-07.06 +07.06 Mark D, Fran, Ian H (4 hrs) fail to rig Roll of the Dice due to crap driver
-07.08 +07.08 Wookey, Mark S (9 hrs), Iain (7 hrs) rig to head of Knossos
-07.10 +07.10 Wookey, Henri, Andy (15 hrs) survey and push Burble
-07.11 +07.11 Mark D, Mark F, Julian S, Paul S (5½ hrs) survey France to Dice, rig Roll of the Dice
-07.13 +07.13 Andy A, Julian H, Mark S, Julian T, Mark M (14 hrs) survey S'not, push Burble to Leadmine, Repton and Endless, survey Leadmine
-07.?? +07.?? Iain M, Ian H, Fran (7 hrs) start rigging Dungeon
-07.?? +07.?? (before 14) Iain M, Del, Fran (8 hrs) more rigging Dungeon - find S'not to bypass squeeze
-07.14 +07.14 Andy, Ian H (4 hrs) survey in Dreamtime (survey book says 9th)
-07.14 +07.14 Olly, Wookey (5½ hrs) derig Dreamtime
-07.16 +07.16 Andy, Julian S, Mark M (17 hrs) push/survey down Burble to bottom of Exhaustion
-07.16-17 +07.16-17 Wookey, Gill (15 hrs), Henri (5½ hrs) push & survey in Burble/Repton
-07.17 +07.17 Paul S, Mark D, Penny, Tony, Hugh (4 hrs) flood stops survey in France, photos
-07.?? +07.?? (before 20) Mark F, Iain M, Jon W, Fran (10½ hrs) rig LHR to Niflheim
-07.20 +07.20 Olly, Julian S (5 hrs) rediscover Bullshit Alley (as Snapoffalot) from Big Sainsbury's
-07.20-21 +07.20-21 Wookey, Andy (15 hrs) rerig Niflheim, push Time Dilation, Ambidextrous, some survey
-07.21 +07.21 Andy, Tony, Mark S (3 hrs), Henri, Fran (5 hrs) survey in France and push on one pitch
-07.22 +07.22 Mark S, Julian S (3 hrs) derig France
-07.22-23 +07.22-23 Wookey, Olly (20½ hrs) survey S'not, rerig Niflheim, find & survey Trehala, survey Hellgrind, Ambidextrous, find Repton->HGS link, fix rope on Repton, derig Burble stuff to Knossos
-07.?? +07.?? (after 23, before 25) Julian, Tony, Mark S, Fran (6½ hrs) derig Knossos
-07.25 +07.25 Wookey (½ hr), Olly (1 hr), Andy, Fran, Henri (surface) derig entrance
diff --git a/1623/161/1992.htm b/1623/161/1992.htm index 6b006b7cc..be6017d84 100644 --- a/1623/161/1992.htm +++ b/1623/161/1992.htm @@ -6,90 +6,90 @@


-07.07 +07.07 Mark M (2 hrs) rigs and removes coax from Checkout -> Squeeze route
-07.10 +07.10 Andy, Jerry (8 hrs) rig to Knossos
-07.14 +07.14 Mike TA, Tina (6 hrs) rerig entrance, find Deep Sleep in Gnome
-07.14 +07.14 Andrew A, Dave F (11½ hrs) rig to Repton, find Pipeless, Satan's Sitting Room
-07.16 +07.16 Henri, Andy, Tony, Dave (10 hrs) push Garden Party
-07.17 +07.17 Mike TA (4 hrs) push Deep Sleep to end
-07.18 +07.18 Wookey, Mike TA (7½ hrs) survey Deep Sleep, push/survey in Gnome, drop coax down squeeze
-07.22 +07.22 Andy (7 hrs), Dave, Wookey (11 hrs) push Garden Party 80m down and survey new stuff
-07.23 +07.23 Jerry, Wookey (12½ hrs) push in Repton and SSR, find Silent Fellow, survey Pipeless
-07.24 +07.24 Andrew, Dave (9 hrs) push Garden Party into LHR, survey, derig
-07.24 +07.24 Tony (5 hrs) rig France to bottom of Roll of the Dice
-07.27 +07.27 Sam, Gill, Rachel, Julian S (5½ hrs) push Dungeon
-07.27 +07.27 Andrew, Tony (5½ hrs) in France, some falling done, one bolt in Toothless
-07.28 +07.28 Fran, Jerry, Mike TA (6 hrs) push France into Algeria
-07.28 +07.28 Sam, Julian S (6 hrs) survey Dungeon
-07.29 +07.29 Sam, Mike TA (11 hrs) push 110m in Pipeless (Mostly Mud) and surveyed out
-07.29 +07.29 Wookey, Andy (9 hrs) to HGS, then pushed QM to Pipeless
-07.30 +07.30 Wookey, Henri (9 hrs) survey Toothless to Algeria in France
-07.30 +07.30 Aggy, Andy, Sepp (7½ hrs), Jerry, Robert TWC (6 hrs) tourist to SSR + bit of rigging
-07.30 +07.30 Dave F (8 hrs) push Bladerunner
-07.31 +07.31 Tony, Sam, Mike TA, Tina (5 hrs) connect Dungeon to S'not
-07.31 +07.31 Gill, Rachel (5 hrs) Photos and side leads in LHR
-08.02 +08.02 Wookey, Andy (15 hrs), Jerry, Aggy (14 hrs) push 3 Wise Men, check pitch, reach far side, find Black Velvet rig in Mostly Mud, rerig in SSR, survey
-08.03 +08.03 Dave H, Julian, Olly (8 hrs) push, survey, derig France
-08.04 +08.04 Wookey, Andy (15½ hrs) survey Far Too Far and derig, rerig up-pitches
-08.05 +08.05 Dave F (14½ hrs), Henri (14), Dave H, Wookey (9½), Andy (9), Clive (8½) derig from Strange Downfall, survey & derig Bladerunner
diff --git a/1623/161/1993.htm b/1623/161/1993.htm index c6b432aae..bc7d134ab 100644 --- a/1623/161/1993.htm +++ b/1623/161/1993.htm @@ -6,100 +6,100 @@


-06.30 +06.30 Nick, Clive (3 hrs) rig entrance and 2nd
-07.02 +07.02 Adam, Mike TS (7½ hrs), Andy W (5 hrs) rig to Knossos
-07.03 +07.03 Nick (4½ hrs), Clive (4 hrs) start rigging France
-07.04 +07.04 Hugh, Julian H, Ali, Pete L (9 hrs) rig France almost to Algeria
-07.04 +07.04 Wookey, Tess (5 hrs) checking side leads above Knossos
-07.04 +07.04 Mike TS, Adam (9 hrs) push Final Cut
-07.07 +07.07 Nick (13 hrs), Adam (10 hrs), Mike TS (12½ hrs) push Gob into Dehydration
-07.08 +07.08 Julian, Pete, Ali (11½ hrs) push below Algeria
-07.08-9 +07.08-9 Wookey, Lummat, Julian T (16 hrs) rig to Far Too Far, find East Anglia
-07.10 +07.10 Lummat, David G (10 hrs) find Pitch-Ramp series
-07.10 +07.10 Anthony, Hugh A, Julian S (4½ hrs) surveying around 2nd pitch
-07.12 +07.12 Lummat, Mike TS (5½ hrs) finish Pitch Ramp series
-07.14 +07.14 Wookey, Adam (11 hrs) survey and derig Gob to Halfshaft
-07.14 +07.14 Nick (8½ hrs), Lummat, David G (7½ hrs) survey and derig Pitch Ramp
-07.14 +07.14 Anthony, Hugh, Julian S (6 hrs) push Ignore this bit
-07.16 +07.16 Andy W (6¾ hrs) photo, tourist and geology field trip to Strange Downfall
-07.16 +07.16 Julian H, Ali, Pete L (8½ hrs) push France down Titfield Thunderbolt, Attempted Penetration, Disintegration, Fat Knot Fruity, Natural Deception, Waterfalls Walk
-07.16 +07.16 Nick, Hugh, Mike TS (3½ hrs) finish Ignore this bit
-07.17 +07.17 Nick, Hugh, David G (8½ hrs) survey then push into Pointless
-07.17 +07.17 Julian H, Ali (8½ hrs), Pete L (7½ hrs) survey new France, derig to Algeria
-07.18 +07.18 Nick, Hugh (12 hrs) finish, survey and derig Pointless
-07.18 +07.18 Wookey, Mike TS, Lummat (16½ hrs), Clive (27 hrs) push Far Too Far
-07.19 +07.19 Julian H, Julian S, Ali (3½ hrs) find Clive in Boulder Alley
-07.22-23 +07.22-23 Wookey (38 hrs), Pete L, Mike TS (37 hrs) push Even Further (camping)
-07.22 +07.22 Julian H, Spencer, Ali, Anthony (13 hrs), Julian T (8 hrs) push France, find Twin Tubs
-07.25 +07.25 Pete L, Seb (6 hrs), Julian H, Hugh (4½ hrs), Ali (4 hrs) push France - flooded in Algeria
-07.27 +07.27 Julian H (6½ hrs), Pete L, Hugh (5½ hrs), David G (6 hrs) derig France
-07.27 +07.27 Wookey, Mike TS, Julian S (8½ hrs) derig Far Too Far
-07.28 +07.28 Wookey, Mike TS (4 hrs) derig from Knossos
diff --git a/1623/161/1994.htm b/1623/161/1994.htm index c3c60dcca..ab51bfef2 100644 --- a/1623/161/1994.htm +++ b/1623/161/1994.htm @@ -6,100 +6,100 @@


