diff --git a/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html b/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html index 2d0d1e8f1..7054e2c3e 100644 --- a/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html +++ b/handbook/computing/basiclaptop.html @@ -8,13 +8,13 @@

CUCC Expedition Handbook - Minimal laptop


Setting up a minimal machine to work with Expo data


Setting up a minimal Expo laptop



You need to do this:


To set up your own laptop you need to do this:

  1. Register an SSH key with an expo nerd (i.e 'get a login').
  2. +
  3. Register an SSH key with an expo nerd i.e 'get a login'. (see "Key Configuration" below)
  4. Install git version control software to download ("clone"), view and edit caving data.
  5. Clone three expo repositories so you have the files on your machine.
  6. Install survex, and therion or tunnel for editing cave data. @@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ And please write some documentation for the next person in your situation



    Download this software (short list): +

    If you are just typing up logbook entries then you don't need any other software. If you are working with survey data download this software (short list):


    All these logbook entries are then typed into a laptop (often the expo laptop) +

    All these scanned handwritten logbook entries are typed into a laptop (often the expo laptop) which is then synchronised the version control system.

    The result is a webpage reporting who did what and what was done by whom on expo, e.g. see the 2018 expo report.

    Typing just your trip report (at the Expo Laptop)


    If you are at basecamp, then it is an excellent idea to type up your logbook trip report. -You can then print this and stick it in the logbook, adding any sketches by hand. +

    As handwriting can be very bad, please try to type the text, print it and stick it in the logbook, adding any sketches by hand. This will save someone (probably you) deciphering your handwriting and typing it up later.

    These instructions assume that (a) you are sitting at the expo laptop and that someone who knows @@ -101,8 +118,8 @@ copy it by email or USB stick to another laptop, edit it there and then copy it

    If you are using your own laptop then you will need to either:

    @@ -130,70 +147,9 @@ when there is more than one trip on a day.

    Note: T/U stands for "Time Underground" in hours (6 minutes would be "0.1 hours").

    Note: the <hr /> is significant and used in parsing, it is not just prettiness. -

    [ Yes this format needs to be re-done using a proper structure:

    -<div class="logentry">
    -     -</div">
    -it's on the to-do list...] +

    Historical logbooks


    Older logbooks (prior to 2007) were stored as logbook.txt with just a bit of consistent markup to allow troggle parsing.


    The formatting was largely freeform, with a bit of markup ('===' around header, bars separating date, - , and who) which allows the troggle import script to read it correctly. The underlines show who wrote the entry. There is also a format for time-underground info so it can be automagically tabulated.

    - -

    So the format should be:

    - - -===2009-07-21|204 - Rigging entrance series| Becka Lawson, Emma Wilson === -
    -{Text of logbook entry} -
    -T/U: Jess 1 hr, Emma 0.5 hr -
    - -

    Importing the logbook into troggle


    This is usually done after expo but it is in excellent idea to have a nerd do this a couple of times during expo to discover problems while the people are still around to ask. - -

    The nerd needs to login to the expo server using their own userid, not the 'expo' userid. The nerd also needs to be in the group that is allowed to do 'sudo'. - -

    The nerd needs to do this: -

    1. Look at the list of pre-existing old import errors at
      -The nerd will have to login to the troggle management console to do this, not just the usual troggle login. -
    2. You need to get the list of people on expo sorted out first.
      -This is documented in the Folk Update process. -
    3. Log in to the expo server and run the update script (see below for details) -
    4. Watch the error messages scroll by, they are more detailed than the messages archived in the old import errors list -
    5. Edit the logbook.html file to fix the errors. These are usually typos, non-unique tripdate ids or unrecognised people. Some unrecognised people will mean that you have to fix them using the Folk Update process first. -
    6. Re-run the import script until you have got rid of all the import errors. -
    7. Pat self on back. Future data managers and people trying to find missing surveys will worship you. -
    - -

    The procedure is like this. It will be familiar to you because -you will have already done most of this for the Folk Update process. - -

    ssh  {youruserid}@expo.survex.com
    -cd ~expo
    -cd troggle
    -sudo python databaseReset.py logbooks
    - -

    It will produce a list of errors like this, starting with the most recent logbook which will be the one for the expo you are working on. -You can abort the script (Ctrl-C) when you have got the errors for the current expo that you are going to fix -

