From 24a78f53e225613aa2bcc67b7aafce023a14a9e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Expo on server <>
Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2024 00:23:55 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove now outdated statement about the url field - online
 edit of handbook/survey/caveentry.html

 handbook/survey/caveentry.html | 8 +++-----
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/handbook/survey/caveentry.html b/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
index 84ead08af..30a2bbcec 100644
--- a/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
+++ b/handbook/survey/caveentry.html
@@ -127,13 +127,11 @@ The username is "expo" and the password is the usual "{cavey}:{beery}" one.
   <li>First, scroll down the page until you see the heading "Entrances". This cave has only one entrance but other caves may have more. You can see that the information about the entrance, including the all-important photograph, is indented slightly to indicate that this is Entrance information, not Cave information.
   <li>Just under the heading "Entrances" there is a link "Edit". This will take you to the form for editing entrances, not the form for editing caves.
   <li>Now go the left-hand menu and look for the option "Edit this cave"
-  <li>Click on it. A form appears.</li> <!-- a pirate steals your survey. -->
-  <li>
-       Scroll down the page - it is a long form - and look at the "URL" field. 
-       This is the critical field to get right when you create your own cave using the New Cave form. The URL is where your cave will be published by the system, so if you put something strange here, no one will be able to find it. This field is where you tell the system where you want the cave description to be published.
-       <br>Some of the fields are expandable (you can drag the bottom-right corner to make the box bigger).
+  <li>Click on it. A form appears. <!-- a pirate steals your survey. -->
+<br>Some of the fields are expandable (you can drag the bottom-right corner to make the box bigger).
 <p>Now let's look at another cave: 
 <li>The cave nearby: <a href="/1623/171/171.html">Plateauh&ouml;hle 171</a>.