-07.05 +07.05 Ali, Pete L (5¾ hrs) rig to Poxy
-07.05 +07.05 Mike TS, Sean, Andy Doris (6 hrs) rigged to Knossos
-07.05 +07.05 Anthony, Mike TA (6 hrs) rigged France to Algeria
-07.07 +07.07 Helen, Sean, Andy Doris, Andy A (9 hrs), Mike TA, Ralph (7 hrs) push off Gnome
-07.08 +07.08 Mike TS (9 hrs), Ali, Pete L (9½ hrs) rig to 3 Wise Men
-07.08 +07.08 Anthony, Scout (7 hrs) tourist to France, find (off Toothless)
-07.10-11 +07.10-11 Mike TA, Andy A (13½ hrs) push in Gnome II
-07.11 +07.11 Ali (½ hr), Mike TS (10 min) rerig and push in France
-07.11 +07.11 Anthony, Ralph, Helen, Andy D2 (8½ hrs) rerigging in France
-07.12 +07.12 Helen, Andy D2, Anthony (no TU) rig Top Loader into Twin Tubs as expected, survey, derig
-07.12 +07.12 Andy A, Olly (8 hrs) in Gnome, Driller Killer
-07.13 +07.13 Andy D, Ralph (4¼ hrs) survey Standard Deviation in France
-07.13 +07.13 Mike TS (2 hrs) wrote off a QM on way to Gnome
-07.14 +07.14 Andy A, Bob B, Mike TA (5 hrs) push Gnome to Vestabule and Chunnel
-07.15 +07.15 Julian, Bob B, Steve, Kate (13 hrs) push from Sultans into Flat France - 250m surveyed
-07.16-17 +07.16-17 Andy A (13½ hrs), Bob B, Mike TA (14½ hrs) push, survey and derig in Driller Killer
-07.17 +07.17 Julian, Ali, Anthony, Kate (9 hrs) push/survey in Flat France
-07.18 +07.18 Ali, Heather (4¼ hrs) abortive survey in France
-07.19 +07.19 Julian, Pete L (9 hrs), Steve (10 hrs) survey in Flat France
-07.19 +07.19 Andy A (9 hrs), Kate (10½ hrs), Anthony (10 hrs) survey in Flat France
-07.20 +07.20 AndyA (3½ hrs) to Dreaming of Limo to retrieve carbide bit and derig
-07.21 +07.21 Andy A, Olly (10 hrs) push Exhaustion Pitch to Siberia and survey
-07.21 +07.21 Mike TS, Steve, Pete L (5 hrs) push Rocky Horror ? survey Fudge Brownie
-07.22 +07.22 Julian, Heather, Martin (7½ hrs) push end of Fudge Brownie
-07.22 +07.22 Anthony, Ali (7½ hrs) survey Skeleton in the cupboard to Fat Knot Fruity
-07.23 +07.23 Andy A, Kate, Steve, Martin (12½ hrs) photo trip to Strange Acrossfall
-07.24 +07.24 Ali, Pete L (7 hrs) derig Far Too Far etc.
-07.24 +07.24 Anthony, Julian H (12 hrs), Martin (8 hrs) push, survey beyond Fudge Brownie, derig France
-07.25 +07.25 Andy A, Olly, Steve (4 hrs), Mike TS (6 hrs) derig from Knossos
diff --git a/1623/161/1995.htm b/1623/161/1995.htm index 0df3f034a..7596ef800 100644 --- a/1623/161/1995.htm +++ b/1623/161/1995.htm @@ -6,79 +6,79 @@


-07.10 +07.10 Nick, Mike, Hugh (7 hrs) rig to Vestabule then into Dreaming of Limo
-07.11 +07.11 Nick, Hugh, James (10½ hrs) pushing Oral series
-07.11 +07.11 Paul, Duncan, Mike, Anthony (8½ hrs) in cave at same time, to Dreaming of Limo
-07.13 +07.13 Nick, Duncan, Anthony (9½ hrs) pushing Oral Series
-07.13 +07.13 Mike (12½ hrs), James, Paul (14 hrs) survey & derig Oral Series
-07.16 +07.16 Nick, James (8 hrs), DScout (4½) push Dreaming of Limo
-07.17 +07.17 Nick, James, DScout (10 hrs) surveying in Dreaming of Limo
-07.17 +07.17 Julian H, Steve (7 hrs), Kate, Dave, Paul (5½ hrs) rig France to Toothless
-07.18 +07.18 Nick (7½ hrs), James, Mike TA (8 hrs) Rig to Gob
-07.18 +07.18 Steve, Julian H, Kate, DScout, Dave (9 hrs) rig France to Algeria
-07.20 +07.20 Nick (6½ hrs), Paul (7 hrs) push more scrotty pitches in Dreaming of Limo
-07.20 +07.20 Mike TA, Anthony, Duncan (7 hrs) push QM in Rich Tea
-07.21 +07.21 DScout, Dave (6 hrs) somewhat abortive in France
-07.22 +07.22 Nick, Anthony (10 hrs) Push holes off Stomping
-07.22 +07.22 Duncan (8 hrs), Kate (7 hrs) push QM in Hobnob Passage -(2nd write-up)
-07.22 +(2nd write-up)
+07.22 Steve, JulianH (8 hrs) push, survey and derig Sultans of Swing
-07.23 +07.23 JulianH (10 hrs), DScout (9 hrs) Black Suspender
-07.23 +07.23 Dave, Kate (8 hrs) Holes in floor of Algeria
-07.23 +07.23 Andy A (10½ hrs), Steve (9 hrs) Piss Pot
-07.24 +07.24 Nick, Anthony (12 hrs) push Doubting Thomas and survey
-07.25 +07.25 Wookey, AndyA (6½ hrs) LH route - found Cowboy Caver, RH route - found Semidetached
-07.26 +07.26 AndyA, JulianH, Wookey (8 hrs) Push into Stairway to Hell, then find Triassic Park
-07.26 +07.26 DaveS, Anthony, Balázs (7 hrs) Survey Regurgitation
-07.26 +07.26 Nick, Dunc (6 hrs) Push lead over Alexander Technique (Dunc too fat)
-07.27 +07.27 Nick, Dave (8 hrs) Same again
-07.27 +07.27 Wookey, AndyA, DaveS (11½ hrs), Anthony, Duncan, Steve (8 hrs) Survey and photo Triassic Park
-07.28 +07.28 Duncan, Steve, Kate (10½ hrs) Survey & push in Triassic park
-07.30 +07.30 Wookey, AndyA (10½ hrs) RH route de-rig & Semi-Detached survey
-07.31 +07.31 Wookey, AndyA (8½ hrs) find 161d from Triassic Park
-08.01 +08.01 AndyA, Wookey, (6½ hrs) (Steve) push/survey in Triassic Park
-08.01 +08.01 Duncan (7½), Kate (10), Anthony (11), Steve (10½) derig France from Algeria
diff --git a/1623/161/1996.htm b/1623/161/1996.htm index 3d9ca599b..e49f85d80 100644 --- a/1623/161/1996.htm +++ b/1623/161/1996.htm @@ -6,232 +6,232 @@