    Loading Logbook for: 2017
    - - Parsing logbook: 2017/logbook.html
    - - Using parser: Parseloghtmltxt
    -Calculating GetPersonExpeditionNameLookup for 2017
    -   - No name match for: 'Phil'
    -   - No name match for: 'everyone'
    -   - No name match for: 'et al.'
    -("can't parse: ", u'\n\n<img src="logbkimg5.jpg" alt="New Topo" />\n\n')
    -   - No name match for: 'Goulash Regurgitation'
    -   - Skipping logentry: Via Ferata: Intersport - Klettersteig - no author for entry
    -   - No name match for: 'mike'
    -   - No name match for: 'Mike'
    diff --git a/handbook/survey/newcave.html b/handbook/survey/newcave.html index 29c3e2fa6..e9fbb023e 100644 --- a/handbook/survey/newcave.html +++ b/handbook/survey/newcave.html @@ -15,11 +15,14 @@ and you want to let the world know of your massive discovery. @@ -30,9 +33,9 @@ the instructions section by section which tell you how to actually do these things.

    This documentation assumes that you have recorded your survey data in a waterproof paper notebook. If instead you are using a PDA to record the survey readings digitally for your first cave, don't. Use the paper process first, then when you are familiar the overall process, look at the PDA additional notes. -

    Starting a new wallet

    1. Put all your written notes into the next empty "wallet": -(a transparent folder/envelope) in this year's lever-arch file labelled -e.g. "Expo Survey 2018" in the potato hut*. -
    2. The wallet has a paper sticky label on it with the wallet-identifier, -e.g. 2018#22, already printed on the label. -
    3. Write the date and the names of the people on the trip on the label. -
    4. Tick whether your trip was a surface or a cave trip. -
    5. Write the name of the cave (with number if you know it), e.g. "264 Balkon" -
    6. Write the area in the cave you did your surveying, e.g. "mongol rally"
    7. Now turn to the index sheets at the front of the folder, -and fill in the line (e.g. 2018#22) for your wallet -
      • "264 mongol rally" -
      • date of trip -
      • people who were on it -
      • then there are a lot of tick boxes. The explanations for these will come later. -

      - -
      -Image of wallet index sheet - click for larger image -

    8. Now, if you have not done it immediately after you left the cave, -photograph all the pages of survey notes with your phone. -Get one or more of the people also on the trip to do this too. -
    - -

    * As people spend longer and longer at top camp, we may establish -a wallet file at top camp -too, with pre-allocated numbers. - -

    The original notes and sketches should be filed in the clearly marked -wallet. Rip them out of the notebook, don't take them caving again and don't leave them lying around to -be "Gössered"!

    - -

    The notes (all of them, including dates, personnel, calibration, LRUD, -station details, etc.) should be filed away in the wallet in the current year's -surveys file. You should include a transcription on a sheet of paper if they are illegible -(to other people; if you can't read them yourself, go back and do the survey -again!). Even if you do this, never throw away the original notes.

    - - - -

    Scan the notes into the online wallet

    - -

    Each wallet has a corresponding folder in the online system where a record is kept -of what information is in the wallet and where the corresponding survey data is filed: -

    - - -

    This is where the scanned (or photographed) copies of the survey notes are kept. -

    To use the scanner attached to the expo laptop, select the "Simple Scan" -icon from the vertical menu of icons which you get by clicking on -"Activities" in the top lefthand corner of the screen. - -

    [ Normal people should skip this,
      -but nerds need to look here -for the online wallet maintenance process ]. - -

    If your initial backup photos of your notes were poor quality, use the -scanner in the potato hut to make better copies. Scan to JPEG format as .jpg files. -

    Name the scanned pages "notes-1.jpg, or perferably notes-cavepassagename.jpg" etc. This is important as a script detects whether these files exist -(with names beginning "notes.." and "elev..") and if you name them something else it will hassle you unnecessarily. - -

    [ Note to maintainers: do not rename these files even if they have been created with the wrong names. -They are permanently referred to by the tunnel/therion/troggle system !] - -

    Scanned survey notes are voluminous and so are not kept in the version control system. Instead it is all kept -in the file bucket "expofiles" on the expo server in Cambridge. -