-07.03 +07.03 Anthony, Gunilla, Matthew, Steve (TU zero) Find a surface route to 161d
-07.05 +07.05 Steve, Matthew, PhilU (7½ hrs) Push Bugger (repulsed), big pitch and Trifurcation area, find Puerile Humour
-07.05 +07.05 Brian, Anthony (5½ hrs) Push 95-54, p10, p7
-07.05 +07.05 Nick, Helen (5 hrs) Push Rift off Trifurcation - Interview Blues (p35, p6, going)
-07.06 +07.06 Nick, Anthony, Brian (5½ hrs) Push off Trifurcation (big pitch and 95-55) -(2nd write-up)
+(2nd write-up)
-07.11 +07.11 Nick, Brian, Anthony (8½ hrs) Push/survey Bottomless Pit of Eternal Chaos
-07.11 +07.11 Steve, Ralph, Matthew (6 hrs) Push Puerile Humour
-07.13 +07.13 (in logbook as 11th, but then 14th says "yesterday") AndyA, AndyC, DaveF, Juliet (6 hrs) Climbed Bugger
-07.13 +07.13 Nick, Brian, Matthew (8½ hrs) survey/Derig Bottomless Pit
-07.13 +07.13 PhilB, Duncan, Gunilla, PhilU (6 hrs) push holes, start of TP (95-31)
-07.14 +07.14 DaveF, AndyA, Juliet (6½ hrs) Survey Bugger, Fine Clean Rock
-07.14 +07.14 Lummat, Ralph (7 hrs) Find Natural City in Puerile Humour
-07.14 +07.14 Nick, Anthony, Brian (6 hrs) Push and Survey Interview Blues to 5th pitch
-07.14 +07.14 JulianH, Gill (estimated 7 hrs) Shortage of Walls to Rich Tea
-07.14 +07.14 Duncan, Gunilla, PhilB (estimated 5½ hrs) 161d entrance area, start of TP, Ring Piece
-07.15 +07.15 Lummat, Sam (6 hrs) Push rattling pitch and survey in Puerile Humour
-07.15 +07.15 AndyC, Dave (6 hrs) 86m of rope into Henri's Cat
-07.15 +07.15 MikeTA, JulianH (6 hrs) Tick QMs at Zombie and Ginger Crunch
-07.15 +07.15 Gill, Anthony (6 hrs) Survey derig Rich Tea connection, etc.
-07.16 +07.16 Sam, Brian (6½ hrs) Push Batman series in Puerile Humour
-07.16 +07.16 (not in call-out book?) Duncan, Gunilla, Anthony (6½ hrs) Surveying 95-31 (Dr. Snuggles)
-07.17 +07.17 Lummat, Gill, Phil, Chris, JulietM (8 hrs) Survey and push Puerile Humour
-07.17 +07.17 JulianT, Becka (12 hrs), Dave, Andrew (8 hrs) Rig to Knossos, Survey and push in Fine Clean Rock
-07.17 +07.17 Tina, MikeTA (6 hrs) Push Regurgitation, 12m pitch to end
-07.17 +07.17 Nick, Paul (7 ½ hrs) Interview Blues - rope too short
-07.17 +07.17 AndyC, Matthew, PhilU (6 hrs) Find 4s pitch in Genital Wart
-07.18 +07.18 Nick, Brian (7 ½ hrs) Rerig in Interview Blues and push
-07.18 +07.18 Sam, Lummat (8 hrs) Survey and push Puerile Humour
-07.18 +07.18 Becka, DaveF (8 hrs) Push Henri's Cat to end
-07.18 +07.18 Andy, JulianH, Chris (no T/U in log) Push Climb in Staud'nWirt Palace, and Stairway to Hell
-07.18 +07.18 Anthony, Steve, Duncan, Gunilla (6 hrs) Push and survey Hammeroids off Ring Piece
-07.18 +07.18 AndyC, PhilU (8½ hrs) Push 4s pitch in Puerile Humour - a Bad Case of Herpes
-07.18 +07.18 (not in call-out book) Gill, PhilB (1½ hrs) Touristing and picking up gear
-07.19 +07.19 Chris, Wookey (no T/U in log) Survey Knossos, Zombie Slime, below Overflow and Guillotine
-07.19 +07.19 (07.20 in log book) Duncan, Gunilla, Paul (7 hrs) Push pitches off Ring Piece
-07.19 +07.19 Becka, Sam (5½ hrs) Puerile Humour
-07.19 +07.19 MikeTA, Tina (5 hrs) Discover Alternative Universe
-07.19? +07.19? Gill Hole back of gear dump (96-100) (not in log, may not have occurred)
-07.20 +07.20 Nick, Anthony, Becka (8 hrs) Push 8th & 9th pitches, survey 5th to 7th, Interview Blues
-07.21 +07.21 JulianH, ChrisD (no T/U in log) Stabilise, survey and push beyond Stairway to Hell
-07.21 +07.21 Nick (6 hrs), Brian (9 hrs), Paul (8 hrs) Find Interview Blues 9th pitch is very deep
-07.21 +07.21 Sam, Craig, Lummat (8½ hrs) Push and survey Batman series (5-way area)
-07.21 +07.21 Becka, Anthony (9 hrs) Batman series - find 161e
-07.22 +07.22 JulianH, Fran, Pete (2½ hrs, not in log book) Push leads off Shortage of Walls
-07.22 +07.22 Paul, Brian, Ralph, Lummat, Craig (6½ hrs) Puerile Humour
-07.22 +07.22 JulietteK, MarkMc (7 hrs) Rigging Choss Pot
-07.22 +07.22 Sam, Becka (8 hrs) Survey Puerile Humour
-07.22 +07.22 Wookey, Andrew (8 hrs) Survey Forbidden Land
-07.22 +07.22 MikeTA, Tina, Penny (6½ hrs) Survey in Alternative Universe
-07.23 +07.23 JulietteK, MarkMc, Craig (7 hrs) Survey Choss Pot and rig final bit, then derig
-07.23 +07.23 DaveF, Becka (7½ hrs) (and Sam later, written up elsewhere) Push Fear-On traverse
-07.23 +07.23 Helen, Nick (8½ hrs), Brian (? hrs) Push/survey in Interview Blues
-07.23 +07.23 Sam (7½ hrs) Reflagging Triassic
-07.23 +07.23 Jeremy, Tony, DaveH, ChrisD (6 hrs) Wheelchair Access
-07.24 +07.24 Steve, Duncan (5½ hrs) Leads off TP (Hymen crawl)
-07.24 +07.24 Chris, Lummat (9 hrs) Push/survey beyond Fiveways
@@ -239,32 +239,32 @@ Push/survey beyond Fiveways
written up elsewhere) PeteL, Fran, JulianH, Clive Push in Dr. Snuggles
--> -07.24 +07.24 PhilU, Anthony, Becka (6 hrs) Survey and push LH (VD series) in Puerile Humour
-07.24 +07.24 AndyA, AndyW, Wookey, Sam, JulietM (5 hrs) Photo trip along TP and side leads
-07.24 +07.24 (not in call-out book) PeteL, Clive (2½ hrs) Tourist in big bits
-07.25 +07.25 AndyA, ChrisD, Lummat (no T/U in log) Survey Forbidden Land
-07.26 +07.26 Becka, Sam, Craig (6 hrs) Shaft bashing in Puerile Humour
-07.26 +07.26 Nick, Helen, Paul, Brian (5½ hrs) Push and Survey in Interview Blues under Minoan
-07.26 +07.26 Jeremy, MarkF, Tony (no write up) Push and survey Wheelchair Access
@@ -273,48 +273,48 @@ Push and survey Wheelchair Access
Anthony, Ralph surface survey 161f-e-d (not in log - no T/U)
-07.26 +07.26 Tina (3 hrs), MikeTA (3½ hrs), Penny (2 hrs) looking at holes in Alternative Universe
-07.26 +07.26 (not in call-out book) MarkM, JulietteK, JulianT, AllyG (1 hr) Tourist
-07.28 +07.28 Nick, Brian, Craig (8½ hrs) Push and Survey in Interview Blues under Minoan
-07.28 +07.28 Duncan, Steve (8½ hrs) Push Hymen crawl, photos
-07.28 +07.28 Wookey, AndyA (7½ hrs) Survey and push more in Forbidden Land
-07.28 +07.28 Anthony, Paul, Ralph (6 hrs) Push/survey hading rift, Puerile Humour (Iceland)
-07.29 +07.29 Nick (9 hrs), Brian, Craig (9½ hrs) Push survey Interview Blues, p40 (9th), p45 (10th) + more
-07.30 +07.30 Nick, Brian (13½) Push, survey, start derig in Interview Blues, 6 new QMs
-07.31 +07.31 Anthony, Paul, JulianT, Wookey (6 hrs) Survey Iceland
-07.31 +07.31 Nick, Duncan, Brian (6 hrs) Finish derig Interview Blues and Knossos
-07.31 +07.31 (not written up in log) Steve (est. 5 hrs), Dave H (4 hrs, personal comm.) Derig Puerile Humour plus other bits
diff --git a/1623/161/1997.htm b/1623/161/1997.htm index 1fa04d04f..de5521236 100644 --- a/1623/161/1997.htm +++ b/1623/161/1997.htm @@ -6,35 +6,35 @@


-07.21 +07.21 Sam, Dave H, Mike TA, Becka, Tony R (5 hrs) Push QMs in Wheelchair Access
-07.23 +07.23 Tony R, Sam, Becka (5 hrs) Pushing end of Where the Wind Blows
-07.23 +07.23 Jon B, Adam, Mike TA (5 hrs) Push Wheelchair Access
-07.24 +07.24 Tony R, Mike TA, Sam, Adam (6 hrs) Survey in Wheelchair Access and find Lost World
-07.24 +07.24 Dave H, Jon B, Becka (5½ hrs) Pushing pitch in Alternative Universe
-07.26 +07.26 Becka, Jon B (6 hrs) Rerig and survey in Wheelchair Access
-07.27 +07.27 Becka, Robert Winkler + Robert (Stuttgart club) (7 hrs) Tourist and survey/push a little in Wheelchair Access
-07.27 +07.27 Sam, Adam (7 hrs) Surveying upstream in Lost World
@@ -42,128 +42,128 @@ Surveying upstream in Lost World
Tony R, Jon B (time unknown, not in logbook) Surveying in Magic Jumars
-07.28 +07.28 JulianH, Anthony (7½ hrs) 136: Rigging in (new route at entrance)
-07.28 +07.28 Dave H, Mike TA (7¾ hrs) Photographing Lost World
-07.28 +07.28 Sam, William (7½ hrs) Surveying Lost World
-07.28 +07.28 Phil U, Duncan, Becka (7 hrs) Rigging towards Siberia, reaching Vom pitch
-07.29 +07.29 Becka, JulianH, Anthony (6½ hrs) 136: rig and survey to -189m
-07.29 +07.29 Tony R, Jon, Adam (5 hrs) Pushing (blind) pits in rift over Kein Zimmer
-07.30 +07.30 Jon B, Duncan (7½ hrs) Push on in Siberia
-07.30 +07.30 Sam (7½ hrs), Mike TA (6 hrs) Finish Magic Jumars, -Sam +Sam rerig Where the Wind Blows
-07.31 +07.31 Tony R (7 hrs), Becka (8 hrs) 136: Rigging "damp route"
-07.31 +07.31 Julian H, Anthony (8 hrs) 136: Push Eyehole route to bottom at -257m
-07.31 +07.31 DaveH, Andrew K, Mike TA (5½ hrs) Photographic trip in Puerile Humour
-07.31 +07.31 Duncan, William, Phil U (11 hrs) 50m down Somebody Else's Problem in Siberia
-08.02 +08.02 Julian H, Becka (7 hrs) 136: Eyehole route Gods' Traverse and connect to Forbidden World
-08.03 +08.03 Julian H, Anthony, Becka (8 hrs) 136: Finding leads in Forbidden Land
-08.03 +08.03 William, Andy A (9 hrs) 136: Push the Gravel Pit in Forbidden Land
-08.03 +08.03 Duncan, Jon B, Andrew K, Phil U (14 hrs) Bottom Somebody Else's Problem
-08.03 +08.03 Dave H, Mike TA (5½ hrs) Try to bolt up Moomintroll, then tick odd QMs in Triassic
-08.04 +08.04 Dave H, Mike B, Juliet (9 hrs), Chris D, Mary (7 hrs) surveying in Lost World
-08.05 +08.05 Chris D, Andy A (12 hrs) 136: Pushing leads in Forbidden Land
-08.05 +08.05 Phil U, Phil B, Brian, Andrew K (11½ hrs) Survey LH branch of Siberia
-08.06 +08.06 Julian H, Andy A, Mike B (8 hrs) 136: Photo and lead check in Forbidden Land
-08.06 +08.06 Chris D, Mary (4 hrs) Ticked climb QM in Staud'nwirt Palace
-08.06 +08.06 Duncan, William, Jon B (17 hrs) Pushing below Somebody Else's Problem
-08.07 +08.07 Julian H, Chris D (8 hrs) 136: bolting Footlights traverse aiming for window to south
-08.08 +08.08 Dave H, Brian, Mike B (6 hrs) derig Wheelchair Access
-08.08 +08.08 Duncan, William (11 hrs), Jon B, Phil U (6½ hrs) derigged Siberia
-08.10 +08.10 Chris D, Anthony (~9 hrs) 136: Footlights Traverse
-08.10 +08.10 Brian, Phil B (9 hrs) 136: pushing in Tirolia Werke
-08.11 +08.11 Jon, Phil U (3 hrs) Moomintroll climb to aven
-08.12 +08.12 Chris D, Brian (13 hrs), Jon B (11 hrs) 136: Finish Footlights and start derig
-08.14 +08.14 Phil U (2½ hrs), Anthony (5 hrs) 136: derig
diff --git a/1623/161/1998.htm b/1623/161/1998.htm index b53b19f44..a014d6b84 100644 --- a/1623/161/1998.htm +++ b/1623/161/1998.htm @@ -6,92 +6,92 @@


-07.10 +07.10 Kate, Steve B (3 hrs) Rig 161d to Knossos
-07.10 +07.10 Sean, SteveJ, Tim (3 hrs) Aimed to push Moomintroll and Overflow (no log write up)
-07.11 +07.11 Kate, Brian, Steve J (6 hrs), Earl, Tim (5 hrs) Push Moomintroll
-07.11 +07.11 Steve B, Duncan, Danielle (8 hrs) Rig Siberia to Exhaustion pitch
-07.12 +07.12 Duncan, Steve B (16 hrs), Sean (14 hrs), Steve J (3 hrs) Rig Siberia to pushing front at Midnight in Moscow
-07.13 +07.13 Danielle, Brian, Steve J (6 hrs) Start to explore Overflow
-07.14 +07.14 Brian (5½ hrs), Earl, Steve J (5¼ hrs) Tourist to Knossos and finish Overflow
-07.15-16 +07.15-16 Duncan, Steve B (14 hrs) Down Midnight in Moscow to head of Rasputin
-07.16 +07.16 Kate (6½ hrs), Earl, Tim (5 hrs) Survey Overflow
-07.16 +07.16 Sean, Danielle (9 hrs), Kate (TU included above) Push Fuzzy Logic to bottom of 2nd pitch
-07.20 +07.20 Kate, Brian (8 hrs) Push and survey Eau Naturel off Locophobia
-07.20-21 +07.20-21 Duncan, Steve B (18½ hrs) Find (and survey) new deepest point below Rasputin
-07.21 +07.21 Julian H, Wookey, Andy W, Phil U (3½ hrs) Rig into Schneevulkanhalle to look for connection
-07.23 +07.23 Wookey, Phil U, Julian H (11½ hrs) Find Plastic Hell and Cardboard Heaven in Eishöhle
-07.23 +07.23 Steve B (no TU (but guess half hour), no log write up) Collect gear from Triassic
-07.24 +07.24 Phil U, Julian (7½ hrs) Push end of Cardboard Heaven to no avail
-07.24 +07.24 Brian, Danielle (no TU given) Push 2nd pitch in Fuzzy Logic
-07.27 +07.27 Phil U, Julian (2½ hrs) Attempt to climb out of Schneevulkanhalle to no avail, derig
-07.28 +07.28 Duncan, Danielle, Brian (12 hrs) Derig SEP
-07.31 +07.31 Phil U, Brian (11 hrs) Push Fuzzy Logic to split in ways and down one more pitch
-08.01 +08.01 Duncan, Danielle (12 hrs) Push Fuzzy Logic to horizontal level
-08.04 +08.04 Danielle (17 hrs), Duncan (17½ hrs), PhilU (16 hrs), Brian (16½ hrs) Survey new stuff and de-rig from bottom of Fuzzy Logic to 161d
diff --git a/1623/161/1999.htm b/1623/161/1999.htm index ca7c6379a..2d2c93b7a 100644 --- a/1623/161/1999.htm +++ b/1623/161/1999.htm @@ -14,112 +14,112 @@ See 2000 trip list
See full trip history for all years -

07.17 +

07.17 Duncan, Theo, Erin, John P (5¼ hrs) QM elimination in Triassic Park
-07.18 +07.18 Brian, Julian H (6½ hrs) rig 136
-07.18 +07.18 Erin, Theo, John P (4¼ hrs (call-out book)) push Latzio; find Scorchio off Triassic
-07.19 +07.19 Erin, Theo, John P (5¼ (call-out book)) survey Latzio; push Scorchio
-07.19 +07.19 Brian, Julian H (7½ hrs) 136 aven climbing
-07.20 +07.20 Brian, Julian H (8½ hrs) 136 avens, QM checking
-07.20 +07.20 Duncan, Mick (10½ hrs) 136 to 161d, pushing Hall of the Mountain King
-07.20 +07.20 Erin, Theo, John P (no TU in log) finish Scorchio
-07.22 +07.22 Brian, Julian H (10 hrs) 136 start aven climbing, but find Chile
-07.24 (date from call-out book) +07.24 (date from call-out book) Erin, Theo (6¼ hrs) survey and derig Scorchio; tick Dynamo Kiev
-07.24 (from call-out book) +07.24 (from call-out book) Julian H, Brian push Oatso and survey back out (not in logbook)
-07.24 +07.24 Julia, Anthony (2½ hrs) 161e, leads in Iceland
-07.25 +07.25 Mark, Julian T (5½ hrs) Regurgitation area
-07.25 +07.25 Earl, Heather (3 hrs, not in call-out book) 161d tourist
-07.25 (survey data says 07.23, call-out book confirms 25th) +07.25 (survey data says 07.23, call-out book confirms 25th) Wookey, Becka, Julian H, Brian (12 hrs) Chile to the Overshoot
-07.25 (call-out book) +07.25 (call-out book) Erin, Theo Oatso Simple tourist (not in logbook) -07.26 +07.26 Wookey, Tony, Paul H, Erin, Phil U (9-10 hrs) Chile: Lost in Space
-07.26 +07.26 Anthony, Julia, Earl (7 hrs) 96-25 in Iceland
-07.27 +07.27 Becka, Brian, Andy, John (11 hrs) Chile: to Steady Aim
-07.28 +07.28 Julian H (11½ hrs), Erin (13¼ hrs) Windy Bottom and Pit of Damnation
-07.28 (call-out book) +07.28 (call-out book) John, Andy A (not in logbook) push end towards Stellerweg
-07.29 +07.29 Becka, Julian T (12 hrs), Julian H (11½ hrs) Breeze Through, photos and survey
-07.29 +07.29 Wookey, Andy A (no TU in log, call-out implies long trip) push lead in Overshoot - Breeze Block
-07.30 +07.30 Phil U, Earl (12 hrs) Chile below Lost in Space
-07.30 +07.30 Anthony, Julia (8½ hrs) Frozen Turkey, off Iceland
-07.31 (call-out book says Tony on this trip) +07.31 (call-out book says Tony on this trip) Becka (12½ hrs), John, Simon (13½ hrs) Chile below Lost in Space (Left Route - Watershoot)
-08.01 (survey data says 07.31, call-out book confirms 1st) +08.01 (survey data says 07.31, call-out book confirms 1st) Jon, Mike (13½ hrs) Runny Bowels in Chile Left Route
-08.04 +08.04 Becka, Jon, Earl, Brian (11 hrs) Left Route below Lost in Space
-08.05 +08.05 Jon, Neil, Tanya, Simon (14 hrs) pushing Carpetworld
-08.07 (by deduction, confirmed by call-out book) +08.07 (by deduction, confirmed by call-out book) Andy A, Simon F (6 hrs) surveying in 136, then surface survey 147 and 139 to 136
-08.07 (survey data says 08.08, call-out book confirms 7th) +08.07 (survey data says 08.08, call-out book confirms 7th) Becka, Neil, Jon (15 hrs) Totality: sump at bottom of Chile
-08.08 (undated in log, survey data says 08.08 and next trip says "yesterday", call-out book confirms 8th) +08.08 (undated in log, survey data says 08.08 and next trip says "yesterday", call-out book confirms 8th) Andy A, Simon F (11 hrs) pushing leads in Chile (aven)
-08.09 +08.09 Becka, Jon, Neil (11½ hrs) pushing upclimbs in Chile
-08.09 (from call-out book, but on page after next two trips) +08.09 (from call-out book, but on page after next two trips) Neil, Brian (no write up in log) derigging 136
-08.10 +08.10 Duncan, Andy A, Simon, Jon, Earl (no write up in log) derig 136
-08.10 +08.10 Becka, Julian T (6 hrs) Regurgitation and derig 161d

Doesn't seem to include trips connecting new entrances to 136. And there diff --git a/1623/161/2000.htm b/1623/161/2000.htm index ea071f8ce..f1aa5e85c 100644 --- a/1623/161/2000.htm +++ b/1623/161/2000.htm @@ -15,24 +15,24 @@ See 1999 trip list
See full trip history for all years -

07.30 +

07.30 Becka Lawson, Julian Todd (3 hrs) rig ladder and try to push rift in Regurgitation - thwarted by double light failure.

07.31 +

07.31 Mike Richardson, Becka Lawson, Julian Todd (7 hrs) Regurgitation rift kept going wet and grim.

08.01 +

08.01 Becka Lawson, Julian Todd (8 hrs) pushed Regurgitation rift until out of rope, then derigged.

08.02 +

08.02 Becka Lawson, Bill Miners, Sharon (2¾ hrs) 161d tourist to Staud'nwirt Palace and peer into Knossos. Derigged surface route

08.08 +

08.08 Wookey, Andy A (5 hrs 40 min) 161d to Elin Algor trying to make contact with team in Eishöhle. diff --git a/1623/161/chile.htm b/1623/161/chile.htm index 19a0413ea..d2293bd2a 100644 --- a/1623/161/chile.htm +++ b/1623/161/chile.htm @@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ tight and unpromising rifts lead off right at the bottom [C1999-136-xx C].

From the right wall of Lost in Space II, around 3m before it ends, a short, 10m pitch is rigged from two pitch-head spits followed by a rebelay spit and then a deviation spit -[logbook sketch shows two +[logbook sketch shows two pitch-head spits, then a 5m drop to a rebelay, passing an unused bolt partway. Comments suggest using the bolt partway, then using the next bolt as a deviation. A further drop is guesstimated at 20m]. This lands on a steeply diff --git a/1623/161/farnth.htm b/1623/161/farnth.htm index 6d5c8cf5a..415d7e367 100644 --- a/1623/161/farnth.htm +++ b/1623/161/farnth.htm @@ -304,7 +304,7 @@ few metres down it.

The sketch in the 1993 logbook gives a good idea of this area, though one or two names have changed: -


Scrofulosity area sketch diff --git a/1623/161/fbl136.htm b/1623/161/fbl136.htm index 5f87f45ab..c40d7ad34 100644 --- a/1623/161/fbl136.htm +++ b/1623/161/fbl136.htm @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ therefore now readily accessible. The passages are here described in the correct direction for future exploration from this route of access.