    You will be using the expo laptop to do the scanning -and you will put all the scan files in the folder for your wallet, e.g. for 2018#19 it is: -

    -and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will -ensure that it is copied to the expo server. -[ If you want to do this yourself, or are using your own laptop, then learn how to use Filezilla -- as documented for uploading your expo photographs. The correct folder -on the expo server is the same as that on the expo laptop- because we set up the expo laptop to be like that. -But only copy files to the server that you created yourself and which live in your own wallet folder ] - -

    Storing your electronic survey files


    If you used a PDA instead of making notes on paper, you need to store your .topo files in the right place. - -

    If you using the expo laptop you can put the .topo files in a special "X" folder for your virtual -wallet, as there is no physical wallet, -e.g. for 2018#X16 it would be: -

    -and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will -ensure that it is copied from the expo laptop to the expo server. - -

    [ If all else fails, use the "Upload your photos" documented process and store -the .topo files where you would have stored your .jpg photo files. Otherwise you can email all the .topo files -to a friendly nerd who will put them in the right place. ] -

    to be further documented - probably in a separate page - -

    Typing in the survey data in survex format


    [This has been described in several places and we are in the process of consolidating -the documentation and getting rid of out of date notes.] - -

    The survey data typed up must include all the notes, including station details and passage -names. Make a backup copy to another machine or USB stick as soon as you have typed it in. - -New users will be using the expo laptop to create the .svx file and -you will put it in the folder -

    -and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will -ensure that it is saved, committed, and pushed appropriately. -

    If you have several parts of the cave surveyed on one trip, create several distinct .svx files. -

    - -

    Once you have created the .svx file you will run survex to generate a centre line, transcribe your sketches onto that paper, scan it again and then digitise into tunnel or therion. - -

    - -

    [Nerds: survex cave data belongs in the repository "loser", e.g. -loser "caves-1623/264/mongolrally.svx". We are assuming that normal users have never -worked with an distributed version control system at this point which is why we are only -telling them to use the expo laptop.] - -

    Ticking off QMs


    To be written.

    - -

    Running survex to create a centre-line


    to be documented - - - -

    Transcribing and re-scanning your sketches


    to be documented See drawing up the sketches. -

    The files of your scanned and re-scanned sketches should be stored in the same folder -as the scanned notes, i.e. (for wallet #19) you would put them in: - -/home/expo/expofiles/surveyscans/2018/2018#19/ - - -

    Using tunnel or therion for final survey production


    to be documented -

    - -

    Tunnel only produces plan surveys, but they are very pretty. - -

    The tunnel (or therion) files should NOT stored in the same folder as the scanned notes. They should -be uploaded to the version control repository drawings, - -

    Interim rigging guide


    The logbook is the place where we record the rigging of caves as we discover them. -

    When a cave is derigged, -a good way of getting the rope lengths for your rigging guide is to -leave the knots in ropes removed so they can -be measured, but these days our caves are a bit deep -and complicated for this to be feasible. -Although a good survey and details of the belays -can be used to estimate the length of rope needed, this is no substitute for -measuring how much rope it actually took to rig.

    - -

    Guidebook description and final rigging guide

    - -

    This is the last thing to do - typically after all exploration has been finished for the summer. -The rigging guide sections will have been written into the logbook, and the passage descriptions will -have been written into the survex files, with more lyrical descriptions written into the logbook for each trip. -

    to be documented - -

    Write a passage descriptions by copying and extending the descriptions -given in all the component .svx files. -

    This should be detailed enough to be -followed by someone in the cave who hasn't been there before, and should -include all passage names, lengths of pitches and climbs, compass directions -when this makes left/right/ahead clearer. If your passage is a connection -it is worth while writing descriptions from both directions. - -

    In -written descriptions, underline passage names the first time they are -mentioned, or when they are "defined".

    - -

    -You will type this description, and pass it on to someone more nerdy who -will file it in the right place. This will involve "creating a new cave" using the troggle system. -

    to be documented - - -

    Complementing the passage description in vertical bits is a Rigging -Guide. This is usually easiest to do as a sketch, but include notes to -ensure that all bolts can be found again and any deviations and natural belays recognised. - - -

    to be completed - +

    Now go the the next page in this sequence Starting a new wallet".