Elin Algor -(1996)


At the far end of the Gods' Traverse in Steinschlagschacht, a hanging rebelay just over the edge of the wall @@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ winding draughting passage explored as far as a chossy pitchhead [C1996-161-78 A].

Pump House and Hall of the Mounting Choss -(1996)


Above the climb from Elin Algor, a howling gale fills the 6m x 2m phreatic passage, Pump House, leading for 70m to emerge in the @@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Above the huge boulder are steeply sloping QMs in the left hand wall Protection is needed for the climb.

Tirolia Werke -(1996)


Northwest at the wide junction in Elin Algor (to the right coming from 161, left coming from Steinschlagschacht), Tirolia Werke soon turns diff --git a/1623/161/fbland.htm b/1623/161/fbland.htm index b125d97d4..5630821f0 100644 --- a/1623/161/fbland.htm +++ b/1623/161/fbland.htm @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Schwarzmooskogel, heading in exactly the right direction, and connected Schwarzmooskogelsystem.

Rocky Horror -(1995)


The two southern exits from the chamber at the SW end of French Revolution (coming from Triassic Park) @@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ Suspender pitch, on the far side from Mississippi. High on the left an airy traverse across is possible.

Stairway to Hell, Forbidden Land -(1995)


The hole in the wall of the choked SW passage left at the foot of Rocky Horror Pitch, being the southernmost point of the cave, was pushed through a @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ now (since 1997) be reached from the surface at Steinschlagschacht.

Whimper Way -(1996)


Whimper Way is reached by a very muddy 6m climb at the southern end of the antechamber above Stairway to Hell. This 'route' has one solid wall sloping diff --git a/1623/161/france.htm b/1623/161/france.htm index fcba2f9dd..8101431fd 100644 --- a/1623/161/france.htm +++ b/1623/161/france.htm @@ -59,8 +59,8 @@ extensively explored, through the Scarface entrance.

Francophobia / France -(1990 - -91)

+(1990 - +91)

Francophobia rift photo
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ under a wedged boulder. Another 20m pitch, Deja Vu, into a hading rift, was the 1991 limit of exploration.

Toothless and Frogs' Legs -(1992)


Toothless (named because the initial bolt took three spits to drill) is a 30m pitch at the junction of two crossing rifts. Starting from a @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ III. This has a rebelay halfway down which is astonishingly airy, in the roof of the huge Algeria chamber.

Algeria -(1992)


This is a 15m wide, 60m long L-shaped chamber, which appears to have been formed by collapse at the junction of two huge parallel @@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ Express and the way to Flat France via Sultans of Swing are dealt with here.

Sultans of Swing -(1994)


At the east corner (bottom right of the 'L') of Algeria, a route [C1992-161-05] @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ passage, the start of Flat France, leading into the most extensive horizontal development found by CUCC in Austria.

Orient Express -(1992)


Beneath and to the left of a large semi-detached boulder at the NNE end of Algeria a traverse line leads to the top of Orient Express. A 52 metre @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ way on is at the eastern side of the chamber [C1992-161-03]:

Titfield Thunderbolt -(1993)


This is a short (6 metre) pitch landing in a small chamber on a sloping boulder floor, and was the 1992 limit of exploration. There is a small @@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ href="offffr.htm#iidrive">Infinite Improbabilty Drive drops in. The way on is below the entrance to this rift.

Attempted Penetration & beyond -(1993)


The route carries on through a tight, wet hole in the floor, Attempted Penetration, at the NW end of the chamber. This @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ bottom of the previous pitch via a short traverse, and lands on a small rubble floor.

Waterfalls Walk to the End -(1993)


The route continues down over the boulders to a classic Yorkshire style streamway. This leads to the head of the next pitch, diff --git a/1623/161/icelnd.htm b/1623/161/icelnd.htm index b15c509de..ce360249b 100644 --- a/1623/161/icelnd.htm +++ b/1623/161/icelnd.htm @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ src="cucc.png" width=40 height=40>

161 Kaninchenhöhle: 161e and 161g entrances and Iceland -(1996)


Like Scarface and 161f, 161e was discovered from inside the cave, and should perhaps be more properly called an exit, especially in view of @@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Puerile Humour series. A steeply sloping rift up to the right here quickly closes down.

Crystal Maze, Iceland and beyond -(1996)


Crystal Maze is reached from a walking size passage in Roast Beef. 20m along is a sharp right hand bend with a low crawl off to the left which diff --git a/1623/161/offffr.htm b/1623/161/offffr.htm index f8f7ea81f..20389f632 100644 --- a/1623/161/offffr.htm +++ b/1623/161/offffr.htm @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ reasonable assumption that they will be explored from the 161d (Scarface) entrance.

Mississippi -(1994)


Mississippi survey -
 22k gif @@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ determined to have no way on - it is possible that this was one of the 5m pitches of C1995-161-10.

Mississippi Mud Pie to Rich Tea -(1994)


Mississippi Mud Pie was the original route of discovery of Rich Tea, and is reached from the western end of @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ latter. At this point there is a tight streamway (both ways) from which water can be heard.

Teapot - Shortage of Walls to Rich Tea -(1996)

+(1996) @@ -180,7 +180,7 @@ from France) at the northern end of Hobnob Passage.

Rich Tea to Skeleton in the Cupboard -(1994)


Rich Tea chamber is a wide section of passage orientated WNW-ESE, with a sharp right bend at the eastern end, and a boulder slope up to the west. @@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ to a window which looks out onto what is believed to be a 9m pitch into the SE corner of Teapot.

Minor leads near Rocky Horror -(1996)


The canyon in the floor of the chamber at the SW end of French Revolution (coming from Triassic Park) diff --git a/1623/161/offfld.htm b/1623/161/offfld.htm index 7f81888e7..8fac861a7 100644 --- a/1623/161/offfld.htm +++ b/1623/161/offfld.htm @@ -25,11 +25,11 @@ src="cucc.png" width=40 height=40>

161 Kaninchenhöhle: Off Forbidden Land -(1996)


Gravel Pit -(1996, -1997)

+(1996, +1997)

Natural City, Dig No. 90, Sam's Folly -(1996)


20m beyond Between the Thighs near the start of Puerile Humour Series, is a hole down. A traverse to the left gains @@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ alt="Near series survey: 18k gif" width=600 height=450 src="inline/phnear.png">

Lummat's Folly -(1996)


From the passage leading to Deadbats Chamber after the climb above Natural City, a 2m climb on the left (NE) leads to a steep but climbable aven. Just @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ of same aven. A short climb up at this point gains a shelf of rock but no obvious way on.

Deadbats Chamber -(1996)


To the right of the wall overlooking Deadbats Chamber, a downward sloping passage leads past a small rift on the left, @@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ href="qmtodo.htm#C1996-161-40">C1996-161-40 A], down which rocks rattle for seconds.

Shaftmine -(1996)


As the name implies, Shaftmine has numerous down-leads dropping from various holes in the floor. @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ at a chamber with a 6m aven and a possible small passage leading off from the top [C1996-161-96 C].

Spit at the Bottom -(1996)


Turning right (east) at Brian's Pitch, passes a complex area, to continue NE, where the floor @@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ required for further descent [C1996-161-41 A].

Completely Loopy -(1996)


Following the mud bank up at the southern end of Fiveways Chamber, the roof lowers until @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ traverse over boulders leading to the start of Crystal Clear Passage.

Lying Down on the Job -(1996)


A small but complex series of passages connecting Fiveways Chamber to the east end of @@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ and a 4m climb up the end of the rift is required to arrive in the left hand branch at the top of Pothole Passage.

Vadose -(1996)


A route from the eastern end of Pothole Passage and Lying Down on the Job, parallel to and @@ -308,7 +308,7 @@ due to the state of the rock, but apparently continues [C1997-161-37]

Side leads from Crystal Clear Passage -(1996)


South of the "main route" of Crystal Clear Passage as it is described, is a series of interconnecting maze-like @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ right. These pitches are the same as the pair encountered at the end of the Vadose series [C1996-161-49 A]

Spiderman Chamber -(1996)


Of the eight ways off Spiderman chamber, two are the main ways in and out between @@ -372,7 +372,7 @@ where Shingler's Rift turns NE heading for the surface [C1996-161-61 A]

Bounce Rift -(1996)


Survey - 11k gif @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ washed base of an aven, another aven rises above the opposite (south) end of the rift.

Catwoman's Claws -(1996)


On the right at the first corner (30m from start) of Catwoman's Claws is an undescended pitch @@ -416,7 +416,7 @@ alt="Catwoman's Claws survey - 10k gif" width=640 height=250 src="inline/cat.png">

Pencil Shaft -(1996)


There are several narrow rifts in the floor of Where the Wind Blows, about 40m from the start. diff --git a/1623/161/offtp3.htm b/1623/161/offtp3.htm index 4caa7f794..20b48e17c 100644 --- a/1623/161/offtp3.htm +++ b/1623/161/offtp3.htm @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ Trifurcation, shortly beyond which progress is interrupted by a steep climb up which stopped exploration in 1995.

Interview Blues -(1996)


"A delightful series of ten pitches intermingled with sections of @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ shaft which leads to the parallel shaft from Meeting Room pitch (unsurveyed). height=500 src="inline/ivb.png">

State of Independence? -(1996)


At the bottom of Outright Rejection there is a chamber with a too-tight rift off to the right. This whole area is called State of @@ -224,7 +224,7 @@ is in the opposite direction to that in 161d, so is either driven by a waterfall, or comes from much higher up than these eastern entrances.

Pitches from Minoan Surprise -(1996)


Left at Trifurcation is a passage interrupted by a series of pitches. The first [C1995-161-53 A] appears to be a @@ -238,7 +238,7 @@ directly into Knossos on the Right Hand Route of "old Kaninchenhöhle".

Bottomless Pit of Eternal Chaos -(1996)


In the left hand wall of Minoan Surprise @@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ directly below Knossos (perhaps 50m below the boulder floor).

Bugger leading to Fine Clean -Rock (1996)

+Rock (1996)

Chicken Flied Nice).

Henri's Cat -(1996)


Henri's Cat starts as a 7m diameter shaft, rigged from bolts on the left. Three metres down is a bolt rebelay for a vertical hang of 18m to a further @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ obvious way on. The survey (via a long traverse) shows this point to be about

Chosspot -(1996)

+(1996) diff --git a/1623/161/offtri.htm b/1623/161/offtri.htm index 079679410..7142ee5af 100644 --- a/1623/161/offtri.htm +++ b/1623/161/offtri.htm @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ appear to be leads across the far side which could probably be traversed to. width=500 height=450 vspace=10 src="inline/tp1.png">

Alternative Universe -(1996)

+(1996) @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ href="qmtodo.htm#C1997-161-34">C1997-161-34] which will need a traverse or b reach.

Magic Jumars -(1997)


survey: 14k gif @@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ takeoff

The Overflow -1998


100m from the start of Triassic Park I, @@ -140,8 +140,8 @@ is too tight.

Wheelchair Access -(1996, -1997)

+(1996, +1997) @@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ should be possible after judicious use of a lump hammer [C1996-161-66 B].

Kein Zimmer Rift and the way to the Lost World -(1997)


Photo - 33k
@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ align=middle hspace=10 vspace=10 src="t/dh2-14.jpg">

Alternative Upstream route -(1997)


Left (NNE) in Upstream Lost World just upstream of the entry pitch (immediately under the balcony in the upper @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ drops down a pebble edge to the climb (Poetic Justice style) overlooking the passage on the other side of the crawl from Pteramacsuit Chamber.

Downstream Lost World -(1997)


From where the pitch drops in to the large tunnel of the Lost World the downstream section begins as a phreatic passage of about @@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ to the present entry point.

Dr. Snuggles -(1996)


90m NNE along Triassic Park from The @@ -559,7 +559,7 @@ the rift becomes too tight again.

Ring Piece Junction and Tapeworm -(1996)

+(1996) diff --git a/1623/161/pheast.htm b/1623/161/pheast.htm index 37a1d0d8f..c0d5e1e65 100644 --- a/1623/161/pheast.htm +++ b/1623/161/pheast.htm @@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ a chamber with 5 passages leading off, Fiveways Chamber. height=700 src="inline/161f.png">

Penguin Falls Bypass -(1996)


Coming from Gotham City Junction, the bypass to the fine mud lakes of Penguin Falls can be entered most obviously by climbing to the right over a @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ sharp left turn, beyond which the passage widens to 3.5m. A steep mud slope up reaches a mud col overlooking Fiveways Chamber.

Fiveways Chamber -(1996)


Somewhat obviously the chamber has five passages leading off it. To the north west is the top of Penguin Falls; to the south west is the exit of @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ into Completely Loopy. Both of these latter routes also lead into the complex area leading to 161f.

Shaftmine -(1996)


Climbing the steep slope to the north of Fiveways Chamber, the wide (5m) passage soon levels out with boulders in the floor and routes right and left @@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ squeeze leads to the 161e entrance/exit.

Pothole Passage to 161f -(1996)


East of Fiveways Chamber is an area of considerable complexity leading eventually to the 161f entrance. All three diff --git a/1623/161/phnear.htm b/1623/161/phnear.htm index 5b5552250..3a7566f3e 100644 --- a/1623/161/phnear.htm +++ b/1623/161/phnear.htm @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@

161 Kaninchenhöhle: Puerile Humour Series

Puerile Humour Series -(1996)


50m beyond (N) Ring Piece Junction, is a @@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ alt="Near series survey: 18k gif" width=600 height=450 src="inline/phnear.png">

Lummatt's Folly -(1996)


Initially described as somewhere to 'throw a couple of legs up' (survey legs) this has proved to be the key to two new entrances and nearly 2 km of @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ climb leading to passages which ultimately end or drop back into the main way.

Deadbats Chamber -(1996)


Following the downward sloping passage to the left of the wall overlooking Deadbats Chamber at the end of Lummat's Folly, leads to a 4m drop down a @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ pushed to a conclusion, but the main way on is up the mud slope to the north as Batman Series.

Batman Series -(1996)


The slope at the north end of Deadbats Chamber enters a level, sandy floored, arched passageway where abundant bat droppings are evident. 15m diff --git a/1623/161/phnth.htm b/1623/161/phnth.htm index 461c83ff7..586f52fa3 100644 --- a/1623/161/phnth.htm +++ b/1623/161/phnth.htm @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@

161 Kaninchenhöhle: Where the Wind Blows

Catwoman's Claws -(1996)


This series trends almost due north and is substantially linear in nature with numerous shafts and avens appearing along its length. It is unusual @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ traversed to the left to reach the end of the chamber where the boulders give way to a mud floor and a narrow rift leads off north on the right hand side.

Bloody Hairfire Passage -(1996)


survey - 7k gif diff --git a/1623/161/sibria.htm b/1623/161/sibria.htm index c0e40ec3d..314c345c3 100644 --- a/1623/161/sibria.htm +++ b/1623/161/sibria.htm @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ href="qmdone.htm#C1994-161-58">C1994-161-58]. [C1997-161-32].

Somebody Else's Problem -(1997)


Four bolts, moving round to the right and to a rebelay down from the @@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ in 1997 [C1997-161-26 depth of 421m from the 161a entrance (alt. 1365m).

Midnight in Moscow -(1998)


From the small chamber below the final 1997 pitch, the passage leads off right, traversing over a slot in the floor for about 8m to reach a position @@ -391,8 +391,8 @@ reached by traversing the slope, is another parallel pitch, presumed to connect to the aven seen from below.

Fuzzy Logic -(1997 / -1998)

+(1997 / +1998)

Coming from Exhaustion Pitch, a passage is met at Not This Junction, with a 3m slot in the floor and a diff --git a/1623/161/triasp.htm b/1623/161/triasp.htm index 00a81d3dd..d9f863456 100644 --- a/1623/161/triasp.htm +++ b/1623/161/triasp.htm @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ but proved its value with a reexploration of Siberia in 1997 and 1998, leading to a new deep point for the system.

Triassic Park to Trifurcation -(1995)


Triassic Park is a passage 600m long, 5-18m wide and 3m-20+m tall, carrying the combined draughts from Salt Lake City and the 161d entrance diff --git a/1623/182/histry.htm b/1623/182/histry.htm index 5bebaf37b..c04b320e6 100644 --- a/1623/182/histry.htm +++ b/1623/182/histry.htm @@ -14,94 +14,94 @@


- + - +
07.30 Discovery by Jeremy (15 min) and Adam (35 min)
08.02 Joe (1 hr) and Adam (2 hr) push and find going


- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
07.04 Del, Juliette, Julian H, John (3½ hrs) start rigging
07.05 Tony, John, Mark M (8 hrs) explore Shell Pitch and Q8
07.06 Del, Juliette, Julian H, Mark M (9 hrs) push beyond Shell pitch
07.07 Gill, Jon, Olly (7 hrs) push end and survey partway out
07.08 Gill, Olly (11 hrs) survey down first rope, pushed Tarzan's Folly to Dark Room
07.09 Mark M, Julian T, Olly (10 hrs) push From Dark Room to Cloud Chamber
07.10 Tony, Del, Julian H, Juliette (10½ hrs) survey, and push Fat Knot Fruity - hit by flood pulse
07.12 Mark D, Jon (8½ hrs) push down Traditional Style pitches
07.12 Julian H, Mark M, Julian S (9½ hrs) survey from Darkroom down 2 pitches
07.16 Mark D, Julian H (4 hrs) push lead above Q8
07.17 Wookey, Julian H (3¾ hrs) flood-aborted survey/derig
07.23 Andy, Wook (10 hrs) derig 1st wave
07.24 Henri, Olly (8¾ hrs) derig 2nd wave


- + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - +
06.26 Mark M, Julian H, Alastair (9 hrs), Matt (6 hrs) rig in
07.02 Mark M, Julian H, Alistair (9½ hrs) rerig/push Piezo towards Dark Room
07.03 Mark M, Julian H, Alistair (11 hrs) push Piezo into Darkroom
07.03 Matt, Glen, Julian S (7 or 8 hrs) discover Brute Force and Ignorance
07.04 Glen, Mark M (11 hrs) rerigging and ferrying gear to front
07.04 Matt, Julian S (7 hrs) rig Ignorance into Dot-to-dot
07.07 Mark S, Clive (5 hrs) tourist to Natural Redundancy
07.08 Olly, Julian S, Glen (7½ hrs) pottering and down to Darkroom
07.08 Matt, Julian H, Alistair, Mark M (14 hours) push Navigational Limit and collapse entrance
07.10 (probably really 07.09) Olly (¼ hr) gingerly retrieves drill from entrance
07.10 Dave, Andrew (3 hrs), "everybody else" stabilise entrance at some risk
07.11 Julian H, Richard, Aggy (8½ hrs) layed 600m cable and checked wet-weather rigging
07.14 Alistair, Clive, Fran, Mark M (13 hrs) push two pitches to sump
07.14 Richie, Jerry (9½ hrs) tourist and pull drill up Piezo
07.14-15 Olly, Julian S (9 hrs) do lots of survey
07.16 Richie, Ali M (5½ hrs) surveying in Strike 2
07.16 Julian H, Wookey (11 hrs), Gill (8 hrs) surveying and some derig
07.17 Olly, Julian S (9 hrs) surveying QS&C
07.18 Julian H, Mark M (11½ hrs), Andy, Tony (8½ hrs) photo and derig bottom
07.23 Julian S (1½ hrs) fails to derig as no rope to pull out
07.27 Wookey, Olly (6 hrs 20) derig most
07.28 Wookey, Olly (6 hrs 50) survey, push odds, derig more
07.30 Clive (2 hrs?) goes to derig, but already done
08.01 Olly (8½ hrs) solo survey, push and derig
diff --git a/1623/41/histry.htm b/1623/41/histry.htm index 3ccc7eef1..e80558dc8 100644 --- a/1623/41/histry.htm +++ b/1623/41/histry.htm @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ explorations are missing.