    - diff --git a/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html b/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..2925d2288 --- /dev/null +++ b/handbook/survey/newsurvex.html @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ + + + + + +Handbook - Starting a new Survex file + + + +

    CUCC Expedition Handbook - New Survex file


    Creating a new survex file

    + +

    Great, I have discovered a new cave...


    If you have not come to this page from the sequence starting at Starting a New Cave" then go and read that first. + +

  7. This page outlines the next step of the process. Each part of it is documented separately. + +



    + +

    Typing in the survey data in survex format


    [This has been described in several places and we are in the process of consolidating +the documentation and getting rid of out of date notes.] + +

    The survey data typed up must include all the notes, including station details and passage +names. Make a backup copy to another machine or USB stick as soon as you have typed it in. + +New users will be using the expo laptop to create the .svx file and +you will put it in the folder +

    +and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will +ensure that it is saved, committed, and pushed appropriately. +

    If you have several parts of the cave surveyed on one trip, create several distinct .svx files. +

    + +

    Once you have created the .svx file you will run survex to generate a centre line, transcribe your sketches onto that paper, scan it again and then digitise into tunnel or therion. + +

    + +

    [Nerds: survex cave data belongs in the repository "loser", e.g. +loser "caves-1623/264/mongolrally.svx". We are assuming that normal users have never +worked with an distributed version control system at this point which is why we are only +telling them to use the expo laptop.] + +

    Ticking off QMs


    To be written.

    + +

    Running survex to create a centre-line


    to be documented + + + +

    Transcribing and re-scanning your sketches


    to be documented See drawing up the sketches. +

    The files of your scanned and re-scanned sketches should be stored in the same folder +as the scanned notes, i.e. (for wallet #19) you would put them in: + +/home/expo/expofiles/surveyscans/2018/2018#19/ + + +

    Using tunnel or therion for final survey production


    to be documented +

    + +

    Tunnel only produces plan surveys, but they are very pretty. + +

    The tunnel (or therion) files should NOT stored in the same folder as the scanned notes. They should +be uploaded to the version control repository drawings, + + + +

    Guidebook description and final rigging guide

    + +

    This is the last thing to do - typically after all exploration has been finished for the summer. +The rigging guide sections will have been written into the logbook, and the passage descriptions will +have been written into the survex files, with more lyrical descriptions written into the logbook for each trip. +

    to be documented + +

    Write a passage descriptions by copying and extending the descriptions +given in all the component .svx files. +

    This should be detailed enough to be +followed by someone in the cave who hasn't been there before, and should +include all passage names, lengths of pitches and climbs, compass directions +when this makes left/right/ahead clearer. If your passage is a connection +it is worth while writing descriptions from both directions. + +

    In +written descriptions, underline passage names the first time they are +mentioned, or when they are "defined".

    + +

    +You will type this description, and pass it on to someone more nerdy who +will file it in the right place. This will involve "creating a new cave" using the troggle system. +

    to be documented + + +

    Complementing the passage description in vertical bits is a Rigging +Guide. This is usually easiest to do as a sketch, but include notes to +ensure that all bolts can be found again and any deviations and natural belays recognised. + + +

    to be completed + + + +

    + + + + diff --git a/handbook/survey/newwallet.html b/handbook/survey/newwallet.html new file mode 100644 index 000000000..4e2a0e7cb --- /dev/null +++ b/handbook/survey/newwallet.html @@ -0,0 +1,138 @@ + + + + + +Handbook - Starting a new survey wallet + + + +

    CUCC Expedition Handbook - New survey wallet


    Creating a new survey wallet

    + +

    Great, I have discovered a new cave...


    If you have not come to this page from Starting a New Cave" then go and read that first. + +

  8. This page outlines the next step of the process. Each part of it is documented separately. + +



    + +

    Starting a new wallet

    1. Put all your written notes into the next empty "wallet": +(a transparent folder/envelope) in this year's lever-arch file labelled +e.g. "Expo Survey 2018" in the potato hut*. +
    2. The wallet has a paper sticky label on it with the wallet-identifier, +e.g. 2018#22, already printed on the label. +
    3. Write the date and the names of the people on the trip on the label. +
    4. Tick whether your trip was a surface or a cave trip. +
    5. Write the name of the cave (with number if you know it), e.g. "264 Balkon" +
    6. Write the area in the cave you did your surveying, e.g. "mongol rally"
    7. Now turn to the index sheets at the front of the folder, +and fill in the line (e.g. 2018#22) for your wallet +
      • "264 mongol rally" +
      • date of trip +
      • people who were on it +
      • then there are a lot of tick boxes. The explanations for these will come later. +