-08.12 +08.12 Karl Gaisberger, Andy W, Doug (1 hour) visit 41a collecting bugs


@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ is just some dummy info in the file. This also is why there are no other links to trips in 1980.

-07.30 +07.30 Andy W, Budge (3½ hrs) enter 41a and find new way on at once
07.30 Steve, Julian reach greasy ladder pitch above Big Pitch in 41
07.31 Steve, Julian 15m down Big Pitch in 41 before light failure
@@ -61,171 +61,171 @@ book. Stellerweg took "about a week" to rig to the previous limit, whilst Purgatory from 115, and there were a number of 41/115 through trips. Derigging 115 was done in three waves. -

0x.xx Rigging in to previous limit in 115

0x.xx Rigging in to previous limit in 115
0x.xx more trips
0x.xx Pete, ? (11 hrs) push the Purgatory from 115, Pete ill on trip 0x.xx Chas., Clive O grade 3 survey from Confluence to 12 foot climb


-07.27 +07.27 Dave, Ian 115 rigging wave 1 down Ramp (9 hrs)
-07.27 +07.27 Mike, Phil T 115 rigging wave 2 down into Rift pitches (8 hrs)
-07.27 +07.27 Chas, Andy D surface survey 113 to 115
-07.28 +07.28 Chas, Ian 115 rigging wave 1 in Rift pitches (8 hrs)
-07.28 +07.28 Andy D, Dave 115 rigging wave 2 to Big Chamber (11 hrs)
-07.29 +07.29 Pete, Phil T 115 through Purgatory and rig 3 streamway pitches (14 hrs)
-07.30 +07.30 Andy D, Chas 115 rig last three 1981 pitches and two new ones to The Slit (14 hrs)
-07.31 +07.31 Pete, Mike, Phil T prospecting, found 141, 142
-08.01 +08.01 Phil T, Mike push 142 and 141 (3 hrs)
-08.01 +08.01 Ian, Dave in 115 to Dartford Tunnel and new ground to Echo Aven, finding the confluence from above without recognising it (10 hrs)
-08.01 +08.01 Tim, Phil S 115 tourist to Inlet Pitches (5 hrs)
-08.02 +08.02 Phil S, Chas surveying 115 Big Chamber area (7 hrs)
-08.02 +08.02 Mike, Phil T some rerigging and push 115 to Coming Soon (15 hrs)
-08.02 +08.02 Tim, Pete push 115 through duck to find Orgasm Chasm (16 hrs)
-08.04 +08.04 Doug, Mike in 142 for 4 hours, both lost each other
-08.05 +08.05 Phil S, Janet in 115 abortive Purgatory survey (c6 hrs)
-08.05 +08.05 Chas, Dave in 115 pushing Orgasm Chasm, spot Purgatory Bypass from the Confluence, and use it to exit (16½ hrs)
-08.05 +08.05 Phil T, Pete push Dartford Tunnel ramifications, finding Chas & Dave's arrows up from confluence (11 hrs)
-08.05 +08.05 Tim, Andy D, Mike in 142, find Big Chamber (5 hrs)
08.08 Paddy, Dave in 115 sherpa gear for camp (not written up separately)
-08.08-9 +08.08-9 Tim, Phil T in 115 to establish camp 1 then push almost to duck (31 hrs)
-08.08 +08.08 Pete, Andy W survey 115 entrance series (6 hrs)
-08.10-11 +08.10-11 Mike, Andy D in 115 find Orgasm Chasm too wet, but camp anyway (28 hrs)
-08.10-11 +08.10-11 Pete, Andy W survey 115 streamway and Purgatory bypass centre line (21 hrs)
-08.11-12 +08.11-12 Chas, Dave 115 - the bottom (29½ hrs)
-08.13-14 +08.13-14 Pete, Andy D survey and derig from bottom of 115 (32 hrs)
-08.14 +08.14 Mike T, Andy W survey 115 Ramp pitches and derig sherpa (6 hrs)

At this point, people writing in the log book lost track of either what day it was, or what date it was. Dates here assume the latter.

-08.14-15 +08.14-15 Chas, Dave survey 115 streamway, photo, derig, bat removal (33 hrs)
-08.16-17 +08.16-17 Andy W, Andy D 115 finish Rift and Bypass surveys and sketch over bypass centre line, then carry streamway tackle out (18½ hrs)
-08.16-17 +08.16-17 Mike, Pete derig 115 from Lake Pitch to camp (31½ hrs)
-08.18-19 +08.18-19 Dave, Andy D, Paddy, Chas derig 115 to surface (10 hrs)
-08.19 +08.19 Mike, Pete derig 142 (1½ hrs)


-07.25 +07.25 Mike T, Wiggy (4 hrs) pushing leads in 142 Big Chamber
-07.27 +07.27 Mike T, Dave B (no TU) surveying in 142
-07.27 +07.27 Becky, Wiggy (no TU) push pitch near 142 entrance to choke
-07.28 +07.28 Tony M, Nicky discover 143 & 144 (not entered)
-07.30 +07.30 Tony M, Nicky (no TU) push both 143 and 144 a short way
-07.31 +07.31 Tony M, Nicky (no TU) push 143 to 3rd pitch
-08.01 +08.01 Wiggy, Gail, Phil S (no TU) pushed and surveyed odd bits in 142
-08.01 +08.01 Pete L, Dave B (5½ hrs) take over 143 and bottom it
-08.01 +08.01 Tony M, Nicky (no TU) push 144 down a couple of pitches
-08.04 +08.04 Phil S, Gail (5 hrs) 142 -08.04 +08.04 Pete L, Dave B (7 hrs) 144 down pitches until no more gear -08.06? +08.06? Phil S, Julian, Naomi (5 hrs) connect 142 to 41 -08.06 +08.06 Pete L, Chas (5 hrs) survey and derig 143 -08.07 +08.07 Pete L, Dave B (no TU) bottomed 144 -08.09 +08.09 Phil S, Gail (7½ hrs) survey and derig 142 - 41 -08.09 +08.09 Pete L, Dave B (16½ hrs) tidy up, survey and derig 144


-07.23 +07.23 Mike M, Bill, Brian D (4 hrs) in 142 to 41 to look for upward leads towards 143
-07.24 +07.24 Mike M, Brian D, Wiggy (10 hrs) 142 photo trip to Big Chamber then push in 41
-07.29 +07.29 Bill, Pete L, Mike M (8 hrs) 142 to 41 survey inlet towards 143
-07.30 +07.30 John, Brian, Wiggy (6 hrs) 142 photo trip and fail to reach 41 leads
-07.31 +07.31 Pete L, Mike M (4½ hrs) rig 143 to look for connection
-08.02 +08.02 John P, Andy W (4 hrs) down 143 to hammer and shout
-08.02 +08.02 Bill, Wiggy (4 hrs) in 142 to listen and shout
-08.06 +08.06 Pete, John P (2 hrs) derig 142
-08.08 +08.08 Brian D, Wiggy (4½ hrs) derig 143


@@ -233,27 +233,27 @@ Brian D, Wiggy (4½ hrs) derig 143

The logbook is pretty light on dates, and the photocopy is missing a few title lines and T/Us, so this may be incomplete.

-07.29 +07.29 Brian D, Mike R, Chris S (1½ hrs) start rigging 144
-07.29-30 +07.29-30 Mike M, Mark R, Gavin, Tina, Stef (6¼ hrs) SRT practice in 142 and new connection to 41
-07.30? +07.30? Chris S, Mike R (6 hrs) more rigging 144
-07.30 +07.30 Mike M, Gavin, Tina (8 hrs) survey in 142
-07.31 +07.31 Brian, Mark R, Stef (10½ hrs) push 144 finding Roddick's Dive
-07.31 +07.31 ?,? (11 hrs) join above and push extension in 144
-08.06? +08.06? Mike R, Chris S, Stef (6½ hrs) establish 144 food dump and push on
-08.07 +08.07 Mike M, Mark R, Chris S (18 hrs) made 144/41 connection and surveyed out
-08.08-09 +08.08-09 Mike R, Tina, Brian D (11 hrs), Gavin (9½ hrs), Stef (8 hrs) derigging in 144
-08.11 +08.11 Gavin, Mike R (8 hrs), Chris S, Tina (8½ hrs) survey 142 Big Chamber and Mg ribbon burn @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ pitch in May 1996.


-07.16 +07.16 Wookey, Thilo, (5 hrs) ... Surveying connection from 78 to 142


diff --git a/1623/41/survey.htm b/1623/41/survey.htm index 63c55ac34..6fbed7b79 100644 --- a/1623/41/survey.htm +++ b/1623/41/survey.htm @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ exploration, but these were mostly A4 format and of limited value. After the cave was bottomed, A0-sized plan and elevations were prepared, and a reduced version of these was published at A3 size with the 1983 issue of Cambridge -Underground. The descriptive +Underground. The descriptive article which accompanied this survey makes a great deal of the supposed 134° error in one compass. The compass was subsequently found to be in error by a much more believable 180° which renders the published diff --git a/1623/76/histry.htm b/1623/76/histry.htm index c35746209..9d1689a37 100644 --- a/1623/76/histry.htm +++ b/1623/76/histry.htm @@ -20,81 +20,81 @@ every Eislufthöhle trip write up in the log books.

in Andy Waddington's personal caving log:

- - - - - - - + + + + + + +
08.15 Andy W, Nick enter 106, find Plugged Shaft, 106A, 106B (1½ hrs)
08.16 Nick, Simon, Andy W to -75m (3 hrs)
08.17 Andy W, Simon, Nick mostly rerigging (6 hrs)
08.20 Andy W, Simon, Nick to -110m, through choke and find Keg series (7 hrs)
08.21 Andy W, Simon, Nick explore Keg Series, find Follow-Through to -135m (7 hrs)
08.22 Andy W, Simon, Nick reach the Taproom -150m and derig to -75m (7 hrs)
08.24 Rod Leach, Simon, Nick derig to surface
08.15 Andy W, Nick enter 106, find Plugged Shaft, 106A, 106B (1½ hrs)
08.16 Nick, Simon, Andy W to -75m (3 hrs)
08.17 Andy W, Simon, Nick mostly rerigging (6 hrs)
08.20 Andy W, Simon, Nick to -110m, through choke and find Keg series (7 hrs)
08.21 Andy W, Simon, Nick explore Keg Series, find Follow-Through to -135m (7 hrs)
08.22 Andy W, Simon, Nick reach the Taproom -150m and derig to -75m (7 hrs)
08.24 Rod Leach, Simon, Nick derig to surface


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
07.29 Andy W, Simon rig for SRT to snow platform (3 hrs)
07.30 Andy W rigging aborted due to thunderstorm (2 hrs)
07.31 Andy W, Doug reach Yesterday's Terminus (4½ hrs)
08.01 Simon, Doug finish SRT rigging Plugged Shaft
08.03 Simon, Andy W SRT rig to Saved Shaft (7 hrs)
08.04 Doug, Andy W into new ground at -150m (6/5½ hrs)
08.05 Doug, Simon very little progress
08.07 Doug, Simon rerig and some new pitch
08.08-9 Julian, Nick 115m new depth overnight to Balcony (10½ hrs)
08.09-10 Andy, Doug into Hall of the Greene King and boulder pitch (12¼ hrs)
08.12-13 Nick, Julian, Simon overnighter down Fiesta Run (then crashed car)
08.14 Andy W, Doug, Mike S survey and photo (7 hrs)
08.16 Andy W, Doug derig to Taproom (10¾ hrs)
08.19 Nick, Dave F, Jont, Vic, Rod, Doug derig to surface (7½ hrs or less)
07.29 Andy W, Simon rig for SRT to snow platform (3 hrs)
07.30 Andy W rigging aborted due to thunderstorm (2 hrs)
07.31 Andy W, Doug reach Yesterday's Terminus (4½ hrs)
08.01 Simon, Doug finish SRT rigging Plugged Shaft
08.03 Simon, Andy W SRT rig to Saved Shaft (7 hrs)
08.04 Doug, Andy W into new ground at -150m (6/5½ hrs)
08.05 Doug, Simon very little progress
08.07 Doug, Simon rerig and some new pitch
08.08-9 Julian, Nick 115m new depth overnight to Balcony (10½ hrs)
08.09-10 Andy, Doug into Hall of the Greene King and boulder pitch (12¼ hrs)
08.12-13 Nick, Julian, Simon overnighter down Fiesta Run (then crashed car)
08.14 Andy W, Doug, Mike S survey and photo (7 hrs)
08.16 Andy W, Doug derig to Taproom (10¾ hrs)
08.19 Nick, Dave F, Jont, Vic, Rod, Doug derig to surface (7½ hrs or less)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + +
07.31 Nick, Tony start rigging, thwarted due to snow (1 hour)
08.01 Andy W, Tony, Ben continue rigging (3 hrs)
08.02 Nick, Julian reach Balcony pitch (7 hrs)
08.03 Ben, Andy W (10 hrs), Tony (6 hrs ?) rerigging and find Gents' pitch route
08.05 Nick, Julian into new ground and a side lead to -400m (9 hrs)
08.06 Ben, Andy W reorganise gear and push main way to -385m (11 hrs)
08.07 Simon F (11¾ hrs), Simon K (12¾ hrs) tourist to end and some rerigging
08.08 Nick, Julian derig side lead, push to within sight of end of Madlmeierschacht (8 hrs)
08.08 Andy W, Tony unsuccessful surveying trip (5 hrs)
08.10 Ben, Andy W bit of rerigging then aborted due to wet (6 hrs)
08.13 Julian, Andy W, Ben, Simon F, Nick push to bottom and derig to HotGK (14-16 hrs)
08.14 Tony, Andy C, Simon K derigging (6 hrs)
08.15 Nick, Simon F, Ben, Julian, Andy C final derig (6½ hrs)
07.31 Nick, Tony start rigging, thwarted due to snow (1 hour)
08.01 Andy W, Tony, Ben continue rigging (3 hrs)
08.02 Nick, Julian reach Balcony pitch (7 hrs)
08.03 Ben, Andy W (10 hrs), Tony (6 hrs ?) rerigging and find Gents' pitch route
08.05 Nick, Julian into new ground and a side lead to -400m (9 hrs)
08.06 Ben, Andy W reorganise gear and push main way to -385m (11 hrs)
08.07 Simon F (11¾ hrs), Simon K (12¾ hrs) tourist to end and some rerigging
08.08 Nick, Julian derig side lead, push to within sight of end of Madlmeierschacht (8 hrs)
08.08 Andy W, Tony unsuccessful surveying trip (5 hrs)
08.10 Ben, Andy W bit of rerigging then aborted due to wet (6 hrs)
08.13 Julian, Andy W, Ben, Simon F, Nick push to bottom and derig to HotGK (14-16 hrs)
08.14 Tony, Andy C, Simon K derigging (6 hrs)
08.15 Nick, Simon F, Ben, Julian, Andy C final derig (6½ hrs)


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
07.14 Jenny: Locate entrance, bolt+rig to head of Draught Bitter (3½ hrs)
07.16 Jenny, OllyB: bolting Draught Bitter (4 hrs)
07.17 Jenny, OllyB: bolting, rigging and surveying in Plugged Shaft (6½ hrs)
07.18 OllyB, Jenny: Surveying Draft Bitter and 76b (3 hrs)
07.19 Jenny, OllyB: Discover Brave New World, survey The Test Tubes (8 hrs)
07.22 Jenny, OllyB: Bolt and survey Lovers Leap (5½ hrs)
07.24 OllyB, Jenny: Rig rest of Plugged shaft, Saved Shaft and into Keg Series (10 hrs)
07.25 OllyB, Jenny: Surveying horizontal stuff in Brave New World (6 hrs)
07.26 OllyB, Jenny: Brave New World, surveying horizontal stuff and descending A* pitch (11 hrs)
07.27 OllyB, Jenny: Surveying in Brave New World (4¾ hrs)
07.29 Jenny: Gear retrieval from Brave New World (1½ hrs)
07.30 OllyB, Jenny: Bolt+survey down Keg Series to sump, survey along Razor Prance (12 hrs)
08.01 OllyB, Jenny: Bolt down to Taproom, surveyed and de-rigged to bottom of Plugged Shaft (10 hrs)
08.03 OllyB, Jenny: Survey Forward to the Past, and into All Ways Chamber from Brave New World (10½ hrs)
08.04 OllyB (13¼ hrs), Jenny (13¾ hrs): Bolt and survey down Fault Pitch then survey The Boiling Tubes from Brave New World. De-rig everything left.
07.14 Jenny: Locate entrance, bolt+rig to head of Draught Bitter (3½ hrs)
07.16 Jenny, OllyB: bolting Draught Bitter (4 hrs)
07.17 Jenny, OllyB: bolting, rigging and surveying in Plugged Shaft (6½ hrs)
07.18 OllyB, Jenny: Surveying Draft Bitter and 76b (3 hrs)
07.19 Jenny, OllyB: Discover Brave New World, survey The Test Tubes (8 hrs)
07.22 Jenny, OllyB: Bolt and survey Lovers Leap (5½ hrs)
07.24 OllyB, Jenny: Rig rest of Plugged shaft, Saved Shaft and into Keg Series (10 hrs)
07.25 OllyB, Jenny: Surveying horizontal stuff in Brave New World (6 hrs)
07.26 OllyB, Jenny: Brave New World, surveying horizontal stuff and descending A* pitch (11 hrs)
07.27 OllyB, Jenny: Surveying in Brave New World (4¾ hrs)
07.29 Jenny: Gear retrieval from Brave New World (1½ hrs)
07.30 OllyB, Jenny: Bolt+survey down Keg Series to sump, survey along Razor Prance (12 hrs)
08.01 OllyB, Jenny: Bolt down to Taproom, surveyed and de-rigged to bottom of Plugged Shaft (10 hrs)
08.03 OllyB, Jenny: Survey Forward to the Past, and into All Ways Chamber from Brave New World (10½ hrs)
08.04 OllyB (13¼ hrs), Jenny (13¾ hrs): Bolt and survey down Fault Pitch then survey The Boiling Tubes from Brave New World. De-rig everything left.


- - - - - - - - - - + + + + + + + + + +
07.23 Jenny, OllyB: Rigging Plugged Shaft (5½ hrs)
07.27 Jenny, Olly (both 12 hrs), Dave (11½ hrs): Rigging to the Tap Room, and Adventures in Time and Space connection to Keg Series.
07.30 Jenny, Olly: Rebelay failure in Plugged Shaft (1½ hrs).
07.31 OllyB, Jenny, Dave: Rigging to Spent Ledge, tourist in Brave New World (11 hrs)
08.05 OllyB, Jenny: Pleasant but Pointless, in Brave New World (9½ hrs)
08.07 Jenny, OllyB: Batman and Pancake Chips in Brave New World (11 hrs)
08.10 Jenny, OllyB: Loopy in Brave New World (12½ hrs)
08.11 OllyB, Jenny: Keg Series derigging (6½ hrs)
08.12 OllyB, Jenny: 1970's route, rigging and surveying down from spent ledge. Derigged out to Boulder Chamber (10 hrs)
08.13 Jenny, OllyB: Final derig (3¾ hrs)
07.23 Jenny, OllyB: Rigging Plugged Shaft (5½ hrs)
07.27 Jenny, Olly (both 12 hrs), Dave (11½ hrs): Rigging to the Tap Room, and Adventures in Time and Space connection to Keg Series.
07.30 Jenny, Olly: Rebelay failure in Plugged Shaft (1½ hrs).
07.31 OllyB, Jenny, Dave: Rigging to Spent Ledge, tourist in Brave New World (11 hrs)
08.05 OllyB, Jenny: Pleasant but Pointless, in Brave New World (9½ hrs)
08.07 Jenny, OllyB: Batman and Pancake Chips in Brave New World (11 hrs)
08.10 Jenny, OllyB: Loopy in Brave New World (12½ hrs)
08.11 OllyB, Jenny: Keg Series derigging (6½ hrs)
08.12 OllyB, Jenny: 1970's route, rigging and surveying down from spent ledge. Derigged out to Boulder Chamber (10 hrs)
08.13 Jenny, OllyB: Final derig (3¾ hrs)