      + +
      +Image of wallet index sheet - click for larger image +

    8. Now, if you have not done it immediately after you left the cave, +photograph all the pages of survey notes with your phone. +Get one or more of the people also on the trip to do this too. +
    + +

    * As people spend longer and longer at top camp, we may establish +a wallet file at top camp +too, with pre-allocated numbers. + +

    The original notes and sketches should be filed in the clearly marked +wallet. Rip them out of the notebook, don't take them caving again and don't leave them lying around to +be "Gössered"!

    + +

    The notes (all of them, including dates, personnel, calibration, LRUD, +station details, etc.) should be filed away in the wallet in the current year's +surveys file. You should include a transcription on a sheet of paper if they are illegible +(to other people; if you can't read them yourself, go back and do the survey +again!). Even if you do this, never throw away the original notes.

    + + + +

    Scan the notes into the online wallet

    + +

    Each wallet has a corresponding folder in the online system where a record is kept +of what information is in the wallet and where the corresponding survey data is filed: +

    + + +

    This is where the scanned (or photographed) copies of the survey notes are kept. +

    To use the scanner attached to the expo laptop, select the "Simple Scan" +icon from the vertical menu of icons which you get by clicking on +"Activities" in the top lefthand corner of the screen. + +

    [ Normal people should skip this,
      +but nerds need to look here +for the online wallet maintenance process ]. + +

    If your initial backup photos of your notes were poor quality, use the +scanner in the potato hut to make better copies. Scan to JPEG format as .jpg files. +

    Name the scanned pages "notes-1.jpg, or notes-cavepassagename.jpg" etc. This is important as a script detects whether these files exist +(with names beginning "notes..", "plan.." and "elev..") and if you name them something else it will hassle you unnecessarily. + +

    [ Note to maintainers: do not rename these files even if they have been created with the wrong names. +They are permanently referred to by the tunnel/therion/troggle system !] + +

    Scanned survey notes are voluminous and so are not kept in the version control system. Instead it is all kept +in the file bucket "expofiles" on the expo server in Cambridge. +

    You will be using the expo laptop to do the scanning +and you will put all the scan files in the folder for your wallet, e.g. for 2018#19 it is: +

    +and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will +ensure that it is copied to the expo server. + +If you want to do this yourself on your own laptop then be aware that +since 2018 this is all more involved because of the enforced security on our new server. First you need a minimal laptop setup and then you will need to +learn how to use Filezilla +- as documented for uploading your expo photographs. The correct folder +on the expo server is the same as that on the expo laptop- because we set up the expo laptop to be like that. +But only copy files to the server that you created yourself and which live in your own wallet folder + +

    Storing your electronic survey .topo files


    If you used a PDA instead of making notes on paper, you need to store your .topo files in the right place. + +

    If you using the expo laptop you can put the .topo files in a special "X" folder for your virtual +wallet, as there is no physical wallet, +e.g. for 2018#X16 it would be: +

    +and tell someone nerdy when you have finished and they will +ensure that it is copied from the expo laptop to the expo server. + +

    If you are not in the potato hut then email all the .topo files +to a friendly nerd (not necessarily on expo) who will upload them in the right place. + + +

    Now go the the next page in this sequence Starting a new survex file". + + +

    + + + + diff --git a/handbook/survey/onlinewallet.html b/handbook/survey/onlinewallet.html index 8d968e970..144aca87e 100644 --- a/handbook/survey/onlinewallet.html +++ b/handbook/survey/onlinewallet.html @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ the survey data.

    The other files and online index contents.json

    All the other files are part of the multi-step process of producing the cave survey - see -Creating a new cave... for the full list of steps. +Creating a new cave... for the full list of steps. The notesXXX.jpg files need to be at moderately high resolution but the plan and elevation files are usually fine at 200 dpi. So if the caver has scanned these at high resolution you can reduce the size of these files without damange.

    We keep an index of how many of those steps have been completed in two places: